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Leadership Skills For Nurses

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The key takeaways are that leadership is an important skill for nurses at all levels, and that developing metrics and presenting results can help defend nursing jobs. Nurses need to develop leadership abilities to take a more active role in healthcare policy and delivery.

Nurses should develop styles that empower their teams and make the most of each member's strengths. Transformational and collaborative approaches tend to be most effective.

Life coaching techniques like personal reflection and focusing leadership skills can help nurses enhance their abilities. Following the advice of experienced leaders is also useful.

Leadership Skills

for Nurses
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 2
Leadership is a key skill for nurses at all levels.
While this may be stating the obvious for those
whose position gives them direct managerial
responsibility, even the most recently qualified
practitioners need the confidence and skills to be
able to offer leadership to students and other
colleagues such as healthcare assistants.
A range of policies and initiatives mean the
nursing profession has a growing influence on all
aspects of healthcare delivery. Practitioners need
to be able to exert this influence clearly and
confidently. Already the introduction of nursing
metrics is bringing nursing care firmly into the
Well collated and presented metrics make it
impossible for trust directors to ignore the
contribution that good nursing care makes to
both patient outcomes and cost-efficiency. In the
coming economic squeeze on healthcare, metrics
will be crucial in defending nursing jobs.
However, nurse directors and senior nurse
managers will need the ability to stand their
ground in the face of competing interests.
The Prime Ministers Commission is likely to
extend the professions influence over healthcare
in the UK. It has called for nurses to take centre
stage in health leadership and policy making,
while retaining traditional caring skills rooted in
While leadership skills can develop organically,
if they are to be applied effectively they need to be
focused. It is impractical to expect the NHS to
fund leadership training for all its nurses, but the
skills can be refined through personal reflection
and following the advice of experienced leaders.
This supplement brings together a range of recent
articles published in Nursing Times to help nurses
become confident leaders.
The selection of articles also demonstrates how
the magazine has changed its emphasis over the
past year, making it more policy focused and
relevant to senior nurses. Articles in the extended
and redeveloped Practice section of Nursing
Times bring together essential information to
help nurses to develop and extend their practice
or progress in their career. They also explain the
nursing implications of key healthcare policy and
initiatives. We hope you enjoy this supplement
and find it useful in developing your leadership
skills or those of your colleagues.
As nursing gains increasing inuence in all aspects of
healthcare provision, it is vital that practitioners develop
leadership skills at an early stage in their careers
A dynamic profession needs
condent leaders at all levels
Jenni Middleton
Editor, Nursing Times
3 Nursing Times Leadership Supplement Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
practice changing practice
In order to be effective in their roles, senior nurses need to adopt a range of
leadership characteristics and behaviours
What leadership styles should senior nurses
Andrew Frankel, MSc, BA, PGCMS, RNM, DipN,
is hospital director, Churchill Gisburn
Clinic, Lancashire.
Frankel, A. What leadership styles should
senior nurses develop? Nursing Times; 104: 35,
Senior nurses are likely to engage in a range
of leadership activities in their daily routine.
Some will naturally adopt an effective
leadership style, while others may find the
concept of leadership or seeing themselves as
leaders difficult to understand. Effective
leadership is critical in delivering high-
quality care, ensuring patient safety and
facilitating positive staff development.
This article outlines the characteristics of
an effective leader, the political context and
various leadership activities for senior
nurses. It also discusses mentorship,
different leadership models and the process
of professional socialisation.
leadership is doing the right things.
Management is efficiency in climbing the
ladder of success; leadership is about
determining whether the ladder is leaning
against the right wall. This suggests that
management is about tasks, whereas
leadership is about perception, judgement,
skill and philosophy. We could infer from
this that it is much more difficult to be an
effective leader than an effective manager.
Leaders are often described as being
visionary, equipped with strategies, a plan
and desire to direct their teams and services
to a future goal (Mahoney, 2001). Effective
leaders are required to use problem-solving
processes, maintain group effectiveness and
develop group identification. They should
also be dynamic, passionate, have a
motivational influence on other people, be
solution-focused and seek to inspire others.
Senior nurses must apply these
characteristics to their work in order to win
the respect and trust of team members and
lead the development of clinical practice. By
demonstrating an effective leadership style,
these nurses will be in a powerful position to
influence the successful development of other
staff, ensuring that professional standards are
maintained and enabling the growth of
competent practitioners. In a study by
Bondas (2006), leaders who were described
as driving forces were admired. They were
regarded as a source for inspiration and role
models for future nurse leaders.
