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Oliver Twist Essay

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Aleena Aamir


Oliver Twist Essay
Oliver Twist is a novel which was written in the 1800s by Charles Dickens.
It is about a boy who is born in a workhouse and is orphaned from his first
breath by his mother dying in labour and his fathers absence. Oliver
spends his first eight years with Mrs Mann; a selfish woman in a baby farm
but then is taken by Mr Bumble who worked for the Board to a workhouse
as he is old enough. The life of poor children in the workhouses were
dreadful and they never had enough food to eat to be satisfied, they were
always hungry and where only given small portions of food.
Olivers birth happened in a very unfortunate way, he was surrounded by
people who didnt really care, and the nurse was drunk, an old woman
who was rendered rather misty by an unwonted allowance of beer. His
mother died after holding him for even less than a minute, she imprinted
her cold white lips passionately on its forehead; passed her hands over her
face; gazed wildly round; shuddered; fell back and died. This shows that
she did love Oliver which makes the reader feel sorry for the newborn child
and what will become of it.
Oliver is then looked after by Mrs Mann who is a very selfish woman and
didnt care about the childrens needs but only hers, she knew what was
good for children: and she had a very accurate perception of what was good
for herself. This tells the reader that Oliver was going to be put into
careless hands, which was very unfair for a child of his age. Dickens uses
emotive language to make the reader feel sympathetic towards Oliver,
...either that it sickened from want and cold, or fell into the fire from
neglect. This creates an image for the reader of how terrible the lifestyle
was for these children.
On Olivers ninth birthday he is locked up in a coal cellar for atrociously
presuming to be hungry Dickens uses sarcasm to make the reader feel
apologetic towards Oliver and tries to lighten the mood. When Mrs Mann
sees Mr Bumble she quickly calls to Susan to take Oliver and get him
washed because Mr Bumble cannot see Oliver in such a mess otherwise he
would realise that Mrs Mann is not correct for the job. When Oliver is asked
by Mr Bumble Will you go along with me Oliver? Oliver sees that Mrs
Mann is standing behind Mr Bumble and shakes her fist at him; Dickens
Aleena Aamir


uses emotive language, He took the hint at once, for the fist had been too
often impressed upon his body not to be deeply impressed upon his
recollection. This tells the reader that Oliver was physically beaten by Mrs
Mann which makes the reader feel heartbroken because of the way that
Oliver is treated.
Oliver is then taken to the men of the board by Mr Bumble and they are
described as fat gentlemen which tells the reader that they had a good
amount of food to eat and they must have been quite rich. When Oliver
starts to cry the men have no sympathy for him and the man with the white
waistcoat on, calls Oliver a fool for not knowing what an orphan was and
they just sit there and watch Oliver cry and criticise him.
When Oliver is taken to the workhouse, Dickens shows the reader that
there is a lack of food here also, each boy had one porringer...the boys
polished them with their spoons till they shone again this shows how
hungry all the poor children were and this makes the reader feel apologetic
towards all of the children and that they would never dare to ask for more.
One boy couldnt take the hunger anymore and one day he secretly said to
some of the other boys, ...he was afraid he might some night happen to eat
the boy who slept next to him. Dickens uses exaggeration to show the
reader that a boy was willing to eat a human being because he couldnt take
his hunger anymore and this gives the reader an idea of how the boy must
be feeling. When Oliver asks for more food, the master is completely
shocked and acts as if Oliver has just committed a crime, Dickens uses
exaggeration to show the reader that children were punished for asking for
more food by saying that it was a impious and profane offence.
The treatment of children in the 1800s was horrifying. They were never
given enough food or clothed properly and had to work like slaves. This
makes the reader feel sympathetic towards the children and makes the
reader want to help them. Dickens uses techniques such as exaggeration,
emotive language and sarcasm to make the reader want to read on and
creates an image for the reader of how they were treated. I feel extremely
sympathetic towards Oliver and the children and as a modern reader I feel
that this is against their human rights.

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