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Focus On IMO - Surviving Disaster - Life-Saving at Sea (January 2000)

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Focus on I MO

International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
Contacts: Lee Adamson Senior External Relations Officer; Natasha Brown External Relations Officer
E-mail: Web site:

These documents are for background information. Please refer to the website
for up-to-date information.

January 2000

Surviving disaster life-saving at sea

There will always be a risk that maritime accidents
will happen, but preparing for such eventualities
can mean the difference between lives lost and
lives saved. Life-saving appliances and procedures
for abandoning ship are covered by the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea (SOLAS) - the first version of which was
adopted in 1914 when maritime nations gathered to
develop international ship safety regulations
following the loss of the Titanic two years earlier.
SOLAS, which since 1914 has been revised and
updated many times, came under the auspices of
the United Nations International Maritime
Organization (IMO), when it assumed global
responsibility for shipping safety at its first
meeting in 1959 (it was then called the Inter-
Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
- IMCO).
SOLAS includes important requirements
governing the safety of navigation (Chapter V) and
the construction of ships (Chapter II), while the
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS) - a worldwide network of automated
emergency communications for ships - is contained
in Chapter IV of the Convention. Another
Convention, the International Convention on
Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR), is aimed at
providing a global system for responding to
The requirements for life-saving equipment on
board vessels and how to ensure that people
survive if they have to abandon a ship are to be
found in Chapter III.
On 1 July 1998 a completely revised SOLAS
Chapter III entered into force, replacing a text that
was adopted in 1983. At the same time a new
mandatory International Life-Saving Appliance
(LSA) Code, which contains minimum technical
specifications, became effective. This new Chapter
and its accompanying Code provide a
comprehensive set of requirements covering all
aspects of life-saving appliances, from lifeboats to
lifejackets, as well as focusing on the human side
of arrangements for saving the lives of passengers
and crew when a ship must be abandoned. The
revised chapter accommodates lessons learned
from shipping accidents in the last two decades and
incorporates technological advances.
This paper looks at how IMO has developed
regulations and recommendations on surviving
disasters at sea and includes the following sections:
History of SOLAS
The 1983 Chapter III of SOLAS
The new Chapter III of SOLAS
Symbols for life-saving appliances
International Safety Management (ISM)
Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS)
International Convention on Maritime
Search and Rescue (SAR)
International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
for Seafarers (STCW)
Standard Marine Vocabulary
Summary of new Chapter III of SOLAS
Resolutions and recommendations on life-

International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
History - from sail to steam
In the 19th Century, sail gave way to steam and to
some extent seafarers and passengers stood a better
chance of dealing with the everyday hazards of sea

transport, since ships could use their own power to
avoid storms, rocks or other ships.
Nonetheless, a sea voyage inevitably retained an
element of risk. Meanwhile, the growth in
passenger liner services meant more people were
exposed to that risk. Figures on the Transatlantic
liner services suggest that in the two decades after
Samuel Cunard began regular Transatlantic
passages in 1840, 13 vessels sank, with the loss of
more than 2,200 lives.
If there were an emergency at sea, those on board
ship could do little but rely on flotation vests and
wooden lifeboats - and hope that another ship soon
spotted them. Regulations concerning ship safety
varied from country to country, although
significant moves were made towards international
regulations on ship safety in 1857, with the
introduction of the International Code of Signals
and in 1863, when the Rule of the Road at Sea was
established as an international agreement aimed at
avoiding collisions between ships.
But it was the loss of the White Star liner Titanic
in 1912 which gave the greatest impetus to the
development of international rules governing
safety of life at sea. After the disaster in which
1,503 people lost their lives, the United Kingdom
called together maritime nations to a conference to
draft a new International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea - the 1914 SOLAS Convention.

1914 SOLAS
The 1914 SOLAS Convention, which was signed
by 13 countries on 20 January 1914, took into
account many of the lessons learned from the
Titanic disaster - but more than that, it laid down
internationally applicable rules for the first time.
The Convention included eight chapters:
Chapter I - Safety of Life at Sea - Article 1
(in which Parties undertake to give effect to
the convention);
Chapter II - Ships to which this Convention
applies - Articles 2-4 (Article 2 states that the
Convention applies to mechanically-propelled
merchant ships carrying more than 12
passengers on international voyages);
Chapter III - Safety of Navigation - Articles
5-15 (includes the establishment of the North
Atlantic ice patrol);
Chapter IV - Construction - Articles 16-30
(includes requirements for watertight
Chapter V - Radiotelegraphy - Articles 31-
38 (includes requirement for a continuous
watch on radio frequencies during navigation);
Chapter VI - Life-saving appliances and fire
protection Articles 39-56;
Chapter VII - Safety Certification - Articles
57-63 (requires ships to obtain a safety
Chapter VIII - General Articles 64-74
(covers entry into force, accession by other
States, modification of the Convention); and
The 1914 SOLAS also included a section of
Regulations, covering technical details and
expanding on the Articles.
SOLAS 1914 - Life-saving appliances
Chapter VI of SOLAS 1914 addressed the problem
of insufficient numbers of lifeboats aboard the
Titanic in Article 40 "Fundamental principle"
which stated that "At no moment of its voyage may
a ship have on board a total number of persons
than that for whom accommodation is provided in
the lifeboats (and the pontoon lifeboats) on board".
It also required lifejackets to be carried for every
person on board (Article 51), with a sufficient
number of lifejackets for children, and included
requirements for embarkation (Article 44) and
stowage of lifeboats and liferafts (Article 47).
The Convention required emergency lighting to be
provided on ships (Article 53) and set regulations
for manning of lifeboats by certificated
lifeboatmen (Article 54). It called for special duties
in the event of an emergency to be allocated to
each member of the crew (Article 56 - Muster roll
and Drills).
The Regulations of the Convention included
technical specifications for lifeboats, pontoon
lifeboats, davits, lifejackets and lifebuoys. The
Convention required musters of the crews at their
boat and fire stations, followed by boat and fire
drills, to be held at least once a fortnight.