Leadership for senior nurses is primarily
about the following: making decisions;
delegating appropriately; resolving conflict;
and acting with integrity. The role also
involves nurturing others and being aware of
how people in the team are feeling by being
emotionally in tune with staff.
The above functions are the core elements
necessary to connect leadership with the
effective development of other team
members. This is largely achieved by working
alongside them in a mentoring and coaching
role. A good and successful leader will seek to
develop other staff through their leadership.
Saarikoski and Leino-Kilpi (2002) found the
one-to-one supervisory relationship was the
most important element in clinical
instruction. Research also suggests that
mentorship facilitates learning opportunities,
helping to supervise and assess staff in the
practice setting. Terminology frequently used
to describe a mentor includes: teacher;
supporter; coach; facilitator; assessor; role
model; and supervisor (Hughes, 2004; Chow
and Suen, 2001).
In my organisation we often refer to the
phrase dont just tell me - show me, to
illustrate the need for instructions to be
supported by clear leadership and
supervision. It is recommended that staff are
first shown how to perform a task and then
supported to complete it. A culture based on
continual learning through support and
best-practice methods will empower and
motivate staff. Dynamic clinical leaders and
supportive clinical environments are
essential in the development and
achievement of best practice models.
Key factors described as effective in
nurturing transformational clinical leaders
are: provision and access to effective role
models; mechanisms for mentoring and
clinical supervision; provision of career
pathways; intentional succession planning;
organisations that value clinical competence;
and promotion of centres of excellence
(Borbasi and Gaston, 2002).
Nurse leaders need to be able to respond to
an ever-changing healthcare environment,
including organisational expectations and
changes to local and national policy. I do not
know of any clinician or manager who would
dispute that nursing roles are changing.
These roles have become more specialist,
autonomous, accountable and focused on
outcome, with both positive and negative
consequences for the profession. Consumers
For the purposes of this article, senior nurses
are defined as practitioners with additional
post-qualification education, skills and
experience who work in the nursing team as
a day-to-day, hands-on, visible presence.
Leadership can be defined as a multifaceted
process of identifying a goal or target,
motivating other people to act, and
providing support and motivation to achieve
mutually negotiated goals (Porter-OGrady,
2003). In the daily life of a senior nurse, this
could refer to coordinating the day/night
shift and the team of nurses and support staff
on duty under the direction of that nurse.
The successful operation of the shift, staff
morale and managing difficult or challenging
situations depends largely on the senior
nurses leadership skills.
It is important to appreciate that leadership
roles are different from management
functions. In Stephen Coveys (1999) book
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he
quoted Peter Drucker as saying:
Management is doing things right;
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
and purchasers of healthcare services have
greater expectations of higher standards,
particularly in relation to nursing care.
Nurse leaders must demonstrate resilience
in responding to change and supporting
others to embrace this in a positive way.
Effective leaders should be capable of
reframing the thinking of those whom they
are leading, enabling them to see that changes
are not only imperative but achievable.
Senior nurses need to find ways of becoming
involved in organisational decision-making
on issues impacting on clinical care such as:
developing policy; workforce planning;
departmental business planning; and clinical
and corporate governance. Sorensen et al
(2008) advocate that senior nurses must
develop constructive processes through
which they become accepted as equal team
members. They also need to design
workplace systems that underpin good
patient outcomes, evaluate nursing expertise
and represent nursing interests in corporate
decision-making forums.
Senior nurses should be able to develop other
staff by enabling them to apply theory to
practice and encouraging them to test new
skills in a safe and supportive environment.
This, again, is an example of where leadership
activities combine with developmental ones
to create competent practitioners through
practice-based learning.
These nurses should adopt a supportive
leadership style with mentorship, coaching
and supervision as core values. Constable and
Russell (1986) showed that high levels of
support from supervisors reduced emotional
exhaustion and buffered negative effects of
the job environment. Consequently, it would
be particularly beneficial for supervisors to
provide emotional support to nurses and give
them adequate feedback about performance
to increase self-esteem (Bakker et al, 2000).
Senior nurses should also apply leadership
skills in encouraging staff to use critical
reflection to facilitate new understanding.
