"The Defender" is a publication of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, a local bar association serving criminal defense lawyers and their clients while educating the public and shaping the criminal justice system.
"The Defender" is a publication of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, a local bar association serving criminal defense lawyers and their clients while educating the public and shaping the criminal justice system.
"The Defender" is a publication of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, a local bar association serving criminal defense lawyers and their clients while educating the public and shaping the criminal justice system.
"The Defender" is a publication of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, a local bar association serving criminal defense lawyers and their clients while educating the public and shaping the criminal justice system.
EDITORIAL REVIEW:: JoAnne Musick Earl Musick Steven Halpert Todd Dupont Nicole DeBorde Mark Bennett ADS &DISTRIBUTION :: Earl Musick&Christina Appelt DESIGN &LAYOUT :: BrochureBuilders.com www.brochurebuilders.com AD RATES FULL PAGE[INSIDE]:: $700/ISSUE :: $2,520IYEAR INSIDEFRONTCOVER :: $800/ISSUE ::$2,880IYEAR INSIDEBACKCOVER ::$750/ISSUE ::$2)OOIYEAR BACKCOVER ::$800/ISSUE ::$2,880IYEAR 2/3 PAGE::$600/ISSUE :: $2,160IYEAR 1/2PAGE::$500/ISSUE ::$1,800IYEAR 1/3PAGE::$400/ISSUE :: $1,440IYEAR 1/4PAGE:: $250/ISSUE :: $900IYEAR BUSINESS CARD SIZE:: $125/ISSUE :: $450IYEAR Distribution 1000copiesper issue Fors,,.r,, ortopI. . fl7Clesandoth ". z 1lIE ftR.f. aceanadContact Ean COnldAIII,'._ CONTENTS 4 :: AWord from our President by JoAnne Musick 5 :: Winning Warriors 8 :: HCClANews Roundup 10 :: Rules ofthe Road by James Makin &J.D. Hamm 11 :: Through Bandaged Eyes: Batson Seen in HarrisCounty by Sarah V Wood 14 :: The Viewfrom the DefenseTable: FurtherReform Neededin HarrisCountyCriminal JusticeSystem by Grant Scheiner 16 :: The Viewfrom the Bench: Clearwith aChanceofThunderstorms by Shawna L. Reagin 18 :: Criminal Defense: In theAgeofMySpace& Facebook by Ken Strutin 20 :: CheckThat Parachute! SuggestionsforVoir Dire on ReasonableDoubt by L. T. Butch Bradt & Betsy Grubbs 24:: Practice in aShoebox: DisasterProofingYourPracticein 10 EasySteps by Patrick F. McCann 26 :: HCClACelebrates 39 Years 28 :: Fallen Warriors by Mike Hinton 30 :: Investigative Corner: The411 on Cell PhoneRecords by Jim Willis 31 :: Membership Drive - 500+ Members! THE DEFENDER CD awordfrom our ThroUghoutthepastseveralyears,Ihavewatchedand participated as ourAssociation has grown into the finest and largest local criminal defense bar in the state. I am deeplyhonoredto have beenelectedpresidentofsuch an outstandingorganization. AsHCCLAhasgrown,wehavegarneredstrengthand respect: strength from our members, respect from our actions. Weareaprofessionalorganization,servingour members and improving the system within which we work. We must continue this journey toward success, without regard to personal motives, but with an eye toward justice. To be respected, we must first respect others: ourmembers,ouropponents,and ourjUdiciary. Weshould always fight the good fight but be mindful that ours is an intellectual fight. NaIve as it may be, I thought the fight was at least supposed to be fair. Sadly, I continually find myself surprised at the amount of intellectual dishonesty in the criminaljustice system. Is it really better to free a hundredguiltymenratherthanconvictjustoneinnocent man? Read some appellate opinions and you might think it's harmless to convict just one innocent man. ReadtheTexasDistrict& CountyAttorneysAssociation (TDCAA) weeklycase summaries and you mightthink defendants are presumed guilty. (Note: I have read the constitution, and Ialways thought it was the otherway around... couldIbemistaken?) CD THE DEFENDER rejl I'd like to share a few quotes from the TDCAA case summary commentaries, and see ifyou can help me understandtherulesandplayfair: 1. With regard to jail credit: "Wow. This shows one very patient trial judge. The dej(mdant got the benefit ofevery doubt ...[aJnd the failed probationer still wants to complain. Fortunately, the court of appeals applies a very reasonable interpretation of the law to prevent credit for time served in county jail on amendments. Hi Hmmm...Ithoughtdefendantshad aright to complain. I thought that was called an appeal. But I guess they shouldjusttake what they get. It'sprobably harmless anyway. 2. Regardingan errorbythe government: "This is just the latest in a series ofcases in which the court has held that a defendant is entitled to credit for jail time during a time period in which he definitely was not in jail. Am 1 the only one who has a problem with this? Okay, so he was incorrectly released. 1 get that. And maybe he does not have any responsibility to tell the authorities that he was being incorrectly released. Maybe. But does that mean that he gets jail time credit when he was not even incarcerated? "ii Gee,Ithoughtweheldthegovernment responsiblefor its ownmistakes. Iguessthedefendant shouldjustsuckitup andrelievethestateofanyfault. 3. And my favorite: "Fortunately, the mistake in this case was made harmless by the horrible facts of the original crime. "iii Yes, Virginia, the endsdojustifythe means. Well, as I clearly don't understand, I'll wait for one ofyou to explain it to me! Until then, I'll try a little intellectual honesty. See ya 'round the courthouse puttingupthegoodfight! i TDCAA WeeklyCaseSummaries: May 15,2009, Commentary ofGutielTez v. State. CiteNo. 11-07-00322-CR, 11thCourtofAppeals. ii TDCAAWeeklyCaseSummaries: April 3, 2009, Commentary ofEx parte Baker, CiteNo. AJ'-76,031,Tx CourtofCriminalAppeals. iii TDCAA WeeklyCaseSummaries: May 8, 2009, COmmefllGlY ofSmilh v.Siale, CiteNo. AJ'-75,479,Tx CourtofCriminalAppeals. Proving that it pays to know science, BOB WICOFF obtained the release of Gary Alan Richard after 22 years in prison when his investigation showed that Richard could not have been the source of the semen in the rape and robbery that led to his conviction. HPD crime lab analyst Christy Kim wrongly linked Richard to the crime. Prosecutors reportedly agree the new results contradict the original lab evidence but have said they do not know if Richard is innocent. Richard, meanwhile, has been released . . . ...... . ............ ... . ........ . ...... . ....... Five years of pro bono toil by BRIAN WICE resulted in Judge Jim Wallace recommending a new punishment hearing for Susan Wright, convicted of murdering her husband and burying him in the backyard. Wallace's recommendation followed a three-day evidentiary hearing and was based on a finding that the defense should have called an expert in battered woman's syndrome, and the husband's ex-fiancee, to corroborate the reasonableness of Wright ' s claim of sudden passion. Brian thanks STAN SCHNEIDER, CARMEN ROE, a team of unpaid experts - Jerome Brown, Toby Meyers, Shelby Moore, and a quartet of criminal defense lawyers who provided affidavits regarding the standard of competence in such a case. In a trial-by-fire that had HCCLA members on the edges of their seats in the I74th District Court, VIVIAN KlNG and TE'IVA BELL won a magnificent Not Guilty for a client accused of sexual assault. The trial was an especially fraught battle because Vivian and Te'iva's investigation showed their client was actually innocent. Vivian credits STEVEN HALPERT for rounding up moral and legal support when the court initially did not seem to understand either the right to present a defense or the Supreme Court's holding in Holmes v. South Carolina. And did we mention that this also was a victory for The Second Chair Program? SCOTT PAWGAN won a lesser-included verdict of Manslaughter in a prison-murder case in Polk County despite his client's outbursts throughout the trial in front of the jury. In the run-up to trial, Scott learned that his client suffered from a severe, longstanding, and untreated mental illness. The client was declared incompetent three times. Scott identifies KATE SHIPMAN, his second-chair, as key to the victory and says that the verdict opens up punishment options that will allow the client's mental illness to finally be treated. "I think we very well could have saved this client's life by beating the murder charge," Scott says. We agree. Capping years of meritorious service and a recent stint as Parliamentarian, JIM LAVINE has been elected First Vice President of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. By our calculations, that means Jim will become President of NACDL in August 20 II, making him the second Past President ofHCCLA (EDWARD MALLETT was the first) to become NACDL President and the third area attorney (JOHN ACKERMAN being another) to lead the national organization. After a five-day trial in the 185th District Court, ALLEN TANNER and STEVEN HALPERT left with a misdemeanor conviction and probation in a shooting case where the pre-trial offer was 25 years TDCJ and the allegation was the client shot his girlfriend in the head. Though she survived, she is now blind. Tragic as the facts may be, evidence established that the shooting was accidental. Although the client was accused of the capital murders of two men, TODD WARD took death off the table with a thorough mitigation investigation and a showing that the client actually acted in self defense. Later, in a testament to Todd's lawyering, the State offered 10 years on straight murder. THE DEFENDER CD WinningWarriors If we could amass the string of victories that JEFF PURVIS obtained in two weeks' time, we just might retire. Or double our fees. First, Jeff tried back-to-back misdemeanors and got Not Guilty verdicts on both. Then, Jeff won another Not Guilty- this time for a client facing 25-to-life on three counts of deadly conduct. Tom Stickler reports, despite eyewitness testimony and a suggestive photo lineup, Jeff destroyed the State's witnesses through aggressive impeachment and logical argument. Over in County Criminal Court-at-Law No.4, EQUATOR TURNER got a Not Guilty in an Assault - Family Violence case. Equator's defense was so good that jurors were overheard complimenting it after delivering the acquitta1. In a drug possession case involving 618 Jbs. of marijuana and masses of drama, NORM SILYERMAN won probation for his client [rom a jury in the I80th District Court while setting up a great appeal. At merits, the jury twice advised the court that it was hung and that further deliberations would not help. Jurors indicated the only way they would reach a verdict was for the lone juror who favored acquittal to violate his conscience. Norm sought a mistrial , which was overruled. Instead, the jurors were sent home and told to return the next day. They reached a guilty verdict within 10 minutes. We are betting on a re-match after the appeal. ............................................ In still more drug-related news, NORM SILVERMAN won suppression before visiting Judge Don Stricklin in a cocaine-possession case where the probable cause was alleged to have been public intoxication at an after-hours club. Norm credits CLINT DAVIDSON and DAPHNE PATTISON as instrumental to this victory. ............................................ Inthe short space of one month, TYLER FLOOD proved to be a defender without peer in two counties. First, Tyler fought brand new Montgomery County ADA (and former HCCLA member) Amanda Webb to a hung jury that split 5-1 in favor of acquittal in a Boating-While-Intoxicated case. Perceiving its case to be up a creek without a paddle, the State dismissed. Then, in Harris County, Tyler obtained a Not Guilty in a bench trial in the 1 77th District Court in a DWI involving a child passenger and a .14 breath test. (Tyler gained the acquittal after persuading Judge Kevin Fine to suppress the HGN and arrest based upon insufficient evidence and the arresting officer's lack of independent recollection.) Continuing, Tyler obtained a Not Guilty in the 176th District Court on a fourth-offense DWI involving a defendant who collided with another car at a red light after failing to brake. ............................................ Not Guilty was the verdict in PAULA GOODHART and CRAIG GOODHART's first trial as defense attorneys. The client was a habitual offender charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 182nd District Court. CD THE DEFENDER MICHELLE BECK went through the wringer and came out a winner. First, she got a hung jury in County Criminal Court-at-Law No.2. While that jury was deliberating, the judge (Harmon) began telling the prosecutor how to get a conviction the next time. So, Michelle got Hizzoner recused and was sent to County Criminal Court-at-Law NO. 9 for the rematch, where she pulled out a Not Guilty. ............................................ With her client facing 15-to-life on an Aggravated Robbery, HATTIE SHANNON won an instructed verdict of acquittal from Judge Hazel B. Jones in the 338th District Court when the complaining witness could not positively identify the client at trial. Hattie comments that the defendant's appearance had not changed between the initial identification and trial, which makes us wonder just what the arresting authorities did to obtain the IDin the first place. ............................................ The client was charged with possessing 400 grams of cocaine with intent to distribute, but NORM SILVERMAN persuaded Judge Belinda Hill to suppress every last gram. Seems an undercover officer told the uniformed officer who actually made the stop that the client had failed to signal a lane change. Norm's brief pointed out that Chapter 14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure does not allow an officer to stop a vehicle for a traffic violation he did not witness. ............................................ Are the days of "vampire warrants" - warrants for involuntary blood draws - numbered? JOSH SCHAFFER got the results of such a warrant suppressed in County Criminal Court-at-Law No. II and JED SILVERMAN won suppression on another such warrant in County Criminal Court-at-Law No. 15. Josh noted that his victory was aided by the fact the standard probable cause affidavit used by HPD had a defect. JED SILVERMAN got a mid-trial motion to suppress granted when he caused the police officer to agree the traffic offense of failure to maintain a single lane consisted solely of two tires going over the lane marker. Judge Reagan C. Helm grasped that a valid violation of the law requires not only movement from the single lane, but also evidence that the movement was unsafe. Reportedly, Judge Helm declared the trial over and left the bench. After providing a Harris County grand jury with a complete package of evidence and his client's testimony, CARL R. PRUETT won no bills in a case that included one charge of possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver and two charges of child endangerment. Says Carl of his grand jury strategy: 'This really needs to be done more often now, especially with more diverse grand jurors empanelled by our new Democrat Judges." A woman went to ask her upstairs neighbors to quit making such a racket and was charged with trespassing. LANA GORDON convinced the court that there was no probable cause, and the prosecution dismissed the case. Are there any sweeter words than Not Guilty? How about "Dismissed!" After nearly two years of litigation, JAMES ALSTON, JOHN PATRICK SMITH, WENDELL ODOM, JR., NEAL DAVIS, GORDON DEES, DA VID GERGER, JEROME GODINICH and FRANK SHEPPARD got multiple federal mortgage fraud charges dismissed against their clients. Even more incredibly, dismissal came on the motion of the government in the Southern District of Texas. Look in the dictionary for a definition of "tenacious" and you're likely to find RONNIE G. HARRISON's picture. After six months, two prosecutors, and two Harris County grand juries, Ronnie won a No Bill for a client accused of child endangerment. The key to cutting off the prosecution at this pass? A persuasive grand jury packet. In a sexual assault case where the complaining witness made contradictory statements and initially wanted to file an affidavit of non-prosecution, SCOTT PAWGAN persuaded a Montgomery County jury to return an acquittal. And, in County Criminal Court-at-Law No. I, JOE RAY RODRIGUEZ got a Not Guilty verdict on an assault case where the State chose not to call the complaining witness but relied on eyewitnesses and a 911 tape. Joaquin Jimenez reports that the State's strategy failed when Joe Ray's cross established the 9JI tape sounded a bit misleading when it was in fact a heated argument rather than an assault. In a bench trial in County Criminal Court-at-Law No.8, DORIAN COTLAR won what he describes as a "big, fat Not Guilty" on behalf of a Harris County reserve deputy sheriff wrongly accused of violating the Private Security Act for allegedly receiving remuneration as a "courtesy officer" at an apartment complex. Dorian's work released the client from two-and-a-half years of court-imposed limbo and gave Dorian's law clerk, Austen Hobbs, a close-up view ofjustice. BONNIE ROGERS got a motion to suppress granted in County Criminal Court-at-Law No.5. The case was about to go to trial, but JIM SULLlV AN and NANCY BOTTS persuaded Montgomery County prosecutor Rob Freyer to dismiss an Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. Jim and Nancy showed the allegations were triggered when their client confronted his wife about her infidelity and said he wanted a divorce. JIM SULLIVAN also got four counts of Manslaughter dismissed against an 18-year-old client who was found to be incompetent and unlikely to regain competence. The charges were first filed in juvenile court, when the client was 15, and stemmed from a car wreck that killed the client's five-year-old sister, his 16-year-old best friend, and two teenage girls. The wreck left the client with serious brain injuries. JOHN PETRUZZI blanked the State in County Criminal Court-at-Law No.9 on behalf of a client who is a long-haul trucker. TODD DUPONT capitalized on the State's errors to lead the jury to a Not Guilty in a OWl case in County Criminal Court-at-Law No. 10. BRIAN WICE won a motion for new trial when Judge Maria Jackson found trial counsel was ineffective in an Aggravated Assault case stemming from a post-midnight moving party initiated by hooligan friends of the client's ex-girlfriend. The jury had found the client pointed a shotgun at the hooligans after they damaged a lawn ornament. Brian's work showed that even though trial counsel had color photos of the property damage in his file, he failed to seek a jury instruction on attempted use of deadly force to prevent commission of criminal mischief at night. KATE SHIPMAN received a mistrial in Montgomery County (410th District Court) for a habitual offender charged with an assault. By the time this hits print, Kate likely will have finished the double jeopardy claim. Knowledge of decomposition helped GRANT SCHEINER and LEIRA GRACIA compose the foundation of a Not Guilty verdict in a OWl case based on a "vampire warrant" blood test. Key to the victory was whether the sample had been refrigerated and the effect that the lack of refrigeration would have had on the sample's alcohol content. In spite of a videotape showing a slurring, stumbling client, STEVEN TOUCHSTONE persuaded a jury in County Criminal Court-at-Law No. 15 to return a Not Guilty verdict. Tucker Carlson sat with Steven and, in the words of Todd Dupont, "watched the magic unfold." Todd also notes that the win provides "a valuable lesson in trying the perceived losers." ............................................. JUAN L.GUERRA and SARAH WOOD won a motion to suppress in the 228th District Court, and the State threatened to seek a writ of mandamus against Judge Mary Bacon rather than dismiss. According to Juan, Sarah's work on the case was so persuasive that Judge Bacon granted the suppression motion "five minutes into the hearing." Hmm. Doesn't exactly sound like a slam-dunk winner for the State on appeal, does it? ............................................. KELLY CASE hung up the jury in an indecency case and thus prevented Warren Diepramm from ringing up a victory in his first trial as a Montgomery County prosecutor. Second time's a charm! Especially when defended by JOE WELLS. In an Assault - Family Violence, the first trial in County Criminal Court-at-Law No.3 ended with the jury hung 5-1 for guilt. Upon retrial, the jury acquitted Joe's client after a mere 30 minutes. THE DEFENDER 0) ~ t 1lvtvtect! HCCLA DistributesLapel Pins to Members If you are an HCCLA member and you have a problem with a court or a prosecutor and you believe you need the assistance of the HCCLA Strike Force, we are here to help you. Robb Fickman, the HCCLA Strike Force Coordinator, is available to dispatch a team to your aid: Ofc 713-655-7400 or Cell 713-962-8821. If he is unavailable, contact immediate Past-President Mark Bennett or President loAnne Musick to request Strike Force assistance. Give us an overview of the situation, and we will determine what action to take and send committee members as appropriate. Our team of Strike Force volunteers consists of: Sam Adamo Danny Easterling Daphne Pattison Te'iva Bell Cynthia Henley Carl Pruett Dorian Cotlar Paul B. Kennedy Cannen Roe Eric Davis Troy McKinney Chris Tritico Nicole Deborde Earl Musick Practice law ethically, and you will make our decision to assist you, and our representation of you, much easier. We are here to help and serve our members. CD THE DEFENDER Robb Fickman & Richard "Racehorse" Haynes Showyourpride in ourAssociation by wearing your HCClApin. Special thanksto Vice-PresidentEarl Musickwho led effortsto havethe pin designedand produced and is noworganizing distributionto all members in good standing. Member Paul Kubosh is amongthosewearing the lapel pin. "I am proudto be a memberof thisorganization,"he said. "Youfight and loveeach otherlike brothersand sisters, like husbandsandwives. I wearthe pin everydayand will never evertakeitoff." To getapin. see JoAnne Musick. Robb Fickman or Earl Musick. each ofwhom haspinsto distribute. 1 United States v. Ellis Joseph Mosher, Cause No. 06-CR-1 01 (E.D. Tex. 2008). This federal death penalty prosecution ended with the imposition of a life sentence after the jury deadlocked in the punishment phase. J.D. Hamm and James Makin are criminal defense lawyers based in Beaumont. THE DEFENDER CD r ~ BURNSBAILBONDS Shaun,Shelby,Shannonand John * Familyownedandoperatedsince 1971 * Bilingualstaffwithover100yearsofexperience * Weadvocateapaidin full attorneyis adefendant'sbestdefense * Non-ArrestBonds- we accompanyyourclienttothejailorfromthe courtroom 609HoustonAvenue Tel: 713.224.0305 Houston,Texas77007 bumsbailbonds@yahoo.com EZ INTERLOCK An Automobile JohnBums LauraO'Brien DavidGirard * Yourclientswillworkwiththeowners * Summaryreportsemailedtoyouuponrequest * Convenientschedulingfor installationsandrecalibrations- our techniciansworkaroundyourclient'sschedule * Accurateandreliablemachines- Fuelcell preventsfalsereadings 609HoustonAvenue Tel: 713.223.4424 Houston,Texas77007 ezinterlock@yahoo.com THE DEFENDER the United States. 4 There are more African American men of all ages in prison in Texas than in the higher education system. 