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Preparing The Project Implementation Plan

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The document discusses important factors to consider when designing and implementing a computerization project for an organization, including defining objectives, assessing risks, ensuring stakeholder participation, and establishing plans for training, maintenance, and upgrades.

When designing a project implementation plan, it is important to carefully define objectives and goals, assess risks, estimate costs and resource requirements, establish teams and assign responsibilities, and develop monitoring plans. It is also important to consult stakeholders and achieve consensus.

Getting started with a project implementation plan involves establishing a project team, identifying all tasks and their requirements, defining timelines and budgets, assessing risks, and establishing backup systems in case of issues during development and testing.

4. Preparing the project implementation plan
Before developing such a plan, pause a moment and reflect on
what are some of the key questions the plan will have to address:
What are the expected benefits to stakeholders?
What are the risks?
What scale of technological solution do you need?
What cooperative services are covered?
Which personnel will be involved in the process?
How can we ensure good performance?
How can the system be maintained in the long run?
nce you have given some thought on how you are going to
answer these questions, it is time to take the next step:
preparation of a detailed project implementation plan!
"ake your time, because mistakes can be costly! #lease also
keep in mind that the design process should be as participatory
as possible in order to guarantee its success! $onsult with others
before forging ahead! %"wo or more heads are usually better than
one!% Below are listed some of the tasks you will have to
Designing the project implementation plan is a VERY important step that requires a lot of
thought. Changes made once systems are implemented are much more expensive!
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eciding on project si1e and time frame! "he amount of surplus funds the cooperative has
available, the experience of its employees, and the influence of local computer hardware
suppliers will have an impact on pro&ect si'e and time frame! ne ma&or cause of computeri'ation
pro&ect failure is the tendency to start on too large a scale! (t would be advisable to proceed
cautiously in a step)by)step manner* that way mistakes will be smaller and the cost of correcting
them more manageable!
#dentify feasi2le and meas3ra2le o2jecti4es and goals! +eparate them into: project
o2jecti4es ,for example, computeri'e accounting records, increasing speed of processing large
volumes of data, improving accuracy, access to a new market, industriali'ation of products, etc-
and 23siness goals ,for example, to increase profits by ./0, reduce financial costs by 1/0,
increase members by 2/0-!
'2tain agreement from all sta5eholders ,members, staff, everyone- on the ob&ectives and
benefits of the pro&ect! "ry to achieve consensus! +takeholders must be involved in the pro&ect as
soon as possible!
e4elop a method for monitoring project implementation progress! 3efine
measurable s3ccess indicators to monitor progress! (f possible, assign an economic value to
some! +ome examples are: monetary savings, new members, business profits, more clients, etc!
he use of computer systems has allo!ed Manfrey Dairy Cooperative of Commerce and
Industry Ltd., Argentina to have information on cooperative "usiness performance# !hich
ena"led it to gain access to "an$ loans.
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!sta2lish a project team whose main responsibility will be to assist you in preparing the plan
and overseeing pro&ect implementation, interacting with external developers ,consultants-,
managers and members!
#dentify all tas5s re63ired to attain each ob&ective: key human resources, capital requirement
and budget, formal risk analysis, software test plans, training plans, pilot and implementation
plans! 3efine time and resources for each! 3efine and estimate costs! 4ssign tasks to individuals
or groups of individuals!
#dentify all ris5 areas and consider measures taken to minimi'e risk!
efine references to other 5ey doc3ments that are needed: e!g! risk assessment document,
training plan, software testing plan!
!sta2lish a 2ac53p system: keep the manual system running in)parallel during the development
and testing phases! (f something goes wrong with the new system during these phases, no data
will be lost and cooperative business operations will continue to operate smoothly!
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+ince software is designed to operate only on certain platforms ,a
platform consists of hardware, computer programming language
and operating system-, choosing the most appropriate platform is
important! 4lso, once the software has been programmed for a
certain platform, it is not easy to adapt it to another platform! 5ou
will need professional advice to design a technological solution,
but at least the following variables have to be considered when
designing it:
.ardware: equipment cost and ease of upgrade! How many computers will you buy? What brand
and model?
