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COMSATS TiE4Youth Club Newsletter (April-May)

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The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Lahore Chapter.

COMSATS Institute of Informational Technology, Lahore.

April May,

Editorial Board
Shanza Haider
Nabeel Azeez Zia
Adeel Ahmed Khan


You Were Born With Wings, Why Prefer to Crawl Through Life?

1. An Introduction of TiE4Youth Club.
2. MoU Signing Ceremony B/W COMSATS and TiE Lahore.
3. TiE4Youth Membership Drive.
4. Participation in Workshop on Modern Day Manpower Needs and Expectations.
5. Interview sessions for Executive Board Selection.
6. Appointment of Mentor.
7. Seminar on Why to be an Entrepreneur? by Dr. Faisal Khokar.
8. Business Plan Writing Workshop by Coffee Shop Gurus.
9. TiE4Youth Club Facebook Page.
10. TiE4Youth Club Future Activities.
The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it.
Peter Ducker




Lahore Chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) in an effort of
pursuing its mission of promoting conscious entrepreneurship has
launched its first TiE4Youth Club in COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology, Lahore. The purpose of TiE4Youth
Club is to spread the seeds of conscious entrepreneurship among
students by changing their mind-sets and thus nurturing them for
becoming future leaders. TiE through its TiE4Youth Club wants
to act as a catalyst for changing the attitudes of the students who
prefer seeking job after graduation towards starting their own
venture through raising students awareness of self-employment
as a career option.

TiE4Youth Club acts as bridge for the students by providing them
with an opportunity to interact with the successful entrepreneurs
and business leaders thus helping them to learn the skills required
for becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Apart from this the club
also provides the students with an opportunity to improve
personal qualities like creativity, spirit of initiative, responsibility,
capacity of confronting risks and independence.


The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful
entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals with roots in the Indus region.
There are currently over 13,000 members and more than 2,500 charter members in 61 chapters
across 17 countries. TiEs mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring,
networking, and education. Dedicated to the virtuous cycle of wealth creation and giving back
to the community, TiEs focus is on generating and nurturing our next generation of




APRIL, 2013.

With an aim of promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship among the
students an MoU for establishing TiE4Youth Club in COMSATS
Lahore was signed between COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology Lahore and TiE Lahore on 4th April 2013. The MoU
signing ceremony was attended by Dr. Abdus Sattar Abbasi (Head of
Management Sciences Department), Mr. Salim Ghauri (President TiE
Lahore), Dr. Faisal Khokhar (Executive Director Remington
Pharmaceuticals, Ms. Saira Ahmad (Executive Director TiE Lahore),
faculty members and students from various departments of CIIT
The ceremony started with an introduction of TiE-Lahore and details
about the governing structure of TiE4Youth Club were shared with
the audience. Mr. Salim Ghauri addressing at this moment shared the
importance of entrepreneurship and the need of turning towards this
emerging phenomena for economic prosperity of the country. He also
narrated his personal experience and told the audience how he started
from scratch and through untiring efforts turned NetSOL into one of
the most successful IT organization of Pakistan. After this Mr. Saleem
Ghauri conducted an interesting interactive session with students. The
event ended with the formal signing of MOU.

Dr. Abdus Sattar Abbasi, HoD MS Department CIIT
Lahore. & Mr. Salim Ghauri President TiE Lahore signing
the MoU

If you want to be an entrepreneur, its not a job, its a lifestyle. It defines you. Forget about vacations, about going home
at 6 pm last thing at night youll send emails, first thing in the morning youll read emails, and youll wake up in the
middle of the night. But its hugely rewarding as youre fulfilling something for yourself.
Niklas Zennstorm.

Delete text and place photo here.



