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Klaus J. Joehle Messenger-2

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Living on

The Messenger
Klaus J. Joehle
Living on Love

Living on Love
The Messenger
Klaus J. Joehle
Published by Writes Club Press
For information, please contact:
5220 outh !"
uite 200
#incoln, $% "&5!2'!2()
#ivin* on #ove
+,he -essen*er.
/ll 0i*hts 0eserved. Copyri*ht 1 200! by 2laus 3.
$o part of this boo4 may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, *raphic,
electronic, or mechanical, includin* photocopyin*,
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retrieval system, 5ithout the permission in 5ritin*
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Pulished by Writes Club Press
an imprint of
For information, please contact:
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#incoln, $% "&5!2'!2()

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Printed in the United tates of /merica
To My Son,
Who stood by me?
I say this:
Anything and Everything
Is possible
With Love.
The problem with our children is
That they have so much to teach us
But so little time to do it in.
My problem is it has taken me 15 years to learn that.
Now I fear that
Ive missed most of my education.
What it after many years of studying so called ancient wisdom, you find yourself stuck? All
the information is there but nothing seems to be working.
Then one day, out of work and out of money, you come up with a brainstorm.
You take all the information you learned about meditation, remote viewing, out of body
travel, and so on. You decide to mentally travel into the future to see what the results of
tomorrows sports lottery will be. But ust as the money starts rolling in you run into your
future self.
Yo ignore him!
!o another future self comes to see you, to change the past or maybe to change the future.
What if your future self offered you information about "ove that has been kept secret for
centuries? #nformation that will make all your dreams come true. Would you let go of the
easy money?
As yo ta"e this boo" home, so yo #ill need to $hoose also.
$laus %. %oehle
Table of Contents
A Controversial Note from the Author
Editorial Method Special note on spelling and Grammar
%hapter &ne
%hapter T#o
%hapter Three
%hapter 'or
%hapter 'ive
%hapter Si(
%hapter Seven
%hapter Eight
%hapter )ine
%hapter Ten
%hapter Eleven
%hapter T#elve
%hapter Thirteen *My l$"y nmber+
%hapter 'orteen
%hapter 'i,teen
%hapter Si(teen
%hapter Seventeen
%hapter Eighteen
%hapter )ineteen
%hapter T#enty
%hapter T#enty-one
%hapter T#enty-t#o
%hapter T#enty-three
%hapter T#enty-,or
%hapter T#enty-,ive
%hapter T#enty-si(
%hapter T#enty-seven
%hapter T#enty-eight
%hapter T#enty-nine
%hapter Thirty
%hapter Thirty-one
%hapter Thirty-t#o
%hapter Thirty-three
%hapter Thirty-,or
%hapter Thirty-,ive
%hapter Thirty- Si(
.ela(ing and Letting /o
&pening Yor 0eart, 'illing and Srronding Yorsel, #ith Love
Sending Love to 1eople
Sending Love to Yor %hildren
'illing Yor 0ome #ith Love
'illing Yor Wor" #ith Love
'illing Everything #ith Love
A Little E(tra Love in Yor 2edroom
%reating What Yo Want #ith Love
Most Asked Questions
Notes Comments from Readers


You are about to embark on a ourney most of us only dreamed possible in these tiny moments
when we dared to dream the seemingly impossible hopes.
&ver the last '( years # read all the books, spent countless hours)meditating, visuali*ing, learning
to travel out of my body but the whole time # felt like # was missing something. Also after a while
all the books ust seemed to be a rehash of the same material. +othing new, at least that seemed to
be making any real difference.
!ome time in +ovember of ,--. after getting laid off work and having no intention of looking for
work, # went to visit a friend of mine who at the time was working on his sports bets. We were
talking about the bets and how much money he wasn/t making, when a thought occurred to me.
# looked at my friend and suggested that maybe a person could use their subconscious mind to see
into the future and figure out who was going to win the game. 0e thought # was nuts and said that
there was no way to predict the future, and he gave me about 1( reasons why it would not work.
#t/s pretty obvious to me that he is a lot more thickheaded then # am. But the more # thought about
it, the more # liked the idea. By the time # got home, # had it more or less worked out in my mind. #
figured all # needed to do was to find a state of mind where the conscious and subconscious come
together and worked together as one rather than being separate. #t sounds simple and it was, even
though it did take a while to work out the details and figure out a plan. # went back to the library
and picked up a few more books. # played around with it for about a week or two, trying different
things out. Anyway # took all the information # could find and mi2ed it all up, a little bit from here
and a little bit from there. The conclusion that # came to was that # needed to be in a very deep
meditating state, or a trance)like state of mind and then travel into the future to see the game
#t worked and in no time at all # was in the money. # was making small bets and winning small
amounts at a time. As time went by, # tried to get my friend to do the same thing. 3iguring that this
way we could compare answers and do even better, but he was scared and refused to have anything
to do with it. # kept at him, but to no avail. 4ven though he was not even the least religious he kept
saying that # might be breaking some cosmic law and may get more then # was bargaining for. Well
as it turned out there is no such law in the universe, but it appears the 5niverse or All That There #s
had its own plan. Totally unaware, # was walking right into it.
This is how it started but not how it ended. 4ven science is slowly reali*ing there is an invisible
power we call "ove. 3or centuries the word "ove has been used to describe feelings and
emotions but nothing has been said about this incredible power source that/s responsible for
sustaining all that is around us. %ust imagine the life you could create if you know how to tap
into this source. %ust imagine the difference you could make in this world. The fact is that this
source lies within all of us, we are born with it. 3or centuries the information has been passed
down, to only a handful and # really mean only a handful. Trying to win the lottery has nothing
to do with the information you are about to discover other than that it was the motivation that
brought me to 6uiet my mind long enough for me to be shown something incredible that has
been hidden right in front of us.
!ometimes # ask myself if the world is ready for this information? The only answer # get is from the
many e)mails # have received and continue to receive. They are from people that are ama*ed at how
incredible this information is and how easy and fast it works. # also worried whether or not it could
be used wrongly or in a negative way, for it seems that some have tried it. "et this be a warning.
"ove 4nergy, for better wording is a conscious energy and is conscious of what you are trying to
do. # speculate that this is why it works so well.
The story you are about to read is true to the best of my ability to write it and the information you
will discover in this book to the best of my knowledge has never been written about before.
Although the power of "ove is mentioned in many writings nowhere is it e2plained how to use this
"ove energy to create the life and "ove you are looking for.
#f you/re tired of reading the same rehashed material over and over and are ready to take the ne2t
step then read on. You/ll discover a little known secret about "ove that no one ever imagined
possible. #f you find yourself reading a lot of books or searching for something to take you further,
then this is the information you have been searching for. This is what we all have been searching
All my "ove
$laus %oehle

A Controversial Note from the Author
This is my opinion, take what you like and leave the rest.
#t seems for as long as we have been on this planet we have found a way to destroy ourselves. We
go to war and kill others by the thousands. We attack those who seem weaker than us and take
what they have. We will, and have killed others for what we want and have even been killed in the
attempt. 0alf the world seems to be reasonably at peace while the other half is raging in war. 4ven
when we try to help those that can not defend themselves against an aggressor we end up becoming
like the aggressor that we are trying to stop. 3or centuries we have been taught that we do not have
the power to stop an aggressor other than by fighting and killing. #t has become a vicious circle
they/re are those who desperately try to live in peace only to be attacked at sometime for what they
have. We walk in fear of what others might do to us. We lock our doors lock our cars, install
security alarms and all to no avail. There is another way. 0ere is an e2ample.
The people that lived in my home before me were broken into and robbed five times in seven years.
3ive times their home was vandali*ed and their things taken from them. &n the other hand # have
lived here in peace and for a long time, even though my neighbor did not. # have no alarms7 my
doors and windows are never locked. 8y vehicles are not locked and my garage door is always
open with all the tools ust sitting there. &$ maybe sitting under the rubble. 4ven when we go
away everything stays unlocked and when we return not even a blade of grass has been disturbed. #
have not even seen the keys for this house since # moved in. 8ost would agree that this is being
foolish and ust waiting for trouble. +ormally # would agree but you have not seen the information
in this book in action, nor what it is capable of.
At one time # was convinced like many others that 9od ust placed us here and gave us no power to
create heaven on earth. But in time # reali*ed that it did not make sense. At the same time # did not
know where the power was or how to access it.
To believe that 9od made us powerless to create heaven on earth and to believe that we are part of
9od and left powerless to stop those who want to destroy everything in their path, that/s silly and
there is no truth to it. The truth is we have the power to stop this and it lies inside of us waiting to
be activated. The power that #/m speaking of is "ove and we do not need to hurt those that would
hurt us in order to stop them.
:on/t let the word "ove, nor the way it has been described fool you, that is e2actly how it has been
hidden from us. # am ama*ed how the word "ove has been worked over to make a mountain look
like a pimple. 8ost people would agree that "ove is one of the most powerful forces in the universe
but that is as far as it goes. We have been taught and in many ways have taught ourselves that
"ove is a feeling and an unattainable force but that is not true. There is much more to "ove and
what we can do with it. The best way to hide something is to make it look like nothing, silly and
wishy ) washy. The universe and all that you see is not a closed system nor is it a self)sustaining.
#t needs an outside source of energy and that is what we call "ove. Think about it, whatever you
believe created all of this also created us and in doing so also gave us the power to create heaven
on earth. :oes that not make sense?
Allot of people are scared of what tomorrow will bring for themselves and for their children.
# can/t blame them but after you read this book you will agree that the only thing that/s really scary
is not having this information and to not be able to give it to our children.
# have learned to meditate and all kinds of wonderful things have come from our spiritual scientists
from the east and Tibet. What always bothered me was the fact that after .(( years of meditating,
Tibetans had to flee their country and leave their people to be enslaved, tortured and killed. #/m not
trying to put them down #/m saying that something was missing along the way they and all of us
missed something that could of at least kept us safe. #f you can not keep yourself and your children
safe while making the world a better place to live in, then there is something missing. !omething is
wrong with that picture. We are all waiting for 9od to come and straighten it all out, the fact is he
gave us free will and he gave us the power to do it ourselves without hurting anyone or causing
anyone harm. # know that saying this is a big statement but the proof is there, from the countless e)
mail # get from people who have witnessed this same miracle, as # have.
# am not religious other than that # believe in something larger and more loving than myself.
When # was younger # was sent to !unday school like most of you but # felt that there was
something not complete. #t/s like this. When %esus said to turn the other cheek something was left
out. That something was send and fill them with "ove because that will stop them in their tracks,
and of course the instructions on how to send "ove in a way that is affective. #f turning the other
cheek works so well on its own then when they robbed your store or robbed your house then why
not give them more then what they were looking for? #f it works so well why are churches locked?
The point of turning the other cheek was to not hit back but there was a piece of information
missing. 0ow to work with "ove and how to activate this incredible power source to not only
protect yourself but to also change the very person that is threatening you or your life and to live
the life you want without fear.
#f you were in a place with no surface water and you had never seen a drilling rig then even if we
all agreed that there is water we would still die of thirst. 3or if we do not know what a drilling rig
is or how to use the rig, it would ust sit there ust like the "ove inside of us. #f "ove is the most
powerful force we know of. And if we can use it to change our lives, create the things we want,
happiness, safety, "ove, oy and so on, #t is of no use if we do not know how to access it or where
to get it.
#f # was talking of anything other then "ove it would scare me but "ove has a consciousness of its
own and will not do any harm. As you read on you will come to discover this for yourself and you
will be ama*ed beyond words.
The information # write in this book you will not find anywhere else, but that will change 6uickly.
When # first wrote this book # placed it onto a web page to see if people were interested and to see
if it was understandable, for some things are hard to e2press in words. The response was over
whelming. ;eople wrote in saying this is the missing piece and they were ama*ed at the results.
Thank You for all your support.
#f you consider yourself what some call a light worker, or healer, or if your are at least trying to be
one of these, this is the information you have been looking for. This is the information that will take
you to your ne2t step.
To the Tibetans # apologi*e if the e2ample # made offends you but it is time to know how to release
the "ove energy this world so desperately needs.
This is for the two Tibetans who are of the few that know of this information and have held onto it
tight. The time is now, one way or another it is time for people to know what loving power lies
within them and it is time to release it.
#t is time for people to be able to live in peace and without fear and to be able to create the life they
want. #t is fine what you have accomplished, that you have lived for a long time, and that you do
not need to eat or drink water. That you at will can be invisible to the naked eye. But you have
forgotten what it is like for those who have been convinced that they are powerless and are living
under the fists of others. You may have had your reasons but in my mind and from what # have
seen going on in the world they were not good enough to keep this to yourselves. That is where we
bang heads and will continue to do so. But then you knew this was coming. # live well # live safe
but it is time for others to be able to do so also.
3or those that believe in a 9od, he gave you the power to create heaven on earth and if you use it
he will come or perhaps in a second he<she will already be here. Think about this. :o you do
everything for your children or do you give them the skills and abilities to do it themselves? #f you
are going to let this information go because it came from a nobody like myself instead of a high
priest well that/s up to you. You have the 9od given right and abilities to create the world that 9od
Take what you like and leave the rest for someone that will "ove it. As it should be.
3or those that have and continue to write me, # apologi*e that you will most likely receive only
short notes back, because there is too much and too little time. All the information is here in this
book. 0ow # found the information, how to work with it, what to e2pect, and some of my own
e2periences. That is all # have to give you other than my "ove. Take the information and run with
it. #n two years you will look back and be ama*ed at what you have accomplished. We will all be.
#n the ne2t few pages # will try to answer some of the most asked 6uestions. # hope that this will
All my "ove to you on your ourney=
$laus % %oehle

!o m" sweetheart and wife
#ho helped so much
$o%erta &oehle
'ets fall in 'ove
Ever" moment( da"( night( week( "ear
All m" love

Editorial Method
!pelling and 9rammar?
;erfect spelling has never fed a hungry child.
;erfect grammar has never mended a broken heart
A finely pressed suit only hides the glow of love that is missing
A lack of love is the only imperfection # know
!o get over it
The need for ;erfect spelling and perfect grammar
#s boring, time consuming elusions that hide what is truly needed.
Thirty to fifty hours more editing would have made this perfect.
But instead it fed some starving children.
!o # hope that each word and each sentence of imperfection
>eminds you of what/s really important.
# did pay to have this book edited once and upon its return there were still many errors.
After its return my wife took over and after many long hours of editing and re)editing
!he gave into one healthy fact of life
+othing is ;erfect
&r maybe it is
8y wife believes everything is perfect in it/s own special way?
For centuries certain information about Love and the amount
of power it gives you has been kept secret and hidden. That's
all about to change. If you want to create the life you have
dreamed about than read on.
In all honesty the last thing I wanted to do was become a
writer, especially writing about Love. If it werent for the
amount of power and ability that Love gave me to create the
life I wanted I wouldn't even consider it. !sing Love I have
found that I can virtually instantly create everything I want.
!sing Love I have gained so much ability and power to create
what I desire, that if it wasn't Love that I was using then it
would almost be scary. "y life has turned into a fairy tale and
is beyond anything I have ever hoped possible for myself. I
know that this sounds like a big statement to make. #ut it's
$uite true. %ven my sweetheart who was open minded but also
skeptical had little choice but to believe, because the "agic is
an every day thing almost beyond words. The amount of
personal power that Love gives you, not to control others but
to create your life and your e&periences is overwhelming. The
beautiful thing about it is that it also seems always to work
out the best for everyone in the end. 'fter all if it wasn't all
that great then it wouldn't have been kept a secret.

(orking and creating with Love is very easy, there is a little
knack to it, but e&tremely easy to learn. The list of what you
can do with Love or perhaps I could say Love energy is
endless. I could give you several hundred e&amples. )ou'll
*nd $uite a few e&amples in this book Living on Love +The
"essenger+ . "y favorite saying is Take what you like and
leave the rest for someone that might Love it. The choice is