5 In August 2003, the Bureau of Jus- tice Statistics reported that if incarceration rates con- tinue at these levels, one in three African American men born in 2001 will serve time in prison at some point during their lives. 6 These are among the reasons why Judge Barr's egalitarianism in preventing a proce- dural inequity should not go unnoticed. As no less than the Supreme Court has recognized: "Purposeful racial discrimination in selection of the venire violates a defendant's right to equal protection because it denies him the protection that a trial by jury is intended to secure."7 The protective force of a jury comes from the fact that it is to be composed of one's peers, one's neighbors, fellows, and associates. 8 Ex- plained the Supreme Court in Batson: "The harm from discriminatory jury selection extends beyond that inflicted on the defendant and the excluded juror to touch the entire community. Selection proce- dures that purposefully exclude African Americans from juries undermine public confidence in the fairness of our system ofjustice. 9 It may seem insignificant for one African American man to be tried by an all-white jury, but when proce- dural fumbles like this one here are repeated systemi- cally throughout our local and national justice systems, they produce the vast inequities shown by the statistics above. Some local controversy was created when District At- torney Pat Lykos reacted by disciplining the prosecu- tors responsible for the sustained Batson challenge. lo District Attorney Lykos did seem intent on sending a message that her administration would not tolerate the appearance of racial impropriety when she was quoted on the front page of the Houston Chronicle. II THE DEFENDER "There is not invidious racism involved here, but negli- gence or incompetence if you will. If I thought for a moment that there were racial motives, they would have been fired," she said. 12 Interestingly, a consensus quickly emerged that these were ethical prosecutors. Even defense attorney Davis, whose own client was deprived of his rights, comment- ed, "I was surprised when it happened. The prosecutors were people I had known and respected for years." It is precisely because the offending prosecutors were good people that District Attorney Lykos must go fur- ther to correct the situation. If these two well-meaning, good-intentioned lawyers failed to see that they had de- prived a defendant of a jury of his peers by perempto- rily striking seven African Americans, then their train- ing was sorely lacking. According to the commentary to Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct 3.09, "A prosecutor has the responsibility to see that justice is done, and not simply to be an advocate." For a conviction to be just, it must be given by a jury of one's peers. Therefore, it is a prosecutor's duty not to create ajury that will con- vict, but to create a jury that will be just. Pure advo- cates strike jurors who may sympathize with the oppo- sition; justice seekers strive to keep them. Given that issues of race and fairness permeate the criminal justice system, it seems that some type of racial sensitivity training should be standard practice within any district attorney's office. However, Robert Kepple, the executive director for the Texas District and County Attorneys Association, had this to say: "I will confess that in my 18 years at TDCAA, it never occurred to me that our association should be talking about how race impacts our offices, our profession, and ultimately the work we do in our communities. Even though mostlawenforcementagenciesand manyother organizations and businesses regularly provide diver- sitytraining,weas prosecutorsdidn't- until the Elect- edProsecutorConferencein December[of2008]. "IJ Stunningwords. Perhapstheyexplaina lot. Some optimism should grow from these events. A goodjudgedid the rightthing. ThenewDistrictAttor- ney recognized a problem and made a bold statement. Perhaps theTDCAAhasfinally realized that race does impact prosecutors' offices. And the assistant district attorneys were not invidious racists. Theywere good men who made a mistake thatmight becorrected with soundtraining. Forthesakeofall ourwell-intentioned prosecutors, let us teach them how to bestseekjustice and notjustget convictions. Most importantly, how- ever, we must remember the man who sits waiting in jail for another trial - for he may have forever lost the onejurythatwould havesethimfree. I Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79(1986). 2 FrederickDouglass, Speech on the occasion oftheTwen- ty-FirstAnniversaryofEmancipation in the DistrictofCo- lumbia,April 16, 1883. 3 Jason Zeidenberg&VincentSchiraldi ,RaceandImpris- onmentin Texas (JusticePolicy Institute2005). 4 MarcMauerandRyanS.King. Uneven Justice:State RatesofIncarceration By RaceandEthnicity, 4(TheSen- tencing Project- July 2007). 5 RaceandImprisonmentin Texas ,at 1. 6 ThomasBonczar,PrevalenceofImprisonmentin the u.s. Population, 1974-2001 (Bureau ofJusticeStatistics2003). 7 Batson,476U.S. at 86. 8 Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303,308(1880). 9 Batson, 476U.S. at 86. 10 See,e.g., EricDavis'onlineblogSustained! at www.myobjectionis.com;MurrayNewman's blogLifeat theHarris CountyCriminalJustice Centerat www.harriscountycriminaljustice.blogspot.com;Mark Bennett's blogDefendingPeopleat www.bennettandbennett.comlblog. II BrianRogers,DA: PROSECUTORSWEREINCOMPE- TENTLykosdockspay,suspendsthe twoafterseven blacks stnlckfromajuryJURYAll-whitepanelthrown out, Hous- ton Ctuonicle, at 1(Mar. 27,2009). 12 Id. I) RobKepple,DiversityTraining,39 (No.1)TheProsecu- tor: Newsletterofthe Texas Districtand CountyAttorneys Association (Jan.-Feb. 2009). Sarah V Wood isacriminaldefense attorneyanddirects The SecondChairProgram. Lastyear, theAssociationhon- oredherasan UnsungHero. 305Travis@Congress 713.222.8177 ForensicScience CrimeSceneReconstruction ForensicScienceConsultation DNAAnalvslsConsultation CrimeSceneInvestlaation BloodstainPanernAnalvsls ShoeprlntIdenUtlcation HairExaminationConsultation latentFinaerprlmDevelopment SeroloavAnalvsls GEORGESCHIRO.MS.F-ABC-ConsuhlnaForensicScientist [33n322-2124 Email:Glschlro@Cs.com /Zi&Ad Introduces CHARBAR :ShoeShine :CustomSuits :TwoFuli Service Bars .:.Repairs & Alterations :FuliServiceTailorsince 1937 713.227.5867 THE DEFENDER @ TheViewfromtheDefenseTable ___ . ..: __ ." ...,_, ,I. , __ 0 __ '._ '.. '_ The Harris County criminal justice system has improved noticeably since the 2008 election, but we shouldn't be lulled into believing that our work toward building a better, fairer criminal justice system for the people of Harris County, Texas, is close to done. There still is vast room for improvement. But we should not let an opportunity for early assessment pass without first giving credit where credit is due. The gold medal for early reform goes to newly elected District Attorney Pat Lykos, who deserves major applause for her office policy of providing defense attorneys with copies of offense reports upon request. Nothing has done more to level the playing field and ease what has long been an unnecessary point of tension between prosecutors and the defense bar. The policy is no doubt saving taxpayer dollars (mostly for court-appointed lawyers, who are no longer required to waste billable hours taking handwritten notes of offense reports) and building trust between prosecutors and defense lawyers, because there is less of a mystery about the strength of the State's cases against criminal defendants. Judges surely do not miss the needless interruptions in the middle of trials, when defense attorneys request additional time to examine offense reports, prior to cross examinations. The District Attorney's system for supplying offense reports is still fairly new and could benefit from a couple of small tweaks. First, the procedure for requesting and then physically obtaining the reports needs to be more consistent from court to court. (Either that, or defense attorneys and rank-and-file prosecutors need better education on what the procedure is.) Second, District Attorney Lykos should make it clear that witness statements are considered part of the offense report, for purposes of pre-trial discovery. There is no good reason why the logic for supplying offense reports well in advance of trial does not also apply to witness statements. Several of our new judges deserve early credit for taking a fresh look at the Harris County bail process. (I'll have a bit more to say about this later.) ,In particular, newly elected Judge Shawna Reagin of the l76th District Court is ordering greater use of pre-trial bonds, for defendants who might otherwise languish in jail, because they can't afford both an attorney and a bond. I hope that more and more of our judges will follow this lead and ease the expensive, unnecessary and possibly dangerous overcrowding of our local jails. Finally, newly elected District Clerk Loren Jackson has applied common sense and modern technology to tackle two long-standing issues that few people even recognized as problems. In his first day in office, District Clerk Jackson (without any fanfare and merely an eight-inch by II-inch sheet of colored paper) set up an attorney window in the criminal section of the District Clerk's Office. For some odd reason, Jackson's predecessors never considered that keeping defense attorneys - and, in the case of court-appointed attorneys, who often bill Harris County taxpayers by the hour - waiting in line for court document, was a waste of public resources. District Clerk Jackson saw a problem and simply fixed it. However, the District Clerk 's anticipated roll-out of an automated calendaring system for lawyers (which is currently in beta testing), as well as eventual plans for an electronic document system and e-filing for attorneys, may eventually yield some of the greatest benefits for practitioners and citizens alike. But I said at the outset that we still have work to do. Following are some suggestions that I sincerely hope our public officials t consider: Judges must make greater use of personal bonds and 1 I r uced bail, particularly for non-violent, first-time offenders. The Harris County jail system is filled to near capacity. The county has been forced to ship excess prisoners to Louisiana at taxpayer expense. The county jail situation is dangerous and invites civil lawsuits. Harris County criminal judges can ease jail crowding by working with the Harris County Pretrial ices Department to identify and release low-risk inmates. 