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Degrees of The Adjectives

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2. Complete these rules.

Long adjectives (2 or more


Comparative of superiority
Adjective + _________+ than
Comparative of equality
_______+ adjective + _______
Comparative of inferiority
_______+ adjective + _______
_______+ adjective + _______
4. Write the comparative
and the superlative of the
Good - better than- the best
Fat _____________
Thin _____________
ad _____________
!"#ensive __________
6. Fill in the blanks ith the correct form of
the comparative of superiority of the
adjectives in brackets.

$hich o% the t&o co'sins is

)y ho'se is ________(near) the school
than yo'rs*
)ar+ is ________( hard-&or+ing) than
,eter- he is a _______(good)
st'dent. too*
$hich car is _______ (big)(
8.Complete ith the comparative or the superlative of the
adjectives in brackets.

)ar+ is _____________ (talented) st'dent in school*

)ary is _____________ (bad) at #laying %ootball
_____________ at #laying tennis*
/'san is _____________ (#o#'lar) girl at school*
Tim is _____________ (%'nny) than ,eter*
0e is the _____________ (%'nny) in class*
This is _____________ (e"#ensive) s+irt 1 have*
$hich is the _____________ (tall) o% the t&o(
2o'r ho'se is _____________ (big) than yo'rs*
1 %eel _____________ (ha##y) today than yesterday.
!. Complete hat they say.
"se the superlative of
#.Complete these rules.

/hort adjectives ( 3 syllable or t&o

syllables ending in y)

Comparative of superiority
Adjective + _________+ than
Comparative of equality
_______+ adjective + _______
Comparative of inferiority
_______+ adjective + _______
_______+ adjective + _______
#.Complete these rules.

/hort adjectives ( 3 syllable or t&o

syllables ending in y)

Comparative of superiority
Adjective + _________+ than
Comparative of equality
_______+ adjective + _______
Comparative of inferiority
_______+ adjective + _______
_______+ adjective + _______
$. Write the comparative and the
superlative of the adjectives.
Long ___________
0a##y __________
1ntelligent _______
/mall ___________
%. "se more or less comparin& the present
to fifty years a&o.

$e 'se _______ energy at home than at &or+*

$e have ________ electrical e4'i#ment*
$e do _______ &ashing*
,eo#le &al+ _______ than they 'sed to*
$e 5oo+ _______ than o'r grand-#arents*
%. "se more or less comparin& the present
to fifty years a&o.

$e 'se _______ energy at home than at &or+*

$e have ________ electrical e4'i#ment*
$e do _______ &ashing*
,eo#le &al+ _______ than they 'sed to*
$e 5oo+ _______ than o'r grand-#arents*
Lisbon is _________
(bea'ti%'l) city 1
1t has
g) m'se'ms and 1
thin+ it is
_______(good) #lace
to s#end some days*
1 thin+ cam#ing is the
_______ (healthy) activity
there is* $e can do
________(e"citing) things
li+e &al+ing in the %orest or
cycling* ________
( sit'ation) is &hen it rains a
lot* Then &e r'n to o'r tents
_________ (%ast) &e can*

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