This document contains production and cost information for a monochlorobenzene separation process with an annual capacity of 44,131,000 pounds. It lists equipment types and costs, reactants and utilities used, total capital investment of $2,344,000, total permanent investment of $2,131,000, and estimated variable operating costs of $746,000 per year. It also provides pricing and revenue details for the monochlorobenzene product.
This document contains production and cost information for a monochlorobenzene separation process with an annual capacity of 44,131,000 pounds. It lists equipment types and costs, reactants and utilities used, total capital investment of $2,344,000, total permanent investment of $2,131,000, and estimated variable operating costs of $746,000 per year. It also provides pricing and revenue details for the monochlorobenzene product.
This document contains production and cost information for a monochlorobenzene separation process with an annual capacity of 44,131,000 pounds. It lists equipment types and costs, reactants and utilities used, total capital investment of $2,344,000, total permanent investment of $2,131,000, and estimated variable operating costs of $746,000 per year. It also provides pricing and revenue details for the monochlorobenzene product.
This document contains production and cost information for a monochlorobenzene separation process with an annual capacity of 44,131,000 pounds. It lists equipment types and costs, reactants and utilities used, total capital investment of $2,344,000, total permanent investment of $2,131,000, and estimated variable operating costs of $746,000 per year. It also provides pricing and revenue details for the monochlorobenzene product.
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1997 0.52 4 Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ Cost in $ 156.00 % 171.00 % 15.00 % 138.00 % 130.00 % Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor Cost in $ Bare Module Factor 8.30 % $ 15.00 % $ or % of TDC % 10.00 % 1.00 Item 1 Cost ($) 30 Item 2 Cost ($) Item 3 Cost ($) Item 4 Cost ($) Item 5 Cost ($) Item 6 Cost ($) Units lb How many days? 2 Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Units Cost ($) per lb Feed 0.3 lb Feed per lb PRODUCT 1.636 Utilities(enter the units then check the box) HP Steam lb Cost($) per lb: 0.004 0.2451 LP Steam Process Water Cooling Water lb Cost($) per lb: 0.000006 23.2 Natural Gas Electricity kWh Cost($) per KWH: 0.04 0.00172 (name) (name) (name) Other 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 4.8 0.5 2 1.25 Byproducts 8.43 Packaging $ per unit product $ per unit product Selling/Transfer Expense Administrative Expense Labor: Materials: Direct Research Allocated Research Management Incentive Compensation: If there are valueable byproducts, click here! % of Sales lb of HP Steam per lb of PRODUCT % of Sales % of Sales % of Sales % of Sales KWH of Electricity per lb of PRODUCT lb of Cooling Water per lb of PRODUCT Equipment Type 5 Equipment Type 2 Equipment Type 3 Flash Vessels and Storage Tanks 4,800 Pumps Equipment Type 4 FEED Land: Enter either a dollar value or a percentage of Total Depreciable Capital: Percentage of Total Depreciable Capital for Start-Up: Equipment Type 9 Percentage of Total Depreciable Capital for Royalties: Equipment Type 10 Equipment Type 8 Working Capital Reactant 3 Reactant 4 Days of Accts.Rec. Working Capital Calculations, please enter the data below first. Enter the reactant, and all other relevant data ( lines 57 and beyond) Indirect Project Expenses Percentage of Purchased Costs for Freight, Insurance and Taxes : Percentage of Purchased Costs for Construction Overhead: Individual Equipment Items Equipment Type 1 Total Capital Investment (see Table 9.2) Equipment Type 7 Allocated Utility and Related Facility Costs (see Table 9.4): Percentage of Direct Permanent Investment for Contingencies: Reactant 7 Site Factor (see Table 9.5) Reactant 1 Reactant 2 Inventories of Reactants are entered below in the section for Variable Costs. If you want to include reactant inventory in your Reactants (check box on left if you intend to keep inventory of Reactant) Reactant 6 Reactant 10 Reactant 11 Reactant 