'perating system: cost of licensing, years on the market, language, stability!
-ccess le4els: 3ifferent users need different levels of access to information! 6or instance, the
elected leaders will need to be able to see all the cooperative7s accounts, while an individual
member will only need to see his or her account! "hese access levels must be defined for each
information resource and user profile!
/sa2ility re63irements: "he users7 ability to navigate and exercise functions of the information
system! (f usability is taken into account, the software achieves faster acceptance among users
since it is intuitive, easy to navigate, has online help and provides most desired functions and
Source code: consists of a series of consecutive programming statements that are !ritten "y
a programmer in a certain programming language to carry out a particular tas$. hese files are
latercompiled %converted to machine language&.
Machine language' a set of instructions that a computer can understand. (hen you purchase
soft!are# it is usually in the form of compiled o"ject code and the source code is not included#
so the programme cannot "e modified or customi)ed.
Open Source' any programme !hose source code is made availa"le for use or modification
as users or other developers see fit.
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!ns3re a formal Project 8anager is assigned to project! btain commitment on use of human
resources where appropriate!
#dentify what the manager and employee s5ills are that will 2e re63ired to operate and
maintain the new system, what their existing skill capacities are, and what additional skill training
needs to be done!
e4elop a training plan! 3efine employees re)training and adaptation process in order to
overcome the fear of losing &obs and encourage their participation and support!
-ssign staff to contin3e r3nning the man3al system during the pro&ect as a back)up! "his is
essential to ensure that the day)today operations of the cooperative and member services are not
negatively affected by any problems that might occur as a result of pro&ect implementation!
-nticipate the e4ent3al need for proced3ral changes and analyse their implications on
organi1ation: str3ct3re and incenti4es: $omputeri'ation does not &ust involve installing
computers and software: the whole %way of doing things% is altered* this means that special
emphasis must be put on the staff, with training and support to ensure that they can adapt as
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4n easy way to prepare a work plan is by organi'ing the
information you have collected on what you want to do in a
hierarchical sequenced fashion: starting with the ob&ective, then
moving on to the outputs that contribute to that ob&ective, then to
tasks that contribute to achieving the output! 4 partial workplan for
one of probably many ob&ectives is shown below:
'2jecti4e '3tp3t )as5 -cti4ity ;ho= ;hen=
2! $omputeri'ed
2!2 +ystem
installed and
2!2!2 #urchase
hardware and
2!2!2!2 8isit
hardware and
suppliers and get
best price
9anager /1!/:!/;
2!2!2!. btain
board approval of
9anager 2/!/:!/;
(nstallation and
wiring of
(nstallation and
"echnician 22!/:!/;
2!2!.!. <lectrical
"echnician 2.!/:!/;
2!2!1 Hardware 2!2!1!2 (nstall $onsultant 2=!/:!/;
installation equipment
2!2!; +oftware
2!2!;!2 (nstall
2!2!= >ser
2!2!=!2 #lan
2!2!=!. 3evelop
training material
2!2!=!1 4rrange
training schedule
"he next step is to look at the timing and sequencing of all of
these outputs, tasks and activities to see how everything fits
together! "his is often best done using a @antt or bar chart, as
shown in 4nnex ;!;!
"he final step is to assign costs to all of these sequenced actions
to determine when funds will be needed to cover the expenses!
"his information is then arranged in the form of a monthly or
quarterly expenditure plan or budget, as illustrated below:
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)as5/-cti4ity description Planned e?pendit3res
9tr @
9tr A
9tr 4
9tr 1
7ear )otal
#urchase of hardware and software ;,=// ;,=//
(nstallation of hardware and wiring =// =//
+oftware development 2,=// 2,=// 1,///
+taff training .=/ .=/
)')-0 4:500 500 1:500 1:750 B:@50
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(n addition to the implementation plan and budget, you will also
have to create a simple mechanism to monitor pro&ect
implementation performance! "his is usually done by identifying
clear and measurable %milestone events,% or outputs, tasks and
activities that have to be accomplished within a specified period of
time and meet certain quality standards! (f you have prepared the
pro&ect work plan correctly, you should be able to extract most of
the information you will need to monitor implementation
performance from the work plan itself! (n summary, the more
detailed it is, the easier it will be to track pro&ect performance!
