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Lesson Guide For Periodic Inspection

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At the end of the lesson the Tr!nee "!ll #e #le to de$onstrte n %nderstnd the
Per!od!& Ins'e&t!on "!tho%t error(
It is recognized that internal inspections must be scheduled to suit plant load
demand. However, it is obvious that or economic reasons and to reduce orced
outage or corrective maintenance general !nowledge o the internal condition o
the turbine at all times is desirable. " s#stematic chec! during operation to detect
signiicant change in this condition is a valuable guide. Inspections ma# then be
regarded as preventive rather than necessaril# corrective.
" complete and detailed $case histor#% starting at the time o installation should be
compiled or each turbine. This should include a description and anal#sis o an#
unusual circumstance during its operation as well as an# not worth# condition ound
during inspection& also a statement o the corrective measures ta!en or planned.
The irst complete inspection o a new turbine orms the most valuable datum point
in this histor# and 'IT(U)I(HI recommends that a ver# thorough inspection be
made at or near the end o the irst #ear o operation.
)eore ta!ing the turbine out o service or inspection the ollowing should be
chec!ed and the $case histor#% reviewed to determine items re*uiring special
attention and investigation.
+. Increase in vibration. 'a!e note o both an# increase and the location , at
which bearing-. " complete set o readings should be ta!en with portable
instruments .ust beore the unit is unloaded.
/. 0il lea!age 1 in the piping 1 at bearing oil seal rings at operating
2. (team lea!age at .oints 1 at valve stems.
3. Is the control s#stem stable4
5. 6ill governor hold speed at no load, ull steam pressure and normal e7haust
8. "re other control devices operating satisactoril#4
9. :oes automatic over speed trip unction at correct speed4
;. :o throttle and governor valves close promptl# when tripped4
<. :oes the throttle valve stop the unit when tripped4
+=. "re e7traction chec! valves in wor!ing condition4
++. "re turbine rotor glands sealing properl#4
+/. Has there been an# change in control s#stem oil pressures4
+2. Has there been an# change in lubricating s#stem oil pressures4
+3. Has babbitt or other metal been ound on oil screens4
+5. Has there been an# change in bearing oil temperatures4
+8. :oes au7iliar# oil pump regulator unction properl#4
>o attempt is being made here to list the various items which are part o regular
inspection but rather to point out those that ma# escape notice unless given special
":?">CE: C0UR(E 'ECH">IC"L '"I>TE>">CE
(TE"' TUR)I>E 0?ERH"UL LE((0> 8 @"AE +
+. Corrosion o internal parts is *uite uncommon but i it e7ists it can be readil#
serious. I ound ma!e note o the e7tend or chec!ing again at ne7t
inspection. Record an# corrective or protective measures ta!en.
/. >ote an# erosion o blading or c#linder walls.
2. E7amine each blade ,magnalu7 is suggested-.
3. E7amine the oiling s#stem or rusting.
(ubse*uent inspection schedules should be based upon what is ound at the last
inspection, and the $case histor#%, and the operating log. @eriodic chec!s o the
lubricating s#stem, control s#stem, throttle vale and automatic eatures are
important. Test data at some i7ed reerence load on steam low and intermediate
stage steam pressures chec!ed bac! to the earl# operation o the turbine ma#
detect the presence and e7tent o blade deposits or mechanical damage. ?ariations
in the stage enthalp# measured b# steam pressure and temperature in the
superheat zone ma# detect an# important change in internal stage eicienc#.
The re*uenc# o the ollowing tests should be increased i operating e7perience
indicates that more re*uent testing is re*uired.
+. " complete chec! o throttle valve stem reedom should be made once a
/. The 0verspeed trip should be tested b# overspeeding once a #ear.
2. The 0verspeed trip oil test device should be tested once a month.
3. The throttle valve trip solenoid, low oil pressure trip and thrust bearing trip
should be tested at the time that the unit is ta!en out o service or the
0verspeed test.
5. "u7iliar# oil pumps and controls should be tested on a monthl# basis.
" complete chec! o the valve stem reedom o the throttle valve can be
made at about 95 percent o ma7imum load. The e7act point can be
obtained b# test. The test should be made wee!l# in the ollowing steps&
+. Reduce load to about 95 percent o ma7imum capabilit# b# means o
the load limiter.
/. To close the corresponding throttle valve depress and hold the switch
mar!ed $Close Test% . "n indicating light will show when this valve is
2. To open the throttle valve depress and hold the switch mar!ed $0pen
Test%. "n indicating light will show when this valve is open.
3. Repeat items ,/- and ,2- or the opposite throttle valve.
5. Restore load b# means o the governor or load limiter.
8. The switches are interloc!ed so that it is not possible to test the right
and let hand throttle valves at the same time.
9. (ignal switches are provided to urnish a remote indication o valve
position. I an# o these are connected to operating controls, the# are
to be disconnected beore the test.
" hole is provided in the 0verspeed trip end cover through which the depth
micrometer provided or this purpose onl# can be inserted to determine that
LE((0> 8 @"AE / (TE"' TUR)I>E 0?ERH"UL
a7ial location o the rotor, relative to the c#linder, while the unit is in
6hen a reading is desired, the micrometer spindle is inserted in the hole
which is drilled in the central boss o the 0verspeed trip end cover until the
spindle ma!es contact with the end o the rotor shat. 6hen the micrometer
is into in use, the hole through the end cover is closed b# a cover plate.
In order to obtain a reading o the rotor position, proceed as ollows&
+. 0pen the micrometer hole in the end cover. This is done b# rotating
the cover plate to clear the hole.
/. (crew the micrometer thimble outward so as to ma!e sure that the
ace o the sleeve will rest against the end cover beore the spindle
touches the rotor shat.
2. Insert the micrometer spindle. Then hold the sleeve irml# against the
boss on the end cover and screw the thimble inward until it .ust
touches the end o the rotor shat.
3. 6ithdraw the micrometer and read and record the measurement.
5. Rotate the cover plate to close the micrometer hole.
6hen a reading is being ta!en, great care must be e7ercised to get .ust a
light touch o the micrometer spindle against the rotor shat. It is *uite
evident that i the thimble is screwed inward too ar, the spindle will rest
against the shat and orce the micrometer sleeve awa# rom the boss on the
end cover, thus giving a alse reading. It is also important to see that the
boss, against which the micrometer sleeve rests, is perectl# clean and ree
o paint.
The readings thus obtained are comparative onl#. (uch readings should be
ta!en .ust ater the turbine is installed and .ust ater an# inspection or repair
which involves a rechec! o the a7ial location o the rotor, and these
readings careull# recorded. Then at an# uture time, readings can be ta!en
and compared with those on record. In order to obtain accurate
comparisons, a new reading should be ta!en under the same load
conditions as the original reading with which it is to be compared. Bor this
reason, it is advisable to record readings ta!en with one *uarter, one hal,
three *uarters and ull loads on the unit.
I the micrometer is used re*uentl# over a considerable period o time, the
end o the spindle ma# become worn, thus giving an incorrect reading. It
can be chec!ed to determine the amount o wear b# measuring ,with
micrometers- the length o the spindle protruding be#ond the ace o the
sleeve. It is suggested that such a measurement be ta!en when the
micrometer is irst received and recorded or uture reerence.
":?">CE: C0UR(E 'ECH">IC"L '"I>TE>">CE
(TE"' TUR)I>E 0?ERH"UL LE((0> 8 @"AE 2

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