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Quick Placement Test 1

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Name ________________________________ Date _____________________

Section 1: Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blan!
(1) Roberta _____ from the United States.
a) are b) is c) am d) be
(") Whats _____ name?
a) - b) his c) him d) he
(#) My friend _____ in London.
a) liin! b) lie c) lies d) is lie
($) Where _____?
a) "or#s $om b) $om "or#s c) $om does "or# d) does $om "or#
(%) % _____ coffee.
a)no li#e b) not li#e c) li#e dont d) dont li#e
(&) &_____ to '(stralia) *inny? &+es) t"o years a!o.,
a) Did yo( eer !o b) Do yo( eer !o
c) -ae yo( eer been d) 're yo( eer !oin!
(') $o#yo is _____ city %e eer lied in.
a)the most bi! b) the bi!!er c) the bi!!est d) the more bi!
(() ' e!etarian is someone _____ doesnt eat meat.
a)"ho b) "hat c) "hich d) "hose
()) _____ these days.
a)% neer a ne" b(y c) % neer b(y a ne"
b) % b(y neer a ne" d) Neer % b(y a ne"
(1*) % _____ "atch $/ toni!ht.
a)am b) !o to c) !oin! to d) am !oin! to
(11) % "ish % _____ more money0
a)-ae b) had c) "o(ld hae d) "as hain!
(1") _____ be famo(s one day?
a)Wo(ld yo( li#e b) Wo(ld yo( li#e to c) Do yo( li#e d) Do yo( li#e to
Section ": Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blan!
(1#) %ts my birthday _____ 1riday.
a) on b) in c) at d) by
(1$) % _____ ei!hteen years old.
a) am b) hae c) hae !ot d) -
(1%) % _____ a headache.
a) am b) do c) hae d) !ot
(1&) Do yo( _____ a (niform at yo(r school?
a) carry b) "ear c) (se d) hold
(1') &What time is it? &% hae no _____.
a) idea b) o.inion c) ans"er d) time
(1() $he meal "as ery e2.ensie. Loo# at the _____0
a) tic#et b) recei.t c) inoice d) bill
(1)) -o" many _____ of tro(sers hae yo( !ot?
a) items b) .airs c) sets d) times
("*) 3oel came bac# from his holiday in 4ra5il loo#in! really _____.
a) tanned b) s(nned c) colo(red d) dar#ened
Section #: Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blan!
("1) -arry can _____ 6n!lish.
a) to s.ea# b) s.ea#in! c) s.ea# d) s.ea#s
("") %m not interested _____ s.orts.
a) for b) abo(t c) in d) to
("#) She li#es _____ e2.ensie clothes.
a) "earin! b) to "earin! c) "ear d) is "earin!
("$) -arry _____ his fathers car "hen the accident ha..ened.
a)"as driin! b) droe c) had drien d) has been driin!

("%) % "as "onderin! _____ tell me "hen the ne2t .lane from 7hica!o arries?
a)co(ld yo( b) can yo( c) if yo( co(ld d) if co(ld yo(
("&) %f % _____ him) % "o(ld hae s.o#en to him) "o(ldnt %?
a) sa" b) had seen c) hae seen d) "o(ld hae seen
("') % li#e yo(r hair. Where _____?
a)do yo( hae c(t b) hae yo( c(t it
c) do yo( hae c(t it d) do yo( hae it c(t
("() % thin# 3oey m(st _____ late toni!ht. -is office li!ht is still on.
a) hae "or#ed b) "or# c) be "or#in! d) to "or#
(")) 3ohn tells me 3ac#s !oin! o(t "ith -elen) _____ % find hard to beliee.
a) "hich b) "ho c) "hose d) that
(#*) What _____ this "ee#end) Lance?
a) "ill yo( do b) are yo( doin! c) "ill yo( hae done d) do yo( do
(#1) $he "eather has been a"f(l. Wee had ery _____ s(nshine this
a) little b) a little c) fe" d) a fe"
(#") Did yo( hear "hat ha..ened to 8ate? She _____.
a) is arrested b) arrested c) has been arrested d) is bein! arrested
Section $: Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blan!
(##) % (s(ally _____ (. at abo(t 9.:;.
a) !o b) be c) do d) !et
(#$) % _____ football eery "ee#.
a) .lay b) !o c) do d) hae