In the ward environment, there can be
tensions between professional disciplines.
Resolving these and building effective
relationships between multidisciplinary team
members is a test of senior nurses leadership
abilities. With nurses becoming more
autonomous decision-makers, this must
inevitably lead to revising the relationship
between professional roles.
Senior nurses also have a leadership role in
facilitating their organisations staff support
and development programme, which should
aim to reduce stress, burnout, sickness and
absenteeism among colleagues. Supervisors
have a significant influence on employees
personal and professional outcomes. Bakker
et al (2000) reported that senior nurses can
buffer the effects of a demanding work
environment on staff nurses by thoughtfully
maintaining a leadership style that supports
staff needs.
A successful leader will see each person as an
individual, recognising their unique set of
needs, as not everyone will perform at the
same level or respond in the same way to
environmental stressors or workplace
pressure. Leaders need to support staff in ways
in which individuals recognise as being useful.
In the same way, staff will be motivated by
different factors. Leaders must focus on the
needs of individual staff and use
motivational strategies appropriate to each
person and situation. They must seek to
inspire demotivated staff and maintain the
motivation of those who are already
motivated. Leadership seeks to produce
necessary changes in demotivated staff by
developing a vision of the future and
inspiring staff to attain this. Leadership is the
driving force of the work environment and
directly affects staff motivation and morale.
West-Burnham (1997) argued that leaders
should seek to improve on current practice,
and use their influence to achieve this. This
includes working within the team to develop
goals and a feeling of shared ownership to
achieve excellence in clinical practice.
Different people are motivated in different
ways, so leaders must use strategies that
individuals find motivating to empower
them and highlight the importance of the
nursing role. One method of achieving this
is through structured mentorship. I believe
that mentorship should foster ongoing role
development and be based on the
acquisition and mastery of new skills.
Senior nurses should take time every shift
(530 minutes) to be involved in some form
of mentoring activity, which should then be
recorded in staff members learning log.
The learning log is a simple, task-specific
recording method used as documented
evidence that mentorship has been given on
a particular area of work activity. The staff
member participates in the completion of
their log, which briefly records:
l The nature of the activity being coached;
l Strengths and weaknesses in performing
the activity;
l Coaching intervention;
l Future goals.
It is important that staff members do not
feel micromanaged. Learning logs must be
viewed as a mentorship tool, rather than a
management one. The log is merely used to
remind and refresh the mentor and staff
member about what has been achieved
between the last formal clinical supervision
session and the next. The learning log will
be used for reflection purposes to form the
basis of a more comprehensive supervision
Leaders, in their capacity as mentors, must
ensure that more junior staff have the
freedom to seek information, through an
open exchange of opinions and ideas. Staff
should also be given the opportunity to show
initiative, thus promoting confidence in
decision-making and underpinning
knowledge and competence in their own
skills. The goal of mentorship should be to
create a stable and supportive environment
which encourages professional growth
through effective role modelling. Murray
and Main (2005) argued that the notion of
role modelling is seen as a traditional
expectation of less experienced nurses
learning from more experienced ones.
There are a number of useful models to help
to guide senior nurses in leading other staff.
The two most common are
transformational and transactional models
(Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978).
The effects of transactional leadership are
short-lived, episodic and task based, with the
transactional leader only intervening with
negative feedback when something goes
wrong. This form of leadership would have a
place where there is a specific short-term
directed project or piece of work to be
In a ward, it is more desirable to identify a
leadership model that offers longevity in the
relationship between senior nurses and
junior colleagues. The transformational
model is more complex but has a more
positive effect on communication and
teambuilding than the transactional model
(Thyer, 2003). Transformational leadership
shapes and alters the goals and values of
other staff to achieve a collective purpose to
benefit the nursing profession and the
employing organisation. Bass (1985) found
that transformational leadership factors were
more highly correlated with perceived group
effectiveness and job satisfaction, and
contributed more to individual performance
4 Nursing Times Leadership Supplement
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
and purchasers of healthcare services have
greater expectations of higher standards,
particularly in relation to nursing care.
Nurse leaders must demonstrate resilience
in responding to change and supporting
others to embrace this in a positive way.
Effective leaders should be capable of
reframing the thinking of those whom they
are leading, enabling them to see that changes
are not only imperative but achievable.