1929 and 1960 SOLAS
The outbreak of World War I meant that SOLAS
1914 did not enter into force as planned in 1915,
although many of its provisions were adopted by
individual nations.
However, in 1929, 18 countries attended another
international conference, which adopted a new
SOLAS Convention. It entered into force in 1933.
A third SOLAS was adopted in 1948 - this was a
greatly expanded version which covered a wider
variety of ships and went into greater detail in
terms of the requirements. In particular, it required
cargo ships of 500 gross tons and above to obtain a
safety certificate - recognising the need to protect
people on board cargo ships and not just those on
passenger ships.
In 1960, another new SOLAS Convention was
adopted, this time by the recently formed
International Maritime Organization, then called
the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative
Organization (IMCO). In SOLAS 1960, many
safety provisions previously only applicable to
passenger ships were also applied to cargo ships.

The Convention also took into account
developments in liferafts and allowed for some of
the lifeboats to be substituted with liferafts.
The 1960 SOLAS Convention was more specific
on the number of lifeboats to be carried - stating
that passenger ships on international voyages
should carry on each side of the ship lifeboat
capacity for 50 percent of the total people on
board, making a total capacity of 100%. Some
boats could be replaced by liferafts. The
Convention also required additional liferafts to be
provided for 25 percent of the people on board,
plus buoyant apparatus for 3 percent.
Amendments to the 1960 Convention adopted in
1967, 1969 and 1973 included updates to
specification for lifebuoys and lifejackets as well
as specific requirements for life-saving
arrangements on tankers and certain cargo ships,
many amendments being a response to specific
accidents as well as updates accounting for
technological changes.
Unfortunately, it became increasingly apparent as
the years went by that these efforts to respond to
the lessons learnt from major disasters and keep
the SOLAS Convention in line with technical
developments were doomed to failure - because of
the nature of the amendment procedure adopted at
the 1960 conference. This stipulated that
amendments would enter into force twelve months
after being accepted by two-thirds of Contracting
Parties to the parent Convention.
With a small number of Parties, this procedure was
not a problem, but as more countries ratified
SOLAS, the number of ratifications required to
meet the two-thirds target needed to secure entry
into force of SOLAS amendments also increased.
It became clear that it would take so long for these
amendments to become international law that they
would be out of date before they did so.
As a result, IMO decided to introduce a new
SOLAS Convention which would not only
incorporate all the amendments to the 1960
Convention so far adopted but would also include a
new procedure which would enable future
amendments to be brought into force within an
acceptable period of time.

SOLAS 1974
An IMO Conference in 1974, attended by 71
countries, adopted a new, revised SOLAS
Convention, which was intended to incorporate all
the amendments introduced since the 1960
Convention as well as a simpler amendment
procedure - which assumes that Governments are
in favour of the amendment unless they take
positive action to make their objection known.
The tacit acceptance procedure deems amendments
to have entered into force by a certain date unless
they are rejected within a specified period by one-
third of Contracting Governments or by
Contracting Governments whose combined
merchant fleets represent not less than 50 per cent
of world gross tonnage.
Life-saving appliances came under Chapter III
(Life-saving appliances) of the 1974 Convention,
although many requirements were initially similar
to those in the 1960 Convention.
The 1974 Chapter III consisted of three parts: Part
A contained general requirements, which applied
to all ships, described appliances by type, their
equipment, construction specifications, methods of
determining their capacity and provisions for
maintenance and availability. It also described
procedures for emergency and routine drills. Parts
B and C contained additional requirements for
passenger and cargo ships respectively.

1983 Amendments to SOLAS
In 1983, IMO adopted a revised Chapter III, which
entered into force in 1986, increasing the number
of regulations from 38 to 53 and retitling the
Chapter "Life-saving appliances and arrange-
The main changes were to ensure operational
readiness of ships and to guarantee as far as
possible that following an incident, survivors could
safely abandon ship, survive at sea, be detected and
be retrieved by rescuers.
The revisions were designed not only to take into
account new developments but also to provide for
the evaluation and introduction of novel life-saving
appliances or arrangements.
Like the original chapter, the revised chapter
contained three parts, but it was re-arranged
logically. Part A dealt with general matters such
as application, exemptions, definitions, evaluation
and testing and production tests. Part B was
concerned with ship requirements and contained
three sections: Section I (regulations 6 to 19) dealt
with passenger ships and cargo ships; Section II
(regulations 20 to 25) contained additional
requirements for passenger ships and Section III
(regulations 26 to 29) included additional
requirements for cargo ships. Part C dealt with life-
saving appliance requirements and contained 24
regulations divided into eight sections.
Among the more important changes were those
involving lifeboats and liferafts. Generally
speaking, the lifeboats required by the original
Chapter III of SOLAS 1974 were the traditional
open design, most of them without power. The
revised chapter required all lifeboats to be totally
or partially enclosed, and for these to be equipped
with an engine.
The idea behind enclosed lifeboats was to provide
greater protection from the elements than the
traditional design. Partially enclosed lifeboats were
included as they are easier to board in an
emergency. This can be a crucial factor on a