'll our Love to you on your ,ourney and choices.
-laus .. .oehle
Chapter !ne
#t was early winter. 5sually at this time of the year it is 6uite cold, but this year was warm,
almost like summer. #t was a very cloudy day, and it looked like it was going to rain.
# was at home trying to write this book, but # ust could not figure out how to tell this story. #
am not a writer and have never written a thing before. # tried for several hours to write, and
even though # had made some rough outlines and notes of things that had happened, # still
could not get any further than the first pages. # couldn/t find the words to e2plain what had
gone on two years ago that changed my life forever. 3inally # gave up and decided to drive
downtown to run some errands.
# parked my car in a place # knew # could leave it all afternoon without having to pay for
parking or get a ticket, and walked to the various places # wanted to go. After # had done my
running around, # decided to stop and see a friend of mine named 0enry, and ask if he wanted
to go for a drink.
#t doesn/t take much to twist 0enry/s arm and we were at the bar in no time at all. #t/s a small
6uiet bar called 0y/s. After we were there for several hours # decided it was time to go home.
When # stepped outside it was pouring rain which is very unusual for this time of year?not to
mention that it very seldom rains this hard here in @algary.
# knew # was going to get soaked so # 6uickly ran from one sheltered spot to another, not that it
helped7 it/s ust one of those weird things we do even though logically it makes no sense. #t was
already dark and with the rain it was hard to see. # was standing under a small shelter trying to
get my bearings. As # looked around # reali*ed # was standing on a small deck covered with a
roof, almost like a house verandah. A small sign for +eena/s Bar flashed in the window.
# didn/t remember ever seeing this place before. The whole place was maybe only ,. feet wide.
#t almost looked like it had s6uee*ed itself right between two giant brick buildings.
# stepped inside. "ooking around, # saw that there seemed to be only two people in the place
other than the bartender. To the right there was a very small bar about ten feet long. A woman
with long curly blond hair was sitting at the bar, talking to the bartender. To the left one man
wearing a hat was sitting at a table. # walked over to the bar and sat down one stool from the
blond woman.
As # sat down, she turned and said, A#s it still raining outside?B
AYes, harder then ever,B # answered. A shiver went up my spine.
AWhat can # get you?B the bartender asked.
A!cotch and rocks.B
# looked at my wet pants and thought that # should have stopped somewhere else. 0ot
chocolate would have been nice. As # glanced around # wondered why # had come in here. The
place felt eerie.
A9et him the good stuff, :anny.B The blond woman interrupted my thoughts.
A&kay,B said the bartender.
With a sheepish grin, # thought, this is going to cost me.
A:on/t worry about it, it/s on the house,B said the blond woman as if she heard my thoughts.
AThanks,B # said, pleasantly surprised. And briefly glancing at her, # thought # could count
with one hand the amount of times #/ve heard that statement.
!he was very beautiful, with long curly blond hair that looked like it was as soft as silk. # shyly
glanced away and continued looking around at the surroundings, thinking this place feels
strange but homey and safe at the same time.
The bartender put the glass of !cotch in front of me with no ice in it. # was going to say
something, but he was still holding onto the glass.
AWe don/t have hot chocolate, but # can heat this up for you=B he said 6uickly.
A0ot !cotch, never heard of it=B # frowned at him.
A#t/s 6uite good, try it,B said the blond woman.
AWell, why not?B # was always willing to try something new.
8y hair was wet and the water was dripping down my face. # was ust going to ask where the
washroom was when the bartender handed me a towel.
# wiped my hair and face and as # put down the towel, # noticed out of the corner of my eye that
the blond woman had moved to the chair ne2t to me. That made me a bit nervous. # didn/t look
at her, but watched the bartender heat up my !cotch and waited for him to bring it back. The
bar was ghostly 6uiet7 no music was playing, no radio, not a sound, which is very unusual.
This had the makings of another weird night. # thought to myself.
The bartender put down my glass of hot scotch in front of me and stood back waiting. # lifted
the glass knowing that there were four eyes staring at me, and # took a sip.
# turned towards the blond woman. ABoy, it evaporates before it even hits your stomach= #t/s
6uite good, thank you.B
We made eye contact about the same time that she smiled, and that was a mistake. 0er eyes
were like a calm ocean reflecting the moon and all the stars. # looked away, embarrassed.
:anny was standing a few feet away washing some glasses. # sat in silence, staring forward
and warming my hands on my glass of hot scotch. The 6uiet caused my mind to go back to my
book. 8aybe # should take a course, # thought to myself, or better yet, maybe # should forget
the whole thing. That thought gave me a temporary feeling of relief.
ABy the way, my name is +eena.B The blond woman smiled.
# almost spilled my scotch. # tend to be a deep thinker and need to be brought back gently.
A!orry, # didn/t mean to scare you.B +eena held out her hand.
A#t/s okay, #/m $laus.B
A+ice to meet you, $laus. This good looking gentleman behind the bar is :anny.B
A!o why the big frown?B
A# didn/t reali*e # was frowningB
A9irl friend problems?B
A+o,B # sipped my warm scotch.
AYou might as well tell her, she won/t 6uit until you do.B :anny grinned from behind the bar.
A#t/s a long story,B # said, shaking my head.
+eena leaned forward and gave me one of those Cwe/ve got all night/ looks. # nervously took
another big sip of my scotch.
ABring $laus another one, :anny,B said +eena.
AActually, # really should go home,B # said out loud, while another part of me said more please=
There definitely is a lush in there somewhere.
:anny paid no attention to what # said and began pouring another drink.
A@ome on, spill your guts, $laus= "et/s have it,B +eena demanded, almost putting her face in
mine to get me to make eye contact.
;art of me said, look at her, you big chicken.
A$laus=B said +eena loudly.
# felt a fist hit my arm, interrupting my inner thoughts.
AWhat?B # was a little annoyed at being punched by a stranger.
A@ome on, out with it=B she commanded.
"ooking at her eyes, # wondered how many swords had been drawn to fight over those eyes.
8y lips began to move even ahead of my thoughts. # hate it when that happens.
A#/m trying to write a book about something that happened a while back, but # have no idea
how to write it or even where to begin. #t/s way over my head,B # said vowing to myself never
to look in those eyes again.
AWhat/s it about?B she asked, as :anny put my drink in front of me.
A#t/s about angels, sort of more about "ove, # guess7 about life, the reason for living, mostly
about "ove, # think...B # wished # had stopped somewhere else.
A+ow that/s interesting. !o what happened?B +eena was definitely very persistent.
# shook my head. A#t/s a long story, and it/s really bi*arre.B
:anny laughed. A#f you make it out of here without telling her this story, that will be bi*arre.B
# shook my head again. A# wouldn/t even know where to start.B
# thought about it for a minute because in some way, # was itching to tell somebody.
@onsidering that # would probably never see these people again, this was probably the perfect
opportunity, but where would # start?
A!tart at the very beginning,B +eena brought me back from my thoughts.
:anny was leaning forward and ready to listen. 0e was obviously enoying this.
A# have to tell you, it/s a very strange story,B # said.
AWe/re all ears.B +eena was gleaming from her victory.
# can see that, # thought to myself.
A9ive me a moment to collect my thoughts,B # said.
What is imagination?
What is reality?
What is trth?
Is reality #hat #e imagine?
&r is that
Whi$h #e imagine
Then what is truth!
Chapter Two
A:oes a story really have a beginning or even have an end? Where does it begin and where
does it end? :oes it begin at the start of a trip, the end of a trip...B
# stopped for a second to see if they were still with me.
A&r does it start when we made certain decisions which lead us to the path that led to the start
of the story? &r does a story start when we leave for the ourney, or when we start packing, or
when we make the plans? And when does it end? #f a story has changed us, does it end when
we stop talking about it? And what is the important part? All the decisions that were made or
the paths that were followed, a story is like the point where four roads meet? "et/s face it ?
there is no beginning and no end.B
#f you ever want to get rid of someone, ust give them a line like will blow them away
like dry leaves in the summer wind. # was looking at both of them, trying to hold back the
smile that was building in me from the anticipation of watching them blow in the wind.
A# agree totally,B said :anny. +eena nodded her head in agreement.
A#t/s sort of like truth. What is truth? !ometimes truth can be really pu**ling,B answered
+eena. &bviously she was not blowing in the wind.
AWhat do you mean?B # asked, 6uite surprised that this might turn into a conversation.
A3or instance, Ashe said, Aten people watch an accident happen. There are ten versions of what
had happened and the only thing we know for sure is that there are several cars smashed. And
then there is the 6uestion when did it really happen? :id it start when one car went out of
control or did it start when the drivers got into their cars? They say our thoughts create our
reality, and if that/s so, then when did this accident really start?B
:anny and # both nodded our heads in agreement.
ATake that wallpaper over there,B :anny noted. AWe all see it, but is it the truth? What we see
are colors and stripes7 what we don/t see are the people that work at the factories, making this
paper, their fears, and their dreams. +or do we see the trees that the paper came from and the
people that built the wall, hoping to be able to feed their families, nor the owner hoping to
make enough money to pay for all of this. All we see is colors and stripes. But that/s not
really the truth.B
:uring the silence that followed, # took another sip of my scotch. # don/t know why, but a
dream #/ve had since # was a small child came to my mind. # was thinking about it when +eena
interrupted my thoughts.
AThere/s that frown again.B +eena nudged me with her elbow. # must have been feeling safe
because my lips started to speak again without my total consent.
A# was ust thinking of a dream # had when # was a kid. # believed that the world could be one
big garden. You know what # mean, cities built in and around gardens, where everybody is
happy, playing, planting fruit trees, flowers, berry bushes, and picking fruit. ;laying with the
wild life, animals like deer and rabbits and fo2es running around not afraid of humans but
drawn to them. ;eople not afraid of people. 4veryone caring for each other instead of beating
each other down.B # gestured with my hands. A%ust a stupid dream, like anybody will ever see
that happen, we/re too busy blowing everything up and trying to make more money than our
AYou never know=B :anny reached under the bar and brought out a strange green bottle. # saw
it had a cork in it but no label.
A#/ve been saving this for a special occasion,B :anny said with a strange gleam in his eye.
# looked at the bottle. AWhere did you get that from, a pirate ship?B
:anny set down three glasses in a row and smiled. A+o, not 6uite.B
A#t looks old,B # said, as :anny tried to pull the cork.
A#t is.B +eena answered. ADery old=B
AWhat is it?B
They looked at each other for a moment, and :anny started to pour.
# shrugged my shoulders. A&kay then, what/s the special occasion?B
# don/t know if it was the scotch or the company, but # felt at ease and safe, even though they
didn/t answer my 6uestion. There was only enough in the bottle to fill three glasses half full.
:anny put the empty bottle back under the bar and handed each of us a glass. #t was thick and
a dark blood)red color. # held it to my nose. #t smelled sweet but had no scent of alcohol.
A#t doesn/t have any alcohol,B +eena said.
# smiled. AWhat will we drink to?B
ATo dreams. 8ay they be beautiful and come true.B +eena raised her glass.
A0ere, here=B :anny sounded like a pirate.
#t was incredible. #t tasted like berries, sweet and thick, but # could not tell what kind of berry
it was made of. 8y taste buds ust came alive. # took another sip and another, and slipped
into a world of my own. #t felt like every cell in my body had sprung to life. The lush in me
took over and by the time +eena said Ayou might want to take it slow=B it was too late. # was
already sucking up the last drop and looking for more.
By the time # put down my glass both of them were laughing very hard. "ooking at the other
glasses # reali*ed that they had only sipped theirs. #t must have been the way # looked at
+eena/s glass that made her move it further away from my reach. # had no choice but to laugh
with them. 8y mind was as clear as a bell. # also felt very energi*ed.
AWow= That/s good stuff= #/ll take a case...B
They were still laughing.
A8an, # feel like # could hog tie a dinosaur.B
#/m pretty sure # had a grin on my face that would have been the envy of any clown.
+eena put her hand on mine. A!o now that you know we/re not going to ridicule you, maybe
you would like to tell us this story about angels and "ove.B
AAll right,B # said, Afair/s fair.B
A!tart from the beginning and don/t leave anything out.B she said.
A%ust let me get my bearings,B # slid my empty !cotch glass towards :anny so he could refresh
"ust the way it is
The #orld is one big bo#l o, sop
Spinning arond
And i, peas and $arrots
don3t li"e ea$h other
That3s too bad.
2e$ase they3re sre going
to see a lot o, ea$h other
And nobody is leaving ntil
We are all ni$e and tender
Thats #ust the way it is
Chapter Three
As :anny finished pouring my drink, # collected my thoughts. # reached in my coat pocket for
my cigarettes. # glanced around to see if the gentleman was still sitting at his table. #t looked
like he had not moved an inch, rather odd especially since he hadn/t been served the whole time
# was there, and that had been almost an hour.
:anny put my drink in front of me while # took a drag of my cigarette.
A!o, $laus,B :anny had a smirk on his face. AAm # pronouncing your name right?B
A@lose enough.B # stirred the ice in my glass.
A# figured you might want a cold one this time.B :anny was still grinning.
AYour instincts were right. Thank you=B # grinned back.
A!o how about that story?B
A# spent most of my life, e2cept for the last couple of years, very unhappily. #t/s hard to e2plain
but there has been a deep inner sadness. Actually a better way to e2plain it is that there seemed
to be no happiness in me. ;erhaps # should say happiness was ust missing and no matter what
happened, good or bad, it ust was not there, and # could not do anything about it.B
AYou see, this is the problem? to really understand what # mean you need to know the rest of
the story but at the same time # can/t really tell you the story without telling you this part.B #
shook my head.
:anny came around the bar to grab a barstool, carried it to where he had been standing, and
sat down.
A# can see the feelings, $laus, but # can/t hear them,B +eena said.
A%ust thinking about those days makes me feel a little sad,B # said, in a low voice.
A:idn/t people notice you were sad?B +eena/s sympathetic voice was trying to help me along.
AThat part really doesn/t matter,B # said. ABut as far as the unhappiness goes, # tried all sorts
of things over the years. # even watched other people to see what brought them happiness and
then tried the same things. 3or instance, # noticed that when people purchased a new car they
would be really happy?at least for a while. &r they/d act happy if they were getting into a
relationship. There/s an endless amount of things people do to be happy, and # basically tried
them all. #t may sound strange but none of these things did anything for me. As a matter of
fact, a lot of the time it made me more miserable than # was before, simply because # was
waiting for something to happen and nothing did. &ne cra*y e2ample comes to mind. #
remember buying a new car, thinking that this would bring me happiness, but after # bought the
car, # ended up sitting in it for two or three hours waiting for happiness or oy to flow over me
like it seems to do for other people. But nothing happened. # was not any happier than before #
bought the car. Yet it appears that this is not the case with other people. But # did not stop
trying. # tried many other things over the years. #/ve read hundreds of books of all kinds from
meditation to mind power, mind control, thinking positive, books on "ove, books on life, all
kinds of self)help books, but nothing helped. #t was like there was something missing in me.
But # also noticed that # was not the only one, there were lots of other people in much the same
situation. $nowing that # was not the only one really didn/t help much. #n one way # was
determined to solve this problem yet in another way # felt hopeless and many times gave up. #
also took courses, and oined some self help groups. The most interesting of all was when #
decided to go for therapy. #t was a sad time for me, and # was convinced that there was
something wrong with me. But after three weeks of spilling my guts, # was told that # was fine
and most definitely still sane, which was good to hear, and # was also told that there was no
reason to continue with the sessions. All # needed to do was find something that # really enoyed
doing, and go for it. #t/s too bad that it was not 6uite that easy.B
# stopped for a moment to light another cigarette when # noticed :anny was chuckling to
A!o what/s so amusing to you about all of this?B
A# have never actually met someone before who would sit in a car for two or three hours
waiting for happiness to spring up. But # salute your determination.B :anny gave me a salute
and a big grin.
AThen this unhappiness was your driving force?B +eena asked.
A42actly. #nstead of searching for money, fame, "ove, career, or any of the normal things that
people spend their lives trying to achieve, all # wanted was to be happy. Another way of saying
it would be that # wanted to be free of the pain and the grief it was causing me.B
# fell into deep thought as # watched the smoke curl upwards from my cigarette. # thought
about some of the things that a lack of happiness makes you do and some of the paths that it
leads you down. There was also something else on my mind and # was trying to decide whether
or not # should say anything about it, when +eena interrupted my thoughts.
A#t would be surprising if you had never thought of ending it all, or perhaps making an
attempt=B she said.
# looked at +eena. !eeing the sparkles in her eyes, # thought obviously the universe has brought
some of its best players into this game and is leaving nothing to chance. #t appears that the
universe knows me better than # was aware of.
# stood up and asked where the washroom was. # wanted a moment to collect my thoughts.
:anny pointed to a small wooden plank door at the end of the bar.
The washroom was not very big, not much bigger than an outhouse with no windows and
definitely no way to escape, if a person was so inclined. # thought about everything that # had
said so far and decided to continue. After all, # had nothing to lose.
Sometimes li,e is li"e
A giant po"er game
That 4st goes on and on
And #hen #e get really good at it
Then the niverse might thro# s a $rve
5st to ma"e s thin"
Maybe it $an get even better
And so,
The %ame %oes on.
Chapter For
When # came out of the washroom # saw that the man at the table was still there. As # walked
back to the bar, # kept my distance from him. &ne very important rule to remember when
playing with the universe is that you need to play with respect, and preferably show respect7
it/s not that the universe will get upset at you, ust that it might deal you a new card, because
the universe also likes to teach. &ne of the things you do not want the universe to teach you is
how to respect the game, believe me7 #/ve been there and done that.
# sat on my barstool and drank the last of my scotch in one swallow. As # lit another cigarette #
checked to make sure # had enough cigarettes to last, because it was going to be a long night.
:anny was pouring some orange uice in two glasses and asked if # would like the same. #
hadn/t noticed it before but apparently +eena and :anny had finished drinking whatever it was
that had come out of that little green bottle.
AYes, please= That/s a really good idea.B # said.
:anny put one glass of orange uice in front of me and one in front of +eena and sat down on
his stool. There was a moment of silence.
A# guess # might as well tell you everything,B # said with a slight hesitation. A#n all, there were
three times that # had decided to end it. They weren/t really physical attempts, but nevertheless
it was enough to cause 6uite the commotion.B
AAre you sure you want to me to tell you this part or do you want me to skip over it?B
A:id anything interesting happen during those times?B asked :anny.
A&h, most definitely=B # said, sarcastically. A8y life has been one big song and dance.B
AThis should be interesting=B +eena looked at :anny as they both chuckled. # ignored them.
AWell, the first time was 6uite a few years ago. Things were actually not that bad e2cept that #
was unhappy. # had everything that should make a person happy, but that was not the case. The
problem that got me so depressed at that time was that # had spent several months reading a
few books and trying to make a very serious attempt at being happy. # had put a lot of effort in
it, but had *ero results. # felt like it was getting worse rather than better, and the straw that
finally broke the camel/s back came one night when # was reading a new book # had ust picked
up earlier that day. #n this book, the person who wrote it described meeting some great teacher
who taught him various fascinating things. What really upset me was that this person had some
magical teacher come to him out of the blue and teach him all he wanted to know, while # have
to struggle with my problems on my own. The other part that upset me was that he told about
certain interesting things that he learned but did not give the instructions on how to do it.
What/s the point of telling me these things without giving me instructions? A waste of paper
and a waste of my time.B # leaned over towards +eena, and whispered, A8y attitude at that
time had bottomed out a bit.B
# shook my head. A# remember it all, really clearly. # felt that the universe had forgotten about
me. # was so frustrated and mad that # threw the book against the wall, and in my mind #
screamed that if # didn/t get some help right away, tomorrow morning # was going to take my
car to the mountains and drive it over the cliff. # could feel the anger flowing through my veins.
#n the long run, # probably would not have done it but at that moment in my mind the decision
was made. # figured that as long as # was here the universe could ignore me, but when #/m no
longer here and standing in front of it, it/s going to be a lot more difficult to ignore me then=B
A# don/t know how long it was e2actly, but # would say that no more than five minutes after #
had screamed those words in my mind, it started. 8y inner senses ust seemed to spring to life
and # could feel something very big. #t was huge and it seemed to be trying to s6uee*e itself
into my apartment but it was ust too big, and ended up taking up space in the entire apartment
block, and even that was not enough. # really couldn/t see anything, nor hear anything, but #
could feel it with my whole being, that/s the only way that # can describe it. # can/t tell you
how scared # was. # don/t think #/ve ever been that scared. # almost peed my bed.B
A# had a small but open apartment, and from my bed # could see the hallway, part of the
kitchen, and a large part of my living room, All the lights were on because # don/t like the dark.
As soon as it gets dark, #/ve always felt like there is something big standing behind me,
watching me. The dark has scared me for as long as # can remember. !o # always keep the
lights on, # don/t even like dark corners, who knows what might be lurking in there? Within a
few seconds, the lights started to flash on and off. #t was almost musical. # was literally
shaking with fear. # could feel and sense this presence forming and all of a sudden, # heard a
voice in my head. #t said, loudly and firmly, AYou should know better...=B
AAnd that was it. The lights stopped blinking and whatever it was left. # was so scared that
even though # needed to go to the washroom really badly, # did not leave my bed until the ne2t
morning. +or did # sleep in my apartment the ne2t night. The weird part was that there was a
strange hush that came over the entire apartment building and stayed for several weeks. #
heard two other people talking in the laundry room several days later, and apparently other
people in the apartment building had also sensed something, but could not e2plain what it
AThis whole incident was enough to keep me from whining about my circumstances for almost
two years. But then it started to wear off.B
# stopped to take another drink of my orange uice.
AWhat did you think it was that came to visit you?B +eena asked.
# shook my head. A# don/t know, and # really don/t want to know= &bviously # pissed somebody
off, and frankly # ust want to leave it at that because whoever came to visit was not in a good
ATime passed and things did not improve. Actually, things began to deteriorate even more and
it was becoming more and more difficult for me to fake it. ;utting a smile on your face and
pretending to be happy when you/re not uses up an enormous amount of energy. Besides, it
really scared the heck out of me, but in a strange way, # was prepared for the second time, and
# was not going to ust lay there shivering with fear. # planned on putting up a fight. After all, #
have a right to be happy. When you/re really depressed and down you usually don/t think
straight. And the bottom line is, # asked for help and didn/t receive any.B
# thought about what # had said for a minute. AActually, that/s not totally true,B # said with a
A&h, so you did get some help, then?B +eena asked.
AYes. # won a trip to 8e2ico and while # was there, # met someone who could probably have
helped me, but there were some strings attached and # ust was not ready for it. But on the
other hand, my path in life would have changed and perhaps # would never have had the
opportunity to figure out how to win the lottery. And in some way that alone was almost worth
it. Also, it might have meant that the story that #/m going to tell you would probably not have
happened and that would be a big loss.B
AWait a minute= Are you trying to tell me that you figured out how to win the lottery?B :anny
crossed his arms over his chest as if trying to tell me that such a thing was impossible.
AYes, but we/ll get to that later.B
A:id you win more than once?B 0is eyes were as big as watermelons.
A&h yeah.B # pushed my chair away from the bar and stood up. # needed to stretch a bit.
A!o did you get your butt kicked the second time around?B +eena smirked.
A+o, not really. Euite the opposite, :on/t you have any music?B # said, trying to change the
subect. A#t/s too 6uiet in here=B
:anny stood up and walked over to a small tape player that was sitting on one of the shelves.
0e inserted a tape and adusted the volume. # don/t know what it was but it sounded like some
kind of new age music that covered the silence nicely.
0ome, the ne(t pla$e I rest my sol
The $rossroads o, li,e
Where to plant some seeds o, ,aith
/ro# some $rops o, Love
And ponder #hi$h path to ta"e ne(t
2e,ore heading 0ome
To the ne(t $rossroads o, li,e
'here to plant some...
Chapter Five
# stretched a bit and sat down on my stool, planning on taking a break and listening to some
music for a bit, but :anny gave me a look of impatience and tapped his fingers on the bar. #
took the hint.
A#t was roughly about two years later. 4motionally # was in the same place as before, only this
time # had lost my ob and was heading for my first bankruptcy. "osing my ob or going into
bankruptcy wasn/t the worst of it. # had been working very hard for about one year in a
support group and the only results that came from all the work was that # made some friends
and got to whine a bit. Actually # got a few things off my chest but # still was not happy.B
A!o did you try anything else over those two years, other than the support group?B +eena
A# tried lots of different things, but in one way or another it almost felt like something was
stopping me from finding happiness. At that time nothing really made sense. # understand it
now but back then, it was driving me nuts.B
4veryone fell into silence. 8y mind was caught up in the past.
A# remember now. # was really upset. # was getting mad, you know? # was mad at the universe.
#n a lot of ways # was upset at whatever had come and visited me. What right did this thing
have to scare me half to death but at the same time not really helping, ust telling me # should
know better? 0ow am # supposed know better? # was ready for a fight= # was also very tired of
life. +othing seemed to work for me and everything # touched seemed to turn to dust. # guess
the best way to describe it would be to say that without happiness life ust becomes an endless
night. There was also an enormous deep inner pain that # ust couldn/t get rid of. #t/s nearly
impossible for me to verbally e2press all the feelings and emotions that had at that time. # ust
couldn/t understand why something like inner happiness, something that is supposed to be very
natural would be so difficult for me to get, and it was driving me up the wall. # can get very
cranky when # don/t get what # want, especially if # work really hard for it. # should mention
that # wasn/t always totally unhappy. # had happy moments but # wasn/t satisfied with the
amount of happiness # had and # wanted more. :o you understand what # mean? A
+eena looked at me. AYes, # think # understand.B
A:id you really think that you could win with something that/s perhaps a hundred times your
si*e?B :anny asked.
# shook my head. AWinning is not always important. What is important is making the stand.
&bviously the stand # was making wasn/t e2actly the right one. # ust thought that life had
nothing to offer me and # wanted to go somewhere else. What has always ama*ed me is that
people will fight for rocks, dirt, and everything else e2cept for "ove and oy. Those are really
the things that are worth fighting for. 4verything else is nothing more than temporary.B
:anny nodded in agreement.
A#t was about one o/clock in the morning. # had made my decision that in the morning, # would
simply drive to the mountains and make it look like an accident. But shortly after # made up my
mind, # started to feel really peaceful. #t was something # had never felt before. # was ust lying
there peacefully on my bed. # guess during that time # must have do*ed off into a half)sleep
and half)awake kind of state, and in that trance)like state # had a vision. #t was as real as
anything was, ust like # was there physically. # was standing in the middle of an art gallery. #
was looking around when # noticed that a lot of the pictures that were hanging on the walls
were actually mine. That/s when the fun began. # heard a door open and a woman walked in.
!he was tall and slim, with straight blond hair almost down to her shoulders, milky white skin,
and large eyes. Before # knew it, she was standing directly in front of me. !he was incredibly
beautiful. The only way # can say it is to say she was more beautiful than her features. You
could see the beauty even though it went beyond appearance. We were standing face to face no
more than one foot apart.B
!he asked, AAre you $laus?B
AThe second she said that, it felt like every cell in my body had come to life and was paying
attention. #t was like # was made up of billions and billions of cells and each one had their own
consciousness and at that very moment each one was paying attention. #t was the weirdest
feeling but at the same time one the most beautiful things # have ever e2perienced. #t was like
every cell in my body was an individual that had a stake in my life. They were almost like little
beings, all working together to create my physical body so that # can live and e2perience
physical life. # got the impression that everything # do affects them and matters to them. # tried
to answer her 6uestion but # couldn/t. There was too much going on in my body, so # ust
nodded my head. !he put out her hand and as we shook hands, she said, A# would like you to
stick around for awhile. #t will all made sense later.B
A0er voice was like listening to a thousand angels. 4very cell in my body was still paying
attention. #t was overwhelming. 5nfortunately, the second she stopped talking it was over, and
# was back in my bed, wide)awake. &ver the ne2t few months # became obsessed with this
vision and tried to go there many times, but with no success. +ot even close.B
AWhat was it that obsessed you so much about this vision?B +eena asked.
A# thought that maybe # would meet this person in real life. #t was a silly idea, but a flicker of
hope nevertheless. The hope alone kept me going for almost three years, a long three years #
might add. But # think that was the plan. The universe probably figured that if it couldn/t scare
me into sticking around then seducing me might work better. &bviously it worked at least for a
A8aybe it was a chemical imbalance in your body. :id you ever think of that?B :anny asked.
A&h, yeah. # thought about that, and even saw several doctors, but the bottom line is that #
would rather suffer than be on some kind of drugs for the rest of my life. 8ost of them have
serious side effects, and # was also afraid that some of the drugs might cause me in some way
never to be happy without them. # also had some hope that someday # would find the answer.
:rugs are only a temporary solution7 they do not solve the problem or the issue that is really
causing the problem in the first place. As far as # am concerned happiness and "ove should not
have anything to do with circumstances or e2periences or my physical body.B
The $ast (tand
*&h, my, aren3t #e the stbborn one?
&h yes #e are.
The niverse yo #old stand against,
A thosand #arriors, s#ords o, steel dra#n,
'ive hndred heavy horses,
Against them yo #old stand #ith yor dagger o, stra#
I have been a #arrior ,orever and a day
And I do not "no# everything,
2t this I "no#:
The blood #ill rn this day
It #ill be yors my ,riend
And also mine.
'or #ith honor I mst stay.
So I as" yo
Is this a %ood day to die!
Chapters or other Divisions
Chapter %i&
A#/m pretty sure that it was close to three years later. #t was early in the evening. # had gone out
for dinner but couldn/t eat. # was totally down and depressed, basically in tears. # got into my
car and started driving. # was so numb and e2hausted that # ust headed down the highway
towards the mountains. 3or some reason the feeling or knowing that within one or two hours it
would all be over gave me a sense of relief.B
AThat/s the problem with suicideF people think it/s a way out, but actually it ust starts the
whole process again,B +eena observed.
A# agree. But when you/re down far enough, nothing matters anymore, other than to be free of
that darkness even for a short while. # would have given anything ust to be happy for a week.
That/s ust the way it was.B
+eena nodded her head sympathetically.
A!omewhere along the way you must have changed your mind, otherwise you wouldn/t be here
today,B said :anny.
# don/t know why, but for some reason :anny/s upper lip was 6uivering. # thought that was
rather amusing.
AActually, # didn/t change my mind. #t/s like this. About '( minutes out of @algary there used
to be a gas station. # had plenty of gas in my car, but for some strange reason, as soon as #
passed that gas station my engine sputtered and erked. #t would barely drive five miles an
hour. #t was like someone was turning the motor on and off really fast. # looked at my gas
gauge and there was plenty of gas. Also it was a new car. # decided to cross the highway and
head back to the gas station, figuring that maybe there was something wrong with the
electronic ignition. But as soon as # got near the gas station, the car started to run perfectly.
There was no point in trying to repair it, # thought, as long it would make the trip. After that, it
really doesn/t matter anymore. !o # decided to cross the highway again in order to head back to
the mountains.B
A# had to drive about a mile down the highway before # found a place to cross over. # was in
such a bad mood that # didn/t even care if # had to push the car there. # crossed the highway
and headed back towards the mountains. But as soon as # reached the gas station again the car
began to sputter and erk= # tried shifting the gears, turning the lights and the ignition on and
off, but nothing seemed to help. The car sputtered along until # came to another highway
crossing. The way the car was running # barely made it across. #t took about ,( to ,. minutes
to get back to the gas station because the car was running so poorly. The motor stalled a couple
of times, but # got it started again. As soon as # got near the gas station, the motor came back
to life and was running perfectly. !o # passed the gas station and drove to the highway
crossing, about a mile down. The car was still running fine. # crossed the highway and started
heading back towards the mountains again. The stupid car ran fine until # was close to the gas
station, then the same thing happened. The motor started to sputter and turn on and off. # was
really getting very frustrated and decided to ust keep driving the way it was, but the further
away from the gas station # got, the worse the car was running. 3inally, # had no choice but to
cross the highway again, and sure enough as soon as # reached the gas station the car ran fine.
#t ust sprang to life and purred like a kitten.B
AWhy didn/t you stop at the gas station and have someone check it out?B :anny asked.
A#t was about nine or ten at night, and # didn/t think that there would be a mechanic there at
that time. Besides it was running fine on the other side of the highway and in some way # knew
that there was nothing wrong with the car. # wasn/t going to let the universe stop me that
easily, not this time.B
ATalk about stubborn.B +eena shook her head.
A8aybe, but # was mad, and # was going to show the universe that #/ve had enough.B
A"et me guess. You kept this up until your car fell apart.B :anny grinned as if he knew better.
A!omething like that, but not 6uite.B # said, ABut # did keep going around in circles until about
- or ,( the ne2t morning.B
They broke out in laughter. # had no choice but to oin them. "ooking back at this now, it
seemed insane. And it probably was.
AYou mean you finally gave up?B +eena carefully wiped the tears from her cheeks.
A+o, # didn/t really give up. #t/s more like # was e2hausted and # decided to go to the gas
station and have something to eat and gas up. Then # was going to continue. #t/s a good thing
that they had an all night restaurant. # drove to the gas station and had the man fill up my tank.
# remember that the attendant gave me a strange look, but # didn/t pay much attention to it. #
parked the car and went inside the restaurant. #t was very 6uiet. There was only a couple of old
truck drivers sitting at the main counter. !o # took a seat in a small booth. # guess by that time #
was almost delirious. # must have looked like hell. 8y face was probably drooping, my eyes
bloodshot and my cheeks stained with tears. The waitress came over with a coffee mug and
took one look at me, and with a very humorous and concerned look asked if # was the one that
had been driving his car back and forth all night.B
They were still laughing. While reaching for my cigarette, # showed them my best frown, but
that ust made them laugh even harder.
A&h yeah, you go ahead and laugh= !ome day the shoe will be on the other foot?then we/ll
see what/s so funny.B
AWhat do you think the odds are of that ever happening?B :anny looked at +eena.
!he threw her hands in the air. AA million to one, maybe.B
ATo make a long story short, # told the waitress that my car wouldn/t drive to the mountains, it
would only drive back to @algary. # could hardly speak. 8y mouth was dry and my lips were
numb, and # was too tired to be embarrassed.B
A!he asked me where # was heading. And with a straight face, # said A&ff a cliff=B
A!he ust stared at me. Then suddenly, she broke out in laughter. 3inally she seemed to get hold
of herself and leaned forward. CYou/re a little thickheaded, aren/t you? #/ll get you some
breakfast because you/re going to be with us for a long time./B
A!he poured some coffee into my cup and headed for the kitchen. # e2pected to hear some
laughter from the kitchen but heard nothing. # assumed that she didn/t tell anyone.B
A!he never asked me why # was trying to drive over a cliff, but after a few more words, some
free coffee and free breakfast, # got into my car and headed home.B
By this time both of them were laughing so hard that it was starting to tick me off, and #
e2cused myself and went to the washroom. # wasn/t really upset at them, ust a little Gor maybe
allotH embarrassed.
Today this gas station is closed7 nothing is left but an abandoned building. # still go there
sometimes and wonder how many others like me had stopped there.
Well here # am today, and happy for it. As far as the promise that it would all make sense at
the end, that came true. But as far as knowing better is concerned, #/m still a little bit ticked
about that one.
And to the very kind and generous waitressF Thank you=
&ne /ardian Angel.
Mst possess an in$redible,
6nimaginable and totally
In$on$eivable patien$e.
Send .esme and Lottery Ti$"et
To 2o( 7889:
)ttention *laus.
Chapter %even
By the time # came back from the washroom, +eena and :anny had pulled themselves together
again, but they were still grinning. As # sat down on my stool, :anny asked if # wanted some
more orange uice.
AWe didn/t mean to laugh at you like that,B +eena said.
AYou have to admit the part about being thick)headed was pretty funny,B added :anny.
A# guess you/ve got me there.B # nodded my head in agreement.
A!o is that it?B she asked.
A+o, not even close= 3rom here on it gets really wacky.B
:anny sat on his stool. AWell, the night is still young. We/re ready whenever you are.B
:anny/s top lip began to 6uiver again for a moment. # leaned over towards +eena. AWhy does
:anny/s lip 6uiver every once in a while?B
AWhenever he/s holding something back. 0e doesn/t make a good poker player.B she laughed.
3or a moment # wondered what :anny might be holding back. !omehow the whole thing
didn/t 6uite sit well with me. # always like to keep my eyes and ears open for things that are
slightly out of place. This was definitely one.
# looked at my watch but it was still not working. # could see the moisture inside the crystal. #
was going to ask what time it was, but decided to let it go. After all, there was no place #
needed to be.
A"et/s see,B # said, thinking about where # had left off, A# had been flipping houses for about
two years and had done fairly well at the beginning, but my heart wasn/t in it. # was still
unhappy and # had spent the last si2 months mostly trying to achieve happiness or more
happiness. Whatever way you want to look at it is fine with me. # know that we/ve gone over
this several times already. But that/s the way it was. # stopped flipping houses and spent all my
time trying to find a solution to my everlasting problem. But # was running out of money, and
finally gave up temporarily and decided to get a ob. #t didn/t take long to find a good paying
ob. A few days later # also ran across a good deal on another house, which # bought and moved
into. # had decided that # might as well ust live the way everyone else does, which means
working at a ob, paying the bills, and saving a little for old age. 8y son was living with me
and # thought #/d better set a good e2ample. The thought of going through life like this,
waiting for the end to come, was terribly depressing but that/s all # could see.B
AAbout five month into the ob, # walked in one morning and was told # was laid off. They told
me that it was because business was slow and they needed to cut back. But that wasn/t the
real reason. They saw that # was unhappy. # ust couldn/t hide it anymore. # didn/t have the
energy to constantly put a smile on my face. #/m sure that they came to the conclusion that #
was not happy working there.B
AThe whole thing came as a shock. # wasn/t really upset, but at the same time, neither did #
know what to do ne2t. # sat around the house for a week, not doing much more than taking my
dog for his daily walks. # had a little bit of money but not much, and the house payments were
fairly high. #t wasn/t a big house but it was in a good area. The economy was fairly slow and
there weren/t many good paying obs out there. 4ven if # managed to get a mediocre ob right
away, # knew # still wouldn/t be able to hang onto the house. # remember sitting at the park and
watching >udy, my dog, run around and play with the other dogs, and something clicked. 3or
some reason # decided that maybe # should give finding happiness one more try. # thought that
maybe in all the books that # had read in the past that perhaps # missed something or not
followed the instructions correctly. As soon as >udy and # came home from our walk at the
park, # umped into the car and headed for the library. &n the way to the library part of me
was thinking that this was a total waste of time, yet another part of me had sprung to life with
the greatest enthusiasm. # also reali*ed that whenever # was throwing myself into the work of
discovering inner happiness # actually became happy. #t/s after a while of not being able to go
beyond that temporary happiness that # would get really depressed. # had a very strong feeling
that this time # would succeed. # remember thinking that all # need to do is find that something
that # had missed. Then everything would be fine.B
A9ee whi*, how long does this go on for?B :anny interrupted me.
AThis is it,B # answered. AThis is where it all began to change.B
AThank 9od, this was starting to depress me= Are we getting close to the lottery part?B
A%ust about there.B
AAnyway, # picked up a whole bunch of books on everything # could think of about meditation,
spiritualism, visuali*ation, mind control, positive thinking, "ove, and so on, even a couple
books on dowsing which didn/t really fit. But # saw them and decided to take them with me. #
spent several weeks reading, making notes, and following any instructions as best as # could. #
read from the time that # got up in the morning until # went to bed. The only breaks # took were
either to have something to eat or take >udy to the park and to practice whatever was
suggested in the various books.B
A:id you achieve any results?B she asked.
A+ot really,B # answered. A&ther than making the effort, which did make me feel good, or at
least better than usual. # didn/t actually e2pect any results. #t was ust a drive to try again that
was bubbling in me. 8aking the effort gave me a sense of hope, and in many ways that was
very comforting. Actually there/s a difference between hoping to get something and e2pecting it
to happen. But we/ll talk more about that later.B
A!o this is where everything began to change. # was getting 6uite restless and decided # needed
a break. # decided to phone a friend of mine to see if he was at home. # picked up some beer
and headed over to see him.B
AAt that time, my friend was not financially in any better shape than # was. 0e wasn/t working
and didn/t have much money. 0e spent most of his time watching sports and playing the sports
lottery. 0e wasn/t doing very well with the sports lottery. # was looking at some of his losing
tickets. !arcastically, # suggested that he might as well use a dart to pick which team is going
to win. 0e laughed, and told me that # was probably right. #/ve always considered gambling
like throwing money into the wind and hoping that twice as much will blow back at you.
There/s not much chance of that happening. # had played some bullshit poker in the past, but
mostly for fun. The most you could win or lose was five or ten dollars.B
A"ooking over my friend/s tickets, a thought occurred to me. # had ust read several books on
dowsing and had watched a program about it on TD. This particular fellow was dowsing for
minerals and on this particular program he was working for a miner to help him find some
pockets of certain minerals in an old abandoned mine. As it turned out they were 6uite
successful. The dowser was using a simple piece of string, with some kind of weight at the
other end. #t looked like he was using a left spin for yes and a right spin for no. # thought that
the bottom line is that the string is probably nothing more than a way for the subconscious
mind to communicate with the conscious my mind.B
A# looked at my friend and suggested that maybe a person could use their subconscious mind to
see into the future and figure out who was going to win the game. 0e thought # was nuts and
said that there was no way to predict the future, and he gave me about 1( reasons why it would
not work. #t/s pretty obvious to me that he is a lot more thick)headed then # am.B
ABut the more # thought about it, the more # liked the idea. By the time # got home, # had it
more or less worked out it in my mind. # figured all # needed to do was to find a state of mind
where the conscious and subconscious come together and work together as one rather than
being separate. #t sounds simple, even though it took me some time to work it all out. #t did
turn out to be very simple, e2cept that # was going to get more than # bargained for.B
AWhat is so important about the subconscious?B :anny asked.
AThe subconscious seems to have an enormous amount of information available to it. # also
believe that all subconscious minds are connected like a giant network, but most importantly, #
believe that the subconscious is also connected to our soul...that larger part of ourselves.B
A#t took me a while to work out the details and figure out a plan. # went back to the library and
picked up a few more books. # played around with it for about a week or two, trying different
things out. Anyway # took all the information # could find and mi2ed it all up, a little bit from
here and a little bit from there. The conclusion that # came to was that # needed to be in a very
deep meditating state, or a trance)like state of mind. There seemed to be a veil between the
conscious mind and the subconscious mind that # was trying to pass through. The biggest
problem was what to focus on. At first # tried to focus on the game results, but that ust caused
me to fall into a dream like state, and the results that # saw in my mind were not correct. Then
# tried to focus on my subconscious and with that # had some mi2ed results, but not what #
A#/m going to spare you the details of all the stuff # went through to come to the conclusion that
# came to. The bottom line is, we are much more than ust conscious mind and unconscious
mind. # came to the conclusion that # need to be in touch with the total part of whatever # am.
And rather than saying Call that # am/ or Chigher self,/ # decided to use the word soul to describe
my total self.B
A# was positive that connecting to that larger part of myself was the key, and it worked.
Actually it worked so well that within si2 weeks # had won over one hundred and thirty times.B
A0ow much money are we talking about?B :anny interrupted.
# took a sip from my drink. "ooking at :anny, it wasn/t hard to see the dollar signs in his eyes.
AThe total amount of money was ust under two thousand dollars, because # was making small
bets. # wasn/t going to take what little money # had and throw it into the wind. Also # figured
that it was best to keep a low profile, and as long as it works, # might ust as well take it slow.
At that point the money seemed secondary. # felt # had accomplished something that the entire
world would say is impossible. # literally felt like # was walking on air.B
AWhat about happiness?B +eena asked.
A# guess it went on the back burner for a while,B # answered. A#t/s a lot easier being unhappy if
you/re doing it in a warm place under a palm tree watching the surf come in. # wasn/t there yet
but it was a definite possibility. "ooking back now, # was happy. # was putting in of hours, but
at the same time # enoyed it immensely. 4ven today # still spend countless hours discovering
things that # can do with my mind. # guess you could say # found my calling. But even though
# still enoy it today, and it makes me happy, it/s not where my happiness comes from, nor was
it the reason for my unhappiness. But we/ll get to that shortly.B
AWell, if you/re going to be depressed, you might as well be comfortable,B :anny observed.
A!omething was definitely happening. 0appiness was starting to bubble up from inside. And it
did have something to do with the way # was using my mind. But at that time, the only thing #
really noticed was that # seemed really at peace.B
AThat makes sense,B said +eena. AYou need inner peace to create happiness=B
A# agree,B # said. A# was busy and e2cited, and temporarily really didn/t care about anything
else. But you also...B
A+ever mind that=B :anny interrupted. A# need the e2act instructions.B
# hadn/t noticed it before, but :anny already had a pen in his hand and a note pad opened in
front of him. 0is eyes where as big as dandelions, and his lip was 6uivering more than ever.
A#t/s probably better if # tell you the rest of the story first.B
A# would rather hear the rest of it,B +eena said.
A#/d rather have the instructions now, otherwise you/ll probably forget.B :anny interected.
AWell, # might forget,B # laughed. ABut #/m sure that you won/t forget to remind me.B
+eena shrugged her shoulders. A#t/s your choice.B
This ust seemed too strange. # wasn/t sure whether :anny was ust playing a game or if he
was serious. You see there are actually two types of players. &ne plays with the universe and
one is ust in the game. The main difference is that the one that plays with the universe is really
close to the dealer and generally knows what direction the game is supposed to go, and will
work in that direction. They also know who has what cards. The rest, like myself, ust play
along with the game. # was sure that +eena and :anny were playing the game with the
universe but now it appeared that perhaps only +eena was. !o perhaps :anny was playing
along with the game like me. !ometimes the universe seems to make the game up as it goes
along, or at least that/s how it appears to me.
This was not the first time that # have had to struggle with making this decision about whether
to put the instructions into the book or even tell anyone about it. #t appears that once again #/m
at the crossroads. #t ust didn/t seem to make any sense to me that the universe was leaving an
important decision like this up to me. &r was it?
# decided to give :anny his instructions but first # thought it might be a good idea to give him a
little lecture. To be honest it was more to make sure that # covered my own butt.
A&$, #/ll give you the instructions, but # want you to know that this can be used for a lot of
different things and if you decide to use it for gambling, then you take the responsibility of
whatever happens onto your own shoulders. #f you/re going to spend two dollars on a ticket
anyway, that/s fine you might as well give yourself the best odds you can. But if you/re going
to throw your grocery money into this, # can tell you right now that you are going to lose, and
#/ll e2plain the reason for that to you...B
A# agree, no problem,B he said, like a child with a new toy.
# took a sip from my orange uice and thought to myself, #/ve definitely heard those words
spoken before.
;reams, oh s#eet dreams
They say
I, it is dreamable
Then it is also a$hievable.
I see that no#, ever so $learly....
The <estion is,
Will I remember?
When I #a"e p?

Chapter Eight
AThe first thing you need to understand is the need factor. #t/s like thisF if you walk into a poker
game with your last twenty dollars and you need to win, you might as well ust throw your
money on the table and leave, because if you need something really bad, it/s going to be hard to
get. The best way to describe it is to say that you need to be detached from the results.B
:anny put down his pad and gave me a pu**led look. AYou seemed to need the money pretty
badly at that time. 0ow is that different?B
AActually, in many ways at that time # was at a point in my life where # really didn/t care. #f #
won, fine, and if # didn/t, so what? # also knew about the need factor. That/s something # had
learned the hard way many years before. There/s a really big difference between wanting
something or needing something. The difference is very simpleF when we really want
something, we tend to think about it and work out ways how to get it. But when we get to the
point where we feel we desperately need it, our minds are not going to be clear. #nstead we/ll
be thinking about what will happen if we don/t succeed. #t/s like trying to look in one direction
and walk or drive in another direction. #t doesn/t work. The mind works the same way. The
mind needs to be focused on what we want to achieve and not what we are afraid might happen
if we don/t succeed.B
A!o, it/s like # have to do it ust for fun or for something to do, like a hobby.B :anny said.
AThat/s a perfect way to start. That way you/re not under any pressure and you can focus ust
on what you want to achieve. #f you put a lot of money into it, then you are going to be
attached to the results, but if you only throw in two or three dollars it really doesn/t matter,
especially if you were going to do that anyway.B
AAre you sure you understand what $laus is saying, :anny?B +eena asked 6uietly.
A# get it, no problem,B he answered. AWhat/s ne2t?B
A+e2t you need a 6uiet place, a place where you won/t get disturbed. You need to either lie
down or sit in a comfortable chair. # prefer lying down because that way # don/t have to worry
about my head drooping over. The only problem with lying down is that it may take a little
more work to stay awake. Then you need to let yourself rela2 totally and let your body go to
sleep, but not your mind. %ust lie there and allow your body to fall asleep to the point where
you can/t feel your body anymore nor hear anything. Turning off your hearing is not totally
necessary, but it definitely helps and can make 6uite a difference in the end.B
A!hould # visuali*e something so that my brain stays awake?B
A+o= Because if you start visuali*ing, you/ll fall into a dream)like state and from there you/ll
fall asleep. And if you visuali*e at that point, then chances are the things you see will be
A!o what do # do with my mind to stay awake?B
AThat/s the tricky part. You need to focus on your soul. # define your soul as that larger part of
yourself or the total of what you are, whatever that may be for you. The problem is that you
cannot visuali*e it. The best way # have found so far to do this is to pretend that # am listening
to my soul. # pretend that # am trying to hear something that is far away and very faint. %ust
take a moment and pretend that you are trying to hear what is going on outside this bar.B
:anny closed his eyes and was totally still. # noticed that he was holding his breath.
A+o, don/t hold your breath. :o everything that you/re doing with your mind, but keep
:anny opened his eyes. A# think # get it. 8y mind was totally focused, but it wasn/t doing
anything at all. Actually it was totally blank.B
AThat/s right, but the hardest part is to maintain that focus without thinking any other
thoughts. #t/s not hard to do it for a few seconds, but after that the mind tries to bring up
images and thoughts. +o matter what happens, you can/t engage those thoughts. #f you find
yourself doing that or involving yourself with the images in your mind you have to bring your
mind back to focusing on your soul. #f you don/t catch yourself drifting, then you will enter a
dream state and from there most likely fall asleep. Another very important thing is to focus, but
do it in a rela2ed state. You can/t strain otherwise you won/t be rela2ed and you/ll end up with
a headache. !o you need to be rela2ed mentally, physically, and emotionally, but focused at the
same time. #t sounds difficult but in fact it/s 6uite natural.B
AWhy can/t you ust visuali*e the results in your mind?B +eena asked.
A# was ust going to ask that too=B :anny said.
A# don/t know e2actly why. All # know is that if you start visuali*ing at that early stage, then
somehow what you see will be from the :ream !tate, and will not be correct. # don/t have all
the answers but # believe that you need to pass the :ream !tate by in order to reach that higher
part of your mind. #t/s almost like a gateway on a path7 you can turn left or right, with left
being the :ream !tate and right being the higher mind. At first it will be difficult to keep
yourself from turning left. We do that naturally, but only because we have done it so many
times and for most people the path to the higher mind or soul has not been used very much. #t/s
like following a groove7 it has a tendency to pull you towards the left.B
AThat makes sense. # think # understand. But what makes you think that my soul will help
me?B :anny asked dubiously.
AThat/s a good 6uestion, but # never looked at it like that. # believe # am reaching and becoming
the larger part of myself, and with attaining that state, having all the resources available to me.
Why would you use an old hand)held calculator when you have a very large and fast computer
in your closet? #f you have to make important life decisions why use that small conscious mind
when you have this incredible resource available?B
AThink about it this way. Whenever you are trying to make decisions you are in a sense trying
to predict the future, even if you/re making a simple decision like what time to cook supper.
When will everyone be there? What time? 0ow long will it take? And so on. The conscious
mind is only capable of making very small and slow calculations but the larger part of you,
your subconscious, has more information available to it, and carries all the memories of
everything that you have seen, heard, smelled, felt, or e2perienced in its memory. !o it can use
that information to calculate things out much more 6uickly and more accurately than the
conscious mind. To give you an e2ample, the subconscious mind has a photographic memory.
4verything that is seen by your eyes? even if you do not consciously see it? is recorded in
the subconscious, and the most remarkable part is that all subconscious minds are somehow
connected. #t/s like a computer that is connected to thousands of other computers and can
download any information that it needs from anywhere. !cientists are still debating this today
but that is knowledge that has been around for thousands of years. Then comes the higher mind
or the part that # call my soul, and this part of me lives beyond time and physical restrictions.B
# stopped for a moment to give :anny a chance to ask his 6uestion because he was s6uirming
around like a child who needed to go to the bathroom. AWhy would you focus on your soul
when you say that the subconscious has so much information available to it?B
A# don/t have all the answers, but over the years # have read many books and # like to read in
between the lines. +obody has came right out and said that they have tried this, but # believe
that many have, and many have tried to use visuali*ation and have failed. # also believe that
many have tried to use the subconscious and failed. To be honest # can only guess at the
reasons why those two ways don/t work, but if # spent all my time trying to figure out the
reasons # would never get anywhere. # believe that we are more than ust conscious mind and
subconscious mind. # believe that very few, if any, have tried using their soul.B
AWhy do you think that?B +eena asked.
A# have more theories than answers. But a lot might have to do with superstition and fear. #
think that it mostly has to do with fear because my friend was afraid to try it, even though he is
not religious in any way, because he thought # might be breaking some cosmic law. #t appears
that this has been a very well kept secret and has only been passed down to a few masters.
AWhy do you think that they kept it a secret?B she asked.
AActually that/s a good 6uestion. #/m a little bit concerned myself,B he said.
A;robably because of fear,B # answered.
AWhat would these masters be afraid of?B she asked.
:anny nodded his head as if to say he was asking the same 6uestion.
A;robably darkness. 0aving knowledge does not always take away fear and having knowledge
does not necessarily make you strong enough to face whatever life may throw at you.B
AYou don/t seem to have that much knowledge, so why are you not afraid to play with
something that has been hidden for centuries?B asked :anny.
# laughed at his 6uestion. AWhat/s the universe going to threaten me with? #/ve already tried to
end my life several times. The only thing that remains is immortality, which would ust give
me more time to get into more trouble. # now have something that is a thousand times more
powerful than anything that is dark and negative. Why would a larger part of you be upset for
connecting with it? That was not what they were trying to hide. #t was what you are capable of
doing and achieving when you connect to that larger part of yourself. # have something much
more fascinating than this lottery stuff.B
AWhat/s that?B :anny put down his pen. 0is lip was definitely 6uivering now.
# smiled to myself. A# told you to listen to the rest of the story first, but you insisted. !o you/ll
have to wait until # finish giving you the instructions. But first # need my orange uice refreshed
and #/m going to the washroom. Then #/ll give you the rest of the instructions you so
desperately wanted.B
# was still smiling to myself on the way to the washroom. # was thinking of something that my
friend %ohn used to tell me. AAlways keep an ace in your sleeve. You may never use it, but
even if you have nothing, you/ll feel like you have something...B
The ,ears o, trying
Will, in the end,
Shed the tears
&, Love
A# sure hope # am right about this one...B

Chapter 'ine
The bathroom was very e2tremely tiny. #t had one sink and one stall with a small door on it. #
entered the stall and closed the door behind me. # was thinking that maybe # should not have
mentioned the lottery information. 8aybe # should have kept it a secret. But on the other hand
there are so many beneficial things that can be done with it. # heard the bathroom door open
and # thought # heard some footsteps. As the door closed # heard what sounded like an older
man/s voice.
0e said, A:o not be afraid to tell what you know. %ust leave the rest to me.B
A&h yeah, and who are you?B # answered sarcastically7 thinking perhaps :anny was playing a
oke on me. # opened the stall door e2pecting to see :anny standing there, but no one was
there. # 6uickly e2ited the bathroom and scanned the bar, but there was no one but :anny,
+eena, and the old man sitting at the table. # thought that there is no way that old man could
have gotten back to his table that 6uickly, and he looked like he hadn/t even moved. :anny and
+eena were staring at me wondering why # was standing there. # walked back to my stool and
sat down.
A:id anybody come into the bathroom while # was in there?B They both looked at me and at
each other, and shook their heads.
A# don/t suppose that stuff in the green bottle makes you hallucinate, by any chance?B # asked.
A+ot me,B :anny shook his head. A0ow about you, +eena?B
A#/m fine.B !he shrugged her shoulders.
A#t/s probably the !cotch. That stuff is usually good for a couple of pink elephants. What did
you see?B :anny asked.
A# thought # heard something, but it doesn/t matter. "et/s get back to the instructions.B
A9ood idea.B :anny picked up his pen.
A+ow as you are doing this e2ercise, you may come to a point where you begin to hear things,
like words or music, or even ust sounds. Also you may come to a point where pictures will
form in your mind, but you don/t need to be concerned about this. The best thing to do is ust
let it happen without involving yourself. These things are ust echoes in your mind. By the way,
this is also a very good sign because you are very close to where you want to be.B
# sipped my orange uice to give :anny a chance to catch up with his notes.
A!o what are these visions and sounds that you will hear?B she asked.
A8y theory is that the mind, especially the subconscious mind, never stops. # believe that at
this point you are contacting the subconscious mind, but the important part is to keep going,
allowing yourself to drift even deeper, and ust keep focusing on your soul, no matter what you
see or hear.B
:anny looked up from his notes. A0ow do # know when # have reached my soul?B
AThat/s a good 6uestion. Actually it/s achieved in degrees. #t/s something that becomes more
each time you do it. But you/ll know when you/re there. !ome of the signs are that you will
feel very peaceful, and you may have a sense of being larger. Your mind will also be very clear.
#t/s hard to e2plain, but once you/re there, there is nothing like it. You might also feel that you
are more connected to the universe and at the same time separated from everyday concerns.
That/s the only way # can describe it. # believe that it is a little different for everyone.B
# stopped for a moment to give :anny another chance to catch up with his notes. Apparently
he was writing down every single word.
A0ow is :anny going to know what the results of the games are?B
AThat/s the fun part. At this point you have some choices to make because you can do a lot of
different and fascinating things that # will tell you about later, but if you choose to go the route
of trying to figure out the game results then so be it. +ow, everything that # have told you so
far you need to follow e2actly. This path is very narrow and you need to stay focused.B
A#/m ready=B he smiled.
A&$. At this point you can begin to visuali*e. What # like to do is pretend that #/m moving
forward in time and place myself at the corner grocery store. Then # imagine that #/m walking
in the store towards the lottery counter and # look directly at the game result sheets. &riginally,
# pretended that # was on a train and each town we passed represented one day in the future.
When # got to the day # wanted to be at, the train would stop, # would get off and walk to a
newspaper stand and look at the results in the daily newspaper. But # found that sometimes #
was using too much of my imagination. "ater # reali*ed that was because # was trying to make
the train too real, rather than ust having the sensation of being in a train.B
A0ow do # know whether #/m ust imagining what # see?B he asked.
A!ome of it will be your imagination7 there/s no way to get around that. The best way #/ve
found is to imagine the store or the train, whichever you choose, and imagine them very lightly,
so that it does not become your reality but ust a form to measure time with. But when you
look at the results, you need to visuali*e very clearly, but use your imagination as little as
possible. You should not do it for too long a time period. # have also had very good success by
simply asking my soul to put the answers into my mind. #n such a way that # would see it as if
# was looking at a screen with the answers proected onto the screen. #t/s ust a matter of trying
different things and discovering what works best for you. #f the answers are incorrect then it is
not that your soul is giving you the wrong answers, it/s that you not receiving the information
A0ow long did it take you to achieve this?B she asked.
AAbout ten days.B
AThat/s not bad,B he said.
AYou need to remember that at that time # was not working and # was mostly spending my
entire day working on this. There are also some minor things that you need to know. +ot
every answer that you receive will be correct, for various reasons. The future is not carved in
stone and it can change at any time. !o # tried to get the information from si2 to ten different
games. Then later # would look at those answers and compare them to what # would have done.
Then # would select two or three games and play them. !ometimes if # felt # was having a good
day and the information was very clear, # would play more games, but only when if it felt right.
# also made very small bets and # made combinations. "et/s say # had ten games. # might play
three or four sets with three or four games in each set. That way if there was a mistake, the
winnings would still out number the losses.B
A#t seems so simple, yet # can see that there is a little bit of work involved. !o is that all there is
to it?B he asked.
AThat/s it=B # answered. AWell maybe ust one more thing. Be aware of what appears to be
beginners luck=B
AWhat does that mean?B
AYou/ll see.B
A0ey, that/s not...B
A# see it=B said +eena, sitting up straight on her stool. A&h, 9od, that/s ? Wow, # almost
missed it= :on/t you see it, :anny?B
A0old on= #f someone can/t see it, they/re not ready. #t/s never to be spoken.B
!he put her hand across her mouth and smiled. A8um/s the word.B
AThat/s not funny.B :anny umped off his stool and picked up his notes.
# was smiling so much # could almost feel my lips touching my ears.
0e looked up from his notes at me. AWho do you think you are? The dealer?B
Trying to control the grin on my face, # thought to myself, C#/m not the dealer, but # know when
#/m holding more than one card./ When you play with the universe in the right way, which is
with respect, "ove, and kindness, the universe keeps giving you more cards. # have heard it
said that when you receive a full deck then the universe might let you deal a few cards. That/s
more responsibility than #/m interested in and # imagine to get so many cards a person would
have to be very dedicated to making a difference in this world. # suppose someone like 8other
Teresa would perhaps have had a few decks. #t/s hard to say7 all # know for sure is that three or
four cards can get you a long way.
Inner Child
Ever noti$e
That in every
Adlt body
There is a $hild
=i$"ing to get
Maybe #e shold let them ot
2e,ore they #re$" the pla$e.

