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The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of

Bengal and his French

allies on 23 June 1757. The battle established the Company rule
in Bengal which expanded over much of India for the next hundred years. The battle took place
at Plassey (anglicized version of Palashi) on the banks of theBhagirathi River, about 150 km north
of Calcutta and south ofMurshidabad, then capital of Bengal (now in Nadia district in West Bengal).
The belligerents were Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah, the last independent Nawab of Bengal, and the
British East India Company. When Alivardhi Khan died in 1756, Siraj-ud-daulah became the nawab
of Bengal. He ordered the English to stop the extension of their fortification. Robert Clive bribed Mir
Jafar, the commander in chief of the nawab's army, and attacked Calcutta. He defeated the Nawab
at Plassey in 1757 and captured Calcutta.
The battle was preceded by the attack on British-controlled Calcutta by Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah and
the Black Hole incident. The British sent reinforcements under Colonel Robert Clive and
Admiral Charles Watsonfrom Madras to Bengal and recaptured Calcutta. Clive then seized the
initiative to capture the French fort of Chandernagar. Tensions and suspicions between Siraj-ud-
daulah and the British culminated in the Battle of Plassey. The battle was waged during the Seven
Years' War(175663), and, in a mirror of their European rivalry, the French East India Company (La
Compagnie des Indes Orientales)
sent a small contingent to fight against the British. Siraj-ud-
Daulah had a numerically superior force and made his stand at Plassey. The British, worried about
being outnumbered, formed a conspiracy with Siraj-ud-Daulah's demoted army chief Mir Jafar, along
with others such as Yar Lutuf Khan,Jagat Seths (Mahtab Chand and Swarup Chand), Omichund and
Rai Durlabh. Mir Jafar, Rai Durlabh and Yar Lutuf Khan thus assembled their troops near the
battlefield but made no move to actually join the battle. Siraj-ud-Daulah's army was defeated by
roughly 3,000 soldiers of Col. Robert Clive, owing to the flight of Siraj-ud-daulah from the battlefield
and the inactivity of the conspirators.
This is judged to be one of the pivotal battles in the control of South Asia by the colonial powers. The
British now wielded enormous influence over the Nawab and consequently acquired large amounts
of concession for previous losses and revenue from trade. The British further used this revenue to
increase their military might and push the other European colonial powers such as the Dutch and
the French out of South Asia, thus expanding the British Empire in Asia.
1 Background
o 1.1 The Carnatic Wars
o 1.2 The Bengal campaign
o 1.3 The conspiracy
2 The approach march
3 Order of battle
4 Battle
o 4.1 The battle begins
o 4.2 Death of Mir Madan Khan
o 4.3 Battlefield manoeuvres
5 Aftermath
6 Effects
7 See also
8 Notes
9 References
10 Further reading
11 External links
By the early 18th century, the British East India Company had a strong presence in India with the
three main stations of Fort St. George inMadras, Fort William in Calcutta and Bombay Castle in
western India. These stations were independent presidencies governed by a President and a
Council, appointed by the Court of Directors in England. The British adopted a policy of allying
themselves with various princes and Nawabs, promising security against usurpers and rebels. The
Nawabs often gave them concessions in return for the security. By then, all rivalry had ceased
between the British East India Company and the Dutch or Portuguese. The French had also
established an East India Company under Louis XIV and had two important stations in India
Chandernagar in Bengal and Pondicherry on the Carnatic coast, both governed by the presidency of
Pondicherry. The French were a late comer in India trade, but they quickly established themselves in
India and were poised to overtake Britain for control.

The Carnatic Wars[edit]
The War of the Austrian Succession marked the beginning of the power struggle between Britain
and France and of European military ascendancy and political intervention in the Indian
subcontinent. In September 1748, Mah de La Bourdonnais landed off Madras with a naval
squadron and laid siege to the port city. The defences of Madras were weak and
the garrison sustained a bombardment of three days before surrendering. The terms of the
surrender agreed by Bourdonnais provided for the settlement to be ransomed back for a cash
payment by the British East India Company. However, this concession was opposed by Joseph
Franois Dupleix, the governor general of the Indian possessions of theCompagnie des Indes
Orientales. When Bourdonnais left India in October, Dupleix reneged on the agreement. The Nawab
of the Carnatic Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan intervened in support of the British and the combined
forces advanced to retake Madras, but despite vast superiority in numbers, the army was easily
crushed by the French. As retaliation to the loss of Madras, the British, under Major Lawrence and
Admiral Boscawen, laid siege to Pondicherry but were forced to raise it after thirty-one days.
The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 forced Dupleix to yield Madras back to the British in return
forLouisbourg and Cape Breton Island in North America.

The Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle prevented direct hostilities between the two powers but soon they
were involved in indirect hostilities as the auxiliaries of the local princes in their feuds. The feud
Dupleix chose was for the succession to the positions of the Nizam of the Deccan and the Nawab of
the dependent Carnatic province. The British and the French both nominated their candidates for the
two posts. In both cases, Dupleixs candidates usurped both thrones by manipulation and two
assassinations. In mid-1751, the French candidate for the Nawabs post, Chanda Sahib, laid siege to
the British candidateMohammed Alis last stronghold Trichinopoly, where Ali was holed up with his
British reinforcements. He was aided by a French force under Charles, Marquis de Bussy.

On 1 September 1751, 280 Europeans and 300 sepoys under the command of Captain Robert
Clive attacked and seizedArcot, the capital of the Carnatic, finding that the garrison had fled the
night before. It was hoped that this would force Chanda Sahib to divert some of his troops to wrest
the city back from the British. Chanda Sahib sent a force of 4,000 Indians under Raza Sahib and 150
Frenchmen. They besieged the fort and breached the walls in various places after several weeks.
Clive sent out a message to Morari Rao, a Maratha chieftain who had received a subsidy to assist
Mohammed Ali and was encamped in the Mysore hills. Raza Sahib, learning of the imminent
Maratha approach, sent a letter to Clive asking him to surrender in return for a large sum of money
but this offer was refused. In the morning of 24 November, Raza Sahib tried to mount a final assault
on the fort but was foiled in his attempt when his armoured elephants stampeded due to the British
musketry. They tried to enter the fort through the breach several times but always repulsed with loss.
The siege was raised the next day and Raza Sahibs forces fled from the scene, abandoning guns,
ammunition and stores. With success atArcot, Conjeeveram and Trichinopoly, the British secured
the Carnatic and Mohammed Ali succeeded to the throne of the Nawab in accordance with a treaty
with the new French governor Godeheu.

Alwardi Khan ascended to the throne of the Nawab of Bengal after his army attacked and captured
the capital of Bengal,Murshidabad. Alivardis attitude to the Europeans in Bengal is said to be strict.
During his wars with the Marathas, he allowed the strengthening of fortifications by the Europeans
and the construction of the Maratha Ditch in Calcutta by the British. On the other hand, he collected
large amounts of money from them for the upkeep of his war. He was well-informed of the situation
in southern India, where the British and the French had started a proxy war using the local princes
and rulers. Alwardi did not wish such a situation to transpire in his province and thus exercised
caution in his dealings with the Europeans. However, there was continual friction; the British always
complained that they were prevented from the full enjoyment of the farman of 1717 issued
by Farrukhsiyar. The British, however, protected subjects of the Nawab, gave passes to native
traders to trade custom-free and levied large duties on goods coming to their districts actions
which were detrimental to the Nawabs revenue.

In April 1756, Alwardi Khan died and was succeeded by his twenty-three-year-old grandson, Siraj-
ud-daulah. His personality was said to be a combination of a ferocious temper and a feeble
understanding. He was particularly suspicious of the large profits made by the European companies
in India. When the British and the French started improving their fortifications in anticipation of
another war between them, he immediately ordered them to stop such activities as they had been
done without permission.
When the British refused to cease their constructions, the Nawab led a
detachment of 3,000 men to surround the fort and factory of Cossimbazar and took several British
officials as prisoners, before moving to Calcutta.
The defenses of Calcutta were weak and
negligible. The garrison consisted of only 180 soldiers, 50 European volunteers, 60 European militia,
150 Armenian and Portuguese militia, 35 European artillery-men and 40 volunteers from ships and
was pitted against the Nawabs force of nearly 50,000 infantry and cavalry. The city was occupied on
16 June by Sirajs force and the fort surrendered after a brief siege on 20 June.

