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Pre PHD Management Science Syllabus

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Proposed List of the Subjects to be offered for Pre-Ph.

D in Management Studies
Paper I
1. Research Methodology and Statistical analysis
Paper II
1. Services Marketing
2. Advertising and Brand Management
3. International Marketing
4. Sales and Distribution Management
5. Advertising, Sales Promotion and Distribution
6. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
7. Financial Institutions and Services
8. International Financial Management
9. Strategic Investment and Financing Decisions
10. Strategic Human Resources Management
11. Global HRM
12. Business Ethics
13. Knowledge Management
14. Performance Management
15. Management of Industrial Relations
16. Management of Change and Development
17. Data Warehousing and Data Mining
18. E-Business
19. Systems Audit and Control
20. Decision Support Systems

Research Methodology and Statistical Tools
Objective of the course is to have a general understanding of statistics as applicable to business and its
use in areas of management research
*Statistical table is required for students at the time of examination
1. Introduction: Nature and Importance of research, the role of business research, aims of social
research, research process, and pure research vs. applied research, qualitative research vs
quantitative research, exploratory research, descriptive research. Introduction to statistics, origin
and growth of statistics. Statistics and Research.
2. Data Base: Discussion on primary data and secondary data, tools and techniques of collecting
data. Methods of collecting data. Sampling design and sampling procedures. Tabulation of data
and general rules of tabulation. Questionnaire and schedule of questions.
3. Measurement concepts: Measurement and Scaling concepts, attitude measurement, questionnaire
design, Psychometric, psychological and social instruments used in management research.
Levels of measurement and types of scales. Criteria for good measurement. Research Design:
Meaning of Research Design. Functions and goals of Research Design, pilot study and
developing a case study.
4. Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Variation, Measures of
Central Tendency vs. Measures of Dispersion, Normal distribution, Measures of Skewness and
5. Correlation and Regression Analysis, method of least squares, regression vs. correlation,
correlation vs. determination. Types of correlation and their specific applications.
6. Statistical Inference: Introduction to Null hypothesis vs. alternative hypothesis, Tests of
Hypothesis, parametric vs. non-parametric tests, procedure for testing of hypothesis, tests of
significance for small samples, application, t-test, ANOVA one way and two way
classifications and Chi-square test, Association of attributes and inferences.
7. Time series, utility of time series, components of time series, secular trend, seasonal variations,
cyclical variations, irregular variations, measurement of trend, moving averages and
measurement of seasonal variations.
8. SPSS and Report Presentation: Use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences, report writing -
Mechanics of report writing, preliminary pages, main body and appendices including
bibliography, oral presentation, diagrammatic and graphical presentation of data.


Richard I Levin & David S.Rubin, Statistics for Management, 7/e. Pearson Education, 2005.
Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler, Business Research Methods, 8/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Co.
Ltd., 2006.
Gupta S.P. Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.2005.
U.K. Srivastava, G.V. Shenoy and S.C. Sharma Quantitative Techniques for managerial
decisions, New Age International, Mumbai, 2005.
C.R . Kothari, Research Methodology Methods & Techniques, 2/e, Vishwa Prakashan, 2006.
William G. Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Thomson, 2006.
D.M.Pestonjee, (Ed.) Second Handbook of Psychological and Social Instruments, Concept
Publishing, New Delhi, 2005.
Dipak Kumar.Bhattacharya, Research Methodology, Excel Books, 2006
Amir D. Aczel & Jayavel Sounderpandian, Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw-Hill-
C.B. Gupta & Vijay Gupta, An introduction to Statistical Methods, 23
Revised Edition, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006.
R.S. Bharadwaj, Business Statistics, Excel Books, 2006

Paper II
1. Services Marketing
1. Understanding services marketing
Introduction, services in the modern economy, Classification of services, marketing services Vs.
Physical services, services as a system.
2. Customer Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing, the nature of service consumption understanding customer needs and
expectations, Strategic responses to the intangibility of service performances.
3. Services market segmentations
The process of market segmentation, selecting the appropriate customer portfolio, creating and
maintainating valued relations, customer loyalty.
4. Creating value in a competitive market
Positioning a service in the market, value addition to the service product, planning and branding service
products, new service development.
5. Pricing strategies for services
Service pricing, establishing monetary pricing objectives foundations of pricing objectives, pricing and
demand, putting service pricing strategies into practice.
6. Service promotion
The role of marketing communication. Implication for communication strategies, setting communication
objectives, marketing communication mix.
7. Planning and managing service delivery
Creating delivery systems in price, cyberspace and timeThe physical evidence of the service space. The
role of intermediaries, enhancing value by improving quality and productivity.
8. Marketing plans for services
The marketing planning process, strategic context, situation review marketing strategy formulation,
resource allocations and monitory marketing planning and services.
1. Valarie A.Zeithaml & Mary Jo-Bitner: Services Marketing-Integrating Customer Focus Acros the
Firm, 3/e, TMH, 2003.
2. Thomas J.Delong & Asish Nanda: Managing Professional Servies-Text and Cases, McGraw-Hil
International, 2002.
3. Christopher Lovelock: Services Marketing People, Technology, Strategy, Fourth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2002.
4. Mark Davis, Managing Services People and Technology, McGraw-Hill International, 2002
5. Adrian Payne, The Essence of Services Marketing, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
6. Roland T. Rust and P.K. Kannan, e-Service New Directions in Theory and Practice, Prentice-Hal of
India Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
7. James A Fitzsimmons, Services Management-Operations, Strategy and Information Technology, 3/e,
McGraw-Hilll International, 2003.
8. Rao, Services Marketing, Pearson Education.