passenger ship where large numbers of untrained -
or elderly, young or infirm - persons are involved.
Partially enclosed lifeboats must have rigid covers
extending over not less than 20% of the length
from the stern and not less than 20% of the length
from the aftermost part of the lifeboat and be
equipped with a foldable canopy to protect the rest.
Totally enclosed lifeboats must be capable of
righting themselves automatically if they capsize.
Rescue boats - that is, boats which are designed to
rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival
craft - were also required.
One important new requirement was that survival
craft on passenger ships must be capable of being
launched with their full complement of persons
and equipment within 30 minutes from the time the
abandon ship signal is given.
This is sometimes erroneously taken to mean that
ships must be designed to stay afloat for 30
minutes after an accident - something that is
impossible to guarantee, since there is no way of
saying what damage the ship might sustain.
Under another regulation, the chapter required that
survival craft be capable of being launched when
the ship has a list of 20 degrees in either direction:
the original Chapter III of SOLAS 1974 only
required launching to be possible with a 15 degree
The 1983 Chapter III required cargo ships to carry
sufficient totally enclosed lifeboats on each side to
accommodate all on board. Chemical and oil
tankers were required to carry totally enclosed
lifeboats equipped with a self-contained air support
system (if the cargo emits toxic gases). When
carrying flammable cargoes, lifeboats must afford
protection against fire for at least eight minutes.
The requirements and minimum specifications for
inflatable and rigid liferafts were rewritten and
expanded, including several regulations designed
to ensure that all life-saving appliances are kept in
good condition and can be used promptly in the
event of an emergency.
The 1983 Chapter III also included a new
requirement that lifeboats on cargo ships of 20,000
gross tonnage and above be capable of being
launched when the ship is making headway at
speeds of up to 5 knots. This was in response to
the fact that ships have increased greatly in size
since the original chapter was drafted and could
now take much longer to stop following an

Survival after abandoning ship
Another focus of the revised Chapter III was on
survival of persons faced with severe elements
after abandoning ship, particularly the effects of
The sinking of the Titanic in 1912 provided a
dramatic example of the effects of cold water
immersion. Partly due to a lack of adequate
clothing, flotation equipment and a knowledge of
survival procedures, none of the 1,489 persons
who ended up in the sea was alive when rescue
vessels arrived one hour and fifty minutes after the
sinking. Countless lives could have been saved had
they known more about how to cope with cold

Pocket Guide to Cold Water Survival
The Guide, first published by IMO in 1981, examines the hazards of exposure to cold when immersed
in sea water and provides advice on how to prevent or minimize these dangers. The 1992 edition also
contains information on how to treat victims of hypothermia. The Guide states:
"It is important to realize that you are not helpless to effect your own survival in cold water. Body heat
loss is a gradual process, and research shows that in calm water at 5C a normally dressed person
has only a 50 per cent chance of surviving one hour. Simple, self-help techniques can extend this
time, particularly if the person is wearing a lifejacket. You can make the difference."
The final section of the booklet sums up important information for anyone on board a ship:
1 Plan your emergency moves in advance.
2 Know how your survival equipment works.
3 Wear many layers of clothing to offset cold.
4 Put on a lifejacket as soon as possible in an emergency situation.
5 Try to board the lifeboat or life raft without entering the water.
6 If you need to enter water, enter the water gradually.
7 Swim only if it is to reach a safe refuge nearby.
8 Try to float with legs together, elbows to side, arms across chest to
avoid heat loss.

9 Force yourself to have the will to survive.

Another example came during the Second World
War, when the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom
lost some 45,000 men at sea, of whom it is
estimated some 30,000 died from drowning and
hypothermia. Many of those who drowned were
incapacitated by the cold.
The 1983 Amendments to Chapter III included a
number of regulations designed to reduce the threat
of hypothermia. These included requirements for
improved personal life-saving appliances:
including immersion suits (protective suits which
reduce the body heat-loss of a person in cold
water) and thermal protective aids (a bag or suit
made of waterproof material with low thermal
The 1983 Chapter III also made it easier for
survivors to be located. Lifejackets must be fitted
with lights and a whistle and provision is made for
the use of retro-reflective materials.

The New Chapter III
In 1996, IMO adopted another completely revised
version of Chapter III of SOLAS, taking into
account changes in technology since the chapter
was last revised in 1983.
The new chapter entered into force on 1 July 1998
and applies to all ships built on or after that date,
although some of the amendments also apply to
existing ships. Specific technical requirements are
contained in a new International Life-Saving
Appliance (LSA) Code, which also became
mandatory on 1 July 1998. The Code is made
mandatory under Regulation 34, which states that
all life-saving appliances and arrangements shall
comply with the applicable requirements of the
LSA Code.
The text of the new Chapter takes into account
technological changes, such as the development of
marine evacuation systems: these systems involve
the use of slides, similar to those installed on
The amendments also reflect public concern over
safety issues, raised by a series of major accidents
in the 1980s and 1990s. Many of the passenger
ship regulations have been made applicable to
existing ships, and extra regulations have been
introduced specifically for ro-ro passenger ships.
They must, for example, be equipped with fast
rescue boats and must be equipped with means for
recovering survivors from the water and rescue
units. They must also be equipped with a
helicopter pick-up area while passenger ships of
130 m in length and over, built after 1 July 1999,
must be fitted with a helicopter landing area.

