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23 January 1958
1. 1 scaPi" This specification covers the general requirements for electrical solenoids used to
acl:uate var ous devices through the conversion of electrical signals into mechanical motion. Tbese
solenoids are of the a.xlal stroke type in which the mechanical force is direct movement in a plane
parallel to the longitudinal axis of the coll, and the rotary stroke type.
1. 2 Classification. SolenOids are classified as follows:
I Pull Continuous
n Pull Intermittent
push Continuous
IV Push Intermittent
V Rotary Continuous' Clockwise
VI Rotary Intermittent Clockwise
vn Rotary Continuous Countel'cloekwise
viII Rotary Interlnittent Counterclockwise
1. 2. 1 Military part number. The mllltary part number shall consist of the letter 11M, II the basic
number of the speeilicallon sneet, and an assigned dash number (see 8.1) as shown In the following:
M 4040/01 - 1001
....__ -c.'-__..... I ,
Military SpecifIcation Dash
designator sheet number number
2. 1 The following doeuments, cif the issue in effect the date of invitation for bids or request for
proposal, form a part of this specificatlon to the extent specified herein.
QQ,:,C-S20 - Chromium Plating, Electrodeposited.
QQ-N-290 - Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited).
QQ-P-416 Plating Cadmium (Electrodeposlted).
QQ-S-S65 SUver Plating, Electrodeposlted, General Requirements for.
QQ-Z-326 - Zinc Coating, Electrodeposlted, Requirements for.
PPP-B-566 - Boxes, Folding, Paperboard.
PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard.
PPP-B-676 Boxes, Setup.
PPP-T-60 - Tape! Pressure - Sensitive AdheSive, Waterproof for Packaging.
PPP-T-'16 - Tape: Pressure - Sensitive Adhesive, Paper (for Carton Sealing).
Fse 5945
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MIL-M-14 - Molding Plastics and Molded Plastic Parts, Thermosetting.
MIL-W-'l6 - Wire and Cable, Hookup, Electrlcal, Insulated.
MIL-P-116 .. Preservation, Methods of.
MIL-W-588 - W1l'e, Magnet, Electrical,
MIL-I-B31 - Insulation, Electrical, Synthetic - Resin Composition, Nonrigid.
MIL-P-99'l - Plastic - Material, Laminated, Thermosetting, Electrical Insulating:
Sheets, Glass Cloth, Silicone Resin.
MIL-C-5010 - Connector, Electric, AN Type.
MIL-C-8S84 - Connector, Plug and Receptacle, Electrical (Molded Body) and Accesso-
ries, General Specification for.
MlL-S-8805 .. SWitches and SWitch Assemblies, sensitive and Push.
MIL-B-12888 - Socket, for Plug-In Electric Components, and Accessories, General
Specification for.
MIL-P-1603'l - Plastic-Sheet, Laminated, Thermosetting, Paper-Base, Phenolic-Resin.
MIL-I-15126 InSulation Tape, Electrical, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive and Pressure
SensItive Thermosetting Adhesive,
MIL-W-168'l8 - W1l'e, Electrical, Insulated, High Temperature.
MIL-C-S60'l4 - Coating, Nickel-Phosphorus, Electroless Nickel, Requirements for.
MIL-C-46662 - Calibration System Requirements,
FED-STD-406 - Plastics, Methods of Testing.
MIL-STD-I05 - sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes.
MIL-STD-129 - Marking for ShIpment and Storage,
MIL-BTD-SOa - Test Methods for ElectrOnic and Electrical Component Parts.
MIL-STD-466 - Electronic Parts, Date and Source Coding for.
MIL-STD-'l04 - Electric Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and Utilization of.
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and pUbllcatlons required by suppliers in connec-
tion with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed
by the contraotlng officer.)
8. 1 Specification sheets. The individual item requirements shall be as specified herein and in
accordance With the appHciible specification sheets. In the event of conflict between requirements of
this specification and the specification sheets, the latter shall govern (see 6. 1).
S, 2 Solenoids furnished under this specification shall be products which are quali-
fied for isUng on the applicable qualified Pl'oducts list at the time set for opening of bids (see 4. 5
3. 3. 1 Information to be furnished with saml?le. The applicable information outlined in 6. 1. 2 shall
be furnishoo with the samplil together with any ollier pertinent information as required by the Govern-
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3. 4 MaterJals. The materials sball be as specified herein. When a definite material Is not speci-
fied, a suitable material shall be used which will enable the solenOids to meet the performance
requirements of this specification. Accsptance or approval of any constituent material shall not be
construed as a guaranty of acceptance of the finiShed product.
3. 4. 1 Fungus-resistant materials. Nonmetallic parts of the Solenoid shall be inherently non-
fungus-nu&1eiit or treated to reSist fungus growth.
3. 4. 2 Metals. Metals shall be of a corrosion-resistant type, or shall be plated or treated to
resist corrosIon. Dissim1lar metals. When dissimilar metals are used in intimate contact with each other,
protection against electrolysis and corrosion shall be provided. The use of dissimilar metals in .
contact, whIcl1 tend toward active electrolytic corrosion (particularly brass, copper, or steel ueed
in contact With aluminum or aluminum alloy), is not acceptable. However, metal-plating or metal
spraying of disslm1lar base metals to provide slmiJar or suitable abutting surfaces Is permitted. A
listing of materials is included in 6, 3.
S. 4. 2. 2 and coating. Plating and coating shall be in accordance with QQ-N-290,
QQ-C-320. QQ- -365, QQOOP-416, QQ-Z-825, or MIL-C-26074.
3. 4. 3 Plastic. Unless otherwise specified herein, plastic material shall conform to MIL-M-14
for molded material and MIL-P-997 or MlL-P-15037 for laminated material. other iJ;Pes of plastic
materials possessing superior cbaracteristlcs may'be used, provided the manufacturer submits
acpeptableevtdence to the activity responsible for qualification that such materials meet the perlor-
nmnce requirements of MJLo.M-14. MIL-P-99'7, or MIL-P-15037, whichever is applicable. Jnaddi-
tion to these requirements, the plastic material shall not support combustion and shall meet the
requirements of a self-extinguishing material when tested in accortiance With method 2021 of
FED-STI>-406. Cotton or wood aour-filled thermosetting materials shall not be used.
3. 4.4. 1 wire. Unless otherwise specified (see S. 1 or 6. I, 2), magnet wire Shall conform
to because of size or temperature range, magnet wire conforming to MlL-W-583
cannot be used, other suitable wire shall be used. Lead wire. Lead wire (when appUcable) shall conforpl to MIL-W-'16 or MJLo.W-168'18
(see 3. 1 or Ii. 1. 2).
s. 4. 5 Insulating taR:' Unless otherwise specified, insulating tape shall be in accordance with
MIL-I-631 or MIL-I- 126 (see 3.1 or 6. 1. 2).