Planning iss3es and tools
(n the planning phase, you and your pro&ect team must make a
number of important hardware and software decisions! +ince the
software decision will have an impact on subsequent
development, test, implementation, education, and support
activities, it must be made with great care and foresight!
,mallCscale or largeCscale=
"he scale and scope of computeri'ation you decide on will
depend on the si'e of your cooperative, the staff experience and
financial resources available, and a number of other factors! (f
your cooperative is small, your staff has little or no experience in
the use of computers and you have limited financial resources to
invest in the pro&ect, the safest approach might be to purchase a
single computer and printer, plus a commercially available
software application
nce you and your staff have gained sufficient experience in
operating the computer and learning how it can help improve your
information processing, you may then want to purchase another
and network them together so that they can share information
more easily!
(f your cooperative is large, some of your staff may have some
experience in using computers and you will have more resources
available! 5ou may therefore want to begin by installing a small
system of say, .)1 computers, plus printer and server, linked
together in a network, but keeping an eye towards expansion in
the near future! "his cautious approach is recommended for two
reasons: ,2- it is less expensive* and ,.- if mistakes are made and
problems occur ) and they most certainly will occur ) they will
have less negative impact on member services or on cooperative
business operations!
*3y pac5aged tools or de4elop own software=
"here are three general approaches to software selection: ,2-
develop ,programme- your you own software, ,.- customi'e an
existing application, or ,1- buy packaged ,commercial- software!
>sing the table below can help you decide on the best option to
'ption -d4antages isad4antages
3evelop own software:
programmers to design a
customi'ed solution
) $omplete control over
features: software is built to
your specifications
) (t can be maintained,
updated and extended as
) (t can be developed in local
) #ossibilities of replicating
software, since intellectual
property belongs to the
) Writing software is a complex
) "akes longer to implement
) 5ou cannot learn from other
organi'ations that
implemented the software
) 9ight end up being more
expensive ,programmers
notoriously take more time
than originally planned-
) Cequires hiring computer
professionals on a medium
term basis
$ustomi'e existing software:
hire a software developer to
adapt an existing software
) 6aster than developing
entirely new software from
) Dimited control over features
and generally no control over
the interface
) 9ore difficult and might be
more expensive to maintain
Buy packaged software:
acquire an off)the)shelf
software solution from a
known vendor
) @enerally less expensive to
buy and maintain ,update-,
since it is mass produced
) 6aster to implement: it is
already developed and tested
) (f the software was
developed for other coops
with similar needs, probably
has more features than those
you initially require
) <asier to support and
maintain over a long term
) Eo possibility to modify the
software* it can only be
configured as the programme
) Dimited availability in local
) $ost of licences might be
high as the system grows
Project planning tools
4 number of business tools exist that can help managers define
and keep track of the tasks and resources involved, in an easy
and organi'ed way! "hree common methods are: structured
brainstorming, the Bar ,or @antt- $hart and the #<C" $hart!
,tr3ct3red 2rainstorming
4n easy way to begin defining pro&ect goals, ob&ectives and tasks
is in a small group through a process of collective problem
solving, or %brainstorming!% 4ll you need are: an unobstructed
wall, a supply of blank sheets of office stationery, some marking
pens or charcoal points, and adhesive tape! 6irst, the facilitator
pastes sheets of paper on the wall vertically showing the logical
structure of the pro&ect, as shown previously in +ection = on the
Work #lan and Budget, beginning with: pro&ect ob&ectives,
followed by outputs that have to be produced to achieve the
ob&ective, followed by the tasks to produce each output and an
estimation of the time that will be required to complete each one,
followed by identification of the people who will be responsible for
performing the tasks!
