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Sales Digest

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G.R. No. 42449. July 5, 1989.


City Branch XXXI, Court of First Instance of Rizal, respondents. 175 SCRA 1 3rd
division \
J. Cortes

FACTS: C & C Commercial Corporation (now Abestos Cements Products Phils
ACPPI) opened 7 letter so credits with PNB to import machineries and equipments
for its plant. But ACCPI failed to pay its obligations under the said letters of credit
and so through a Voting Trust Agreement, NIDC headed the new management of
ACCPI to help pay of its debt to PNB and NIDC.
An accounting of SGV however, showed that the management and operations
for the first 3 years of the Voting Trust Agreement under PNB/NIDC was a complete
and disastrous failure. Leading to court action for receivership. Meanwhile, DBP
executed a deed of assignment in favor of PNB whereby DBP assigned to PNB its
rights and interests under the promissory noted and deeds of real estate mortgages
executed by ACCPI in favor of DBP. These credits together with the original letters
of credits executed by ACCPI in favor of PNB was foreclosed by PNB through court

ISSUE: Whether or not the assignment of credit by DBP to PNB is proper.

HELD: Yes. As to the DBP-assigned credits, there is no doubt that foreclosure can
proceed as these were secured by appropriate mortgages. Morever, contrary to
petitioners pretensions, the validity of the assignment of the mortgage credit by
DBP to PNB is beyond question. Article 1624 of the Civil Code provides that an
assignment of credits and other incorporeal rights shall be perfected in accordance
with the provisions of Article 1475 which in turn states that the contract of sale is
perfected at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the thing which is the
object of the contract and upon the price. The meeting of the minds contemplated
here is that between the assignor of the credit and his assignee, there being no
necessity for the consent of the debtor, contrary to petitioners claim. It is sufficient
that the assignment be brought to his knowledge in order to be binding upon him.
This may be inferred from Article 1626 of the Civil Code which declares that the
debtor who, before having knowledge of the assignment, pays his creditor shall be
released from the obligation.

No. L-45510. May 27, 1986.

JR., J.:

FACTS: The complaint alleged, among others, that Bernardo B. Legaspi is the
registered owner of the aforementioned two parcels of land which he sold to his
son-in-law, Leonardo B. Salcedo, on October 15, 1965 for the sum of P25,000.00 with
the right to repurchase the same within five years from the ex-ecution of the deed of

sale; that before the expiry date of the repurchase period which was on October 15,
1970, Legaspi offered and tendered to Salcedo the sum of P25,000.00 for the
repurchase of the two parcels of land; that the tender of payment was refused by
Salcedo without justifiable or legal cause; that Salcedo refused to convey the
properties to Legaspi as requested by the latter; that on October 15, 1970, Legaspi
deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Court of First Instance of Cavite City the
amount of P25,125.00 as evidenced by Official Receipt No. 2698797-k marked as
Exhibit B; that despite earnest efforts towards a compromise after consignation of
the repurchase money had been made, Salcedo refused to reconvey the properties
in question.
In his answer with compulsory counterclaim, Salcedo alleged, among others,
that he denies that Legaspi ever offered and tendered to him the sum of P25,000.00
or requested the execution of the corresponding deed of reconveyance; that what
actually transpired on October 15, 1970 was that Legaspi asked for an extension of
one year within which to repurchase the two parcels of land bringing with him a
document entitled Extension Period to Repurchase marked as Exhibit 1 which
Salcedo declined to sign; and that Salcedo also denies that earnest efforts towards
a compromise were pursued by Legaspi for the latter merely proposed for an
extension of one year of the right to repurchase. By way of special defense, Salcedo
claimed that Legaspi was no longer entitled to repurchase the properties in
question for failure to exercise his right within the stipulated period in accordance
with Article 1250 of the Civil Code under which Salcedo maintained he was entitled
to the payment of P42,250.00 instead of only P25,000.00.

ISSUE: Whether or not the right of repurchase was seasonably exercised.

HELD: YES. The records, therefore, show that the right of repurchase was
seasonably exercised. The records clearly manifest that the petitioner was able to
make a valid tender of payment on the 14th of October 1970 by offering personally
the amount of P25,000.00 to the private respondent who refused to accept it
claiming that the money was devalued. Thereafter, the petitioner informed the
private respondent that he would be depositing the same amount with the proper
court, (tsn., pp. 6 & 9, February 8, 1972 hearing). The trial court correctly ruled that
there was proper exercise of the right to repurchase within the five-year period not
for the reason that the deposit of the repurchase money amounted to a tender of
payment but for what the evidence submitted before it proved.

G.R. No. 155856. May 28, 2004.

