This document provides instructions for setting up remote access to a home network by configuring port forwarding on a router. It discusses choosing which ports to open based on the services being accessed, then navigating to the port forwarding section of the router's settings and filling out the port forwarding table with the correct ports, protocols, IP addresses and enabling the rules. It also covers options like port range forwarding, the DMZ, DHCP reservations and dynamic DNS.
This document provides instructions for setting up remote access to a home network by configuring port forwarding on a router. It discusses choosing which ports to open based on the services being accessed, then navigating to the port forwarding section of the router's settings and filling out the port forwarding table with the correct ports, protocols, IP addresses and enabling the rules. It also covers options like port range forwarding, the DMZ, DHCP reservations and dynamic DNS.
This document provides instructions for setting up remote access to a home network by configuring port forwarding on a router. It discusses choosing which ports to open based on the services being accessed, then navigating to the port forwarding section of the router's settings and filling out the port forwarding table with the correct ports, protocols, IP addresses and enabling the rules. It also covers options like port range forwarding, the DMZ, DHCP reservations and dynamic DNS.
This document provides instructions for setting up remote access to a home network by configuring port forwarding on a router. It discusses choosing which ports to open based on the services being accessed, then navigating to the port forwarding section of the router's settings and filling out the port forwarding table with the correct ports, protocols, IP addresses and enabling the rules. It also covers options like port range forwarding, the DMZ, DHCP reservations and dynamic DNS.
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Youve picked out your hardware and set
up the basics, and configured your
network to perform at its best and fastest. Now its time to open the gates to the outside world. In this lesson, were going to walk you through how to set up your router so you access your home computers from anywhereand with your own friendly, easy-to-remember !". #etting up remote access to your local network is one of the coolest things you can do with your router, as it allows you to remotely view your screen, access files, control services like $it%orrent remotely, and so on. $asically, anything you can do at home can be made possible by &ust opening a few ports on your router. It can seem a little daunting if youve never done it before, but once you understand what everything means and where to find the information you need, you should have no trouble getting things to work. 'ere going to go over basic setup and then talk briefly about a few bonus options as well. Port Forwarding and More $y default, your local network is local and cut off from the rest of the internet. In most cases you have &ust one I( address thats shown to the world, despite the many that your router distributes to your individual computers and devices locally. 'hat port forwarding does is take a port on that shared I( address thats available to the rest of the web and forwards it to one of your local machines. %his lets people from outside access services on your local network. #etting up port forwarding is pretty straightforward, but before you get started, you need to know what ports you want to open up. )ost of the time, youll set up port forwarding on an as- needed basissay after youve set up a new service on your computer *or e+ample, if youre trying to run a web server off your machine youll need to open up port ,-. If you want to open up ##. access, youll need to open up port //. %hose are &ust two of many possibilities, and you probably dont have every port for every service memori0ed. %his is where a site like (ort* can help, as it provides a handy list of common port for specific service. You can use this list to check which ports you need to open for whatever services you want to make available from outside your home network. 1nce youve figured out all the ports you want to open, &ust head on over to the port forwarding section of your router 2if you dont know where it is, &ust click around a little3. In 44-'!%, its in the N5% 6 7o# section. 1ther routers may list it simply as (ort *orwarding 2all on its own3 or 8irtual #ervers. "ets take a look at what a filled-out port forwarding table looks like9 'hile things may differ slightly depending on your routers firmware, this table is pretty standard. .eres what all of those fields mean9 :. Application - %he name of the application youre forwarding this port for. You can use any descriptive te+t you wantthis field is here to help you remember why you set this up; like the name suggests, you normally want to use the name of the application youre setting up port forwarding for. I also include my computers name along with the service, since I forward ports for the same applications on different computers. *or e+ample, youll see 8N< service set up for both =rey and .unter. I include their names in the 5pplication section so I know which port forwarding rule is for which computer. /. Port to - >(ort to? is the port on your local I( address. If you were setting up 8N< for a local computer, youd fill this in with @A-- as thats the port number 8N< uses. B. Port from - >(ort from? is the port on your e+ternal I( address. =enerally youll also enter the same port as you would in the >(ort to? field. %his works &ust fine when youre configuring only one machine for one type of service. $ut say you wanted to be able to remotely access two or more computers using 8N<. If you used @A-- on a single, e+ternal I( address they would be in conflict. %he router would see a reCuest for port @A-- and not know which local I( address should handle that reCuest since the port forwarding table has two. %o solve this problem, you can use the standard port for one and not for the otherkind of like an apartment building has a single address but multiple apartments. 