Chapter Ten
:anny was totally beside himself about the little secret +eena and # were keeping. # told him
that there would be 6uite a few clues in the rest of the story. That seemed to settle him for the
moment. #t/s not really a secret, it/s one of those things that if you try to put into words, it will
be molded in a person/s mind, and the minute it is formed into a mold it/s no longer what it
was. !ome things in the universe cannot be put into words. :oing so destroys it for that
moment and in a sense you would end up giving someone something that was totally useless.
The biggest problem is that if you try to tell someone, then they will mold it and later when
they come to see this information in its true form, then again they will automatically put it in a
mold, and so the information is lost.
# looked at :anny. ABefore # continue with the rest of the story, # should probably tell you
something that # ust reali*ed # had forgotten to mention.B
AThat/s a surprise,B :anny smiled sarcastically.
AThis is actually very important, especially if you/re having trouble keeping your mind focused
on your soul. #/ve read a lot of books on 4astern meditation over the years and many of them
mention various areas of the mind that you can meditate on, but none of them ever mention the
brain stem. #t/s sort of like this. # don/t like to go into a dark basement even if there is a light
on because there are so many dark areas where the basement monsters can hide. # have found
that the best way to deal with dark basement is to put a light in the darkest area. The brain
works in much the same way.B
3or some reason +eena thought this was very amusing.
AWhen you are trying to focus on your soul, in a sense you are using what some Yogis call the
higher mind. But part of your mind will try to bring up other thoughts. That/s something #
constantly struggled with. The 6uestion was, which part of the mind was doing this? !o # took
a look at all the parts of the mind that the meditation books mention. # always like to look for
strange things, things that don/t really fit, but appear 6uite normal, or too normal.B
AWhat do you mean?B she asked curiously.
ATake a look at eastern writings from yogis or masters. #f you ask them a 6uestion they will
give you a very short answer, yet if you give them a pen and some paper they will write until
the cows come home. >ather inconsistent, don/t you think?B
A:o you think that means something?B :anny asked.
# nodded my head. A#f it/s there, it means something. 0ow about the fact that even though they
are from different races and different countries, they all have the same writing patterns? # use
to ponder over the fact that they wrote hundreds and hundreds of pages and say ne2t to
nothing. +ot only that they also write everything over and over and everything is the same,
only the angle and approach is different. "et/s face it, they must be writing in some form of
code, and if they all know what this code is, then it can/t be that hard to decipher. When
someone can write ten books and say nothing that/s fascinating because then they must be
writing between the lines. !o # look in places they tell you not to bother looking, and # dig in
places that they never mention...B
AAfter all, if you have a treasure and you want to tell someone about it, but not let them know
where it is, or e2actly how to get it unless they/re willing to follow you, then you will have to
spin 6uite the web.B
A!o the problem # found is that you can/t reach your soul or that larger part of yourself unless
you turn off your mind from gibbering like a chicken that has ust laid an egg, and the key to
that is the one thing they seem to omit. Turn it off, and you/re in.B
3or a minute # was proud of myself, then # reali*ed that # was like a rooster on a fence post,
clucking and bragging to the chicken ne2t to him. Boy # hate it when that happens.
AYou must be really proud of yourself, figuring all that out,B she said, gently pushing the thorn
A#/ve tried meditation before and have had problems with thoughts creeping in. 0ow do # turn
them off?B he asked.
AThat/s a piece of cake. 3irst you get yourself all rela2ed and calm, then ust for a minute
visuali*e that there is a beam of light coming from your soul and going right down from the top
of your head, filling the whole area with very bright light. :on/t keep on visuali*ing this, ust
keep it in the back of your mind. #t/s like if a carpenter was on your roof repairing it, you don/t
need to stand there and watch him all day, you ust know that he is there. !o in not so many
words, you ust leave the light there without constantly focusing on it. That will keep the
whole area very busy. # don/t know e2actly what this area of the brain is supposed to do, but #
know this works and that/s all that really matters at this point.B
A:anny, tell $laus about the basement monsters.B +eena changed the subect.
0e shook his head. 0e had a look of fear on his face.
+eena leaned towards me. AWe have a basement here, but :anny won/t go there because he
thinks there are a monsters down there. Would you like to take a look?B
A# don/t think so...#f :anny says there are monsters in the basement, then that/s good enough
for me.B
!he laughed. AYou men are all alike= You make a lot of noise, but when the wolf comes, you/re
no where to be found.B
# decided to let that comment go, and thought about where # had left off before # got
(ecrets of the -niverse
The "ey
Thoght, Trst
The lo$"
A$tion, Love
The door
.eslt, 5oy
The game
Chapter Eleven
A:uring those si2 weeks, weird things had started to happen. # couldn/t e2plain them so # ust
assumed that my awareness had increased and # was becoming more sensitive to what was
going on around me. # didn/t really want to face some of the things that were going on, so #
thought that the best thing to do was ust to ignore them. Things started slowly. 3irst # felt like
# was being watched. You know the feeling7 it/s like someone is staring at you. 8ostly # felt it
at night, so # started leaving the lights on. The ne2t thing that started happening was also in
the evenings. # would be sitting in the living room with my dog >udy, and sometimes he would
suddenly sit up, point his ears forward, and stare at the center of the room as if he was looking
at something. 0e did this many times over the weeks. # could never see or hear anything, but
sometimes # definitely felt like something was staring at me. The most interesting part was that
if >udy decided to leave the living room, he would go around the area that he was staring at,
even though going straight across is what he would have done normally.B
AThe ne2t thing that started happening was things moving around. 3or instance, # would put
something down somewhere, perhaps a cup or a book, and later it would be somewhere else. #
tried to tell myself that # must not have been paying attention to what # was doing, but
somewhere in the back of my mind, # knew that was not the problem. # live very simply and
with very few things, but the things # do have are always in their place. &ne afternoon # laid
down to go into my meditation to select my bets, but # had forgotten to turn up the heat. When #
go into a very deep meditation my body temperature tends to drop 6uite a bit. # had already
begun rela2ing when # could felt myself becoming cold. # didn/t want to get up and have to
start all over again. Then # heard the furnace go on and thought maybe # had turned up the
thermostat, and continued with my meditation. By the time # was finished, the house was
e2tremely hot. After getting up # went to the thermostat to turn it down, but looking at it, #
reali*ed # had never turned it up. #t was set at ust under I( degrees but the room temperature
had reached J( degrees and while # was looking at the thermostat, # heard the furnace turn off.
A&ver those si2 weeks, # also had several strange dreams. #n two of them # recalled talking to
an angel but # could never totally remember the dream or what was said. # also had several
dreams where # was sword fighting but # couldn/t remember any details. +ormally if these
types of things were happening it would have fascinated me, but # wanted to stay focused on
getting the correct sports results.B
A+ow this is where things began to take on a new twist,B # said. ATowards the last week # was
having trouble seeing the results. # could see the page but # was having trouble seeing the
actual scores. #t was almost like someone was putting their thumb over the answers. As #
moved my perception from one area on the score sheet to another there was a dark area that
followed. # was still having success but it was taking an enormous amount of time and
concentration. # thought that perhaps it was ust my own doubts interfering, which is not an
uncommon thing. 4ach day it became more and more difficult and each day # put more and
more effort into it. There was no way that # was going to let a little problem like that ruin my
achievement. # thought that perhaps over the weeks # had gotten la*y and was not going deep
enough into my meditation. !o every time # started meditating, # made a great effort to go
deeper. :uring this time # purchased some earmuffs? the kind that construction workers use
when they work with noisy machinery. The earmuffs made a big difference in my ability to
concentrate. # had also purchased a sleep mask to put over my eyes. With the sleep mask and
the earmuffs # was able to go much deeper without being disturbed. # still use them today,
because if someone slams a door or drops something #/m not shocked out of whatever mind
state # may be in.B
A+ovember K,B # stopped to take a drag from my cigarette. AThat was the day when the shit hit
the fan.B
A#/m not blind. # saw it coming, but # ust didn/t e2pect this.B
# could see on :anny/s face that this was making him nervous.
AYou know what, # ust remembered something # forgot to tell you= #t/s a big piece of the
pu**le. # think it/s one of the main keys.B
AAre you nuts?B :anny asked. AYou/re going to leave us hanging in suspense?B
!he laughed. A%ust give him another shot of the good stuff. That will keep his lips moving.B
A%ust give me another minute, this is truly important.B # said, knowing full well that :anny was
irritated, probably because he thought this had something to do with the lottery, and he
probably thought this meant he would not be able to give it a try.
0e stepped off his stool and grabbed a glass, threw some ice in it, grabbed the bottle, and
poured a full glass.
!he laughed.
0e put the glass in front of me and put the open bottle ne2t to it.
AThere= +ow let/s see those lips move=B 0e sat down again on his stool.
# thought to myself, C# don/t know what game the universe is playing now, but #/ll figure it out
before the night is over./ # looked over my shoulder to see if the old man was still sitting at the
table. 0e was. 0e had not even moved an inch, nor had anyone tried to serve him. That/s
very strange. # debated saying something, but decided maybe it would be best if # ust left it
alone and see what happened.
# turned towards +eena. AAbout three weeks after first having success in winning the sports
lottery, # figured that it might be a good idea if # tried to travel into the future to see what my
future self is doing. # thought that if # can travel into the future to see the sports results then #
should also be able to travel in the future to see how my life is turning out. #t took three or
four tries, # can/t e2actly remember, but nevertheless # did succeed.B
A# found that while #/m trying to see into the future, the picture in my mind can take a bit of
time to form completely. At first what # saw appeared to be myself sitting on a lawn chair in
front of a fire pit. +e2t some grass and trees and various other things formed. At first # thought
he was sitting perhaps in the woods. But then a cabin or a summerhouse appeared 1( to '( feet
behind him. # was looking directly at my future self when # noticed he was staring at me, and
at the same time # saw that there was an angel sitting in another lawn chair beside him. # tried
to clear my vision by removing anything that was possibly caused by imagination. At the same
time # was trying to clear my perception, my future self pointed at me, looked towards the
angel, then back towards me and said, A# can/t believe it he finally made it=B They both started
to laugh loudly.
A3or some reason # couldn/t hold myself there and was instantly pulled back to my normal
awake state. # sat up in my bed and thought about it for a while, and decided that maybe # had
imagined the whole thing or at least part of it. # decided to try again some other time, but #
never got the chance.B
The "oker Card
I $all it the 5o"er $ard even thogh it is no 4o"e. It3s the reason I never #anted to play the
game. I ,igred ot the game #hen I #as still ,airly yong and abot the same time I reali>ed
I #as holding one o, these $ards. This $an be a real problem, espe$ially i, yo don3t
nderstand it. I have seen a lot o, people $arry this $ard and have seen the problems it $an
$ase. &ne o, the biggest isses #ith this $ard is that yo do not have a $hoi$e. I, the
niverse gives yo one, then that3s it. There3s no thro#ing it do#n. Yo $an3t rn and yo
$an3t hide, and there3s no #ay to ,ight it. I believe that there is a $hoi$e bt it3s made by or
higher sel,, and on$e that de$ision is made, it3s done. This $ard $an mean di,,erent things
,or di,,erent people bt generally, this $ard plays yo. Yo do not play it. Yo3re probably
as"ing #hat does this $ard do? I, yo have one o, these $ards, one #ay or another yo are
going to be dire$ted to do something in this li,e that #ill ma"e a di,,eren$e. 6n,ortnately I
$an3t narro# that do#n ,or yo.
Many years ago I #ent to a very gi,ted person ,or help. I as"ed her, *What is the matter #ith
my li,e? I try to go a $ertain dire$tion and it seems li"e the niverse tries to slam me into a
di,,erent dire$tion. 0o# do I ,ight this?+ She said *Yo are holding a $ard, and yo "no#
it, bt yo have $hosen to ,ight it, and yo #ill lose! There is nothing I $an do ,or yo.+ I
#as ,rios, and responded, *I #ill ,ight to the end. I #ill stand and I #ill #in.+ As I
#al"ed ot I heard her say? *Yo #ill lose.+
Yo3re probably as"ing #hy anyone #old #ant to ,ight this $ard. To be <ite honest, there
are very ,e# people #ho have this $ard and do not ,ight it.
Why? 2e$ase this $ard #ill lead yo do#n #hat appears to be totally illogi$al paths, and
yo #ill be pshed in dire$tions that #ill ma"e absoltely no sense. This $ard is not a map?
all yo see is one step. It #ill psh yor ,aith to the absolte limit, and beyond. Why? It
#old ta"e too long ,or me to e(plain, nor am I sre my theory is $orre$t. I $an give yo a
$le: A,ter yo have ,inished reading this boo", loo" at ho# everything has n,olded and yo
#ill see very easily that this boo" is my $ard, and the game is not over.
0o# do yo "no# i, yo have one o, these $ards? 0ere are several $les.
'irst: Yo may ,eel that in some #ay yo shold be doing something more se,l #ith yor
li,e or that there is something more important ,or yo than 4st living day to day, bt yo
have no idea #hat that something is.
Se$ond: Yo may have a sense o, rgen$y to do something, bt may have no $le abot #hat
to do.
Third: Someho# yo are being pshed in $ertain dire$tions and i, yo try to go in a di,,erent
dire$tion, it seems li"e all hell brea"s loose.
'orth: Yo might ,eel that yo are $onstantly sear$hing ,or or $raving something, bt are
not sre #hat it is.
)o# 4st ta"e a moment and be$ome very <iet. Thin". Are yo holding one o, these $ards?
Spare yorsel, the agony o, trying to ,ight it.
2een there, done that, didn3t li"e it.
1S: This $ard $an also be time delayed. In other #ords, it3s there, bt hasn3t ,lly "i$"ed in
yet, bt the e,,e$ts are still ,elt by the person holding the $ard.
The +ealer
The players
The #riters
The readers
)re all in the %ame.
Chapter Twelve
ABefore # tell you the rest,B # said, AYou need to understand that on +ovember K, my whole life
got turned upside down. Although # remember virtually everything, some things may not be
e2actly in the order that they happened.B
A#s he stalling, or am # mistaken? A:anny asked +eena.
A&h, he/s stalling, big time,B she said.
A+o, not really,B # answered. A#/m ust trying to cover all the bases. # don/t want there to be
any misunderstandings.B
They sat there 6uietly, staring at me. #t almost looked like they were trying to make me feel
guilty. "ike that/s going to work? A strange shiver went up my spine and out of the top of my
head. # got the strange impression that maybe # was pushing my luck.
A5sually # go to the store fairly early in the morning to get the results and the list of who is
going to play that day. But # had slept in after a very restless night. Also for some reason #
really didn/t feel like doing it that day. !omething ust didn/t sit right with me. After lunch #
took >udy out for his walk and on the way back from the park we stopped at the store and
picked up the sports information. # still had lots of time because the bets usually do not need to
be in before . or K p.m. 9oing into a deep meditation right after taking a long walk seems to
work really well. !o as soon as we got home, # went into the bedroom to lie down. # keep the
list of games in one hand so that # could study it ust before # close my eyes. # keep a pen and
note pad at my right side so that # can write down the results without having to get up. # had
my sleep mask and ear muffs on, so there was little chance of me being disturbed. !o there #
was, lying on my bed slowly rela2ing, and going deeper. Because of the difficulty that # had
been having over the previous two weeks, this whole process took at least two hours. # was
ust getting to the point where my body was starting to become numb when # heard what
sounded like someone clearing his throat. Thinking it was >udy. # continued, and a few minutes
later there was a thud under my bed. "oud noises like this will usually bring me back to my
normal awake state, which means # need to start all over again. This time # thought that maybe
it was ust a wooden support holding up the mattress. !ometimes if # have trouble rela2ing or
getting started # will count backwards from a hundred to one and this usually allows me to
rela2 at times when my mind does not want to. # started slowly counting backwards and after a
few numbers # could swear that someone was counting with me. # could almost hear what
seemed like a faint voice saying the numbers at e2actly the same time # was. # stopped and
listened, but # didn/t hear anything. !o # started counting again and within one or two numbers
# could hear a very faint voice counting with me. # thought perhaps # was imagining things and
# decided to skip the counting part and ust lay here until my body went to sleep. # was ust at
the edge of where my body drifts off and at the point where all physical sensation and hearing
disappear when something hit the bed hard enough to shake it. # thought a friend of mine had
come over and had ust shook the bed to wake me up. !o # lifted my sleep mask and opened my
eyes. But what # saw was not a friend of mine. #n fact, # couldn/t believe what # saw. 8y heart
was pounding so hard that # thought it was going to rip a hole in my chest.B
A# was face to face with an angel, a big angel, at least seven feet tall. 0e was brushing himself
off, and said something like, A0ey= :on/t you ever dust under there? We/re talking maor dust
problems here, buddy.B # still had my ear muffs on and couldn/t hear a voice but # heard what
he said in my head loud and clear.B
# stopped for a moment to take another cigarette out of my package. +eena and :anny seemed
like they were fro*en in time. 3rom the look on :anny/s face # could see that he thought that
the angel was going to rip a strip off of me. # lit my cigarette.
AThat/s not the type of language that # would e2pect to hear from an angel.B # said. 8y body
was fro*en but my heart and my mind where going a billion miles an hour. # don/t know how
long we both stared at each other. 0e was smiling, but # don/t think # was. Thoughts were
racing around in my head. # thought this couldn/t be real. 8aybe he/s here to give me shit,
maybe because #/m not supposed to be using this yogi stuff to win the lottery. 8aybe the
universe has lost its patience with me. 8aybe the universe has sent this angel to straighten me
out. 8y whole body started to shake. #/ve been scared, but never that scared. # thought maybe
# should ump out of the window, but # reali*ed that wouldn/t work. 0e was too close to the
door for me to be able to walk past him. # could hear a part of me yelling. You have to get out
of here, get out of here= ;lay along, # said to myself, that/s it, ust play along. # can talk my
way out of this. %ust say hi and play it cool.B
A!omehow # managed to get one word out of my mouth. C0i./B
A0e leaned forward towards me. CWell, what do you know? 0e speaks= 9ee, rela2. # think
your eyeballs are going to pop right out of your head./B
%ust as # was starting to get comfortable with the situation, he yelled, ABoo=B
A!omething in me ust snapped.B
Their faces were fro*en.
AThe angel smiled. CThere, now that you/re breathing again, why don/t we sit and have a nice
AThat was it. # freaked out, umped up, and launched for him. #f # can/t talk my way out, then
#/ll fight. # went right through him, into the wall, head first.B
# stopped to take a sip of my !cotch and a few drags from my cigarette. 4ven now, ust talking
about it makes my heart pound.
:anny shook his head. AAre you nuts? You tried to ump an angel?B
+eena broke out in laughter, and :anny and # had no choice but to follow her lead.
.ne Tree +own
I remember a time #hen I #as smaller, yonger, ,aster, and my s#ord #as s#i,t.
&ne o, my ,avorite games #as s#ord ,ighting #ith the trees.
Yo might thin" that trees #old not be very togh opponents, bt they are. It3s 4st a matter
o, pi$"ing on the right ones.
In every ,orest there are at least a hal, do>en or so that are into it. This is #here it gets
tri$"y. Some trees li"e to $arry e(tremely ,le(ible s#ords and yo have to be $are,l ho#
m$h ,or$e yo se or they #ill snap ba$" at yo #ith t#i$e the speed.
&n the other hand, it is m$h less pain,l to be stabbed #ith a ,le(ible s#ord than #ith the
hard rigid ones. Those hard rigid ones #ill $ra$" yor s#ord in hal, right in the heat o, the
battle. Then yo are st$". The only thing yo $an do is rn and hope some other tree #ill
give yo its s#ord. That is, i, yo3re not already staggering arond #ith one st$" in yor
To this very day I $an still remember my battle $ries as I #al" in the ,orest.
And I hear the $all, *%ome on, old man, #e dare yo!+
As my heart a#a"ens and the adrenaline pmps, I move s#i,tly.
2t there is only silen$e as I hg them, and srrender my Love.
Yes, many times I have been stabbed doing this? these s$ars I $arry #ith pride and honor.
%hallenge me, and I s#ear by my li,e:
I Will S<ee>e the @ery Love &t &, Yor 1ores.
In Love, to my ,riends, the Trees.

Chapter Thirteen
My Lucky Numer
A# have never heard of anybody trying to pick a fight with an angel. #f you thought you were in
trouble, why would you make it worse?B :anny shook his head, still wiping the tears from his
# shrugged my shoulders. A# don/t really know what got into me, other than being scared to
death. # remember when he leaned forward and yelled CBoo,/ which # heard loud and clear even
though # had my earmuffs on. # ust snapped.B
A!o what happened ne2t?B she asked.
A# hit the wall with my head, and that/s all # remember. #t must have knocked me out cold.
When # came to, # was sitting hunched over on my chair in the living room. 0e was sitting on
the sofa. As my focus came back # reali*ed # could see right through him. When # reached for
my forehead, # was surprised that there was no bump, not even a sore spot, and not even a
headache. # felt like # ust had a long nap. But there was a numbing calmness7 my mind was
6uiet and my body was rela2ed. There/s no doubt in my mind that my head hit the wall because
when your head hits something that hard there/s a certain indescribable sound that you hear
ust before the lights go out. # remember looking at my watch. #t was almost KF'( ;8. # was
sure that it was only about 1F'( when # first laid down to work on my bets.B
A# looked over at the angel and asked. CWho are you?/B
A/#t/s pretty obvious, isn/t it?/B
A# ust stared at him. 8y mind was too numb to deal with it. The thought that # might be
dreaming had occurred to me.B
A/"et me give you a clue./ he grinned, and for some strange reason that grin looked familiar.B
A/Wings. !ee?/ he spread out his wings so # could get a better look. CAnd look, feathers= And
look, # glow and # can make the lights go on and off./B
A# hadn/t even noticed that the lights were on. # ust sat there staring at him.B
ACWait= :on/t guess yet. !ee there/s a halo, and there/s more. # can float7 # can make myself
really small and really big? &kay, #/ll give you three guesses./B
A8y mind and my body was moving in slow motion. 0e ust sat there while # tried to assemble
my thoughts. 0e looked so familiar. 3inally, # asked him why # felt like # knew him. As # asked
that 6uestion. # reali*ed that # was speaking in slow motion.B
ACWhoa, you hit the nail right on the head= &r let/s ust say, in your case, you hit the wall on
the head,/ he laughed.B
AThe light came on in my head. 3or a second something came to my mind, even though it really
didn/t make sense.B
A# pointed towards him. C!neaky./B
A/Whoever said that banging your head against a wall serves no purpose obviously never met
you. We/re talking genius level here, my friend./B
AThere was no time for me to respond because instantly a gate in my mind opened. 8y head
was spinning, and memories were flooding in like someone was downloading an entire lifetime.
# barely made it to the washroom before throwing up. # don/t know how long # was in there,
but when # came out the angel was gone...which was probably a good thing because my head
was on fire. Within a few minutes # was in my bed and out cold.B
AWhy would you have so many memories flooding into your mind to the point that it made you
throw up?B :anny asked.
AThat/s a 6uestion that is still out for debate. 8aybe by the end of the story you/ll able to tell
A!o who or what is !neaky?B +eena asked.
A!neaky is the angel/s name. "et/s ust call him that for now, you/ll see what happens towards
the end of the story.B
A#f you never saw the angel before, how did you know what his name was?B :anny asked.
ABesides, what kind of name is C!neaky?/B
They laughed. That/s okay, # thought, because it/s going to take every bit of their minds to put
the pieces together and try to make sense out of it all, without driving themselves cra*y.
AAs far as the name is concerned, that will e2plain itself as # tell you the rest of the story. &n
the other hand, nothing is what it seems to be. And as far as your other 6uestion, there/s no
way for me to honestly answer that until # finish the whole story, providing that there really is
an answer.B
AThere/s always an answer,B :anny said.
# shook my head. AYou/re free to believe that for as long as you like, but in this world nothing
is as it appears, not even close.B
A#t seems pretty obvious to me you/re either in over your head or you/re in a lot of trouble,B
she observed.
A#/m putting my bets on both=B :anny laughed.
# took a drag from my cigarette. AWe/ll see. # may get scared sometimes, but that doesn/t stop
me. At least not for long.B
,or (ale
&ne /ardian Angel,
T#isted Sense o, 0mor,
As is, )o #arranty, )o re,nd
Send $he$" or money order to bo(...

Chapter Forteen
:anny picked up his notebook and closed it. A# guess there/s no point in saving these notes.B
0e let out a deep sigh of disappointment.
AWhy do you say that?B
A#t/s pretty obvious, isn/t it?B he said. A:idn/t this angel tell you that you couldn/t do this?B
A+o. And #/m not finished with the story.B
AThen why did the angel come to see you?B +eena asked.
A%ust hang in there, we/ll get to that. Besides, who said he was an angel?B
AYou said he was.B :anny said.
A+o # didn/t. # said he loo"ed like an angel. >emember what # said about things looking too
perfect? #/ve never seen an angel. But if # do, # don/t e2pect him to look like he ust starred in a
0ollywood movie.B
:anny seemed a little relieved but also a little bit confused.
A#f he wasn/t an angel, then what was he?B +eena asked.
A# didn/t say he #asn3t an angel,B # answered. AYou know, if you want to understand the
universe and its secrets, you can/t be guessing, because that confuses the mind. You ust take
the facts and hang on to them like new pieces of a igsaw pu**le and wait until other pieces fall
into place. 3iguring out the universe is more like a hunt than a guessing game. You hunt for
the pieces, not guess about what they might be. !ometimes you need to take apart what you
know to see the pieces individually, then put them back together to see the picture. That way
you/re not guessing but seeing a larger part of the truth one piece at a time.B
A&kay then, how do we break apart everything that you have told us so far?B +eena asked.
A"et/s take it apart,B # answered A3irst, we have unhappiness, we have need, we have success,
we have fear, failure, contemplation, future7 we have what appears to be an angel, and so on.
+ow look at each piece.B
# stopped and waited for them to think about what # said.
AThe only picture # see is the one you told us about, no more,B :anny said. AWithout guessing,
there/s no more.B
# looked at +eena but she shook her head.
AThe problem is that you/re not adding your master pieces,B # said.
AWhat are master pieces?B asked :anny.
A"ike everything in the universe is nothing more than a shadow of its opposite. &r an airplane
isn/t a plane without the sky. The truth is ever changing and e2panding. That/s why there/s no
such thing as the truth.B
A# still don/t get it,B :anny shrugged his shoulders.
A4verything is but a shadow of its opposite. !o take the piece we call unhappiness and break it
in to its opposite. +ow you have two pieces, unhappiness and ?B
A%oy,B she said, Aand need is fulfillment. # see it now the whole picture has grown.B
A# still don/t get it.B :anny sounded frustrated.
!he looked towards me. A8ay #?B
A;lease do.B # was surprised that she had caught on so 6uickly.
A:anny, it/s like thisF all the pieces belong to a picture, but it/s a picture with no end and no
beginning. 4verything ust keeps connecting, but there are certain rules like if there is one
piece, then somewhere its opposite will also e2ist. #t might be bigger or smaller, that we don/t
know yet, but we know it/s there, somewhere.
0e looked bewildered as he tried to understand her.
A"et me e2plain it to you this way. A few minutes ago you said that for some reason you were
not allowed to use these meditations for winning the lottery and you had somehow decided in
your mind that that was actually a piece of the pu**le. #n fact, it was an invented piece. You
invented it and placed it into your picture. +ow if # hadn/t said anything, this piece would have
become a piece of your reality. #n other words, the picture you/re painting will be different
than the one #/m painting, even though we started off with e2actly the same number and kinds
of pieces. !o the picture that you had painted with the pieces was real to you and it would
have become the truth for you. But on the other hand the picture that # put together is true for
me. #n the same token it is the truth. !o the real 6uestion remainsF which is the truth and how
does a person come as close as possible to the real truth?B
A# think # understand. What you/re saying is still a little ha*y in my mind though,B he said.
AThat/s okay, ust leave it that way. You actually want it on the ha*y side. That way you/re not
creating another story out of a story.B
A#/ve worked on this for many years. # was trying to understand the universe and how it works.
But there was a basic problem that there are some things the mind is not able to deal with. 3or
instance, trying to understand time or the concept of no time. They say that in fact everything
happens simultaneously and that there is no such a thing as linear time. #t/s one thing to say
that, but it/s another thing to understand it. Dery few people do understand it. #t/s like
4instein/s theory of relativity. A lot of people have read some of it and don/t really understand
it, and there are people that have read it and think they understand it. But you can see by the
research that they are doing that they have not understood what 4instein was trying to say. #t/s
not a matter of brainpower, not at all. ;eople have been taught that to understand comple2
things you have to be incredibly smart, but that/s not true. &bviously #/m proof of that.B
That got a chuckle out of :anny.
A!o how is this going to help?B she asked.
A9ive me a minute and #/ll e2plain that. !ometimes it/s hard for me to put things into words,B #
said, A;erhaps this will make sense to you. Years ago, # was trying to understand certain
things and my brain was not able to deal with these theories, nor was # able to put them into a
proper framework. About that time computers were ust hitting the market and # found myself
speaking to a salesperson who told me that the computer was not as important as the
programs, because without the programs the computer is nothing more than a big paperweight.
A light went on in my head. #t/s not that #/m too dumb, my brain is missing the program to
understand certain things.B
A!o that/s what this is, a program?B she asked.
A!ounds pretty simple for a program,B :anny said.
A# agree, but brain programs are different than computer programs. The mind is a thousand
times more comple2 than a computer and that allows the programs to be e2tremely simple.
Things are kind of reversed but the idea behind it is the same.
A&kay, run it by me one more time.B
ATake all the pieces of information you have and then separate them from each other. Break
them into two or three pieces. The reason # say two or three pieces is that not all things consist
solely of positive and negative. !ome things and some pieces of knowledge also have a neutral
aspect. Then put the pieces back together wherever they seem to fit the best but do not create
or invent or guess at any other pieces. 8ost of all leave them slightly ha*y. #n other words,
take certain pieces of information and don/t completely accept them and don/t completely reect
them7 ust let them coast a bit. !ometimes pieces will be off to one side by themselves. #f they
do not fit, ust leave them there. They will either be false information that you can discard, or
later you will find a piece that will connect this piece to the rest. "et me give you an e2ample
of how to put the pieces together. We have future, angel, and winning. Two pieces fit together,
and one piece stays off to one side. &f course, #/m talking about this story.B
:anny thought for a moment. # looked towards +eena, but # already knew she had the answer.
A&kay,B :anny said. A3uture and angel fit, and winning belongs off to one side. # don/t know
why future and angel fit, but # know they do. # also have one other piece.B
AWhat/s that?B
A!omething is not what it seems, and it belongs with future and angel. #/m missing the piece
that ties them together, but # know they fit,B he answered.
AYou/re right on the money. The program has to be used a bit before it really begins to kick in,
but once it does, your mind will actually give you the pieces that you are missing. We know
that everything is not as it appears so we leave future and angel as ha*y, not totally accepting
them as they appear and not totally reecting them as they appear.B
A#sn/t that the same as guessing?B :anny asked.
A+o, it/s not, because when you/re guessing you/re using the same area of your mind that you
would use if you were imagining things, but if you only look at the pieces that you have, your
subconscious mind will begin to fill in the blank spaces. There/s also a big difference between
guessing or searching for more information.B
AThat/s like saying that my mind already has the answers,B :anny said.
A42actly. Your mind does have the answer. The minute you ask a 6uestion, if the subconscious
part of your mind does not already have that information it will immediately begin to find the
information. And it can get those answers from various places from your soul or from your
subconscious. There are various other places that the subconscious is connected to that can
also give it information. The biggest problem is that subconscious cannot give the information
to your conscious mind unless there is a program in place that can handle the information. The
conscious mind and the subconscious mind do not communicate very well. :reams are a good
e2ample and can be a real problem to decipher because the subconscious is trying to pass
information to the conscious mind but the conscious mind is not able to deal with the
information. !o the subconscious uses symbols, which is a very primitive and crude method of
:anny wiped his forehead. AThat makes sense, but if # were to say there seems to be a barrier
between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, would # be correct?B
AAbsolutely. That barrier needs to be there, but it doesn/t need to be as thick as it is. The fact
that the barrier is there allows the conscious mind to deal with ust the moment and not all the
other stuff that may be going on. Your subconscious mind, for e2ample, hears everything, every
single sound in the room, but consciously we only hear that which we focus on. The
subconscious is like a filter that separates the things that perhaps are important to us from
those things that are not. Besides, there is so much going on in the subconscious that when you
get in there it/s like sticking your head into a beehive.B
# looked at them. A8ind you, # could be totally wrong. #t wouldn/t be the first time.B
2y de,iant
;e,y that part o, yo
That says yo $an3t
;e,y it
And yo #ill a$hieve it.