The prisoners who were captured at the siege of Calcutta were transferred by Siraj to the care of the
officers of his guard, who confined them to the common dungeon of Fort William known as The
Black Hole. This dungeon, 18 by 14 feet (5.5 m 4.3 m) in size with two small windows, had 146
prisoners thrust into it originally employed by the British to hold only six prisoners. On 21 June, the
doors of the dungeon were opened and only 23 of the 146 walked out, the rest died of asphyxiation,
heat exhaustion and delirium.
It appears that the Nawab was unaware of the conditions in which
his prisoners were held which resulted in the unfortunate deaths of most of the prisoners.
Meanwhile, the Nawabs army and navy were busy plundering the city of Calcutta and the other
British factories in the surrounding areas.

When news of the fall of Calcutta broke in Madras on 16 August 1756, the Council immediately sent
out an expeditionary force under Colonel Clive and Admiral Watson. A letter from the Council of Fort
St. George, states that "the object of the expedition was not merely to re-establish the British
settlements in Bengal, but also to obtain ample recognition of the Companys privileges and
reparation for its losses" without the risk of war. It also states that any signs of dissatisfaction and
ambition among the Nawabs subjects must be supported.
Clive assumed command of the land
forces, consisting of 900 Europeans and 1500 sepoys while Watson commanded a naval squadron.
The fleet entered the Hooghly River in December and met with the fugitives of Calcutta and the
surrounding areas, including the principal Members of the Council, at the village of Fulta on 15
December. The Members of Council formed a Select Committee of direction. On 29 December, the
force dislodged the enemy from the fort of Budge Budge. Clive and Watson then moved against
Calcutta on 2 January 1757 and the garrison of 500 men surrendered after offering a scanty
With Calcutta recaptured, the Council was reinstated and a plan of action against the
Nawab was prepared. The fortifications of Fort William were strengthened and a defensive position
was prepared in the north-east of the city.

The Bengal campaign[edit]

Robert Clive (1773), by Nathaniel Dance
On 9 January 1757, a force of 650 men, under Captain Coote and Major Kilpatrick stormed and
sacked the town of Hooghly, 23 miles (37 km) north of Calcutta.
On learning of this attack, the
Nawab raised his army and marched on Calcutta, arriving with the main body on 3 February and
encamping beyond the Maratha Ditch. Siraj set up his headquarters in Omichunds garden. A small
body of their army attacked the northern suburbs of the town but were beaten back by a detachment
under Lieutenant Lebeaume placed there, returning with fifty prisoners.

Clive decided to launch a surprise attack on the Nawabs camp on the morning of 4 February. At
midnight, a force of 600 sailors, a battalion of 650 Europeans, 100 artillery-men, 800 sepoys and 6
six-pounders approached the Nawabs camp. At 6:00, under the cover of a thick fog, the vanguard
came upon the Nawabs advanced guard, who after firing with their matchlocks and rockets, ran
away. They continued forward for some distance till they were opposite Omichunds garden, when
they heard the galloping of cavalry on their right. The cavalry came within 30 yards (27 m) of the
British force before the line gave fire, killing many and dispersing the rest. The fog hampered
visibility beyond walking distance. Hence the line moved slowly, infantry and artillery firing on either
side randomly. Clive had intended to use a narrow raised causeway, south of the garden, to attack
the Nawabs quarters in the garden. The Nawabs troops had barricaded the passage. At about 9:00,
as the fog began to lift, the troops were overwhelmed by the discharge of two pieces of heavy
cannon from across the Maratha Ditch by the Nawabs artillery. The British troops were assailed on
all sides by cavalry and musket-fire. The Nawab troops then made for a bridge a mile further on,
crossed the Maratha Ditch and reached Calcutta. The total casualties of Clives force were 57 killed
and 137 wounded. The Nawabs army lost 22 officers of distinction, 600 common men, 4 elephants,
500 horses, some camels and a great number of bullocks. The attack scared the Nawab into
concluding the Treaty of Alinagarwith the Company on 5 February, agreeing to restore the
Companys factories, allow the fortification of Calcutta and restoring former privileges. The Nawab
withdrew his army back to his capital, Murshidabad.