2 2. Judges must curb their overuse of "special conditions of a' ." Many judges routinely - and with apparently little attention to individual circumstances - set conditions of bail which bear little relationship to the goals of promoting public safety and insuring that defendants show up for their court dates. (For example, some judges routinely order drug and alcohol testing for defendants, whose charged offenses having nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.) Special conditions of bail often waste the resources of the Harris County Pretrial Services staff, which is charged with the responsibility of monitoring. It is important for judges imd the public to understand the relationship between special conditions of bail and jail overcrowding, which is the predictable result when defendants can' t live up to special (and often irrelevant) conditions of their release. On a practical level, we should all recognize that it does little good to require a non-drug offender to miss an entire day of work, every three weeks, because he sometimes has to wait until 4:00 p.m . to urinate into a cup at the Pretrial Services f) artment. ' 3 A few judges have been quick to forfeit bonds and throw people into jail for being a few minutes late to court or for failing to hire a lawyer. Some judges merely threaten to throw people into jail for showing up without a lawyer. These practices reflect poorly on the judiciary and must stop. For judges who revoke bonds and then refuse to set a new bail, defense attorneys and prosecutors should firmly - and on the record - remind judges that a refusal to set new bail almost always violates the 4 a as Constitution. See Tex. Const. art. T, Ila. Judges should strongly consider waiving defendant earances for routine, pre-trial settings. Anyone who has been to the Harris County Criminal Justice Center can tell you that it is chaotic and extremely over-crowded every morning. Defendants have difficulty getting to their courts (which sometimes results in their bonds getting revoked) and victims and witnesses sometimes miss court settings altogether. Given @ THE DEFENDER ) .that the criminal courthouse suffers from an extremely poor design and that even our stairwells are closed to the public, judgesshoulddowhattheycanto alleviatethe numberofbodies in the courthouse. Judges and the public should also recognize that requiring defendants to miss work hurts family and hurts 10 al businesses. Judges must restore sanity to the Harris County "Bail edule," which often requires people accused offelony drug or theft crimes to post bonds larger than people accused of murder. Judges should eliminate the practice ofsetting drug bonds at twice the "street value" (whatever that means) ofthe drugs and setting theft bonds at twice the value of the merchandise. The Houston CourtofAppeals has criticized this practice yet manyjudgescontinue to follow the Bail Schedule, setting arbitrary and unreasonable bonds. See, e.g., Ex Parte Bogia, 56 S.W.3d 385 (Tex. App. - Houston [1st Dis!.] 2001) (rehearingoverruled).Thispracticecontributestojailcrowding and often cause people- presumed to be innocent- to languish in jail for many months, waiting for their trials, because they Iy don'thave enough money to postasteep bail. The District Attorney's Office needs to reconsider its tice of automatically charging a person, accused of possessing four or more grams of cocaine, with a delivery charge.It is unacceptable for prosecutors to claim that while a defendant"might" have been involved in an eventual delivery; it is ultimately a question for the jury to decide. Charging a person with a crime for which there is little facial proof is unethical and wrong. Further, the difference between a possession chargeand adelivery charge- even ifagrand jury eventually rejects the delivery charge - is often the difference between a defendant's ability to bond out of jail, versus languishing in an over-crowded jail and losing his job while I I .ng all hope. Someofourverybestjudgesroutinelyengagein "enmasse j2l s," in which several or more jail defendants are chained togetherand broughtfrom theirholdovercellsto plead guilty in open court. Cattle-call pleas may be convenient and even efticient, but the practice looks bad and sends the wrong messageabout metingoutindividualjusticein individual cases. And then there are disputes that sometimes break out in the holdover cells and in the jails between defendants and their lawyers because some defendants believe they didn't get as , ood adeal" as apersonchained beside them in opencourt. It 8 Judges must adequately compensate court-appointed rc ers so that court-appointed lawyerswon'tfeel pressured to take on more cases than they can handle. Compensation for court-appointed lawyers has improved slightly in recent years, but it is still far less than what lawyers need to make ends meet effectively representtheirclients. ' a '1 9 udgesand theirstaffs mustalwaysstriveto beprofessional polite, and they should require the sameofthe practitioners who appear in their courts. The best way for ajudge to ensure Judgesmustrestore sanitytotheHarris County{{Bail Schedule," whichoftenrequires peopleaccusedoffelony drugortheftcrimesto postbondslargerthan peopleaccusedofmurder. professionalism in the courtroom is to lead by example. Professionalism means being patientand givingeach side afair hearing. It means refraining from facial expressions, sighs, rolling ofthe eyes or emotional displays (in particular,when a witness testifies) in opencourt. Servingas acriminalcourtjudge,prosecutor,defenseattorney or an elected official in America's fourth-largest city is a dauntingand an oftenunderappreciatedchallenge.ButIbelieve that our newly elected officials and our seasoned veterans are verycapableofleadingthe way in ourcollectivepursuittoward excellence. So far,in 2009,they' re offto aprettygoodstart. Grant M. Scheiner is the principal ofScheiner Law Group, pc. He is a long-time member of HCCLA and is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He gratefully acknowledges his friend and colleague, Robert Fickman, whose holiday "wish list" for reform in the Harris County criminal justice system formed the initial basis of this opinion piece. The views expressed here are Mr. Scheiner 5 own and are not necessarily those of the Association. THE DEFENDER By Hon. Shawna L. Reagin When I was a defense lawyer, I resented being questioned about my reasons for resetting a case, setting it for trial or re- questing a hearing. I figured that I should be considered compe- tent enough to decide what needed to happen with my client's case and that lowed no one else any explanation, other than to say we were not accepting the plea offer. However, I dimly real- ized that such court policies were probably implemented be- cause of "a few bad apples," for whom we all must be punished. Having now been on the bench for a few months, I have dis- covered that those policies were necessary for about 85 percent of the lawyers, not just a few. Little did I know how extremely rare it would be to see lawyers who show up for court, take care of business, are able to identify the issues in their cases and who know even the most rudimentary criminal law. This is not some 20/20 hindsight of "Oh, I was the best trial lawyer in the world and you people are losers." What I'm talking about is the un- willingness or the inability to demonstrate basic courtroom eti- quette and the educational level of a first-year law student. And for those of you keeping score at home, the most egregious ex- amples have been retained lawyers (although a few of the court-appointeds give them a run for the money). Here is a sampling of what I've seen so far: Lawyer is told at least 10 days before trial that he is number one to pick a jury on trial date. This warning is repeated two days before trial date and then one day before trial date. Lawyer appears enthusiastic, says he is ready and never mentions a con- flict. The morning of trial , lawyer goes to another court and tries to begin a bench tria I, without telling judge that he is set to pick a jury. Does not appear in trial court, nor contact trial court; sends a minion as jury is I ining up in the hall to announce he has decided to do his bench trial in the other court instead of picking a jury. This motion was denied . Client has been in custody 596 days. Lawyer has been on case almost one year, is advised at pretrial conference two weeks before trial date that he is number one with a bullet. Lawyer is questioned about conflicts, pretrial issues, etc., and assures court he is ready to go. Lawyer re-confirms the day before jury selection is set. As the jury is en route from jury as- sembly, lawyer appears and advises court he has learned there might be some DNA in the case. This information had been in the offense report from the beginning. Lawyer had no written motion for continuance. Jury must wait in hall while lawyer sends off for a written motion, which must be granted to avoid probable writ reversal for ineffective assistance of counsel. Client is advised he will probably have to wait another year for trial, due to court's backlogged trial docket. Lawyer pleads client to a PSI, requesting probation. Lawyer does not respond to probation department's numerous requests for information and does not submit his client's statement. Mentally-impaired client must prepare his own statement, with- out assistance. Lawyer brings another statement late the after- noon before the hearing is set, then does not show up for the hearing until approximately II :30 a.m ., as witnesses wait. THE DEFENDER Attempts to reach by phone are unsuccessful, and lawyer makes no effort to contact court. Lawyer later says he left his cell phone at home, and seems unfamiliar with the concept of land-line telephones. Lawyer sets a very old case for a plea, then shows up on plea date announcing that he had just looked at his client's jurisdic- tional priors and thought the offense might possibly be a misde- meanor. Vague as to why he agreed to plead a client to a felony without investigating the priors, lawyer asks for a few days to research the issue and provide prosecutor with argument. Over 3 weeks granted instead. Lawyer shows up again set for a plea, without ever having contacted the prosecutor, dumps a motion to quash on the clerk and insists the court rule immediately so that he can go pick a jury. When told this did not fit in with the court's plans, he advises that the law is a "no-brainer," despite his having required three weeks to prepare his motion, imply- ing that both the court and the prosecutor should immediately recognize his brilliance and rule in his favor. Bonus: It is later di scovered that lawyer told trial court where he was picking a jury that he had a case set for a hearing, instead of a plea, and would need at least an hour to conduct it. Bonus bonus: The argument was predicated on two superseded statutes. At pretrial conferences set I 0 days prior to trial date, several different lawyers are asked, for scheduling purposes, whether an interpreter will be needed, whether suppression hearings are needed, whether we will have Daubert challenges, whether client is probation-eligible, etc. These queries are routinely met with blank stares, then mumbling about "Well, I guess I need to look at the case." "What I'm talking about is the unwillingness or the inability to demonstrate basic courtroom etiquette and the educational level of a first-year law student. ]] At one pretrial conference for an aggravated assault, r noticed the lawyer had filed a motion for community supervision and a punishment election to the court. When I questioned the appar- ent conflict, lawyer was confused. After I explained the law, he rather condescendingly reassured me that, "It'll be OK, Judge - we're asking for deferred if he's convicted." Lawyers approaching the bench to ask for bonds to be set or lowered, or to see if the court might consider probation in cases where the prosecution has declined, know nothing about their clients and cannot answer the court's basic questions about what the client does, where slhe lives, etc. Cases are set for "dispositive" motions to suppress, but when I inquire as to disposition if the court should happen to deny the motion, I am told, "we'll probably work something out." Many lawyers fail to show up for court before noon, and few of those ever bother to call and advise the court as to where they otherwise are. When they saunter in at 12:45, they expect every- one to cancel whatever plans they may have had, drop every- thing and attend to their needs. Helpful hint: The judge, the prosecutors, the clerk, the coordinator and the bailiffs are all more inclined to do your bidding if they are not reeling from