Chapter Fifteen
# reali*ed that we were getting sidetracked again when :anny suggested we get back to the
A&$, so where did # leave off? &h, yeah, # remember.B # said. A# woke up the ne2t morning in
my usual wide awake death state. Actually # think it was more towards noon. 8y dog >udy
was sitting there staring at me. # was a little disappointed in him, because it seems every time
the shit hits the fan he/s nowhere to be found.B
A#s he a male?B +eena smirked at me. # ignored her.
A# remember dragging myself out of bed and heading down the hallway. # took a peek in the
living room. The coast was clear, so # headed for the shower. # was totally e2hausted. # tried to
go over some of the dreams # had but there were so many and all of them seemed to have this
angel in them, at least the ones that # partially remembered. # felt like # had ust re)lived ten
years of childhood. #n my dreams it appeared that this angel/s name was !neaky and according
to the dreams, apparently we were friends. +ormally # don/t have a problem with dreams. #
tend to ust ignore them, but these were somehow mi2ing with my memories, at least the
memories that # now seemed to have. # need to tell you, this was a very difficult period for me,
and it/s hard to remember every detail because it was very confusing.B
AAnyway, after breakfast # decided to go to the store to pick up a few things. # took >udy with
me because he loves to ride in the car. &n the way to the store there was this strange rhyme
that kept replaying itself in my head like a musical tune? C"ove is like the Book of "ove./ #
had no idea what that was supposed to mean or why it was there. # tried to ignore it and
concentrate on separating my dreams from my memories. But by this time # was not even sure
whether # had really seen an angel or perhaps ust dreamed it. The thought that # might be
losing my marbles had definitely occurred to me. # also thought that maybe something had gone
wrong with my meditation, not that # have ever heard of anything going wrong before, but you
never know.B
A# found a parking spot very close to the door and told >udy to stay in the car. The top was
down on the convertible and it/s not a lot of restraint for >udy, especially if he spots a cat. #
don/t know, but there must be some kind of past life grudge between dogs and cats.B
As # wandered around collecting some groceries # noticed that people were staring at me. As
soon as # would look at them they would smile ust like someone does when they know you. #
looked at my pants, my shirt, and even looked at a reflection of myself in one of the glass
doors, but # could see nothing out of place. #f # stayed in one spot too long, people would start
making conversation. ;eople were also touching me, even if they weren/t talking to me. They
would pass by me and literally put their hand on my shoulder or arm. &ne woman was
standing so close to me that anyone would have thought we were a couple, considering our
bodies where most definitely touching. # tried to move over but that didn/t seem to make any
difference to her at all. !he ust simply moved her body along with mine. +ormally you can go
in there dragging a dead horse in and no one would notice. They would ust keep their
distance. This is one of those 8ercedes Ben* upper)class yuppie type grocery stores, and
conversations are usually hidden behind sunglasses.B
AThis was too weird for me so # grabbed my basket and headed for the cashier, where things
became even more bi*arre. 4ven in the line at the cashier people were looking at me. #f #
looked back then they/d smile and sometimes move their lips as if to say hi, at which point #
would immediately look away. As the line moved closer to the cashier the two women that #
was standing in)between continued to move closer. You/re not going to believe this, but the
woman behind me was standing so close that # could feel her breath on my neck and we were
making physical contact. The only time people stand this close is when they/re in a serious
AWhy didn/t you ust move forward?B :anny asked. +eena was laughing to herself.
A# tried, but the woman in front of me was actually backing up closer to me. # was also getting
a little scared. Then the line moved forward, which meant she had to move, and at that point #
put my basket between us. That solved part of the problem, at least until # had to put the basket
down. By the time we reached the cashier we were so physically close that the cashier thought
we were together.B
AWhat would you have done if one of the ladies said yes when the cashier asked if you were all
together?B +eena asked, obviously thoroughly enoying this.
AWhy didn/t you talk to them? @hicken=B :anny said.
AWell, # can/t really deny that. But # don/t talk much even when #/m around people # know. #t/s
not that #/m shy, ust that people are not interested in what # spend my time thinking about.
Besides # hate small talk. # consider it a waste of time even though sometimes it fascinates me
to watch people who are masters at it. #t/s ust a matter of perspective. !ome people like
myself want to take life apart and study it in order to figure out the universe. &thers ust want
to live life, and many ust want to survive it. !ome people ust do not want to discuss or think
about whether plants have a consciousness and how it thinks. 0ow about dolphins? !ome
people say that dolphins have a more sophisticated language then we have. Theoretically that
would mean that they discuss things in a more minute detail, yet their life/s seems simple
compared to ours, which leads me to believe that there is more going on with them then we can
A# have an idea. 0ow about getting back to the story?B :anny suggested.
A# guess so,B # answered. AYou know, to me telling this story is rather slightly boring. # have
already lived it and went over it a thousand times in my mind. To me it/s not that interesting
anymore. +ow, dolphins? there/s an interesting conversation we could have. A
AYou never know,B +eena said. AYou might find something that you have missed.B
AYou might be right,B # said. # thought about that for a minute. AAnyway, as # stepped out of
the grocery store, # looked to see if >udy was still in the car. 0e was, and so was that angel.
3rom here on #/m ust going to call him !neaky because it will make it easier to tell the rest of
the story, at least until the real truth comes out.B
A!omething deep inside of me turned. # didn/t know whether to throw up again, or run, or
maybe even ust pretend this wasn/t happening. Tears started to roll down my face. # really
have no idea why. There was a woman approaching and she must have seen the tears on my
face. !he walked right up and tried to hug me, and # umped back. !he apologi*ed and went
into the store.B
AWow, so not only am # going to win lotteries, but #/ll also turn into a chick magnet.B :anny
interrupted me with a smile that could have humbled a frog.
A+ot 6uite,B # said. A+ow what did # tell you about umping to conclusions?B
A!o # won/t be a chick magnet?B :anny gave me a disappointed look.
AYou/ll attract your share of ladies7 not ust women, but all people.B # laughed. AThis has
nothing to do with the instructions # have given you. #t has to do with "ove. We/ll get into that
pretty soon. Anyway= 9etting back to the story, !neaky turned his head and looked right at
me. 0e smiled and yelled, C:o you want to drive or shall # drive?/ # looked at >udy and he
seemed to be &$. 0is ears were up, which is usually a good sign. !o # did the only thing #
could do, given the options of either standing at the door crying or getting in the car.B
A#/ll try to replay the conversation we had on the way home.B # said, grinning. ABut before #
forget, let me give you a little piece of advice you might want to hang onto for future
A+ever let an angel drive=B
They laughed. # took the opportunity to wet my palate with a little more scotch before
AThink about this for a minute.B # put my glass on the bar. AWhat would you say to an angel
sitting in your car? What would you do? Who would you tell? Who would believe you? 4ither
my mind was in shock or it was overloaded because the only thing # could think of saying was,
C0ow many wishes do # get?/B
A!neaky answered with something like, CBoy, this is going to take longer than # anticipated. :o
# look like # ust slid out of an old ar? #/m an angel, not a genie. The reason #/m here is to help
you put "ove back into your life. To help you fulfill your dreams.B
AWell, that/s nice,B # answered. ABut # dream of money.B
AYou actually dream of having more "ove, oy and freedom in your life. You ust think that
money will give this to you. And you/re welcome.B
A# don/t remember saying thank you.B
AYou will.B
AWhat does "ove have to do with anything?B # asked.
A"ike no "ove, no life. "ove is the essence of life. "ove is the essence of what you are. "ove
is the reason you are here. "ove is everything. "ove encompasses all there is and ever was and
will be.B
A# remember thinking to myself, C# don/t know why we/re having this conversation. #/ll ust
keep him talking until # figure a way out of this./B
AYou/re nuts=B # told him. AYou can/t live without money, but you can live without "ove.B
A#s that so? !how me something that lives that has absolutely no "ove. You can survive with
very little "ove, but you cannot live. There is a difference. A lack of "ove does an enormous
amount damage to a person and a person lacking in "ove can and many times will do a lot of
damage to others. ;eople who start wars are a prime e2ample. When you are filled with "ove
you do not send people to kill each other.B
A# stopped at the red light and turned my head towards !neaky. AWhat does this have to do
with me?B At the same time # reali*ed # was face to face with a police officer sitting in the car
ne2t to me. !omething you do not want to do is to talk to an invisible angel while stopped at a
red light ne2t to a police car. 4specially if you are driving in an open convertible.B
A:id you get a little ride to the funny farm?B :anny laughed.
A+o, # was lucky, but from the look on the police officer/s face, it was a close one. # put my
hand over my mouth and said, CWait until we get home./ # was thinking about what !neaky
said when it dawned on me that # had forgotten to pick up the information for the games
playing today.B
A3eeling lucky today, are you?B he asked.
AWhile maneuvering away from the police car, # asked him how he knew what # was thinking.B
A4asy. #/m an angel. # know what you/re thinking even before you do. #t/s part of the package.B
ABy the way, :anny, don/t bother playing poker with angels. They cheat.B
A# have a feeling that you might be right.B :anny said.
AC&$, what am # thinking now?/ # asked him.B
ACYou/re hoping that #/ll go to the casino with you.B
AThat/s ama*ing.B # turned into the driveway. #deas were definitely rolling around in my head,
like if you can/t beat them, have them oin you.B
AC# don/t suppose you know tomorrow/s lottery numbers?/ # asked. 0e didn/t answer. # thought
he must have a ticket or two stashed in those feathers somewhere, ust waiting for a special
AC4very day is special./ he said.B
A# turned to see if he had any pockets but he was gone.B
:anny had a very pu**led look on his face.
AWhat/s going on in that brain of yours, :anny?B +eena laughed.
A#/m trying to figure out what this angel was up to. # think another piece to the pu**le is "ove.
But he is definitely up to something.B :anny said.
AYup, he sure was.B
/eadin% between the lines

>eading between the lines is something that # stumbled across many years ago. #t/s been
e2tremely helpful. #/m going to make this short and sweet because sometimes simple is the
best. The biggest problem with our language is that when we try to e2plain things like the
universe, time, space, dimensions and consciousness, the words are ust not there. But as life
would have it, there always seems to be someone who finds a way around the limitations. The
best way that # can e2plain it is that each word, written or spoken, seems to have a vibration
and something else, which # can/t e2plain because # don/t really know what it is. +evertheless,
by putting certain words ne2t to each other, they begin to vibrate differently 4ach word begins
to vibrate to a different note, but also the two words together have a vibrating note also. But
the most bi*arre thing is, in any normal sentence with a certain amount of words in it, each
word will vibrate and the sentence itself will also vibrate. Those notes do not change unless you
change some of the words. There are sentences that are totally different, in which each word
vibrates and the sentence vibrates, but not on a single note. #t/s almost like the sentence itself is
singing a note that is telling a story beyond what is actually written.
# would "ove nothing more than to e2plain to you how this works, but unfortunately # have no
idea. 0owever, # do know how to read between the lines, or to be more accurate, # know how to
get my subconscious to give me the information.
"et me give you an e2ample that you may have already e2perienced. 0ave you ever read
something, a book or maga*ine, and after awhile suddenly you snapped out of the dream)like
state and reali*ed that even though you have read several pages, you have no idea what you
have ust read? #t/s like you were on automatic pilot. ;art of you was reading and another part
was daydreaming or at least something similar to that. While you were reading you came
across one of these sentences and also at the same time you were probably in the correct
mental state and your subconscious began trying to give you the information that the sentence
is carrying. #f your subconscious is giving you the information in symbols then the whole thing
may appear almost like a dream and will have some parts of your reality mi2ed in which then
you will need to separate.
>eading between the lines is one thing. To write between the lines is a totally different thing. #
believe there are probably only a few people in the world that knows how to write this way. #t
would probably take a lifetime to learn. 3rom the information that # have gathered, it appears
that the highest concentration of people able to do this would come from Tibet. "anguage does
not seem to matter. 4ven if you can/t read the language you still can read between the lines.
Actually the easiest way to learn it is to try to read a book in a different language. &f course it
needs to be a book that was written in this form, any spiritual books or information written in
Tibetan will work perfectly. This is how # learned it myself. # believe that the conscious mind
becomes bored with trying to read something it can/t, and at some point the subconscious takes
over. You will most likely find that you will slip in and out of a dream state. Afterwards you
need to look at your dream and even write it down so that you can analy*e it afterwards. What
you will find will knock your socks off. Another way that you can learn and practice this is to
let yourself drift while reading. The best time to do this is usually the second time you read it.
&f course, if you drift into your day)to)day concerns you will need to bring yourself back. 8y
favorite way to do this is to pretend that a part of me is talking to me. # consider this part my
subconscious. While #/m reading # drift back and forth. # read, then # listen, then # read and so
on. !urprisingly enough, it/s a lot easier than it sounds.
There are many books on the market that have information written between the lines. The
interesting part is that even though people do not know how to write between the lines, it still
seems to happen to writers who either channel or spend a lot of time meditating, especially if
they meditate ust before they start writing. Also #/ve noticed that in any books that have been
translated from Tibetan to 4nglish by anyone who has mastered some degree of meditation, it
appears that the information that is written in between the lines transfers itself over to the new
language. # find this phenomenon mind)boggling. A perfect e2ample is any book written by
Alice A. Bailey. There is so much information between the lines that it could easily take four to
five months ust to get through one book. &ther books you can take a look at are books by
!eth, !anaya >oman, >ichard Bach, and many more. The amount of information written
between the lines varies from book to book, although in the last few years it appears that it is
happening more often.
The ne2t time someone writes you a letter, you might want to try doing the same thing.
!ometimes people write one thing and think another. 3or some reason what they were thinking
shows up between the lines.
+ow doesn/t this sound like it could make some interesting reading?
There is a reason why # have given you this information at this particular point in the book. #
could tell you, but that would take all the fun out of it.

Chapter %i&teen
A"et/s get back to the story. &therwise, this will take all night.B
A#/m not sure how long it was e2actly, but over the ne2t few days # tried to sort out the
memories of my childhood. # also tried to separate my dreams from my memories but there was
no separating them. The whole thing was very confusing. # have a very good memory and #
forget very little. #t was hard for me to accept that # could forget several years of my life,
especially the things that # now remembered. # remember having no friends and what seems
like almost all my time was spent with this angel. # was not very well liked, actually more like
despised. That/s easy to understand when you/re spending a lot of time talking to someone that
no one else can see.B # paused as # remembered how it had been.
A#n one way # was hoping that # wouldn/t see him again. Yet for the first time in a long time # felt
lonely. # actually in some way wanted him to come back.B
# took a drink from my glass. AYou know, there/s no way to e2plain what something like this
does to you, especially if you can/t even tell anybody about it. # guess it doesn/t really mater
+eena reached over and rubbed my back. AYou/re not alone tonight.B
A# guess...B # smiled.
A#/m pretty sure that it was 3riday afternoon. # was sitting in my favorite chair by the window
looking over the sports odds for the weekend. # wasn/t sure whether # should try another
meditation. After all, no one said that # shouldn/t do this. But at the same time there was still a
little concern in my mind whether # was really seeing an angel. #f #/m seeing an angel who isn/t
really there, that could mean #/ve flipped out. #f that were the case, # wouldn/t be able to make
a sane udgment whether this is real. About the same time # was thinking this, a flash of light
caught my attention. # cautiously peeked out the window so # would not be spotted if it
happened to be a reflection from a bill collector/s car.B
AC:idn/t you already pay off all your bills with the money that you won?/ :anny asked.B
A+ot even close. At that time in my life it would have taken a lot more money than # had won
to financially balance everything out. # already would have increased the si*e of the bets but as
you can see, things were getting a little hectic. Anyway, getting back to the story, as # peeked
out the window # saw there were no cars or any sign of anyone. # turned back towards my
tickets with a sigh of relief and almost umped out of my chair. !neaky was sitting on the
AC!o # see you/re working on your bets, peeking out the window, hiding from the bill collectors.
&h, what a tangled web we weave,/ he said, using one of my favorite lines.B
A# told him not to sneak up on me like that. As far as #/m concerned, even a hallucination
should knock.B
AC# tried to warn you, but you seemed too preoccupied with peeking,/ he responded.B
A+obody/s perfect.B
AWe both ust sat there for a while in silence staring at each other. 0e must have known that #
was trying to formulate my 6uestions. # had a hundred of them yet # couldn/t think of a single
one. 8y mind was blank. 3inally # managed to come up with something to ask.B
A0ow do # know you/re real?B
ACWhat if #/m hallucinating?/ # didn/t reali*e ust how stupid that 6uestion was. There/s one
sure way to know whether you/ve totally flipped out, and that/s to ask a hallucination if you
are hallucinating.B
They both laughed, suggesting that # might be right.
AC&bviously you/re not in shock now, so ask yourself thisF what comes after shock?/ !neaky
A# thought for a moment. CAfter shock comes denial, or disbelief./ >ight about then >udy
walked into the living room, looked over at !neaky, then walked over to where # was sitting and
laid down staring at the angel.B
AC&$, if you/re real, why didn/t # remember you before the other day?/ # asked.B
ACBut you did remember,/ he said. CYou ust assumed that you made it all up because it was
hard for you to believe in something that did not fit into the world that you made for yourself./B
A# didn/t say anything, but # must have had a pu**led look on my face because somehow even
though what he said could have been correct. # ust didn/t feel that it fit with me one hundred
AYou were also very young and a lot of very unpleasant things happened to you. When
children go through difficult times, they tend to suppress some of their memories in order to
continue to function. This is simply self)preservation.B
A# knew he was right, but # still wasn/t convinced.B
!neaky continued to try to convince me.
BC5nfortunately, memories tend to go in packages./ he said. CAs one memory is suppressed,
others that can trigger this memory will also be suppressed. # became the trigger mechanism
and as soon as you saw me you were faced with the reality that # must e2ist. #t/s your mind/s
ob to make sense of what you see and in order for it to do this it looks for memories. &ne
triggers the ne2t in a domino effect.B
AC"et me interrupt you for a moment,/ :anny said. C:id you have an angel for a friend when
you were a kid or didn/t you?/B
AThat/s the million dollar 6uestion, isn/t it? # have my theories, but let/s wait and see if you two
come up with the same answers,B # said.
A!omething doesn/t 6uite ive, but # can/t put my finger on it yet.B +eena observed. :anny
nodded in agreement.
# took another sip from my !cotch. A# was sitting there and still couldn/t think of any 6uestions
to ask. Thinking about it now, # find that rather strange. Then something came to my mind.
C@ome to think of it, where the hell were you when the shit hit the fan? # could have used some
help, not to mention a little company. :o you have any idea how much time and effort went
into trying to get over all that?/ At that moment # felt a lot of anger surging up. >udy decided
to go lie in a more serene area.B
ACThe way # remember it, you were 6uite adamant that # leave. "et me rekindle your memory. #
think you said, and please correct me if #/m wrong.../ he answered.B
AC+ever mind, # remember,/ # interrupted him. C# told you to go because # didn/t want to have
anything to do with "ove anymore. # said people are cruel and everyone thinks #/m cra*y and #
blamed you for not having any friends. # said people don/t care and because of you they/re
sending me away. # said you were wasting my time telling me things that no one cares about./B
AAfter # said that to him. # remember falling into silence at the feelings that were coming up.
When # was a kid # had started hating this world and the people in it. !urvival= !urvival was
everything, more important than "ove, more important than fun. !urvival is all there is, # told
myself. !urvive until #/m bigger and stronger and then #/ll fight back. Those are the thoughts #
had when # was about eight years old.B
ACThen you should have helped,/ # said, Cinstead of showing up now ust when things are going
ACYou were never alone,/ he answered. C+o one is, even if they think they are. Ask yourself
how many une2plainable things happened to you ust when you needed it most?B
A"ooking up towards the ceiling, # wondered how so many things can go wrong in one
A0e disappeared right after # looked away, which was ust as well. # needed time to figure
everything out.B
# reached for my cigarettes and asked :anny if # could have some more orange uice.
A#t/s strange,B # looked at +eena. A4ven now that #/m telling you this, all the feelings are
coming back as if it was yesterday. :on/t you think that/s strange?B
+eena shook her head. A+o.B
There were several long moments of silence before # continued with the story.
Trees are the only ones I "no#
That li"e those 0gs.
Yo "no#,
The "ind #here yo s<ee>e,
2t a big s<ee>e.
I mean a really really big s<ee>e.
)o not 4st big bt really really really really big
The "ind that ma"es yor ears trn red
)o# that3s a 0g
&nly trees li"e it that #ay, and me.

Chapter %eventeen
:anny umped off his stool and poured me another glass of orange uice with a little bit of
crushed ice.
A!o you don/t think there/s anything wrong with using your method to win the lottery?B +eena
:anny shook his head. A# don/t see anything wrong with it.B
A#sn/t it like trying to get something for nothing?B
A# guess in some ways it is. But in other ways, you/d be putting a real effort into it, not ust
throwing your money into the wind hoping that luck takes over. You/re using your mind and
all the abilities that you have. You/re also not taking anything from anybody else because if
someone else has the right answers they/ll win too.
AThat/s a good point,B :anny said, Abut what if you decide to write about this and too many
people decide to do this? ;retty soon there won/t be any lottery.B
A# know what you mean. The bottom line is that it/s already happening.B
AWhat do you mean?B +eena asked. AWhat did you do?B
:anny/s eyes were as big as watermelons again.
AWell, about si2 months ago # wanted to write a book telling the story of what happened. #
didn/t know how to write it so # took a tape recorder and ust told the story, the same as # am
telling you it now. #t took about four tapes...almost si2 hours, and then # made copies and sold
a bunch of them ust to see if anyone was interested. Apparently a few people out there have
taken it to the ma2imum because # heard that the !ports "ottery @ommission is having a real
problem balancing their books because suddenly there seems to be a group of people who are
constantly winning. 3irst they tried to lower the odds, hoping that this would break whatever
system people were using, but it didn/t. +ow they have limited the amount of money that you
can bet. # heard throughout the grapevine that the "ottery @ommission is frantically trying to
figure out what system these people are using. But the bottom line is, there is no system.B
A0ow many tapes did you sell?B +eena asked.
AAbout a do*en.B
A#f you only sold one do*en, what will happen if you write a book and thousands of people
read it?B
A#t/s hard to say. 8aybe the "ottery @ommission will have to shut down or find a way to make
the game more challenging. #t/s a lot like playing chess. #f you/re not going to use your mind,
there/s no point in playing. The government has decided to make gambling legal for its own
purposes, and if they/re not willing to take the heat that comes with that kind of decision, then
it/s best for them to stay out of it. They seem to have no problem at all raking in millions of
dollars from hard working individuals. Whether they/re willing to give it back is not my
concern. The world isn/t going to end ust because the lotteries are shut down. Besides, this
story is not about money or the lottery. #t/s about "ove and what you can do with "ove and
your mind.B
ABut if the lottery is shut down, learning this will be useless.B :anny said.
A+ot at all= There are an incredible amount of things that you can do with this talent. To think
that you can only use it for winning the lottery is silly and narrow minded. There are many
incredible and wonderful things that this method can be used for. You can use it to make a real
difference in this world and to help a lot of people. You can use it at your ob or in your
business. #t/s endless= %ust because the lottery may not be around, at least in the way it is right
now, is no reason to hold this information back. The only reason #/m telling you about the
lottery first is because that is how # started, then # slowly learned the rest, which you will find
out about as soon as you let me get back to the story.B
A:o that=B :anny said eagerly.
+eena leaned towards me. AAre you still playing the lottery?B
A+o. Well maybe # shouldn/t say no. # still play every now and then, mostly for fun. # throw in
two dollars. #t/s very seldom when # don/t win but as far as trying to make money with it, #
stopped that a long time ago. 8oney was never really what # was after. # admit # got
sidetracked for a while. What # was after was to be happy, and being happy in a way that
doesn/t depend on money or things or relationships or anything e2ternal. #/m happy to say that
after L, years # finally have achieved my goal. There is nothing that can compare with that. #
am working on another proect though, and # use the lottery to measure how well it/s working.
But that/s another story.B
A0ow did you achieve your happiness?B +eena asked.
AThe rest of the story will e2plain that.B
The (ecret
Yesterday I as"ed my dog
What is yor se$ret to li,e?
0e ans#ered
I, it rns, $hase it
I as"ed,
What i, it doesn3t rn?
0e ans#ered
5st #ait....

Chapter Eighteen
A!unday is my favorite day,B # said. AThe streets are 6uiet and there are no bill collectors
lurking around the corner. A good time to go for groceries. >udy and # decided to brave it out
and give that grocery store one more try. # told >udy to stay in the car and as # walked in #
thought the first sign of trouble, #/m out of there. # slowly worked my way around the store,
unnoticed. 4verything was back to normal. Boy, was that a relief= Walking around picking up
a few more things # passed the stationery shelf, and a notebook fell off the shelf and right into
my little red basket. You/ve got to admit the odds of having something like that happening are
pretty low. +evertheless, # picked up the book and flipped through the pages. A thought
occurred to meF what if !neaky doesn/t show up for a while? # could end up forgetting
everything. The first day was already fading7 it seemed more like a dream. # put the notebook
back on the shelf. But as soon as # got home # started making some notes.B
A# was sitting in the living room on my favorite chair by the window writing when # heard a
voice say, C#/m glad to see that you/ve adusted./B
A# didn/t need to look to know who it was. # said C9ee, # wish you wouldn/t sneak up on me like
that= Why don/t you knock on the front door?/B
ACYou never answer the front door./B
AC&kay, knock on the back door./B
ACYou don/t answer that door either./B
AC# guess you have a point. 0ow about a flash of light ust before?/B
ACThat can be arranged./B
AThis time # was prepared. # already had written down some 6uestions that # wanted to ask. #
flipped the pages in my notebook.
AC0ere/s a 6uestion for you,/ # said. CWhat happened at the store the other day? ;eople were
acting very weird./B
ACTo put it mildly, you were glowing,/ he smiled.
AC"et me ask you thisF what happens when people fall in "ove?/B
AThey glow.B
AC9ive me a minute./ # was sure # had the answer. After all, #/ve seen it many times.B
AC3irst they get this glow about them,/ # said. CThen they seem to become more attractive,
especially to the opposite se2. They ust seem to attract people./B
AC42actly. Try to look at it this way. When a person falls in "ove their hearts start to open and
they literally begin to radiate "ove. This is what gives them that glow. And in your case the
same thing happened. Your heart opened temporarily and you were radiating "ove, only in
much larger amounts than you are use to seeing./B
AC;retty dangerous stuff. "et/s hope it doesn/t happen again.B # shook my head.
A!neaky was shaking his head too. C%ust imagine what you could do if you learned to open
your heart, $laus./B
ACYeah, ust imagine what # could do with a million dollars, !neaky./B
AC:o you remember when you were si2?/ he asked. # shrugged my shoulders.B
ACYou wanted to know everything about "ove. You wanted everyone to be happy. You wanted
to change the world to make a difference. You would stand in the middle of a field pretending to
send "ove to all the flowers and butterflies like a little sun radiating with "ove. >emember
AC+ot really. After all, # was only si2 and obviously didn/t reali*e what planet # was on. #/m
getting a very strange feeling, like you/re trying to trick me into doing something # don/t want
to do./B
ACWhat is it that you don/t want to do?/B
A# thought for a moment. CYou/ve got me there. # don/t have a clue./B
AC&$, what is it that you want to do?/B
AThis was starting to give me a headache. #/ve been through this a thousand times in my mind
and every time # find something that # think # would enoy, doing it seems to fi**le out. # could
sense that !neaky heard my thoughts.B
AC# ust don/t know,/ # responded. C#t/s like something is missing and # ust can/t seem to put my
finger on it. !ometimes # think it/s boredom, but that/s not it. #t/s like? my life is like paint
with no color in it./B
AC"et/s go back to when you were si2 or seven. Think about it. :id the things you did then
seem to be colorless?/B
A# was trying to think. # grabbed a cigarette and while # was lighting it, # noticed out of the
corner of my eye that !neaky was gone.B
# stopped a moment to take a drink of my orange uice.
AC!o what did you do when you were younger? #t sounds like you were happy then,/ +eena
CWell... things were not the greatest. Actually most of the time it was barely bearable. But #
had things # "ove to do, stuff... you know, stuff you ust can/t get enough of. 4very day # was
raring to go. # couldn/t wait to get out of the door. !leep was something # did when # ust
couldn/t keep my eyes open for even one more minute. After !neaky left # thought about all of
this. When # was younger, something was different inside me. When # was little, sleep was a
nuisance, but later in my life sleep became an escape and there were many things on my list of
stuff that ust needed to go. But that still didn/t bring me any closer to understanding what it
was that made the difference. Whatever it was definitely seemed to be missing later on in my
AC!o you still don/t know what/s missing?/ +eena asked.
AC# do now, but at that time, when !neaky first came around, # had no clue at all. Actually # had
thought that the reason !neaky was there had something to do with winning the lottery. But #
was starting to reali*e that he hadn/t come because of the lottery but for some other reason.
That reali*ation made me a lot more comfortable around him. # was a little less defensive after
that. As far as what was missing in my life or in me, ust hang in there, it/s all in the story.B
:anny breathed a sigh of relief. A!o the reason he was there had nothing to do with the lottery,
AThat/s right.B # answered ABut it does have something to do with the method.B
# smiled as :anny/s shoulders drooped. +eena seemed to think it was 6uite funny also.
I )m a +o% and This is My $ife

I sleep
I dream
I ma"e a $at or t#o rn
'or their lives
And the day is done.
What a glorios li,e
1erhaps tomorro# there #ill be a s<irrel
&h, yes, tomorro#A
A big ,at slo#-rnning s<irrel.

Chapter 'ineteen
# looked at +eena and :anny and asked, A0ave you ever thought about how much effort and
time goes into operating a physical body?B Both of them ust gave me pu**led looks.
# shook my head. A#t/s like this. A few days after the last visit, # still hadn/t made any bets,
mostly because # was unsure of things. #n some ways the possibility that # could have flipped
out was still in my mind. # felt that the fact that # was still 6uestioning myself gave me an
indication that # was still all right.B
A# was taking a bath, listening to MM Top with my headphones and contemplating the
comple2ity of having a physical body and the comple2ity of life. Think about how much it
takes to run a physical body from one day to the ne2t. #t/s enormous= We get up in the morning,
and the first thing we need to do is drain off e2cess fluid. Then we wash, scrub and comb our
body. Then we spray, rub and s6uee*e some more stuff on it. But that/s not all. Then we put on
clothes that we had to wash, dry, press, and fold. +ow at this point you/d think you/re done,
right? +o, this is ust the tip of the iceberg. !o now it needs refueling, but nothing as simple as
a bale of hay. We need to stir, percolate, mi2, grill, and finally shove the whole thing into a hole
in our heads, and don/t forget to chew. Boy # "ove efficiency. We need a place to store this
body, especially at night so nothing will eat it while we/re sleeping, and to keep it dry if it
happens to rain. !o we rent, buy, or build a shelter. But in order to do this you take your body
someplace and make it do things, and then someone gives you paper, which you give to
somebody else. +ow to go to this place where they give you paper when you make your body
do things it does not want to do, you need body transportation devices which is like a body
shell that you need to feed with a hose, and wash, wa2, repair, and shelter. That makes sense,
doesn/t it? !o now you need to do more building and paper trading. And to make matters even
more bi*arre, have you ever noticed that there is always something either trying to eat or mate
with your body? %ust take your body to the park and watch what happens. Bugs try to suck
your blood7 dogs try to lick your face off, and the ne2t thing you know some other body tries to
rub itself against yours. 9o figure.B
:anny and +eena were laughing 6uite hard by this time. Apparently they thought it was 6uite
funny. 5nfortunately back in those days # saw it as the truth and took it a lot more seriously. #
lit another cigarette and waited patiently for :anny and +eena to settle down so # could
A# was still in the tub. 8y eyes were closed, but # thought # saw a flash of light through my
eyelids. &pening my eyes, # saw !neaky sitting on the toilet holding a paper sailboat and a
ra*or. 8y heart speeded up while # looked at the ra*or. #t was an old one, the kind that opened
at the top like the bomb doors on a B.1 bomber. There was something familiar about those
two things. # was ust waiting for my memory to catch up.B
AC# can see why you/ve lost some of your sense of humor, looking at life that way./ !neaky
ACWhat?/ # kept one eye on the ra*or and the other on the door.B
ACWhat you where ust thinking about./B
AC&h, ust a thought, that/s all./ # said.B
AC+o, # think it/s more than that./ he said, giving me a concerned look. CYou see if you take
"ove out of life, everything becomes mechanical, cold and "oveless. #t/s true that a lot of the
things you need to do are the same every day, but if there is "ove in your actions, things have a
certain romance to them. Take your bath, for instance. Basically it has one main function, but
add a few bubbles, some toys...which # see you have, perhaps a candle and some pleasant
conversation or even some music, and you have a totally new e2perience./B
ACWhat/s with the boat and ra*or?/B
ACYou remember= !omeone made you a paper boat ust like this one because you didn/t want to
take a bath. 8y, how things change. # see you have plastic ones now. But as soon as you saw
the paper boat, you rushed upstairs into the tub.B
ACYes, # remember./B
AC:o you remember the ra*or?/ !neaky grinned as he pointed the ra*or at me.
ACYes./ # answered. The memory had already clicked in my mind. C#t/s hard to forget,
considering #/m still sitting on the scar./B
AC:o you remember me telling you not to play with this ra*or?/B
ACYou were always telling me not to do this or that./ # said. C!o what/s your point?/B
ACThere is no way to prove to you that # am real and that you are not cra*y. 4verything can be
considered a fragment of your imagination7 it/s not for me to do it for you, but for you to trust
yourself for in that lies a great achievement. !o think about what has been missing in your life
all these years./B
A# looked up. CWhy don/t you ust tell me?/B
ABut he was already gone. 0e did leave the paper sailboat. As # grabbed it # noticed there was
some writing on its sideF !everal years ago you imagined doing something. >emember, for your
thoughts create reality. ;roof is the burden of the disbeliever./B
# plunked the sailboat into the water, put my headphones on, and played with it, at least until it
sank. #t brought back a lot of memories. But # couldn/t figure out what # had imagined two
years ago that is now supposedly reality.B
# knew what +eena wanted to ask.
&eres a riddle
Are yo ready?
&"ay then!
%ons$ios $reation.
Is a %ons$ios %reation?
BI never said that it #as going to be an easy one.C

Chapter Twent(
:anny looked at his notebook and rubbed his forehead. +eena noticed :anny/s e2pression
also, and asked him what was wrong. 0e ust mumbled something, but didn/t really answer. #
was pretty sure # knew what was going on in his head.
AWhat/s the matter, :anny?B # asked. A0aving conflicting beliefs?B
:anny looked up at me. AWhat do you mean?B
A@ome on. #t/s written all over your face. You/re not sure what to believe anymore and
whether this lottery thing will work. >ight?B
A# guess so,B he answered. A#/m not saying that you/re not telling the truth. #t/s ust that maybe
it works for you, but that doesn/t mean it will work for me.B
A#f ten angels came here right now directly from 9od and told you it will work for you, would
you believe it then?B
A8ost definitely.B :anny/s eyes gleamed.
A0ow about if it was ust one big fat beer)burping angel? Would it work for you then?B
+eena chuckled.
AWhy would it make a difference to you how many angels there are?B
A# don/t know. # guess it ust makes it more believable.B :anny shook his head. A# don/t get
what you/re trying to tell me.B
AThe bottom line is that you/re right, it won/t work for you.B
:anny had a shocked look on his face, and so did +eena. 3or a second # thought :anny was
going to lose it.
AThe reason it won/t work for you is because you don/t believe it, so tell me why you believe
that it will not work for you.B
:anny thought for a moment. A# guess it seems too simple. You/d think that with all the
millions of people on this planet, somebody would have figured it out before.B
A"ogically that makes perfect sense, and at one time # too actually believed that. "ater #
reali*ed that it was ust my limiting belief trying to ustify itself. #/m not the only one that has
done this. #t/s ust that everyone else who has also achieved this is being very 6uiet about it.
#t/s very strange but as soon as you discover something it seems that other people who have
also discovered it seemed to come out of the woodwork.B
ABeliefs are locked doors, or keys that open any door,B +eena observed.
AThat/s true,B # said. A>ight now your beliefs are locked doors. #f we convinced you that you
could not learn to ski and you believed it, then you would not learn to ski. That/s ust the way
it is, even if all the evidence proves the opposite.B
ABut if something is proven, then it/s real and we should believe it.B
A+o=B # shook my head.
:anny grabbed his empty glass and slammed it on the bar in front of me. AThis glass is round.
# believe it.B
# grabbed the glass and threw it on the floor behind the bar. #t smashed into a thousand pieces.
A+o, the glass was round on the sides, but flat on the bottom and hollow in the top. +ow it/s
none of those things.B # reali*ed it was a lousy e2ample.
A# can/t prove to you how your beliefs affect everything that you can or can/t do. Years ago #
took some courses. &ne was a meditation course, another was a mind power course, and a
third had to do with utili*ing the power of the subconscious. At some point in all three courses
one person asked this 6uestionF can # use this to win the lottery or in the stock market? 4ach
time they were told Cno/ in a few different ways. And to be honest, for awhile # even believed
that myself. But then # got suspicious because they tell you that you can do all kinds of
incredible things, but not that one. 4verybody seems to steer you away from it. #t becomes
especially interesting when you see that very same person buying a lottery ticket. What they/re
telling you is that you are allowed to buy a lottery ticket but not allowed to use all the
resources that you have available to you to make that piece of paper worth anything. Winning
the lottery has turned out to be my smallest achievement but my biggest step because # finally
got it through my thick skull that # am not a helpless little thing that 9od has forgotten about. #
can do anything that # believe # can. #/m going to show you something tonight that will do far
more for you than the lottery ever will, and if you use it you won/t need the lottery.B
# helped him clean up the broken glass and then continued with the story.
A# had ust gone to bed and closed my eyes when # noticed a flash of light. # knew who it was.
!lightly turning my head and opening one eye, # could see !neaky sitting on the edge of my
ACWhy didn/t you come before # went to bed?/ # asked him.B
AC# thought you might like a bedtime story, like when you were little./B
AC# remember your bedtime stories and the way # remember them, they were more like
A# knew he was up to something7 # could feel it.B
ACThey always made you fall asleep and have good dreams, didn/t they?/B
# looked at +eena and then at :anny. ABy the way, have you noticed something strange about
the way !neaky talks?B They shook their heads.
A@ome on now, he talks e2actly the way # do. 0e uses the same words and has the same
speech patterns. :on/t you find that strange?B
AC# thought that it was ust the way you were telling the story./ +eena said.B
AC+ot at all. You might want to keep that in mind. Anyway let/s get back to where # left off./B
A# agreed to listen to !neaky/s bedtime story, laid back, and closed my eyes.B
AC&nce upon a time there was a little boy whose only friend was an angel. All their time was
spent together playing, laughing, sword fighting, climbing trees, and talking about making the
world a better place, full of "ove and fun. 8any of their days were spent searching for
treasure at the garbage dump. &f course the angel always found the best treasure./B
AC8any of their days were spent on the lake in a small rowboat, where they could talk for
hours without anyone hearing them. They would ride the big waves that the larger boats made
and laugh. The boy was happy there. &ne day the little boy told his angel friend to leave and
never come back. The boy said CBecause of you, everyone hates me and they think #/m stupid
and cra*y./ This was a sad day for both of them. But what the boy did not know was that
when he angrily sent the angel away he also turned his back on "ove. +ot allowing any "ove
into his physical being nor believing in "ove created more and more pain. This pain grew as
he got older. The boy, now a man, tried many things to fi2 what was wrong but he did not
know he was starving from a lack of "ove. And no matter how much "ove the angel sent, the
"ove would not go in, for his heart was closed./B
A!neaky paused for a moment.B
AC+ow the angel never actually left the boy/s side but ust made himself invisible, because the
angel knew that someday the boy would change his mind. !ure enough, years later he did. And
together again, they decided to write a book about "iving on "ove./B
ACYou/re dreaming, buddy. #/m not telling anybody anything./ # tried to ignore him and let
myself drift into sleep. # only remember what # faintly heard.B
AC&ne day the boy, now a man, won the lottery and with that money he purchased a nice cabin
in the woods where he spent much of his time writing about "ove and the reality of life. &ne
day as the man was walking in the woods he saw a girl talking to the trees./B
ACThey say the boy who talks to angels and the girl who talks to the trees lived happily ever
AC3orget that. 0ow much did # win?/ # asked, not sure whether it was out loud or ust in my
A0e must have moved closer. # was ust at the point of do*ing off when # heard him loud and
AC:reams create believers and believers create. You may want to watch for the tent, and the
spots on her back. !he obviously knows you very well, otherwise she would not need to make
it that obvious./B
+eena almost busted her gut laughing. :anny followed with his own tears of laughter. # had to
laugh a little myself even though # didn/t think it was that funny. # wasn/t even sure e2actly
what +eena thought was so funny. # thought, Cshe knows something # don/t./ !he managed to
get herself under control for a few seconds and then she would break out in laughter again.
This went on for 6uite a while. # couldn/t help laughing myself ust watching her laugh.
AYou men are all the same.B +eena wiped the tears from her eyes. # was holding my stomach
because it was hurting from laughing so hard.
AYou couldn/t see a stick in the mud if you tripped over it,B she said in a condescending tone.
A%ust imagine at some time before you were born you both decided to meet up sometime during
your lifetime. %ust to make sure that you would be able to get it through your thick skull, she
felt she needed to put a sign on her back so that there was no chance of you missing it.B
!he still had a big grin on her face. # was trying to find a way to fire back. # looked at :anny.
:anny looked at her. AWhy should it be up to him? 8aybe if she got her act together she/d be
able to find him.B # thought it was a good response and nodded my head.
AYou men are so blind that you couldn/t see her even if you tripped over her.B !he broke out in
laughter again. There was no sign at all that she was trying to hold it back, so :anny and #
decided to have our own conversation.
AYou haven/t by chance found her?B :anny tried to say it loud enough so # could hear him over
+eena/s laughter, which made her laugh ever harder.
A# think # have. There are still some 6uestions that # haven/t totally worked out yet.B
A!o you/ve seen her, but haven/t actually met her?B he asked.
A!omething like that. #t/s been over two years since !neaky told me that bedtime story. At that
time # wasn/t interested, but later on # started wondering about the implications of what he had
told me.B
:anny had a pu**led look on his face. +eena had settled down but was still grinning from ear
to ear.
A!o now we come to the chicken parts.B !he was obviously enoying this to the utmost.
A#t/s not that. # don/t know e2actly how to e2plain it, but our future, our present, and our past
are never complete. They can be changed at any time. # know this sounds strange and in some
ways impossible but towards the end of the story there is a really good e2ample. +ow ust for
a minute accept the possibility that as we live our lives we have the ability to change our life
e2perience. A lot of it has to do with what we fully believe. 3or instance, take :anny winning
the sports lottery. #t may or may not be in his life e2perience as it is set in place right now but
if he believes that it is possible, he switches into a new probability and is able to play the
sports lottery the way # showed him, and win.B
AWhat does that have to do with this woman?B
AWhen !neaky first said this to me, # ignored it. "ater # started thinking about it and in a sense
also began believing it for various reasons, perhaps because # wanted to. # started searching
around in different probabilities and # found her. Then # found her here in the physical
probability, or the physical e2perience that # am in now. Actually she/s a lot closer than #
e2pected. But there are still of unanswered 6uestions. To find her in the first place, instead of
traveling into the future, # traveled in the present and probable present realities, which # will
e2plain later. # went back several times. !ometimes she seemed to be there and other times not.
Was she actually there or did she get placed there in this probability after !neaky made the
suggestion and # accepted the belief? This is e2actly what causes the physical e2periences that
we e2perience. Beliefs are directly linked to our physical e2perience.B
+eena was shaking her head as :anny said, AThat/s confusing as hell but # still don/t see why
that has anything to do with whether you actually go and talk to her.B
A#t/s complicated.B # shook my head. AWhen !neaky made that suggestion it doesn/t mean that
it was the reality at the time. 0e may have ust flung that reality at me. %ust because it has
become a part of my physical reality or e2perience doesn/t mean it is part of hers.B
+eena touched her cheek. AYou might be right= Two stubborn thick)sculled people in the same
room at the same time could cause some complications. 4specially if she is as big a chicken as
you are.B
A!o how did you manage to find her in real life?B :anny asked.
AActually #/ve known her for over twenty years. The problem is that # have conflicting
information. This could be ust be his twisted way of getting me to spend more time studying
time and probable events.B
A%ust thinking about this is giving me a headache. @an # have another scotch?B # asked.
A!ure, no problem.B :anny chuckled to himself.
.ne Battle Too Many
I have been a #arrior
'or as long as I $an remember.
I have stood my grond,
I have ,oght the niverse, /od and $ontry
And the dragons inside.
I am so good
At times I have even $t mysel,
And as the last #arrior in me
With a tear in his eye
Lays do#n his s#ord
I as", no# #hat?

