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More Big Girl Knits by Jillian Moreno and Amy R. Singer - Susie Hoodie Project

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The document provides instructions for making a cabled sweater called Susie with details on the pattern, materials, and construction steps.

The sweater pattern is a vertical band of cables on the front with stockinette stitch on the back and sleeves. The cables include various cable stitches like C3LP, C4L, and C4RP.

The materials required are Tahki Donegal Tweed Homespun wool yarn, US size 7 and 8 circular and double pointed needles, stitch markers, cable needle, waste yarn and tapestry needle.

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

K on RS, P on WS
CABLE CHART Pattern Repeat

You’ve seen lushly cabled 19
sweaters you long to knit, but are 18
they too much of a good thing? 16
Susie is just right. A vertical band 15
of the most complex-looking (but 13
not difficult to knit) cabling is all 12
this hoodie needs to catch the eye 10
and satisfy your cable needle. 9
Don’t miss the hem detailing—this 7
sweater has you looking great 6
coming and going. 4
26 25 20 15 10 5 1

L (1X, 2X, 3X, 4X) 17 stitches and 25 rows = 4" (10cm) in stockinette stitch on larger
Shown in size 1X needles
Bust: 44 (48, 52, 56, 60)" (112 [122, 132, 142, 152.5]cm), with front See page 32.
bands overlapped STITCH PATTERNS
Length: 32" (81cm) C3LP (Cable 3 Left Purl) Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and
MATERIALS hold to front of work, p1, k2 from cable needle.
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10 (10, 11, 12, 13) skeins Tahki Donegal Tweed Homespun; C3RP (Cable 3 Right Purl) Slip next stitch to cable needle and hold
100% wool; 183 yd (167m) per 31⁄2 oz (100g) skein; #863 to back of work, k2, p1 from cable needle.
(red) C4L (Cable 4 Left) Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and hold to
1 US #7 (4.5mm) circular needle, 32" (80cm) long front of work, k2, k2 from cable needle.
or longer C4R (Cable 4 Right) Slip next stitch to cable needle and hold to
1 US #8 (5mm) circular needle, 32" (80cm) long or longer, or size back of work, k2, k2 from cable needle.
needed to obtain gauge C4LP (Cable 4 Left Purl) Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and
1 set US #8 (5mm) double-pointed needles hold to front of work, p2, k2 from cable needle.
1 spare circular needle or set of double-pointed needles, US #8 C4RP (Cable 4 Right Purl) Slip next stitch to cable needle and hold
(5mm) or smaller to back of work, k2, p2 from cable needle.
7 stitch markers PATTERN NOTES
Cable needle When working from Cable Chart, work Rows 1–20 once, then
Waste yarn repeat Rows 5–20.
Tapestry needle

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Using smaller circular needle, cast on 235 (251, 267, 287, 303)
stitches. Do not join; body is worked back and forth in rows.
Row 1 (WS) Slip 1, p27, place marker, k39 (43, 47, 52, 56), place
marker, k51 (55, 59, 64, 68), place marker, k50 (54, 58, 63, 67),
place marker, k39 (43, 47, 52, 56), place marker, p28.
This row takes the place of Row 1 of the Cable Chart. The 28
stitches at each end of the work will form the cabled front
panels; the first and last markers mark the edges of these panels.
The remaining markers indicate the locations of the side “seam”
placement and center back of the garment.
Row 2 (RS) Slip 1, k1, work Row 2 of Cable Chart, knit to last
marker, work Row 2 of Cable Chart, k2.
Rows 3 and 5 (WS) Slip 1, purl to first marker (next row of Cable
Chart), knit to last marker, purl to end.
Row 4 (Bias Shaping Row) (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of
Cable Chart, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before second marker, kfb,
k1, kfb, knit to 2 stitches before third marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit
to 2 stitches before fourth marker, kfb, k1, kfb, knit to 2 stitches
before last marker, ssk, work next row of Cable Chart, k2.
Repeat Rows 2–5 twice more, then work Rows 2 and 3 once—15 38, 43, 46), k2tog, work in pattern to end—223 (239, 255, 275,
rows of garter st have been worked. 291) stitches.
Using larger circular needle, proceed as follows: Work 11 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth
Bias Shaping Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, row as set.
k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before second marker, kfb, k1, kfb, knit to Third Waist Decrease Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of
2 stitches before third marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches Cable Chart, k19 (21, 23, 25, 27), ssk, knit to second marker, k13
before fourth marker, kfb, k1, kfb, knit to 2 stitches before last (14, 16, 18, 19), k2tog, k13 (14, 16, 18, 19), k2tog, knit to third
marker, ssk, work next row of Cable Chart, k2. marker, k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), ssk, k13 (14, 16, 18, 19), ssk, k29 (32,
Note: Bias Shaping Row is worked every fourth row throughout 36, 41, 44), k2tog, work in pattern to end—217 (233, 249, 269,
Body, unless otherwise noted. 285) stitches.
Work 3 rows in pattern as set, working cable panels before the Work 11 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth
first marker and after the last marker, and working all other row as set.
stitches in stockinette stitch. Fourth Waist Decrease Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of