Counting passengers
The new Chapter says that all passengers on
passenger ships "shall be counted prior to
departure" and that not later than 1 January 1999
"the names and gender of all persons on board,
distinguishing between adults, children and infants
shall be recorded for search and rescue purposes".
The revised chapter also puts considerable
emphasis on the abilities of officers and crews.
There are requirements for training manuals and
on-board training aids, instructions for on-board
maintenance and passenger ships will be required
to carry a decision support system on the bridge for
the use of masters. This describes what action
should be taken in the event of various
The new Chapter is reinforced by the use of
footnotes which refer to other measures adopted by
IMO, including codes of practice, recommenda-
tions and performance standards.

Important emphasis is also placed on
communications - between crew, and between
crew and passengers.
Summary of SOLAS Chapter III
(Life-saving appliances and
Entry into force: 1 J uly 1998

Part A - General
Regulation 1 Application: The chapter applies
to ships built on or after 1 July 1998. Ships
constructed before that date should comply with
the chapter in force prior to 1 July 1998, but when
life-saving appliances or arrangements on existing
ships are replaced or repaired they should, as far as
is reasonable and practicable, comply with the new
Regulation 2- Exemptions: Allows Administra-
tions to exempt ships from specific requirements
where those ships do not proceed more than 20
miles from land or when ships are involved in
special trades for the carriage of large numbers of
special trade passengers (in which case the ships
must comply with the Special Trade Passenger
Ships Agreement 1971).
Regulation 3- Definitions: Gives definitions of
terms used in the chapter.
Regulation 4- Evaluation, testing and approval
of life-saving appliances and arrangements: Life-
saving appliances and arrangements must be

approved by the Administration and must comply
with the requirements of the LSA Code.
Regulation 5 - Production Tests: Life-saving
appliances must be subjected to production tests to
ensure they are manufactured to the same
standards as the prototypes.

Part B Requirements for Ships and
Life-Saving Applicances

Section 1 Passenger Ships and
Cargo Ships
Regulation 6 Communications: Gives
requirements for carriage of VHF radiotelephones,
radar transponders and distress flares. A general
emergency alarm system (which complies with the
requirements in the LSA Code) must be provided
for summoning crew and passengers to muster
stations. All passenger ships must be fitted with a
public address system.
Regulation 7- Personal life-saving appliances:
Covers the requirements for lifebuoys, lifejackets
and immersion suits and anti-exposure suits. Life -
jackets must be provided for every person on board
ship, plus additional lifejackets should be provided
for children and for persons on watch and at
remotely located survival craft stations.
Regulation 8 - Muster list and emergency
instructions: On all ships, clear instructions to be
followed in an emergency must be provided to
everyone on board and muster lists and emergency
instructions must be exhibited in conspicuous
places throughout the ship. In passenger ships the
instructions should be drawn up in the language or
languages required by the flag State and in the
English language. Illustrations and instructions in
"appropriate languages" must be posted in
passenger cabins and be conspicuously displayed
at muster stations and other passenger spaces, to
inform passengers of their muster stations; the
essential actions they must take in an emergency;
and the method of donning lifejackets.
Regulation 9- Operating instructions: Posters
and signs must be provided near to survival craft
and launching stations. They must:
illustrate controls and operation of the
be easily seen under emergency lighting
use symbols recommended by IMO.
Regulation 10 - Manning of survival craft and
supervision: Requires sufficient number of trained
persons on board for mustering and assisting
untrained persons; gives requirements for manning
of survival craft.
Regulation 11 - Survival craft muster and
embarkation arrangements: Gives requirements
for location of lifeboats, liferafts and muster
stations; requirements for lighting of alleyways,
stairways and exits
Regulation 12 - Launching stations: Launching
stations should be located to provide safe
launching of survival craft.
Regulation 13 - Stowage of survival craft: Gives
requirements for where and how survival raft
should be kept on board ship. Survival craft should
be stowed "in a state of continuous readiness so
that two crew members can carry out preparations
for embarkation and launching in less than 5
Regulation 14 - Stowage of rescue boats: Gives
requirements for stowage of rescue boats, which
must also be kept in a state of continuous readiness
for launching in not more than 5 minutes.
Regulation 15 - Stowage of marine evacuation
systems: Gives requirements for location of marine
evacuation systems, whic h should be positioned to
ensure safe launching "having particular regard to
clearance from the propeller and steeply
overhanging positions of the hull".
Regulation 16 - Survival craft launching and
recovery arrangements: Gives requirements for
provisions for launching and recovery of survival
craft. Survival craft must be fitted with launching
and embarkation appliances that comply with the
requirements in the LSA Code, with certain
exceptions, such as survival craft carried in excess
of survival craft for 200% of the total number of
persons on board ship.
Regulation 17 - Rescue boat embarkation,
launching and recovery arrangements: The
rescue boat should be able to be boarded and
launched in the shortest possible time. All rescue
boats should be capable of being launched with the
ship making headway at speeds up to 5 knots in
calm water.
Regulation 18 - Line-throwing appliances: A
line throwing appliance complying with the LSA
Code must be provided.
Regulation 19 - Emergency training and drills:
Gives requirements and procedures for carrying
out emergency drills (including abandon ship
drills, fire drills) and training for all crew.
Whenever new passengers embark, a passenger
safety briefing must be made immediately before
or after sailing.
Regulation 20 - Operational readiness,
maintenance and inspections: Requires that all
life-saving appliances be in working order and
ready for use before the ship leaves port and at all
times during the voyage. Gives details of which

life-saving appliances require weekly and monthly
tests and inspections.

