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Dental Clinic Software For Better Management - Dentsoftware

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Dental Software for Clinic Management

Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd

Dental Software for Clinic Management
Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
Dental Software for Clinic Management
Better patient care, EMR tracking, retention of patients, minimized
medical errors, increased reporting and
become top priorities for Healthc
systems providing real-time
Reports to the management.

Dentsoftware Series is a comp
Management Softare designed and developed to meet the demands of r!nning
a "orporate, M!lti Speciality
benefits of streamlined operations,
patient care, strict cost con
f!nctions of the b!siness, internally and e#ternally.

Dentsoftware Clinic version
b!siness mod!les specifically designed for
$his dental clinic softare empoers the management team to foc!s their efforts
on providing added-val!e to their c!stomers. $he poerf!l M%S reporting not
only helps to optimize the organization performance b!t also eliminate tedio!s
administrative orks.

Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
er patient care, EMR tracking, retention of patients, minimized
ncreased reporting and compliance ith &!ality standards have
come top priorities for Healthcare Sector. $hey need to consolidate back office
time patient information, Medical reports
a comprehensive and %ntegrated 'ental "linic
designed and developed to meet the demands of r!nning
M!lti Speciality, Solo (ractice or 'ental "olleges. %t provides the
operations, enhanced administration control, s!perior
patient care, strict cost control and improved profitability by integrating all
f!nctions of the b!siness, internally and e#ternally.
version is a comprehensive collection of tightly integrated
b!siness mod!les specifically designed for complete dental clinic management.
empoers the management team to foc!s their efforts
val!e to their c!stomers. $he poerf!l M%S reporting not
only helps to optimize the organization performance b!t also eliminate tedio!s
Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
er patient care, EMR tracking, retention of patients, minimized
compliance ith &!ality standards have
are Sector. $hey need to consolidate back office
, Medical reports, and M%S
'ental "linic
designed and developed to meet the demands of r!nning
provides the
enhanced administration control, s!perior
trol and improved profitability by integrating all
s a comprehensive collection of tightly integrated
dental clinic management.
empoers the management team to foc!s their efforts
val!e to their c!stomers. $he poerf!l M%S reporting not
only helps to optimize the organization performance b!t also eliminate tedio!s

Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd

Front desk
Patient Management
Recall and SMS
Check In
Fee Management
Patient Profile
Tele log
Specialist's Patients
Simple and advanced search
Appointment reqests
!etter Manager
Correspondence manager

Treatment Plan
"ental Charting
Periodontal Charting
#rtho Assessment
Medical reports
Image ploader
!a$ %ork Management
!a$ %ork entr& ' Receipts
!a$ reports
!a$s and (orks setting

Prchase order ' Approvals
Stock receipt ' Finance posting
Prchase retrns
)oods reqests
)oods despatches
)oods retrns
Stock Ad.stments
/endor creation
Item registration
P# ' Retrn Smmar&
Stock Activit& report
Stock Ad.stment '
Consmption report

"ash$oard *Anal&sis-
Collection report
Casher %ise ' "octor %ise
Patient register
Constation register
Appointment report
Missed appointment list
#t standing
Follo% p report
Treatment Anal&sis
Medicine report

Medicine 0illing
Medicine retrns
12pir& date tracking
Pharmac& reports

Patient registration
Check in
Appointment reqest
Feed $ack
Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd

About Avengersoft
)vengersoft is a aard inning softare company specialized in 'ental "linic Management
Sol!tions. $he company is backed ith seasoned professionals from the ind!stry,
Management and %nformation $echnology. *!r core e#pertise transcends the delivery of
softare sol!tions to incl!de a broad spectr!m of services that res!lt in better ork-flo
management, loer costs and increased profits for yo!r organization.
Partial Client list
+. R), "ollege of 'ental Sciences - .)E
/. 'ima 'ental "enter - Sa!di )rabia
0. )l Scheima 'ental Speciality "enter 11" - *man
2. M%')" - Malabar %nstit!te of 'entistry )nd "osmetology - %ndia
3. 44 'ental "are - %ndia
5. Smile lo!nge - %ndia
6. Smile stylers - %ndia
7. S!nny 'ental "linic - %ndia .. More..
Real,time tracking of all departments
Consolidated ' detailed anal&tical reports for $etter management control
Single soft%are to manage entire organisation *1RP-
+ighl& integrated modles, 4o more data re,entr&5
!ess manpo%er for administrative %orks
Control on revene leakages and over heads
Time and Space saving
4o more missing records or time consming ph&sical record search5
4o more malpractices , +ighl& secred %ith ser permissions and privileges
0randing %ith Patient cards6 prescription6 letters6 SMS6 Mails etc
Patient kiosk to redce receptionists %ork load
0etter patient care for repeated %alk,in and more revene
Patient retention sing Re,call and SMS option
Proven %orkflo% approved $& leading dentists
Simple6 7ser friendl& and attractive 7I design
Availa$le in $oth online *Clod- and offline server model
Platform independent6 %orks on iPad6 iPhone6 Ta$let PC6 4et $ook6 Mo$ile phones or laptops
Plg and pla& for client machines8 no installation reqired
Scala$le and Cstomisa$le
Add ne% clinics easil&5 4o installation at clent s&stems
7ser changea$le settings
"rag and drop featre in appointment
Completel& %orkflo% driven
#P)6 "igital 9ra&s6 or patient photographs ploading option
Atomated SMS and 1mail to patients
Completel& data$ase driven6 4o hard coding
12port reports to 12cel6 Pdf6 %ord555
Contact us

Corporate Office
Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd.
%$%H -$B%, ,infra High-$ech (ark
,alamassery, ,ochi, ,erala, %ndia

Registered Office
)vengersoft Sol!tions (vt 1td.
(otta, ( *, "halak!dy, $hriss!r, ,erala

89+ 66 056 56 056, 89+ 9295+ 69 669

Serangoon north ave:6 ;;<;=:
0ristol 0S=< ;S>
/??5S&stems6 Istan$l

Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd.
$ech (ark
, %ndia
(otta, ( *, "halak!dy, $hriss!r, ,erala
9295+ 69 669
http;<<, http;<<<

$alent $echnologies, Ras )l ,haimah
Mr5 S.ith
Mr. Salesh

Contact us

Business Partners
Avengersoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
$alent $echnologies, Ras )l ,haimah

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