hunger and exhausted from dealing with the 50+ cases that are on the daily docket. Longtime appellate lawyers (appointed before my tenure) claim capital murder-league numbers of hours for preparing 10- page, sloppy, poorly-reasoned briefs based on two-day trials, ac- companied by sketchy, incomplete timesheets that offer no justi- fication for the excessive time allegedly spent. Folks, I may have just taken the bench in January, but rwasn't just born in January. I don't know if some of this behavior is ex- hibited because the lawyers think I am going to allow the de- fense to do whatever it wants, simply by virtue of being the de- fense, or if it is some sort of test to see how completely stupid I am. Either way, it is a big mistake. Defense lawyers frequently complain that judges are "all about the numbers." What lawyers may not appreciate is that those numbers represent people, and that the judge is the person responsible for seeing that those people do not languish in jail for years on end without any meaningful review of their cases. Every case that gets frivolously set for trial just because the lawyer is too lazy to look at it uses up a slot that could be used for a case with real issues that truly needs to be tried. Every jailed defendant who is brought to court over and over, while his lawyer fails to show up or dithers around, takes up a space that could be occupied by a defendant whose lawyer will make good use of a court appearance. The next time you hear a lawyer complain of "unreasonable" treatment, being "forced" into back-to-back trials or denied ap- pointments due to "zealous" representation or "politics," you might investigate the whole story before forming an opinion on a court's policies or a judge's conduct. Those of you who know what you're doing might get impatient at policies that you per- ceive as intrusive or burdensome. It is embarrassing to me to learn that I have to micro-manage so many alleged profession- als, and thereby collaterally, and unintentionally, insult those of you for whom I have the greatest respect. Please bear with us. In the meantime, a large percentage of the defense bar needs to take a trip to the woodshed and be refreshed concerning basic courtroom decorum and etiquette. I know your mamas raised you better than this. Shawna L. Reagin is Judge ofthe / 76th Criminal District Court and the immediate past editor-in-chief of The Defender. The views expressed here are Judge Reagin sown and are not neces- sw-ily those of the Association. THE DEFENDER At the same time, a preservation motion or court order to freeze an account may be necessary to protect the content of a profile which can be removed or amended at any time. 16 In addition, archiving 0 other steps can be taken to capture web content. 17 Law enforcement or the prosecution may already be aware of the information on their witness's pages and taken steps to download or preserve them. A bill of particulars or a request for a list of prosecu- tion witnesses and addresses should be expanded to include their web profiles. 18 And, a discovery motion or Brady request might un- cover informati n 0 longer posted online. 19 An individ may we more than one account or abandoned old profiles across any num er of networked sites. 20 And then there is the Internet gra Xard. early everything uploaded to or download- ed from a social networking site had its origin in a computing or digital recording device. The computers belonging to the accused or an-y witnesses poten- tially contain material that has been removed 0 edited in an online profile. This can become problematic for a defe dant who may have removed his MySpace page, only to find the police knoe ing on his door with a search warrant for his home computer. I Conversely, a prosecution witness who removes or restricts her acebook site before trial , which may contain impeaching or exculpating evi- dence, might have that information on her BlackBerry or laptop. Finally, an Internet alert service or software program can update de- fense counsel whenever a web page has changed n Also, the links or friends lists on the defendant's or complainant's web profiles may lead to undiscovered witnesses. Conclusion Alternate suspects, impeaching statements, official misconduct are just a few of the kinds of evidence that can be uncovered through online searching. As with all investigation, the key is know- ing where to look. The many incarnations of Internet communica- tion are opening new avenues and additional levels of research. More and more cases are layered with evidence of web-based mes- sages, personal profiles, blogs and text messaging and other elec- tronic communications. In a sense MySpace and Facebook are like fishing nets catching all manner of media that might contain some- thing useful. But it requires a lot of elbow grease and imagination to find them. And it is equally important that prosecutors continue to meet their disclosure and due process obligations whether based in the real or virtual worlds. See generally Ken Strutin, Social Networking Evidence in a Self Surveillance Society, New York Law Journal, March 10,2009, at 5, col. I; Ken Strutin, Social Networking Online and Criminal Jus- tice, LLRX, Feb. 28, 2009, <http://tinyurl.comlamcvwn>. 2 See, e.g. , Murder Most Wired, Newsweek, Dec. 3, 2008, <http://www.newsweek.comli dl72027> . ) See, e. g. , MySpace Page Used Against Gang Suspect, Buffalo News, Jan. 23, 2009, <http: //tinyurl.comlaohzwn>. 4 See, e.g., Woman sMySpace Increases Sentence, Daily Nexus, April 17, 2007, <http://tinyurl.comlbop66c>; Social Networking 4 (continued) defense lawyer Steve Balash said the day he met his client Jessica Binkerd, a recent college graduate charged with a fatal drunken driving crash, he asked if she had a MySpace page. When she said yes, he told her to take it down because he figured it might have pictures that cast her in a bad light. [P] But she didn't remove the page. And right before Binkerd was sentenced in January 2007, the attorney said he was 'blindsided' by a presentencing report from prosecutors that featured photos posted on MySpace after the crash."). 5 Victim Uses Facebook To Finger Suspect, CNN, Sept. 28, 2007, <http: //tinyurl.coml22guc3>. 6 But see State v. Gomez, 937 So. 2d 828,833 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2006) (,,[T]rial court could properly conclude that it was unneces- sarily suggestive for the victims to be provided the defendant's name and resulting access to his photo on the website before having any op- portunity to identify him, thus giving rise to a substantial likelihood of irreparable misidentification." [emphasis added]) 7 Bar Brawl Indictment Dismissed, Albany Times Union, Feb. l8, 2009, <http://tinyurl.comlc3bx8q>. 8 Lack ofInternet Access Muddies Case Against Sex Offender'S MySpace Site, Law.com, Nov. 6, 2006, <http://tinyurl.comlcjvfey>. 9 Myspace Profile Sets Convicted Felon Free , CNET News, Nov. 30, 2007, <http://tinyurl.comlbv37bt>;Statev. Cecil,221W.Va. 495, 504 (W. Va. 2007). 10 See, e.g., The Officer Who Posted Too Much on MySpace, New York Times, March 10,2009, <http://tinyurl.comlb64ah2>. I I See generally List of Social Networking Websites (Wikipedia), <http: //tinyurl.comlk2 j hx>. 12 See generally Pamela D. Pengelley, Fessing Up to Facebook: Recent Trends in the Use ofSocial Network Websites for Insurance Litigation. SSRN, March 3, 2009, <http://ssrn.comlabstract=1352670>; Seth P. Berman et aI., Web 2.0: What's Evidence Between "Friends"?, Boston Bar Journal, Jan./Feb. 2009, at 5, <http://tinyurl.comlc8qd87>; Ronald 1. Levine and Susan L. Swatski-Lebson, Are Social Networking Sites Discoverable?, Product Liability Law & Strategy, Nov. 13, 2008, < http://tinyurl .coml6558j8>. Il See, e.g., America Online Compliance & Investigations, <http: //tinyurl.comlc3yeff>;MySpace.com: Official Law Enforcement Officers Investigators Guide (2006), <http://tinyurl.comlalkpy>; and ISP List (Search), <http://tinyurl.coml5alan8>. " See, e.g., Wink Launches Social Network Search for MySpace, Bebo, Linkedln, Mashable: The Social Media Guide, Nov. 10,2006, <http: //tinyurl .comlyaalr3v>. 15 See Whose Space Is MySpace? A Content Analysis ofMySpace Pro- fil es, First Monday, Vol. 13 No.9 - 1 Sept. 2008, <http ://tinyurl.coml4b95eu>. Continued on next page. THE DEFENDER I 16 See, e.g., Sex Offender Charged After Failing To Register Myspace Ac- count, Telegraph, Feb. 9, 2009, <http://tinyurl.com/d3vlyn> ("'(After the tip), we did a 'preservation' on the account,' Wells said, explaining the de- partment occasionally takes such action in order to prevent records or evi- dence from being lost or destroyed. A subpoena was necessary to help pre- vent the MySpace page from being taken down from the site. The tactic occasionally is used in tracking cell phone records and social networking sites, he said. "). 17 See, e.g., How to Capture a MySpace Pagefor Investigative Purposes (Search 2008), <http://tinyurl.com/dzrncv>. Ii See generally Interference By Prosecution With Defense Counsel's Pre- triallnterrogation Of Witnesses, 90 A.L.R.3d 1231. 19 Cj Ronald 1. Levine & Susan L. Swatski-Lebson, Are Social Network- ing Sites Discoverable?, Product Liability Law & Strategy Newsletter, Nov. 13,2008, <http://tinyurl.com/6558j8>; Cozen O'Connor, Fessing Up to Facebook: Recent Trends in the Use ofSocial Network Websites for In- surance Litigation, SSRN, March 3, 2009, <http://ssrn.com/abstract=1352670>. See generally Kyles v. Whitley, 514 U.S. 419, 444 (1995). 20 See, e.g., Google Cache, <http ://tinyurl.com/95pq52>; WayBack Ma- chine <http://tinyurl.com/f754>. 21 See United States v. Ogden, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 86006, n. 44 (W.O. Tenn. Sept. 22, 2008) ("Defendant might argue that his deletion of a blog and his My Space page rna es it more likely that he also had deleted the photos of SS [complainant]. However, the Court notes that Defendant was only deleting internet-based evidence of his relationship with SS, not per- sonal files available only on his computer or storage media. Therefore, it would not have been urueasonable for investigators to determine that De- fendant had saved the photos on his computer(s) and storage media. "); see generally Matthew 1. Hodge, The Fourth A mendmentllnd Privacy Issues on the "New" Internet: Facebook.com and MySpa e.com, 31 S. Ill. U. L.1. 95, 120-121 (2006)("Whether a person has a expectation of privacy in this release of information is a difficult determination, but most people are not willing to give up all protection merely by signing online. The police are rapidly evolving their investigative procedures by using Facebook and MySpace in more ways and in a growing number of investigat"ons. ith these techniques, it is up to the courts to grow and continue to apI! Ythe existing Katz doctrine so that the Fourth Amendment does not get Lost in cyberspace."); Ken Strutin, Passwords and the Fifth Amendment, New York Law Journal, March II, 2008, at 5, col. I . 