LEONORA CEBALLOS, petitioner, vs. Intestate Estate of the Late EMIGDIO
MERCADO and the Heirs of EMIGDIO MERCADO, respondents. 430 SCRA 323 FIRST

[Petitioner] Leonora Emparado Ceballos is the registered owner of a certain parcel
of land (Lot No. 3353, Pls-657-D) situated in Bato, Badian, Cebu, consisting of 53,301
square meters and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-948 of the Register
of Deeds for the Province of Cebu. Sometime in October 1980, [petitioner] was
introduced to Emigdio Mercado for the purpose of obtaining a loan as the latter was
also known to be in the business of lending money. [Petitioner] was able to borrow

the amount of P12,000.00 payable in two (2) months and to secure said loan, she
executed in favor of Emigdio Mercado a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage over the
subject property. The said mortgage deed was not registered by the mortgagee.
[Petitioner] was not able to pay her mortgage indebtedness to Emigdio Mercado
within the stipulated period. On February 13, 1982, a Deed of Absolute Sale was
executed whereby the mortgaged property was sold to Emigdio Mercado for the
price of P16,500.00. Said instrument contained the signatures of [petitioner] and her
husband Narciso Ceballos and notarized by Atty. Elias V. Ortiz. It appears that
sometime in 1990, [petitioner] offered to buy back the property from Emigdio
Mercado for the price of P30,000.00 but the latters wife refused since the same was
already transferred in their names under TCT No. TF-3252 issued on June 1, 1987.
Emigdio Mercado died on January 12, 1991 and a petition for the issuance of letters
of administration over his intestate estate was filed by her daughter Thelma M.
Aranas before the RTC-Cebu City, Branch 11 (Spec. Proc. No. 3094-CEB).
On August 18, 1990, [petitioner] instituted the present suit against the Intestate
Estate of the Late Emigdio Mercado, Teresita Mercado as the Administrator, and/or
the Heirs of the Late Emigdio Mercado. The Complaint alleged the following:
[Petitioner] is the owner as her paraphemal property of a parcel of land located at
Barangay Bato, Municipality of Badian, Province of Cebu and covered by TCT No. T-
948, the same being her hereditary share from the property of her late father Rufo
Emparado. Sometime in the early part of December 1980, to accommodate a friend
who was hospitalized, [petitioner] went to the late Emigdio Mercado, who was
known, besides his other businesses, to be also in the business of lending money,
although at exorbitant rate of interest. A Real Estate Mortgage was drawn on
December 31, 1980 for P12,000.00 although only P8,000.00 was actually delivered,
the difference represents the interest for the use of money, for a period of two (2)
months. Since the accommodated party could not yet produce the redemption
money, [petitioner] periodically went to the mortgagee to beg him not to foreclose
the mortgage. On February 13, 1982, [petitioner] was made to execute a Deed of
Sale with Pacto de Retro for an increased consideration, from P12,000.00 to
P16,500.00 for a period of one (1) year from date of execution thereof, which
contract was in fact an equitable mortgage. [Petitioner] religiously paid interest on
the loan even beyond the term of the mortgage, on the repeated request by
[petitioner] to the deceased mortgagee not to foreclose the mortgage. [Petitioner]
learned to engage in the buy and sell of just any commodity, more especially real
estate, and her income improved. In November 1990, she went to the deceased
mortgagee to redeem the property to which the latter agreed but the wife, Teresita
Virtucio-Mercado vehemently objected saying that it could no longer be done
because the title had been transferred in their names. [Petitioner] waited for a
propitious time to again propose to redeem the property since it was a matter of
convincing by the deceased mortgagee for his wife to agree to the redemption,
when she learned of his death on January 12, 1991. [Petitioner] then started her epic
to recover the property; she engaged in gathering documentation when to her great
worry and apprehension she discovered that the title to the property had indeed
been transferred in the name of the deceased Emigdio S. Mercado under TCT No.
TF-3252. Such transfer of title was based on a document, Deed of Absolute Sale,
purportedly executed by [petitioner] and her husband on February 13, 1982, the
same date when deceased Emigdio Mercado and [petitioner] executed the Deed of
Sale With Pacto de Retro and for the same consideration of P16,500.00, the latter
document turned out not to have been submitted by the deceased for notarization.
Said Deed of Absolute Sale is an absolute fabrication with the signatures therein
appearing to have been of the [petitioners] and husbands, were absolute forgeries.