Unit I: Role of Advertising in Promotional Mix Introduction to Advertising Advertising and
Communication Integrated Marketing (IMC) Challenges and Opportunities in Advertising
Economic, Social and Ethical Aspects of Advertising.
Unit II : Audience Analysis in Advertising Media Planning Media Mix Decisions Developing
Media Strategy Creative Strategy and Copy Writing Different Types of Appeals Layout Design.
Unit III: Advertising Budgets Methods of Formulating Advertising Budgets Evaluating of
Advertising Effectiveness Advertising Agencies.
Unit IV: Direct Response Advertising Home Shopping Direct Mail Catalogs Telemarketing
Internet Advertising International Advertising Impact of Culture Customs Law and Regulations.
Unit V: Brand Management: Brand Building and Positioning Measuring Brand Performance
Designing Brand Marketing Programmes Evaluating Brand Performance Branding in Retail
Business Role of Own Label Emerging trends in Brand Management.
(Case Studies are Compulsory)
Suggested Books:
1. William Wills, John Burnett and Sandra Mriarty Advertising Principles and Practice
Pearson Education.
2. John. S. Wright Wills. L.Winter, Jr. and Sherliyer K.Leigler, Advertising Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Manendra Mohan Advertising Management Concepts and Cases Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Percy & Elliot Strategic Advertising Management, Oxford University Press.
5. AK.S.A.Chunnawala and K.C.Sethia Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice
Himalaya Publishing House.
6. Kazmi: Advertising and Sale Promotion, Excel Publishers.
7. George E.Belch and Michael A.Belch Advertising and Promotion and Integrated Marketing
Communication Perspective Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Chunnawala, S.A., Compendium of Brand Management, Himalaya Publications House, 2004.
9. Mathur, U.G. Brand Management Text and Cases, Macmillan India Ltd. 2006.

10. YLR.Murthy, Brand Management: Indian Cases

3. International Marketing
1.International Marketing Scope and Significance of International Marketing, the strategic importance of
international marketing, Differences between international and domestic marketing . Need for
international trade, trends in foreign trade.
2. International market environment: International environment, International Social & culture
Environment, the political legal environment and regulatory environment of international marketing.
Technological Environment, Business Customs in International Market.
3. Canalising and targeting international market opportunities: regional market Characteristics,
Marketing in transitional economies and third world countries, international market segmentation and
4. International Market Entry Strategies: Indirect Exporting, Domestic Purchasing, Direct Exporting,
Foreign Manufacturing Strategies Without Direct Investment, Foreign Manufacturing Strategies With
Direct Investment. Entry Strategies of Indian Firms.
5. International product management: International product positioning, Product saturation Levels in
global Market, International product life cycle, Geographic Expansion-Strategic Alternatives. New
products in Intentional Marketing, Product and culture, brands in International Market.
6. International Marketing Channels: channels -Distribution Structures, Distribution Patterns, Factors
effecting Choice of Channels, the Challenges in Managing An international Distribution Strategy
Selecting Foreign Country Market intermediaries. The management of physical distribution of goods.
7. Pricing and Promotion for international Markets: Environmental influences on Pricing Decisions,
Grey Market goods, Transfer pricing, Global Pricing - Policy Alternatives. Global Advertising and
brandy, selecting an advertising agency. Personal selling, Sales Promotion, Public Relations and
Publicity, Sponsorship Promotion.
8. Export Marketing: Introduction to Export Marketing, Export Policy Decisions of a firm, EXIM policy
of India. Export costing and pricing, Export procedures and export documentation. Export assistance and
incentives in India.
1. Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham, International Marketing 11/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 2002.
2. Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw, International Marketing Analysis and Strategy, 3/e, Prentice-Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
3. Isobel Doole and Robin Lowe, International Marketing Strategy, 2/e, Thomson Learning, 2003.
4. Subhash C. Jain, International Marketing, 6/e, South-Western, 2001.
5. Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy, International Marketing, 8/e, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
6. Keegan: Global marketing Management 7/e Pearson Education, Delhi, 2003.

4. Sales and Distribution Management
Unit I: Modern Trends in Sales Management Inter Departmental Relations Organization of Sales
Department Different Types of Sales Organizations.
Unit II : Analysis of Market Potential Sales Potential Sales Volume Forecasting Sales Different
Techniques of Forecasting Sales Sales Budgets time and Territory Management Sales Quotas.
Unit III : Recruitment Selection and Training of Salesmen Salesmens Compensation Plans
Evaluation of Salesmens Performance Sales Control Research.
Unit IV: Marketing Channels Structure and Functions Channel Design Selecting Channel
Members Motivating Channel Members.
Unit V: Channel Conflicts Reasons Managing Channel Conflicts Evaluating Channel Member
Performance Supply Chain Management Managing Logistics.
(Case Studies are Compulsory)
Suggested Books:
1. Pingali Venugopal, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective, Response
Books, New Delhi.
2. Richard R.Stire, Edward W.Candiff and Norman, A.P.Gavani, Sales Management Decisions,
Policies and Cases Prentice Hall.
3. With am. C. Moncrief and Shamnon. H.ship Sales Management, Strategy, Technology,
skills by Addison Wesley.
4. Eugene. M.Johnson, David L.Kurty and Enirhard. E.Scheuing Sales Management, Concepts,
Practices and Cases by McGraw Hill International.
5. S.L.Gupta, Sales and Distribution Management: Text and Cases, Excel Publishers.
6. Berg Rosenbloom Marketing Channels a Management View by the Dryden Press,
Hinsdale, Illinois.
7. Aune T.Coughlan, Stern E.Ansary Marketing Channels, Prentice Hall of India.
8. Panda Sales & Distribution Management, Oxford University Press.
9. Grand Stewart, Successful Sales Management: How to Make Your Team the Best,
Universities Press (India) Ltd.
10. Matin Khan: Sales and Distribution Management, Excel Publishers.
11. Aftab Alam Sales and Distribution Management, Wisdom Publication.