Section II Passenger Ships
(Additional Requirements)
Regulation 21 - Survival craft and rescue boats:
Passenger ships on international voyages which are
not short must carry partially or totally enclosed
lifeboats on each side to accommodate not less
than 50% of total number of persons on board (in
other words, the two sides together must equal at
least 100%). Some lifeboats can be substituted by
liferafts. In addition, inflatable or rigid liferafts to
accommodate at least 25% of the total number of
persons on board.
Passenger ships on short international voyages
must carry partially or totally enclosed lifeboats for
at least 30% of persons on board, plus inflatable or
rigid liferafts to make total capacity of 100% with
the lifeboats. In addition, they must carry inflatable
or rigid liferafts for 25% of total number of
persons on board.
All survival craft required to provide for
abandonment by the total number of persons on
board must be capable of being launched with their
full complement of persons and equipment within
a period of 30 minutes from the time the abandon
ship signal is given.
Regulation 22 - Personal life-saving appliances
Gives requirements for number of lifebuoys;
immersion and thermal suits; and extra lifejackets
that passenger ships must carry. Each lifejacket
must be fitted with a light.
Regulation 23 - Survival craft and rescue boat
embarkation arrangements: Gives requirements
for embarkation arrangements.
Regulation 24 - Stowage of survival craft: Gives
stowage requirements.
Regulation 25 - Muster stations: Muster stations
must be in the vicinity of, and allow easy access to,
embarkation stations and must have ample room, at
least 0.35 m
per passenger.
Regulation 26 - Additional requirements for ro-ro
passenger ships: Includes requirements for ro-ro
passenger ship's liferafts to be served by either
marine evacuation systems or launching appliances
compliant with the LSA Code. At least one of the
rescue boats must be a fast rescue boat. Ro-ro
passenger ships must be equipped with efficient
means for rapidly recovering survivors from the
water and transferring them from rescue units or
survival craft to the ship. A sufficient number of
lifejackets must be stored in the vicinity of muster
stations so passengers do not have to return to their
cabins for lifejackets.
For existing ships, the lifejacket requirements must
be complied with not later than the first periodical
survey after 1 July 1998. All other requirements
must be complied with by the first periodical
survey after 1 July 2000.
Regulation 27 - I nformation on passengers: All
persons on board all passenger ships must be
counted before departure, with details of persons
with needs for special care or assistance
communicated to the master. Details must also be
kept ashore. By 1 January 1999, names and gender
of all persons, distinguishing between adults,
children and infants should be recorded for search
and rescue purposes (Administrations may exempt
passenger ships from this requirement if the
scheduled voyages of the ship make it
impracticable to comply).
Regulation 28 - Helicopter landing and pick-up
areas: All ro-ro passenger ships must be fitted with
a helicopter pick-up area. All passenger ships
130m in length and over constructed after 1 July
1999 must be fitted with a helicopter landing area.
This part of the regulation is under review by the
Maritime Safety Committee.
Regulation 29 - Decision support system for
masters of passenger ships: In all passenger ships,
a decision support system for emergency
management must be provided on the navigation
bridge. This should consist of, as a minimum,
printed emergency plan or plans covering all
foreseeable emergency situations, including fire,
damage to ship, pollution, unlawful acts
threatening the safety of the ship and security of
passengers and crew, personnel accidents, cargo-
related accidents and emergency assistance to other
ships. Passenger ships constructed before 1 July
1997 must comply not later than the first periodical
survey after 1 July 1999.
Regulation 30 - Drills: On all passenger ships, an
abandon ship drill and fire drill must take place

Section III Cargo Ships (Additional
Regulation 31 - Survival craft and rescue boats:
Gives requirements for carriage of survival craft
for cargo ships. Lifeboats carried must
accommodate all persons on board, additional
liferafts must also be carried. Chemical tanker sand
gas carriers carrying cargoes emitting toxic
vapours or gases must carry lifeboats with a self-
contained air support system that comply with the
LSA Code. Oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas
carriers carrying cargoes with a flashpoint not
exceeding 60 C must carry fire-protected lifeboats
that comply with the LSA Code.
Regulation 32 - Personal life-saving appliances:
Gives requirements for carriage of lifebuoys,

lifejackets, lifejacket lights, immersion suits,
thermal suits aboard cargo ships.
Regulation 33 - Survival craft embarkation and
launching arrangements: Gives requirements for
cargo ship survival craft embarkation and
launching arrangements.

Section IV - Life-Saving Appliances
and Arrangement Requirements
Regulation 34 - States that all life-saving
appliances and arrangements shall comply with the
applicable requirements of the LSA Code.