[Petitioner] submitted said deed of sale to disinterested third parties to confirm its
being spurious; she sought the assistance of the Philippine National Police (PNP)
which found (PNP Report No. 097-91) that said document of sale is a forgery; and
hence, it is patent that the transfer of title on the property was done through fraud.
[Petitioner] is willing and ready to redeem the property and there is no other way for
her to recover her property but through the courts. [Petitioner] thus prayed for a
judgment (1) declaring the Deed of Absolute Sale void from the beginning; (2) to
allow [petitioner] to redeem her property; (3) ordering defendant, after redemption,
to reconvey the property to [petitioner]; (4) ordering defendant to reimburse
[petitioner] attorneys fees of P50,000.00 and litigation expenses of P10,000.00, and
to pay moral damages in the sum of P100,000.00.
In their Answer with Counterclaim, [respondents] Heirs of the Late Emigdio
Mercado asserted that what was written on the deed of real estate mortgage was the
truth and that the deed of sale with pacto de retro was not pushed through because
[petitioner] decided to sell the property to the late Emigdio Mercado absolutely for
the price of P16,500.00. [Petitioner] already knew that she had sold the property to
Mr. Mercado and she was even the one who delivered to him the Deed of Absolute
Sale already signed by her and her husband, and already notarized by the notary
public; and since that time [respondents] have been in possession of said property
and were the ones paying the realty taxes thereon. The signatures appearing on the
deed of sale are genuine, and the property can no longer be redeemed as it had
already been sold in an absolute manner to Mr. Mercado. [Respondents] thus
prayed that the complaint be dismissed and on the counterclaim, that [petitioner] be
ordered to pay [respondents] the amounts of P30,000.00 as attorneys fees,
P20,000.00 as litigation expenses, P1,000,000.00 as moral damages and P200,000.00
as exemplary damages.
x x x x x x x x x
To prove her allegations in the complaint, [petitioner] presented documentary
evidence and her own testimony and those of her witnesses Romeo Varona
(document examiner of the PNP Crime Laboratory, Camp Sotero Cabahug) and
Jovencio Virtucio. [Respondents], on the other hand, presented the testimonies of
Atty. Elias Ortiz (who notarized the Deed of Absolute Sale), Teresita Virtucio
Mercado and SPO2 Wilfredo Espina (member of the PNP assigned at the Crimes
Record Section). In rebuttal, [petitioner] returned to the witness stand and also
presented the testimony of Pio Delicano (alleged overseer of the subject land since
1990). [Respondents] sur-rebuttal evidence consisted of a copy of tax declaration in
the names of [petitioner] and Francisca Emparado and copy of the complaint in Civil
Case No. CEB-13680 pending before RTC-Cebu City, Branch 22 between [petitioner]
and her own brothers and sisters over the same property subject of the present
litigation. On October 19, 1995, the trial court rendered judgment in favor of the
[respondents] and against the [petitioner] as earlier cited.

ISSUE: Whether or not the Contract is an equitable mortgage.

HELD: The instances when a contractregardless of its nomenclaturemay be
presumed to be an equitable mortgage are enumerated in the Civil Code as follows:
Art. 1602. The contract shall be presumed to be an equitable mortgage, in any of
the following cases: (1) When the price of a sale with right to repurchase is
unusually inadequate: (2) When the vendor remains in possession as lessee or
otherwise; (3) When upon or after the expiration of the right to repurchase another
instrument extending the period of redemption or granting a new period is
executed; (4) When the purchaser retains for himself a part of the purchase price;

(5) When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes on the thing sold; (6) In any
other case where it may be fairly inferred that the real intention of the parties is that
the transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or the performance of any other
obligation. In any of the foregoing cases, any money, fruits, or other benefit to be
received by the vendee as rent or otherwise shall be considered as interest which
shall be subject to the usury laws. Art. 1604. The provisions of Article 1602 shall
also apply to a contract purporting to be an absolute sale.
An equitable mortgage is one thatalthough lacking in some formality, form or
words, or other requisites demanded by a statutenevertheless reveals the
intention of the parties to charge a real property as security for a debt and contains
nothing impossible or contrary to law. Delay in transferring title is not one of the
instances enumerated by lawinstances in which an equitable mortgage can be
presumed. Moreover, throughout the testimony of petitioner before the trial court,
she never claimed that after the Deed of Absolute Sale had been executed in
February 13, 1982, the land continued to be intended merely to secure payment of
the P12,000 loan taken on December 31, 1980.
In this case, petitioner failed to present clear and convincing evidence to overcome
the presumption of validity of the notarized Deed conveying the land to private
respondents. Her testimony denying the validity of the sale, having been made by a
party who has an interest in the outcome of the case, is not as reliable as written or
documentary evidence. Moreover, self-serving statements are inadequate to
establish ones claims. Proof must be presented to support the same.

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