5. Advertising, Sales Promotion and Distribution
1. Advertising
Changing concept, role of advertising in a developing economy, a critical appraisal, types of
advertisement consumer, industrial, institutional, retail, trade and professional, advertisement in
marketing mix.
2. Organising for Advertising
Advertising department and advertisement manager, objectives and functions - Role of advertisement
agencies functioning of advertisement agencies. Advertising agency skills and service, client agency
3. Advertisement budgets
Types, determining optimal expenditure, decision models, sales response and decay, communication,
state, competitive share.
4. Ad media
Characteristics, media selection, optimizing and non optimizing approaches, media scheduling, media
research- Sources of themes: Adapting presentation to medium campaign, USP, brand image,
positioning, purchase proposition and creative interpretation, insertions, contract.
5. Advertisement
Visual layout, art work, production traffic copy, effective use of words, devices to get greater readership
6. Advertisement effectiveness
Pre-testing, post testing, experimental designs.
7. Sales Promotion
Definition, role, types, consumer sales promotion, dealer display contests, discounts, bonus offers, retail
merchandising techniques. Publicity: Public relations campaign, use of press, radio and TV, opinion
building, customer service and community service.
8. Public Relations, Publicity and corporate advertising
Process of PR, Publicity, power of publicity, control and dissemination of publicity, advantages and
1. Spiro, Stanton & Rich: Management of Sales Force, TMH, 2003.
2. George E Belch and Michael A Belch, Advertising and Promotion, 6th Edition, TMH, 2003.
3. Batra : Advertising Management 5/e Pearson Education, 2003.
4. Jobber : Selling and Sales Management 6/e Pearson Education.
5. Clow : Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications Pearson Education, 2002.
6. Wells : Advertising :Principles and Practice 6/e Pearson Education

6. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
1. Investments
The investment environment, classification and functions of financial markets and financial instruments.
Securities trading - types of orders, margin trading, clearing and settlement procedures. Regularity
systems for equity markets.
2. Portfolio Theory
Concept of Risk, measuring risk and returns, Portfolio risk - measurement and analysis, mean - variance
approach, business risk and financial risk and treatment in portfolio management.
3. Equilibrium in Capital Market
The Capital Asset Pricing Model, Single-index model, Arbitrage Pricing theory, Market Efficiency.
4. Bond Analysis
Bond Pricing Theorems, Convexity, duration, bond immunization, active bond management and passive
bond management.
5. Equity Valuation Model
Discounted Cash-flow techniques: Balance sheet valuation, Dividend discount models, Intrinsic value
and market price, earnings multiplier approach, P/E ratio, Price/Book value, Price/sales ratio, Economic
value added (EVA).
6. Security Analysis
Macroeconomic and industry analysis and company analysis.
7. Derivatives
Option markets, option strategies and option valuation, Futures markets, strategies and pricing. Stock
index futures, interest rate futures, Swaps using caps and floors in investment management.
8. Active Portfolio Management
Mutual Funds Growth of mutual funds in India, Structure. Performance evaluation of mutual funds,
conventional theory, performance measurement with changing portfolio composition.
1. Stephen H.Penman: Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, TMH, 2004.
2. William F. Sharpe, Gordon J.Alexander and Jeffery V.Bailey: Investments, Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. Donald E. Fischer and Ronald J.Jordan: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Pearson
Education, 2004.
4. Charles P. Jones, Investments Analysis and Management, eighth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
5. Prasanna Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 3/e Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd. New Delhi, 2003.
6. Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 5/e, John Wiley
& Sons, 2001.
7. Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murray, Frank E. Block, Graham and Dodd: Security Analysis, 5/e, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
8. Ranganatham : Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Pearson Education.
7. Financial Institutions and Services
The basic Theoretical Framework: The financial system and its technology; The factors affecting the
stability of the financial system; Development finance vs. universal banking; Financial intermediaries
and Financial Innovation; RBI-Central Banking.
2. The Financial Institutions: A brief historical perspective. An update on the performance of IDBI,
3. The banking Institutions: Commercial banks - the public and the private sectors - structure and
comparative performance. The problems of competition; interest rates, spreads, and NPAs. Bank capital
- adequacy norms and capital market support.
4. The Non-banking financial institutions : Evolution, control by RBI and SEBI. A perspective on future
role. Unit Trust of India and Mutual Funds. Reserve bank of India Framework for/Regulation of Bank
Credit . Commercial paper: Features and advantages, Framework of Indian CP Market, effective
cost/interest yield.
5. Insurance: The Economics of Insurance; Life Insurance; Reinsurance; The Insurance Industry and its
regulation. Efficiency and the Structure of the Insurance Industry; Pension funds; Pension plans today.
6. Financial services: Asset/fund based Financial services - lease finance, consumer credit and hire
purchase finance, factoring definition, functions, advantages, evaluation and forfeiting, bills discounting,
housing finance, venture capital financing. Fee-based / Advisory services: Stock broking, credit rating.
7. Merchant Banking: Functions and activities, underwriting, bankers to an issue, debenture trustees,
portfolio managers.
8. Operations: Financial Assets/ Instruments Rights issues, issue of Debentures, issue of Equity shares -
pre-issue activity, post-issue activities. The regulatory framework: SEBI and Regulation of Primary and
Secondary Markets, Company Law provisions.
1. M.Y.Khan, Financial Services, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Harsh V.Verma, Marketing of Services, Global Business Press, 2002
3. Sames L .Heskett, Managing In the Service Economy, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2001.
4. M.Y.Khan, Indian Financial System, 4/eTata Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004
5. Frank.J.Fabozzi & Franco Modigliani, Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 3/e, Pearson
Education Asia, 2002.
6. H.R Machiraju, Indian Financial Systems, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.2002.
7. Meir Kohn, Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
8. Pathak : Indian Financial Systems Pearson Education
8. International Financial Management
1. International Financial Management
An overview, Importance, nature and scope, Theories of International business, International Business
Methods, Recent changes and challenges in IFM.
2. International Flow of Funds
Balance of Payments (BoP), Fundamentals of BoP, Accounting components of BOP, Factors affecting
International Trade flows, Agencies that facilitate International flows.
3. International Monetary System
Evolution, Gold Standard, Bretton Woods system, the flexible exchange rate regime, the current
exchange rate arrangements, the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
4. Foreign Exchange Market
Function and Structure of the Forex markets, major participants, types of transactions and settlements
dates, Foreign exchange quotations, process of arbitrage, speculation in the forward market.
5. Currency Futures and Options Markets
Overview of the other markets - Euro currency market, Euro credit market, Euro bond market,
International Stock market.
6. Exchange Rates
Measuring exchange rate movements, Factors influencing exchange rates. Government influence on
exchange rates - exchange rate systems. International arbitrage and interest rate parity . Relationship
between inflation, interest rates and exchange rates - Purchasing Power Parity - International Fisher
7. Long term Asset -liability Management
Foreign Direct Investment, International Capital Budgeting, International Capital structure and cost of
capital. International Financing
Equity, Bond financing, parallel loans.
8. Short-term Asset-Liability Management
International Cash management, accounts receivable management, inventory management. Payment
methods of international trade, trade finance methods, Export - Import bank of India, recent amendments
in EXIM policy, regulations and guidelines.
1. P.G.Apte, International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Alan C.Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, 4/e, Prentice Hall India Private Ltd, 2004
3. Jeff Madura, International Financial Management, 6th edition, Thomson Publications.
4. Maurice D.Levi, International Finance, 3rd edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
5. S.Eun Choel and Risnick Bruce, International Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2001.
6. David K. Eiteman, Arthur I.Stonehill and Michael H.Moffeth, Multinational Business Finance, 10th
edition, Pearson Education 2004.
7. P.K Jain, Josette Peyrard and Surendra S. Yadav, International Financial Management, Macmillan
Publishers, 2001.
8. Prakash G. Apte, International Finance A Business Perspective, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., 2003.
9. Adrian Buckley, Multinational finance, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
10. Melvin: International Money and Finance 7/e Pearson Education.