Senior nurses need to find ways of becoming
involved in organisational decision-making
on issues impacting on clinical care such as:
developing policy; workforce planning;
departmental business planning; and clinical
and corporate governance. Sorensen et al
(2008) advocate that senior nurses must
develop constructive processes through
which they become accepted as equal team
members. They also need to design
workplace systems that underpin good
patient outcomes, evaluate nursing expertise
and represent nursing interests in corporate
decision-making forums.
Senior nurses should be able to develop other
staff by enabling them to apply theory to
practice and encouraging them to test new
skills in a safe and supportive environment.
This, again, is an example of where leadership
activities combine with developmental ones
to create competent practitioners through
practice-based learning.
These nurses should adopt a supportive
leadership style with mentorship, coaching
and supervision as core values. Constable and
Russell (1986) showed that high levels of
support from supervisors reduced emotional
exhaustion and buffered negative effects of
the job environment. Consequently, it would
be particularly beneficial for supervisors to
provide emotional support to nurses and give
them adequate feedback about performance
to increase self-esteem (Bakker et al, 2000).
Senior nurses should also apply leadership
skills in encouraging staff to use critical
reflection to facilitate new understanding.
In the ward environment, there can be
tensions between professional disciplines.
Resolving these and building effective
relationships between multidisciplinary team
members is a test of senior nurses leadership
abilities. With nurses becoming more
autonomous decision-makers, this must
inevitably lead to revising the relationship
between professional roles.
Senior nurses also have a leadership role in
facilitating their organisations staff support
and development programme, which should
aim to reduce stress, burnout, sickness and
absenteeism among colleagues. Supervisors
have a significant influence on employees
personal and professional outcomes. Bakker
et al (2000) reported that senior nurses can
buffer the effects of a demanding work
environment on staff nurses by thoughtfully
maintaining a leadership style that supports
staff needs.
A successful leader will see each person as an
individual, recognising their unique set of
needs, as not everyone will perform at the
same level or respond in the same way to
environmental stressors or workplace
pressure. Leaders need to support staff in ways
in which individuals recognise as being useful.
In the same way, staff will be motivated by
different factors. Leaders must focus on the
needs of individual staff and use
motivational strategies appropriate to each
person and situation. They must seek to
inspire demotivated staff and maintain the
motivation of those who are already
motivated. Leadership seeks to produce
necessary changes in demotivated staff by
developing a vision of the future and
inspiring staff to attain this. Leadership is the
driving force of the work environment and
directly affects staff motivation and morale.
West-Burnham (1997) argued that leaders
should seek to improve on current practice,
and use their influence to achieve this. This
includes working within the team to develop
goals and a feeling of shared ownership to
achieve excellence in clinical practice.
Different people are motivated in different
ways, so leaders must use strategies that
individuals find motivating to empower
them and highlight the importance of the
nursing role. One method of achieving this
is through structured mentorship. I believe
that mentorship should foster ongoing role
development and be based on the
acquisition and mastery of new skills.
Senior nurses should take time every shift
(530 minutes) to be involved in some form
of mentoring activity, which should then be
recorded in staff members learning log.
The learning log is a simple, task-specific
recording method used as documented
evidence that mentorship has been given on
a particular area of work activity. The staff
member participates in the completion of
their log, which briefly records:
l The nature of the activity being coached;
l Strengths and weaknesses in performing
the activity;
l Coaching intervention;
l Future goals.
It is important that staff members do not
feel micromanaged. Learning logs must be
viewed as a mentorship tool, rather than a
management one. The log is merely used to
remind and refresh the mentor and staff
member about what has been achieved
between the last formal clinical supervision
session and the next. The learning log will
be used for reflection purposes to form the
basis of a more comprehensive supervision
Leaders, in their capacity as mentors, must
ensure that more junior staff have the
freedom to seek information, through an
open exchange of opinions and ideas. Staff
should also be given the opportunity to show
initiative, thus promoting confidence in
decision-making and underpinning
knowledge and competence in their own
skills. The goal of mentorship should be to
create a stable and supportive environment
which encourages professional growth
through effective role modelling. Murray
and Main (2005) argued that the notion of
role modelling is seen as a traditional
expectation of less experienced nurses
learning from more experienced ones.
There are a number of useful models to help
to guide senior nurses in leading other staff.
The two most common are
transformational and transactional models
(Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978).