#articipants are asked to write: in 2); words per sheet, what they
think the pro&ect ob&ectives, outputs and tasks should be! "he
facilitator tapes them in random order on the wall and then asks
participants to group and rank them in order of importance! "his
way everyone participates in defining the issues addressed! "he
best approach is to work from ob&ective to output to tasks, to
people, etc!, grouping and ranking the ideas at each step and
then proceeding to the next one! 4t the end of this process, all
participants will have a clearer idea of how the pro&ect will be
structured and implemented!
)he *ar or %-$)) Chart
6requently used in pro&ect management, a @antt $hart or %bar
chart% as it is often called provides a graphical illustration of a
schedule that helps to plan, co)ordinate, and track specific tasks
in a pro&ect! "asks or activities are listed in order of sequence on
one side and the time required to complete each activity is
represented by a line or bar to the right! "he longer the bar, the
more time the task or activity requires! By keeping this chart
updated with real pro&ect information, you will be able to track,
detect and even estimate the cost of a delay in the pro&ect! "he
following is an example of a very simple @antt chart!
4 more complex chart developed with #ro&ect #lanning software
,e!g! 9s #ro&ect- can be found in 4nnex 1!
)he P!&) Chart
#<C" stands for *rogram Evaluation Revie! echnique, a
methodology developed by the >!+! Eavy in the 2F=/s! (t is
another planning tool used to schedule, organi'e, and co)ordinate
tasks within a pro&ect! ne advantage of the #<C" chart is that it
illustrates task and activity dependencies in a visually more
graphic way! 4n example of a #<C" chart is provided in 4nnex
"he main advantage of this approach is that it costs less and is low risk! "oday, the local cost of a single
computer, including printer and standard office software in most countries, is well below G.,///!
Darge cooperatives, with more complex operations and member transactions, usually find this approach
more suitable to their needs!
"his is because the intellectual property ,the computer instructions contained in the software- of the
software belongs to a software developing company! $hanges to the main versions are slow and reflect
the needs of all the clients, so specific changes or updates can be slower and more expensive!
+maller cooperatives, or those with little or no experience with computers, generally find this option more
5. Project e?ec3tion
nce the pro&ect implementation plan has been completed and the required resources have been
obtained, it is time to put the plan into effect!
+ome of the activities that occur during this stage are: hiring consultants, purchasing hardware and basic
software, installing hardware, training staff, bench)testing the software implementation and monitoring the
progress of the pro&ect! <ach of these issues will be discussed in the following sections!
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+uppose your organi'ation has decided to develop its own software, and hire a computer professional to
do the work! "hen there are a few issues you must consider in order to protect your interests and make
things easier for the future evolution of the system! Det us examine these issues more closely:
Softare development strategy +n incremental# step,"y,step approach that can quic$ly
demonstrate to dou"ting managers# staff and mem"ers# through a series of visi"le outputs or
events# ho! they can "enefit from computeri)ation is preferred.
SA!CO" #nited Cooperatives Ltd., Argentina has standardi)ed its administrative
operations to optimi)e relations !ith secondary cooperatives# "y providing each of them !ith
the same administrative soft!are pac$age.
oc3mentation: most programmers and system architects are reluctant to write things down, not only
because it is an arduous, non)creative task, but also since not doing it increases the business7s
dependence on their continued employment!
+o, insist on proper documentation and make it a strict condition of any contract that you have with them!
+uch documentation must include: information on the system7s internal design processes, data table
structures and relationships, source code, installation requirements!
4 well)documented system is easier to maintain, makes problem solving easier, and most important of all,
gives you freedom to hire subsequently contractors other than the original ones if the developer does not
satisfy your needs! 3ocumenting is also fundamental if you plan to share or sell your software to other
organi'ations! (t is also a good idea to include the development of administrators7 and users7 manuals as
part of the documentation bundle!
Contracting iss3es: if you decide to hire software developers, it is strongly recommended that you
prepare a detailed service contract with them that defines among other issues the:
,cope and limitations: be sure to include the scope and limitations of the services you hire,
especially regarding user support, documentation, error correction and updates over time!