9. Strategic Investment and Financing Decisions
1. Investment decisions
Project Investment Management vs. project management-introduction to selection of profitable projects.
Evaluation of investment opportunities, basic issues, replacement decisions, traditional methods of
appraisal and discounted cash flow techniques, equivalence of NPV and IRR, The case of intangible
benefits and costs. Profitability Index and Excess present value Index.
2. Investment decisions under conditions of uncertainty
Discussion on risk and uncertainty. Risk Analysis in Investment Decisions. Risk adjusted rate of return,
certainty equivalents, probability distribution of cash flows, decision trees, sensitivity analysis and
Monte Carlo Approach to Simulation.
3. Types of Investments and disinvestments
Project abandonment decisions, Evidence of IRR. Multiple IRR, Modified IRR, Techroin, Robichek and
Mordalbasso (TRM) solution in dealing with pure, simple and mixed investments. Lorie Savage
Paradox. Adjusted NPV and impact of inflation on capital budgeting decisions.
4. Critical analysis of appraisal techniques
Discounted pay back, post pay back, surplus life and surplus pay back, Bail-out pay back, Return on
Investment, Equivalent Annual Cost, Terminal Value, single period constraints, multi-period capital
constraint and an unresolved problem, NPV mean variance analysis, Hertz Simulation and Hillier
approaches. Significance of information and data bank in project selections.
5. Investment Decisions under capital constraints
Capital Rationing Vs. Portfolio. Portfolio Risk and diversified projects.
6. Strategic Analysis of selected investment decisions
Lease Financing, Leasing Vs. Operating Risk, borrowing vs. procuring. Hire purchase and Instalment
decisions. Mergers and acquisitions in Capital Budgeting, cash vs. equity for financial mergers.
7. Financing Decisions
International Capital Structure. Modigliani Miller Model: Hamada Model of Market Risk: The Miller
Model: The Trade-Off Models and Agency Costs: Capital Structure Theory -the Signaling Model.
8. Financial Distress
Consequences, Issues, bankruptcy, settlements, reorganization and Liquidation in Bankruptcy.
1. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, 5/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003
2. Prasanna Chandra, Projects: Planning, Analysis, Financing Implementation and Review, 5/e TMH,
New Delhi, 2003
3. Bodie, Kane, Warcus: Investments Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2002,
4. Brigham E.F & Houston J.F., Financial Management, Thomson Publications, 2003.
5. V.K. Bhalla, Financial Management and policy., Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
6. I.M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House,2003.
7. MY Khan and PK Jain, Financial Management: Text and Problems, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing
Co, 2003.
8. V. K. Kapoor, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2003.
9. Richard Pike & Bill Neale: Corporate Finance & Investment-Decisions and Strategies, 2/e, PHI, New
Delhi, 2002.
10. Alexander : Fundamentals of Investment 3/e Pearson Education
10. Strategic Human Resources Management
1. Strategic role of HRM, Planning and Implementing Strategic HR policies, HR Strategies to increase
firm performance.
2. Investment perspectives of HR- investment Consideration, investments in Training and Development,
investment Practices for improved Retention, investments job secure work courses, Nontraditional
investment Approaches.
3. Managing Strategic Organizational renewal- Managing change and OD, instituting TQM
Programmes, Creating Team based Organisations, HR and BPR, Flexible work arrangement.
4. Establishing Strategic pay plans, Determining periods, Establishing periods, Pricing Managerial and
professional jobs, Compensation trends, Objectives of international Compensation, Approaches to
international Compensation, Issues related to double taxation. Cases.
5. Managing Global Human Resources-HR and the internationalization of business, Improving
international Assignments through selections, Training and maintaining international Employees,
Developing international Staff and Multinational Teams.
6. Multinational, Global, and Transnational Strategies, Strategic Alliances, Sustainable Global
Competitive Advantage, Globally Competent Managers, Location of Production Facilities.
7. Repatriation Process.
8. Case studies.
1. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Charles R. Greer, Strategic Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy, Managing Human Resources, PHI, 2001.
4. Peter J. Dowling, Denice E. Welch, Randall S. Schuler, International Human Resource Management,
Thomson South-Western, 2002.
11. Global HRM
Unit I : Introduction to International HRM Concept, HRM at International Perspective Distinction
between Domestic and International HRM HR Challenges at International Level.
Unit II: Cross Cultural Theories International Recruitment and Selection Process, Culture and
Unit III: Expatriate Training Developing Global Managers Negotiations.
Unit IV: Compensation Management: International Compensation Objectives, Components
Approaches of Compensation in Global Assignments Culture and Compensation.
Unit V: Industrial Relations at Global Level: IR Scenario in Global Organizations Trade Unions at
International Level Unions and International Industrial Relations.
(Case Studies are Compulsory)
Suggested Books:
1. Anne-Wil Harzing & Joris Van Ruyoss eveldt (eds.), International Human Resource
Management Sage Publications, New Delhi.
2. Peter J.Dowling: Intrnational Human Resource Management, Excel Publications.
3. Tayeb International HRM, Oxford University Press
4. C.S.Venkata Ratnam, Globalisation and Labour Management Relations, Sage, New Delhi.
5. Lawrence Kleiman, Human Resource Management, Wiley India, New Delhi.

12 Business Ethics
Unit I: Importance of Business Ethics Values and Ethics Nature and Goals of Business
Ethics Morality, Virtues, Social Ethics Business Ethics and Law Corporate Governance Ethics
Ethics in Work Place Ethical Decision Making.
Unit II: Concepts and Theories of Business Ethics- Formation of Moral standards Normative
theories Ethical theories in relation to Business Management and Ethics Indian Ethical Traditions
Unit III: Corporate Social Responsibility Classical Model of Corporate Social Responsibility
Critical Assessment Private Property Defense The Stakeholders theory.
Unit IV: Ethics and Indian Business Impact of Globalization Reasons for Unethical Practices
among Indian Corporations Development of Indian Capital Markets Major Indian Scams Reasons
for Unethical practices Various studies on Ethical Attitudes of Managers.
Unit V: Marketing Ethics- Product Safety and Pricing Strict Products Liability Ethical
responsibility in Product- Advertising and Target Marketing Ethics of Sales, Advertising and Product
Placement Consumer Autonomy
Unit VI: Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management - Genesis and Growth of HRM HR
related Ethical issues Institutional Culture Creating an Ethical Organization- Preferential Treatment
in Employment - Preferential Hiring Sexual Harassment in the Work place-Diversity and
Unit VII: Financial Management and Ethical Issues Frauds in Banks Measures Against Bank
Frauds Constraints to Ethical Practices Indian Nationalized Banks Frauds in Insurance Sector-

UnitVIII: International Business and Globalization Ethical Relativism and Cross-Cultural
Values Race to the Bottom Democracy, Cultural Integrity, and Human Rights -Environmental
Responsibilities Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment - Environmental Pragmatism.