Chapter Twent()!ne
AThe ne2t morning # woke up in a good mood. :reaming about winning has a tendency to put
me in a more receptive mood in the mornings.
!till lying in bed, # was thinking about what to do today when # noticed a soft glow coming
from the hallway. # was hoping it was the sun coming up but # could see from my window that
it was cloudy. !ometimes you know it/s going to be a long day ust by how it starts.B
A# slid out of bed and staggered down the hallway. !neaky was waiting for me in the kitchen.B
AC0ave a good sleep?/ he asked.B
AC# guess so, # think # did./ # rubbed my eyes.B
ACYou might want to tell that to your face, it doesn/t seem to be aware of that./B
BCDery funny./ # opened the fridge to see if there were any eggs left.B
AC!o, where do you want to start today?/ he asked.A
AC# want to start with breakfast that/s where, so back off. # need time to ease myself back into
the world./B
ACBoy, talking to you in the morning is like grabbing a bear by the lips=/B
A# didn/t respond. About that same time >udy came in through his doggy door and the two of
them sat in the kitchen and minded their own business while # finished making breakfast. # put
my toast on my plate and set the plate on the table, and gave >udy his usual half slice of toast.
+ot that he ever eats it7 he ust licks the butter off. >udy took his toast and went outside while #
sat down to eat my breakfast. !neaky ust sat there staring. 3inally # gave in.B
AC&$, #/d rather listen to you talk then sit there burning holes in my eggs with your staring./ #
AC# was ust wondering if you were going to put some "ove in your food?/ 0e asked with a
smirk on his face.B
A# put my fork down and rolled my eyes. CWhat/s the point of that? #/m ust going to eat them
anyway and so it will come right back. Besides # have no idea what the hell you/re talking
ACWhen you send "ove into your food when you/re preparing it or ust before eating it, it/s
absorbed by the food and in many ways changes it, increasing the life energy and even
improving the taste. The cells in your body are able to absorb this "ove, and food filled with
"ove has a lot of healing properties. You/ll find it easier to digest, it will give you more energy,
and you/ll find it more calming, but most of all you/ll be adding "ove directly to your physical
AA thought occurred to me about the same time that he said this. What if he had something to
do with the fact that # was having trouble getting the correct game results and therefore not
doing very well with my sports lottery wins? ;erhaps # should play along ust in case.B
AC# have no idea how to do this,/ # answered. C#/ve never read anything about this or heard
anyone mention sending "ove into your food.B
BCThat/s because people are not yet aware of the power of "ove or how it can be used. "ove is
one of the most powerful things in the universe. Would you agree with this?/B
A# nodded and said, C# guess so, but that doesn/t help anything because whoever or whatever
controls and directs "ove doesn/t seem to be around./B
ACBut you are around7 actually several billion of you. ;eople have the ability to send "ove,
massive amounts of "ove, to anything and anywhere. Think of the possibilities= "et/s start
with your eggs./B
AC"ook= # ust want to eat my breakfast, so whatever it is you want me to do, ust tell me and
let/s get on with it./ # started to get a little irritated.B
A+ow we/re getting to the interesting stuff.B +eena said.
A# agree, this is what the whole story is about, but it gets better.B
A@an you use "ove for the lottery?B :anny grinned from ear to ear.
A;robably, but #/m not really sure. # know you can use it for money, but #/ll e2plain that later.B
A!o what happened ne2t?B +eena asked.
AC%ust close your eyes and use your imagination to follow my directions./ !neaky said. C#t/s
not important that you have your eyes closed. #t will ust be easier for you until you get the feel
of it./B
A# closed my eyes, rela2ed, and followed his instructions.B
AC%ust imagine that there is a light in your upper chest near your heart and imagine it growing
brighter and brighter, radiating with "ove. Breathe slowly and deeply, filling your lungs with
air. Breathing is important. +ow let the light have a nice steady glow, like the glow you see
from a candle, only much larger. "et it become more radiant and begin to surround your whole
body. That/s it, the sensation you/re getting in your chest is all right, that is your heart opening.
+ow imagine sending a beam of "ove from this glowing area to the food on your plate. 9ood.
When you sense it is enough, then ust let go and open your eyes, bringing yourself back into
the present moment. There you go./B
A# opened my eyes and said, CThat was easy. Are you sure this makes a difference?/B
AC8ore than you can imagine, my friend. &ne day there will be restaurants and coffee shops
speciali*ing in food that are filled with "ove. 3ood that is filled with "ove will do more for you
than any food you now might consider health food./B
A# had started eating again while !neaky was babbling away.B
AC0ey, this seems to taste better. #t/s almost like it has more flavor= Are you sure this isn/t my
ACAbsolutely= When scientists discover that "ove has a physical form and that it actually has a
particle that e2ists everywhere at the same time. #t won/t take long for them to figure out that
the amount of "ove in the food is directly linked to its life energy and its healing and life
sustaining 6ualities. And that/s only the tip of the iceberg./B
AC#nteresting./ # said.B
AC#f you do the same thing to your food before putting it away, you will find that it also keeps
much longer./B
AWhen # looked up from my plate he was gone. # washed my dishes and sat down in my
favorite chair in the living room.B
A#/m going to have to try this out,B +eena looked at :anny. AWould you please get me a small
glass of orange uice?B
A9ood idea.B :anny poured her orange uice.
A&kay, let me see.B +eena sipped her orange uice and closed her eyes. :anny and # watched
in anticipation. # smoked my cigarette while +eena sent "ove into her glass.
!he opened her eyes and took a sip of her orange uice, and then another before she put the
glass down.
AYou know what? # think it works= #t seems to taste more orange, more like it was freshly
A#t definitely does make a difference,B # said, A#/ve played with this over the last two years and
had some really interesting results. #/ll give you some e2amples. The day after !neaky told me
about this7 # was going to a farewell party for a friend. 4ach of us had to bring some kind of
food to the party and # decided to try a little e2periment. The ne2t morning, # went to the
bakery and bought some cookies. # put them on two identical plates, then # marked the bottom
of one plate with a felt marker, and spent about ,. to 1( minutes sending "ove to the cookies
on that one plate. # figured if a little bit is good then a whole lot more will be better, which is
not always correct when it comes to "ove. # took both plates to the party and set them both
side by side on the table. When people started eating the cookies they reached for the ones that
# had sent "ove to first= Two people reached over the other plate to get to the plate of cookies
that # had sent "ove to. All the cookies were eaten because they were very good cookies, but
the ones that # had sent "ove to were gone long before anyone started on the ones on the other
AThat/s really interesting. :id you try anything else?B +eena asked.
A&ver the years #/ve done a lot of e2periments like this at different parties. The results are
always the same. 4ven if # didn/t bring the food # noticed that the minute # take something and
send "ove to it people seem to immediately go for it without ever knowing what/s going on.
!ometimes when # go to a restaurant # don/t wait for the food to get to my table before # send
"ove. # do it as soon as # order it. # also send "ove to the waitress and to the cook. This
really makes a big difference. 8any times # get a huge plate of food...even though someone else
orders the same thing, they ust get a small amount on their plate while mine is literally heaping
over. 8any times # get my food faster and sometimes before others who ordered before me. All
kinds of interesting things happen every single time. #f # don/t send "ove, then everything
basically stays normal and many times is less than satisfactory, even though #/m not very fussy.
&nce you start to see these little miracles and get used to them, you seem to miss them when
they/re not there. When # don/t send "ove, it feels and tastes like something is missing. You/ll
ust have to try it for yourself. #t really doesn/t take much effort.B
AWhat if # were to send "ove to the food before # serve it to someone?B :anny asked.
AThat/s a good 6uestion. The thing about "ove is that it/s unpredictable. You/ll never know
e2actly what the results will be. !o you/ll ust have to try it and see for yourself. But # can tell
you that you will be pleasantly surprised and you will also probably have a return customer.B
A@an # do this with drinks?B :anny asked.
A&f course, and you should. 3rom here on # rather e2pect it.B
Ever so slightly she said, I $old easily ,all in Love #ith yo
I said than" yo bt #ill yo Love all parts o, me?
What do yo mean? She as"ed
I, yo open yor heart to all there is, all li,e
All e(perien$es, all people, and to yorsel,
Then yo #ill a$tally be in Love.
And no matter #hat I have done or not done
Will do or not do, #ill be or not be
Yor heart #ill al#ays be open
And perhaps in time my heart #ill learn to do the same.
At this she trned a#ay, s#earing never to retrn
2t I "no# di,,erently.
'or Love has a sol mate named Trst
And at times they seem to be apart
2t this is only an illsion
'or they are inseparable.

Chapter Twent()Two
A!neaky didn/t show up for at least four or five days, which gave me the opportunity to go
back to my betting and daily routine. After a few days # was getting pretty frustrated. #t was
taking an enormous amount of time and effort and # wasn/t getting the results that # wanted or
what # had before. 4ven though # know now what the problem was, at that time # had no clue.
;roblems aren/t hard to solve if you know what is causing them, but if you can/t see it even
though it/s right in front of you, you/re sort of like a pickle in a ar.B
A# forgot to mention this earlier. Before !neaky disappeared when # was having breakfast, he
mentioned that # should get some blank tapes so that # could make some recordings of various
things that he was going to teach me about "ove and the different things a person can do with
"ove. # assumed that it was going to be some sort of visuali*ation e2ercise. # was sitting in my
chair trying to figure out how to straighten out the problem with the bets when an idea hit me.
The more # thought about it the better it seemed and the more # liked it. What # decided to do
was make a visuali*ation tape guiding me through a ourney into the future. # figured that this
would help my mind focus on what # want to achieve, and at the same time take the pressure
off. # thought about it all night and worked out the details, writing out every step of the
ourney. The ne2t morning # got up early and headed to the library to rent a sound effects tape,
because # decided to make this as real as possible. # finally got it finished somewhere around
two or three in the afternoon. >udy was pacing around so # decided to take him for a walk
before # tried it out. #t/s a lot easier to rela2 after you/ve taken a walk or done some kind of
AWhat e2actly did you put on the tape?B :anny asked.
A;retty simple. 3irst # put some music on the beginning of the tape for about five minutes.
That was ust to rela2. Then # would record the visuali*ation that # was standing at a train
station waiting for the train. # described what the train station looked like. # also added some
sounds that you would hear if you were at a train station, like people talking, footsteps, and so
on. Then the train would arrive, and # had the sound effect of a train coming into the station
and stopping. This was my own private train and as # boarded the train and sat down, the
conductor would come and ask me where # want to go. # would tell the conductor that # wanted
to go into the future one)day, and stop at the corner store so # could get off and get a
newspaper. # had all the sounds in place so as the train left the station and picked up speed you
could hear it, and also the sound of the train traveling. # even used a cup to make my voice
sound like the train conductor. The train would travel for about ten minutes, then come to a
stop. # would get out of the train, and then # would go to the newspaper stand and pick up
tomorrow/s paper. Then # would get back on the train, and on the ,()minute trip back to the
present, # would read the paper to see the results of the games. The whole thing was
appro2imately '. minutes long. # figured this would be a lot more fun than trying to focus and
meditate for two to three hours at a time.B
A:id this work?B :anny looked up from his notes.
AWe/re getting to that. After >udy and # got back from our walk in the park, # went into the
bedroom to try out my new tape. # had put some earphones into those earmuffs that # was
using to keep out the noise. # turned the tape down very low so # could ust barely hear the
words and the sounds so that # wouldn/t be distracted.
4verything was working perfectly. # got on the train and traveled into the future. When the train
stopped # got off, purchased a newspaper, and brought it back on the train. # sat down, flipped
the paper to the sports section and started reading the results. #t wasn/t perfect. 4verything
was a little bit ha*y, but # still could make out some results. # was fine with that because #
figured it would get better after # practiced it a few times. While # was looking at the results
and waiting for the train to leave, # heard the conductor yell, A@oming aboard.B # thought,
Cwait a minute that/s not what # put on the tape. 0e should have said all aboard./ Then # heard
what sounded like footsteps. CWhat the heck is going on here?/ # wondered. Then # saw him,
walking up to where # was sitting. 0e sat himself down across from me, smirking a very
mischievous smirk.B
A0ey= This is my private train. What the hell are you doing here?B # said. # tried to erase him
from the scene but my imagination was not cooperating. 0e was really starting to irritate me.B
ACTrying to erase your guest? That/s not e2actly very loving= You sure do have a real attitude
problem,/ he said.B
ACThis is too weird,/ # said. C0ow can you see me? 0ow can # see you? This is not supposed to
be real= What do you want?/ # could actually feel my heart beating faster.B
ACTo answer the first 6uestion, you/re in a heightened state of awareness, and in this state your
imagination is a lot more real than you think. Actually you are a lot closer to the real you than
you normally are in what you call your physical reality. As for the second 6uestion, we are
going on a little trip where you will be able to see things as they are and even the way you want
to make them./B
ACYou know, my life was going ust fine until you showed up,/ # responded. CWhat do you mean
by Cthe way # want to make things?//B
AC+othing has begun,/ he said, Cand nothing is finished. But #/ll e2plain that later. #n the state
that you/re in now, you can do things and see things that normally would seem impossible./B
A# figured #/d play along, thinking that this information might turn out to be useful.B
AC!o what e2actly can # do in this so)called state?/ # asked.B
AYou are in a state of awareness where you are connecting with that larger part of yourself.
This part is not limited by your conscious thoughts of what you can or cannot do. You can use
your imagination to link to your greater self and its abilities to do anything you want, and
create the life you want. &nce you understand the process, you/ll be able to do it even in your
normal awake state./B
A# could feel and hear the train slowing down. #t was ust about to stop when !neaky said,
C:emonstration will commence now. 9et off the train now=/B
AThe second he said that, # was already standing outside the train. # wasn/t at home7 # was
standing by a very small pond. # recogni*ed it immediately. When # was little, this pond was
huge, or at least that/s the way # saw it then. This was one of my favorite places. 0ardly
anyone ever went there. !ome people had told me that it was haunted and a monster was
supposed to live there. +o other kids would ever go there, even when they were chasing me. #
was always safe there. This is also the place # first met !neaky, or at least that/s the way #
remembered it now.B
# looked at +eena and :anny. A>emember that phraseF Cthat/s the way # remember it now./
This is really important as far as the rest of the story is concerned.B
;u**led, they nodded their heads in agreement.
A# was standing there reminiscing about all the sword fights !neaky and # had there. Then #
saw a small child approaching, wildly swinging a stick like a sword. 0oly cow, # thought,
that/s me= #/m so small= 3or some reason # didn/t think # had ever been that small. # saw
myself umping around swinging a stick sword at one tree after another, so full of life. 0e
walked right up to me, pointed his stick at me, and said, C!o where have you been? #/ve been
looking for you all day./B
A# didn/t know how to react or what to say. # ust stood there staring. 4verything about him
spelled trouble and yet he seemed to be glowing. %ust then # heard !neaky say, C0e sees you as
you see me. 0ave fun./B
ACWhy are you standing there like an idiot? !urrender or fight, you coward=/ he said, waving
that irritating stick in my face.B
AC#f you/re looking for a battle, then you/ve found one,/ # said, turning to avoid his daring
slashes. # broke a branch off a nearby tree and the battle was on. We fought around trees, over
rocks, behind bushes, and after who knows how much time we finally settled down on some
rocks. # was not even sure e2actly where we had ended up but it didn/t matter. All that
mattered was being alive and having fun.B
A0e looked at me. CWhy are people so stupid?/B
ACAre they calling you stupid again?/ # asked.B
ACYeah,/ he said, looking a lot sadder.B
A# was thinking about what to say when my lips started to move. #t was like # was talking and
listening to myself at the same time.B
ACThey/re not really stupid. They ust act like that because they/re scared./B
AC!cared of what?/B
ACThey/re scared of everything7 scared of not being loved, scared of too much "ove, scared of
dying, of living, of not having enough food, scared that others will hurt them or take what they
have./ The words were ust coming out of my mouth and # was listening to them the same way
as he was. CThey/re even scared of what they don/t have, that others are better than them, of
being alone, of being with people, of being made fun of, of not being liked or accepted, scared
that something will go wrong, and sometimes they/re scared even when things go right.
They/re scared of those who are not so scared, and most of all, scared of each other./B
AC!o?/ he asked with a pu**led look on his face.B
AC3ear can drive you to do very unloving things. #t can even drive people cra*y. #t slowly
drains all the "ove out of life and leaves you with anger that can turn into hate. #t all comes
down to a lack of "ove. "ove is the food of the universe and everything in it. Without "ove
there/s chaos, hate, anger, and fear. Where there is "ove there is peace, oy, fulfillment, trust,
and abundance. That/s why things are the way they are, it/s ust a matter of not being enough
ACWhere is all this "ove then, and why does no one know how to have fun?/B
ACThey know how to have fun, they/re ust afraid and don/t trust that they can have fun and
survive at the same time. They believe work has to be hard and competitive in a win<lose
situation. As far as "ove is concerned, it/s inside you and everyone, waiting to be released./B
ACThey think they know everything, don/t they? They should play and have fun like we do,
then everybody would be happy./B
ACThey/ve forgotten true "ove, and some day you/ll forget too.B
# looked at +eena and :anny. AThe weird part is that # remember having this conversation
with !neaky when # was little, yet at the same time # know # was having the conversation with
myself, only this time #/m the angel. And if that doesn/t bend your mind as far as the reality of
time is concerned then # don/t know what will.B
They nodded their heads in agreement.
A0e umped up and started swinging his stick wildly in the air, yelling. C+o, never= +o matter
what they do, # will fight=/B
A# was ust about to say, CThe more you fight it, the more you/ll become it,/ but #/m not sure if
the words left my lips because with a real olt # found myself back in my bedroom. :a*ed and
still in shock, # could hear someone calling my name. #t was my friend %eff. # could hear him
in the kitchen. # got up and met him halfway down the hallway, # was still half out of it and
rubbing my eyes.B
ACWhat the heck are you doing, sleeping again?/ he asked.B
ACYeah, ust having a nap./B
AC#n the middle in the day, he/s sleeping./ %eff shook his head as he walked into the living room
and planted himself on the couch.B
AC# was working on the odds and fell asleep. Then # had a weird dream. # see you brought beer./
# sat down, still trying to orient myself.BB
AC#/ll put it in the fridge./ 0e took the beer into the kitchen. CYou look like shit. You look like
you/ve seen a ghost./B
A0e walked back into the living room and handed me a beer. CYou/re losing it, buddy. You/d
better stop this time travel stuff./ # ust laughed with him, thinking Cif you only knew=/B
ACYou keep doing this mind stuff and you/ll end up calling out horse races from a nice warm
padded room, and you/ll have it all to yourself.B 0e laughed.
ACYeah, and you/ll be putting money on them=/B
ACAs long as you/re right. #/ll bring you some cigarettes every couple of days./B
ACWhat about my share of the winnings?/B
AC&h, #/ll hang onto them for you, no problem,/ he smirked.B
AWe spent the ne2t four or five hours drinking and arguing whether it is possible to predict the
future. 0is argument was that the future has not been played out yet and so is unpredictable.
8y argument is that the future, the present, and the past are one and time is an illusion7
therefore the future not only can be calculated and predicted, but also can be created. #f he
weren/t so stubborn and thickheaded, he/d be able to see that. &f course he thinks #/m the
thickheaded one. 0e says #/m ust lucky. # say there is no such a thing as luck. 0e thinks the
universe is random. # say there is nothing random in the universe. 0e thinks #/m full of shit.
Well guess what # think. And on it goes, as long as there are players, the game plays.B
A thosand variations
Even so it is said
There are only t#o types o, a$tions
An a$tion o, Love
A $ry ,or more Love
2t variations
There #ill be a thosand

Chapter Twent()Three
# pulled my last cigarette out of my last pack. AYou/d better have some cigarettes behind the
counter or this story is over, which is too bad because it/s ust getting good.B
A# don/t have any,B :anny said as # lit my cigarette.
+eena opened her purse, which was lying on the bar by her left hand. # watched her reach into
her purse with her right hand and pull out a brand new package of cigarettes. As she set them
in front of me # saw that they were my brand.
:anny lifted his eyebrow.
A+ow there/s my kind of womanF soft, tough, caring, mysterious and most of all handy,B # said.
A:anny, you might want to make some notes from here on because what you/re going to learn
from the rest of the story is going to make you forget all about the lottery. Are you single?B
0e gave me a very pu**led look. AYes.B
AYou/re not going to be single for very much longer. !cared yet?B
AWhat if # don/t make any notes?B he asked.
A!uit yourself,B # answered, Aust remember # did warn you because #/m not going to repeat it.B
AThe ne2t day # ran some errands and went to the library to pick up some books and tapes on
"ove. # wanted to see if # could find anything on sending "ove. #n some ways this was
starting to get e2citing mostly because # now was sure that # could keep on winning and not
have to go back to work at something that # didn/t want to do. # didn/t dislike work7 it ust
never seemed very satisfying or fulfilling to me. # really felt alive and felt that # had my whole
life still head of me to discover what would bring me oy. By the time evening came # had
listened to a few tapes and read a little. # started to think about the train ride that # had the day
before. # remembered the scene from my childhood very clearly now. # remembered !neaky
telling me that # would end up becoming everything that # hated in everyone else. # also
remembered him telling me that # would forget him and everything he had shown me and that #
would spend a large part of my life looking for "ove on the outside and would forget that "ove
comes from the inside. 0e had also told me that # would e2perience life with very little "ove
and that someday this would be a very valuable lesson. #n some way it all made sense, but at
the same time that # didn/t have a lot of answers, # did have of 6uestions. # decided to write
down all my 6uestions so that I could drill !neaky when he came back. # wrote about three
pages and the more # wrote the more # reali*ed that # did not have a clue about what was going
on. By ,, ;8, # was e2hausted and dragged myself to bed.B
# stopped for a moment to open the new package of cigarettes that +eena gave me.
A!o what am # supposed to write in my notes?B asked :anny, holding his pen.
A%ust the stuff that is associated with sending "ove which we/ll get back to in a bit.B
A>ela2, :anny. "et him tell the story the way it happened.B +eena chuckled.
AThe ne2t morning # woke up in the middle of a dream. # was dreaming that a clown was
shaking my bed, and when # opened my eyes, !neaky was standing at the end of the bed. #
sheepishly looked at my watch. #t said ,,F'(. # looked at !neaky and asked if he had woke me
AC# ust thought # would let you know that >udy ust ran out of his doggy door chasing a cat./B
A# turned over and closed my eyes to go back to sleep. # was ust about to do*e off again when
# heard !neaky say, C0e didn/t stop at the fence. 0e/s running down the road at this very
A# umped out of bed and started putting on my clothes. C&h, man, why didn/t you stop him? #
can/t afford the two hundred dollars for his bail if he gets caught./B
ACYou could call him back with "ove instead of running around looking for him,/ !neaky said.B
ACWhy don/t you ust tell me where he is?/ # was starting to get a little grumpy.B
ACWhy don/t you ust send "ove and see what happens? Besides, #/m not your guardian angel.
#t/s not my ob./B
AC3or an angel, you have a real attitude problem. And if you/re not my guardian angel, then
what the hell are you?/B
ACAren/t we cranky in the mornings?/B
ACAre you going to help me or not?/B
ACWhy don/t you use your train visuali*ation to go see him and ask him to come home? :on/t
forget to send "ove./B
A# stopped for a moment to clear my thoughts. CAre you sure this is going to work?/ # pointed
my finger at him. CThis had better not be part of your twisted sense of humor./B
AC%ust try it. What do you have to lose? #/ll walk you through it. #t/s as easy as breathing./B
# walked into the living room and lay down on the couch, thinking to myself that this had better
AC&$, #/m ready,/ # said, Cbut if he/s not back in ,. minutes, #/m going after him./B
A# listened to his instructions and followed them e2actly. !omewhere along the line # must have
fallen asleep again because when # woke up >udy was standing there licking my face and
wagging his tail. #/m not sure how long it was until he came home, but nevertheless it worked.
:uring the time # was following !neaky/s instructions, # told >udy that if he came home #
would take him for a walk. !o # had some breakfast and then took a shower and shortly after
took >udy for a walk.B
AWhile >udy was playing with the other dogs at the park # thought about "ove and where this
"ove comes from. #f it is coming from me, why would !neaky say that # was starving for "ove
in the past and that this lack of "ove was causing me all this inner pain? The more # thought
about it the more confusing it became. The only conclusion # came up with was that perhaps
there is a massive amount of "ove inside all of us, but it/s in a little sealed package that we
need to open to release it. #n some ways that made sense. While # was thinking about all of
this # suddenly reali*ed that # wasn/t feeling sad or any inner pain anymore. And that/s why
lately #/ve felt so at peace even though financially # should be a nervous wreck. #/m not that
sure e2actly when this change came about. #t/s like having migraine headaches forever and
then one day they/re gone. You get so used to having them that perhaps you don/t see when
they slip away. # came to the conclusion that maybe # didn/t notice the change because there
was so much going on lately. The other thing # thought about in the park was that !neaky had
said he wasn/t my guardian angel. !o the 6uestion is, what is he? 4very time # see him or think
about him my instincts keep saying there/s something not 6uite right. # couldn/t put my finger
on it. But # knew # wasn/t seeing things as they really are.B
A!o the only 6uestion that remains right now is, do you want the instructions, :anny?B #
waited for his reply.
+eena nodded.
:anny shrugged. A# don/t have a dog.B
AThat/s not the point. You can use this for a lot of different things. ;erhaps someday you
might be looking for someone. ;erhaps someday you might be looking for your son or
daughter. &r you might have a disagreement with someone and you can use this to go and
speak with them and work it out. The things you can do with this are endless. All you need to
do is use your imagination. # even found some lost obects using this method.B
:anny sat there thinking. +eena said, A0ow about the ne2t time you/re looking for a ob? You
could use this to meet the person who is going to interview you.B
A#/ve done that,B # answered, Aand it works like a charm. The minute you walk into the
interview it will feel like you/ve met before. And surprisingly, the other person feels the same
way. There is a catch, though. 4verything you say when you meet this person in this mind
state must be totally honest, because you can lie with your lips but not with your mind. #f you
are not telling the truth it will always be noticed, and that will backfire on you. Been there,
done that, didn/t work.B
AThere/s one other little catch. !omebody # know used it to visit her lover who was out of the
country. 5nfortunately she was so positive that he might be cheating that after she visited him
a couple of times, she actually saw him with someone. #mmediately afterwards, she phoned
him at work and was able to reach him on the construction site. As it turned out, it wasn/t true.
You need to let go of what you/re going to see so that you are not using your imagination to
create something that is not there. After that everything went so smoothly that he phoned her a
few times shortly after she had visited him to tell her that he could feel her presence. #n the end
it became 6uite a game with them, and from what she has told me it has brought them closer
together and created a inner bond that wasn/t there before, even though much of their time is
spent apart. !o do you want it or not? 8ake up your mind, # haven/t got all night.B
A!o why don/t you ask me if # want to hear the instructions?B asked +eena with a big grin.
ABecause you already know how to do it, and #/ve figured this little game out, so let/s ust keep
playing.B # answered feeling a little proud of myself.
A#f that/s the case, give the instructions and let/s get on with the story, shall we?B
AAnyway, the important thing is to find a 6uiet place and make yourself really comfortable.
Try to get some of those construction earmuffs so that you/re not disturbed by any noise.
Breathe deeply and slowly and bring yourself into a deep state of rela2ation. 9ive yourself
some time to do this. And at the same time bring your focus and attention to listening to your
inner self, or soul, or 9od, whatever you want to choose for yourself. # still believe that this is
the fastest way of getting the mind to become 6uiet, because you are putting all your attention
into listening for something that you can only barely hear. When you feel you are ready,
imagine yourself becoming lighter, and by becoming lighter and lighter you are raising your
vibration. !ort of like musical notes going higher and higher. ;ut a bubble of light around
yourself as if you are in a balloon and begin to float upwards. As you do this, imagine that you
are floating to wherever you want to go. This will only take a few seconds. Time and distance
means nothing to the mind or your consciousness. :on/t allow yourself to see whatever or
whoever it is you want to see. :on/t concern yourself with the surroundings unless that is
important to you. #t/s important to send "ove and surround and fill whoever or whatever you
are visiting with "ove. You may want to surround yourself with "ove also. +ow if you want
to communicate with them, do so, but in a very loving manner. Be sure to listen. You may or
may not hear actual words, but you may get impressions in your thoughts of what this other
person may be telling you. Be honest...tell it like it is. Whatever you do, do it from your heart,
not from your ego. #f you/ve made promises, stick to them. When you/re done, slowly bring
yourself back. Before getting up, take time to think about what you said or heard.B
A3or instance, if you consciously talk to someone, they may not know it, and there is a good
chance they will not, but you are talking to a part of them and in some way their subconscious
will make every effort possible to relay this information to their conscious mind. This may
come for them in the senses or feelings or intuition. You do not need to be afraid of interfering
with someone/s privacy because at every stage of each person/s development, those areas will
be dealt with and handled by the larger part of each person involved, depending on the
relationship you have with this person. 0ave fun, share "ove.B
AThis e2ercise will take at least twenty minutes. At first it will most likely take longer because
of the e2tra time needed to become totally rela2ed. By rela2ed # mean that your body should
be asleep to the point where you can/t feel it any more. That is when you will probably get the
best results. A
A"ater on, after you have had some e2perience with this you can change the method and
perhaps use an imaginary train to get where you want to go. But at first # suggest that you use
the bubble of light instead so that you are not engaging too much of your imagination.B
AAnd remember you/re not always right. +o one ever is.B
A!o is that it?B :anny asked.
AYea, when pigs fly.B
.elationships are sort o,
Li"e grabbing a bll
2y the horns
2t i, there3s Love, trst, and intima$y
'rom both sides,
Yo might 4st $ome to see
Eye to eye.
&h, all the snorting
And head spinningA
I hate that #hen that happens.
The things yo gotta do
'or a "iss on the lips.

Chapter Twent()For
A"et/s get back to the rest of the story,B # said. A&n the way home from the park, >udy and #
stopped at the store to purchase some cigarettes and the sports odds for that day. &n the way
back to the house # thought about my financial situation. # had enough money to buy
groceries, gas and cigarettes but not really enough to pay the bills. +o matter how good # felt, #
thought if # didn/t get all those bills caught up, sooner or later the shit was going to hit the
AWhen we got home # decided to make a small change on my visuali*ation tape with the train
ride. # decided that after taking the train to the future and reading the paper that # would ust
continue with the train and see where it would take me. 8ost of the bets didn/t need to be in
until si2 or seven that night which gave me plenty of time. After changing the tape, # had a little
snack and headed for the bedroom. 4verything went smoothly and perfectly. # got off my
imaginary train, picked up the paper, got back on the train, and opened the paper to read the
results while waiting for the train to continue. # could see the results of the games perfectly. #t
was ama*ing. # could read the entire paper as if # had ust bought it in reality. # heard the
conductor yell Call aboard/ and felt the train begin to move. # was 6uite e2cited by how things
were turning out. Then # noticed that the train seemed to be going faster and faster. # looked to
see where the conductor was, but couldn/t see him. # tried to slow the train down but it
wouldn/t. # thought this was weird, this is my imagination, so # should be able to control this.
Then it hit meF !neaky is at it again= !uddenly the train made a dead stop. The conductor
walked past and said CWe have arrived./ As # got off the train # found myself standing in what
seemed like a courtyard, like a temple. #t was very beautiful. 4verything seemed to be made
of crystals or pure light. 4verything definitely seemed to glow with light. # couldn/t see a sun,
but there was an incredible amount of very bright but not blinding light. At the same time
everything seemed to be a little bit ha*y. # wasn/t sure whether the light caused this or if #
wasn/t seeing correctly. #t was a lot like dreaming, but the best way # can describe it is that #
was totally aware and consciously awake. As # stood there # reali*ed the place was filled with
"ove. #t was so thick with "ove that # could feel "ove flowing into my lungs as # breathed. #
could touch it, feel it, sense it7 it was incredible. #t was like someone dunked me in li6uid "ove.
# never felt anything like this before. # was stuffing this "ove into my body, and don/t even
bother asking me to e2plain that. # ust kept shoving it down into my body and filling myself
more and more. # was so totally absorbed in trying to get all the "ove # could that # didn/t
notice when the beings had appeared in front of me. # looked at them and for a split second felt
a little guilty for being such a pig. But their response was to send me more "ove. # felt totally,
absolutely and un6uestionably loved by them. # couldn/t see them very clearly, but # came to
the conclusion that one of the three of them was !neaky. Then # noticed there seemed to be one
more standing behind the three. # got the impression that they were shielding me from the being
that was behind them because he seemed to be glowing so brightly that he was almost on fire. #
looked towards the being that # thought was !neaky and in that same moment # saw !neaky/s
face. #nstantly another being moved directly in front of me and took what appeared to be a
sword and stuck it into the top of my head and shoved it down to the bottom of my spine.
There was no pain, and it all happened so fast that # ust stood there. As soon as he had pushed
the sword in he pulled another and shoved it into my forehead, sending it out the back of my
head, then another through my temples and another into the center of my chest. # felt like # was
opening and more "ove was flowing in. 8aybe because of that # didn/t react. # ust felt that
everything was &$. Then # noticed that they were not swords at all, but seemed to be rods of
light. # was ust standing there letting the "ove pour into me. The ne2t thing # remember was
being back in my room. The first thing # did was write down the bets that # wanted to make.
"ooking at the clock, # reali*ed # only had ten minutes to get those bets in, so # headed straight
for the store.B
AWhen # watched the results of the games later that night, # saw that # had won enough to tide
me over for at least a couple more weeks. But somehow it wasn/t important because # felt so
# stopped for a moment. A# could sit here for the ne2t two hours and try it to describe how
fantastic # felt, but there are no words to describe the feeling of being filled with "ove. #
wouldn/t even know where to begin.B
AWow= !o how do # get there?B :anny asked.
AThat/s not the point. #/m going to show you how to do that yourself, there/s a whole universe
of "ove locked up in a little tiny bo2 in each of us and all we need to do is open it. This must
be one of the best)kept secrets. #t/s almost like humanity has been steered away from actually
finding this. # don/t know who or what is responsible for hiding this ability we have, which
should be ours to use and share. 0ave you ever noticed when you watch a scary movie that in
some manner or another, they/re always trying to convince you that "ove has very little power?
That/s so ridiculous that it/s not even funny. That/s like telling somebody that the firecracker
you are holding is only going to make a little noise. %ust let me finish telling the rest of the
story and you/ll see what # mean.B
+eena started rubbing my back. A0ow about making us some tea :anny $laus is getting a
little worked up.B
A#s it that obvious? Actually, some tea would be 6uite nice.B
They say that the best way to a man/s heart is through the stomach, which is fairly true, but in
my case a nice back rub works about ten times as fast.
Inner $ove
Inner Love is a
)atral e(perien$e
2t #hen #e $over
It #ith ,ear,
Anger, mistrst, and shame
We sear$h ,or it in