8. 5 DeSign and construction. Solenoids shall be of the design, construction, and physical d'imen-
slons speciliBd {see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2).
8,6.1 Colls. The colls shall be evenly wound and insulated to meet the performance requirements
speCified herem. The colls shall be completely insulated from the frame and other grounded parts,
and the coll leads shall not be internally grounded. Coils shall be suitably taped and impregnated as
required, to prevent damage under prolonged exposure to humidity and sall-fog environmental, condi-
tions, Coils shall be securely anchored to the frame or other stationary parts in a manner to pre-
vent con movement or strain on the coll leads. .
3. 6. 2 Terminals. Terminals, including connectors, solder-type, pig-tall or lead-in wires shall
be as spec:l.f1ed (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2). Terminals shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant material
or shall be suitably plated to resist corrosion during service.
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MIL..S-4040D Plui-In terminations. Plug1n terminations shall conform to the arrangements of dimen-
Sl0118 necessary for proper mating with the appllcable connectors or sockets covered by
MIL-C-S3S4 and MIz...B-12888. The mounting arrangement of the solenoid shall be so designed that
the weight of the solenoid will be supported and the stablUty of its mounting will be provided by
mounting mea118 other than the electrical terminals of the socket. Solenoids with plug-in termination
shall have the electrical and environmental tests, specJfled in 4., performed with the appropriate or
speoified socket or connector assembled to the solenoid.
8. 6. 2. 2 Terminal marking. When specJf1ed (see 3. 1 or 6, 1. 2), terminals shall be permanently
and legibly marked.
3. 6, 8 Electrica.l contacts. When snap action switches are used, they shall conform to
8. 6. 4 case. Unless otherwise specJfied (see .3. 1 or 6. 1. 2), the coil housing shall be enclosed and
shall be electrioally isolated from any electrical cirCUit and shall be magnetically shielded.
8. 6. 5 The mounting means shall be an integral part of the solenoid hOUSing or shall be
securely attaCh thereto In a manner which will prevent any movement between the solenoid and the
mounting means in service use.
3. U. 6 Armature 0icluager travel. The armature or plunger shall be provIded with sufficient
travel to completely lv e tlie load equipment as required. Unless otherwise spec1f1ed (see S. 1 or
6. 1. a), positive stops shall be provided at both extremes of travel and shall be sufficiently spring-
loaded to the armature and load to the normal Or deenet'gb:ed posltton with colI deenerglzed
and under maxilnum load conditions and temperature extremes.
8. 5." Installation "rovtS!ons. Clearances shall be provided for Installation of power cables and
mounting hai'dwal'e. -wess ollierwise specified (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2), speciallnstaUatlon tools shall
not be required by Virtue of solenoid deSign.
S. 6. 8 SoUd state components. Diodes and other soUd state devices shall be of Sufficient ratings
to wlthstaiil peik reverse voitage tl'ansients of the utilising electrical power system. The minimum
and maximum peak Inverse volts (PIV) shall be as specJfied (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2).
8.6.9 Wel1!t !wben specified, see 3.1 or 6.1.2). Solenoids shall not exceed the specJfted weight.
3. 6 Ji:lectrical regutrements.
8. 6. 1 Electrical characteristics.
3. 6. 1. 2 C0i$ensated actuating volE!ge. When tested as specified in 4. 8. 2. 2. the solenoid shall
be in the energ ed poslilon.
8, 6. 1. 5 con current. When solenoids are tested as specJfied in 4. 8. 2. 5, the con current shall
not exceed spec{f[ea reqUirements (see 8. 1 or 6. 1. 2).
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3. 6. 1. 6 Characteristics for airborne eqUlltient. Electrical cbaracteristicB for airborne
ment (solenoids) shill be in accordance WIDi r.-B'J.'D..'104. _
3. 6. 2 Insulation resistance. When relays are tested as specified in 4. 8. 3, the InsUlation resis-
tance (unless otberw1se specified (see 3. 1, shall be 1, 000 megohms or greater, except tbat the
lnBulation resistance between con and case at the maximum specified ambient temperature shall be
600 megohms or greater.
3. 6. 3 Dielectric withstanding VOltr:att When relays are tested as specified in 4. 8. 4, tbere shall
be no evidence Of damage, arcing, br own, or leakage current in excess of 5 milliampere.
3.6.4 stud and terminal strelll: When solenoids are tested as speCified in 4. 8. 6, the
mOUDtlng stuasIlteriiililii'ls sfui1I not loosen nor sbaU there be any other damage when to
the statio values of tension and torque specified in table L Wire lead termlnals shall meet specified,
pull requirements,
Tension and torque leads for solenoid wire leads, solder lUI
or liooi; stud or screw, aiid
Diameter Pull Size Pull tenslonJlbs) Toraue in POUnd-inches
inches tension Mounting
(lbe) Terminals studs Terminals studs
,035 - .04'1 4,5 4 5 '1 4.4 6.-
6 SO 25 10.0 12
lees than 035 2 :to. 2 8 35 35 20.0 20
10 40 60 32.0 40
1/4 60 60 '16.0 80
5/16 '10 80 100.0 160
3/8 100 116 150.0 2'16
3.6,6 Magnetic effect specified). When solenoids are tested as specified in 4.8.7, the
intensity Of the magnetic 1eId surrounding the solenoid shall not exceed the value specified (see 3. 1
or 6.1. 2). .
3. 7 Environmental requirements.
3. 'i. 1 Thermal shock. When solenoids are tested as specified in 4. 8. 6, there shall be no meChan-
ical, electricat; or operational failure, and no, peeling, or flaking of the finish. During
this test, operating force (torque) aitd deactuating voltage sball be as specified In and
3, 6. 1. 3, respectively. Following the test, the compensated actuating voltage shall be as specified
in 3. 6.1. 2.
3. '1.2 SolderablU7" When solenoids are tested as specifled in 4. 8, 9, 95 percent of the total
length of lillet, Wlilc is between the standard wrap wire and the terminal, sba.11 be tangent to the
surface of the terminal being tested. There shall be no pinholes, voidS, etc. A ragged or inter-
rupted line at the point of tangency between the fillet and the terminal under test shall be considered
a defect. After the test there shall be no evidence of fracture, loosening of parts, or any other
mechanical failure of solenoids.