5s you can see in the sample routing table above, =reys >(ort from? is set to @A-- while .unters >(ort from? is set to @A-:. If you try to use 8N< normally on my e+ternal I( address, youll be asked to log in to =rey because it uses the standard port. If you want to access .unter, however, you can easily do so by &ust using port @A-: instead of the default. %his way you can set up identical services with a single e+ternal I( address without conflicts. D. Protocol - %his is where you specify whether or not your service uses the %<( protocol, 4( protocol, or both. 'hen you look up your ports youll also want to make note of the protocols used. In most cases it will &ust be %<(. @. IP Address - %his is where you specify the "5N 2local area network3 I( address of the computer you want to use for this port forwarding rule. You can easily find this information in your computers network settings. %he I( address will generally be in the :A/.:E,.+.+ or :-.-.+.+ format. $ecause these I( address are generally dynamic 2meaning they can change3, youll want to either set up static I( addresses or 4.<( reservations. )ore information on that is available below. E. Enable - You need to check this bo+ to enable the port forwarding rule. If you dont check it, youll still be able to save the rule but it wont be active or function in any way. ort Range Forwarding #ometimes you want to open a range of ports on a particular machine and not &ust one at a time. #ome routers offer the option of port range forwarding in addition to regular old port forwarding 2like we &ust discussed3. %his works in the same way, e+cept you specify a range 2e.g. ports /: F ,-3. The DMZ 4)G stands for 4e-)ilitari0ed Gone and is a simple way to open up every port on a single computer. If your router has this feature, &ust visit the 4)G page and enter that computers I( address. 'hile convenient if you only have one computer you want available for remote access, this isnt very secure. Youre essentially allowing any kind of traffic to be forwarded to this machine. Hven if you only have one computer, youre still better off manually entering each service you want to open. 1nly use this if you really have a good reason to do so. DHCP Reserations 1ne of the annoying aspects of port forwarding is that your router dynamically assigns I( addresses to your computers. %hat means the local I( addresses of you computers may change, which can render that port forwarding you did incorrect or non-functional. 'hile setting up static I( addresses on your local machine is one option, 4.<( reservations are better if youve got the option in your router. %his is common in "inksys and 4-"ink routers but generally not included in $elkin. Its also available in 44-'!% in the #ervices section, but its easy to miss. 4.<( reservations let you specify static local I( addresses on the routers side so that when your computer connects to your network, your router will always assign it the same local I( address. %o set it up, decide what local I( address you want for a given computer 2or other device3 and find its )5< address. Your )5< address is a :/-digit alphanumeric string separated by two digits at a time. It generally looks like :5-/$-B<- D4-@H-E* or :59/$9B<9D49@H9E*. %o locate it on 'indows, click the #tart menu and choose run. %hen type ipconfigIall. %he >(hysical 5ddress? is your )5< address. 1n )ac 1# J, &ust open #ystem (references, choose Network, click )ore Info, and then the .ardware tab. Your )5< address should be the first thing displayed. 1nce youve got that you can &ust enter it in the reservation list with the local I( address you want and youre also set. Kust be sure to save and enable it. You may need to restart your router to see the changes take effect, but once you do the computers and devices in the reservations table will retain the same local I( addresses. %his solves pretty much every kind of problem. Assign a Friendl! Domain "ame to #o$r Ro$ter with D!namic D"% 4N# is a service that lets you access your home computers using a nice doman name 2e.g. myfancyrouter.net3 instead of a numeric I( address 2e.g. L/.@D.BD.A-3. 4epending on your internet provider, however, your e+ternal I( address may periodically change. %hats why you need Dynamic 4N#. It points a friendlier domain name to your numeric I( address &ust like regular 4N#, but compensates for that I( address proclivity to change. #o, rather than typing in LE.+++.++.++ every time you want to remotely access your home computer, You can accomplish this task in a couple of ways. *irst, you can download some software from your dynamic 4N# provider that will automatically check and update your e+ternal I( address at a set interval. #econd, your router may already support some dynamic 4N# providers and can perform this update for you automatically 2which is the easier method3. %wo of the most popular providers of dynamic 4N# services are 4yn4N# and No I(, but there are others. %hese services are generally free but offer perks at a cost. #ome routers only support one of these services, but custom firmware like 44-'!% support both and more. %o set up dynamic 4N#, you &ust need to sign up for an account with one of these services and enter your account credentials into the dynamic 4N# section on your router. If your router doesnt support your service of choice, you can &ust download software from your service provider like we mentioned earlier. Youll need to keep this software running pretty much /DIL, so its definitely better if you can leave the task of dynamic 4N# to your router.