Chapter Twent()Five
A#t was at least a week before !neaky came back. :uring that week # made several bets and
took several train rides. # was having reasonably good results even though not as good as
when # first started with all of this. But it was enough to put some money into my pocket and
get me by for a little longer. # was also offered a ob out of the blue, which # decided to turn
down. #t is hard to say whether # made the best decision. # didn/t want to work at something
that # would not enoy doing ust to survive. That/s a very fast way to turn life into a grueling
e2perience. Besides there/s no point in grabbing the bull by the horns if you don/t want to be
thrown around a little. &n top of that # was feeling so fantastic for the first time in my life that
# was not going to screw it up for anything. As the week started to wind down # noticed that
the amount of "ove seemed to be diminishing. ;erhaps it was being used up. # had made
several attempts to return to this temple, but each time # would end up somewhere else. By the
end of the week # was back to how # felt before. There was no doubt about it, # was definitely
running out of "ove.B
A# was ust returning from one of my train trips when # opened my eyes, !neaky was standing
at the end of my bed.B
AC0ey, it/s about time you showed up=/ # sat up in my bed.B
AC>unning out of "ove, are we?/ he asked.B
AC"et/s go back there=/B
AC+ot so fast=/ he grinned, Cit/s up to you to give yourself that "ove./B
ACWhy can/t # get anymore from there? Wherever there is./B
AYou can, but it/s better that you learn that the "ove you now want lies inside you and all you
need to do is learn to open the valve./B
ACWhat do you mean? # don/t get it./B
ACWhen you fall in "ove, you begin to radiate with "ove, and you get all the feelings that go
with it. But in fact the "ove comes from inside you, from the being that you truly are. #n a
sense, you are using falling in "ove with someone as a trigger mechanism to open your heart to
the "ove that is inside you. #t is possible to fall in "ove with someone who is not in "ove with
you and still feel all the "ove, because actually the "ove comes from inside of you. %ust
because you may not be in "ove with one particular person at this present time, it doesn/t mean
that you cannot have "ove and feel "ove and be surrounded with "ove. The reason you can
send "ove to your food or another person or the environment or whatever it may be is because
there is an endless and infinite supply of "ove in you waiting to be opened. We thought that it
might be best to give you a demonstration to show you what is possible.B
A# took a few minutes to think about it. There/s no doubt in my mind that # was suckered,
hook, line, and sinker, but what choice did # have? # ust had one of the best weeks of my life
and # wasn/t going to let it slide by.B
A!o are you going to show me how or are you going to ust stand there and blabber about it?B
A9lad to have you aboard again.B !neaky grinned from ear to ear. AYou might want to get a
blank tape and record this for yourself. #t will work the first time, but if you want to have as
much as you had last week it will take a little practice.B
A# don/t know why # ended up with an angel who has a rotten sense of humor. # got my tape
recorder and a blank tape and we made the recording. !neaky told me what to say, then #
recorded it onto the tape. After the tape was finished !neaky disappeared again. # didn/t
bother trying it out that day but the ne2t morning # cashed in some winning tickets and picked
up some groceries. #t looked like the weather was going to turn cold.B
A3rom here on, it/s not easy to e2plain in words everything that happened, and everything may
not be totally in the right order, but #/m sure you/ll get the drift.B
A# tried listening to the tape twice, but # stopped using it because it was so easy to do that # felt
# didn/t need the tape. # got results the very first time, but not what # had felt on that particular
week. # figured if a little bit is good then a whole lot must be better7 maybe all # needed was a
little more practice. # decided to give it all # had. And that/s e2actly what # did for the ne2t nine
days. &pening my heart and radiating "ove is basically all # did. # would spend an hour doing
it then # would take a break for perhaps one hour and then do it again. This is something that
you may want to think about before you do it to that e2tent. #t/s best to start off slowly. That
way you will get used to the things that are going to transpire. "ove is very addictive, and the
better # felt, the more # did it. # wanted to see if there really was a limit on how much "ove a
person could feel. #t ust never occurred to me that it would affect everything and everyone
around me.B
AThe first few days were fairly cold, so # spent all my time indoors filling myself with "ove
and radiating it out. :uring those first few days # didn/t take >udy for his daily walks because
of the weather. # was feeling really great and at peace. There was a deep inner oy that seemed
to flow to the surface. 4ven though # was alone and had no company during this time # was not
lonely. # felt very loved and more connected to the world, yet at the same time unaffected by
what seems to go on in the world. The more "ove # filled myself with, the more these feelings
increased. Any emotional pain from the past seemed to ust slip away. #/m hardly doing it
ustice, but unfortunately # ust don/t have the words to describe something so beautiful.B #
shrugged my shoulders.
AAfter a few days the weather warmed up and # started taking >udy for his daily walks. That/s
when # noticed things were different. At first # couldn/t really put my finger on it because there
were so many little things that were slightly different. 4verything seemed brighter, more alive,
and more colorful. The air seemed to be full of life. :uring the first few days there weren/t
many people in the park walking their dogs, so what started to happen didn/t really sink in until
a few days later. At first # noticed that there seemed to be birds following us wherever we
walked. +ot a lot of birds, ust a few. Another thing # noticed is that as soon as other people/s
dogs saw me, they would run towards me and literally try to ump on me. This doesn/t sound
strange e2cept that most of the dogs are usually interested in playing with the other dogs and
don/t pay much attention to the humans in the park. Also # noticed that people began to be
e2tremely friendly, much more than they normally were, almost in a flirtatious way. #t wasn/t
as bad as the time in the supermarket the day after # first met !neaky, but it was slowly getting
like that. #n some way # saw what was coming and in another way # didn/t believe it. !o #
decided to ust keep going and see what happened. As the days went by it got more bi*arre each
day. Women started flirting with me aggressively, in some cases even using their bodies. #t/s
like the walls came down and personal space became none2istent. 4ven men were acting
strange, almost like we were buddies for a very long time. #f # stopped and talked to someone,
other people would oin in, which isn/t all that bi*arre by itNs self e2cept that everyone/s
attention seemed to be focused on me. ;eople seemed to do a lot of physical touching while
they were talking to me. "et/s face itF people in a city do not touch strangers in the park. There
is usually a certain distance that is maintained by everyone.B
:anny looked at me in disbelief.
AYou don/t have to believe anything # tell you, :anny, but there is no reason for me to lie. You
can e2perience this yourself very easily if you want to. #t gets even more bi*arre. A friend of
mine asked me to go for a drink with him after he got off work. We decided to meet at a certain
bar. # managed to get there about twenty minutes before him. The bar where we were going to
meet is fairly large and it was happy hour. There were a lot of people there. # walked in looked
around and didn/t see him. # found myself an open spot at the bar and ordered a drink. While #
was waiting, # decided that # might as well continue to fill myself with "ove and radiate it out.
Within fifteen minutes women started to migrate to where # was sitting. # decided to stand and
gave my chair to one of the women that was standing very close. By the time my friend came
into the bar # was totally surrounded with women. #/m telling you the truth. They were packed
around me like we were in a crowded bus. #f they had all known each other, # could have told
myself that # was ust standing at the right place at the right time, but that wasn/t the case.
When # saw my friend coming # managed to s6uee*e myself out of that very tight situation and
we went to the other side of the bar. 0e had seen where # came from and made some comments
about why # didn/t stay there. We spent the ne2t few minutes talking and oking back and forth.
Within a few minutes we were surrounded with women. 8y friend was having a pretty good
time and when # finally decided it was time for me to get out of there, he was too busy to even
consider obecting to my leaving so early. #/m a very 6uiet person and prefer to be in small
groups. # wasn/t used to having that much attention and some of these women really seemed to
mean business. &n the way home # decided to stop at the grocery store and pick up a few
things, and that turned out to be a repeat of the first time. # was very happy to get home and sit
in my favorite chair without being mauled. # was thinking to myself that there was no way #
could go through life like that. That twit of an angel should have told me that there would be
side effects.B
AThen # heard a voice. C!ide effects?/B
AAs # turned my head # saw !neaky sitting on the sofa.B
AYeah, side effects,B # said. A;eople were downright friendly. You should have told me there
were risks involved.B
AThat must have been all he could take because he broke out in laughter and laughed so hard
he disappeared.B
A# guess it was pretty funny, although # wasn/t laughing at the time. About an hour later
!neaky came back and took one look at me. 0e smiled and # thought # heard some laughing
ust as he disappeared again. "ater that evening # decided for some strange reason to organi*e
all my bills and stack them in a nice little pile. This is not one of my normal activities so #
assumed that this idea came from !neaky. By the time # was ready for bed they were all sorted
into a stack about four inches high.B
# took a sip of my tea and e2cused myself to go to the washroom.
'hat to do!
What do yo #ant to do right no#?
Wold it bring
Yo and me
More Love and 4oy?
Then ,orget the rest!
Chapter Twent()%i&
As # came out of the washroom, # saw that the old man who has been sitting at the table was
gone. # was trying to remember if # saw him sitting there when # went into the washroom but #
wasn/t sure. Walking back to my chair, # decided that the game was coming to an end. 8aybe
# should have asked where he went and who he was, but # didn/t think # would get a straight
answer so # decided to leave it alone.
# took a sip of tea. A&$, where was #?B
:anny asked for the instructions for how to surround himself with "ove.
A#/ll give you the instructions in a minute,B # answered. ABut first let me tell you how to use it
and how it was e2plained to me, so that you won/t get yourself into too much trouble.
&therwise +eena is going to have to be your bodyguard.B
A#/m ust going to stand back and watch :anny s6uirm.B +eena laughed.
A&ver the ne2t couple of days # stopped working with "ove and went back to focusing on my
bets. #t wasn/t going that well even though # was still making some money. #t ust seemed like
there was something stopping me.B
AA few days after !neaky/s visit, he showed up one morning shortly after # had breakfast. #
had been waiting for him to show up and as soon as # saw him # asked, CWhy didn/t you tell me
that # was going to turn into some kind of people, bird, and dog magnet?/B
AC# decided to let you see for yourself the power of "ove. You wouldn/t have believed me if
you hadn/t e2perienced it for yourself./B
ACWhat/s the point in that? # can/t even go to the store./B
AC&h, it/s not that bad. Working with "ove is an art. #t/s all in how you do it./B
AC# did it e2actly the way you told me to do it./B
A"et me e2plain it to you this way. There isn/t enough "ove in the world and people are
desperately looking for it, so when you begin to radiate with "ove, a small imbalance is
created. #f everyone knew and understood how to open their hearts then you would not see the
same results, or some of the actions that you observed. ;eople would still be drawn to each
other and animals would be drawn towards people, but it would not be focused on one
individual in a room. :o you understand what #/m saying?B
AC!ure, that makes sense, but it doesn/t solve my problem of what #/m going to do in the
meantime, because # don/t see the rest of the world doing this in the very near future./B
ACYou are going to be pleasantly surprised in a very short time. You/ll get used to the attention,
and after a while it won/t bother you anymore because you/re going to like #t./B he said. CAll
you need to do is make some changes in the way you radiate "ove. #t/s ust a matter of getting
you to stop whining long enough so that # can e2plain it./B
A# was going to defend myself, but he had a point. !o # sat there and listened.B
AThere are many ways you can work with "ove. When you open your heart and radiate "ove,
you become like a very small sun. 4ven though other people cannot consciously see this "ove
they can feel it, and subconsciously they know e2actly what/s happening. Your subconscious
will send your conscious mind messages to go towards the person who is radiating with "ove.
The subconscious can communicate this to the conscious mind in many ways, like impulses to
do something, an attraction for the person radiating with "ove and so on. Another way for you
to play with "ove is when you go to a meeting or to someone/s house where other people will
be, you can send "ove, filling the room with "ove before you even get there. You can do this
for a business meeting, party, family get together, or a ob interview. @an you imagine what
would happen if you had a business that was filled with "ove and all the employees were
radiant with "ove?/B
A# nodded. C#t would probably attract a lot of customers./B
ACYou can also send "ove directly to people in different ways, which will have slightly different
results. You can send "ove to other people and surround them with "ove, like draping them in
a warm blanket of "ove. &r you can fill them with "ove. You can also send "ove directly to
their heart area. This will do many different things depending on the person. This will help
another individual to actually open their own heart, for as "ove enters their heart area, you will
most likely find that they will begin to glow with "ove themselves. This works very well if you
want to be closely connected with someone, perhaps a mate or your children. We/ll be
discussing this more later./B
AC#t/s starting to get more and more complicated.B # didn/t know what else to say.B
AC+ot at all. Think of a person right now who you feel needs more "ove./B
AC#f you put it that way, we/re talking about everybody in the world, !neaky=/B
0e gave me a look.
AC&$, #/m thinking of someone. +ow what?/B
AC%ust decide which method would be the best way at this very moment to send "ove to this
person. You can fill their home with "ove, send "ove to their workplace, surround them with
"ove, fill them with "ove, or send "ove to their heart center. Take whatever comes to your
mind and feels right for the moment. !ometimes even two or three different ways will be
ACThat/s actually pretty easy. Their home is a war *one, so filling their home with "ove would
probably help them work things out, or at least prevent killing each other in the process. Am #
# looked out the window for a minute while # thought about it. When # looked back, he had
disappeared again.
:anny was making a few notes so # stopped for a moment to let him catch up.
A!o is filling yourself and sending "ove something like when you fall in "ove?B +eena asked.
A#t/s e2actly like that. You feel the same things. You feel good all over. When two people fall
in "ove they seem to glow. There/s something different about them and you/ve probably
noticed how they also tend to attract people. 8en have said this to me often, that when they/re
with someone in a relationship there seems to be women everywhere, yet if they/re not in a
relationship, attracting women seems to be more difficult.B
AThat all makes perfect sense now,B :anny said. A4very time #/m with someone and we/re
feeling really good about each other, # seem to attract women and people in general. # can/t
believe it, it/s so simple and the answer has been right there in front of us, and nobody caught
it. #t makes so much sense # can/t imagine how we could possibly have missed it.B
AThere/s a reason why this information seems to have eluded everyone for centuries, and the
answer is pretty scary, but we won/t get into that right now because it/s not going to make any
difference anymore. &nce people know how to work with "ove and they see the results, it/s
going to be impossible to stop.B
:anny/s eyes opened wide. AAre you telling me that something or someone has kept this
information from everyone? Why?B
A"ove is the most powerful force anywhere, and we have an endless supply of "ove. That
means we are not helpless little creatures. The nice thing about "ove is that it actually has its
own consciousness. You can only do positive things with "ove. When we send "ove to another
person, the "ove will affect that person in whatever way is best for them, no matter what you
do. !ending "ove to another person is only the beginning of what you can do with it= The best
way to say it is that there is nothing that you can/t do with "ove. As far as pointing a finger to
what is responsible for hiding this knowledge the bottom line is that we allowed them to do this
so in the end it is we who are responsible. Working with "ove, playing with "ove, is
something that a child should be taught from the minute they can speak. That/s the best gift
anyone could possibly give.B
A@an # have the instructions now?B :anny smiled.
A8y pleasure.B
0ell is #at$hing yor
;reams die.
2e$ase it3s not 4st yor
;ream that dies.
So #e might as #ell
;ie $hasing or dreams
That #ay, at least, #e have
Lived ,or something.

Chapter Twent()%even
After # finished giving :anny the instructions on how to fill himself with "ove and send "ove
out, # gave him a few minutes to finish making his notes.
A#t was probably four or five days before !neaky came back. By then # had made changes in
how # was playing with "ove. This made all the difference. ;eople still seemed to be attracted
to me, or perhaps # should say # was still magnetic to people, but not to the e2tent it was
before. #t was at a level that # could handle, and # started using humor to create a distance and
to better handle the people that were coming my direction. This turned out to work very well
for me. # also reali*ed that # could turn it off at any time, which for some reason had never
dawned on me before. When !neaky came back # was sitting in the living room staring at the
stack of bills on my coffee table. #t was 6uite a stack.B
ACWow= That/s 6uite a stack of bills you/ve collected./ 0e grinned from ear to ear.B
AA thought occurred to me. CWhen you disappear and # can/t see you anymore, where do you
ACThe future, the past, the present7 it/s all the same./B
ACAny chance you could take me with you?/ # asked, hinting that # need to get away from these
ACWhere # go or how # get there is not the issue. You/ll figure that out pretty soon. >ight now
we need to deal with some other issues, and not only the bills./B
AC>ight now, the only problem # see are these bills, and if you take them with you, the problem
is solved.B
AC# think the main issue right now is that you need to stop running from life and running from
things that you don/t like or feel that you can/t handle, unless, of course, you want to continue
the way you/ve been living. #t/s your decision./B
# stopped trying to be a smart)ass for a minute because # knew he was right. # had been running
in circles.
AC0ave you ever noticed how many things have gone wrong in my life? #t/s like everything is
broken. # don/t know what to do with my life. # don/t even know anymore what # like to do. #
definitely don/t want to spend the rest of my life doing something # don/t like ust to survive.
#/m pretty sure that life isn/t supposed to be that complicated. #s it?/B
AC# know what you/re saying,/ he said. CBut # can/t change your life for you, because then it
would not be your life anymore. But # can show you how to effectively overcome one
challenge at a time. &nce an issue or a challenge or a problem...whatever you want to call dealt with, they don/t come back. But if you keep trying to run from them or ignore
them, they ust pile up and you/ll have more and more to deal with until it feels hopeless.
:oesn/t this sound familiar?/B
A# was s6uirming around in my chair because # saw my life as one big pile of something, and #
could see how it could easily take twenty years to straighten all this out, which would be ust in
time for me to kick the bucket.B
A!neaky must have heard my thoughts. C#t/s not going to take twenty years./ 0e was laughing
now. AYou have no concept of where you/ll be in five years, but it shouldn/t take you much
longer to catch on. There/s no point in turning a molehill into a mountain. You ust take care of
it while it/s still a molehill. Any problem can be solved with "ove, even the ones in the past./B
AC"ove or no "ove, you can/t change the past./B
ACThe past is no more finished than the present moment. The past, present, and future are the
same. They are only different snapshots taken of split moments, and it doesn/t matter what
order you play them in. You have seen what "ove can do7 even though it/s only been a very
small demonstration, there/s more to come. You know you can travel into the future and use
that knowledge to win your sports lottery. !o why do you think you can/t go into the past and
send "ove there and change everything?/B
A# had to think for a moment because he seemed to have a point, but # wondered how it would
affect the present if # went into the past and sent "ove to myself. The concept intrigued me.B
AC3or now let/s ust deal with these bills. #/ll be back in two days, and by then perhaps you will
have given the illusion of time some more thought./B
AC"et me guess, you want me to send "ove to these bills. Am # right?/ # shook my head.B
AC;recisely,/ he answered. ATake one bill at a time and send "ove to it, then send "ove to the
company that you owe this money to, then send "ove to all the people who are responsible for
collecting this money and looking after the bills./B
AC#/ve never met these people, so how am # supposed to send them "ove? # don/t even know
how many there are./B
AC#t doesn/t matter. %ust use your imagination and send "ove until you feel you/ve reached all
the people involved. You/ll know when you/re done. And to answer your ne2t 6uestion, ust
keep at it until they are paid./B
AC# guess this means they/re not going to disappear on their own?/B
AC"ife can feel like a long process, but once you get the hang of it and you/ve dealt with some
of the main challenges, it will be fun and e2citing. #t won/t take very long before you feel you
can handle any challenge and change it for the better. You/ve already started. You needed
more "ove and now you/ve learned where this "ove comes from and what it can do. #n time
you will get better and better at it./B
AC42cuse me, but that/s not the 6uestion # asked./B
AC"ife is like a school and the courses are "ove, understanding, patience, trust and learning to
create what you want with "ove. !o now all you need to do is decide once and for all whether
you/re going to give it all you/ve got or hide under a rock./B
A# had a feeling that he was going to try to disappear without me seeing how he did it, so #
continued to stare at him. # wanted to see e2actly how he disappeared, whether he ust faded
away gradually or slipped away all at once. While # was staring at him # noticed something
strange. # had to look a certain way at him and s6uint my eyes a bit, but it almost seemed like
he looked like me. A moment later # had no choice but to blink, and in that moment he was
AWhat happened to the bills?B :anny asked.
A# paid them. #/m not sure how, but eight months later they were all paid. The interesting part
was that no one ever called me to collect.
AWhat about the fact that !neaky looked like you?B +eena asked.
AThat/s a good 6uestion. # spent 6uite a few hours trying to put the pieces together, but we/ll
get to that shortly. 9ot anymore tea?B
Time is the magi$ian,
That ma"es the illsion.
&, a billion snapshots,
Loo" li"e movement.
Withot time
We #old be ,ro>en
In the moment.
Whi$h moment?
Every moment.

Chapter Twent()Eight
A!neaky came back two days later, ust as he had said he would. We didn/t talk anymore about
the bills. # had done what he suggested and # assumed he knew that. We did get into a
discussion about time and reality.B
AC"et/s get down to the nitty gritty. Why are you stopping me from winning the sports
A!neaky laughed. C!o you finally had the guts to ask me./B
AC!o you admit it./B
AC+o= +o one is stopping you, e2cept you./ 0e grinned from ear to ear again.B
ACWhy would # stop myself? That makes no sense./B
ACYou have some conflicting beliefs. At first you believed totally that it was possible, then you
began to doubt yourself, and immediately you saw the results of your doubts, which proved to
you that your beliefs are correct, which then resulted in more evidence that you were correct.
3irst comes thought, then comes results, positive or negative depending on the thought./B
A# was trying to think what kind of thoughts or beliefs # had that could have been conflicting
with what # wanted to achieve.B
ACYou believed that this was too good to be true and something would end up interfering with
you. The more results you got the more you started to believe that this was too good to be
true. Am # right?/B
A# had to agree because he was right, that/s e2actly what # was thinking, yet at the same time #
didn/t even reali*e it.B
ACThere/s one more issue you seem to have forgotten about./B
ACAnd that is?/B
ACWhich future are you predicting? The future is not written in stone and there are endless
probabilities. ;ast, present, and future are the same. What makes them appear different is
time. Time is the magician that takes a snapshot of a single moment and gives them the
illusion of movement and of one coming before the other.B
AC# understand that./B
AC+ot really. #f you had fully understood it you would be looking at everything differently.
Your life and everything you see and e2perience are tiny snapshots of reality. There are billions
upon billions of them, which you subconsciously sort out in the order that you want them to
appear, then time takes them and turns them into a film which you perceive as continuous
moments of past, present, and future. When you believe something or have conflicting beliefs,
the appropriate snapshots of reality are inserted into the film of your life, which you not only
watch but also participate in. That means if you can send "ove now, here in the present, to
someone, then you can take the snapshot of what you consider the past and send "ove to any
period of time./B
AC!o how do # figure out which probable future is going to happen as far as the games are
AC4veryone who watches the game, plays in the game, and has a stake in it, in one way or
another decides how the game will be played and what the outcome will be. #t/s simpleF the
maority rules. %ust tell your mind to show you the most predictable, probable future.
5nfortunately changes in the probable future can be made minute by minute as the maority
changes its mind. As you can see if you are trying to achieve one hundred percent accuracy,
you are e2pending an enormous amount of energy, and that is not worthwhile. You could be
using that energy to work with "ove and achieve much greater results./B
A# was about to ask another 6uestion when # reali*ed he had already disappeared.B
AWhat he said makes sense,B said :anny as he put down my cup of tea. A42cept #/m not sure
if # understand the snapshot of reality.B
AYou don/t need to totally understand it.B +eena said. AWhat/s important is that you
understand that each time you have a thought or a belief, a snapshot of reality reflecting that
thought or belief will be placed into the film of your life and you will e2perience it.B
A:on/t forget the buffer *one.B # interected.
AWhat/s the buffer *one?B :anny asked.
A+ot every thought goes into the film, or life would ust be totally cra*y. !o there/s a buffer
*one. &nly the thoughts that are directly connected to the beliefs you have that you are totally
certain about will be placed into the film. But if there is a conflicting belief, then either both
pictures representing the beliefs, or a combination of the two, or neither, will be inserted,
depending on the strength of those beliefs.B
AThat makes sense,B :anny nodded.
As # added some sugar to my tea, +eena decided she also wanted another cup. ;ersonally #
thought it had more to do with having :anny serve her. #/m 6uite sure she enoyed that more
than the tea itself, but then #/m ust going by the look on her face.
1atien$e has never been
&ne o, my virtes.
The thing is, I no# #onder
What is the rsh?
Mind yo I have learned something,
The minte I have patien$e
'or something, it $omes
Ten times ,aster.
)o# isn3t that odd?
&n the other hand,
'or $rying ot lod,
0o# long
;o I need to #ait?

Chapter Twent()'ine
A# didn/t see !neaky for 6uite a while after his last visit, which was ust fine with me because #
was starting to burn out. 8y son came to stay with me over the @hristmas holidays which
gave me a break from the whole routine.B
A# thought your son was living with you?B +eena asked.
A0e was, but there were some problems and he was getting into the wrong crowd, so # thought
it was best if he lived with his mom for a while. That was long before all this other stuff started
AWere you still trying to do the bets?B :anny asked.
A# was, but it was kind of on and off. # was trying to spend some time with my son. The results
were getting very sporadic. &ne day # would be right on and the ne2t day #/d be off by a mile.
# spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to change my thoughts and beliefs about being
able to win. # had made enough money to get over @hristmas so # was &$ that way. The
bottom line is that # had worked very hard at trying to win and working with "ove, but # was
getting very frustrated and needed a break. &ne day # saw a program on TD about using a
chainsaw to carve wood, so the ne2t day # went out and purchased a small chainsaw. # went
down to the river and picked up some logs from trees that the beavers had cut down. # spent
the ne2t three weeks either with my son or carving. #t turned out to be a very good release for
the tension that had built up in me. Also it was the first thing in a very long time that # really
enoyed doing, and # came to the conclusion that perhaps there is more to life than ust
AThat was a very confusing time. 8y whole life seemed to be turning upside down, but at the
same time # felt better than # ever had. #t/s like everything was topsy)turvy and yet # had a
sense of inner peace, and # was probably smiling and laughing more in one day then # used to
do in a whole month.B
A# know what you mean,B +eena said. AWhen there area lot of changes happening in a
person/s life or inside them there/s that mid)point where you haven/t 6uite arrived at the new
way of life, yet everything has changed. #t/s like both worlds are mi2ed together.B
AThat/s e2actly what it was.B
A!o how long did it take before everything leveled off?B :anny asked.
AAbout another month. After that it was like # was walking on a cloud. # still am today.
4verything ust seems to click for me and comes out in my favor. # wake up happy in the
morning and go to sleep happy at night. Things still happen and every once in a while
something will go wrong, but it has very little effect on me. Whatever goes wrong, # ust add
"ove to it and within a very short time it all turns around and ends up being one of the best
things that could have happened.B
AWhat do you mean by Cadding "ove?/B :anny asked.
A3or e2ample, let/s say you lost your ob, so you send "ove to the place where you were
working and surround yourself with "ove. Then ust take the entire situation and ust pretend
it/s a movie and fill the entire situation with "ove, even the thoughts you have regarding the
circumstance. %ust fill them with "ove. The end result will be that you end up getting offered
another ob making more money than the one you had. And maybe you get a little time off to
rela2 and reflect on life. # can give you another e2ample. !omeone that # know wanted to
learn how to work with "ove. Three weeks later she was in a car accident. The minute the
accident was over she decided to send "ove into the whole scene surrounding all the people that
were involved with "ove, the cars, everything, ust like a movie that was radiating with "ove.
This is hard to e2plain, but if you think about it, you/ll understand what # mean. !i2 months
later she married the man in the other car, and today they seem happier than two peas in a pod.
As soon as you work with "ove and spend some time filling yourself and making yourself
radiant with "ove, everything ends up having a different twist to it. # can/t e2plain it, all #
know is if you keep sending "ove everything will ust end up in your favor when it/s all said
and done. That/s ust the way it works.B
A!ome people probably aren/t going to believe that,B :anny observed.
A;robably not, but if they take a chance and give it the benefit of the doubt, the results will be
there very 6uickly. After that, there/ll be no stopping them.B
+eena looked at :anny and then at me. A&ur time is running out. You need to finish telling
your story.B
# didn/t understand what she meant about their time is running out, but # saw the look on her
face, which seemed to speak on its own.
)nother +ay
And so another day ends.
2t #as it really another day?
Are the days di,,erent?
&r is it me #ho3s di,,erent?
Where does the illsion start?
And #here does it stop?
I #onder!
Chapter Thirt(
A# almost forgot to tell you this part. When !neaky was telling me # could go into my past and
send "ove to my past selves, # decided to try it. At first # only went back to my very early
childhood, nine years and less. The reason # chose that time was because # grew up without
parental guidance, which sounds rather strange, but that/s the way it was. # had no friends.
This gave me a very uni6ue view on life because # didn/t have anybody telling me that people
can/t talk to trees or communicate with animals. Actually it/s a very natural thing e2cept that
nobody seems to understand that and so automatically they teach their children that this isn/t
possible. !o the only friends # had were the animals and the trees. You/d be surprised how
much knowledge trees actually have, especially the older ones. They know more about how the
universe works than all the scientists put together. The really nice thing about a tree is they
never run away. 5nconditional "ove seems to be their life or the essence of what they are. #
decided that area of my life was a good place to start because # knew he needed some company.
The strange thing was that whenever # went to see that child self in the past he could see me.
We spent 6uite a bit of time talking. # told him about things that !neaky had already shown
A0ow did you get yourself into the past?B :anny asked.
A# ust used the imaginary train, the same way # went into the future.B
A# kept doing this for about a year, not every day but several times a week. As # moved out of
my early childhood and started visiting my past self. As he got older, he didn/t see me
anymore. # would ust take myself to the times that were the worst and surround him with
"ove. # could see the difference it was making. As # was doing this, my present self was
beginning to change. !omehow as # changed, my past changed. # can/t really point at anything
specific, but # know that it/s different than the way # saw it before.B
AWait a minute,B :anny interrupted. A#f you were going into your past and your past self could
see you, how did you look to him?B
A# looked like an angel to him.B # answered.
AAfter our @hristmas and +ew Year/s holiday, # drove my son to the bus station to go back to
his mother. #/m pretty sure that it was %anuary L, ,--K. #t wasn/t a pleasant drive. Both my
son and # were silent. 0e didn/t want to go and # didn/t want him to go either. #t was
e2tremely painful, like a piece was being ripped out of me. After seeing my son get on the bus,
# drove home. !neaky showed up when # was about halfway there. # could barely see him and
hardly hear what he was saying, probably because of the emotional state # was in. # was
thinking of all the things that # could have done better and of all the things # had done wrong to
bring things to this point.B
ACYou know, he/s hurting as much as you are,/ # heard !neaky say.B
AC&h, that really makes me feel better./ # said. CThere/s nothing # can do about how he feels./B
ACThere/s a lot you can do. You/d be surprised how much sending "ove can heal./B
A# thought for a minute and looked at him to try to get him into focus so # could see him better.
AC:o you think so?/B
ACYes=/ he was coming in loud and clear now. C4ven if you never saw him again, you could
send him "ove. #f you do this every day, it will make all the difference, more than you can
imagine. You know it/s easy to do./B
A# didn/t say anything. # ust thought to myself that at least # could try.B
AC"et me tell you that if everyone did this with a child, it would change everything. #f you
don/t have a child, you can mentally adopt one./B
ACWhat do you mean by that?/B
AC# mean to adopt them in your mind and heart and to make the choice to send "ove to this
child on a daily basis. +o one ever needs to know and people do not need to see this child or
know where they might be at a particular time. The "ove they send will find them. !ending
"ove this way every day will do so much. #t/s indescribable./B
A# turned into the driveway. CYou mean it will keep them off the streets or out of trouble?/B
ACYes=/ he answered. C#t may not change all the circumstances that they are facing, but it will
see them through it and with enough "ove they will make different decisions./B
A# thought about what he said while # parked the car and headed into the house.B
A# sat in my favorite chair and lit a cigarette. C"et me get this right. You/re saying the more
"ove someone receives, the less chance there is that they might act out their anger and hurt
someone else?/B
ACYes. &n a conscious level they won/t know that they are being sent "ove. But on a
subconscious level they will know, and the "ove will counteract a lot of anger and pain that
they may be going through. As an e2ample, they might begin to feel that the whole world is not
against them. They may not know why the change is happening but nevertheless they will feel
it. %ust think of some of the hard times you have gone through in your life. Would it have been
easier if you had more "ove around you, even if you could not see where it was coming
AC# guess that makes sense,/ # answered. C# guess it doesn/t matter where "ove comes from,
ust that you get it./B
ACYou cannot survive without "ove. The imaginary valve that allows "ove to flow into you is
never totally closed, but at a certain point where it is down to a trickle, things will begin to
happen. You will be angry, you will feel a lot of pain, and because as the valve closes it
becomes painful in the same way that starving to death would be painful. There are certain
places in the world that constantly seem to be at war. Why do you think this is? #t/s simpleF in
each individual the valve has closed to such agree that all they can think about is anger, hate,
ealousy, and so on./B
ACWhat would happen if the valve closed totally?/B
ACYou would go insane. The rest depends on who you are what circumstances you are in, and
where you are. #f you live in a war *one you might make a suicide run for your imaginary
enemy. #f you live in a 6uiet place you might commit suicide or walk into a store and blow
everyone away, including yourself.B
5nfortunately !neaky was making sense. #f a person feels loved, he would never do anything
to anyone else that might be harmful.B
ACWould you like me to stretch your mind a little further or would you like me to leave it at
ACYou might as well go for it. You have my attention./B
AC#f twelve percent of the population of any city would send enough "ove to fill the area on a
daily basis, there would be so much "ove in the air that it would be so peaceful the police
would have nothing to do. That also applies for a country or the world./B
AC+ow you/re really stretching it,/ # smiled. CWhy twelve percent?/B
ACBecause "ove is the most powerful force in the universe. 4verything is created from "ove.
And that is all it would take to tip the scales. "ove grows. +othing can defeat it, nothing can
stand against it./B
We sat in silence for a bit.
ACYou have seen and e2perienced what opening your heart and radiating "ove can do. The
same thing applies for sending "ove./ he said. C#magine what would happen if two people in a
relationship were to send each other "ove. What do you think would happen?/B
AC#t would be incredible,/ # responded. C# don/t think there would be words to describe the
e2perience. # think # would most definitely like to try that./B
A# looked towards !neaky but he was gone. # went to lay down and started sending my son
# looked at +eena and :anny. A# started sending "ove to my son that day and have never
missed a day since. # can/t even begin to tell you the difference that has made. #t/s incredible.
And # will send "ove to him on a daily basis for as long as # live. # don/t know where things
would be today if it weren/t for that little bit of knowledge, but frankly # don/t want to know.
(o It Is
Shit happens,
I, nobody says )o!
And gives Love
Then it #ill
5st "eep on happening
And then, #ho3s really to blame?

Chapter Thirt()!ne
A&ver the ne2t few weeks # spent most of my time e2perimenting with "ove and working on
my bets, which by the way were coming along nicely. # had made 6uite a bit of money but
instead of paying off all my bills # decided to put it away ust in case. That probably wasn/t a
bad idea, e2cept # was doing it for the wrong reasons. #t/s the thought behind the reason that/s
important. #n a manner of speaking # was betting against myself, thinking that perhaps my
success would be short lived again. !aving money is fine but # believe now if it is done out of
fear, those thoughts in some way create the very circumstance where we will end up
desperately needing it. "ater on towards spring that/s e2actly what happened. # wasn/t paying
enough attention to my thoughts and how they were creating my reality, and so once again #
lost my ability to win. !ometimes it seems #/m a slow learner, but nevertheless sooner or later
# catch on.B
ABut #/m getting ahead of myself.B # looked at +eena and :anny to see if they were still with
A&ver the ne2t few weeks of %anuary and 3ebruary, !neaky would come around every second
or third day. 8ostly we ust discussed working with "ove and talking about various
e2periments # tried out. #/ll give you an e2ample of one e2periment. # had a friend who broke
off a relationship with a woman. 0e came to my place and was totally despondent about this
relationship. !o # decided after he left that # would spend a few days sending him "ove and
surrounding him with "ove. At that time he didn/t know anything about what # had been doing
over the last few months. A few days later he came back to visit me. # asked him how it was
going because he seemed 6uite happy and rela2ed. 0e told me that for some reason after he
had left my place the last time he was here suddenly he felt a sense of calmness come over him.
0e said that he ust started feeling better and better even though he wasn/t happy about the
break up, but for some reason a large part of the pain seemed to disappear. 0is e2act words
were, C3or some reason # feel better than # ever have. #sn/t that kind of weird?/ # also decided
to send her "ove. But unfortunately # have no idea what effect it had on her, but from the
things # have seen #/m 6uite positive it made a difference to her.B
A#/m pretty sure you get my point.B
A:id you tell him about sending "ove and some of the other stuff?B :anny asked.
A+o= # decided at that time it was probably best to keep to myself. # did tell someone else
though. This particular person was running a small business here in town. As # told him about
everything that was going on he became more and more interested and wanted to know how he
could use "ove in his business. &ver the ne2t three months # worked with him on that. We also
taught his employees to send "ove. This took a little bit of convincing, as you can imagine, but
we managed to do it. # also made the stipulation that this had to be secret and no one was to
say anything to anybody else.B
A!o what happened?B asked +eena.
AAt first, the only thing we noticed was that everybody seemed happier. 4verybody seemed to
really be enoying themselves. But nothing happened as far as business was concerned. #t took
roughly about si2 weeks and then suddenly business started to increase, very slowly at first.
Then it ust seemed to take off, and he ended up having to turn business down because he ust
couldn/t handle it all. The other thing that was really interesting which came up in several
meetings we had with the employees and himself and his wife who was also working in the
business is that everybody was saying that it had an effect on their lives at home. The topic
about attracting other people also came up many times. There was one single woman and one
single man working there and both mentioned 6uite a few times that every time they went out
they couldn/t believe how magnetic they had become to people, especially the opposite se2. #t
was pretty apparent that they were having the time of their life.B
A!o what/s happening with this business now?B :anny asked. +ot a surprising 6uestion,
considering that his bar was pretty 6uiet.
AAbout a year later he sold his business and moved to the 5nited !tates to open another
business. Apparently that/s where he always wanted to go. 0e also took two of his employees
with him. 3rom what # have heard throughout the grapevine, he has about 1. employees and is
doing great.B
AWhy do you need to hear it through the grapevine?B :anny asked. AAren/t you in contact with
A+o. # knew that at some point # would end up needing to write about this, and # decided that
it was best to keep who he is and what business he and his wife are in a secret, at least for the
first few years. !o # told him that it was best that we do not maintain contact. They both
agreed with my reasoning.B
A# don/t understand why you would do that,B :anny said.
A#t/s pretty simple. # can go into the future and look at the probable outcomes of my book and
the information in it. The outcome is unbelievably fantastic. But there are some people who
are going to get confused out of fear that they are being controlled. "ove has nothing do with
control...actually it/s the total opposite. "ove is attractive and magnetic. !ome people are not
going to understand, at least at first, that if you have two businesses you can choose from you
will automatically be attracted to the one that is radiating with "ove. That/s only natural.
Which will give you the best service and care the most for you? #t/s pretty simple to answer
that 6uestion= 5nfortunately, some people are afraid of their own shadow. #t won/t take very
long before you/ll see small and large businesses doing it everywhere. #/m not saying that my
decision was absolutely right, ust that # felt it was the right thing to do and that/s really all
there is to it. "et/s get back to the story because there are some other things you need to know.B
AAfter a couple weeks passed, # noticed that # was having some mood swings. # was e2tremely
happy one minute and then the ne2t # felt irritated or angry. At a particularly irritating moment
when # felt e2tremely grumpy, !neaky snuck up on me and scared the heck out of me, and # let
him have it.B
ACAren/t we grumpy today?/ he observed, as my snapping at him ust rolled of his shoulders.B
ACWhat the heck was that?B # said. A# thought "ove was supposed to make me feel good?/B
A!neaky seemed to think this was pretty funny and obviously knew this topic would be coming
up. # was irritated at the fact that once again he didn/t bother warning me.B
AC"ook at it this way,/ he said. C#magine a river, and the water is "ove. #n the past this river of
"ove in you was almost dry, and now that you have been working with "ove, this river has
started to flow again. +ow imagine as it has increased dramatically in si*e it is picking up
debris left on the riverbank, like emotions, thoughts, guilt, shame, and anger. #n a manner of
speaking all these things are being flushed out of you. This is temporary, especially if you
continue to surround yourself with "ove7 ust look at the feelings and emotions that are coming
up and simply send them "ove or in your mind surround them with "ove. #n a few days it will
all be gone./B
ACAll of it?/ # used my hands to describe e2actly what # was trying to say.B
AWell, you might occasionally encounter a stump here and there. As long as you don/t bury it
in the sand again, it won/t pose much of a problem./ # nodded to let him know # understood.B
ACWe are now going to say goodbye. #t/s time for you to sit down and put the pieces together.
# know you can do it and you will./B
AAnd he disappeared. # was shocked. # still had a million 6uestions to ask. As # sat there
thinking # became very irritated at the fact that he had showed up and dropped a bombshell and
then ust left. After # settled down a bit # reali*ed that is something that # would probably do
myself, and have actually done for various reasons.B
A!o that/s it?B :anny asked.
A+o, not at all.B # answered. AActually it/s ust starting but from here on it gets really
complicated. #/m going to need a few minutes to think about how to e2plain this to you.B
A;erhaps another scotch while you think?B :anny asked.
AWhy not.B # answered, drinking the rest of my tea and lighting another cigarette while # took
a few moments to gather my thoughts.
When a #oman ,eels loved,
She ,eels beati,l,
When she ,eels beati,l,
She begins to ,eel sa,e,
And then, she #ill begin to trst,
As she begins to trst,
She #ill #ait and see.
And #hen she sees yor Love $an be trsted,
That3s #hen the Magi$ starts.
Chapter Thirt()Two
A# must be getting tired or something, because # ust reali*ed that # forgot to tell you about
something else that !neaky showed me. #t/s hard to say whether it/s important. #/m going to
leave it for a few minutes and go over some other details first.B
A&ver the years # spent an enormous amount of time studying, trying to figure out how the
universe works and how everything is put together. And at that time # had a pretty good
understanding of how time works, and that the past, present, and future are the same. # had a
pretty good understanding of how everything has already happened, and in a sense we are ust
moving around in the different probabilities and putting them together in certain ways to create
what appears to be a life that is lived moment to moment. $nowing this, # had a pretty good
suspicion that !neaky was not an angel at all, but instead either a future part of myself or a
probable part of myself. # wasn/t sure which one. Today # understand that a future part of
myself and a probable part of myself really are the same. The ne2t few months, or actually the
ne2t few years, are very complicated to e2plain, because when you work with "ove, it changes
time and seems to speed time up. # don/t mean that your life is going to be shorter, because
e2actly the opposite happens. After you really get into working with "ove, you will end up
doing and accomplishing more in one week than you would have accomplished in two or three
weeks. The rest of the world seems to slow down, and as you watch other people who are not
working with "ove, they seem to be doing things very slowly. #t seems to take them forever to
accomplish something. +othing has changed with the other people7 it/s ust you that has
changed. Time is relevant to each individual and is different for every one.B
A+ow you/re probably thinking that as time speeds up for you, the amount of things you do in
what appears to be a shorter time period would cause you to get tired or burnt out. But that/s
not what happens. You/ll find that you end up having more spare time then you had before.
&f course this doesn/t take effect overnight. &ther people are going to perceive you differently.
They will see how much you accomplish in a certain time period, but they will wonder how
you did it because you seem to be so rela2ed. To some people it will even seem like you do
nothing, yet the work is done.B
Taking a sip of !cotch, # asked them whether this made any sense. There was no doubt in my
mind that +eena understood.
A#t makes sense,B :anny said, Abut it leaves a lot of 6uestions unanswered.B
A# agree, but you/re going to have to work those things out for yourself.B
A!o at that time and for 6uite a long time after that # was doing 6uite a few different things
and heading in different directions at the same time. 4verything that # was working on had its
own results, some effect on my life, and also on everything else that # was doing. As an
e2ample, # was working on my bets, and all the things that # was learning and e2periencing
with that was a story by itself, one that has no ending. # was working with the people that were
putting "ove into their business. # was working with time and probabilities7 # could write three
books on that topic alone. 8y son came back to live with me and # was using "ove to change
all the circumstances with him. !o many interesting things happened that # could write a book
ust about sending "ove to my son. 8y ability to hear people/s thought was increasing
dramatically. That alone would be enough to keep anybody busy for 6uite a while. This may
not necessarily happen to you. #t can happen if you want it. The ability to communicate with
animals can increase to a certain e2tent depending on where you were before you started
working with "ove. # also had a physical life to live. All of this would sound like # was going to
put myself into the grave, but it/s been the best time of my life. 4ven though there were
difficult moments, it all clicked into place with little effort on my part other than spending a lot
of time thinking about everything and working out the details. !o this leaves me with the
problem of what to tell you about and what to leave alone for now.B
AThat/s easy,B +eena said. A%ust e2plain it like you would about a vacation, ust go over the
highlights. The rest will fill itself in, especially if it/s written in a book, because people will
have their own e2periences.B
AThat/s a very good point.B
She had as"ed to be
%herished, bt e<al.
I said, impossible!
She as"ed #hy.
I ans#ered, I don3t "no# ho#.
So glad that she proved
Me #rong.
And the dan$e begins.

