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Brief Introspection On Linguistic Anomalies in Roald Dahl's BFG: Definition and Uses

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Brief introspection on linguistic anomalies in Roald Dahls BFG:

definition and uses
The term word is ambiguous. It means the actual realization in text (spoen or !ritten" of
a particular lexical entr#$ but it also means the abstract form of the !ord that is listed in a
In the first instance$ the term word refers to$ or indicates$ an actual occurrence of a
ph#sical e%ent$ !hether this is e%inced in a phonic or graphic form. In other !ords$ all
occurrences of a particular !ord&form either in speech or in !riting count to!ards its
total number in a text. In the second instance$ the term !ord refers to the abstract sign&
cum&concept form$ !hich is listed in a mental lexicon represented in an# dictionar# of a
specific language.
'ords are anal#zed grammaticall# and lexicall#$ the# ha%e a grammatical designation
and a meaning specification. The complete meaning of a !ord can onl# be gi%en in its
context of occurrence.
(s )irth said as earl# as *+,-$ !e ne%ertheless must stress that the complete meaning of a
!ord is contextual and a full appreciation of the meaning of a !ord can onl# be achie%ed
in terms of its use. .olo/ino% also !rote that 0the meaning of a !ord is determined
entirel# b# its context. In fact$ there are as man# meanings of a !ord as there are contexts
of its usage.1(.olo/ino% *+2+22333:4+"
( !ord consists of t!o parts: its form and its content. )erdinand de 5aussure$ under the
heading of 06eneral 7rinciples1 breas ne! ground in linguistics !hen he considers the
nature of the linguistic sign. The linguistic unit$ he sa#s is a 0double entit#1$ formed b#
the association of t!o terms. The linguistic sign does not unite a name and a thing$ as !as
ad%ocated b# certain 8uarters in linguistic philosoph#$ but rather unites a concept and an
acoustic image.
If language !ere simpl# a nomenclature for a set of uni%ersal concepts$ it !ould be eas#
to translate from one language to another. 9ne !ould simpl# replace the )rench names
for a concept !ith the :nglish name. If language !ere lie this the tas of learning a ne!
language !ould also be much easier than it is. But an#one !ho has attempted either of
these tass has ac8uired$ alas$ a %ast amount of direct proof that languages are not
nomenclatures$ that the concepts;of one language ma# differ radicall# from those of
another;:ach language articulates or organizes the !orld differentl#. <anguages do not
simpl# name existing categories$ the# articulate their o!n (=uller$ *+4>:2*&2".
<anguage is not onl# static$ rigid and precise but also d#namic$ %olatile$ fluid and
malleable. These characteristics are primaril# prominent in its social function$ as
language is used in %arious discourse t#pes and genres. <anguage is particularl# d#namic$
and is malleable in its interpla# !ith social s#stems in %arious discourse t#pes$ such as
the B)6s language.
In the giants o!n !ords$ he sa#s: Words is, oh, such a twitch tickling problem to me all
my life. So you must simply be patient and stop squibbling. As am telling you before,
knows e!actly what words am wanting to say, but somehow or other they is always
getting squiff"squiddled around.
In the present stud#$ I !ill concentrate on the linguistic anomal# and ho! it can be used
for literar# purposes. 5ince the approach on the sub?ect is based on the concept of
anomal#$ the distinction bet!een standard language and so called anomalous language
!ill be discussed
( remarable amount of the appeal of #he BFG is based on the language that giant
speas$ !hich does not al!a#s conform to the standards of :nglish but has se%eral
anomalous features.
The aim of this chapter is to pro%ide a brief o%er%ie! of the complex concept of linguistic
anomal#. (nal#sis often starts at the le%el of the !ord. 'ords are clearl# units in !ritten
text and distinguishable units in spoen text.
This section loos at the structure of the !ords considered to be anomalous and in%ol%es
practical acti%ities to sho! the relationship that exists bet!een the !ords that do not
conform to the 5tandard :nglish and their meanings.

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