,o3rce code: as previously mentioned, source code files are necessary to make future changes
to the system! (f you pay for the development of the source code, you should insist on securing
copies of these files! "his gives you the exclusive right to modify and sell them if you wish!
0icensing and intellect3al property rights: if you have hired a programmer to develop software for the
cooperative, make sure that the cooperative has the exclusive ownership and possession of the so3rce
code files! 9any software development agreements do not include clauses requiring the sharing of
source codes, to the chagrin of cooperatives which decide to modify the code later on!
"hat may not be a problem as long as the service provider agrees to provide maintenance and updating
support ,at a reasonable cost- in the post)pro&ect period! However, there are some instances where the
provider has had complete rights to the source code and then goes bankrupt! (n these cases, the
cooperative is unable to recover the code and there is no way to correct errors or improve the software!
ne way to cope with this problem is by placing the source code in escrow, i!e! held %in)trust% by a third
party! (n case certain specified events happen, the user is then allowed access to the code!
5ou might also have to register the intellectual property rights of the system so that it cannot be sold to
someone else or copied without your authori'ation! "he procedure is different for each country! $onsult a
lawyer to learn the specific procedures in your country! (f, on the other hand, you acquired pre)packaged
software from a vendor, you will be bound by the licensing contract you signed with the vendor: it might
limit the quantity of computers the software is installed in or have other licensing restrictions!
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"he pro&ect team should require all those involved in pro&ect implementation ,especially hired contractors
or consultants- to report to it regularly on progress in completing required tasks, activities and outputs!
+uch reporting requirements should be made a standard part of all contracts and final payment made only
upon satisfactory completion of assigned work!
n the other hand, the pro&ect team is responsible for keeping elected leaders and cooperative members
periodically informed on pro&ect progress achieved, problems encountered and action taken to solve
those problems! "his can be done through a series of open meetings ,monthly or bi)monthy- held during
the pro&ect development and implementation phases!
Bench)testing is the last stage of development where the system is tried by a few users to identify the
final ad&ustments that are needed! "esting should be conducted by people other than those who have
been directly involved in developing the software program for the simple reason that the latter usually
have a vested interest in shielding their work from excessive critical analysis! 4 formal defect correction
process also needs to be developed in case mistakes are made which have a negative impact on pro&ect
performance! "esting carried out by programmers rarely works since programmers are usually blind to
functional shortcomings in their own code! 4 successful bench test result should be made the last
condition that the contractors or consultants should have to meet before they receive their final payment
for work done!
nce the bench)testing is over, you should be in a position to begin using the first functional version of the
programme! 3uring the first months of operation, it is best to keep the manual system running in parallel
until you are sure that the computeri'ed system runs effectively and can completely replace the manual
4lso, now that your data are stored in digital media ,diskettes, hard disks, tapes, $3s- instead of on
paper, do not forget to define a regular backup strategy to protect the data stored in case of system failure
or disaster! "he backup strategy should include the following:
regular duplication of the data files, according to the value and rate of update of each*
data should be backed up on diskettes, tape, 'ip drives or hard disk media according to the
volume of information and cost of the media hardware*
a copy of the files should be stored at least once a month outside the building where the system
is located*
a copy of the most critical system and data must be kept, in order to be able to continue work in
case of failure of the main hard disk or server!
"he amount and type of training that staff and members will need to operate and maintain the new system
will depend on a host of factors, including the existing skill capacities and experience of cooperative staff
and members, the tasks to be performed and the particular characteristics and maintenance requirements
of the hardware and software system used!
"he sub&ect matter content and focus of training should be based on a careful pre)assessment of existing
end)user skill capacities and training needs! "raining of end)users and other stakeholders is crucial for the
system to function effectively! "he following stakeholders need to have targeted training:
Cooperati4e administrati4e staff: "he cooperative staff must be trained thoroughly in the usage
of the new information system! "raining should include a general introduction to computers,
operating system basics, as well as specific training in the use of the system!