Chapter Thirt()Three
AAre you going to tell us the piece you had forgotten about?B :anny asked.
AYes, # think # will.B # said, A# haven/t put all the pieces together yet, but # think it/s going to
be a big piece of the pu**le. ;eople seem to think that we/re alone on this planet, and that/s
not entirely true.B
A#t was before @hristmas when this started. # was talking and oking with !neaky about
having a vacation when he suggested that it might be a very good idea. 0e said the he was
going to show me a very interesting place. # figured that he would be taking me somewhere
physically, but that/s not 6uite the way it worked out. A couple of days after that conversation
# was returning from what # now call my out)of)body train ride, which is probably not the most
accurate description since it/s only my consciousness that temporarily leaves my body and
present reality. # had ust gotten back on the train and was looking at the sports results in the
newspaper # had picked up when !neaky decided to make a short appearance. 0e told me that
he was taking me to the vacation spot he had promised. # wasn/t all that impressed because #
was hoping for something more physically real, but # agreed regardless. When my imaginary
train came to a stop he suggested that # go out, and at that moment he disappeared.B
AAt first it was difficult to clearly see the place where # had arrived, but # have been there many
times since. 4ach time it became clearer and # was able to focus on the surroundings more
clearly. #t is a fantastically beautiful place. There is a small pond. The water was perfectly
clear and every now and then # could see a fish swimming around. Tall grass and patches of
wildflowers surrounded the pond. # had not seen many of them before. At one end of the pond
there were some trees which appear to turn into a very deep and dense forest. The plants, grass,
and trees were not familiar. !neaky never told me where it was, but he did tell me that it was a
real place and that it actually e2isted. #t was 6uite a few months before # figured out that it
was in 0awaii. # haven/t figured out e2actly where it is on the map but # intend to find it, for
various reasons. The reason # didn/t recogni*e the vegetation was because it is in 0awaii. #
used to go there a lot but # don/t go much anymore because #/m fairly busy with other things,
but at that time it was a perfect place for me to go and calm my mind. 8any times while # was
there, they/re was a particular deer that used to come around and lay down beside me. # called
her Bambie. :eer have very beautiful eyes, but what # most enoyed was watching her ears.
They were almost like radar dishes that could swivel all the way around. # thought that was the
neatest thing. After # had been there a few times # was starting to get the feeling that # was
being watched. As it turned out, # was right. # came to the conclusion that whatever was
watching me was somewhere in the trees. # asked !neaky about this several times but each
time he would only smile.
&ne particular time that # was there, the pond was completely still, almost like a sheet of glass.
# was watching Bambie when # noticed that there were ripples in the pond, like someone had
thrown a small pebble into the water. As # looked at the ripples # noticed that there was
something standing partly behind a tree. As # looked directly at it and tried to focus my vision
as clearly as possible, it moved away from the tree and closer towards the water/s edge. #t
looked human, but it moved about ten times as fast. # was getting a little nervous but # noticed
that Bambie had also seen it and didn/t seem to be alarmed. # turned my attention back to
whatever it was that was watching me and Bambie. 4ven though # couldn/t see very clearly, it
was female, or at least seemed to have female features. !he seemed to be wearing something
that was made of tree bark. # thought it was some kind of a tree elf but that did not seem to fit.
# looked back towards Bambie to see if she was still watching. Bambie/s ears were turned in
that direction but she was not paying much attention. Before # turned back to the female on the
other side of the pond # mentally sent a message that said Cmy trees, my lake, go away=/ As #
looked across the lake # could see she was gone. #n the same instant # reali*ed that she was
sitting at my left side. That was a shock because # could not decide if she was ugly, beautiful
or scary. # have never seen anything like it before. !he was looking towards me but not
directly at me and did not make direct eye contact. #n what seemed like a soft whispering voice
that you could have heard for miles, she said, CWhat makes you think these are your trees?/B
AThere were too many thoughts running around in my head to answer. # ust stared. There was
nothing about her that looked dangerous, but at the same time # didn/t think she was anybody
that # should be messing with. !he had pointy ears, slightly longer than what would be
considered human. 0er hair was like soft tree moss. 0er skin reminded me of soft paper bark.
!he had long fingers and long fingernails. 0er body features where relatively close to human
and she was partly covered with what looked like tree bark cut into thin slices and then hung
from her body in different lengths and partly draped over her shoulders. !he was slender and
about . feet tall. 0er face was slim with large dark round eyes and large eyelashes...almost
like Bambie/s eyes. Appearing at the wrong moment she could easily scare the pants off of me
but as # continued to look at her # reali*ed she was actually 6uite beautiful in her own way.
!he had a scent about her like honey and pine branches and flowers mi2ed together. Any
perfume manufacturer would die for this. 0er scent was so enchanting that # had several stray
thoughts. # assumed that she had picked up my thoughts because she had a definite smile that
would have embarrassed me if she hadn/t turned her eyes towards mine. The second we made
eye contact # seemed to melt into the universe. # felt like # was one with every tree that has ever
lived. #t was actually too much for me and somewhere along the line # must have passed out
because when # regained consciousness # was back in my bedroom. The ne2t time # saw
!neaky # asked him about her but he refused to tell me anything.B
A&ver the ne2t si2 months # went there 6uite often. &ver those si2 months # learned a lot from
her. We spent of time talking mentally. As it turns out there are more of her even though she is
the only one # have seen so far. !he told me that small groups of them live in various parts of
the world. !he seemed to know a lot about me and about my life. When # asked her about this
she laughed and e2plained to me that they had known me since # was very little. When # was
very young # used to spend a lot of time around a small pond. ;eople always said this pond
was haunted. This makes perfect sense considering she told me that there is a small group of
them living right by the pond. This pond is right in the middle of a fairly large and old forest.
There was a small group of trees that seemed like they were too far apart and almost looked
like somebody had planted them in a certain shape. !he told me that that is where they have
their village. # remember that place very well because whenever # went there # always had the
feeling that there was somebody standing beside me or behind me, but # could never really see
anything. # asked her why we wouldn/t be able to see them or their village. !he told me that
their vibration is one notch away from ours, which makes them invisible to us, and also we can
walk right through them and not feel anything. They can see us because our physical nature is
more condensed then theirs, but they are very close to our vibration. # asked her why !neaky
would have brought me here instead of the old pond where # used to play. !he said that
because of the volcanoes there/s a lot of energy around the islands and if # physically came here
at a certain point in my life # would most likely be able to physically see them.B
# stopped talking for a moment and thought about what # should mention and what # could
leave out.
A#f # want to go there, would # be able to?B :anny interrupted my thoughts.
AThat/s very easy to do. All you need to do is e2actly the same thing # didF ust use your
imagination and have your imaginary train take you there.B
ABut # don/t know where it is.B
AYou don/t need to actually know where it is. %ust keep in your mind that it is where you want
to go and you/ll end up there. What/s important is that you surround yourself with "ove and
make yourself as radiant as possible, otherwise they won/t appear. They most likely won/t take
you to their village but someone will come and talk to you.B
AWhy won/t they take us to their village?B
AThere are many reasons but none of them have anything to do with fear. #f you are radiant
enough with "ove, they would probably take you to the village because you would be vibrating
at a closer range to them. But you won/t see much there anyway because they live very simple
lives. Actually if you carefully look at the placement of the trees very near the pond, you/ll see
an area where the trees seem to have a different pattern. That/s where the village is.
!urprising enough you might even notice that people will avoid this particular spot or not even
see it.B
A!o when are you going?B +eena asked with a smile.
AWithin two years, if everything goes to according to my plans. # was planning to get a small
house on the beach so # can be near the dolphins. Apparently these people are tied in very
closely with dolphins and whales. #t/s too long a story to get into right now, but the bottom line
is that the dolphins and whales are leaving. #/ve known this for 6uite some time, and she
confirmed it. #f enough people don/t start to send "ove at least several times a week, in less
than fifteen years you can kiss them goodbye. That/s all it boils down to.B
AAllot of people want to do something, but don/t know what to do.B +eena said. A#f you don/t
write your book, no one will ever know what they can do and what they/re capable of
A# know that.B # answered. A#/ve thought about it 6uite allot. # guess #/m unsure of whether
anyone is going to believe it or even give it a chance so that they can see the results for
AThere/s only one way to find out, isn/t there?B # nodded my head.
.penly trustin%
I3ve thoght a lot abot trst lately, partly be$ase something has $ome p, that has to$hed
that part o, me that I "eep so #ell hidden.
I #onder #hat it is that I3m a,raid o,?
I #onder i, I have really ever trsted, or i, it #as nothing more than a temporary illsion.
I3ve thoght abot ho# many #onder,l things I have destroyed be$ase o, my la$" o, trst.
There is nothing in li,e that I have ever $ome a$ross that I $oldn3t handle, yet the <estion
remains: #hy am I s$ared?
)o relationship #or"s #ithot trst regardless o, #hether it $onsists o, ,riendship, Love,
#or" or play.
It $omes do#n to the same thing, trst.
Maybe it3s really mysel, that I don3t trst.
;o I trst mysel,, that I #ill pi$" the right #hatever?
1ossibly? Maybe? A,ter all, #ho "no#s #hat3s right ,or me better than me.

I3ve heard it said that i, yo do #hat is right ,or yo, that is sel,ish, bt I "no# that i, yo
don3t do #hat is right ,or yo then that be$omes destr$tive.
So #here is the balan$e?
And #hat #ill happen to me i, I 4st say the hell #ith it and 4st trst?
1erhaps it3s #hom I trst?
Well that didn3t #or", did it? It appears I3m right ba$" #here I started.
Well, that leaves me #ith one $hoi$e, doesn3t it?
I hope that it3s not going to be as pain,l as my la$" o, trst has been.
&n the other hand, Ladies 'irst!

Chapter Thirt()For
A# was ust thinking?B :anny interrupted my thoughts.
AThe part about sending "ove makes perfect sense to me. 4ven though # don/t really know
e2actly how it works or precisely where the "ove comes from, # can see that it would work and
probably work e2tremely well. But the things you were saying about time and probable events
and everything supposedly happening at once doesn/t make any sense to me.B
A# understand what you/re saying. # look at things this way. When # learned something like
sending "ove, at first #/m not interested in e2actly how it works but only in two thingsF that it
works, and how to do it. !o what # do is temporarily accept the possibility that it works and
what # can use it for. Then # accept the possibility that # can do this, because if # spend all my
time trying to figure out how it all works, it would take forever and in the mean time # would
not get the benefits of what # ust learned. #/ve found that as # use a little trust and move
forward with certain information, the information on how it works seems to come forward little
by little on its own. This means that # don/t have to fill my mind with concepts that are very
difficult to understand. That/s why # was telling you before to break everything into small units
like little igsaw pu**le. You have one piece of the pu**le that says you can send "ove, and
you have another piece of the pu**le that says you know how. And if you use those pu**les,
soon you will have many little pieces that each tells you what the results are from sending
"ove. When you put all those pieces together a picture will form in your mind and slowly you
will understand how it all works. What/s really important, is that you understand everything
about "ove, or that you have the ability to use it to make your life and everything around you
more beautiful?
+eena interrupted. A# think what :anny is having a problem with is the way that you describe
time and probable moments. You didn/t really put those concepts into small packages like you
did with "ove and the betting. :o you see what # mean?B
:anny nodded his head in agreement.
A# think so. # can put it into small packages that you can change slightly and temporarily
accept so that you can make use of the information to improve your life.B
# thought about it for a moment.
AThere are books out there on the market that make a great effort to e2plain the whole concept
of how everything actually works. But that would take me forever to e2plain. #t/s something
you can pursue if you want. #/m not finished with my own learning. #t/s something that ust
keeps on going. 4very day # add a new piece to the pu**le. !o here/s how # have broken the
pieces down. 3irst # accept that # consist of a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. There
also seems to be an inner self, which is like having another deeper subconscious mind. Then
there is what # call my soul, which consists of everything that # am. !o that/s one piece.
+e2t # take time and separate it from everything else so that it almost is a thing in it/s self.
Time takes single moments, like a film that is made up of many single pictures, and creates the
illusion that one happens after another.B
AThen # take a piece that says my soul lives in a timeless way where everything happens at
once, or in a sense has already happened.B
A&ur thoughts create the reality that we live in. What # have done with this is temporarily
accept that when # focus on certain things and truly believe that this is the way it is, or truly
believe that this particular thing will happen, then either my inner self or my soul puts that into
my physical life e2perience. As # put the pieces together they begin to say that my past,
present, and future are all happening at the same moment7 it ust appears to be different from
my viewpoint. This means that # can move forward in time and spend time with my future self
because in fact he e2ists at the same moment # do. There is one more important piece that is
hard to accept, but you can use it to your advantage. "et/s say you decide whether to go to the
movies or stay home. +ow two possibilities e2ist and you must make a decision about which
one you will e2perience. You could stay home and put yourself into an altered state of mind
and shift sideways in time and e2perience both.B
A# know this is terribly confusing. To be honest, there are many times it still boggles my mind,
but # have gone far enough with it that # can use this information to change my life totally and
to create the e2periences that # want to physically e2perience. You can instantly create things
that you want depending on whether you believe it/s possible. #f everything you thought about
was instantly created, that could really turn out to be one hell of a nightmare, so our beliefs
form a buffer.B
AWell, even though # am now more confused, # can temporarily accept that. But # don/t
understand how #/m going to use it. "et/s suppose # want to have a new ob. What would # do
to make this happen?B :anny still looked uncertain.
AThat/s the easy part. # do this every single day as soon as # get up in the morning, before # do
anything else. # sit down and write out e2actly what #/m going to e2perience today. # don/t go
into detail, but # write about one page. This took a short while to take effect because # had to
create the belief that this would work, but after about 1( days it really started kicking in. !o
after # write what # want, in my mind # accept it and then form a picture of it. What # picture is
e2actly what # have written and the feeling that it gives me. Then # simply pump an enormous
amount of "ove into this picture. # pump as much "ove into it as # can possibly fit until # feel
it/s ready to e2plode. Then # ust let it go and watch it unfold as my day goes along. !ome
things happen instantly, so fast that it makes my head spin. &ther things seem to take a little bit
longer but # ust work on them every day until they show up. # keep a small diary of things
that # e2perience every day. #f you were to look at the two of them you would notice how
beautifully they match. The bottom line is that it/s really not important to know e2actly how it
works, ust that it does, and that # know how to make it work. There are other ways to do the
same thing but the real secret is adding "ove, because when you do it with "ove. 8ost of the
time it comes out way better than e2pected. 4veryone else associated with it also comes out
ahead. "ove seems to take the winner<loser issue out of every situation and somehow everyone
seems to win. # have absolutely no idea how the "ove that # send into what # have written gets
into my physical reality, but at this point #/m more interested in the fact that it works.B
.elationships are simple
2e,ore yo say anything or plan on doing anything, as",
*Will this bring me $loser+
%reate a ,eeling o, oneness and Love?
I, so, it is good
I, not, as" yorsel,
*Why am I destroying this?+
The ans#er o, a thosand ,ailed relationships
Will sit be,ore yo.
GWe can discuss, debate and argue about everything
but it basically boils down to only thisH

Chapter Thirt()Five
# stood up. A# need to stretch a little.B
# looked at my watch to see if it had started working again, but it was still stopped. # could still
see drops of water under the crystal. # was getting very tired and could feel my face slowly
starting to rela2 and droop a little. :anny was looking rather tired himself. +eena looked as
fresh as a spring chicken. !he must be a night person, # thought, as # stretched my arms to
increase the circulation.
AThere are some things # don/t 6uite get yet,B :anny said. AApparently !neaky isn/t an angel.
#s that correct?B
AThat/s right.B # sat down again.
A&kay, then he/s your future self,B he ventured.
A# guess you could say that. That/s what # thought at the time, but let/s ust say that time only
e2ists in the physical reality that we perceive. 3or right now, #/ve temporarily accepted a new
idea that there really isn/t any future or past part of myself7 they are probable selves. #/ve
noticed that as # play with shifting forward and backward in time, # don/t always come across
the same past self. #t/s like the past has had many probabilities and there were countless
choices. The bottom line, at least the way # see it now, is that all the possibilities have been
lived, and it/s like we/re replaying the different moments in various order.B
# reali*ed that # was getting off track again.
A#t/s probably better if we ust talk about it as past, present, and future selves. &therwise, it
ust gets really confusing.B
AWhy would your future self come back pretending to be an angel?B +eena asked.
# could see that she already knew the answer.
ABecause he has a sick sense of humor. #t was rather fun, and when and if it becomes my turn
to do this type of thing, # will probably do the very same thing. Which makes sense, since he is
me and # am him.B
:anny asked, AWhat happened ne2t?B
AAfter !neaky left, # took some time and thought about everything. # tried to put it into
prospective and in some way tried to get my mind to understand it all. # was curious to know
e2actly who !neaky was, how far in the future did he come from. # also wanted to know what
was going to happen to my life and me over the ne2t few years. !o # was preparing myself to
spend a few weeks moving into the future. # wanted to go back to the future self that # had
seen sitting on a lawn chair by a cabin, before all this really got started.B
# fell into deep thought trying to decide what the best way would be for me to e2plain this.
AWhat did you end up seeing?B :anny asked.
ABefore # answer that, # would like to say that this didn/t all come about in one day. #t actually
takes a fair bit of effort and concentration and can be very e2hausting. &ver those few weeks #
didn/t spend much time betting or working with "ove.B
A3irst # moved forward only a few years, but # can/t tell you e2actly how many7 perhaps it was
three or four years. # ran into a future probable self who was spending some time in 0awaii.
0e wasn/t very talkative, but he did tell me that he was there working with the dolphins. #t
appeared that he wasn/t alone but he wouldn/t tell me who he was with. 0e ust told me that if
he said too much it would ruin our timeline and we would and up creating various new
probabilities. # didn/t understand what he meant, but he told me that it would all start to come
together fairly soon and that my main focus should be working with "ove.B
AThe ne2t successful attempt was a strange one. # had many attempts that were not successful.
4ither # would fall asleep or ust end up dreaming. # managed to go back to the same future self
that # had seen the first time. # saw my future self)sitting on a lawn chair in front of a fire pit
and !neaky was sitting on a lawn chair at his left. The minute # arrived, !neaky disappeared.
At the same moment # thought # saw a woman dashing into the house. # stood there for a few
minutes looking at my future self. 0e didn/t look much different e2cept for having a ponytail,
which wasn/t anything that # was planning to do as my present self. # also thought that # could
see someone peeking through the window but # couldn/t make out who this person was.B
A# asked my future self, who was ust sitting there smiling and staring back at me, where
!neaky went.
AC0e/s shifting into other probabilities and doing the same thing he did with you,B my future
self replied. A0e was ust sticking around to make sure that you would make it this far./B
AC!o he/s not really an angel then./B
AC+o, he ust has our sense of humor. 0e was trying to spare you the agony of having to look
at yourself completely. #/m sure we can agree that isn/t always the most pleasant e2perience, is
ACWhat happens now?/B
ACYou need to write about all of this and e2plain all the different things a person can do with
ACThat/s not going to be very easy. #t/s going to be almost impossible to get people to believe
that something so simple can have such a powerful affect on their lives and on everything
ACWe/ve already done it. All you/re really doing is re)living it in a slightly different probability
AC#f it/s already done, why do # need to do it again?/B
ACBecause it/s not done in your probability./B
ACThen you/re not really my future self?/B
ACYes and no. We/re the same thing. # can be a future self in your probability or # can be ust a
probable self. But that/s not important right now. What you need to focus on is getting as
much e2perience with "ove as possible so that you can relay this information to others. The
rest will fall into place later on. You also need to concentrate on creating everything that you
want to e2perience in your life. You need to learn how to do this with "ove so that everything
you create in your life is not only filled with "ove but actually created from "ove. :o you
understand the difference between an obect that is created with "ove and an obect that is
created with blood, sweat, and tears?/B
AC# understand that? Who is the person that ran into the house?/B
ACWe decided that it was best that you wouldn/t see who she is for the moment,/ he answered.
CBut you/ll understand why later./B
A# was beginning to drift and felt # couldn/t stay there much longer, so # asked one last
AWhat happened with the lottery thing?B
AC3orget it,/ he said. CThere are better ways to use "ove. You/ll see what # mean./B
A0e continued to talk, but # had already begun to fade out and moments later lost
# rubbed my eyes. AThat/s really about it. !ince then, #/ve spent most of my time working with
"ove, which has been 6uite an e2perience. The same 6uestion remainsF how am # going to
write about this? Where do # start and where do # stop? #t never really stops. 4very day # seem
to learn something new about sending "ove and e2periencing new things. And who/s going to
believe something this bi*arre?B
AWrite it e2actly the way you told it to us,B +eena said. AAs far as whether anybody believes
it, that/s a decision everyone needs to make for himself.B
ABut isn/t it too confusing and mind boggling?B # asked.
AThat/s what makes it interesting,B :anny said. A#t gives a person something to think about.B
A# agree=B +eena said. ABut maybe you could write about some of the e2periences you had
working with "ove and some of the different ways you send "ove.B
:anny nodded his head in agreement.
AYou might be right.B # said. A# need to go to the washroom. #/ll be right back.B
# pushed my barstool back and headed for the washroom. # didn/t really need to go. # ust
wanted a moment to myself.
# put down the toilet seat and sat down. # was thinking about what we had talked about, when
# noticed that there were voices coming from the bar. # thought maybe a group of people had
come in for a drink, but ignored it. After a few more minutes of deep contemplation # got up
and washed my hands. As # stepped out of the washroom, # couldn/t believe what # saw. There
must have been at least ten or twelve people in the bar. Walking towards where we were sitting
ust moments before, # saw that :anny was no longer behind the bar, but there was someone
else there. +eena was also gone and there was a woman sitting in her chair talking to another
woman sitting beside her. 8y chair was still empty. As # stood behind my barstool with my
hand on my acket, # must have had a very confused look on my face. The bartender came over
and said that +eena and :anny had to leave.
AWhat can # get you?B he asked.
# thought for a moment and 6uietly answered. A8aybe ust the bill.B
AThe bill is taken care of,B he reached under the counter. A:anny left something for you.B 0e
placed the little green bottle on the counter.
# reached for the bottle and pulled my acket off the barstool. # was about to reach for my
cigarettes but they were gone.
# thanked the bartender and, taking one last look around, headed for the front door. About the
same time # stepped onto the sidewalk a cab pulled up and stopped. # opened the door and
gave him directions to my house.
The cab driver and # didn/t speak much on the way home, but # remember him remarking, A#t/s
a strange night isn/t it?B
A#t definitely is.B # left it at that.
Chan%in% to a 0robable /eality
Every time a de$ision is made,
A #hole niverse is $reated #here the de$ision is played ot.
In ,a$t, it already e(ists and sin$e time is not linear,
Any de$ision $an be reversed,
As i, it #as never played in or reality in the ,irst pla$e.
It is so easy to do,
That every one does it $onstantly in an n$ons$ios #ay.
At the moment #hen a de$ision is made,
We enter that probable niverse and reality
Where that de$ision is played.
It3s not only de$isions that $ase the shi,t.
2t also thoghts and #hat #e believe.
As an e(ample, i, #e thin" and believe #e are nloved, that is the probable reality #e are
,lng into.
And there #e #ill stay ntil #e $hange or belie,s,
&r ntil someone $omes along #ho ma"es s $hange or belie,s and thoghts,
2t that #ill never happen ntil #e shi,t into a loving reality.
Whi$h #e $annot do, ntil #e $hange #hat #e believe and thin".
And so #e go in $ir$les,
'orever e(perien$ing the same end reslts.
To Chan%e the /eality
'irst #e mst deta$h #hat #e see, hear, and e(perien$e
'rom or thoghts and belie,s.
That #ill begin to release s ,rom the probable niverse,
We are e(perien$ing no#.
Then #e $hange or thoghts and belie,s,
To the point that #e e(perien$e #hat #e #ant in or minds.
As the thoghts and belie,s begin to ta"e hold,
We begin to shi,t.
At ,irst the shi,t o$$rs nnoti$ed,
2t as time goes on and #ith pra$ti$e, #e $an begin to see the shi,ts.
&r perhaps i, #e $hoose, #e $an #ait ntil
S$ientists dis$over a me$hani$al #ay. That3s i, #e live that long.
I3ve heard it said that i, #e trly believe
In #hatever, then #e #old already have it.
Then it is be$ase #e don3t believe
That we do not have it1
)nd perhaps our thou%hts are not in line with what we want.
Chapter Thirt()%i&
By the time # got home that night # was e2hausted. # made something to eat and then went to
# got up fairly late the ne2t morning and after taking a shower and having breakfast # decided
to take the bus back downtown to pick up my car. # thought about the night before while # was
sitting on the bus. The odds of something like that happening are pretty slim. The whole thing
was played out perfectly, like a play that was rehearsed for months. And # fell in hook, line,
and sinker. # wondered who :anny and +eena really were, and how could they possibly know
who # am. ;erhaps one of my future or probable selves knows them and sent them to help.
But that still leaves the 6uestion as to how they would proect themselves into my reality,
e2actly at the right moment.
# had to walk a few blocks to my car and that gave me a chance to clear my mind. # decided to
drive down the street where +eena/s bar was and take a look at it during the day. # had been
down that street many times before and never saw that bar there before.
#t/s a one way street, so # drove several blocks further down and then drove back towards
where the bar had been. As # got there, # pulled over to the side because there was no bar, ust
two very large buildings side by side. # couldn/t believe it. # know where # had been last night,
no 6uestion about it. # decided to park my car and retraced my steps. # asked several people if
they had heard of +eena/s bar. +o one had ever heard of it before. # looked in the phone book
but there was no listing. That bar doesn/t e2ist in this reality or at least not at this moment.
4ven today # still don/t really have an answer. All # can say is that perhaps these people know
how to shift around in different probabilities and are obviously 6uite good at it. &r maybe #
shifted into their probability. # don/t remember doing anything special that night that would
cause such a thing to happen. That would be an interesting thing to learn how to do. # haven/t
stopped looking for the answers and # never will. At some point #/ll figure it out Ait/s only a
matter of timeB. 8aybe #/ll do it yesterday.
+ow as far as "ove is concerned, # have spent as much time as possible over the last few years
working with "ove and have made a lot of fascinating discoveries. # can/t put into words the
things that can be accomplished using "ove. #t all hinges on the fact that as individuals, we
have the ability to send and receive massive amounts of "ove. #n the rest of this book # will go
over some of my e2periences with sending "ove and some of the different ways # do it.
!ending and working with "ove can be one of the easiest things you ever learn to do. # believe
that is why sometimes people have doubts about whether this actually works. We seem to
believe that if we are not struggling, it must not be of much value, but that is definitely not
What # have told you in this book is true even though many things were left out so that it would
not be too confusing. # don/t e2pect you to believe anything # have written, and to be totally
honest, if someone else were to tell me this story, # probably would not believe it myself. What
#/m truly hoping is that you can accept the idea that you do have the ability to send "ove and in
so doing hopefully you will give it a try. &nce you see the results for yourself, there will be
nothing left to be said.
8y life has changed so much that whenever # think back, all # can do is shake my head. #n the
past, nothing ever really worked out for me. #t seemed like everything # touched turned to dust.
+ow it/s e2actly the opposite. # couldn/t make a mistake if # tried. 4verything # touch works
out perfectly7 my timing is perfect. #f # want something, # type it out on my computer, then #
simply fill the idea with "ove until it is bursting at the seams. Then # ust sit and wait, or
follow my instincts about where to go and what to do, and what # wanted falls into my hands.
#t/s usually e2ceptionally better than # had even hoped.
# have had other people try this and it has worked for them to the same degree it works for me,
and sometimes even better.
#n case you/re wondering why you have never heard of sending "ove or read anything about it,
that/s not an easy story to tell and it really is a long one. #/m still working out some of the
details. The amount of effort and energy that has been e2pended in order to keep this
information secret is mind)boggling, and in many ways even disgusting. +ormally # would be
concerned that this book never would make it to the open market, but for as long as # have
lived # have had the feeling that #/m not alone. As # write this, # can feel something looking over
my shoulder. # have no idea what it is, but # feel safe and unstoppable, at least as far as this
material is concerned.
And so it is. Accept what you like and leave the rest.
All my "ove to you on your ourney. Why not do it with "ove? We have nothing to lose, and
everything to gain.
And the game goes on...