(#%) My sister _____ the coo#in! in o(r ho(se.
a) does b) ma#es c) coo#s d) ta#es

(#&) Dont for!et to _____ the li!ht "hen yo( leae the room.
a) t(rn (. b) t(rn in c) t(rn off d) t(rn oer
(#') She "as in _____ "hen she heard the tra!ic ne"s.
a) cryin! b) tears c) cries d) tearf(l
(#() -e _____ that he hadnt stolen the com.(ter) b(t no one belieed him.
a) reass(red b) informed c) insisted d) .ers(aded
(#)) 7o(ld yo( _____ me that boo# for a co(.le of days) .lease?
a) lend b) o"e c) borro" d) rent
($*) *re! is _____ a lot of time at +onnes ho(se these days0
a) ta#in! b) s.endin! c) hain! d) doin!
Section %: Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blan!
($1) Who _____ in that ho(se?
does lie lies does he lie he lies
($") %ll call yo( "hen % _____ home.
!et ll !et ll hae !ot m !ettin!
($#) %f yo( _____ me) "hat "o(ld yo( do?
"as "o(ld be "ere hae been
($$) % dont #no" "here _____ last ni!ht.
did he !o he did !o "ent he he "ent
($%) 3ohn and 4etty are comin! to isit (s tomorro" b(t % "ish _____.
they "ont they hadnt they didnt they "erent
($&) %m so h(n!ry0 %f only 4ill _____ all the food in the frid!e0
"asnt eatin!didnt eat hadnt eaten hasnt eaten
($') % re!ret _____ harder in school.
not st(dyin! not to st(dy to not st(dy not hae st(died
($() S(rely S(e _____ yo( if she "as (nha..y "ith yo(r "or#.
"ill tell "o(ld hae told m(st hae told had told
($)) <(r nei!hbo(rs arent ery .olite) and _____ .artic(larly =(iet0
neither they arent either they arent nor are they neither did they be
(%*) We had e2.ected that they _____ fl(ent 6n!lish) b(t in fact they didnt.
"ere s.ea#in! "o(ld s.ea# had s.o#en s.o#e
(%1) %d rather % _____ ne2t "ee#end) b(t % do0
adont hae to "or# didnt hae to "or# "o(ldnt "or# "asnt "or#in!
(%") -arriet is so #no"led!eable. She can tal# abo(t _____ s(b>ect that comes
a(.."hateer "heneer "hereer "hoeer
Section &: Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blan!
(%#) % al"ays _____ mil# in my coffee.
a) hae drin#mi2 ma#e
(%$) % _____ $/ eery eenin!.
a) "atch loo# at see hear
(%%) 7an yo( !ie me a _____ "ith my ba!.
a) le!bac#hand head
(%&) 4efore yo( enter the triathlon) .lease bear in _____ that yo(re not as
yo(n! as yo( (sed to be0
a) tho(!ht =(estion mind o.inion
(%') $he breath test sho"ed he had cons(med more than three times the le!al
limit of alcohol) so the .olice arrested him for _____.
a) tres.assin! m(!!in! s.eedin! dr(n# driin!
(%() $he meetin! "as _____ and not ery interestin!.
a) time-"astin! time-cons(min! time-(sin! o(t of time
(%)) 'fter the moie "as released) the main _____ .oint "as its e2cessie (se
of iolence.
a) disc(ssion s.ea#in! conersation tal#in!
(&*) $here hae been seeral bi! _____ a!ainst the (se of *M foods recently.
a)!ns iss(es boycotts stri#es
designed to be used for placing students into groups corresponding to the six levels of the
are graded to test items that are progressively more difficult.
tests structures and vocabulary. It is comprised of 60 multiple-choice test items (36
structure and 24 vocabulary) that are orth one point each.
PLACEMENT TEST CONVERSION TABLE is based on the assumption that your
students attempt to anser all the !uestions.
Total Score Level
0-" #eginner
$0%$" &lementary
20%2" 're-intermediate
30%3" Intermediate
40%4" (pper-intermediate
)0%60 *dvanced

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