12 Reactant 13 Reactant 8 Reactant 9 INPUT FOR VARIABLE COST CALCULATIONS (see Table 10.1) Percentage of Total Bare Module Costs for Site Preparation and Service Facilities: Reactant 14 Equipment Type 4 Equipment Type 5 Reactant 5 Equipment Type 2 Equipment Type 3 Other Items for Working Capital Equipment Type 6 Equipment Type 7 Percentage of Purchased Costs for Contractor Engineering Expenses: Percentage of Purchased Costs for Labor : Equipment Type 9 Equipment Type 10 Equipment Type 8 THIS YEAR: DAYS OF PRODUCT INVENTORY: INPUT FOR VENTURE GUIDANCE APPRAISAL (check here to include verification calculation ) Equipment Type 1 LOCATION: US Gulf Coast MARKET PRICE OF PRODUCT ($): 28,900 Absorber PURCHASED COST OF EQUIPMENT (Engineered) INPUT FORM MONOCHLOROBENZENE SEPARATION PROCESS lb PROCESS: PRODUCT: 5,572 PRODUCT OPERATING HOURS PER YEAR Distillation Column 111,800 11,500 84,300 Heat Exchangers Equipment Type 6 Unit Cost ($) Unit Cost ($) Unit Cost ($) Percentage of Purchased Costs for Installation Materials: Units per lb PRODUCT Units per lb PRODUCT Units per lb PRODUCT Units per lb PRODUCT Unit Cost ($) Total Byproduct Credit= /lb of PRODUCT Enter Reactant Data Reset Reactant Entry Form gfedcb gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedcb gfedc gfedc gfedcb gfedc gfedcb gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedcb gfedc ENTER BYPRODUCT DATA gfedcb 2 47,400 15 % of wages 6 % of wages in $/labor yr in $/labor yr 3.5 25 100 5 7.1 2.4 5.9 7.4 1.5 8 6 1 15 15 0 37 Pick MARCS Tax-Basis Depreciation Schedule 5 year 7 year 10 year 15 year Operations Estimated Life in yrs. Cost of Capital Inflation Rate Income Tax Rate % % % in yrs. Construction Phase in yrs. (Working Capital is always introduced in the last year of construction.) If you would like to change the default Catalyst Replacement Catalyst Replacement INPUT FOR CASH FLOW ANALYSIS By default, the Total Permanent Investment Costs are spread evenly over the design & construction phase. Please click the enter button on the right after entering the data in the next two lines! $ Design Phase % of Allocated Costs INPUT FOR FIXED COST CALCULATIONS (see Table 10.1) Number of Operators per Shift: Annual Wages per Operator: $ Includes Benefits: Direct Plant Allocated Plant % of Total Depreciable Capital (assuming 5 Shifts) Maintenance Technical Assistance to Manuf.: Control Laboratory: Direct Salaries and Benefits Operating Supplies and Services: % of Maintenance Wages and Benefits % of Maintenance Wages and Benefits % of Maintenance Wages and Benefits Includes Benefits: % of Total Depreciable Capital Materials and Services: Maintenance Overhead: Salaries and Benefits: Wages: Property Taxes and Insurance Depreciation Operating Overhead General Plant Overhead: Mechanical Department Services: % of Total Depreciable Capital Depreciation Schedule Employee Relations Department: Business Services: % of Maintenance and Operations Salaries, Wages and Benefits % of Maintenance and Operations Salaries, Wages and Benefits % of Maintenance and Operations Salaries, Wages and Benefits % of Maintenance and Operations Salaries, Wages and Benefits Property Taxes and Insurance gfedcb gfedcb Click Here ! Reset to Default ! Enter gfedcb gfedc gfedc gfedc 28,900 $ 111,800 $ 11,500 $ 84,300 $ 4,800 $ 241,000 $ 376,000 $ 617,000 $ 412,000 $ 1,029,000 $ 36,000 $ 333,000 $ 313,000 $ 682,000 $ 1,711,000 $ 1,711,000 $ 142,000 $ - $ 1,853,000 $ 278,000 $ 2,131,000 $ - $ - $ 213,000 $ 2,344,000 $ lb 278,159 $ lb 131,270 $ 30 days 2,086,193 $ 2,496,000 $ 4,840,000 $ 9.726 534,921 437,566 Total Bare Module Cost of Equipment Direct Permanent Investment Cost of Contingencies Alloc. Costs for Utilities and Related Facilities Cost of Site Preparation and Service Facilities Engineered Equipment Venture Guidance Appraisal MONOCHLOROBENZENE SEPARATION PROCESS TOTAL US Gulf Coast 1997 44,131,000 lb per year Absorber Distillation Column Heat Exchangers Flash Vessels and Storage Tanks Pumps Total Direct Materials Total Materials Used for Installation Total Purchase Cost of Equipment Construction Overhead Total Direct Labor Total Bare Module Cost of Engineered Equipment Contractor Engineering Expenses Total