1. Akhileshwar Pathak: Legal Aspects of Business- TMH, 2010.

2. Joseph Des Jardins: An Introduction to Business Ethics- TMH 2009

3. Ronald D Francis, Mukti Mishra: Business Ethics- TMH 2009

4. A.C.Fernando: Business Ethics- An Indian Perspective, Pearson 2009

13. Knowledge Management
Objective: to introduce the process of knowledge management for better decision making and
performance by managers.
Unit-I : Introduction to Knowledge Management - Knowledge society-from data to information to
knowledge- Drivers of knowledge management-Intellectual capital- KM and learning organizations-
case studies.
Init-II Strategic alignment: Creating awareness- articulation- Evaluation and strategic alignment-
Infrastructural development and deployment- Leadership, measurement and refinement- Role of CKO
Unit-II: Analyzing business environment: Knowledge audit and analysis designing KM team
creating KM system blue print- implementation- capture store and sharing.
Unit-V : Technology components: Intranet and Groupware solutions- tools for collaborative
intelligence- package choices- implementing security - Integrating with web -based and internal
operational & support systems- change management- reward systems- continuous improvement- case
1. Awad, Knowledge Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. Barnes, Knowledge Management System, Thompson Learning, New Delhi
3. A.Thodhathri Raman, Knowledge Management, Excel Books, New Delhi
4. Mattison, Web WW and Knowledge Management, Tata-McGraw Hill, N. Delhi
5. Amrit tiwana,'The essential guide to knowledge management,' Pearson education-2001.
6. Ratnaja Gogula,, Knowledge Management: A New Dawn- ICFAI-2002, Hyd.