Section V - Miscellaneous
Regulation 35 - Training manual and on-board
training aids: On all ships, a training manual must
be provided in each crew mess room and recreation
room or in each crew cabin. The training manual
must contain instructions and information in easily
understood terms, illustrated wherever possible, on
the life-saving appliances provided on the ship and
the best methods of survival. The regulation lists
the elements which must be explained in detail.
Regulation 36 - Instructions for on-board
maintenance: Instructions for on-board
maintenance of life-saving appliances should be
easily understood, illustrated wherever possible,
and include specific details for each appliance,
such as schedule of periodic maintenance and
maintenance and repair instructions.

Regulation 37 - Muster list and emergency
instruction: Details what the muster list should
include. The muster list should: specify details of
the general alarm and public address system; show
the duties assigned to each member of the crew,
such as closing of watertight doors, muster of
passengers; specify which officers are assigned to
ensure life-saving and fire appliances are
maintained and ready for use; the muster list must
be prepared before the ship proceeds to sea.

Resolutions relating to SOLAS
Chapter III
IMO has adopted numerous recommendations and
guidelines relating to survival at sea, in the form of
Resolutions and Circulars. While these are not
mandatory - it is up to each Member State to
decide on implementing them - they form a core
element of the technical recommendations issued
by IMO and many are accepted as industry
standard even though not mandatory.
The following table lists resolutions and circulars
relating to life-saving appliances and arrangements
and survival at sea.


Code on Alarms and Indicators


Recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances


Revised guidelines for marine portable fire extinguishers


Instructions for action in survival craft


Symbols related to life-saving appliances and arrangements


Recommendation on the use and fitting of retro-reflective materials on life-saving


Code of practice for the evaluation, testing and acceptance of prototype novel life-saving
appliances and arrangements


Recommendation on performance standards for survival craft two-way VHF
radiotelephone apparatus


Recommendation on performance standards for survival craft radar transponders for
use in search and rescue operations


Safety instructions to passengers


Recommendation on maximum stowage height of survival craft on passenger ships


Fire drills and on-board training


Guidelines on training for the purpose of launching lifeboats and rescue boats from
ships making headway through the water

Recommendation on conditions for the approval of servicing stations for inflatable

A.761(18) liferafts

Guidelines on inspection and maintenance of lifeboat on-load release gear


Guidelines for fast rescue boats


Recommendation on training requirements for crews of fast rescue boats


Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual (MERSAR) - which is being updated and
incorporated in the joint ICAO/IMO SAR manual ... added


Guidelines for the structure of an integrated system of contingency planning for
shipboard emergencies


Periodical inspections of abandon ship and fire drills on passenger ships


Instructions for action in survival craft


Fumes from totally enclosed lifeboats


Guidelines and specifications for hyperbaric evacuation systems


Evaluation of free-fall launch performance

Symbols related to life-saving
appliances and arrangements
The symbols recommended by IMO for use on
board ships were first adopted in 1987 under
Resolution A.603(15) and were updated in 1993 by
Assembly Resolution A.760(18), which added
emergency exit signs.
In marine terminals, the manual International
Signs to Provide Guidance to Persons at Airports
and Marine Terminals, published jointly by the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
and IMO, provides signs and symbols for use in
both marine and air terminals.

The International Life-Saving
Appliance (LSA) Code
The LSA Code, which gives technical details and
minimum specifications for life-saving appliances,
consists of seven chapters:
Chapter I General: definitions and general
requirements for life-saving appliances
Chapter II Personal Life-saving appliances:
lifebuoy; lifejackets; immersion suits; anti-
exposure suits; thermal protective aids
Chapter III Visual signals: rocket parachute
flares; hand flares; buoyant smoke signals
Chapter IV Survival Craft: general
requirements for liferafts; inflatable liferafts;
rigid liferafts; general requirements for
lifeboats; partially enclosed lifeboats; totally
enclosed lifeboats; free-fall lifeboats; lifeboats
with a self-contained air support system; fire-
protected lifeboats
Chapter V Rescue boats
Chapter VI Launching and embarkation
appliances: Launching and embarkation
appliances; marine evacuation systems
Chapter VII Other life-saving appliances:
line-throwing appliances; general alarm and
public address system.

The ISM Code
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code
was introduced by means of amendments to
SOLAS in 1994 and entered into force on 1 July
1998. It is contained in a new Chapter IX of the
Convention and applies to all tankers, bulk
carriers, gas carriers, passenger ships and cargo
high-speed craft of 500 gross tonnage and above
from 1 July 1998. It will be extended to other ships
in 2002.
The ISM Code is widely regarded as one of the
most important measures to be adopted by IMO
during the last few years because it is designed to
ensure that shipowners make safety a priority.
Ships covered by the Code must carry appropriate
documentation, showing compliance with all
relevant regulations, which can be inspected when
they visit ports in other countries. The procedures
required by the Code should be documented and
compiled in a Safety Management Manual, a copy
of which should be kept on board.
The Code requires a safety management system
(SMS) to be established by "the Company", which
is defined as the shipowner or any person, such as
the manager or bareboat charterer, who has
assumed responsibility for operating the ship.
Regular checks and audits should be held by the
company to ensure that the SMS is being complied
with and the system itself should be reviewed
periodically to evaluate its efficiency. The SMS

should include a number of functional
a safety and environmental protection policy;
instructions and procedures to ensure safe
operation of ships and environmental
defined levels of authority and lines of
communication between and amongst shore
and shipboard personnel;
procedures for reporting accidents, etc;
procedures for responding to emergencies;
procedures for internal audits and management
The Company is required to establish and
implement a policy for achieving these objectives.
This includes providing the necessary resources
and shore-based support.
The requirement to include procedures for
responding to emergencies, and the requirement
for an SMS, means that all the requirements of
SOLAS must be met - and that emergency plans
must be drawn up. The ISM Code is effectively
seen as a means of ensuring that those responsible
for the ship and its crew and passengers comply
with all the requirements established by IMO to
ensure safety and to enable people to survive if
there is an emergency on board.

The Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System (GMDSS)
The Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS) - which became fully effective
from 1 February 1999 - is essentially a worldwide
network of automated emergency communications
for ships at sea. The basic concept is that search
and rescue authorities ashore, as well as shipping
in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress,
will be rapidly alerted through satellite and
terrestrial communication techniques to a distress
incident so that they can assist in a coordinated
SAR operation with the minimum of delay.
The GMDSS was introduced by means of
amendments to SOLAS which were adopted in
1988 and entered into force on 1 February 1992
with a phase-in period to 1 February 1999. By that
date the Morse Code was phased out and all
passenger ships and all cargo ships of 300 gross
tonnage and upwards on international voyages are
now required to carry equipment designed to
improve the chances of rescue following an
accident, including satellite emergency position
indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) and search and
rescue transponders (SARTs) for the location of
the ship or survival craft.

More details on GMDSS are contained
in IMO Focus Paper:
Shipping emergencies - search and
rescue and the GMDSS

International Convention on
Maritime Search and Rescue
Although the obligation of ships to go to the
assistance of vessels in distress was enshrined both
in tradition and in international treaties (such as
SOLAS), there was until two decades ago no
international system covering search and rescue
operations. In some areas there was a
well-established organization able to provide
assistance promptly and efficiently, in others there
was nothing at all.
In l979, a conference convened by IMO in
Hamburg adopted the International Convention
on Maritime Search and Rescue (it entered into
force in l985). The aim was to develop an
international SAR plan, so that, no matter where an
accident occurs, the rescue of persons in distress at
sea will be co-ordinated by a SAR organization
and, when necessary, by co-operation between
neighbouring SAR organizations.
Co-operation of this type is encouraged by SOLAS
1974, Parties to which undertake "to ensure that
any necessary arrangements are made for coast
watching and for the rescue of persons in distress
round its coasts. These arrangements should
include the establishment, operation and
maintenance of such maritime safety facilities as
are deemed practicable and necessary".
Parties to the SAR Convention are encouraged to
enter into SAR agreements with neighbouring
States involving the establishment of SAR regions,
the pooling of facilities, establishment of common
procedures, training and liaison visits. The
Convention states that Parties should take
measures to expedite entry into its territorial waters
of rescue units from other Parties. The Convention
then goes on to establish preparatory measures
which should be taken, including the establishment
of rescue co-ordination centres and sub-centres. It
outlines operating procedures to be followed in the
event of emergencies or alerts and during SAR
operations. This includes the designation of an
on-scene commander and his duties.
Under the Convention, the world's oceans have
been divided into l3 areas for search and rescue


Revised SAR Convention
A revised SAR Convention was adopted in May
1998, entering into force (under tacit acceptance)
on 1 January 2000.
The revised SAR Convention clarifies the
responsibilities of Governments and puts greater
emphasis on the regional approach and co-
ordination between maritime and aeronautical SAR
The revision applies to the main body of the
Convention, contained in an Annex, which is
divided into chapters.
Terms and definitions contained in Chapter 1 have
been updated and Chapter 2, which deals with
Organization and Co-ordination, has been re-
drafted to make the responsibilities of
Governments clearer.
The new text requires Parties, either individually or
in co-operation with other States, to establish basic
elements of a search and rescue service, and
describes how SAR services should be arranged
and national capabilities be developed. Parties are
required to establish rescue co-ordination centres
and to operate them on a 24-hour basis with trained
staff having a working knowledge of English.
Under the revised Chapter 2, Parties are required to
ensure the closest practicable co-ordination
between maritime and aeronautical services.
IMO and the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) have jointly developed the
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search
and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual, to replace the
earlier Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual
(MERSAR), first published in 1971, and the IMO
Search and Rescue Manual (IMOSAR), first
published in 1978.
Other Chapters in the revised SAR Convention
deal with Co-operation between States (Chapter 3)
and Operating Procedures (Chapter 4), which
incorporates the previous Chapters 4 (Preparatory
Measures) and 5 (Operating Procedures). Chapter
4 gives procedures to be followed, such as during
initial action, emergency phases, initiation of
search and rescue operations when the position of
the search object is unknown and co-ordination of
SAR activities. The revised Chapter 4 says that
Search and rescue operations shall continue, when
practicable, until all reasonable hope of rescuing
survivors has passed.
The original Chapter 6 (Ship Reporting Systems)
has been updated and renumbered as Chapter 5. It
says that ship-reporting systems should provide up-
to-date information on the movements of vessels in
the event of a distress incident to help the SAR

More details on SAR are contained in IMO Focus
Shipping emergencies - search and rescue and