Concerned by the approach of de Bussy to Bengal and the Seven Years' War in Europe, the
Company turned its attention to the French threat in Bengal. Clive planned to capture the French
town of Chandernagar, 20 miles (32 km) north of Calcutta. Clive needed to know whose side the
Nawab would intervene on if he attacked Chandernagar. The Nawab sent evasive replies and Clive
construed this to be assent to the attack.
Clive commenced hostilities on the town and fort of
Chandernagar on 14 March. The French had set up defences on the roads leading to the fort and
had sunk several ships in the river channel to prevent passage of the men of war. The garrison
consisted of 600 Europeans and 300 sepoys. The French expected assistance from the Nawabs
forces from Hooghly, but the governor of Hooghly, Nandkumar had been bribed to remain inactive
and prevent the Nawabs reinforcement of Chandernagar. The fort was well-defended, but when
Admiral Watsons squadron forced the blockade in the channel on 23 March, a fierce cannonade
ensued with aid from two batteries on the shore. The naval squadron suffered greatly due to musket-
fire from the fort. At 9:00 on 24 March, a flag of truce was shown by the French and by 15:00, the
capitulation concluded. After plundering Chandernagar, Clive decided to ignore his orders to return
to Madras and remain in Bengal. He moved his army to the north of the town of

Furthermore, Siraj-ud-Daula believed that the British East India Company did not receive any
permission from the Mughal Emperor Alamgir II to fortify their positions in the territories of
the Nawab of Bengal.

The conspiracy[edit]
The Nawab was infuriated on learning of the attack on Chandernagar. His former hatred of the
British returned, but he now felt the need to strengthen himself by alliances against the British. The
Nawab was plagued by fear of attack from the north by the Afghans under Ahmad Shah Durrani and
from the west by the Marathas. Therefore, he could not deploy his entire force against the British for
fear of being attacked from the flanks. A deep distrust set in between the British and the Nawab. As
a result, Siraj started secret negotiations with Jean Law, chief of the French factory at Cossimbazar,
and de Bussy. The Nawab also moved a large division of his army under Rai Durlabh to Plassey, on
the island of Cossimbazar 30 miles (48 km) south of Murshidabad.

Popular discontent against the Nawab flourished in his own court. The Seths, the traders of Bengal,
were in perpetual fear for their wealth under the reign of Siraj, contrary to the situation under
Alivardis reign. They had engaged Yar Lutuf Khan to defend them in case they were threatened in
any way.
William Watts, the Company representative at the court of Siraj, informed Clive about a
conspiracy at the court to overthrow the ruler. The conspirators included Mir Jafar, paymaster of the
army, Rai Durlabh, Yar Lutuf Khan and Omichund, a merchant and several officers in the
When communicated in this regard by Mir Jafar, Clive referred it to the select committee in
Calcutta on 1 May. The committee passed a resolution in support of the alliance. A treaty was drawn
between the British and Mir Jafar to raise him to the throne of the Nawab in return for support to the
British in the field of battle and the bestowal of large sums of money upon them as compensation for
the attack on Calcutta. On 2 May, Clive broke up his camp and sent half the troops to Calcutta and
the other half to Chandernagar.

Mir Jafar and the Seths desired that the confederacy between the British and himself be kept secret
from Omichund, but when he found out about it, he threatened to betray the conspiracy if his share
was not increased to three million rupees (300,000). Hearing of this, Clive suggested an expedient
to the Committee. He suggested that two treaties be drawn the real one on white paper, containing
no reference to Omichund and the other on red paper, containing Omichunds desired stipulation, to
deceive him. The Members of the Committee signed on both treaties, but Admiral Watson signed
only the real one and his signature had to be counterfeited on the fictitious one.
Both treaties and
separate articles for donations to the army, navy squadron and committee were signed by Mir Jafar
on 4 June.