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Repeat the last 4 rows 4 times more. Cable Chart, k19 (21, 23, 25, 27), ssk, knit to second marker, k12
(13, 15, 17, 18), k2tog, k12 (13, 15, 17, 18), k2tog, knit to third
waist decrease
marker, k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), ssk, k12 (13, 15, 17, 18), ssk, k27 (30,
Note: All waist shaping is worked on rows that are not Bias
34, 39, 42), k2tog, work in pattern to end—211 (227, 243, 263,
Shaping Rows.
279) stitches.
Work Bias Shaping Row.
Work 11 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth
Work 1 row in pattern.
row as set.
First Waist Decrease Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of
Fifth Waist Decrease Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of
Cable Chart, k19 (21, 23, 25, 27), ssk, knit to second marker, k15
Cable Chart, k19 (21, 23, 25, 27), ssk, knit to second marker, k11
(16, 18, 20, 21), k2tog, k15 (16, 18, 20, 21), k2tog, knit to third
(12, 14, 16, 17), k2tog, k11 (12, 14, 16, 17), k2tog, knit to third
marker, k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), ssk, k15 (16, 18, 20, 21), ssk, k33 (36,
marker, k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), ssk, k11 (12, 14, 16, 17), ssk, k25 (28,
40, 45, 48), k2tog, work in pattern to end—229 (245, 261, 281,
32, 37, 40), k2tog, work in pattern to end—205 (221, 237, 257, 273)
297) stitches.
Work 11 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth
Work 11 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth
row as set.
row as set.
Second Waist Decrease Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of
Cable Chart, k19 (21, 23, 25, 27), ssk, knit to second marker, k14 waist increase
(15, 17, 19, 20), k2tog, k14 (15, 17, 19, 20), k2tog, knit to third First Waist Increase Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable
marker, k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), ssk, k14 (15, 17, 19, 20), ssk, k31 (34, Chart, k20 (22, 24, 26, 28), m1, knit to second marker, k12 (13, 15,

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The Lower Body is now complete; work measures 221⁄4"

(56.5cm). Each Front has 65 (69, 73, 78, 82) stitches (including
cable panels), and the Back has 93 (101, 109, 119, 127) stitches.
Set aside to work the Sleeves; do not break the yarn.

Using smaller double-pointed needles, cast on 30 stitches.
Row 1 (RS) Slip 1, k1, work first row of Cable Chart, k2.
Row 2 (WS) Slip 1, purl to end.
Working edge stitches in stockinette stitch as set and slipping
first stitch of each row, work Rows 1–20 once, then work Rows
5–20, 5 times. Bind off all stitches purlwise; do not break the
yarn. Slip the last stitch to larger double-pointed needle.
With wrong side facing, pick up and p1 in each slipped stitch
along the cuff edge and 1 stitch in the edge of the cast-on row—
52 stitches.
Knit 1 row. Distribute the stitches evenly among the double-
pointed needles and join to begin working in the round. If
desired, once the work has progressed several inches, place a
safety pin or split ring marker in the work to indicate the
beginning of the round.
Knit 6 (6, 5, 5, 4) rounds.
Increase Round K1, kfb, knit to last 3 stitches of round, kfb, k2.
Repeat these 7 (7, 6, 6, 5) rounds 9 (9, 11, 11, 13) times more—72
(72, 76, 76, 80) stitches.
Continue in stockinette stitch until the work measures 18"
(45.5cm), or desired length to underarm.
Next Round Knit to last 2 stitches of round, place next 4 stitches
17, 18), m1, k12 (13, 15, 17, 18), m1, knit to third marker, k17 (19, (last 2 stitches of round and first 2 stitches of next round) on
19, 20, 22), m1, k12 (13, 15, 17, 18), m1, k26 (29, 33, 38, 41), m1, hold on waste yarn; place all other stitches on hold on spare
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work in pattern to end—211 (227, 243, 263, 279) stitches. circular or double-pointed needle(s). Break the yarn, leaving a
Work 15 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth 12" (30cm) tail.
row as set. Make second sleeve in the same way. Place 4 stitches on waste
Second Waist Increase Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of yarn and break the yarn as for the first sleeve, but do not remove
Cable Chart, k20 (22, 24, 26, 28), m1, knit to second marker, k13 this sleeve from the working needles.
(14, 16, 18, 19), m1, k13 (14, 16, 18, 19), m1, knit to third marker,
k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), m1, k13 (14, 16, 18, 19), m1, k28 (31, 33, 40, 43), YOKE
m1, work in pattern to end—217 (233, 249, 269, 285) stitches. Joining Row (RS) Using the ball of yarn attached to the Right
Work 15 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth Front, work in pattern to 2 stitches before second marker, place
row as set. next 4 stitches on waste yarn, removing side marker; place
Third Waist Increase Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of marker on needle, knit all stitches of one Sleeve, place marker,
Cable Chart, k20 (22, 24, 26, 28), m1, knit to second marker, k14 knit to 2 stitches before fourth body marker (at left side “seam”),
(15, 17, 19, 20), m1, k14 (15, 17, 19, 20), m1, knit to third marker, place next 4 stitches on waste yarn, removing side marker; place
k17 (19, 19, 20, 22), m1, k14 (15, 17, 19, 20), m1, k30 (33, 37, 42, 45), marker, knit all stitches of second Sleeve, place marker, work in
m1, work in pattern to end—223 (239, 255, 275, 291) stitches. pattern to end—351 (367, 391, 411, 435) stitches; 7 markers on
Work 15 rows in pattern, working Bias Shaping Row every fourth needle.
row as set. Next Row (WS) Slip 1, purl to end.