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Mll.-oS- 4040D
8. '1.:1 Vibration. When solenoids are tested as specKied in 4. 8.10, there shall be no evidence of
loosening of parts or mechanical damage to the solenoid. Following this test, operating force
(torque), compensated actuating voltage, and deactuating voltage (or current) shall be as specified In
8, 6. 1. 1, 3. 6. 1. 2, and 3. 6. 1. 3, respectively.
3. '1. 4 Shock. When solenoids are tested as speclfled in 4. 8.11, there shall be no evidence of
mechanical or electrical damage, nor shall the test impair the normal operation of the solenoid.
Following this test, operating force (torque), deactuating voltage (or current) (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2) and
compensated actuaUng voltage shall be as spec1fie<! in 3. 6. 1. 1, 3. 6. 1. S, and 3. 6. 1. 2, respectively.
3, '1. 6 Moisture resistance. Unless otherwise speclfled (see 3.1 or 6. 1.2), solenoids shall be tested
in accordiiice With 4. 8. 13
There shall be no evidence of breaking, cracking, or &palling of the
solenoids. Immediately after step 6 of the final cyele, the insulation resistance shall be at least 1
megohm, and the compensated actuated voltage shall be as speclfled in 3.6. 1. 2. After the 24-hour
drying period, the Insulation resistance shall be at least 50 megohms. The operating force (torque),
dea.ctuattng voltage (or current), and compensated actuating voltage shall be as specKled in 3. 6. 1. 1,
a.6, 1.3, and 3.6. 1.2, respectively.
S, '1.9 Low teiiferature. When tested as speclfled In 4. 8.16, the solenoids shall meet the opera-
ting lorce (torque requli'ements specKied in S. 6. 1. 1.
3. '1.10 Salt spray. When solenoids are tested as specKled In 4. 8.17,. there shall be no evidence
of corroSion, or peinng, Chipping, or blistering of the finish, nor exposure of base metal when
Inspected by the unaided eye, Following this test,the Insulation reSistance, operating force (torque),
deactuatlng voltage, and compensated actuating voltage shall be as specified In 8. 6. 2, 3. 6. 1. 1,
3.6, 1.3, and 3.6. 1.2, respectively. For sealed or encapsulated solenoida, dielectric withstanding
voltage (at sea level) (see 3. 6. 3) shall be applicable. .
8. 8 Life. When solenoldtl are tested as speclfied In 4. 8. 20, solenoids shall remain mechanically
and electrically operative. There shall be no ind1catlon of mechanical resonance due to the frequency
of the energIZing voltage. Following this test, the 0011 resistance shall be within :1:2 percent of the
pre"llfe value, and the Insulation resistance and dielectric withstanding voltage (at sea level), shall
be as specified in 3.6. 2 and 3. 6. 3, respectively.
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. 3. 9 Marking. Unless otherwise specified (see 3. 1), solenoids shall be permanently and legibly
marked wIth the military part number, date code, and either the manufacturer's name, trademark,
symbol, or source code as shown in the followIng example; and, wherever space permits, the
manufacturer's part number, and the rated voltage (or current), and operating frequency. Paper
:labels shall not be used. Other markings which in any way interfere with, obScure, or confuse those
speeified herein, are prohibited. The marking shall remain legible after all tests.
Example: M4040/ }
Military part number
12845 Manufacturer's source code
6824 Date code
3.9.1 Military part mnnber. The military part number shall be in accordance with 1. 2.1.
3. 9. 2 Date code and maiiufacturer's source code. The date code and manufacturer's source code
shall be in acooraance witli MIlrSTD-456.
3.10 Workmanship. Solenoids shall be processed so tbat they are in quality and shall be
free from cracIted or deformed parts, sharp edges, burrs other defects which will affect life,
serviceabillty, or appearance.
4.1 Responsibmty for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order,
the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein.
Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commerciallabora-
tory acceptable to the .Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspec-
tions set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplles
and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4. 1. 1 Test ;reutpment and inspection faclUties. The supplier shall establish and malntaln a
calibration sys em in accoi'diilce with MIil=C-il5662.
4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspections specified herein are classified as.follows:
(a) Materials inspection (see 4. 3).
(b) Qualification inspection (see 4. 5).
(c) Preproduction inspection (see 4. 6). .
(d) Quality conformance inspection (see 4. 7).
4. 3 Materials inspection. Materials inspection shall consiSt of certification supported by verify-
ing data. tliat the iliiterialS listed in table II, . used in fabricating the solenoids, in accordance
with the applicable referenced specifications or requirements prior to such fabrication.
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TABLE n. Materials lDS2octlon.
Material Requirement paragraph Applicable specification
Plating and coating QQ-N-290
Plastic 3.4.3 MlL-M-14
Magnet wire 8,4.4.1 MIL-W-583
Lead wire MIIrW-'l6
Insulating tape 3.4. I) MIIrI-631
4.:' !a:Eectton conditions. Unless otherwise speclfied herein, allinspoctlons.shall be performed
in aqcor ance with the test conditions speCified in the "GENERAL REQtJmEMENT8I' of
4,6 insiiotion. Qualification Inspection shall be performed at a laboratory accept-
able to he GOverntneiit see 6. 2) on sample units produced with eqUipment and procedures normally
used in production. .
4.6.1 Sample size. Twelve solenoids shall be subjected to qua.lUlcation inspection.
4. 6. 2 Ins2ectlon routine. The sample shall be subjected to the inspections specUied in table JP,
in the order shown, except fhat groups nand mmay be conducted concurrently. All sample units
shall be subjected to the inspection of group I. The sample shall then be divided equally Into two
groups ot six units each and subjected to the inspeotion for their particular lP:oup.
TABLE III. Qualification Inspection .
Examination or test
No. of sample
units to be
No. of
GrolW I
Visual and mechanical
Electrical oharacteristics
Insulation resistance
Dielectric wIthstanding voltage
(at 8ea level)
3. 1, 3. 4, 3.5,
3. 9, and 3. 10

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TABLE lIL Qualification inspection. - Continued
No. of sample
Requirement Method No. of
Examluat10n or test units to be
paragraph paragraph
Group JJ
Tbermal shock 3. '1. 1 4. 8.8
Solderability 3. '1. 2 4. 8. 9
Vibration 3. '1. 3 4.8.10
. Shock S. '1. 4 4.8.11
Mounting stud and terminal strength 3.6,4 4.8.5 6
Acceleration (when specified) 8. '1. 6 4.8.12
Moisture resistance 3.'1.6 4.8. IS
static spring return force (When specified) 8.6.5 4,8.6
Life!! - 8.8 4.8.20
) 0
GrO!9i! m
Magnetic effect (when specified) S. 6. 6 4. 8. '1
Altitude (when specified) 8. 'I. 7 4. 8.14
I Hlgb temperature 8.7.8 4. 8.15
oS. '1.9 Low temperature 4. 8.16
S. '1. 10 4.8.1'1 salt spray 6
I Sand and dust (when specified) 8.'1.11 4.8.18
8,6,6 Static spring return force (when specified) 4.8.6
) E:stplosion (when specified) 3.1.12 4.8.19
Life!! . 8.8 4. 8, 20
y 3 samples only
4. 6. 3 Failures. One or more failures shall be cause for refusal to grant qualification approval.