Lord Clive testified and defended himself thus before the House of Commons of Parliament on 10
May 1773, during the Parliamentary inquiry into his conduct in India:
"Omichund, his confidential servant, as he thought, told his master of an agreement made
between the English and Monsieur Dupre [may be a mistranscription of Dupleix] to attack
him, and received for that advice a sum of not less than four lacks of rupees. Finding this to
be the man in whom the nabob entirely trusted, it soon became our object to consider him as
a most material engine in the intended revolution. We therefore made such an agreement as
was necessary for the purpose, and entered into a treaty with him to satisfy his demands.
When all things were prepared, and the evening of the event was appointed, Omichund
informed Mr. Watts, who was at the court of the nabob, that he insisted upon thirty lacks of
rupees, and five per cent. upon all the treasure that should be found; that, unless that was
immediately complied with, he would disclose the whole to the nabob; and that Mr. Watts,
and the two other English gentlemen then at the court, should be cut off before the morning.
Mr. Watts, immediately on this information, dispatched an express to me at the council. I did
not hesitate to find out a stratagem to save the lives of these people, and secure success to
the intended event. For this purpose we signed another treaty. The one was called the Red,
the other theWhite treaty. This treaty was signed by every one, except admiral Watson; and I
should have considered myself sufficiently authorised to put his name to it, by the
conversation I had with him. As to the person who signed admiral Watson's name to the
treaty, whether he did it in his presence or not, I cannot say; but this I know, that he thought
he had sufficient authority for so doing. This treaty was immediately sent to Omichund, who
did not suspect the stratagem. The event took place, and success attended it; and the
House, I am fully persuaded, will agree with me, that, when the very existence of the
Company was at stake, and the lives of these people so precariously situated, and so certain
of being destroyed, it was a matter of true policy and of justice to deceive so great a

The approach march[edit]
On 12 June, Clive was joined by Major Kilpatrick with the rest of the army from Calcutta at
Chandernagar. The combined force consisted of 613 Europeans, 171 artillery-men controlling
eight field pieces and two howitzers, 91 topasses, 2100 sepoys (mainly dusadhs)
and 150
sailors. The army set out for Murshidabad on 13 June. Clive sent out the Nawabs messengers
with a letter declaring his intention to march his army to Murshidabad to refer their complaints
with regard to the treaty of 9 February with the principal officers of the Nawabs government. The
Indian troops marched on shore while the Europeans with the supplies and artillery were towed
up the river in 200 boats. On 14 June, Clive sent a declaration of war to Siraj. On 15 June, after
ordering an attack on Mir Jafars palace in suspicion of his alliance with the British, Siraj
obtained a promise from Mir Jafar to not join the British in the field of battle.
He then ordered
his entire army to move to Plassey, but the troops refused to quit the city until the arrears of their
pay were released. The delay caused the army to reach Plassey only by 21 June.

By 16 June, the British force had reached Paltee, 12 miles (19 km) north of which lay the
strategically important town and fort of Katwa. It contained large stores of grain and military
supplies and was covered by the river Aji. On 17 June, Clive despatched a force of 200
Europeans, 500 sepoys, one field piece and a small howitzer under Major Coote of the 39th
Footto capture the fort. The detachment found the town abandoned when they landed at
midnight. At daybreak on 19 June, Major Coote went to the bank of the river and waved a white
flag, but was met only by shot and a show of defiance by the governor. Coote split his Anglo-
Indian force; the sepoys crossed the river and fired the ramparts while the Europeans crossed
farther up from the fort. When the garrison saw the advancing troops, they gave up their posts
and fled north. Hearing of the success, Clive and the rest of the army arrived at Katwa by the
evening of 19 June.

At this juncture, Clive faced a dilemma. The Nawab had reconciled with Mir Jafar and had
posted him on one flank of his army. Mir Jafar had sent messages to Clive, declaring his
intention to uphold the treaty between them. Clive decided to refer the problem to his officers
and held a council of war on 21 June. The question Clive put before them was whether, under
the present circumstances, the army, without other assistance, should immediately cross into the
island of Cossimbazar and attack the Nawab or whether they should fortify their position in
Katwa and trust to assistance from the Marathas or other Indian powers. Of the twenty officers
attending the council, thirteen including Clive were against immediate action, while the rest
including Major Coote were in favour citing recent success and the high spirits of the troops. The
council broke up and after an hour of deliberation, Clive gave the army orders to cross
the Bhagirathi River (another name for the Hooghly River) on the morning of 22

At 1:00, on 23 June, they reached their destination beyond the village of Plassey. They quickly
occupied the adjoining mango grove, called Laksha Bagh, which was 800 yards (730 m) long
and 300 yards (270 m) wide and enclosed by a ditch and a mud wall. Its length was angled
diagonally to the Bhagirathi River. A little to the north of the grove at the bank of the river stood a
hunting lodge enclosed by a masonry wall where Clive took up his quarters. The grove was
about a mile from the Nawabs entrenchments. The Nawabs army had been in place 26 hours
before Clives. A French detachment under Jean Law would reach Plassey in two days. Their
army lay behind earthen entrenchments running at right angles to the river for 200 yards (180 m)
and then turning to the north-eastern direction for 3 miles (4.8 km). There was a redoubt
mounted by cannon at this turning along the entrenchment. There was a small hill covered by
trees 300 yards (270 m) east of the redoubt. 800 yards (730 m) towards the British position was
a small tank and 100 yards (91 m) further south was a larger tank, both surrounded by a large
mound of earth.