The effects of transactional leadership are
short-lived, episodic and task based, with the
transactional leader only intervening with
negative feedback when something goes
wrong. This form of leadership would have a
place where there is a specific short-term
directed project or piece of work to be
In a ward, it is more desirable to identify a
leadership model that offers longevity in the
relationship between senior nurses and
junior colleagues. The transformational
model is more complex but has a more
positive effect on communication and
teambuilding than the transactional model
(Thyer, 2003). Transformational leadership
shapes and alters the goals and values of
other staff to achieve a collective purpose to
benefit the nursing profession and the
employing organisation. Bass (1985) found
that transformational leadership factors were
more highly correlated with perceived group
effectiveness and job satisfaction, and
contributed more to individual performance
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 5 Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
practice changing practice
and motivation, than transactional leaders.
Adair (2002) proposed a different model.
This is the three-circle model of strategic
leadership, with the circles being the needs of
the task, the individual and the team (Fig 1).
Adair believes that knowledge or expertise
alone is not enough to lead; however,
without it, leadership is impossible. Leaders
should be aware of both group and
individual needs, and should harmonise
them to support common goals.
Each of the three needs in the model
interacts with the others. One must always
be seen in relation to the other two (Adair,
2003). This is a democratic model of
leadership, in which there is consideration
for the opinions of those who have to carry
out the task. Individuals and groups are
involved in decision-making processes
concerning their work. The valuing of
people, their knowledge, experience and
skills is central to this model.
Leadership models are a useful tool for
senior nurses and help to put the function of
leadership activity into perspective. These
nurses should not be concerned about using
various models and developing an eclectic
strategy. The models should be used as a
framework on which to build an effective
leadership style which suits the individual
leader and those whom they are leading.
Supervised learning in clinical practice
fosters emotional intelligence, responsibility,
motivation and a deeper understanding of
patient relationships and nurses identity
and role (Allan et al, 2008).
For care standards to improve, attention
must be paid to improving post-registration
education and practice development. This
should include clarifying role expectation
and developing a professional identity.
Professional socialisation is a learning
process that takes place in a work
environment, of which junior nurses are an
integral part. Effective leaders will generate
opportunities which create potential for
professional self-development for junior
staff. It is during this socialisation period that
junior nurses develop opinions, attitudes
and beliefs about their role which form the
basis of professional growth. The role-
modelling behaviour of senior nurses during
this process is critical in transmitting
appropriate professional values from one
generation of nurses to the next.
The role of senior nurses is dynamic and
multifaceted. Nurse leaders in practice
settings have unique opportunities to
influence and even create the environment in
which professional practice can flourish.
Marriner-Tomey (1993) suggested that, in
this highly influential role, nurse leaders have
a major responsibility to change behaviour to
provide an environment that supports the
preparation of competent and expert nurses.
It is part of nurse leaders role to serve as a
model in providing effective socialisation
experiences that impart the appropriate
values, beliefs, behaviours and skills to staff.
Ultimately, a goal of any healthcare
organisation should be to influence the
quality of patient care through good nursing
leadership. Good leaders should encourage
junior staff to gain a better understanding of
patients and their needs and values. Overall,
these strategies will lead to increased patient
satisfaction, more effective nurse-patient
relationships and quicker recovery times.
Empowered nurses are eager to
implement evidence-based practice. They
are highly motivated, well informed and
committed to organisational goals, and thus
deliver patient care with greater effectiveness
(Kuokkanen and Leino-Kilpi, 2000).
Good leadership could produce better
patient outcomes by promoting greater
nursing expertise through increased staff
ability and competence. Aiken et al (2001)
argued the hospital practice environment has
a significant effect on patient outcomes.
Junior nurses should be encouraged to seek
maximum rather than minimum standards,
and be expected to achieve and maintain
high-quality benchmarks.
This article has highlighted senior nurses
essential leadership role in developing
skilled and competent staff. Leadership
behaviour has a great impact on staff.
Senior nurses must acknowledge the
importance of their role, recognising that
junior staff rely on their leadership in
developing their own professional skills.
These nurses must use their leadership
behaviour to positively influence
organisational outcomes and need to
appreciate the inter-relationship between
developing nursing practice, improving
quality of care and optimising patient
outcomes. Healthcare organisations need
nurse leaders who can develop nursing care,
are an advocate for the nursing profession
and have a positive effect on healthcare
through leadership.