4.6,4 To retain qualification, the supplier shall forward, at 12-month .
intervals, fo fbe actiVity, a summary of the results of group A tests, indicating as a
minimum the number of lots which passed- and the number which faUed, and a summary of the
results of group B tests, including the number and type of a.ny part fallure!!!. The summary shall
include those tests performed during t11at 12-month period. U the summary Of the telft results
Indicates nonconformance with specUlcation requirements, action shall be taken to remove the falling
product from the qualified products list. Failure to submit the summary shall result in loss of -
qualification for that product. 111 addition to the periodlc submission of inspection data, the suppUer
shall immediately notify the qualifling activity at any time during the 12month period that the inspec-
tion data. Indlcates fallure of the quallfied product to meet the requirements of the specification. In
the event that no production occurred during the reporting per1od, a negative report shall be sub-
4.6 Preproduction inspection. Preproduction Inspection shall be performed by the supplier, after
award of contract Iiiid prior to prodUction, at a location acceptable to the Government. Preproduction
inspection shall be performed on sample 1U1lts which produced with equipment and proce-
dures normally used in production. Preproduct1onapproval1s valid only on the conb:act or purchase
order under which it is granted, unless extended by the Government to other contracts or purchase
orders. .'
4. 6.1
shall be
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4. 6. 2 FaIlures. One or more faUures shall be cause for refusal to grant preproduction approval.
4. 'I Quality inspection.
4.7. 1 Inspection of eroduct for deJJvery. Inspection of product for delivery shall consist of group
A inspectIon. Except as speCified in 4. ? 4. 1. 4, delivery of products which have passed the group A
inspection sl1all not be delayed pending the results of the group B inspection.
4. ".2 Inspection lot. An inspection lot, shall consist of one week's production of solenoids of the
same deSign, ruateriilS, and production processes,. produced under essentially the same conditions
and offered for inspection at one time. Where production Is less than 200 solenoids per week, a lot
shall consist of two consecutive weeks production and the date code shall indicate that the solenoids
were produced during the first week.
4. 'I. 8 Grool! A inspection. Group A Inspection shall consist of the exammations and tests speci.
fied in table IV, In the order shown.
TABLE IV. Group A inspection.
Method Requirement AQL (uercent defective)
Examination or test
paragraph paragraph MaJor Minor
I SUbgroup 1
Dielectric withstanding voltage 8.6.8 4.8.4 100% inspection
SUbgroue 2
Coil current 8.6.1,6 0.65
Compensated actuating voltage 8.6.1. :I 0.65
Insulation re$lstance 3.6.2 4.8.3 0.65
Visual and mechanical examination 3.4, 3.5, 4.8.1 1.0 4.0
Deactuatlng voltage (when
specified) 4.8,2.3 1.0
Operate and l'elease time
(when specified) 8.6. 1.4 1.0
4. '1. 3. 1 Samplfl!g plan. statistical sampling and inspection shall be In accordance with
MIL-STD-I05 tor general inspectIon level n. The acceptable quality level (AQL) shall be as speci-
fied in table IV. Major and minor defects shall be as defined in MIL-STD-I05.
4. '1. 3. 2 Rejected lots. If an inspection lot is rejected, the suppl1er may rework It to correct the
or screen out Die defective untts, and resubmit for relnspectlon. Resubmitted lots shall
be inSpected UJ:Iing tightened inspection. SUch lots shall be separate from Dew lots, and shall be
clelu ..... tdentifled as reinspected lots.
4. '1. 4 Periodic inspection. Periodic inspection shall consist of group B inspection.
'I, 1; 4. 1 Group B Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests
in tame V, the order shown. Group B inspeotion shall be made on sample units
selected from inspection lots which have passed tbe group A Inspection.
4.7. 4. 1. 1 plan. Eight sample units shall be selected from those covered by a single
specification sbee, months after the date of notification of qualification, and after each subse-
quent 12-month period.
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MIL- 8-4040D
4. 7. 4. 1. 2 Defectives. If the number of defectives exceed the number allowed in table V, the
sample shall be considered to have failed.
TABLE V. Group B inspection.
Examination or test
Number of sample
units to be
Number of
Subgroup 1
Thermal shock 3.7.1 4.8.8
Vibration 3.'1.3 4.8.10 J
Shock 3,7.4 4.8.11
Mounting stud and terminal strength 3,6.4 4.8.5 4 1
Acceleration (when specified) 3.7.5 4. 8.12
Moisture resistance
3, '1.6
4. 8. 20
Subgroup 2
l\fagnetic effect (when specified) 3.6.6 4.8.7
Altitude (when specified) 3.7.7 4.8.14
Salt spray 3.7.10 4.8.17
Sand and Dust (when specified) 3.7.11 4.8.18 4 1
Explosion (when specified) 3.7.12 4.8.19
High temperature 3.7.8 4.8.15
} )
Dielectric withstanding voltage 3.6.3
(high altitude) Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have been subjected to group B
inspection shan not be delivered on the contract or purchase order.
4. 7. 4. 1. 4 Noncompliance. If a sample fails to pass group B inspection, the supplier shall take
corrective action on the materials or processes, or both, as warranted, and on all units of product
which can be corrected and which were manufactured under essentially the same conditions, with
essentially the same materials, processes, etc, and which are considered subject to the same
failure. Acceptance of the product shall be discontinued until corrective action, acceptable to the
Government, has been taken. After the corrective action has been taken, group B inspection shall
be repeated on additional sample units (all Inspection, or the inspection which the original sample
faUed, at the option of the Government). Group A inspection may be relnstltuted; however, final
acceptance shall be withheld until the group B relnspection has shown that the corrective action was
successful. In the event of faUure after reinspection, information concerning the failure and correc-
tive action taken shall be furnished to the cognizant inspection activity and the qualifying activity.
