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EE6302 Electromagnetic Theory

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1. How are unit vector defined in cylindrical coordinate systems?
2. State Stokes theorem.
3. Mention the sources of electromagnetic fields.
4. State the physical significance of curl of a vector field.
5. Two vectorial quantities and are known to be oriented in
two unique directions. Determine the angular separation between them.
6. State the conditions for a vector A to be (a) solenoidal (b) irrotational
7. State divergence theorem.
8. State the vector form of electric flux density.
9. Define divergence and its physical meaning.
10. What are the different coordinate systems.
11. Mention the criteria for choosing an appropriate coordinate system for solving a field
problem easily. Explain with an example.
12. When a vector field is solenoidal and irrotational.
13. Give the practical examples of diverging and curl field.
14. Obtain the unit vector in the direction from the origin towards the point P(3,-3,-2).
15. Verify that the vectors and are parallel
to each other.
16. Given that and ; find t such that angle between and is
17. Prove that curl grad =0.

18. How can a vector field be expressed as the gradient of scalar field?
19. Determine the curl of .
20. Given that and ; find the projection of A and B.
1. Write short notes on the following: (a) Gradient (b) Divergence (c)Curl (d) Stoke
2. Express the vector B in Cartesian and cylindrical systems. Given,

Then find B at (-3, 4, 0) and (5, /2 , -2)
3. i) Describe the classification of vector fields.
and a point Q is located at (-2 , 6,3), express (a) the point Q in cylindrical and spherical
coordinates,(b) B in spherical coordinates.
4. Determine the divergence and curl of the following vector fields:


5. i)Given point P( -2,6,3) and ,express P and in cylindrical
ii) state and prove divergence theorem.
6. i) Determine the curl of the following vector fields:
ii) Given that , evaluate both sides of Stokes theorem for a
rectangular path bounded by the lines x=a, y=0,z =b.
7. i) Find the electric field at a point P(0,0,6) due to a point charge Q
of 0.35 C placedat
(0,5,0) and Q
ii) obtain in the spherical coordinate system the gradient of the function

of -0.6 C placed at (5,0,0).
8. i) State and derive divergence theorem.
ii) show that in catesian coordinates for any vector A, .

9. Explain the different coordinate systems.
10. Write short notes on gradient,divergence, curl and stokes theorem.

1. Define electrical potential
2. Define potential differences.
3. Name few applications of Gauss law in electrostatics.
4. State the properties of electric flux lines.
5. A dielectric slap of flat surface with relative permittivity 4 is disposed with its surface
normal to a uniform field with flux density 1.5c/m
6. A parallel plate capacitor has a charge of 10
. The slab is uniformly polarized.
Determine polarization in the slab.
7. Define electric dipole.
c on each plate while the potential
difference between the plates is 1000v. calculate the value of capacitance.
8. Define electric dipole moment.
9. Write Poissons equation for a simple medium
10. Write laplace equation for a simple medium.
11. Define dielectric strength.
12. What is meant by dielectric breakdown.
13. A uniform line charge with
=5 C/m lies along the x-axis. Find at (3,2,1) m.
14. State the expression for polarization.
15. What are the boundary conditions between two dielectric media?
16. Write the continuity equation.
17. Define energy density.
18. Write the equation for capacitance of coaxial cable.
19. Write the equation for point from ohms law.
20. Distinguish between displacement and conduction currents.

1. Deduce an expression for the capacitance of parallel plate capacitor having two identical
2. i) state and derive electric boundary condition for a dielectric to dielectric medium and a
conductor to dielectric medium.
ii)Derive the expression for energy density in electrostatic fields.
3. (i)State and explain coulombs law and deduce the vector form of force equation between
two point charges.
(ii)At an interface separating dielectric 1(
) and dielectric 2(
) show that the tangential
component of is continuous across the boundary, whereas the normal component of
is discontinuous at the boundary.
4. (i) A circular disc of radius a m is charged uniformly with a charge density of
ii) find the value of capacitance of a capacitor consisting of two parallel metal plates of
30cm x 30cm surface area, separately by 5mm in air. What is the total energy stored by
capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 1000v? what is the energy density?
Find the electric potential at a point P diatant h m from the disc surface along its axis.