COMSATS TiE4Youth Club organized its first membership drive
from 14
April to 20
April in COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology, Lahore. The purpose of this membership campaign was
to promote the club among the students and to motivate them to
become a part of this initiative. Registration Desks were set up and a
massive campus-wide campaign was launched to inform the students
about the objectives and working of the club through posters and
social media publicity. An information session was also organized for
clearing any doubts the students had regarding the role and purpose
of TiE4Youth Club in their future building. During the information
session students were also briefed about The Indus Entrepreneurs
(TiE) global network, structure and working and the commitment of
its Lahore Chapter in promotion of entrepreneurial spirits through
TiE4Youth Clubs.


Twenty Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Mark Twain


To win without risk is to triumph without glory.

A workshop titled Modern Day Manpower Needs & Expectations was conducted
under the banner of The Indus Entrepreneurs (Lahore Chapter) at NetSol
Technologies Ltd on April 20th, 2013. The agenda of the workshop was to create
awareness in the young generation who will become professionals in near future
about targeting the right jobs and considering relevant information in a proper way.
The dos and donts of creating a resume, addressing people correctly and
interviewing were also discussed by the speaker. A group of student members of
TiE4Youth Club represented the club both as volunteers and as attendees in this
event. The event was an excellent opportunity for our members to interact with the
senior HR executives and to learn their point of view regarding an efficient and
effective resume`.

The event attracted a good gathering of students from various universities of Lahore
namely Kinnaird College, FC College, Superior University, GC University and
Punjab University to name a few. Many prominent people attended the session
including HR official from various organizations, officials from Daily Nai Baat and
Manager Today. An interesting questions and answers session was followed by
networking with the audience.

Huma Khan - CEO The Excelencia, shared her experience and views about common
mistakes people do while applying for jobs. She mentioned that proper homework
needs to be done before applying for a specific job. How to go through the job
adverts before posting the resume. Remembering where the application was floated
and on top what position it was that you intend to apply for.

Participation in Workshop on Modern Day Manpower Needs and


Interview Sessions for Executive Board Selection

In order to select and short list candidates for the executive board
of TiE4Youth Club interviews were conducted on 17
April and
April, 2013. Thirty eight students from various departments of
CIIT, Lahore applied for the executive position. Faculty supervisor
Mr. Mansoor Ahmed and Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan (TiE4Youth
Founding member) conducted the interviews. The applicants were
judged on the basis of their resumes and performance during the
interviews. The recommendations were forwarded to The Indus
Entrepreneurs Lahore Executive Director and the successful
candidates were announced on 03
May, 2013. Currently ten
students are working as members of TiE4Youth executive board
and are responsible for planning and executing various activities of
the club.

Appointment of Mentor
As per TiE Lahores policy Dr. Faisal Khokar (Executive Director Remington
Pharmaceuticals and Charter Member TiE Lahore) has been appointed as the
mentor of COMSATS TiE4Youth Club. He holds PhD from Manchester
Business School, UK; MS from The Kennedy School of Govt., Harvard
University, USA & Degree in Business Administration and Management from
Graduate Business School of the University of Navarra, Barcelona Campus.

He is an experienced global leader having a diverse experience in Europe & Asia.
He has supported businesses in various established and emerging markets and has
delivered consistent results in global marketplace in the areas of Business
Intelligence, Sales Force Automation and HR Systems. Dr. Faisal Khokhar is/was
also a part of organizations like KOBEC Health Sciences, Lahore University of
Management Sciences, Government College University Lahore, Pakistan France
Business Alliance and The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry. As per
the policy of TiE Lahore the mentor is supposed to remain associated with the
TiE4Youth Club for the specified university and it is his responsibility to ensure
his availability for the club activities. Further he/she is also responsible for
providing mentoring to the club members when needed.


COMSATS TiE4Youth Club organized its 1st seminar titled Why to be an
Entrepreneur? on May 23rd, 2013. The purpose of this seminar was to
create awareness in the young generation who will become professionals in
near future about becoming entrepreneurs instead of seeking jobs. Dr.
Faisal Q. Khokar (Mentor TiE4Youth Club COMSATS and Executive
Director Remington Pharmaceuticals) was the guest speaker at this
occasion. He shared his personal experience about being an entrepreneur.
What difficulties he faced and what privileges he got as an entrepreneur. He
specifically described the advantages and disadvantages of being an
entrepreneur and convinced the students that all the disadvantages
mentioned in the presentation are also indirectly advantages for them. He
gave real life examples of successful entrepreneurs locally and
internationally and guided them to explore different fields for any kind of
The event attracted a good gathering of students from the university and
students showed keen interest in the presentation and discussion. An
interesting questions and answers session was followed by networking with
the audience.

