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Sample Questionnaire

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Dear Respondent,
Please answer this questionnaire as honestly as possible. There is no wrong answer, so do not
leave any question unanswered. Let me assure you that your answer will be treated with utmost
Thank you.

Part 1: Respondents Profile
Direction: Please provide the necessary information or put a check mark (/) opposite the item that
corresponds to your response.
Name: ________________________________
Age: __________ Sex: ______ male _______ female

Parents Educational Attainment
Father Mother
_____ ______ Elementary Level
_____ ______ Elementary Graduate
_____ ______ Some Years in High School
_____ ______ High School Graduate
_____ ______ Some Units in College
_____ ______ College Graduate
_____ ______ Some Units in Masteral Program
_____ ______ Master Degree Holder
_____ ______ Ph.D. Units
_____ ______ Ph. D.

Parents Occupation
Father Mother
_____ ______ Allied Medical Profession
_____ ______ OFW
_____ ______ Vendor
_____ ______ Employee
_____ ______ Dressmaker
_____ ______ Laborer
_____ ______ Storekeeper
_____ ______ Barangay Official
_____ ______ Driver
_____ ______ Carpenter
______ ______ Policeman
______ ______ Businessman/woman
______ ______ Domestic Helper
______ ______ Farmer
Others (Please Specify)__________________
General Average
______ 75- 79
______ 80- 84
______ 85- 89
______ 90- 94
______ 95- Above

Part II: Below are questions related to your use of Facebook. Please read all questions carefully and
answer all of it.

1. Do you have Facebook account?
______ Yes ______ None

2. On average, how many hours do you spend studying (including reading, homework, etc) in a day?
_____ 0- 1 hour ______ 6- 7 hours
_____ 2- 3 hours ______ 8- 9 hours
_____ 4- 5 hours ______ more than 10 hours

3. On average, how many hours do you spend in the internet for class-related reasons (project,
presentation, assignments, etc) in a day?
______ 0- 1 hour ______ 6- 7 hours
______ 2- 3 hours ______ 8- 9 hours
______ 4-5 hours ______ 10 or more hours

4. How long have you been using Facebook?
______ 6 months below
______ Less than a year but more than six months
______ 1 2 years
______ 3 4 years
______ 5 years above

5. What gadget you are using?
______ Computer ______ Cellphone
______ Tablet ______ Other (specify)

6. In a span of ONE WEEK, how much time do you spend on Facebook?
______ Less than an hour ______ 7- 8 hours
______ 1- 2 hours ______ 9- 10 hours
______ 3- 4 hours ______ 10 or more hours
______ 5- 6 hours ______ Do not log on to Facebook

7. What is your purpose of using Facebook? (Please rank your purposes)
______ keeping in touch with friends ______ posting pictures
______ chatting ______ messaging
______ playing games ______ checking News Feed and Notifications
______ communicating with faculties ______ making academic discussion group
______ others (Please specify) ______ do not use Facebook

8. How often?
_______ Always _______ Seldom
_______ Sometimes _______ Never

9. Did the time spent on using Facebook replace your time on studying?
______ Yes ______ No

10. How does Facebook affect your studies? (One check only)
______ It helps me to achieve high grades
______ It is a distraction to my studies
______ Others (please specify)

11. What is the extent of its effect on your studies?
____ to a great extent
____ to a moderate extent
____ to a lesser extent

12. What is the extent of using Facebook contributing to your studies?
____ to a great extent
____ to a moderate extent
____ to a lesser extent

Part III: Students Perception of Facebook. Kindly put check (/) in the cell of the number that
corresponds to your own response.

4- Strongly Agree 2- Disagree
3- Agree 1- Strongly Disagree

Statements (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Not logging to Facebook can cause a student to feel left out of
college life.

2. Facebook is a huge component of social interaction for college

3. Most of the time spent on the internet by college students is taken up
by Facebook.

4. Facebook is distraction for studying lessons.

5. Using Facebook requires spending money and it is wastage of time.
6. Addiction to Facebook is a problematic issue that affects my study.
7. The usage of Facebook is useful, it is where group discussions can be
arrange with my classmates and an appointment can be fixed with my

8. Facebook is personal/social, cant be used for education.
9. When you are too addicted in Facebook, you cant even eat, take a
bath or even sleep because you spent most of your time on Facebook.

10. Facebook removes my stress.

Thanks for your cooperation!!!

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