5. i)A circular disc of radius a m is charged uniformly with a charge density
ii)Determine the electric field density at P(-0.2,0, -2.3) due to a point charge of +5nC at
Q(0.2, 0.1, -2.5) in air. All dimensions are in meter.
. Find the potential at a point hm from the disc surface along its axis.
6. Find the potential at any point along the axis of a uniformly charged disc of c/m
7. Derive the expression for energy stored and energy density in electrostastic fields.
. The
disc has radius of a m
8. Derive the boundary conditions at the interface of two dielectrics.
9. Point charges 1 mC and -2 mC are located at (3,2,-1) and (-1, -1,4) respectively.
Calculate the electric force on a 10nC charge located at (0,3,1) and the electric field
intensity at the point.
10. A linear ,homogeneous , isotropic dielectric material has
=3.6 and is covering the space
between z=0 and z=1. If v=-6000z volts in the material, find
1. Write down the magnetic boundary conditions.
2. What is Lorentz law of force?
3. Write the expression for magnetic field H at the centre of a circular coil carrying a current
of I amperes. The radius of the coil is a m
4. State ohms law for magnetic circuits.
5. Write the expression for the magnetic force between an electromagnet and an armature to
be attracted.
6. Find the inductance per unit length of a long solenoid of N turns and having a length L
mtrs. Assume that it carries a current of I amperes.
7. State Amperes circuital law.
8. State Biot savarts law.
9. What is the expression for inductance of a toroid?
10. Define the terms: magnetic moment and magnetic permeability.
11. State the law of conservation of magnetic flux.
12. Define magnetostaic energy density.
13. Draw the BH curve for classifying magnetic materials.
14. Define vector magnetic potential.
15. Define self inductance and mutual inductance.
16. A current of 3A flowing through an inductor of 100mH. What is the energy stored in the
17. Distinguish between diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
18. Sketch Gauss law for the magnetic field.
19. Classify the magnetic material.
20. State the expression for H due to infinite sheet of current.
21. Write the expression for the torque experienced by a current carrying loop placed in the
magnetic field.
1. State and explain Amperes circuit law and show that the field strength at the end of a
long solenoid is one half of that at the centre.
2. a) State and explain Bio-savarts law.
b)Derive an expression for the force between two long straight parallel current carrying
3. Derive a general expression for the magnetic flux density B at any point along the axis of
a long solenoid. Sketch the variation of B from point to point along the axis.
4. i) For a finite current sheet of uniform current density k A/m, Derive the expression for
the magnetic field intensity.
ii)A coil has 1000 turns and carries a magnetic flux of 10mwb. The resistance of the coil
is 4 ohm. If it is connected to a 40v DC supply estimate the energy stored in the magnetic
field when the current has attained its final study value. Derive the formula used.
5. i) Show by means of Biot Savarts law that the flux density produced by an infinitely long
straight wire carrying a current I at any point distant a normal to the wire is given by


ii)what is the maximum torque on a square loop of 1000turns in a field of uniform flux
density B tesla? The loop has 10cm sides and carries a current of 3A . what is the
magnetic moment of the loop?
6. i)Derive Biot Savarts law and ampere law using the concept of magnetic vector
ii) The core of a toroid is of 12 cm
area and is made of material with
7. i)Derive the expression for the magnetic field intensity inside and outside a co-axial
conductor of inner radius a and outer radius b and carrying a current of I ampers in
the inner and outer conductor.
=200. If the mean
radius of the toroid is 50cm. Calculate the number of turns needed to obtain an
inductance of 2.5H.
ii)Calculate the self inductance of infinitely long solenoid.
8. I)Derive the expression for the magnetic vector potential in the cases of an infinitely
long straight conductor in free space.
ii)consider the boundary between two media. Show that the angles between the normal to
the boundary and the conductivities on either side of the boundary satisfy the relation.