4.7.5 Inspection of preparation for delivery. Sample packages or packs and the inspection of the
preservation, packaging, packing, and marking for shipment and storage shall be in accordance
with the requirements of section 5 or the documents specified herein. .
4. 8 Methods of examination and test.
4. 8. 1 Visual and mechanical examination. Solenoids shall be examined to verify that the mate-
daiS, deSign, cODstrucUon, physicii! dimenSions, marking, and workmanship are in accordance
with the specified requirements (see 3. 1, 3. 4, 3. 5, 3. 9 and 3. 10).
4. 8. 2 Electrical characteristics.
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MIL-S.. 404QD
4. 8. 2. 1. 1 For qualification Inspection.
(a) Points of measurement.
(1) At the beginning of the solenoid's stroke (0-5 percent).
(2) Full stroke force or torque (96-100 percent of stroke (when specified, see 3.1
or 6.1.2.
(3) Holding force (when specified, see 8. 1 or 6. 1. 2).
(b) Magnitude of test voltage aDd temperature. test shall be conducted at the value
values of the upper and lower, and lower and upper limits of the voltage and
temperature ranges, respectlvely.
(c) Nature of potential. With specified load (see 3. 1 or 6. 1;2) applied to the solenoid.
(d) Duration of applied voltage. The duty cycle of intermittent duty solenoids shall not
be exceeded.
(e) Attitude(s) during testing: See 3.1 or 6.1.2.
Cf) Applied load. A load equal to the speeifled force (torque) (see S.l or 6.1.2)
shall be applied to the armature or plunger.
(g) Force (torque) measurement. With the solenoid mounted in the specified
attitude(s) and ambient temperature, and with a load in accordance with (f) above,
the output force (torque) shall equal or exceed the static output force (torque)
with the speo1tled voltage applied to the co1L
4. 8. 2. 1. 2 FoX' qualtty conformance inspection.
(a) Po1nts of measurement.
(1) At the beginning of the solenoid's stroke (0-5 percent).
(b) Magnitude of test voltage and temperature. The test voltage shall be equivalent to
that of minimum voltage at maximum rated temperature (see 4. 8. 2. 2).
In addition, 4. 8. 2. 1. 1 (e) thm (g) are applicable.
(a) Magnitude of test voltage and temperature. Tbe test shall be conducted at the voltage
equivalent to minimum voltage at maximum temperature.
(b) Nature of potentlal- See 3.1 or 6.1. 2.
(c) Duration of appl1ed voltage. The duty cycle of the intermittent duty solenoids shall
not be exceeded (see S. 1 or 6. 1. 2).
(d) Mounting the solenoid for test. The solenoid shall be mounted bylts normal mounting
means and in its noX'mal mounting attitude,
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MIL-l::J- 4040D
(e) Temperature and load. With the solenoid at stabUlzed temperature of 25 :1:2" C, the
solenoids shall generate sufficient mechanical force (or torque) at the specified
compensated actuating voltage (or current) (see 8. 1 or 6. 1. 2) to cause full plunger
(or armature) travel in the energb:ed position against the specified (see 3.1 or
6.1.2) value of load (force or torque),
(f) Observe poSition of armature,
4. 8. 2. 3 Deactuat volt or current (see 8. 6. 1.8). With rated mechanical load attached to
the armature or phmger as spe see or , he solenoid shall be energized With rated
load applied. Reduce the voltage (or current) to a value equa.l to tbe maximum deactuating voltage
specified. Observe position of armature. Further .reduce the voltage (or current) to a. val1,le equal
to the minimum deactuating voltage specified (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2). Observe poSition of armature.
For qualification inspection, unless otherWise specified (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2), the deaetuating voltage
(or current) shall fall Within the required limits when tbe solenoid Is mounted in each of three
mutually perpendicular planes, one of which shall be that where the plunger graVity force opposes
the return spring force. .
rate and release time see 3.6. 1. 4. Nomtnal. rated voltage (or current) (see S. 1 or
6. 1. 2) s app 0 e so eno es s I be performed With the solenoid at stabll1l!led
25" :1:2 C and at rated high and low temperatures. Time Interval between (a) application of voltage
(or current) and full travel of the solenoid and (b) time interval between removal of voltage (or
current) and full return travel of the plunger or armature to the deenerglzed position shall be
measured. Coll current 3.6.1. 5}. Coil current shall be measured with (a) the coil at stabilized
amblent temperature (if ,. :1:2 C arid rated voltage, and-(b) coil at stabllised low temperature rating
and maximum rated voltage (see 3.1). Tbe current shall be measured Within 10 seconds of applica-
tion of col1 voltage.
4.8. 3 InsUlation resistance (eee 8. 6. Solenoids shall be tested In accordance with method 802
of T1ie. foUoWlJig deta:ns s all apply: . .
(a) Test condition letter - A, for solenoids having a voltage rating of less than 60; B, for
solenoids having a voltage ratillg of 60 or greater.
(b) Potnt of measurement - Between the coll and case.
4. 8. 4 Dielectric Witbstandillg volt. (see 8. 6. 3).
4. 8. 4. 1 At sea leveL Solenoids shall be tested In accordance with method 301 of MIL-STD-202.
Tbe follOwing deaUs shan apply:.
(a) MagnItude of test voltage - The magnitude of tbe test potential shall be based on the
coIl voltage rating. (See table VI).
(b) Nature of potential - alternating current (ac).
(e) Duration of test voltage 5 to 15 seconds for conformance 'inspection.
(d) Point of appllcation of test voltage - Between the coil and case,
After the test, solenoids sball be exa.m1ned for any evidence of damage, arcing, aiul breakdown, and
leakage current shall be measured.
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TABLE VI, Dielectric withstanding voltage (at sea level)
Voltage rating RMS test voltage
<: 60 . = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
60 to 260, inel - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1, 600 + rated voltage
Over 250 to 500, incl - - - - - - - - - - 2 X voltage rating + 1, 000
(a) Test condition letter - see 3, 1 or 6. 1. 2.
(b) Magnitude of test voltage w The magnitude of the test potential shall be 350 :1:10 volts.
(c) Nature of potential - alternating current (ac).
(d) Duration of test voltage - 5 to 15 seconds for quaUty conformance inspection.
(e) Point of application of test voltage - Between the coll terminals and the case.
After the test, solenoids shall be examined for any evidence of damage, arcing, and breakdown, and
leakage current shall be measured.
4. 8. 6 Mounting stud and terminal strength (see 3. 6, 4). The solenoid studs, as appllcable, shall
be subjected to the tensile ana tOrque loads specified in 8,6.4 and applled parallel to the axis of the
studs for a period of 1 minute. There shall be no mechanical failure resulting from these tests.