!lected leaders: <xecutive leadership of the cooperative should have good familiarity with what
the software can do and what it cannot! <lected leaders should receive basic training in the use of
the software, with emphasis on financial and business reporting and interpreting data for
decision)making purposes! Heeping elected leaders informed about the pro&ect and its
advantages and problems will help ensure the pro&ect7s survival in the long term!
Cooperati4e management: $ooperative management should receive the same training as
cooperative staff plus more speciali'ed training on financial and business record keeping and
analysis, and on preparing reports for the elected leadership and regular members!
Cooperati4e mem2ers: 9embers should be trained in the use of the system if they will access it!
therwise, they should be informed regularly about the pro&ect7s evolution and the value added
services it provides, so that they will be able to perceive the return on their invested capital!
"raining should include a general introduction to the system, its ob&ectives and how it works, a
view of the main features of the system, reports generated of interest to members, how to
interpret and analyse the information they present, and how to connect and access the system ,if
they will have access to it-!
#nformation systems staff: 4t least one employee ,but preferably two- should be trained in the
usage, testing, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the information system! "heir main
responsibility will be to provide support to other staff users of the system as questions arise, and
to solve technical issues related to system backup, recovery, network operation, and electrical
problems, and take the lead in reporting and defining suspected defects in the automated system!
)raining is a contin3o3s process: $omputer training should not be regarded as a one)off
event, but rather as a continuous process! ($" technology develops so fast that continual training
courses are necessary to keep users up to date! With new computer models and software
updates appearing in the market almost monthly all users have to keep up to date with these
changes! "hat requires continual training courses, not only at the initial stages but also as people,
processes and systems change and evolve!
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!mployee resistance to change: Comp3teri1ation projects 2y their 4ery nat3re in4ol4e
change! <mployee fear of changing &ob roles and skill sets due to computer automation can
damage the success of the pro&ect! +trategies to overcome this problem include: keeping them
informed about the pro&ect status, ob&ectives and their new roles, involving them in the pro&ect
right from the start ,designing, reviewing, testing-, and ensuring that they receive adequate
*eha4io3ral changes: "he use of a computeri'ed information system might alter some of the
power balance of an organi'ation! +ince the crucial information will be contained in a computer,
those who can access will have more %power% over those who cannot! "his is a normal situation,
and training and good communications are key elements to help solve this situation!
E. Project monitoring and e4al3ation
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9onitoring the pro&ect is necessary at all stages of the pro&ect life cycle! $ontinuous monitoring ensures
that deviations are detected and corrected in time, minimi'ing any negative impact on the pro&ect! "o be
truly effective, it should done in an open manner with broad stakeholder participation!
9onitoring is an ongoing process that should be done regularly at fixed intervals, and should focus on
assessing implementation performance in several areas: clientIuser satisfaction, performance indicators
evaluation, and ways to measure the effect of the system on profitability! +ome of the indicators that could
be used to measure performance are listed below:
Client/3ser satisfaction:
improvements in the accuracy of information received
(ncrease in frequency of information received
(ncreased speed in processing and reporting information
(mproved format and presentation of information
)as5s completed: o3tp3ts generated and impacts
extent to which tasks and outputs listed in the work plan have been completed satisfactorily
other direct and indirect impacts produced by the pro&ect
Cost sa4ings generated: impact on cooperati4e profita2ility: performance: etc.
Ceduction in staff time required to collect, process, analyse and report information generated by
the system
(mproved response time in processing and handling product orders, delivery
Better control of stock
(mprovement in member services
(ntroduction of new approaches to member capital formation
8onitoring and e4al3ation: 5ey points
<nsure #ro&ect 9anagement continuity wherever possible! $hanges of management in
the middle of the pro&ect can cause delays!
<stablish clear milestones and measurable performance indicators to ensure that staff
and consultants meet their obligations on time!
4rrange formal pro&ect reviews on a regular basis! 6or example, set meetings at the
end of each stage of system development, and then every month of the first year the
system is operating!