Adair J (2003) Effective Leadership. National College for
School Leadership, Brieng paper.
Adair J (2002) Effective Strategic Leadership. London:
Aiken L et al (2001) Nurses reports on hospital care in ve
countries. Health Affairs; 20: 43-53.
Allan H et al (2008) Leadership for learning: a literature
study of leadership for learning in clinical practice. Journal
of Nursing Management ; 16: 545-555.
Bakker AB et al (2000) Effort and reward imbalance and
burnout among nurses. J Advanced Nursing; 31: 884-891.
Bass BM (1985) Leadership and Performance Beyond
Expectations. New York, NY: The Free Press.
Bondas T (2006) Paths to nursing leadership. Journal of
Nursing Management ; 14: 332-339.
Borbasi S, Gaston C (2002) Nursing and the 21st century:
whats happened to leadership? Collegian; 9: 1, 31-35.
Burns JM (1978) Leadership. New York: Harper and Row.
Chow FLW, Suen LKP (2001) Clinical staff as mentors in
pre-registration undergraduate nursing education: students
perceptions of the mentors roles and responsibilities. Nurse
Education Today; 21: 350-358.
Constable JF, Russell DW (1986) The effect of social
support and the work environment upon burnout among
nurses. Journal of Human Stress; 12: 20-26.
Covey S (1999) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People. London: Simon and Schuster.
Hughes S (2004) The mentoring role of the personal tutor
in the tness for practice curriculum: an all Wales
approach. Nurse Education in Practice; 4: 271-278.
Kuokkanen L, Leino-Kilpi H (2000) Power and
empowerment in nursing: three theoretical approaches.
Journal of Advanced Nursing; 31: 1, 235-251.
Mahoney J (2001) Leadership skills for the 21st century.
Journal of Nursing Management ; 9: 5, 269-271.
Marriner-Tomey A (1993) Transformational Leadership in
Nursing. London: Mosby.
Murray C, Main A (2005) Role modelling as a teaching
method for student mentors. Nursing Times; 101: 26, 30-33.
Porter-OGrady T (2003) A different age for leadership,
part 1. Journal of Nursing Administration; 33: 10, 105-110.
Saarikoski M, Leino-Kilpi H (2002) The clinical learning
environment and supervision by staff nurses: developing the
instrument. International Journal of Nursing Studies; 39:
Sorensen R et al (2008) Beyond profession: nursing
leadership in contemporary healthcare. Journal of Nursing
Management ; 16: 535-544.
Thyer G (2003) Dare to be different: transformational
leadership may hold the key to reducing the nursing
shortage. Journal of Nursing Management ; 11: 73-79.
West-Burnham J (1997) Leadership for learning-
reengineering mind sets. School Leading Ability and
Management ; 17: 2, 231-244.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 6 Nursing Times 19 May 2009 Vol 105 No 19 22
the period between two RCN
surveys in 2000 and 2005.
Team effectiveness and the
ability to reflect are two of the
least valued qualities when
teams have completed a
360-degree feedback team
performance inventory
(Aston Organisation
Development, 2009).
Given the evidence that teams
that are effective can improve
members well-being as well as
quality of care, it is important
to consider how teams can
increase their effectiveness.
This article aims to introduce some simple
techniques to enable team leaders and
members to reflect on their teams
effectiveness and to build on this with some
development activities.
This does not negate the fact that, at times,
teams may wish to use external help and other
resources to support this process.
These techniques can be used both following
team-development programmes as a way to
embed and revisit development, and to
identify development needs.
Given that such programmes may be seen as
a luxury, the techniques outlined below can be
used in routine team meetings. The act of
using the techniques focuses the team on the
issues and has a development effect in itself.
The issues and simple techniques
described are:
l Team reflection;
l Ensuring all team members participate;
l Establishing ways of working/ground rules.
It is difficult to build time for reflection.
The frequent cry is: Dont just stand there
do something. However, evidence suggests
we would do well to cry:
Dont just do something
stand there, reflect and then
take action.
West (1996) argued that
team members ability to
reflect on their task
objectives, processes and
team culture is the best
predictor of their teams
effectiveness. The preference
to lean towards action rather
than reflection is observed in
many groups.
Four facilitated groups
taking part in the RCN
Nutrition Now campaign
were recently asked to
reflect on how they were working as a team
and the next steps they needed to take with
their projects.