Order of battle[edit]
The Anglo-Indian Army (East India Company)
Unit Commander Complement

Col. Robert

1st Division (1st
Madras European
Maj. James

2nd Division (1st
Madras & Bombay
Maj. Alexander

3rd Division
(HM's 39th
Regiment of Foot)
Maj. Eyre Coote

4th Division
Maj. George
Frederick Guah
(or Guapp)

Sepoys (1st
Bengal Native


Artillery (9
Battery, 12th
Regiment, Royal
Lt. Hater
Cpt. William
150 (100
50 sailors)
6 field pieces
2 howitzers

The Bengal Army
Unit Commander Complement


Advanced Cavalry
Mir Mardan
Mohan Lal
5,000 cavalry

Left Wing Mir Jafar

Centre Yar Lutuf Khan

Right Wing Rai Durlabh


53 pieces
(mostly 32,
24 and 18-

French Artillery St. Frais
50 French
6 field pieces


A plan of the Battle of Plassey, fought 23 June 1757 by Col. Robert Clive, against the Nawab of Bengal.
Depiction of the battlefield, with explanations of troop movements.
At daybreak on 23 June, the Nawabs army emerged from their camp and started advancing
towards the grove. Their army consisted of 35,000 infantry of all sorts, armed with matchlocks,
swords, pikes and rockets and 18,000 cavalry, armed with swords or long spears, interspersed
by 53 pieces of artillery, mostly 32, 24 and 18-pounders. The army also included a detachment
of about 50 French artillerymen under de St. Frais directing their own field pieces. The French
took up positions at the larger tank with four light pieces advanced by two larger pieces, within a
mile of the grove. Behind them were a body of 5,000 cavalry and 7,000 infantry commanded by
the Nawabs faithful general Mir Madan Khan and Mohan Lal. The rest of the army numbering
45,000 formed an arc from the small hill to a position 800 yards east of the southern angle of the
grove, threatening to surround Clives relatively smaller army. The right arm of their army was
commanded by Rai Durlabh, the centre by Yar Lutuf Khan and the left arm closest to the British
by Mir Jafar.

Clive watched the situation unfolding from the roof of the hunting lodge, anticipating news from
Mir Jafar. He ordered his troops to advance from the grove and line up facing the larger tank.
His army consisted of 750 European infantry with 100 Topasses, 2100 sepoys (dusadhs)
100 artillery-men assisted by 50 sailors. The artillery consisted of eight 6-pounders and two
howitzers. The Europeans and Topasses were placed in the centre of the line in four divisions,
flanked on both sides by three 6-pounders. The sepoys were placed on the right and left in equal
divisions. Clive posted two 6-pounders and two howitzers behind some brick-kilns 200 yards
(180 m) north of the left division of his army to oppose the French fire.

The battle begins[edit]

A large stage, raised six feet from the ground, carrying besides the cannon, all the ammunition belonging to
it, and the gunners themselves who managed the cannon, on the stage itself. These machines were drawn
by 40 or 50 yoke of white oxen, of the largest size, bred in the country of Purnea; and behind each cannon
walked an elephant, trained to assist at difficult tugs, by shoving with his forehead against the hinder part of
the carriage.
At 8:00, the French artillery at the larger tank fired the first shot, killing one and wounding
another from the grenadier company of the 39th Regiment. This, as a signal, the rest of the
Nawabs artillery started a heavy and continuous fire. The advanced field pieces of the British
opposed the French fire, while those with the battalion opposed the rest of the Nawabs artillery.
Their shots did not serve to immobilize the artillery but hit the infantry and cavalry divisions. By
8:30, the British had lost 10 Europeans and 20 sepoys. Leaving the advanced artillery at the
brick kilns, Clive ordered the army to retreat back to relative shelter of the grove. The rate of
casualties of the British dropped substantially due to the protection of the embankment.