#erform sensitivity analysis of actual results to plan more effectively! (f the results do
not satisfy expectations, it is easier to fix in the first months the systems is operative!
6ormulate recovery plans where task completion is behind schedule!
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4t the end of the computeri'ation pro&ect, it is necessary to evaluate how successful the pro&ect was and if
it satisfied its intended ob&ectives, in order to inform other stakeholders, especially elected leaders,
directors and members!
5ou do this by comparing the value of each indicator you have defined ,such as the number of
transactions, accuracy, speed, cost savings- before the software was implemented, and after it was
implemented! 5ou can also include predictions on future performance! "he choice of indicators will
depend to some extent on the business goal or ob&ective of computeri'ation!
6or example, if the business ob&ective was to reduce the time required to generate a trial balance and
income statement, some indicators can be: improved transaction time, members7 satisfaction, monetary
savings due to a better administration of assets, timely compliance with legal requirements!
<valuations can be performed by members of the cooperative, but an external opinion is always helpful
and adds ob&ectivity to the reports!
7. Project e4ol3tion: and the f3t3re=
he a"ility to trac$ the daily production of each co! allo!s mem"ers of the Cooperative
-ocieties of Dairy *roducers of Rosario +rea .td. in +rgentina# to sell them at a "etter price#
since the production of their offspring can "e guaranteed and supported !ith many years of
information a"out their ancestors.
"hough all computeri'ation pro&ects have a start and an end date, computeri'ation itself, once started, is
a pro&ect that transforms and improves all the time as requirements, people and technology change! "his
is calledproject e4ol3tion!
Eumerous studies of the impact of computeri'ation have shown that computeri'ation produces two ma&or
one is felt immediately, which is that processes are expedited or manual procedures are
the second, often more important, occ3rs se4eral years later! "his happens as enterprises learn
to organi'e themselves better, and so become more competitive and make new investments that
are enabled by computeri'ation!
<xactly how the pro&ect evolves will depend on many factors: you might decide to change the technology
or modify the procedures, or maybe expand the system to other areas, or add more services!
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)raining sho3ld 2e an ongoing process: "echnology changes all the time! $ontinual training
will help to keep staff satisfied and reduce their fears of displacement! Businesses that learn how
to cope with change and manage it tend to be successful in competitive markets! "hose that
refuse to change usually fail! "his means that the cooperativeJs training plan should set short)
term, midterm, end)of)pro&ect, and post)pro&ect training ob&ectives!
/pgrading hardware: "he expected life of a computer is from .; to ;K months! $omputer
technology advances so fast that it is recommended to make some upgrade ,improvement- in the
equipment at least once a year! 4s the pro&ect evolves, you can buy new faster computers for
those persons that will do computing)intense tasks such as reports, graphs, and leave slower
computers for others working on accounting, reporting or data entry!
/pdating software: "he software application will also need to change over time! (f you have
developed your own software, the most organi'ed way to update the application is to keep a list
of desirable changes, cataloguing them into: ,2- errors ,called bugs- that affect the use of the
software and require immediate fix* ,.- small corrections that have minimum effect on the system*
and ,1- desirable changes that add services or improve existing features!
#nternet -ccess: 4 modern computeri'ation pro&ect cannot be sustained if the cooperative does
not have reliable (nternet access! 4ll software, hardware driver and firmware fixes are delivered
through the (nternet! 4n implementation will quickly run into overwhelming system problems
without (nternet availability!
,3staina2ility: 5ou have to make sure that there are skilled resources and enough funding
available to s3stain the project o4er time! 5ou will need funds to pay for human resources,
software, electricity, computer repairs and upgrades! 5ou must try to assess to the maximum
extent possible the human and financial resources to maintain the continued operation of a
computer pro&ect! +ince available cooperative funding may vary year to year depending on
performance, you are encouraged to take the necessary precautions to build a fund to maintain
and replace equipment!
&eplication: (f you believe your software might be useful to other organi'ations, you might want
to consider selling, renting or sharing the cost of updating the software with them!

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