22 See, e.g., Monitoring Web Pages 24 Hours a Day, Search Engine Watch, April 9, 2003, <http://searchenginewatch.com/2178631>. Ken Strutin is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association in Albany, NY He serves as a columnist on criminal law and technology for the New York Law Journal and on crimi- nal justice resources for the Law Library Resource Exchange. THE DEFENDER Check That Para- Chute! Suggestions For Voir Dire On Reasonable Doubt l By L.T. "Butch" Bradt and Betsy Grubbs Many successful defense lawyers start educating the jurors about the State's burden of proof in voir dire. Unfortunately, if they do anythIng at all, too many lawyers use isolated, hackneyed examples to tell potential jurors what "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" is. In light of the proliferation ofNfNJA 2 loans and the recent bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the certainty that one wants before buying a house is hardly that certain. To begin with , there are drastic distinctions between Judge-conducted voir dire and attorney-conducted voir dire. What follows here is a discussion of what we have successfully used for a number of years in conducting our own voir dire. It has been our experience that, if the presiding judge tells the veniremen anything at all, it will be along the lines of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt is not defined" and "it is a level of proof that we do not use in everyday life." Huh? Helpful? Not at all. To .overcome that lack of guidance from the bench, start by detaIling the levels of proof on a blank flip chart. Use of a flip chart forces the veniremen to use at least two senses at the same time. In our experience, this tends to increase their retention of what you are about to tell them - and what they tell you (it allows them to "own it"). Alternatively, purchase and use the Levels of Proof chart from the National College for DUI Defense. ) It is also important to empower the jury to find your client not guilty. One of the ways to do this is to explain to the venire that, in Scotland, they have three verdicts in a criminal case: guilty, not guilty and not proven. In Scotland, not guilty means the defendant had absolutely nothing to do with the crime; that there was no evidence that the defendant had anything to do with the crime. A verdict of not guilty in Scotland is a bar to a civi I suit on the same facts. Not proven only means that the prosecutor did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Not proven does not mean that the defendant had nothing to do with the crime alleged. In the United States we roll "not guilty" and "not proven" into "not guilty" and a verdict of not guilty is not a bar to someone being sued in civil court later. This is what happened to 0.1. Simpson after the murder of his ex-wife when he was sued in civil court. If he had been found not guilty in Scotland, it would have been a bar to the civil suit. Empowering your jury also means asking the venire who dIsagrees with the Los Angeles jury's verdict to find 0.1. not guilty of murder. Invariably, there will be a number of hands that go up. Then ask whether any of them saw the entire trial , especially the testImony about the preservative that was put in the blood that was found in the Bronco and in O.1.' s room, how the police were unable to explain how that preservative got into the blood that they claimed to have found in those two places, or the other problems with the State's case. Since the jury in that case heard all of the evidence that was presented, only that jury has the right to decide whether the State did or did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Ask them "Do they understand that no one has the right to question the jury's verdict that the State has not proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt,)" Remember proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the ultimate measure by which a jury will decide your client's case. For the jurors to better understand what proof beyond a reasonable doubt is however, it is helpful for them to understand that it is the highes; measure of proof required in our law and how it is distinguished from other measures of proof, "reasonable suspicion" , "probable cause", "substantial evidence", "preponderance" and "clear and convincing". These measures are defined for the jurors as follows: No evidence. No trace of evidence whatsoever. Scintilla of evidence. Any evidence at all. Even the smallest amount of evidence. Whoever did this was alive. Your client is alive. That is a scintilla. Reasonable suspicion. A reasonable suspicion is what a police officer must have in order to momentarily detain a person to question them about a crime or to do a pat down of their clothing should he believe they are armed with a weapon. This measure of proof is more than a hunch or a guess. It requires "articulate facts", I.e., the officer must state the facts which gave rise to his suspicion 10 order to make it a reasonable one. "Reasonable suspicion" means the officer must be able to articulate something more than an inchoate and un-particularized s u s p i i o ~ or hunch. It requires some minimal level of objective JustIficatIOn for making the stop. U.S. v. Sokolow, 490 U.S. I (1989) . This is the level of proof that a police officer needs to stop someone on the sidewalk and ask for identification. Probable cause. Probable cause is what a police officer must have in order to make an arrest or search a person's home or business. It is also the minimum measure of proof in order to aJ low a judge to issue a search or arrest warrant. Probable cause concerns probabilities and is decided on an objective standard based upon the training and experience of the particular officer making the arrest or search. Said another way, probable cause requires a reasonable person 's standard of proof to justify the officer's actions in either arresting or searching, i.e., was it objectively reasonable for the officer to do what he did based upon what he actually knew and based upon his experience? The probable cause standard is necessary for a police officer to do a strip search of a person . THE DEFENDER "Probable cause" concerns whether the facts available to the officers at the moment of the arrest would warrant a man of reasonable caution in the belief that an offense has been committed. Probable cause also hlrns on whether, at the moment the arrest was made, the officers had probable cause to make it and that is defined as whether at that moment the facts and circumstances within their knowledge and of which they had reasonably trustworthy infornlation were sufficient to warrant a prudent man in believing that the person had committed or was committing an offense. Beck v. State of Ohio, 379 U.S. 89 (1964). "Probable cause" is also the level of proof required for 9 of 12 grand jurors to return an indictment. This is a good place to remind the veniremen that the indictment process is not unanimous and is on a much lower level of proof than required of them to convict your client. Substantial Evidence. Substantial evidence does not mean a large or considerable amount of evidence, but rather it is "such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion of fact." Lauderdale v. Texas Dept. of Agnculhlre, 923 S.W2d 834,836 (Tex. App.- Austin 1996, no writ) (quoting Pierce v. Underwood, 487 U.S. 552, 564-65 (1988)). Substantial evidence is also more than a scintilla but less than a preponderance. Marker v. Finch, 322 F.Supp. 905 (D.C. Del. 1971) (more than a scintilla but less than a preponderance). Under the substantial evidence standard of review, an administrative decision may be sustained even if the evidence preponderates against it. Mireles v. Texas Dept. of Public Safety, 9 S.W3d 128 (Tex . 1999). Since this level of proof is less than a preponderance, you might want to leave a blank step and fill it in after you explain preponderance. The Levels of Proof chart that you can purchase from the National College for DUI Defense does not refer to substantial evidence. Until that is changed, we prefer to use the flip chart so that all levels are addressed . If you use the Levels of Proof chart, make sure you address the missing step with the venire. Preponderance. Preponderance is the measure of proof required in most civil court cases. It is sometimes referred to as the "51 percent of the evidence rule", or the "more likely than not" rule. Here, the party to a lawsuit that convinces the jury by 51 percent of the evidence is the winner. This is the measure that is used to take money from one party of a lawsuit and give it to another. "Preponderance of the evidence" as a standard of proof in civil cases, means the greater weight and degree of credible evidence admitted in the case. That degree of proof that, when taken as a whole, shows that a fact sought to be proved is more probable than not. Lackey v. State, 819 S.W2d III (Tex. Crim. App. 1991); see also Texas Pattern Jury Charge 1.03. For the preponderance of evidence demonstrative, we like to use two new reams of paper- unopened. Unwrap both reams and show them to the venire. Both have 500 sheets of paper and, if placed on the scales of justice, would be evenly baJanced - not even proof by a preponderance. Remove one sheet from one ream. Ask the venire to look at both and how close they are. But they know that one stack only has 499 sheets, the other 500. If both stacks of paper were placed on the scales of justice, the 500-sheet stack would be heavier. That is a preponderance. Clear and convincing. Clear and convincing is the measure of proof required in heirship determinations, child custody cases, involuntary commitment cases, and guardianship cases - a determination of a fundamental or property right. Also, it is the @ THE DEFENDER standard by which a jury's right to impose punitive damages is measured. Our courts have defined this measure as the tier between the "reasonable doubt" standard and the "preponderance" standard. Here, the law requires that a fact finder be "clearly convinced" before it awards custody of a child to a parent, takes a child from a parent, involuntarily commits a person to a mental health institution, determines that a person is an heir, or that a person no longer has the ability to take care of either their estate (business affairs) or their person. "Clear and convincing" means that measure or degree of proof that will produce in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction as to the truth of the allegations sought to be established. This is an intermediate standard, falling between the preponderance standard of ordinary civil proceedings and the reasonable doubt standard of criminal proceedings. State v. Addington, 388 S. W2d 569 (Tex. 1979); see also Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 102 S.Ct. 1388 ("clear and convincing" proof standard is constihltionally required in parental termination proceedings); Texas Family Code 161.001. Reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt is the standard/measure of proof in criminal cases. It is such a doubt as would cause a prudent person to hesitate before acting in matters of importance to themselves. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is also the certainty that someone who is going to parachute needs before jumping out of a perfectly-good- working airplane. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Do we use this standard of proof in our everyday lives? Well, here's two examples that say we do. It is the certainty that you would want before you unplugged a loved one from life support. As you raise your hand, ask the potential jurors who among them has ever had to be the person to make that decision. Ask one of the ones who raised their hand how certain they wanted to be when they made that choice. Remind them of the person who was in a coma for 19 years and came out of it. Remind them that in that case the person would have been killed if life support had been discontinued at 18 years and 9 months, or even 18 years and II months . You want to be certain beyond a reasonable doubt because you know that if you guess wrong, you have killed your loved one. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is also the certainty that someone who is going to parachute needs before jumping out of a perfectly-good-working airplane. That person checks every square inch of the parachute and every inch of all of the lines, beyond a reasonable doubt. Watches the packing of the chute, every fold, every hick, ever fastener, beyond reasonable doubt. Goes over the packed parachute, beyond a reasonable doubt. Up in the plane, he goes over it again beyond a reasonable doubt and if there is a single thread out of place, he doesn't jump. Only when he is confident, beyond a reasonable doubt, does he put the parachute on and jump out of that plane. Why? Because he knows, beyond a reasonable doubt, that if the parachute doesn' t work - beyond a reasonable doubt - he is dead. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Not easonable Doubt Not 6ui1t; Clear & Convincing Not Preponderance Not 6ui1ty Substantial Evidence Not Probable Cause Not Reasonable Suspicion Not 6ui1ty Scintilla Not 6ui1ty No Evidence Make an ascending stair case on a flip chart with these levels. The last stair is the one above reasonable doubt, the one labeled Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Go back with a red highlighter, ask different veniremen what the verdict would be and write "NOT GUILTY" by each of the ones up to beyond a reasonable doubt. Do not have them answer what their verdict will be if they find proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The Levels of Proof chart that you can purchase from the National College for DUI Defense has the last step labeled "GUILTY". We disagree with that strategy. We don't feel that you should do anything in the voir dire to acknowledge guilt. And if any venireperson asks you what goes on the last step, you know that person is too dumb to be sitting on your jury. Accordingly, using the Levels of Proof, you can graphically and educationally walk the jury panel through the respective ascending levels (steps) of proof. Demonstrating these levels to the jury, we, as defense counsel, can make the jury visually understand that proof beyond a reasonable doubt is indeed the highest burden in our law. Using these examples of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, in an aggravated sexual assault case, we once got an assist from the Judge during voir dire. To answer a potential juror's question about the difference between clear and convincing and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the judge explained the difference between beyond a reasonable doubt, clear and convincing and scintilla by using our analogies. He said, "Beyond a reasonable doubt is how well you check you parachute before you jump out of the plane. Clear and convincing is how well you check your wife's parachute before you push her out of the plane. Scintilla is how well you check your ex-wife's parachute before you shove her out of the plane." If the State's case rests upon the testimony of a witness who has problems "keeping the facts straight", you can refer to that witness in closing as the doctor who is telling you that you need to unplug your loved one from life support. Point out all of .the inconsistencies and contradictions. Then ask the rhetOrical question, "in light of all of these inconsistencies and if you were the one being asked to pu II the plug on the defendant's life, who wouldn't get a second opinion before pulling the plug?" Since reasonable doubt is such a doubt as would cause a prudent person to hesitate before acting in matters of importance to themselves, wanting a second medical opinion before deciding to pull the plug is reasonable and prudent. Then tell them, "That is reasonable doubt, the State hasn't proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt and you must acquit. " Mr. Trichter, in his paper given to the National College for DUl Defense, advised that the Levels of Proof step ladder chart can also be used during the cross-examination of the arresting officer in DWI cases. His recommendation was for the defense lawyer to use the graphic burdens of reasonable suspicion, probable cause and reasonable doubt in the cross-examination of the arresting officer, i.e., the officer is asked if he understands those required levels of proof and whether he applied the reasonable suspicion and probable cause burdens in bis decision process in your client's case. Mr. Trichter observed that experience teaches us that, in DWI cases, most police officers will testify that they did not form their opinion of probable cause until after they observed the very last intoxication fact and that it was then that they arrested your client. When this happens, leave it alone and don't ask any more burden of proof questions. By doing so, you can argue in your closing that, even accepting all that the officer said was true, by his own words he only had probable cause, and, that is far short of the required proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict. Lastly, using the Levels of Proof step ladder graphic allows you to deal with some of the State's arguments in closing. It doesn ' t matter that the evidence was "overwhelming" - that is not a level of proof. It doesn't matter if there was "substantial evidence" - that is less than a preponderance. And it doesn' t matter if the evidence was "clear" or if it was "convincing"; both are less than reasonable doubt. I Much of this paper is based on the paper that J. Gary Trichter presented at the 2000 Summer Session of the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) and on the Levels of Proof chart related to that presentation. Both the paper and the chart are copyrighted by NCDD and are ava ilable from them at its website, www.ncdd.com. To the extent that portions of that paper or the chart appear here, they are used with the permission of NCDD, for which grateful acknowledgment is made. 2 A Ninja Loan was a type of subprime loan for housing issued to borrowers with No Income, No Job, and no Assets. No Income No Asset, http: //en.wikipedia.orglwlindex.php?title=No_Income_No _ Asset&oldid= 275265755 (last visited Apr. 30,2009). 3 The chart can be ordered from the NCDD at its website, www.ncdd.com. The artwork for this article is based on that chart, with the modifications suggested here. L. T "Butch" Bradt is a general practitioner who has been licensed for 32 years and has represented clients in civil, corporate. criminal and family law matters. As a criminal defense lawyer he has prevailed in cases ranging from speeding tickets to capital murder. Betsy Grubbs is a general practitioner in private practice in Houston and has been employed in the legal field since 1990 and was licensed in 2001. For more than 20 years she has tried many cases with Mr. Bradt in the civil and criminal arenas. THE DEFENDER @ PRACTICE IN A SHOEBOX DISASTER-PROOFINGYOURPRACTICE IN 10EAsySTEPS The lastfew years have taught us all that life, and ourlaw practices, are not always guaranteed a smooth or bump-free ride. Like all of you, I have been through Tropical Storm Allison and seen what happened during hurricanes Katrina, and Rita, and recently during Ike. We have all lost friends in the past few years, seen others struck low by illness, or forced to move or to suffer the illness ofaloved one. Ihavealso had the unique pleasure ofhaving to go back on active service three times since 2000, so I can tell you from first hand experience that stoppingandre-startingapracticeis notonlypossible,but very possibly something you may have to go through in these crazy times. So, to help, and to keep the things you needtodo in perspective,Iofferthefollowingsuggestions for making yourpracticeabitmore resilientto the shocks and upheavals that normal life brings us. The service has taught me three things: keep it simple, always have more than one way of doing things, and there are always resourceshandy, eventhoughyou may notrecognizethem atfirst. StepOne: Relax,and makeapotofcoffee.Thecoffee will help you focus, and while it brews you can assemble someofthe thingsyou will need, including,quite literally, ashoebox (or areasonable substitute, such as one ofthe fireprooflockboxes theofficesupplyplacessell, orabank safedepositbox, ifyou trustthebanksto beopenduringa stonn like Ike.) StepTwo: Think about what you actually need to run apractice. For most ofus it includes aphone, aplace to meet clients, a way to produce motions and documents, and really, not much else.That said, what is the absolute minimum you would need to sustain some form of continuity in the eventofyouroffice beingwrecked by a hurricane or flood, orwhat someone would need to nurse yourpracticealong in the eventofyou being hit by abus? Now, pourthe coffee, take asip, and go to StepThree. Step Three: Pull out your shoebox, and first ofall, make aspare setofkeys to youroffice and place them in it. Ifyour office is at home, make a spare set ofkeys to your home cabinet and safe, orthe privatestoragefacility you use, oryourhouse/apartmentsothatwhomeverhas to walk in and help outcan actuallygetaccess to yourstuff. StepFour: Buyapre-paidcell phonefrom amajorcell phone outfit, preferably one that is not your own service. Most ofthem have 300 to 500 minutes to start up and cards available to purchase to prolong the service. In the event your office phones are destroyed this will at least provide some fonn ofcommunications or a back up to your own cell/home phone. These cost about $50. Place this, along with the instructions for activating it, in the box. StepFive: Spend$20on asetoftwo flash drives,with some serious gigabytes ofmemory. Back up asignificant portion of all your essential documents, meaning your mostcommonmotions,yourform clientagreements,your client lists and any significant filing dates, and all your business documents, such as your PCILLP articles, the lease and insurance agreements for your office, your last few tax years, etc. As a truly deep, non-tech dependent method, you can make papercopiesofmany ofthese, and add themto thebox.Placeoneofthedrivesin thebox,and the otherin yourbriefcaseoron your keychain. Step Six: Learn where your public library and the FedEx/Kinko's is in relation to your house. In case your officeisdestroyed,you canuseeitherthefreeaccessatthe library (also agreatplace to type and research as it is one ofthe few public places that is quiet) or pay the $7lhour that Kinko's charges for internet/computer use. This is why the flash drives come in handy, or for that matter, if you are tech savvy, web storagefor yourdocuments. Both the library and Kinko's offer printing, and ifyou did not have the foresight to stock up on currency and gold bullion, Kinko's will take credit or debit cards. You may also, ifyou aresocial sort, makeafriend whoseofficeyou couId actuallyuse in theeventofsomecatastrophe, butof course, this requires you to be nice to people,so you may wantto stickwith the Kinko'splan. Step Seven: Get a courthouse directory with all the courttelephonenumbers,andaddafew, likethoseofyour accountant, yourown legal advisor ifyou have one, your local bank manager, your family, your bookie, your bartender or personal trainer - in other words, all those who would want to be informed ifyour office downtown were under water or you were smooshed onto the @ THE DEFENDER windshield of a large bus. Place this into the box so that either you or your next of kin can call these folk s and get the ball rolling to either help your practice stay afloat or put it on a medically induced coma for a short time. Step Eight: Pour another cup of coffee, and think. What else do you need to transact business? Oh yes : bank accounts and the infonnation for the State Bar! Make a copy of your license and place it into the box, along with a copy of any safe deposit boxes or safes you