Lead wire terminals No. 22 AWG or larger shall be subjected to 4.6 pounds pull for a mlnlmum of
30 seoonds. There shall be no mechanical or electrical impairment resulting from the test. Lead
wires smaller than No. 22 AWG shall be tested as specified (see 3.1 or 6. 1.2),
. 4. 8. '1 Magnetic effect (see 3. 6. The solenoid shall not produce a magnetiC field greater than
the field produced by a straight bus ar carrying a direct current of 15 times the coll current of the
solenoid. The ooU current shall be that produced when the temper_tore of the colls is a6 :1:2
and maximum operating voltage is impressed thereon. The field shall be measured by a suitable
nuxmeter witb the search coil adjacent to the colI housing or bus bar in the position causing greatest
deflection of the meter.
4.8.8 Thermal shock (see 8.7.1). Solenoids shall be tested in aocordance with method 10'1 of
The following detaIls apply:
(a) Test condition - See 3. 1 Qr 6. 1. 2. Exposure time shall be 1 hour at each temperature
(b) Measurement during cycling. During the last 10 minutes of the fifth temperature cycle
at both high and low temperatures, the solenOid sball meet requirements of operating
force (torque) (see and deactuatlng voltage (or current) (see aDd
return to room temperature,
(c) Measurements after cycling. Compensated actuating voltage shall be tested as
specified in 4, 8. 2. 2. The solenoids shall then be examined for cracklng, peeling
and flaking of the case and finish.
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MU... S-4040D
4.8.9 Solderability (see 8. '1. 2). Solenoids having solderable terminals shall be tested in aCCor-
dance with methOd 208 of MlL-sTD-202 except the dipping device need not be used.
(a) Number of terminations of each part to be tested - 2..
(b) Solder dip - Not applicable.
(c) Examination of terminations = fillet area.
(a) Mounting - Solenoids shall be rigidly mounted by a normal mounting means in a suit-
able test jig. The vibration shall be monitored on top of the test 'jig as near as prac-
ticable to the solenoids support points.
(1)) Electrical-load conditions - The solenoids sball be energized with rated coU voltage
(or current) for half the required test time and deenergized for half tbe required test
time in each of the tbree mutually perpendicular directions.
(c) Test condition letter - See 3.1 or 6.1.2.
(d) Tests and measurements after vibration - After vibration, operating force (torque),
compenSated actuating voltage, and deaciuating voltage (or current) shall be tested
as specified in 4. 8.2.1,, and 4; 8.2.3, respectively. Solenoids shall be
examined externally for evidence of damage such as cracks or loosening of parts.
4.8.11 Shock (see 3.7. 4). Solenoids shall be tested in accordance With 4. 8.11.1,, or
4. 8.11. 3, as applicable (see 3.1). Shock 1. Solenoids shall be tested in. accordance with method 205 of MlIrSTD-202. The
following demns shall apply:
(a) Test condition letter - C.
(1)) Electrical operating conditions - In each direction of shock the coil shall be deener-
gtzed during two shocks and energized with rated voltage (or current) during one
(c) Measurements after sbock - Following th1s test, the operating force (torque), com-
pensated actuating voltage and deactuating voltage (or current) shall be tested as
specifled in 4. 8. 2. 1,, and 4.8.2. S, respectively.
4. 8.11. 2 Shock 2. Solenoids sball be tested in accordance with method 213 of MIL-BTD-.202.
The following detalls shall apply:
(a) Mountlng method and accessories - Normal mounting means,
(b) Test condition letter - A.
(c) Electrical operating conditions - As specified in (1)).
(d) Measurements after shock - As spec:ified in 4. 8. 11. 1 (c).
Followtng the shock test there shall be no evidence of mechan1clI.l 01' electrical dam8ge, nor shall
the test impair the normal operatlon of the solenoid.
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4. 8, 11.8 Shock 8. Solenoids shall be tested in accordance with method 20'1 of MIL-8I'D-202.
The following detaUs shall apply:
(a) Mounting fbctures - Normal.
(b) Height of hammer drop - See S. 1 or 6. 1. 2.
(c) Electl'ical operating conditions - As specified In 4. 8. 11. 1 (b).
(d) Measurements after shock - Following this test, operating force (torque), compen-
sated actuating voltage, and deactuatlng voltage shall be tested as specHled in
4. 8. 2, 1, 4. 8. 2. 2, and 4. 8. 2. 3, respectively. There shall be no evidence of
mechanical or electrical damage or impairment of the operation of the solenoid.
4. 8. 12 Acceleration see 3; 6. The solenoids shall be rigidly mounted on the centrifuge and
then subjec 0 an acce era Oll orce of 109 In both directions In three mutually perpendicular
axes one of which is parallel to the 10ng1tud1nal axis of the sOlenoid coU. During the test the sole-
noids shall deliver the specified actuating force within the specIfied voltage Umlts (see 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2).
4.8.13 Moisture S. '1. 6ka, Solenoids shall be tested in accordance with metbod 106
of MIL-sTD-202. TIi9 fOllo detaIlS s 11 apply:
Ca) Mounting - On a corrosion-resistant metal panel, by normal mounting means.
(b) Initial measurement. Insu,ation resistance as specIfied in 4. 8.8.
(c) Polarization - During steps 1 to 6 inclusive, 100 volts dc shall be applied between the
coIl' (posltlve) and the mounting frame (negative) of one-half of the solenoids. Witbin
5 minutes after the end of the conditioning, tbe operating force (torque) shall be
tested as speoJfled in 4. 8. 2. 1.
(d) Final measurements After a 24-hour drying period at a relative humidity of 60 :l:li
percent, solenoids shall be examined for evidence of breaking, cracklng, spalling,
and loosening of the terminals; and the 11lSulation resistance, operating force
(torque), deactuatlng voltage (or current), and compensated actuating-voltage shall
be tested as specified in 4. 8. 8, 4. B. 2. 1, 4. 8. 2. 8, and 4. 8. 2. 2, respectively,
(a) Mounting. Solenoids shall be rigidly mounted by their normal mounting means.
(b) Test condition letter - See 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2.