9. Obtain the expression for energy stored in the magnetic field and also derive the
expression for magnetic energy density.
10. I)Derive the expression for coefficient of coupling in terms of mutual and self inductance of the
ii) An iron ring with a cross sectional area of 8cm
11. Derive an expression for the force between two long straight parallel current carrying conductors.
and a mean circumference of 120cm iswound
with 480 turns of wire carrying a current of 2 A. the relative permeability of the ring is
1250.Calculte the flux established in the ring.

1. State the faradays law.
2. State the faradays law for the moving charge in a constant magnetic field.
3. State lenzs law.
4. Define displacement current density.
5. What are electric field and the power flow in the co-axial cable?
6. Define reluctance.
7. Write the maxwells equation from amperes law both in integral and point forms.
8. Write down the maxwells equation from electric gausss law in integral and point forms.
9. Write the maxwells equation from faradays law both in integral and point forms.
10. Write down the maxwells equation from magnetic gausss law in integral and point form.
11. Write the maxwells equations from Gausss law in integral form.
12. Write to maxwells equations in integral form.
13. Write down the maxwells equations from Gausss law in point form.
14. Write down the maxwells equation in point from.
15. Write down the maxwells equation in point phasor forms.
16. Write down the maxwells equation for free space in integral form.
17. Explain why
18. Explain why XE=0
19. In material for which and and E=250 sin t (V/m) .Find the
conduction and displacement current densities.
20. Explain why

1. The magnetic field intensity in free space is given as H=H
A/m.Where = t -
and is a constant quantity. Determine the displacement current density.
2. Show that the ratio of the amplitudes of the conduction current density and displacement
current density is , for the applied E=Em cos Assume =
, what is the amplitude
ratio, if the applied field is E=Em .where is real?
3. Derive maxwells equation from amperes law in integral and point form.
4. Do the fields E=Em sin x. Sin t and =(Em/
) cosx cost
5. State maxwells equations and obtain them in differential form. Also derive them
harmonically varying field.
satisfy maxwells equations?
6. State maxwells equation and obtain them in integral and differential form.
7. Derive the maxwells equation in phasor integral form.
8. Derive the maxwells equation in phasor differential form.
9. If electric field intensity in free space is given by =(50/ ) COS (10
t- 10 z ) V/m . Find
the magnetic field intensity .
10. State and derive the maxwells equations for free space in integral form and point form for
time varying field.
1. Define a wave.
2. What are wave equations for free space?
3. What is a uniform plane wave?
4. What is the relationship between E and H or brief about intrinsic impedance for a dielectric
5. What are Helmholtz equations or represent equation of electromagnetic wave in the phasor
6. What are the wave equations for a conducting medium?
7. What is phase velocity?
8. What are the values of in terms of primary constants of the medium?
9. Write down the secondary contants of a good conductor.
10. Write down the values of velocity and intrinsic impedance for free space.
11. What is skin effect?
12. Define skin depth or depth of penetration of a conductor.
13. Determine the skin depth of copper at 60 Hz with 5.8 X 10
s/m. Given
14. What is polarization?
15. Define linear, elliptical and circular polarization?
16. Define snells law of refraction.
17. Define critical angle.
18. Define Brewster angle.
19. What are the standing waves?
20. How a dielectric medium can be identified as lossless and lossy for a given frequency?

1. Derive general wave equations in phasor form and also derive for .
2. Derive wave equations for a conducting medium.
3. State pointing theorem and derive an expression for pointing theorem.
4. Explain the wave propagation in good dielectrics with necessary equations.
5. Derive the expression for total magnetic field when a vertically polarized wave is incident
obliquely on a perfect conductor.
6. Determine the reflection coefficient of oblique incidence in perfect dielectric for parallel
7. Determine the reflection coefficient of oblique incidence in perfect dielectric for perpendicular
8. Define polarization. What are the different types of wave polarization? Explain them with
mathematical expression.
9. Obtain the expression for the reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient for a wave
normally incident on the surface of a dielectric.
10. A uniform plane wave in a medium having 10
s/m, 80
i) Verify whether the medium is good conductor
is having a
frequency of 10 KHz.
ii) Calculate the following,
1) Attenuation constant
2) Phase constant
3) Propagation constant
4) Intrinsic impedance
5) Wave length
6) Velocity of propagation

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