The Instructions
&ne concern people seem to have when # mention that we have the ability to send "ove to other
people is about one person controlling another. "ove does not control. There is nothing about
"ove that is controlling or manipulative. "ove has the ability to affect a person/s behavior and
how they feel. A person who feels "ove and is surrounded by "ove tends to behave in different
ways than one who feels unloved and angry or depressed. When a person is angry, sad,
depressed, or feels unloved, his actions resemble the lack of "ove. The amount of "ove a
person has is directly associated with their actions, words, thoughts, and behavior. +ormally it
is accepted that there is not much we can do, but that is ust an illusion. We have the ability to
send massive amounts of "ove to people, animals, plants, and our environment. The results
can be astounding. @hildren are a perfect e2ample. Their actions are an instant and perfect
reflection of the amount of "ove they have. %ust because someone loves them does not
necessarily mean they are receiving this "ove, and that/s where the difference lies. "oving
someone is wonderful but sending them "ove is where you will really see the magic.
Who do we send "ove to? 4veryone, &ur lovers, children, friends, co)workers, people we
meet, the people who govern our cities and countries, and everyone that you encounter. We can
fill our homes with "ove, surround our cities with "ove, and send "ove to our pets and plants.
You might be very pleasantly surprised to see how well plants do when they are surrounded
with "ove. There/s nothing stopping anyone from filling an entire field with "ove. We can
send "ove into the food we eat and the food we serve. And on it goes.
"ove is very magnetic. #t attracts more "ove and oy to it. #/ve watched people change right in
front of my eyes and become happier, more oyful, rela2ed, and peaceful. #t/s a wonderful
feeling to be able to help others, considering how easy it is. Any place # go, whether it/s a
meeting, a party, or ust a gathering, # always send "ove there first, and it makes all the
difference. "ove is very magnetic and if you fill yourself with "ove to the point where you
become radiant with "ove, you will very 6uickly find that people are attracted to you and will
try to be near you. This is very natural7 after all, if you were at a party, who would you
gravitate towards? The person who is radiant with "ove or someone who is unhappy and not
feeling loved? The more radiant we are with "ove and the closer people and animals come, the
more "ove they receive and the happier and more oyful they become. All in all, it becomes an
incredible e2perience for everyone7 there is a sense of oy, peace, openness, and belonging.
#n order to send "ove to other people, animals, plants, or the world, you need to open your
heart and let the "ove flow. +ot only is it as easy as breathing, but each time you send "ove
you receive more "ove yourself because the "ove comes from within you and must travel
through you before it is sent out. And that/s an indescribable bonus.
&pening our hearts and becoming radiant with "ove is a very natural thing and happens very
often on an unconscious level. 3or instance when we hold a small baby or puppy or kitten in
our arms, our heart begins to open and we begin to feel and radiate "ove. When we fall in
"ove with someone, that other person becomes the trigger mechanism that opens our hearts,
but in time the trigger mechanism wears out and then we wonder why we don/t feel as much
"ove as we did before. That/s usually when the trouble starts. But when we have the ability to
open our hearts consciously by ourselves and send "ove to another person, "ove can continue
to grow instead of drying up like a puddle in the hot sun. There is no limit to the amount of
"ove people can feel and e2perience. #f we are not in a relationship, we can still feel "ove and
feel loved. There is no reason why we need to wait day after day for someone to come along to
open our hearts. We have the ability to open our hearts, fill ourselves and become radiant with
"ove and thereby attracting more "ove.
When # learned to send "ove, it became the oy of my life. 3or the first time in my life # really
felt # could make a difference. What a difference that has made to my life= As # radiate out more
"ove, # attract more good things and good e2periences to myself. The more # work with "ove,
the more everything ust seems to click for me and work out perfectly.
Relaxing and Letting Go
The most important part about learning to open your heart, filling yourself with "ove and
sending "ove, is learning to completely rela2 and let go of all other thoughts. #t/s very
important during any of the following e2ercises that you stay focused and leave all other
thoughts alone. #f you find yourself drifting off, simply bring yourself back and continue.
With a little practice and time, you will find it becomes easier each time. 5nless you have had
some practice with meditation or rela2ing e2ercises, it/s probably best that you either lie or sit
down somewhere 6uiet where you will not be disturbed and spend a few moments clearing your
mind and totally rela2ing your body. With practice you will be able to open your heart and
send "ove virtually anywhere and anytime, because you will be able to rela2 your body and
instantly clear your mind and focus on your heart.
There/s a certain feeling that comes when you open your heart. This is difficult to learn if you
do not start off learning it in a 6uiet and peaceful environment. This is because when your
body is totally rela2ed and your mind is clear and calm, there is a certain inner sensory
perception. This is important because that is where you will find the feelings associated with
opening your heart.
4ven though # am able to send "ove virtually anywhere, like while riding a bus or driving in a
car, # still spend ,. to 1( minutes each day where # lie down and totally focus on opening my
heart and radiating "ove. This seems to dramatically increase my ability every time.
There are many books on the market about rela2ing and calming the mind so # won/t go into it
in too much detail. #f you find it is easier for you to rela2 by listening to perhaps a meditation
tape or some very rela2ing and soothing music, that seems to work very well and it won/t
interfere with your ability to open your heart.
0ere/s what # do whether #/m lying down or sitting. 3irst # totally rela2 my body by making
sure every muscle in my body is rela2ed, even my face muscles. # do this by pretending that
#/m going to sleep and # tell my body that we are going to have a nap. # let my body go to sleep
while # clear my mind of all thoughts. The way # clear my mind is much the same way as the
instructions for moving forward in time. # imagine that my mind is connected to the larger part
of me. #t doesn/t matter what you call this part, ust connect to it and let all your concerns and
other thoughts slip away. # do this by what # call inner listening. # put all my focus and
attention on hearing that larger part of myself. After that it/s ust a matter of focusing my
mind on opening my heart and sending "ove, whatever it is # choose to do.
#f you have a serious problem with keeping your mind from drifting with various thoughts that
keep coming up, # imagine an e2tremely bright beam of light coming down into the top of my
head. #t reaches directly into the middle of my brain, and then e2pands from there. This seems
to completely clear out all other thoughts.
3or ma2imum results, your body needs to be totally rela2ed and even asleep, and your mind
needs to be clear of everything e2cept that which you want to achieve. After a bit of practice
you will be able to open your heart and send "ove anytime, but # have found in the long run
that # get ma2imum results when # lie down and let my body go to sleep while my mind stays
awake but focused.
!o there it is. #t/s simple. !ometimes people tell me that they don/t have an e2tra twenty
minutes a day for this. # can understand that because they seem to be spending most of their
day trying to straighten out all the crap that seems to happen to them. # wonder why so much
crap happens to them while my days go by like a lucky charm? 8aybe it/s that twenty minutes
# spend every day sending "ove. What do you think?
Opening your Heart, Filling and Surrounding Yourself with
&pening our hearts, filling and surrounding ourselves with "ove is so easy to do that you/ll
think it couldn/t possibly work, but it does work and it is a very natural occurrence. # pretend
there is a valve near my heart in the center of the upper part of my chest. When we fall in
"ove with someone, this imaginary valve opens, and in a manner of speaking most of the "ove
we feel comes from us. We also become radiant with "ove and as we connect more with the
other person we have fallen in "ove with, we begin to receive their "ove and also send ours to
them. As we fall in "ove, this other person becomes the trigger mechanism that opens this
valve and allows the "ove to flow, but in time the things that this person does or says that
opened our hearts slowly stops working. That is why sometimes the "ove that we felt at the
beginning seems to slowly dissipate. As you can imagine, this causes a lot of problems in a
relationship. 8any times it causes it to end, at which point our hearts begin to close even more,
and that is where the largest part of the pain that we feel comes from. As our hearts close it
becomes more and more painful. But we have the ability to open our hearts on our own. We do
not need to feel the pain that is caused by our hearts closing. We can continuously open our
hearts more each day and we can send this "ove to each other so that as the days and years go
by, we e2perience more and more "ove. There is no limit to the amount of "ove we can feel,
have, and e2perience. 8any people have told me that as a relationship develops that there is a
point where it becomes comfortable and safe. And # agree with that. They have reached an
acceptable amount of "ove...less than they had at a certain point in their relationship, but more
than they had before. But why limit it to that? Why not keep growing further in "ove and
allowing more "ove to grow? 4veryone dreams of e2periencing more "ove even if they have
been in a very good relationship for 6uite some time. #t is natural for us to want to grow and to
e2perience more "ove each day. And the really beautiful thing about our ability to open our
own heart is that we do not need to wait for a relationship so that we can feel and be radiant
with "ove. #t/s ust a matter of deciding what we really want. Are we totally satisfied with the
amount of "ove we have or do we want more "ove? Why not, it/s there inside us and it/s free=
Where there/s an abundance of "ove there cannot be pain, anguish, hurt, angers or hate. +one
of these things can survive in "ove. #f you have any problems with these other things it/s ust a
matter of opening your heart and filling yourself with "ove, and those things will disappear
very 6uickly.
The instructions that follow are very simple, and it/s not important for you to follow them one
hundred percent. What is important is that your mind is clear and focused on opening your
heart, and that your intentions are there. As you begin to play with this e2ercise in opening
your heart, allow it to change to whatever works best for you on that particular day. This
e2ercise is designed to get you started. "et it grow and become you. #f you want, you can
record the instructions on a tape with some background music and ust lie back and follow
your own instructions. This actually works very well.
!o ust rela2, have fun, and keep your pants on because you/re not going to believe the things
you are going to e2perience. #t/s going to be one beautiful ride.
This is how # do it. # lie down because # prefer that to sitting up, but if # don/t have the
opportunity to lie down #/ll do it sitting up or even standing. # begin to rela2 my body by
simply letting it go.
+e2t, let go of all thoughts and any concerns you have about things that you need to do today.
!ometimes # pretend that the world doesn/t e2ist and # tell myself that # refuse to think about
anything that is beyond my physical body.
Breathing properly is also helpful. # breathe very slowly but deeply, taking large slow breaths.
This slows down my stray thoughts, and very 6uickly tends to bring about a calming effect
throughout my body.
@ontinue breathing slowly and deeply. Bring your consciousness inside your body. #magine
that you are trying to listen to your inner self or soul Gwhatever you prefer to call itH. "isten
with all your attention7 focus on listening and hearing what your inner self might be saying to
you. "isten to the 6uiet, the peace that is inside you. @ontinue to do this for as long as you
+ow imagine that there is a very bright light in the center of your chest like a very large
brilliant diamond glowing as bright as the sun. 5se your imagination any way you like. !ee
this glowing light as "ove. You can see it as sparkles or a golden light, whatever you choose.
%ust focus on the fact that it is "ove. +ow allow this "ove that is glowing from your heart to
become brighter and larger. 5se your inner senses to increase the si*e and bring it out and
beyond your body so that you are becoming a small sun glowing and radiating with "ove. 3eel
yourself being filled with "ove, as you become more radiant. +otice how every cell in your
body is absorbing this "ove and becoming radiant with "ove. 3eel this "ove, feel how you are
now surrounded and radiant with "ove. +otice how your hands and feet are radiating with
"ove. You are glowing with "ove. As you breathe in, you can feel your lungs filling with "ove
and even more "ove circulating through your body. @ontinue to feel this as much as possible.
#n your imagination, see how radiant you have become with "ove. !ee how everything that you
touch receives this "ove. Anyone who comes near you receives the "ove that you radiate.
@ontinue to see and feel yourself becoming even more radiant, constantly increasing the "ove
each time you breathe, becoming brighter and more radiant with "ove each breath. 3eel the
oy that is bubbling up from inside you. 3eel how you are filled with oy, feel how loved you
are. As you become more and more radiant, you are becoming magnetic and drawing more
"ove to you, attracting people happiness and oy. You are becoming magnetic and drawing
good, oyful, and loving things towards you. #n your mind/s eye see how everyone who comes
close to you receives the "ove you are radiating. You are so filled with "ove that you are
radiating "ove into the world. @ontinue to increase the sensation and feelings of "ove. You
may notice warmth in your chest area, or a feeling of pressure or pain. This is all right. #t is
because your heart is opening. $eep breathing slowly and deeply, opening to your heart even
more. Become even more radiant with "ove, filling your entire body and mind with "ove.
+otice how your thoughts are changing. +otice how you are becoming more loving and
understanding as you are becoming "ove.
!tay there as long as you want. You can do this as many times a day as you like. The more you
do this, the more radiant with "ove you will become and the more "ove and oy and good
things you will attract to yourself. ;eople and animals will want to be near you. Allow them
this, for they are searching for more "ove and as you become more radiant with "ove they
receive "ove from you. #t is a gift beyond words.
+ow you can send its "ove to other people or fill your home or your work area with "ove. The
list is endless. #f it comes to your mind, send it "ove. #t/s that simple. You have an endless
supply of "ove. You cannot ever run out.
Sending Love to eople
When you want to send "ove to a "over, friends, co workers, or anyone, first you need to open
your heart and become radiant with "ove, as described in the A&pening Your 0eartB e2ercise.
There are different ways you can send "ove to other people7 each of which has a tendency to
give different results. 5nfortunately it would take an entire book for me to list all the
possibilities that # have seen and e2perienced, so that is something you will need to discover for
yourself. # will e2plain some of the possibilities.
When you send "ove to another person, it/s best when we e2pect nothing in return but are ust
giving a gift of unconditional "ove. #t/s usually best if you send the "ove totally
unconditionally7 in other words, letting the other person decide in what manner it is best used.
Because we are more than our conscious mind, that larger part of ourselves will direct the "ove
into whatever area it is most needed in the present moment. #t is, however, possible to send
"ove and put a small stipulation with it, as when someone is very ill and you are sending "ove
to assist their healing. !till in my e2perience, ninety percent of the time # have found that it is
best ust to send them "ove because sometimes their illness can actually do them more good in
the long run than a 6uick recovery. !ometimes if someone is ill, # will send them "ove in
various ways, one being unconditional, and also at a separate time send them "ove to assist
their healing. # do this only if it feels right at the time. When your heart is open and you are
radiant with "ove, 6uietly ask which way would be best for this person at this time. You will
always receive an answer, most likely as a feeling. #f it feels right, do it.
0ere are a few different ways that you can send "ove. # assume you will know which one will
be the correct one at a given time for this particular person.
,. We can send "ove and surround the person with "ove, filling with "ove the room that this
person might be in. This works e2tremely well in many different circumstances, such as a
party that is not going very well. !imply surround everyone with "ove and you/ll find that
the entire mood will change very 6uickly. This also works well in meetings or ob
interviews, or even a get)together with a friend. #t/s like draping them with a warm blanket
of "ove. And who would say no to that. This also works e2tremely well if you happen to
be with a person who is very nervous or agitated or irritated. You will find that they will
calm down considerably and very 6uickly. #n case you/re thinking this has anything to do
with control, "ove has nothing to with control. This is a lot like giving someone a hug, but
it/s a hundred times more beneficial.
1. We can send "ove directly into the person and filling them with "ove, and also send "ove
to a particular area in their body that they are having some problems with. #f you are
doing this, imagine the "ove going into this particular area in the body and totally filling
each cell with "ove until they begin to glow and radiate "ove. Then visuali*e whatever
ailment they have leaving the body. You can visuali*e this any way you like. #t is your
intent to send "ove that brings it about. Disuali*ing it is only the method to engage your
'. We can send "ove directly to a person/s heart. This will assist that person in opening their
heart and allows the "ove to flow into them from their own heart center. This works
e2tremely well if someone has recently ended a relationship or is going through a life crisis
and is e2periencing a lot of pain. This works e2tremely well under those circumstances
because one of the main reasons they are feeling this pain is because their heart has begun
to close. There is nothing more painful.
L. We can also send "ove directly to another person/s heart in order to connect more closely
with them, such as with your mate or lover. You will find that this creates a very close
connection and even allows you to be with that person despite the fact that they may be far
away. #f two people agree to do this with each other, it can become one of the most
beautiful and loving e2periences you might ever have. #t creates an incredible bond
between two people and at the same time you will still be an individual. This sounds like an
incredible combination, but it works. And it/s beautiful because you will never feel alone,
providing both of you agree to this. Timing is not important. "ove works beyond time so
even if you send your mate "ove in the morning and your mate did not do it until the
evening, the connection will be e2actly the same as if you had done it at e2actly the same
time. #t doesn/t really matter how this works. What is important is that it does, and that
the results are beautiful.
&pen your heart and fill and surround yourself with "ove. Then imagine a beam of "ove
coming from that glowing heart center in your chest, moving upwards to your mind and head
center. +ow see a beautiful golden beam of "ove going from your eyes directly to the eyes of
your mate or "over. @ontinue with this and at the same time see another beautiful golden beam
of "ove coming from your heart and going directly to your mate or lover/s heart. Be still and
continue this for as long as you like. You can also do this at any time of the day and as many
times as you like. >emember that "ove is unconditional and there are no controlling factors
involved here what so ever. When your lover or mate does the same, the connection will be
complete even though it is not necessarily done at the same moment. The more you do this the
closer you will be connected. #/ll let you discover the magic of that, but don/t be too surprised
if you begin to know what he or she is about to say even before they say it.
!o there it is. #/m sure that many of you will discover new things and new ways of sending
"ove. That/s the oy of it. When your heart is open and you are filled and radiant with "ove,
you will know e2actly what to do. %ust follow that inner guidance and trust that "ove is
capable of working its own miracles. All we need to do is give a little.
When # first started with all of this, # used to see "ove as a golden sparkling light and # would
imagine seeing it go e2actly where # was sending it. #t doesn/t matter how you see "ove in
your minds eye, only that you have the intention to send "ove. #/ve slowly discovered that
using my imagination sends a message to some larger part of myself, which then initiates the
process of opening my heart and sending "ove. But the bottom line is always the sameF it
works. When you feel that you have sent enough "ove, stop and continue some other time.
You cannot hurt anyone by sending "ove, so there is really no reason to be afraid. 0ave fun=
Sending Love to your !hildren
# have a child of my own and one of the things that # have learned is that children can be very
rewarding but also they can give you challenges that can really boggle the mind. And if you
have any buttons, they will push them until something breaks= That is ust their nature. The
challenge can be 6uite frustrating sometimes. !o in this area #/ve decided to go into it in more
detail because they are our future and our life. #f you have children, learning to fill yourself
with "ove and to send them "ove will be one the biggest blessings of your life. # know that/s a
big statement, but #/ve been there and #/ve seen the results.
Around 4aster ,--K, my son came back to live with me. 4verything was going very smoothly,
which is saying 6uite a lot considering he was a teenager. # was spending a lot of my time
working on different probabilities and shifting around in those probabilities, and with moving
forward and backward in time. This took an enormous amount of effort so # wasn/t working
much with "ove then. # was spending very little time sending "ove to my son, which turned out
not to be the most productive decision #/ve ever made. But it turned out to be 6uite a learning
The only disagreement we basically had was what time he should come home in the evening.
This turned into a daily disagreement, and finally it heated up to a very short argument, when
my son in his infinite wisdom decided to run away from home to make his point.
# decided to ust let it be because # wasn/t worried about him because # was able to go where he
was, using the same method as # used with >udy, our dog. This worked e2tremely well.
5nfortunately my e2)wife went into a panic and decided to visit and brought her sister with her.
!ometimes the best intentions can do more damage than not, but nevertheless after a few days
of running around trying to catch up with my son they reluctantly decided to go home and
hoped that he would come back on his own.
# had not told them about my e2periences or my work with "ove. While they were there # was
not able to do the things that # wanted to do. After they left # immediately began sending my
son massive amounts of "ove. # found one of his friends and gave her an envelope with some
money in it, along with a note that said it was fine for him to come home at any time. Then #
got on my imaginary train and traveled to where he was and began speaking with that larger
part of him. # listened allot, too. "istening was probably the most important part because #
began to understand what was going on inside him. # told his larger part that # could give him
the freedom that he wanted, but that he should come home as 6uickly as possible. That larger
part agreed. 3rom the moment # began sending "ove to him, he was home within thirty)si2
When he came home # rela2ed my rules about what time he needed to be home. Actually # left it
wide open. # have to admit that there was a part of me that was concerned but at the same time
there was also a part of me that knew everything would work out perfectly as long as #
continued to send him "ove.
As soon as my son headed out the door, # took ,. minutes to fill and surround him with as
much "ove as # could. Within forty)five days everything changed. 8y son/s behavior changed,
our relationship changed, the people he was hanging out with changed. #t was like # was
dealing with a totally different person. #t was ust incredible. #t also would take forever to
e2plain all the details, but you will see those results for yourself.
8y son wanted to hang out with a group of teenagers that # wasn/t very impressed with or very
concerned would be a better way to e2press it. As # began surrounding him with "ove, that all
changed. They reected him even though they would talk to him on the phone and would tell
him where they would meet, but when they physically saw him there they would leave him
behind. #t took me a while to figure out all the details about e2actly what happened. When a
person is filled and surrounded with "ove we vibrate at a different level than someone who is
unhappy or angry at the world. We do not match. "ook at it from the perspective of the other
kids. When he was talking to them on the phone everything was fine because he spoke the
same language as they did, but when they met in person, he would be standing there radiating
and glowing with "ove, and even though consciously they did not see it, they felt it. They
would not match and nor would they want him along on their travels.
This caused a bit of confusion for my son because he did not want to be in the goody two shoes
crowd but was reected by the bad boys. At least he was never again in any trouble and things
seem to click for him very well. "ove is magnetic and so he attracts people to him very easily
and people tend to like him very 6uickly. !omething that you may also notice is that when you
are filled and surrounded with "ove people tend to treat you with a lot more respect and
kindness, which is how things seem to work for him now.
To send "ove to your children, ust follow the same steps as in opening your heart and sending
"ove to other people. You can also connect to your children using the instructions on how to
connect with your mate or lover.
9oing where your children are and speaking and listening to that larger part of them is fairly
easy to do. #t does take a little bit of practice, but everyone can do it. # have made some
changes in this over the years. You can take the instructions and record them on a tape, which
you can listen to while taking that ourney. You can also use this for many other thingsF for
instance, if you want to visit your mate, even if they are out of the country. You can also use
this to speak to another person/s larger part and very easily solve an argument or a
misunderstanding. >emember that listening is more important than e2pressing your point of
view. #f you remember that, you will do ust fine with it. #f you are concerned about privacy,
give it up. There is no such thing. #t is nothing but an illusion. Think about that and you/ll see
what # mean. #f you/re doing things that other people shouldn/t find out about, it would be best
if you take a second look at those actions, and be prepared to accept the conse6uences. #f there
is "ove in your heart you have nothing to hide or be afraid of.
By the way, various governments have been using this method for spying for 6uite a number of
years, and it/s not even a secret. You can go to any library and look up the information.
To start, follow your normal rela2ation e2ercise and then open your heart, making yourself as
radiant with "ove as possible.
+ow imagine that you are inside a bubble of "ove. !ee and feel this as clearly as possible. "et
the world drift away. Begin to think about the person that you want to visit. :on/t concern
yourself where they might be. Think about them and with your mind, feel your bubble of "ove
beginning to travel to wherever they are. Your bubble of "ove is moving faster and faster.
Trust that it will take you where you want to go. Your bubble of "ove begins to slow down
and as it comes to a stop, the bubble disappears, but you are still radiant and surrounded by
"ove. 5se your imagination to see the person that you have come to visit. #gnore the
surroundings. "et them come on their own. 3ocus only on the person. #s she or he sitting or
standing or lying down? +ow imagine a beam of beautiful golden "ove coming from your
heart going directly to their heart, filling and surrounding them with "ove, and see "ove
coming from your heart center into your mind and from your eyes traveling to theirs. Ask a
6uestion if you like, or ask them to speak with you and listen. "isten with all your focus but
do not strain. 3eel the information flowing into you as thoughts, ideas, and feelings. 4ach time
you do this you will be able to hear and understand more clearly.
@ontinue for as long as you feel comfortable.
When you are done speaking and listening, look at the surroundings. Where are you? What do
you see, feel, and sense? Absorb the surroundings7 sense them as much as possible. :o this
for as long as you like.
When you are ready to return, surround yourself again with a bubble of "ove and feel it
returning to your present place and time. When you are back, wake up very slowly. #f you
need to, write down everything you felt, heard, and saw. 0ave fun=
#f you are recording this on a tape, make sure to stretch it out for at least 1( minutes, not
counting your rela2ation time, and filling and surrounding yourself with "ove. # have found
that it works best for me after #/ve gone for a long walk or have done some physical e2ercise.
#t/s e2tremely important to allow your body to go to sleep so that all your focus is on what you
are trying to do, see, and hear with your inner senses.
Filling your ho"e with Love
At least four to five times a week, # take five e2tra minutes when #/m working with "ove to fill
my home with "ove. #t changes the whole atmosphere of the place and creates a very peaceful
and rela2ing environment. #t seems to remove the normal nervous energy that is in the air,
especially in a city. As soon as you walk out my door and off my property you can
immediately tell there is a difference. # have yet to have someone visit and not have them
mention at some time how peaceful and rela2ing it feels. This is not the house or the furniture.
When you come to visit, you are literally surrounded and engulfed with "ove. 4ven people
who tend to be on the nervous side sit down and calmness seems to come over them.
You can do this no matter where you live, whether it/s a house, condo, apartment, tent, cave, or
a sleeping bag7 it doesn/t matter.
#t/s very easy to do. Before you finish sending or working with "ove, imagine that there is a
giant valve in your heart that is being cranked open and a massive amount of "ove is flowing
out. Disuali*e this "ove going everywhere, filling your home and property with "ove. Disuali*e
every corner of every room and everything that you have being saturated with "ove so that the
air is thick with "ove. That/s it, it/s that simple.
Filling your wor# with Love
This can really be very interesting and a lot of fun. 5se your imagination on the different
things you can do. 3or instance, you can fill your work area with "ove ust the same way you
would fill your home with "ove. You do not need to be at work to do this. You can do any of
these things from anywhere.
#/ve had lots of fun with this and have had some fascinating e2periences. The most important
thing is to open your heart and make yourself radiant. Then you can send "ove to all the people
you work with, surrounding them with "ove. You can send "ove to your customers. You can
fill the entire business with "ove. You can also fill the products you sell with "ove. # could
easily write a whole book on the e2periences #/ve had with sending "ove to my work, but #/ll
ust let you see those results for yourself. 8aybe you/ll write that book. #t will definitely be a
book worth reading. They say money talks, but so does "ove, and it talks a lot louder. 0ave
fun. And you will, especially once you see how helpful you can be to other people ust by
sending them "ove. &ne warningF it might be best if you send "ove out beyond the area where
you work. &therwise, you may find it will become the local meeting area, and your boss might
not see that e2actly from the same perspective as you do.
Filling everything with Love
You can add "ove to anything you can do mentally or physically, or to anything you touch or
think about. There is no end to it. 0ere/s a bit of a list ust to get the uices flowing.
Writing a letter? 3ill it with "ove.
When going for a ob interview, why not send "ove first?
3ill your home with "ove.
3ill your friends with "ove.
!end "ove to your pets.
!end "ove to your plants.
!end "ove to your boss.
!end "ove to your mate.
3ill everything you have with "ove.
!end "ove to the animals in the world.
!end "ove to the forests, especially the ones that you are trying to protect.
!end "ove to the people that are trying to cut these forests down. You might be pleasantly
surprised with the results.
3ill and surround your town with "ove.
!end "ove into the world.
!end "ove to the leaders of various towns, cities, provinces and countries. Those results will
knock your socks off.
0elp other people by sending them "ove.
!end "ove to your children.
#f you are building, carving, painting, or selling something you/ll find it will be much more
appealing to others if it is radiant with "ove.
#f enough people send "ove into the world and to other people, peace would come about very
# could go on and on. #/m pretty confident that you get the picture.
$ Little %xtra Love in the &edroo"
#t/s always nice and very helpful when you have a partner who is willing to do these things
with you, but # know from past e2periences that this is not always the case. !o if that is the
situation you/re in, do it anyway for yourself because it will make a difference.
Before making "ove with someone it would really be helpful if you take a few minutes and
open your heart and become radiant with "ove. While you are making "ove, slow down and do
the e2ercise for connecting to your partner. @ontinue to open your heart and send "ove directly
into the other person/s heart. &ver time you will find that your intimacy level will go through
the roof, and you/ll feel more "ove than you have ever before. 4ven if your partner is not
interested, it will make a difference for you, and you may then notice some changes happening
to your partner.
!ometimes really loving someone deeply can be very frightening, but what is really frightening
is never e2periencing that deep inner "ove.
!reating 'hat You 'ant with Love
This is very easy to do and will work so perfectly that you/ll wonder what/s going on. 3ollow
the instructions about opening your heart and becoming radiant. #magine what it is you want to
create. !ee it in your mind and feel it in your emotions as if you all ready have it. Then send an
enormous amount of "ove into this scene. :o this every second day until it shows up in your
physical reality. !ome things will literally show up overnight and other things may take a little
longer, but when you get what you want it will be beyond what you e2pected and it really will
be with "ove. #n case you think this is too simple to work, # can make it more complicated for
you if that makes you feel better. The old story about Ano pain, no gainB is nothing but a pile
of crap, but if you prefer to believe that instead then so be it. And so it will be. #t took me
many years to learn that and #/m glad # finally got it through my thick skull.
Add to instructions !!" A#ril
You must understand that # am growing and learning all the time like everyone else. The instructions in
the book are a starting point. A place to start and grow from not the end result. #t will never end you will
be always shown a better way to send and create with love but you need to start somewhere. !ometimes
people want to ump ahead to the more advanced instructions and that is understandable but sending love
is like chewing gum you can give someone the basic instructions on how to chew gum and blow bubbles
but it is as individual a thing as are people and sending love is a very individual thing. #t is by nature a
very personal thing or it will become that if you start and give it time to develop into an art as individual
as you. !o then, how do you know if it is working and if you are doing it in a way that gives you the happy
results that you are longing for?
Your thoughts and feelings will tell you, when your thoughts are on what you love, you will feel good
because the love is flowing and your happy feelings are telling you so.
Your thoughts are most important for your thoughts are directing the flow of love and the flow of energy.
!o spending time opening the flow is perfect and will do much for you but then if you can keep your
thoughts on things that make you feel good you keep the flow going and it will increase. Always look for
and think of that which makes you happy, it does not matter if it is real or not. Your feelings are the
indicator whether or not love is still flowing through you. !o you do not try to control your thoughts but if
you feel yourself not feeling so happy then you know you need to switch your thoughts to something that
changes your feelings to something happy and the flow of love will continue to flow. !ometimes the fastest
way to get the flow going again is to appreciate something and it does not have to be real. You could ust
sit there and appreciate how wonderful it feels to be loved by everyone and respected by everyone and how
wonderful it feels to have an endless supply of dollars to e2perience all of the wonderful things life has to
#f you want something, feel what it would be like to have it and appreciate having it as if you already
have it. You will know when you are doing this the right way because you will feel good, happy, love and
e2citement, these feelings are telling you that you are sending and flowing love and that these things are
coming to you. #f you feel grouchy and unhappy then that is telling you that the flow has stopped and it is
because you are looking at something unhappy, like not having something you want.
!ending love is incredible but you must have a certain desire to direct your thoughts and keep them there
where the flow of love continues to flow no matter what else is happening. This will be e2plained in my
last book when the material is complete. Therefore, for the time being it is important that you turn away
from anything that brings you unhappy feelings and ust look at something happy until you have practiced
it more and it becomes your natural state to look at something happy. !o if someone is sad and it is
affecting you, change your thoughts to a time when they where laughing and happy and think of that time
and even make it up, then your feelings will change to happy and what does that tell you? #t tells you that
you are now flowing love to you and to them.
!pending your time appreciating and making things up to appreciate if you are doing it with enough
desire you will become so happy that you wonNt care if it is real or not7 but in time real it will become.
42pect it but do not look for it, ust keep appreciating anything you can think of, spend your free time
looking for things that you can pretend you have and appreciate that you have them. #f you feel happy you
are flowing love and if you are not feeling happy then you are most likely looking at what you donNt have
and your unhappy feeling is telling you that either your flow of love has stopped or is now flowing to
something that you do not want. As an e2ample if you look at a lack of money you then will feel sad, that
is telling you that the flow of love has either slowed down or is now creating a lack of money for you. 3or
a lack of money to love is not negative, it is ust an e2perience and you have chosen it by your attention to
it. !end a flow of love and energy to it and love must create it for you for the law of the universe is
freedom and you are free to create what you want for yourself. You cannot create this for another but only
for yourself so instead open and flow love and think of what it is like to have, endless supply of dollars it
does not matter where they come from, only the wonderful feeling you get from it mater for thay are teling
you that you are flowing love. #f it feels so good and happy to you and the GfeelingH appreciating for
having it is there, and it feels good then that tells you love is already creating it for you. You will find that
this will take alot of practice and you will need to want to be happy more then anything else. The more
you do this the better your life will get and best of all everyone around you will get the benefit also because
the love will be flowing from you.
#f something sad happens, remember that feeling sad does not do any good if you have not enough money
then feeling that serves no value at all and you might as well think about the opposite and make yourself
happy by feeling what it is like to have an endless supply of dollars. The love will flow through you and it
will be created for you. >emember feeling it is most important you can visuali*e it but its your feelings
that will tell you whether what you are visuali*ing is what you want or what you donNt want for when it
makes you happy love is flowing and it tells you love is creating happy things for you and for everyone
near you.
!omeone said to me how can # appreciate and be happy when someone ust blew up my house?
#t is not easy but if you would like another house and to never have that happen again then you have only
one choice, and what is that? # ust e2plained it to you so make your choice, think of what is and feel sad
and create more of it or think of what you want and pretend and appreciate having it so much that it
makes you feel happy. The love will flow and you will have it for it is the law of the universe for love will
flow, the desire will grow and you are free to grow what you want. "ove will not create a negative for
someone else but by the law of the creator, it will give you what you want by your feeling attention
sending love to it. Therefore, if you would like a broken leg so that you donNt have to go to work that will
be done.
&f course you could have sent love by appreciating a happy good paying ob and had that instead. You
can send love to another and good things and only good things will be created for them but that does not
mean they will accept them, they still have a choice. "ove will give them what they want not what you
want to give them nor what you think they should have but what they want. !ee sending love is a beautiful
thing and if you can dedicate yourself to doing it your life will be as beautiful as a fairytale tale and if you
do it right it will feel that way even before it has a chance to physically come about.
Disuali*ing is the reason to open the flow of love but its your feelings that will open the valve. Disuali*ing
on its on will not create much it is a tool we use to engage the good feelings and the flow of love. The
good feelings tell us that we are flowing love to what we truly want because we are looking at what we
want physically or mentally with visuali*ing. Disuali*e something you want right now and appreciate
having it even though you do not. #f it is making you happy you are flowing love and it is coming to you7
how happy are you feeling? That is how you can tell how big the flow of love is.
If (o think for one moment this does not take alot of practice "alot of
practice$ then (or kidding (orself* +hen (o reall( get the hang of it,
(o will be so ama-ed* .o won/t want to stop doing it*

Most Asked *uestions+
#h" was this information hidden+ Some people are obsessed #ith po#er and some are a,raid o, it. That
made it easy to hide. Those that are a,raid, are so be$ase they tend to believe that po#er $orrpts. I do
agree it is #hat happens many times bt not i, the very thing that yo are sing is Love. Love serves to
the best o, all $on$erned. It also does not allo# anyone to $ontrol anyone else and at the same time it
releases those that are being $ontrolled and maniplated by others. I, yo #anted to be in $harge and in
$ontrol o, others this in,ormation is the last thing yo #old #ant those people to "no#. )either is it
going to be o, se to yo in that #ay. 5st loo" at #ho has been in $harge over the $entries and #hat
they have done #ith their athority. That3s #hy it #as hidden, bt #e #ith or ,ears, #e help. We are
al#ays a,raid that someone #ill have something #e don3t have and it is ,ear that $ases s to $lose or
eyes to the very thing that #ill set s ,ree. I, yo ta"e some time to thin" abot it yo #ill ,ind the reasons
,or yorsel,. The point is that it does not matter anymore, the in,ormation is here and itDs not going to be
hidden anymore. &r ne# te$hnology has $reated very ,ast and e,,i$ient in,ormation trans,er that has
be$ome nstoppable, nli"e in the past.
&ne more #ord! I stated that yo $old $hange someone3s a$tions by sending and ,illing him or her #ith
Love bt that is not $ontrolling them. It is simply ,illing them #ith the Love that they are la$"ing and in so
doing they #ill ma"e di,,erent and more loving de$isions. Also their a$tions #ill $ome ,rom Love rather
than ,rom ,ear, greed and anger, #hi$h is #here a lot o, leaders de$isions, are $oming ,rom. )ot only
leaders bt also every day people li"e s. Love $hanges them not yo! 2t yo are the one that gives
them that Love ,or the $hange to o$$r. &n$e yo see ho# #ell this #or"s yo #ill nderstand #hy it #as
hidden and ho#.
,s the %ook true or is it from "our imagination+ The boo" is tre. Things happen as I e(plained them. I
did not e(aggerate in order to #rite abot it bt I did leave some things ot in order to ma"e it
nderstandable. I have had some e(perien$es that go slightly beyond #hat might be believable and ,elt
that it #as best to leave them ot at the present. It #old also have made this boo" to di,,i$lt to
nderstand be$ase so many things #ere happening at the same time. The rest o, the story yo3ll ,ind in
my ne(t boo". A,ter yo read boo" E yo #ill nderstand #hy some things needed to be le,t ot in the ,irst
boo". I, yo li"ed this one the ne(t one #ill really ma"e the hairs on yor ba$" stand at attention. &r i,
yo don3t have any yo 4st might, by the time yor ,inished. 5st thin"ing ba$" gives me goose bmps.

-ow does 'ove affect those that would do harm to others+ Love is an energy that sstains all that
there is in$lding s. Imagine there is a valve in yor body that spplies yo #ith Love. As this valve
$loses it be$omes very pain,l. It is something that #e have be$ome so se to that #e don3t even "no# it.
2t this inner pain is so great that it trns s into people #e do not even #ant to be. Those that do things
that #e $onsider bad or hrt,l to others their hearts or that valve is very $losed only letting enogh in to
barely srvive. It is so pain,l that they do not have any or very little ,eeling to#ards others or the
environment arond them. Its li"e having a heada$he ,or so long that yo don3t even "no# that it is there
anymore and do not reali>e ho# it is holding yo ba$". It 4st be$omes normal. 2t it is not. This la$" o,
Love #ill do many things to people and the e,,e$ts are #ide spread ,rom illness to hate and all things in-
bet#een. This is #here "no#ing ho# to open that valve and "no#ing ho# to send Love $omes in. Sending
and ,illing those people #ith Love #ill $ase them to $hange right in ,ront o, yor eyes. Even i, they are
on the other side o, the #orld, distan$e does not matter. Yo #ill also ,ind that by opening this valve
inside o, yo that yo #ill not attra$t hrt,l people into yor li,e, they #ill literally #al" arond yo as i,
yo don3t e(ist. There #ill still be $hallenges, #hi$h are part o, li,e.
Are there an" side effects to opening that inner valve that opens the 'ove inside of us+ The only one
that I have $ome a$ross is that i, yo have been $arrying a lot o, anger and negative ,eeling #ith yo.
This is #hat I have e(perien$ed ,or mysel,. At ,irst it #ill ,eel so #onder,l that it is impossible to
des$ribe, then $omes #hat I $all a ,lshing o, old st,,. So #hat I am saying, is that there #ill $ome some
old ,eeling to the sr,a$e that has been pshed do#n bt this #ill pass <i$"ly i, yo 4st "eep going.
Then $omes something even more beati,l, #hi$h even no# pts tears in my eyes ,rom the Love and
,reedom I ,eel. Some people ,eel that I am sti$"ing my ne$" ot saying things li"e this bt I "no# IDm right
and soon yo #ill see it ,or yorsel,.
#h" "ou+ #h" not someone that is a writer or someone alread" in the pu%lics e"e+ , don.t mean this
as an offense /ust that "ou have come out of nowhere with the most ama0ing information of this
centur"1 I don3t ta"e that as an o,,en$e I have as"ed the same <estion a thosand times mysel,. I have
no ans#er other than I have a reptation ,or sti$"ing my nose in pla$es it seemingly does not belong. 2t
,ran"ly my dear I 4st don3t give a hoot anymore. 0ope yo don3t ta"e that as an o,,en$e.
Are "ou still pla"ing the lotter"+ @ery very seldom. I have ,ond m$h more interesting things to do #ith
#or"ing #ith Love. There is the odd time I by a ti$"et bt it is either a,ter I have had a dream abot
nmbers or 4st ,or the ,n o, it, i, the moment stri"es me.
Sometimes when , send 'ove an overwhelming feeling of 'ove comes over me( %ut other times , feel
ver" little1 #h" is that+ Why is that? I don3t "no#! It happens to me to. I hope yo did not e(pe$t me to
"no# everything. I do "no# that it still #or"s even i, #e don3t ,eel it happening.
I #onder abot tomorro#.
2t then,
That #as yesterday,
&r #as it the day be,ore?
So #hat abot tomorro#?
&h, ,orget it! My Love,
Let3s 4st ,all in Love again todayA
6t is my stron* su**estion that you read a boo4 called +,hin4 and
:ro5 0ich; by $apoleon <ill 5ritten in !="0> yes it is about money
but if you loo4 and read it carefully you 5ill see that the principals
5ill apply to all thin*s, #ove, Peace, -oney and so on. Put the
principles of sendin* love to*ether 5ith $apoleon <ills principles
to*ether and you have an unstoppable 5innin* combination. For the
la5 of the universe is simple> if you can ima*ine it then so can it be,
and if you are determined for 5hat ma4es your heart sin* then so it
5ill be.
-y boo4s 6 *ive a5ay happily as my part. /lthou*h costly in time and
money, it is a labor of love. 6f this boo4 is of value to you then see if
there is somethin* you 5ould li4e to do, there are many options you
can choose. ?ou could donate time or money> even one dollar helps to
cover some of the costs. /nother option is you can tell your friends>
that 5ould help in cuttin* do5n my advertisin* costs. ?ou could if you
are so inclined> 5rite an article on the boo4s and 5here to *et them
and submit it to a local ne5 a*e ma*a@ine> or even ta4e out a small ad
in one of the ma*a@ines.
,he more people see this information and put it to 5or4 for them the
better it *ets, not Aust for them> but also for every one around them.
,his 5as my *ift to you 5hat you do no5 is up to you. 6t is your life
and your 5orld.
Choose that 5ith brin*s you Aoy.
/ll my love to you
2laus 3 3oehle
o that is it for no5. ,han4s for readin* and 6 hope you have
enAoyed it. 6 also hope that the information 5ill ma4e your dreams
come true.
,han4 you for purchasin* this boo4 you 5ill Bnd our current email
address if you visit our 5ebsite at
)laus & &oehle
2o 3o4 5675
Station A
Nanaimo( 3C Canada( 89$:;<;
It/s a lot of work, isn/t it0 +ell, that/s the part of life that
reall( scks sometimes* 1nless (o Love what (o do or 2nd
a wa( to do what (o Love3
E)mail addresses do change so look at the web page for the
newest one*
6 hope that you enAoy the boo4
and if you 5ould li4e to ad it to your collection some time you can
order on line from
Er from your favorite boo4store.
67$ 0'5=5'!(2&('8
,han4 youF
/ll my love
2laus 3oehle
!omments "rom #eaders
&i *laus1
I read your book I could not put it down until it was finished. I liked it very much and would %ive it
five stars out of five. Thank you for takin% the time out of your life to write it.
2. (.
+ear *laus3
I am readin% your book ri%ht now and thorou%hly en#oyin% it. I $ove your writin% style. It is so honest
and sincere. 4our $ove and deep respect for people clearly comes across in your writin%. I like your
sense of humor. &umor is important to me as is perspective.
+. +.
I5ve read your book today and I am so moved. I missed the directions to +anny about how to send
$ove1 but I5m not to the end yet. 'ow6 )nyway1 I am so moved.
+ear *laus3 I #ust had to tell you I recently read your book...I cried and lau%hed all the way throu%h66
My $ove and blessin%s to you and yours1
*laus1 It is a pleasure that you and your e7periences have entered my life. I #ust finished your book
and am on the e7ercises at the end. 'hat a life chan%in% e7perience. T&I( is the missin% link. That
abundance of $ove1 now I know that Thanks. This book is an absolute necessity to %et out to people.
I #ust read your Book 8$ivin% on $ove8. I loved it. It rin%s very true for me.

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