(0) Tests during subJection to reduced pressure - With the complete solenoid at stablUzed
ambient temperature of 25 :1:2" C, measure coll resistance with :1:0. 6 percent accu-
racy. Then with pressure reduced to the specified altitude and the ambient tempera-
ture specIfied for altitude condltiollS (see 8. 1 or 6. 1. a), the solenoid with the coll
energized with mlUdrnum rated voltage, shall be 8ub,ected to the specified conditions
for Ii\. minimum of two bours. The duty cycle of intermittent duty solenoids shall be as
speoJfled (see 8. 1 01' 6. 1. 2). Within the last 5 to 10 minutes of the exposure to re-
duced pressure, coil resistance shall be measured in order to enable calculation of
the con temperature. The calculated coll temperature shall be within the temperature
limits of the 0011 magnet Wire. Immediately following coll resistance measurement,
compensated actuating voltage shall be tested as specified In 4. 8. 2. 2 with the solenoid
in its normal attitude. Immediately following the compensa,ted actuating voltage test,
dleleotric withstanding voltage shall be tested as specified in 4. 8. 4. 2 at maximum
rated altitude. After return to room temperature and sea level pressure, insulation
reSistance, operating force (torque), deactuating voltage, a.nd compensated aetuating
yoltage shall be tested as specified in 4. 8, 3, 4. 8. 2. 1, 4. a. 2. 3, and 4. 8. 2. 2,
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s- 4040D
4.8.15 H!ch temperature (see 3. 7. t The solenoid shall be energized with rated voltage and
percent Of rated road and shan subjected to maximum rated ambient temperature
maxlmum rated altitude for a period of 2 hours. Immediately at tbe end of the conditioning and while
in the specified ambient temperature, OPBra.ting force test specified in 4. 8. 2. 1 shall be performed.
4. 8, 16 Low temperature (see 3. 7, 9. The solenoid deenergized shall be subjected to the speci-
fied minimum temperawre condition see 3.1) for at least 4 hours. At the end of the conditioning
and while stm subjected to the low temperature, with mlntmumraled voltage applied, operating
force test sp!3clfied in 4. 8. 2. 1 shall be performed.
4.8. ,17 Salt f!la:rz. Solenoids shall be tested in accordance with method 101 of MIL-STD-202.
The folloWiiig d shall apply: -
Ca) Applicable salt solution - 6 percent,
(b) Test-condition letter - B.
(c) Measurements after exposure - After eJl:posure, solenoids shall be washed, shakellt
and air blasted, and then permUted to dry for 24 hours at room temperature. Sole-
notds shall then be examined for evidence ,of corrosion, peeling, chipping, and
blistering of the finiSh, and exposure of base metal. The insulation resistance,
dielectric withstanding voltage (sea level), operating force (torque), deaetuating
voltage (or current), and compensated actuating voltage shall be,tested as specified
in 4. 8. S, 4. 8, 4, 4. 8, 2. 1, 4. 8, 2. 8, and 4. 8. 2, 2, respectively,
4.8.18 Sand and dust. Solenoids shall be tested in accordance with method 110 of MIL-STD-202.
The following defiilli shan apply:
(a) Test-condition letter - A.
(b) Measurements - At the end of the test period, operat1:ng force (torque), deactuatlng
voltage (or current), and compensated actuating voltage sOOll be tested as apecUied
in 4. 8. 2. I, 4. 8. 2. S, and 4. 8. 2. 2, respectively.
4. 8. 19 Solenoids shall be tested in accordance with method 109 of :Mllt-STD-202. The
following sliaU apply:
(a) Mechanical and electrIcal load - rated voltage and no mechanical load.
(b) Chamber temperature condition - See 3. 1 or 6. 1. 2.
4. 8, 20 Life see 3. 8. Meas\lre coil resistance. Solenoids shall then be tested for life eycle with
specified see. or 6. 1. 2). Eaclt solenoid shall be connected to a load in the range of 95 to
100 percent of that specified for the maximum operating force. Continuous duty rating solenoids
shall be subjected to an ambient temperature of 25 2 C for a period of 168 hours with the con
energized with rated voltage (or current). Intermittent duty solenoids shall be energized for 168"
hours at 26 ::1:2 C ambient temperature and with a continuous voltage (or current) such that the
watts input shall be equal to the product of rated input wp,tts Umes duty cycle. The solenoid shall
then be operated for a minimum of 25, 000 operations; 12, 600 the maximum rated temperature,
and 12, 500 at the minimum rated temperature. The rate of cycling shall be 10 cyeles per minute
minimum with coU energized approximately 66 percent of the cycle and deenergized approximately
83 percent of the cycle. For intermittent duty solenoids, the duty cycle shall be as specified (see
3. 1 or 6. 1.2). Following the test, the coil reSistance shall be measured, and insulat!on resistance
and dielectric withstanding voltage (at sea. level) shall be tested as specHied in 4. 8. 3 and 4. 8. 4,
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MIL- S-4040D
6. 1 Preservation and Preservation and packaging shaU be level A or C, as specified
(see 6.1).
6. 1. 1 Level A. Cleani!1i. Solenoids shall be cleaned in accordance with MIL-P-116, process C-l. Drylni. Solenoids shall be dried in accordance with MIL-P-116.
6. 1. 1. 3 Preservative ap211cation. None required.
6. 1. 1. 4 Unit filiCkagi!J' Unless otherwise specified, each solenoid shall be individually packaged
in accordance wit MIL- method lAS, Insuring compUance with the general requirements
paragraph under methods of preservation (unit protection) and the physical protection requirements
paragraph therein. Unit packages which exceed 20 cubic Inches shall be placed In a. supplementary
container conforming to PPP-B-666 or PPP-B-6'16.
6. 1. 1.5 Solenoids, packaged as described in 5. 1. 1.4, and when the
unit container IS not iili" y a on, shall be placed In intermediate containers conforming to
PPP-B-566 or PPP-B-6'16. Intermedlate containers shall be uniform in Size, shape, and quantlties,
shall be of minimum tare and cube, and shall contain multiples of five unit packages, not to exceed
100 packages or ten pounds. No int&rmediate packaging is required when the total quantity shJpped
to a single destination is less than 50 .units.
6. 1. 2 Level C. Each cleaned and dried solenoid shall be Individually packaged In a manner that
wlll afford adequate-protection against corrOSion, deterioration, aDd physical damage during ship-
ment from supply source to the first receiving actiVity.
6. 2 Packing., Packing shall be level A, B, or C, as specified (see 6. 1).
6. 2. 1 Level A. The packaged solenoids shall be packed in fiberboard containers conforming to
PPP-B-63U, cliSs weather reSistant, style optional, special requirement .. In l1eu of the closure and
waterproofing requirements in the appendix of PPP-B-636, closures and waterproofing shall be
accomplished by sealing all seams, corners, and manufacturer's joints with tape, 2 inches minimum
Width, conformiug to PPP-T-60, class 1, or PPP-T-'i6. Banding (reinforcement requirements)
s.hall be appl1ed in accordance with the appeDdlx to PPP-B-636, using nonmetallic or tape banding
5. 2. 2 Level B. The packaged solenoids sball be packed in fiberboard contalners conforming to
PPP-B-6i6, elies domestic, style optional, special requirement. Closures shall be in accordance
With the appendix thereto. For Army, fiberboard container shall be class weather-resistant, as
specified in level A.