Direct Project Expenses Total Indirect Project Expenses Indirect Project Expenses Freight, Insurance, Taxes Total Permanent Investment Total Depreciable Capital Cost of Land Cost of Royalties Working Capital Cost of Start-Up PRODUCT FEED Total Permanent Investment / Total Purchase Cost of Equipment = Accounts Receivable Total Capital Investment Total Working Capital Inventory 1997 FEED 49.08 21,659,000 $ 21,659,000 $ HP Steam 0.10 Cooling Water 0.01 Electricity 0.01 52,000 $ 21,711,000 $ Other - $ 21,711,000 $ Byproduct Credit (3,722,000) $ 17,989,000 $ Packaging Labor 0.00 Materials 0.00 Total Packaging - $ 17,989,000 $ Selling/Transfer Expense 0.00 /lb of PRODUCT Direct Research 2.50 /lb of PRODUCT Allocated Research 0.26 /lb of PRODUCT Administrative Expense 1.04 /lb of PRODUCT Mgmt Incentive Compensation 0.65 /lb of PRODUCT Subtotal 1,962,000 $ 19,951,000 $ 45.21 19,951,000 $ TOTAL Feed Stock /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT Variable Operating Costs MONOCHLOROBENZENE SEPARATION PROCESS /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT Utilities 0.12 Total Feed Stock: 49.08 Total Variable Costs: Total Other 0.00 (8.43) 0.00 4.45 /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT US Gulf Coast 44,131,000 lb per year /lb of PRODUCT /lb of PRODUCT Total Utilities: 1997 474,000 $ 71,100 $ 28,440 $ - $ - $ 574,000 $ 574,000 $ 74,585 $ 18,646 $ 74,585 $ 3,729 $ 172,000 $ 746,000 $ 45,322 $ 15,320 $ 37,662 $ 47,237 $ 146,000 $ 892,000 $ 32,000 $ 924,000 $ - $ 924,000 $ 924,000 $ 170,000 $ - $ 170,000 $ 1,094,000 $ 1,094,000 $ Direct Plant Depreciation Total Operating Overhead Property Taxes and Insurance Maintenance Overhead General Plant Overhead Mechanical Department Services Total Maintenance Operating Overhead Employee Relations Department Business Services Operating Supplies and Services Technical Assistance to Manuf. Control Laboratory Total Operations Operations Direct Salaries and Benefits Wages and Benefits Salaries and Benefits Materials and Services Maintenance Wages and Benefits Total Fixed Costs (for ROI Calculations): Fixed Operating Costs MONOCHLOROBENZENE SEPARATION PROCESS TOTAL US Gulf Coast 44,131,000 lb per year Total Depreciation Replacement Catalyst Total Fixed Costs (for Cash Flow Calculations): Allocated Plant DESIGN PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 0 45 67.5 90 90 90 90 90 10,327,000 $ 15,490,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ (2,344,000) $ (2,496,000) $ (8,978,000) $ (13,467,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (469,000) $ (750,000) $ (450,000) $ (270,000) $ (270,000) $ (135,000) $ (4,840,000) $ (44,000) $ 349,000 $ 1,323,000 $ 1,503,000 $ 1,503,000 $ 1,638,000 $ 1,773,000 $ (129,000) $ (490,000) $ (556,000) $ (556,000) $ (606,000) $ (656,000) $ (4,840,000) $ (44,000) $ 220,000 $ 833,000 $ 947,000 $ 947,000 $ 1,032,000 $ 1,117,000 $ (4,840,000) $ 425,000 $ 970,000 $ 1,283,000 $ 1,217,000 $ 1,217,000 $ 1,167,000 $ 1,117,000 $ (4,840,000) $ (4,470,000) $ (3,737,000) $ (2,893,000) $ (2,197,000) $ (1,592,000) $ (1,087,000) $ (667,000) $ NPV Sales 20,653,000 $ 1409467.354 1,409,000 $ Variable Costs (17,956,000) $ Fixed Costs (1,094,000) $ Gross Income 1,603,000 $ Income Tax (593,000) $ IRR Net Income $1,010,000 20.87% 20.04% Net Earnings Fixed Cost Cash Flows MONOCHLOROBENZENE SEPARATION PROCESS Variable Cost Taxable Income Year % of Capacity Sales US Gulf Coast 44,131,000 lb per year ROI (Third Year of Production) Capital Investment Cumulative PV @ 15% 4,840,000 $ Annual Cash Income Tax Capital Cost Working Capital Depreciation PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 20,653,000 $ 2,496,000 $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (17,956,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ (924,000) $ 1,773,000 $ 1,773,000 $ 1,773,000 $ 1,773,000 $ 1,773,000 $ 1,773,000 $ 1,773,000 $ 4,269,000 $ (656,000) $ (656,000) $ (656,000) $ (656,000) $ (656,000) $ (656,000) $ (656,000) $ (1,580,000) $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 2,689,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 1,117,000 $ 2,689,000 $ (302,000) $ 16,000 $ 292,000 $ 532,000 $ 741,000 $ 923,000 $ 1,081,000 $ 1,411,000 $