14. Performance Management
1. Introduction
Definition, concerns and scope - Historical developments in Performance Management - Performance
appraisal Vs performance management - performance management Vs Human resource management -
processes for managing performance - Essence and Implications of Performance Management-critical
2. PfM Theatre
PfM System - PfM Theatre - Planning Managee Performance and Development - Monitoring Managee
Performance & Mentoring Managee Development- Annual Stock Taking.
3. Planning for Managees performance and Development
Setting objectives - Organisational and individual performance plans - Components of Managee
performance and development plan - setting mutual expectations and performance criteria.
4. Monitoring and Mentoring
introduction - Supervision - Objectives and Principles of Monitoring - monitoring process - periodic
reviews - problem solving - engendering trust - role efficacy.
5. Annual stocktaking
Stock taking performance - process of Judgment vs process of analysis - stock taking discussions -
Delivering efficient feedback - 360- Degree Feedback- stocktaking potential - Tools for stocktaking
6. Appraising for Recognition & Reward
Purpose of Appraising - Methods of appraisal - appraisal system design - Implementing the appraisal
system - Appraisals and HR decisions.
7. Organisational effectiveness
Role of Leadership and Change in organizational effectiveness - rules of thumb for change agents -
performance management skills - Operationalising change through performance management.
8. High Performing Teams
Building and leading High performing teams - team oriented organizations - developing and leading
high performing teams.
1. Prem Chadha: Performance Management, Macmillan India, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Michael Armstrong & Angela Baron, Performance Management: The New Realities, Jaico Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2002.
3. T.V.Rao, Appraising amd Developing Managerial Performance, TV Rao Learning Systems Pvt
Limited, Excel Books, 2003.
4. David Wade and Ronad Recardo, Corporate Performance Management, Butter Heinemann, New
Delhi, 2002.
5. Henderson : Compensation Management in a Knowledge Based World 9/e Pearson Education.
15. Management of Industrial Relations
1. Industrial Relations Management
Concept- Evaluation -Background of industrial Relations in India- Influencing factors of IR in enterprise
and the consequences.
2. Economic, Social and Political environments
Employment Structure -Social Partnership-Wider approaches to industrial relations- Labour Market.
3. Trade Unions
introduction-Definition and objectives-growth of Trade Unions in India-trade Unions Act, 1926 and
Legal framework-Union recognition-Union Problems-Employees Association-introduction ,Objective
Membership, Financial Status.
4. Quality of Work Life
Workers Participation in Management - Workers Participation in India, shop floor, Plant Level, Board
Level- Workers Welfare in Indian scenario- Collective bargaining concepts & Characteristics -
Promoting peace.
5. Wage and Salary administration
Nature & Significance of wage, salary administration, essentials- Minimum wage- Fair wage, Real
wage, Incentives & fringe benefits. Issues and Constraints in Wage Determination in India.
6. Social Security
introduction and types
Social Security in India, Health and Occupational safety programs- Salient features of Workmen
Compensation Act and Employees State Insurance Act relating to social security - Workers education
objectives -Rewarding.
7. Employee Grievances
Causes of Grievances -Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication procedural aspects for Settlement of
Grievances -Standing Orders- Code Discipline.
8. Industrial Disputes
Meaning, nature and scope of industrial disputes - Cases and Consequences of Industrial Disputes -
Prevention and Settlement of industrial disputes in India.
1. Aswathappa: Human Resource Management, TMH, New Delhi ,2003.
2. Arun Monappa: Industrial Relations, TMH, New Delhi,2003
3. V.S.P.Rao, Human Resource Management: Text & Cases, Anurag Jain, New Delhi, 2002.
4. R.S.Dwivedi, Managing Human Resources/Personnel Management in Indian enterprises, Galgotia
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Biswajit Pottanayak, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 2003.
6. Sinha: Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation Pearson Education
16. Management of Change and Development
1. Basics of Change Management
Meaning, nature and Types of Change - change programmes - change levers - change as growth -
change as transformation - change as turnaround - value-based change.
2. Mapping change
The role of diagramming in system investigation - A review of basic flow diagramming techniques -
systems relationships - systems diagramming and mapping, influence charts, multiple cause diagrams- a
multidisciplinary approach.
3. Systems approach to change
systems autonomy and behaviour - the intervention strategy model - cases in intervention - total project
management model (TPMM).
4. Learning organization
The relevance of a learning organization -- kindling learning processes in organizations- strategies to
build a learning organization
5. Organisation Development (OD)
Meaning, Nature and scope of OD - Dynamics of planned change - Person-focussed and role-focussed
OD interventions -Planning OD Strategy - OD interventions in Indian Organisations - Challenges to OD
6. Negotiated change
Change in the labour-management relations in the post-liberalised India - a review of the response of
collective bargaining strategy to the challenges of Globalisation and the restructuring of enterprises in
India - Changes in the legal frame work of collective bargaining, negotiated flexibility, productivity
bargaining, improved work relations, public sector bargaining and social security.
7. Team Building
Nature and Importance of Teams - Team vs Groups - Types of teams - Characterstics of Virtual teams -
Team building life cycle - role of managers as linking pins- team building skills - Perspectives on
effectiveness of Team working.
8. Virtual teams
High performance teams - self managing teams - Building team relationships - empowered teams -
leadership on teams - Managing cross -cultural diversity in teams - Group think as a decision making
process - effective decision making techniques for teams and groups - role of change consultant--
contemporary issues in managing teams.
1. Mirza S.Saiyadan, Organisational Behaviour,TMH, 2003, New Delhi.
2. Robert A Paton and James McCalman, Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation
2/e.Response Books, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Sethi : Orgnisational Transformation Through Business Process Reengineering Pearson Education.
4. Art Horn: Gifts of Leadership: Team Building through Focus and Empathy, Macmillan India, 1998.
5. C.S.Venkataratnam: Negotiated Change -Collective Bargaining, Liberalisation and Restructuring in
India, Response Books, New Delhi, 2003.
6. V.Nilakant and S.Ramnarayan: Managing Organisational Change, Response Books, New Delhi, 2003
7. S.Ramnarayan, TV Rao and Kuldeep Singh(Ed.): Organization Development, Response Books, New
Delhi 2003.
8. Joseph W. Weiss: Organisational Behaviour and Change-- Managing Diversity, cross cultural
dynamics and Ethics. Thomson Learning 2/e, New Delhi, 2001.
9. R.S.Dwivedi: Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour: A Global Perspective 5/e, Macmillan,
New Delhi, 2001.
17. Data Warehousing and Data Mining
1. Managing Data
Individual Data Management, Organisational Data Management, Components of Organisational
Memory, Evaluation of Database Technology
2. File-Oriented Systems
Meeting the Need for Random Access Processing Information as Resource, Other Limitations of
Traditional File Systems, Data Base Systems, Hierarchical Network Model Systems, Relational
Database Systems - Database Systems: Hardware, Software, Data, People and Relationship of the four
System Components.
3. Database Systems in the Organisations
Data Sharing and Data Bases - Sharing Data Between Functional Units, Sharing Data Between Different
Levels of Users, Sharing Data Between Different Locations, The Role of the Data Base, Strategic Data
Base Planning - The Need for Data Base Planning, The Data Base Project, The Data Base Development
Life Cycle (DDLC)
4. Risks and Costs of Database
Organizational Conflicts - Development Project Failures - System Failure - Overhead costs - Need for
Sophisticated Personnel - Separating Physical and Logical Data Representation - Client / Server Data
Base Architecture, Three-Level Data Base Architecture
5. Data warehousing Introduction
What is a Data warehouse, Who uses Data warehouse, Need for Data warehouse, Applications of Data
warehouse Concepts.
6. The Data warehouse Data Base
Context of Data warehouse Data Base, Data Base Structures - Organizing Relational Data warehouse -
Multi-Dimensional Data Structures - Choosing a Structure, Getting Data into the Data warehouse -
Extraction, Transformation, Cleaning, Loading and Summarization, Meta Data - Human Meta Data,
Computer Based Meta Data for people to use, Computer-based Meta Data for the computer to use.
7. Analyzing the Contexts of the Data warehouse
Active Analysis, User Queries - OLAP, OLAP Software Architecture - Web Based OLAP, General
OLAP Product Characteristics, Automated Analysis - Data Mining, Creating a Decision Tree,
Correlation and Other Statistical Analysis,Neural Networks, Nearest Neighbour Approaches, Putting the
Results to Use.
8. Constructing A Data warehouse System
Stages of the Project - The Planning Stage - Justifying the Data warehouse - Obtaining User Buy-in -
Overcoming Resistance to the Data warehouse-Developing a Project Plan, Data warehousing Design
Approaches - The Architecture Stage - The Data warehouse Data Base - The Analysis Architecture -
Data warehouse Hard Ware.
1. McLaren & McLaren: Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith & Kurt Thearling: Building Data Mining Applications for CRM,TMH,
3. Richard T Watson: Data Management Data Bases and Organisations, 3/E John Wiley & Sons, Inc.-
4. Gary W Hansen, James V Hansen: Data Base Management and Design, 2/E, PHI - 2000 NewDelhi.
5. Hector Garcia, Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom: Data Base System
Implementation,Pearson Education, 2001.
6. Arun K Majumdar, Primtimoy Bhattacharyya: Data Base Management Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2003.
7. Efrem G Mallach: Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
8. Michael J. A. Berry, Gordon S. Linoff, Mastering Data Mining, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. - 2000.
9. Marakas : Modern Data Warehousing, Minning, and Visualization Core Concepts Pearson Education
10. Richard Pike & Bill Neale: Corporate Finance & Investment-Decisions and Strategies, 2/e,PHI,
11. Dunham : Data Mining : Introductory and Advance Topics, Pearson Education.
18. E- Business
Objective: to equip students with the knowledge of IT tools and their application in the various business
processes for better performance.
Unit I: INTRODUCTION: Meaning of E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Marketing; Evolution of E-
Commerce, E-Commerce Vs. Traditional Commerce, Infrastructure for E-Commerce Internet and
Web Technologies, Multimedia and Digital Video; Media Convergence and On-line publishing.
Unit II: E-COMMERCE APPLICATION: Supply Chain Management Definition, Different Categories
and Models of SCM, Elements of SCM; Procurement; On-line Marketing and Advertisement.
Unit III: E-COMMERCE BUSINESS MODELS: Business to Business (B2B): Business to Consumer
(B2C); Other Models E-business Storefronts, Infomediary, Trust Intermediary, E-business Enablers
and Infrastructure Providers/Communities of Commerce.
Meaning, EDI Applications in Business; Types of E-payments E-Cash or Digital Cash, E-Cheques,
Credit Cards, Smart Cards, E-Wallets and Debit Cards;
UNIT V : E-SECURITY: E-Security Issues Hacking, Spoofing and Viruses; Network Security and
Transaction Security; Security Measures Firewall, encryption and Digital Signature; Cyber Crimes and
Cyber Laws IT Act, 2000. (Case Studies are Compulsory)
Suggested Books:
1. Parag Diwan: e-commerce, Excel Publishers
2. Dennis E-Commerce &the law of digital signatures, Oxford University Press
3. Steve Hedley Statutes on IT & E-Commerce, Oxford University Press.
4. Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B.Whinston: Electronic Commerce; A Managers Guide, Pearson
Education, 2005.
5. Efrain Turban, Jae Lee Kavid King and H.Michael Chung: Electronic Commerce: A
Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education, 2006.
6. Kenneth C.Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver: E-Commerce: Business Technology, Society,
Pearson Education, 2005.
7. C.S.V.Murthy, E-commerce, Concepts, Models, Strategies, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004.
8. C.S.Rayudu, E-Commece, E-Business, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004
9. P.T.Joseph, S.J., E-Commerce: An Indian Perspectives; Prentice Hall of India