The Internaional Convention on
Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping
for Seafarers (STCW)
The training of seafarers to deal with emergencies
at sea is crucial for the Safety of Life at Sea.
SOLAS includes in Chapter III references to safety
and fire drills, while the minimum standards for
crew involved in ship operations are set out in the
International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
(STCW), first adopted in 1978. The Convention
was considerably revised in 1995, when IMO
adopted a new STCW Code, to which many
technical regulations of the original STCW
Convention have been transferred. The revised
STCW entered into force on 1 February 1997. The
Convention establishes standards for the deck
department, engine department and radio
department and deals with all members of the
ship's complement. In each case the Convention
prescribes minimum age levels, minimum periods
of sea-going service and certification requirements.
In Chapter II: Master-deck department,
Regulations establish mandatory minimum
requirements for certificating masters and chief
mates of ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, ships
of 500 to 3,000 gross tonnage, and ships of 3,000
gross tonnage or more. Masters and chief mates
must prove their knowledge of life-saving,
alongside navigational aspects and ship-handling;
ship stability, construction and damage control;
power plants; cargo handling and stowage; fire
prevention; medical care; maritime law (including
SOLAS and other IMO conventions); personnel
management and training; communications; and
search and rescue.
Chapter III covers minimum requirements for
seafarers in the Engine Department and Chapter
IV covers Radiocommunication and radio
Chapter V sets out Special training requirements
for personnel on certain types of ships and
Regulation V/2 establishes minimum mandatory
requirements for crew on ro-ro passenger ships. In
Masters, officers and other personnel
designated on muster lists to assist passengers
in emergency situations must have training in
crowd management;

Personnel providing direct service to
passengers must have completed specified
safety training, to include ability to
communicate with passengers in the
appropriate language or languages, or in basic
English, and ability to demonstrate to
passengers the use of personal life-saving
appliances; and
Masters, chief mates, chief engineer officers,
second engineer officers and any person with
responsibility for the safety of passengers in
emergency situations must have completed
approved training in crisis management and
human behaviour.
In Chapter VI , on Proficiency in survival craft,
regulations establish requirements governing the
issuing of certificates of proficiency in survival
craft. These include approved sea-going service of
not less than 12 months, or nine months if the
candidate has attended an approved training
course. There is provision for testing "by
examination or continuous assessment during an
approved training course". An appendix lists the
minimum knowledge required for the issue of
certificates of proficiency.

More details on the revised STCW Convention are
contained in IMO Focus paper: The new STCW
Convention The 1995 amendments to the
International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW), 1978

Standard marine vocabulary
The importance of effective communication
between shipmasters, crew and coastal authorities,
especially during an emergency, has long been
recognized by IMO. In 1977, IMO adopted a
specially developed English language vocabulary
designed for use at sea, called the Standard
Marine Navigational Vocabulary (SMNV).
In 1981, IMO adopted a resolution
recommending the SMNV be used for
communications on board ship as well as those
between ships and between ship and shore.
SMNV is now being updated by Standard Marine
Communication Phrases or SMCP, which is
designed to be more comprehensive than SMNV.
Following agreement at IMO's Maritime Safety
Committee at its 68th session in May-June 1997,
the SMCP has been distributed to Governments,
maritime training institutes and others involved in
maritime communications so that trials in its use
can be conducted with a view to the SMCP being
reviewed and finally put forward for formal
adoption at IMO's 22nd Assembly in 2001.
The SMCP includes phrases which have been
developed to cover the most important safety-
related fields of verbal shore-to-ship (and vice-
versa), ship-to-ship and on-board communications.
The aim is to get round the problem of language
barriers at sea and avoid misunderstandings which
can cause accidents.
The SMCP builds on a basic knowledge of English
and has been drafted in a simplified version of
maritime English. It includes phrases to be used in
routine situations such as berthing as well as
standard phrases and responses to be used in
emergency situations.



IMO Publications

The following publications relating to safety at sea and Chapter III of SOLAS are available from IMO.

* SOLAS (Consolidated edition, 1997)
* International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) (1994 edition)
* ISM Code and Guidelines on Implementation (1997 edition)
* International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft (HSC Code) (1995 edition)
* Amendments to SOLAS 1974 concerning Radiocommunications for the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (1989 edition)
* GMDSS Handbook (1995)
* STCW 95 (1996)
* Pocket Guide to Cold Water Survival (1992 edition)
* International Conference on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 (1979 edition)
* Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual (MERSAR Manual) (1993 edition)
* IMO Search and Rescue Manual (IMOSAR Manual) (1993 edition)
* Poster: Life-saving Appliances Symbols (1995 edition)
* International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code) (1997 edition)
* Testing and Evaluation of Life-saving Appliances (1992 edition)
* Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary (1985 edition)
* International Code of Signals (1987 edition)
IMO Model Courses:
* Medical Emergency Basic Training (Model Course 1.13 plus Compendium; 12 hours)
* Medical Emergency First Aid (Model Course 1.14 plus Compendium; 21 hours)
* Medical Care (Model Course 1.15 plus Compendium; 40 hours)
* Personal Survival (Model Course 1.19; 15 hours)
* Basic Fire Fighting (Model Course 1.20; 18 hours)
* Human Relationships (Model Course 1.21 plus Compendium; 30 hours)
* Proficiency in Survival Craft (Model Course 1.23; 30 hours)
* Survey of Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements (Model Course 3.06 plus Compendium;
36 hours)
To order or for further information, please contact: IMO Publications, 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR. Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611; Fax no. +44 (0)20 7587 3210; Telex: 23588;

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