maintain, and both cancelled and blank checks. If you pay bills online, then make a copy of your account numbers and passwords, and throw in some deposit slips, as well as a list of your normal bills and accounts requiring periodic payment. These folks may understand that you are canoeing out on the Brazos River and the creek is rising, or maybe not, so why not have some way to contact and/or pay them? You may also want copies of your estate documents, such as wi lis and powers of attorney or health care directives, placed inside, just in case. Step Nine: Sip the coffee, and think about this next part carefully. In the event of a true emergency, who would you want called, and what would you want done? These instlUctions are for both you and whomever you designate with the safety of your practice in case you are beaten by a peasant mob or attacked by roving packs of wild dogs, or (only slightly more likely here in Houston, disaster capital of the universe) laid out by a stroke or accident. Think about them, write them down, and place them in the box, along with any information you might think pertinent, and then tell the person you trust most about the box and where it is. Step Ten: Place the box somewhere other than your office, preferably at home or somewhere else safe. If it locks tape a key to it, and make another spare that you can carry on your car key ring. Before you lock it, think: what else should I have in there? Maybe some emergency cash? How about some gift cards for office supplies so I can keep going? Business cards with some alternate numbers or space to write them in? This is your shoebox; put it what ever you like - canned vegetables, an Uzi , whatever. Now, breathe deep, and relax, If you have done all you can do, then that is all you can do, so take this off your list of many daily worries, and go finish the coffee and maybe add some brandy. Good luck. Patrick F McCann is a past president of HCCLA, an adjunct professor at Texas Southern University. and practices in Houston and Fort Bend County. Modesty forbids him from mentioning his upcoming canonization . THE DEFENDER The Associationrecognizedthosewhohaveprovided outstandingserviceandinstallednewofficers andboard members atits AnnualBanquetonMay 14at the Hyatt RegencyHotel. R.P. "Skip" CorneliuswasnamedLawyeroftheYear. DonLambrightwasrecognizedforLifetimeAchievement, whilethe late SharonLevinewasrememberedas an Unsung Hero. SarahV. WoodwonMemberoftheYear, andJim SkeltonreceivedtheAristotleAward. TheTorchofLiberty wasconferredonStateSen. JohnWhitmire(D-Houston). JoAnneMusickwas installedas AssociationPresident,while MarkBennettjoinedthe ranksofpastpresidents. Also installedwere: NicoleDeBordeas President-Elect,Earl Musickas VicePresident,Todd Dupontas Secretary,and Steve Halpertas Treasurer. Thefollowing individualswereswornin as membersofthe Association'sBoardofDirectors: SamAdamo, Robert Fickman,RobertK. Loper,MargyMeyers,CarmenRoe, SunshineSwallers,ChrisTritico andSarahV. Wood. RobertJ. Sussman Robert J. Sussman died from a heart attack on April 28. The death of the 60-year-old attorney sent the legal and arts communities into deep mourning. At the time of his death, Sussman was a partner at Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell, where he started the firm's white collar section. He also was a Renaissance man, remembered for his love of both the arts and the law. Association past-president Robb Fickman recalled Sussman as "an honest, helpful , friendly, kind, cheerfu I, courageous lawyer." Dan Cogdell had known Sussman since clerking at Pizzitola, Hinton and Sussman, which was formed in the late 1970' s, when Mike Hinton convinced Sussman to join him in the practice of law. "Bob was one of the very first lawyers in town to ' stretch' into a ' White Collar lawyer' back when most of us thought that meant you were going to stop by Joseph A Banks and get some new shirts," Cogdell said. "And, to no one's surprise, he really began to blossom in that practice. Bob felt greater comfort, ] think, in representing corporate types than in the client base primarily in State practice. And, tnlst me, if yOll think it is ' easier' you haven't done it . He could communicate effectively with that type of client and was, in his own way, very comforting to them. He developed a national and later international practice. Through it all , he was ' the same old Bobby.'" Rich Levy, the executive director of Inprint, where Sussman was a Board member, remembered him as a "a warm, kind, sweet, and funny man, and we loved him dearly here at Inprint. He brought a sense of joy to everything he did (including Inprint meetings, which greatly benefited from that joy), and every interpersonal transaction with Bob seemed like a kind of gift. He was a rare individual , and we will miss him." The family requests that Sussman be memorialized through donations to: Inprint, 1524 Sui Ross, Houston, Texas 77006. THE DEFENDER The Association fonnally added 32 names to the plaque memorializing deceased criminal defense lawyers at a ceremony organized by past-president Robb Fickman and held April 22 on the seventh floor of the Harris County Criminal Justice Center. Board member Earl Musick led the effort to update the plaque, but reminded those at the well-attended event that it was Fickman's idea to memorialize the fallen. "I remember most of the lawyers whose names are on the plaque," Musick told those assembled. "When I read the names, I have a lot of fond memories." Added to the plaque were: Johnnie Abercia Don Hendrix Steven Annstrong Mike Hernandez Ellis Barrerra Jr. Mike G. Hernandez Leroy Beck John J. Herrera James Bowers Andrew Jefferson Ed Van Buren Sharon Levine John Carrigan Michael Maness Bernard Chanon Mike Matthews Gilbert Corrigan Jim McBride Loren Detamore Don E. McClure, Sr. Charles Easterling Kenneth "Dude" McLean Casare Galli James "Big Law" Moore Desmond Gay Ken Poland Rene S. Gonzalez J.R. Seeman Lon Harper Jim Tatum Melissa Harper Dick Wheelan Immediate past-president Mark Bennett and Judge Debbie Mantooth Stricklin also spoke of the importance of remembering colleagues. Fickman read "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas and the names ofall those on the plaque. When Fickman arrived at Charles Easterling's name, he asked past-president Danny Easterling to read his father's name. Member Paul Kubosh said the memorial ceremony was especially important for family members. "Rene Gonzalez's wife, Lori, was there," Kubosh said. "The ceremony brought her to tears. His nine-year-old daughter told her mother that it would be neat to be a lawyer and work where her dad's name was. I watched Lori reach up with tears in her eyes and touch his name plate." The 32 names joined these lawyers already memorialized on the plaque: Leroy Peavy Gerald Applewhite Charles Freeman Paula Asher Mel Freidman Walter Pink Roy Beane Tony Friloux Judy Prince John Berke Rudy Gaulke lW. Robinson Ira Bertrand Will Gray Moe Sanchez Bill Burge Charles Hearn Tom Steinmeyer Ray Stevens Joe Cannon Bob Heath Marvin Teague John Coulter Chris Hodge John Crow Jimmy James AI Thomas Clarence Thompson Fred Dailey Joe Kegans Joy Vandervoort Donald Davis Johnny Knoff c.c. Devine Dennis Medley Mark Vela Ned Wade George Ellis Jack Milin Don Flintoff lR. "Bob" Musslewhite Bill Walsh Steve Walsh Percy Foreman Gabe Nahas Carrol Weaver Mark Bennett, Judge Debbie Mantooth Stricklin and Robb Fickmall Photo by JoAnl/ e Musick THE DEFENDER Investigative Corner: the L+ 11 on Cell Phone Oneofthe majorchallengesthatweface everyday in the world of criminal defense is information. How can it be obtained? Where is it? What is it? How long is it available? These are common questions when it comes to infolmation. There is pending legislation that is attemptingto restrictus even morewhen it comesto the availability ofinformation. In this first article, I want to specifically address cell phoneinformation. Manypeopleusetheircell phones on a daily basis and have replaced land lines with them. There are many types ofphones and lots of good informationto be obtainedfrom cell phones. But one needs to know what is available and the cellular retention period for each carrier. With the assistance of Mike O'Kelly from Crime Scene & Statement Analysis, I have compiled the accompanyingchartto showtheretentiontimetables from severalcarriers. Generally,Cell Detail Records (CDR) and text message (SMS) data are sought for litigation. Although the SMS content data may be overwritten or deleted, the transmission record will belocated within the CDR. Recordsby Jim Willis The transmission record will reveal the originating cell deviceandthereceivingcell device.Tollrecord retention is includedon the last line for each carrier. The most important factor to consider is sending the letter of preservation to the cell carrier early to preserve the records until a subpoena is issued. When you fax your preservation letter and/orsubpoena duces tecum, always requestthe "Account Notes." These contain the reported conversation(s) between the subscriber and the carriers' representative. The cell phone and the data contained in there records is a valuable investigative tool that can assist many cases and their outcomes. There is much moreinformationregardingcellphonesand theabilityto retrievethe information. Ifyouneed additional information orassistance in obtaining any cell phone records, please don't hesitate to contactme. In the next Investigative Corner, be on the look out for computer hard drive analysis and cell tower information, plus much more useful information. Jim Willis isa private investigator with Benken & Associates. }willispi@aol.com I713.223.4051 Carrier Alltel Boost (Sprint- Nextel) Centennial Cingular/AT&T Cricket/Leap Communications Iowa Wireless (T-Mobile) Metro PCS, Inc. Nextel Sprint* T-Mobile (formerlyAerialNoice Stream) Tracfone US Ce"ular Verizon Wireless* LaaphofTime laformltioa'eld CDR (Tower-Calls-SMSTransmissions) SMS (Text MessagesRetained on Server) Toll Records 45 Days 3-5 Days 18+Months Detailed Billing 3-4 Months Non-ootail Billing 2Years 7Days 18 Months 6Months- 2Years 18 Months (rocovered from database: 5Years) 60-90 Days 7Years 6Months o(cell devices) 3Months (online) 7Years 18 Months/6 Months Prepaid 1-3 Months (orlonger) 9Months 45 Days 9Months 2Years 7Days 18 Months 2Years 12 Days 18 Months 180 Days 5-6 Years/2+Years Prepaid 6-8 Months- 6-8 Months 1Year 3-5 Days Since Activation 1Year 5Days From late 1990s on :?west gave its customers achoice of staying with Sprint or switching to Verizon on December 1, 2008. In all slates where E911 system IS In operation, tower data isavailabte since the cell phone was in use by the individual subscnber THE DEFENDER Ma'" Beallett. Joshua Zientek. f.ad Musick & t"ristill Gera'" frllCis &Earl Musick 9 0 to Sara Mueller & earmel B08 tor toordi"ati"l1 t"is 8'1e,,\\ 1"( THE DEFENDER PO Box 924523 Houston TX 772924523 II., ,II,, ,III,", II"II", ,,I,I, I "II, I ", ,11.1," 1.1.1,II", I T7- 6fJ::ct:: ::t: :*: TfJ::I:: ::1:: SC: H .3.- D.r G.r T 770 Ms. Musick ck fl.: 1" 'lus1 ck LLF' 397 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E STE 325 HOUSTON TX 77060-2493 BIACKWOO p G B I PRESORTED STANDARD U.S.POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 11500 t 002NSANJACINTO HOUSTON,TEXAS77002 WE.ALSOPROVIDE COURT OMASSISTANCE EDD BLACKWOOD LICENSE 74432 71S-222-BAIL Houston'sOldest (2245) Bail BondingCompany Serving Houston, HarrisCounty, All Texas counties, and Nationwidebail bonds
George C. Riley and Lester Riley v. George F. Goodman, Warden and The State of New Jersey. George C. Riley, in 14105. Lester Riley, in 14106, 315 F.2d 232, 3rd Cir. (1963)