Each team immediately focused on the
action to be taken. When the facilitator asked
what their reflections were about
teamworking, they either said they had not
discussed it or that they were working well.
After another prompt from the facilitator
about communication, there was a pause, then
team members suggested there were perhaps
issues with communication. This led to further
reflections and discussions about their
effectiveness and actions on how they would
communicate between sessions.
When reflecting, teams need to consider how
they rate themselves in terms of effectiveness.
Are members working well together? What is
the communication like in the team, especially
about the task being carried out, the methods
and processes used to get the work/task done?
Does the team review its objectives?
Adopting a discipline of asking the following
questions will help teams to reflect:
l What is working well?
l What is not working well?
l What can be done about it?
Lord Darzi (2008) said: Leadership is not just
about individuals, but teams.
Govier and Nash (2009) discussed the
principles that underpin transformational and
effective leadership in healthcare settings. This
article builds on this by focusing on the
importance of team development and offers
some practical exercises that leaders and teams
can do to consider their effectiveness.
Teams that work well together and have
higher levels of participation are more effective
in delivering high-quality health care, plus
their members have better well-being and
lower stress levels (Borrill et al, 2002).
The Health and Safety Executive (2008)
identified that nursing has a high prevalence of
self-reported work-related stress.
Ball and Pike (2006) reported that nurses
levels of psychological well-being fell during
Exploring how implementing a three-point strategy in team meetings enables
members to reect on their teams effectiveness and build on this
Practice in depth
Effective team leadership: techniques that
nurses can use to improve teamworking
AUTHORS Sue Nash, MBA, BSc, RGN, is
facilitator of individual, team and service
development, Action Learning Teams
Consultancy; Ian Govier, MSc, PGCE, BN,
DipN, RNT, RGN, is development
manager nursing leadership, National
Leadership and Innovation Agency
for Healthcare, Llanharan, Wales, and
runs CTR Training and Consultancy;
both are associates of the RCN
Consultancy Service.
ABSTRACT Nash, S., Govier, I. (2009)
Effective team leadership: techniques that
nurses can use to improve teamworking.
Nursing Times; 105: 19, 2224.
This is the second article in a two-part
series on leadership. The first examined
transformational approaches to effective
leadership in healthcare settings. This
article describes the strategies that nurses
can use to ensure healthcare teams are
effective: team reflection; ensuring all
members participate; and establishing
ground rules.
Evidence shows that nurses
psychological well-being has
decreased over recent years.
Team effectiveness is directly
linked to members well-being
and quality of care.
Nurses can use a three-point
strategy to improve their teams
effectiveness, which involves
team reflection, ensuring that all
members participate and
establishing ground rules.
Being part of an action
learning team will enable nurses
to maximise team effectiveness.
7 Nursing Times Leadership Supplement Nursing Times 19 May 2009 Vol 105 No 19 23
Type Indicator ( or
similar exercise will stimulate discussion
around ways to improve teamworking.
How often do meetings appear to be
dominated by the few? This may be because
those who focus their attention externally
and become energised by interacting with
others (extraversion) will naturally think out
loud while they are discussing something.
Those who focus on their internal world of
ideas and experiences and energise by
reflecting on their thoughts, memories and
feelings (introversion) need time to think
things through before commenting.
To facilitate this and to help those who think
things through while talking, it is necessary
to prepare in advance for the meeting. Of
course this is good practice, but often meetings
are run without agendas, or agenda items
appear as a list of subjects with no clarity about
the decision that needs to be made.
Nash (2006) argued that effective meetings
need the following:
l An agenda and papers sent out in advance
so the introverts can think about the
information as can the extraverts, whose
tendency is to do-think-do;
The model often used in the more formal
clinical supervision groups is Gibbs (1988)
model of reflection (Fig 1). Performed well,
this provides a framework to explore issues,
near misses and critical incidents, working
towards an avoidance culture instead of a
blame culture.
For the purposes of this article, the three
questions just highlighted are all that are
needed initially for teams to experiment
together the key is in getting started.
We gravitate naturally towards what is not
working well in discussions. There is a place
for this to get it off our chests. However, the
difference between this whinge session and a
structured, reflective session is the learning
and action that follows.
