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(SIP) Aguillon and Canangca-An (Review of Related Literature)

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Review of Related Literature

The Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a species of tree in the Artocarpus genus of

the mulberry family (Moraceae). It is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia, and is
believed to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India, in present-day
erala, coastal arnata!a and "aharashtra. This tree is widely cultivated in tropical
regions of India, #angladesh, Sri $an!a, %ietnam, Thailand, "alaysia, Indonesia and
the &hilippines. 'ac!fruit is also found in (ast Africa, e.g.,
in )ganda, Tan*ania and "auritius, as well as throughout #ra*il and +aribbean nations
such as 'amaica.
The ,ac!fruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne
fruit, reaching as much as -. pounds (/0 !g) in weight and up to /0 inches (1. cm) long
and 2. inches (3. cm) in diameter.
The Star Apple (Chrysophyllum cainito) is a tropical tree of the family Sapotaceae,
native to the lowlands of +entral America and the 4est Indies. It grows rapidly and
reaches 2. m in height.
It has numerous common names including cainito, caimito, star apple, golden leaf
tree, abiaba, pomme du lait, estrella, mil! fruit and aguay. It is also !nown by
the synonym Achras cainito. In %ietnam, it is called v5 s6a (literally7 breast-mil!).
The leaves are evergreen, alternate, simple oval, entire, 3893 cm long: the underside
shines with a golden color when seen from a distance. The tiny flowers are purplish white
and have a sweet fragrant smell. The tree is also hermaphroditic (self-fertile).
It has round, purple-s!inned fruit hat is often green around the caly;, with a star pattern
in the pulp. Sometimes there is a greenish-white or yellow variety of the fruit. The s!in is
rich in late;, and both it and the rind are not edible. The flattened seeds are light brown
and hard. It bears fruit year around after it reaches about seven years of age.
The Papaya (from +arib via Spanish), papaw, or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant Carica
papaya, the sole species in the genus Carica of the plant family +aricaceae. It is native to
the tropics of the Americas, and was first cultivated in "e;ico

several centuries before
the emergence of the "esoamerican classical civili*ations.
The papaya is a large tree-li!e plant, with a single stem growing from 3 to 9. metres (90
to // ft) tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trun!. The lower
trun! is conspicuously scarred where leaves and fruit were borne. The leaves are large,
3.8<. centimetres (2.82- in) diameter, deeply palmately lobed with < lobes. The tree is
usually unbranched, unless lopped. The flowers are similar in shape to the flowers of
the Plumeria, but are much smaller and wa;-li!e. They appear on the a;ils of the leaves,
maturing into the large 938=3 centimetres (3.189- in) long, 9.8/. centimetres (/.1892
in) diameter fruit. The fruit is ripe when it feels soft (as soft as a ripe avocado or a bit
softer) and its s!in has attained an amber to orange hue.
Carica papaya was the first transgenic fruit tree to have its genome deciphered.
Related Study(s):
+ombination of @urian &eeling (@urio !ute,unsis), Amelina $eaf (Amelina
arborea) and Talisay $eaf (Terminalia cattappa) (;tract as pesticide to rice #lac! bugs
(Scotinopara coartata).
Result(s) of the Study:
There were three groups being tested (+ombination of @urian &eeling, Amelina
$eaf and Talisay $eaf in a 3.-3. ratio diluted with water, 9..B +ombination of @urian
&eeling, Amelina $eaf and Talisay $eaf (;tract, and +ommerciali*ed &esticide.) The
time of Application refers to the numbers of hours the e;periment was conducted. (ach
group was given /. Cice #lac! #ugs and the number of dead Cice blac! bugs was
The results above is, D..B +ombination of @urian &eeling, Amelina $eaf and
Talisay $eaf (;tract has the greatest number and highest average of @ead Cice #lac!
#ugs than in +ombination of @urian &eeling, Amelina $eaf and Talisay $eaf in a 3.-3.
ration diluted with water. It proves that the 9..B +ombination of @urian &eeling,
Amelina $eaf and Talisay $eaf (;tract are much closer to the +ommerciali*ed &roduct.
- http7EEwww.tropical-biology.orgEresearchEdipEspeciesEArtocarpusB2.heterophyllus.htm
- http7EEwww.crfg.orgEpubsEffE,ac!fruit.html
- http7EEwww.e;oticfruit;.comE2.99E.1Epapaya-fruit-of-angelsE
- http7EEwww.nature.comEnewsE2..-E.-.=2/EfullEnews.2..-.<<2.html
- $uo F.@., #asile ".'., ennelly (.'.,G&olyphenolic antio;idants from the fruits of
+hrysophyllum cainito $. (Star Apple).G 'ournal of agricultural and food chemistry 2..2
3.70 (9/<1-9/-2)
- (inbond $.S., Ceynertson .A., $uo F.-@., #asile ".'., ennelly (.'.,GAnthocyanin
antio;idants from edible fruitsG Food Chemistry 2..= -=79 (2/-2-)
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