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Sizes 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X Only next marker, kfb, knit to 2 stitches before next marker, kfb, work
Row 1 (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, k2tog, knit in pattern to end.
to 3 stitches before second marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 Repeat these 6 rows 4 times more—131 (131, 139, 143, 155)
stitches before third marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches stitches; 39 (39, 39, 41, 43) stitches between second and third
before fourth marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 3 stitches before fifth markers.
marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before sixth marker, ssk, Work in pattern as set until hood measures approximately 10
k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before seventh marker, ssk, work (10, 10, 91⁄2, 91⁄4)" (25.5 [25.5, 25.5, 24, 23.5]cm), ending with row 15
cable panel to end—12 stitches decreased. (15, 15, 13, 11) of Cable Chart.
Rows 2 and 4 (WS) Slip 1, purl to end. Note: It is more important to end this section on the correct row
Row 3 (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, knit to 3 of the Cable Chart than it is to achieve the exact length given.
stitches before second marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches Hood Decrease Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable
before third marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 3 stitches before fifth Chart, knit to second marker, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before third
marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before sixth marker, ssk, marker, ssk, work in pattern to end.
k1, k2tog, knit to seventh marker, work cable panel to end—8 Work 1 row in pattern.
stitches decreased. Repeat these 2 rows 17 (17, 17, 18, 19) times more—95 (95, 103,
Repeat these 4 rows -(3, 7, 11, 14) times more— -(287, 231, 171, 105, 115) sts; 3 stitches between second and third markers. You
135) stitches. should have just completed Row 19 of Cable Chart.
Next Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, knit to
Sizes L, 1X, 2X, 3X Only second marker, remove marker, k2tog. Do not work to the end of
Row 1 (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, k2tog, knit this row. Slip the remaining half of the stitches to a spare
to second marker, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before third marker, circular needle, removing marker. Graft the two halves of the
ssk, knit to 2 stitches before fourth marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to hood together.
fifth marker, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before sixth marker, ssk, knit
to 2 stitches before seventh marker, ssk, work cable panel to
end—8 stitches decreased.
Graft the Sleeves to the Body at underarms.
Rows 2 and 4 (WS) Slip 1, purl to end.
Sew the ends of the cuffs together.
Row 3 (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, knit to 3
Weave in all ends and block as desired.
stitches before second marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches
before third marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 3 stitches before fifth
marker, ssk, k1, k2tog, knit to 2 stitches before sixth marker, ssk,
k1, k2tog, knit to seventh marker, work cable panel to end—8

stitches decreased.
Repeat these 4 rows 14 (10, 6, 2, -) times more—111 (111, 119,
123, -) stitches.

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All Sizes
Each Front has 33 (33, 33, 34, 35) stitches, each Sleeve has 8 (8,
Bust: 44 (48, 52,
12, 12, 16) stitches, and the Back has 29 (29, 29, 31, 33) stitches. 1 8, 56, 60)"
7 ( 17, )"
1 8¾

Next Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable Chart, knit to 18"
last marker, removing second, fourth, and sixth markers; work in

pattern to end.
The markers at the edges of the cable panels and the markers at Waist:
38 (42,
the back raglan shaping lines remain. 46, 52, 56)"
Note: Do not work Bias Shaping Rows while working the hood;
bias shaping is complete.
Work 5 rows in pattern, working cable panels as set, and
working all other stitches in stockinette stitch.
Hood Increase Row (RS) Slip 1, k1, work next row of Cable
Chart, kfb, knit to second marker, kfb, knit to 2 stitches before Lower Edge: 47½ (51¼, 55, 59¾, 63½)"

susie hoodie 43
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