6. 2.3 Level C. The packaged solenoids shall be packed in shipping containers in a manner that
w!ll aflord adequate proteotIon against damage during direct shipment from the supply source to the
first receiving aotivity. This pack shall conform to the applicable carrier rules regulations.
6.8 Marking. In addition to any special marking required by the contract Or order, each unit
package, intermedlate, and exterior container shall be marked In accordance with MlL-8TD-129.
5, 4 GeneraL . Exterior containers sball be of a. mlnimum tare and cube consistent with the protec-
tion requli'ed and shall contain equal quantities of identical stock numbered ltems to the greatest
extent possible.
6. 5 lnspeotiop. , Inspection of military packagipg shall be In accordance with 4. '1. 5,

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6. 1 data.
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Title, number, and date of the applicable specification sheet.
(c) Military part number.
(d) Levels of preservation, packaging, packing, and marking (see section 5).
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) The specilic type and style solenoid required.
(c) Electrical
(d) Design and construction.
(e) Environmental requirements.
(f) Levels of preservation, packaging, and packing and appllcable container marklng
(soo 6.1). .
(g) for test plan and details regarding submission (sep 4. 6).
(h) Requirements for test reports IUl.!i details regarding submission. (See 4.6).
(i) Manufacturer's part number.
8, 2 With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made only for
such pl'uCis as have, prior to the time set for opening of bids, been tested and approved for inclu-
sion in the applicable qualilied products Ust whether or not sucb products bave actually been listed
by Umt date. The attention of the s\ifu>llers is called to this requirement,. and manufacturers are
urged to arrange to have the products that they propose to offer to the Federal Government, tested
for qualification in order that they may be eligible to be awarded or orders for the
products covered by this specification. The activity responsible for the qualified products is
Air Force LogiStics Command, Department of the Air Force, Attn: SGEB, Patterson Air
Force Base, Dayton, Ohio 45433; however, information pertaining to qualification of products may
be obtained from the Defense Electronics Supply Center (DEBe-E), 1507 Wilmington Pike, Dayton,
Ohio 45401. Application for qualification tests shall be made in accordance with "Provisions
Governing Qualification
(see 6. 2. 1).
6. 2. 1 Copies of "Provisions Governing Qualification" may be obtained upon application to
Officer, Naval Supply Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120.
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6, S Grouping of metals. The grouping specifted below is Intended to serve as a guide In selecting
materJiils tobe used in electronic equipment, and should not he construed to waive requirements
bereln or !n the applicable specification sheeU(fcorrosion resistance of components and assemblies.
I II m
Magnesium alloys
(most anodic)
Aluminum alloys
Copper and copper alloys
Nickel and nickel alloys
Cadmium Lead Corrosion resistant steel
Tin Tin Gold
Corrosion resistant
Corrosion resistant
Silver (most cathodic)
6. 8. 1 Appltcation. Unless specifically approved by the Government, all metals not listed In 6. 3
should be conslilered dissimilar with respect to one another and with respect to any ot the materials
listed. Except for zinc, cai.mium, and tin as listed In groups n and m, and for .corrosion resistant
steel as listed in groups II, m, and IV, contact between a member of one group and a member of any
other group should be considered dissimilar. SUch contact should not be made unlesS necessary, in
which case it should be demonstrated that the contact Is not detrimental. When reference is made to
a metal in a particular group, the reference applies to the metal on the surface ol the part; that is,
zinc means zinc coating as well as zinc electroplate, zinc hotdlp, or zino metal spray. Different
metalS in contact, even though similar, should be employed in assemblies in such a manner that the
smaller part is cathodic (or protected) and the larger part is anodic (or corroded) if any corrosion
takes place. care should be exerciBed in using different aluminum alloys against each other or
against alliering material.
6. <4
6. 4. 1 Deactuatlng voltage. The coil voltage a.t which the colI releases the plunger or armature
to its deenergIZed positIOn wIth rated mechanical load.
6.4. 2 Maximum ol!!rating voltage. The maximum anticipated voltage at which a solenoid w1l1 be
required to operate.
6.4. S Minimum opera.t!M voltage. The minimum anticipated voltage at which a solenoid will be
required to operate. .
6.4.4 Rated stroke. The Unear or angular (as applicable) travel of the armature from. the deener-
gtzed posffion to tlii energIzed position.
e. The voltage that win prOVide at 25 :1:2 C stabnlzed sole-
o hat produced at maximum rated temperature and minimum
6.4. 6 Rated force. The force in pounds a solenoid will produce at rated stroke and minimum in
voltage an('( over temperature range in accordance with the characteristic curve submitted
by the manufacturer.
6.4. 'I Rated tor!J1:le. The torque in a solenoid will produce at rated stroke and
minimum voltage over specUied temperature range in accordance with the characteristic curve sub-
mitted by the manufacturer.
6.4. 8 Return force. The spring force in pounds avatlable to move the solenoid armature and load
to their deenergbied pOSition.
6, 4. 9 Return torque, The torque in avaUable to return the armature from its ener-
gized posttlon.
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6.4. 10 Net The static torque produced by the solenoid within 0 to 6 percent of
rated stroke When ra; ad vo tage is applied.
6, 4. 11 Duty cycle. The duty cycle is the ratio of the "on" time to the total time.
time on x 100
Duty cycle = tliiie on + time off %
6. 4. 12 Continuous dutl solenoid. A solenoid that is capable of operating for periods of 1 hour or
more without damage or malfunction.
6. 4. 13 Intermittent duty solenoid. A solenoid that is capable of operating at the specified duty
cycle withOut damage or ma:IfUnct1on wIth energized periods less than 1/2 hour.
6.4. 14 Rotation. Rotation Is defined as clockwise' when the shaft moves clockwise with respect to
the frame, ana counterclockwise conversely. For dO"Jble shaft extension solenoidS, the sbaft oppo-
site the mounting means shall be the referent.
6. 5 from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this rev1sion to identify changes
with respec to the previous issue, due to the extensiveness of the changes,
Custodians: Preparing actIvity:
Army- EL Air Force - 85
Navy- EC
Air Force - 85 (project 5945-0063)
RevIew activities:
Army - EL
Navy- EC
All' Force - 11
User activities:
. All' Force -
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