Death of Mir Madan Khan[edit]
At the end of three hours, there was no substantial progress and the positions of both sides had
not changed. Clive called a meeting of his staff to discuss the way ahead. It was concluded that
the present position WOULD be maintained till after nightfall, and an attack on the Nawabs
camp should be attempted at midnight. Soon after the conference, a heavy rainstorm occurred.
The British used tarpaulins to protect their ammunition, while the Nawabs army took no such
precautions. As a result, their gun powder got drenched and their rate of fire slackened, while
Clives artillery kept up a continuous fire. As the rain began to subside, Mir Madan Khan,
assuming that the British guns were rendered ineffective by the rain, led his cavalry to a charge.
However, the British countered the charge with heavy grape shot, mortally wounding Mir Madan
Khan and driving back his men.

Siraj had remained in his tent throughout the cannonade surrounded by attendants and officers
assuring him of victory. When he heard that Mir Madan was mortally wounded, he was deeply
disturbed and attempted reconciliation with Mir Jafar, flinging his turban to the ground, entreating
him to defend it. Mir Jafar promised his services but immediately sent word of this encounter to
Clive, urging him to push forward. Following Mir Jafars exit from the Nawabs tent, Rai Durlabh
urged Siraj to withdraw his army behind the entrenchment and advised him to return to
Murshidabad leaving the battle to his generals. Siraj complied with this advice and ordered the
troops under Mohan Lal to retreat behind the entrenchment. He then mounted a camel and
accompanied by 2,000 horsemen set out for Murshidabad.

Battlefield manoeuvres[edit]

Soldier of the 39th Regiment of Foot (c. 1742)
At about 14:00, the Nawabs army ceased the cannonade and began turning back north to their
entrenchments, leaving St. Frais and his artillery without support. Seeing the Nawabs forces
retiring, Major Kilpatrick, who had been left in charge of the British force while Clive was resting
in the hunting lodge, recognized the opportunity to cannonade the retiring enemy if St. Frais'
position could be captured. Sending an officer to Clive to explain his actions, he took two
companies of the 39th Regiment and two field pieces and advanced towards St. Frais' position.
When Clive received the message, he hurried to the detachment and reprimanded Kilpatrick for
his actions without orders and commanded to bring up the rest of the army from the grove. Clive
himself then led the army against St. Frais' position which was taken at 15:00 when the French
artillery retreated to the redoubt of the entrenchment, setting up for further action.

As the British force moved towards the larger tank, it was observed that the left arm of the
Nawabs army had lingered behind the rest. When the rear of this division reached a point in a
line with the northern point of the grove, it turned left and marched towards the grove. Clive,
unaware that it was Mir Jafars division, supposed that his baggage and stores were the
intended target and sent three platoons under Captain Grant and Lieutenant Rumbold and a
field piece under John Johnstone, a volunteer, to check their advance. The fire of the field piece
halted the advance of the division, which remained isolated from the rest of the Nawabs

Meanwhile, the British field pieces began a cannonade on the Nawabs camp from the mound of
the larger tank. As a result, many of the Nawabs troops and artillery started coming out of the
entrenchment. Clive advanced half of his troops and artillery to the smaller tank and the other
half to a rising ground 200 yards to the left of it and started bombarding the entrenchment with
greater efficiency, throwing the approaching trains into confusion. The Nawabs troops shot their
matchlocks from holes, ditches, hollows and from bushes on the hill east of the redoubt while St.
Frais kept up his artillery fire from the redoubt. Cavalry charges were also repulsed by the British
field pieces. However, the British force sustained most of its casualties in this phase.

At this point, Clive realized that the lingering division was Mir Jafars and concentrated his efforts
at capturing the redoubt and hill east of it. Clive ordered a three-pronged attack with
simultaneous attacks by two detachments on the redoubt and the hill supported by the main
force in the centre. Two companies of grenadiers of the 39th Regiment, under Major Coote took
the hill at 16:30 after the enemy fled without firing a shot. Coote pursued them across the
entrenchment. The redoubt was also taken after St. Frais was forced to retreat. By 17:00, the
British occupied the entrenchment and the camp left by a dispersing army. The British troops
marched on and halted 6 miles (9.7 km) beyond Daudpur at 20:00.