Seminar on Why to Be an Entrepreneur? by Dr. Faisal Khokar.

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can
spend the rest of your life like most people cant.
Warren G. Tracys student.


Business Plan Writing Workshop and an Introductory Session with Coffee
Shop Gurus.
COMSATS TiE4Youth Club arranged Business Plan Writing workshop and an
introductory session with Coffee Shop Gurus on 27
May, 2013. Mr. Rohan
Emmanuel; CEO and Mr. Muhammad Asid; Director Corporate Relations of
Coffee Shop Gurus conducted the workshop. Budding entrepreneurs, fresh
graduates and students from COMSATS, University of Lahore and University of
Central Punjab attended the workshop.

The main purpose of this workshop was to equip the attendees with the skills of
writing an effective business plan that may appear appealing and attractive to the
investors. The event started with a brief introduction about Coffee Shop Gurus
including a succinct insight about how Coffee Shop Gurus works and how it
facilitates the up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

The introductory session was followed by business plan writing workshop in which
the participants were given a comprehensive and enlightening knowledge about
writing a successful business plan. Different sections of business plan including
executive summary, company summary, market segmentation, strategy and
implementation, and financial plan were discussed in detail with the participants.
Mr. Rohan also discussed with the participants the importance of market research
and the key points to be considered while writing a business plan with an intention
of earning investment. In order to make the workshop session more productive the
participants were divided into random groups and they were asked to think of a
business and to implement the points discussed for drafting a plan for their
business. This helped the attendees in getting a better understanding of the content
being delivered and to seek guidance from the Gurus where they felt the need. The
workshop ended with a brief question and answer session followed by photographs
with the participants and TiE4Youth Team.

One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on
themselves. You dont choose your passions; your passions choose you.
Jeff Bezos


TiE4Youth Club Facebook Page

In order to stay connected with the public and to ensure that
maximum students benefit from TiE4Youth initiative a
facebook page was launched at the inaugural of TiEYouth
Club. This official page currently is a source of communication
with the youth and keeps our audience updated with the
upcoming events and important announcements regarding the
club. Currently the page is being followed by 400+ people.
The Page can be accessed by visiting:

COMSATS TiE4Youth Club is just over 2 months old but since its inaugural we are
dedicated towards delivering our best. Through organizing various activities we are
committed towards introducing the mantra of entrepreneurship among the youth and to
act as a bridge between potential entrepreneurs and those who have achieved success in
their business ventures. Our future activities include:
Business Plan Competition.
Entrepreneurship Sessions (with Guest Speakers).
TiE4Youth Business Forums.
Entrepreneurship/Venture Bazaar (University level).
Participation in TiECON.
Annual Best TiE4Youth Competition (Based on activities, ideas, members,
Business Plan writing Workshops.
Trips to Industries and Entrepreneurs.
Standard TiE Seminars (The 10 step Workshop, How to write a Business
Plan, Pitfalls in New Ventures, Brainstorming Sessions on New
Opportunities, How to arrange funds and VCs etc).
Focus Groups with TiE Charter Members and others.

TiE4Youth Club Future Activities

Your time is limited, so dont waste it living
someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma
which is living with the results of other peoples
thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinions
drown out your own inner voice. And most
important, have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow already know what
you truly want to become. Everything else is
Steve J obs.

Shanza Haider
Nabeel Azeez Zia
Adeel Ahmed Khan

Photo Credits
Ammar Shareef
Nabeel Azeez Zia
COMSATS Lahore Facebook Page
TiE Lahore
Coffee Shop Gurus
Surkh Photographs
Published By
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology
Off Raiwind Road, Lahore

Contact: 0345 7449766

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