19. System Audit and Control
1. Overview of Information System Auditing, Effect of Computers on Internal Controls, Effects of
Computers on Auditing, Foundations of information Systems Auditing, Conducting an Information
Systems Audit.
2. The management Control Framework-I: Introduction, Evaluating the planning Function, Evaluating
the Leading Function, Evaluating the Controlling Function, Systems Development Management
Controls, Approaches to Auditing Systems Development, Normative Models of the Systems
Development Process, Evaluating the Major phases in the Systems Development Process, Programming
Management Controls, Data Resource Management Controls.
3. The Management Control Framework-II: Security Management Controls, Operations management
Controls Quality assurance Management Controls.
4. The Application Control Framework-I : Boundary Controls, Input Controls, Communication Controls.
5. The Application Control Framework-II: Processing Controls, Database Controls, output Controls.
6. Evidence Collection: Audit Software, Code Review, Test Data, and Code Comparison, Concurrent
Auditing techniques, Interviews, Questionnaires ,and Control Flowcharts. Performance Management
7. Evidence Evaluation: Evaluating Asset Safeguarding and Data Integrity, Evaluating System
Effectiveness, Evaluating System Efficiency.
8. Information Systems Audit and Management: managing the Information Systems Audit Function,
Introduction, Planning Function, Organising Function, Staffing Function, Leading Function, Controlling
Function, Some Features of Information Systems Auditing.
1. M.Revathy Sriram, Systems Audit, TMH, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Ron Weber, Information Systems Control and Audit, Pearson Education,2002.
3. Jalote : Software Project Mangement in Practice, Pearson Education
4. Royce : Software Project Management, Pearson Education.
20. Decision Support Systems
1. M.I.S and Its Role In Organizations Open-Systems and Closed Systems
2. D.S.S Its Relation to M.I.S, Characteristic Role of D.S.S as Different From M.I.S in an Organization,
Expert DSS and Its Role as an Aid to Management Decision Process.
3. Deterministic Models: Models Required to Cope With Uncertainty, Probabilistic Models and Fuzzy
Sets, Fuzzy DSS and Fuzzy Expert DSS.
4. Application of DSS to Some Functional Areas of Management Like Finance, Marketing, Production
Planning and Control Etc.
5. Non-Optimising Models of DSS, Simulation Techniques and Monte- Carlo Methods.
6. Application of DSS: Technical Feasibility and Financial Viability of DSS. Advantages and
Limitations of DSS -Contemporary practices.
7. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI): An Overview of AI- AI Technologies in Business,
Domains in AI, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic systems in Business, Virtual Reality, Intelligent agents,
expert system and its components, Applications of expert system, developing expert systems, value of
expert systems.
8. Case Studies
1 Macllah: Decision Support Systems and Data Warehousing, TMH, 2003.
2 Turbon: DSS and Intelligent Systems, Pearson Education, 2001.
3 James A Obrien: Management Information systems-Managing information technology in the E-
Business Enterprise, 5/e, TMH, New Delhi, 2002.
4 Janakiraman & Sarukesi: Decision Support Systems, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.
5 George M.Marakas: Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century, 2/e,Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2003.

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