The British losses were estimated at 22 killed and 50 wounded. Of the killed, three were of the
Madras Artillery, one of theMadras Regiment and one of the Bengal European Regiment. Of the
wounded, four were of the 39th Regiment, three of the Madras Regiment, four of the Madras
Artillery, two of the Bengal European Regiment, one of the Bengal Artillery and one of the
Bombay Regiment. Of the losses by the sepoys, four Madras and nine Bengal sepoys were
killed while nineteen Madras and eleven Bengal sepoys were wounded. Clive estimates that the
Nawabs force lost 500 men, including several key officers.



British territorial possessions in India
In the evening of 23 June, Clive received a letter from Mir Jafar asking for a meeting with him.
Clive replied that he would meet Mir Jafar at Daudpur the next morning. When Mir Jafar arrived
at the British camp at Daudpur in the morning, Clive embraced him and saluted him as the
Nawab of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha. He then advised Mir Jafar to hasten to Murshidabad to
prevent Sirajs escape and the plunder of his treasure. Mir Jafar reached Murshidabad with his
troops on the evening of 24 June. Clive arrived at Murshidabad on 29 June with a guard of 200
European soldiers and 300 sepoys in the wake of rumours of a possible attempt on his life. Clive
was taken to the Nawabs palace, where he was received by Mir Jafar and his officers. Clive
placed Mir Jafar on the throne and acknowledging his position as Nawab, presented him with a
plate of gold rupees.

Siraj-ud-daulah had reached Murshidabad at midnight on 23 June. He summoned a council
where some advised him to surrender to the British, some to continue the war and some to
prolong his flight. At 22:00 on 24 June, Siraj disguised himself and escaped northwards on a
boat with his favourite women and valuable jewels. His intention was to escape to Patna with aid
from Jean Law. At midnight on 24 June, Mir Jafar sent several parties in pursuit of Siraj. On 2
July, Siraj reached Rajmahaland took shelter in a deserted garden but was soon discovered and
betrayed to the local military governor, the brother of Mir Jafar, by a man who was previously
arrested and punished by Siraj. His fate could not be decided by a council headed by Mir Jafar
and was handed over to Mir Jafars son, Miran, who had Siraj murdered that night. His remains
were paraded on the streets of Murshidabad the next morning and were buried at the tomb
of Alivardi Khan.

According to the treaty drawn between the British and Mir Jafar, the British acquired all the land
within the Maratha Ditch and 600 yards (550 m) beyond it and the zamindari of all the land
between Calcutta and the sea. Besides confirming the firman of 1717, the treaty also required
the restitution, including donations to the navy squadron, army and committee, of 22,000,000
rupees (2,750,000) to the British for their losses. However, since the wealth of Siraj-ud-daulah
proved to be far less than expected, a council held with the Seths and Rai Durlabh on 29 June
decided that one half of the amount was to be paid immediately two-thirds in coin and one
third in jewels and other valuables. As the council ended, it was revealed to Omichand that he
would receive nothing with regard to the treaty, hearing which he went insane.

As a result of the battle of Plassey, the French were no longer a significant force in Bengal. In
1759, the British defeated a larger French garrison at Masulipatam, securing the Northern
Circars. By 1759, Mir Jafar felt that his position as a subordinate to the British could not be
tolerated. He started encouraging the Dutch to advance against the British and eject them from
Bengal. In late 1759, the Dutch sent seven large ships and 1400 men from Java to Bengal under
the pretext of reinforcing their Bengal settlement of Chinsura even though Britain and Holland
were not officially at war. Clive, however, initiated immediate offensive operations by land and
sea and defeated the much larger Dutch force on 25 November 1759 in the Battle of Chinsura.
The British then deposed Mir Jafar and installed Mir Qasim as the Nawab of Bengal. The British
were now the paramount European power in Bengal. When Clive returned to England due to ill-
health, he was rewarded with anIrish peerage, as Lord Clive, Baron of Plassey and also
obtained a seat in the British House of Commons.

The struggle continued in areas of the Deccan and Hyderabad such
as Arcot, Wandewash, Tanjore and Cuddalore, culminating in 1761 when Col. Eyre Coote
defeated a French garrison under de Lally, supported by Hyder Ali atPondicherry. The French
were returned Pondicherry in 1763 by way of the Treaty of Paris but they never again regained
their former stature in India. The British would, in effect, emerge as rulers of the subcontinent in
subsequent years

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