This process of challenge, in a supportive
environment, is the foundation of action
learning. Lord Darzi (2008) said: Throughout
my career, in all the clinical teams I have
worked in, my colleagues and I have
challenged one another to improve the way we
provide care for patients.
Action learning is about reflection and
experiential learning. It is a balance of
support and challenge. The benefits of this
activity are:
l Service improvement by reflecting,
questioning and finding better ways of
doing things;
l Individual development growth in
personal awareness and interpersonal skills;
l Learning from successes and failures;
l Improving change-management skills;
l An opportunity for reflection, supervision,
ensuring momentum in taking action and
support in a safe environment.
Action learning is usually done in sets
of 610 people who meet every six weeks
and carry out a form of group coaching/
clinical supervision.
These principles can be applied to teams
so the discipline of action learning becomes
the normal way of working challenging,
supporting and coaching in order to
improve the way in which we provide care
to our patients.
In the high-profile cases of poor patient care
that appear in the press, was the challenge
element missing in the team responsible?
Whether the challenge concerns lack of
resources, priorities or poor practice are we
asking the right questions?
The ability to reflect, learn from reflection
and take action on what needs changing is
an important part of team effectiveness.
Another important element is the participation
of all members.
The essentials of a good meeting are:
l Having the right people participating;
l Having clarity of purpose for the meeting;
l That it is evident how the meeting
contributes to high-quality service provision
(RCN and NHS Institute for Innovation and
Improvement, 2007).
This is an art in itself. The next steps are to
ensure that all team members participate in
the discussions.
The theory of personality type covers the
different ways in which people take in
information and make decisions, and where
they focus their attention and get energised.
These differences can lead to misunderstandings
and miscommunication.
It is not necessary to know our personality
type to ensure team meetings are effective, as
the theory of personality is taken into account
in current guidelines and good practice.
However, having the team do a Myers-Briggs
What happened?
Gibbs (1988)
model of reflection
What sense can you make
of the situation?
What were you
thinking and feeling?
Action plan
If it arose again,
what would you do?
What else could
you have done?
What was good and bad
about the experience?
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 8 Nursing Times 19 May 2009 Vol 105 No 19 24
l Kline (1999) suggested that agenda items
are phrased as a question, so that each team
member can think about what is needed from
them. For example, how can we ensure
patients get adequate nutrition at mealtimes?
l Round robins are also useful as everyone
has equal air time, that is, each person has one
minute to talk about an agenda item this
ensures that everyone has input and prevents
someone dominating the time or others
remaining quiet (Nash, 2006).
So, now the team is in place, it has the right
people and clarity of purpose, and all
members are participating. Do we articulate
what we expect of each other?
One element of team effectiveness is about
establishing an understanding of the ways of
working, in both the processes and behaviours
expected as well as team tasks.
It is natural to focus on tasks, as they
appear more tangible. However, it is the
misunderstandings around perceived values
and behaviours that can cause team conflict
and stress. It is important to try to articulate
what each team member means by their
own values.
When exploring ways of working or setting
ground rules, the discussion usually takes the
form of listing various words on a flip chart,
such as confidentiality, honesty and respect.
Misunderstanding and miscommunication
result from our different interpretations of
these ground rules. A simple but effective way
of discussing these values and behaviours that
make up ways of working is the how/why
technique. This simple exercise could form
part of the teams reflection time.
Each team member says what is important
to them when working together.
If they mention a value such as respect, other
team members are encouraged to ask How?
until the behaviours are identified. If the
person mentions a behaviour such as
Listening to me, then the question Why? is
asked until the value (in this case respect) is
identified. An example is outlined in Table 1.
Ground rules and ways of working are
meant to be reiterated and reinforced.
Establishing these is not meant to be an
exercise that is done once at the teams
inception; they should be revisited, not only if
there is a problem, when clearly this must be
challenged, but also as part of the teams
reflective activity.
So what would a team meeting be like if we
tried the interventions and techniques set out
above? This need take only about 10 minutes,
which can be at the start, end or as an agenda
item during a meeting.
The following is an example of putting this
into practice:
l The team leader or chair of the meeting
says that the team will be asked to think about
an issue, for example how the team
communicates. This may be listed as an
agenda item for people to come prepared;
l The agenda item is written as three
questions for example on communication:
l What is working well in the way we
l What does not work well in the way we
l What can we do to improve
l There is then a round robin. Each member
is given a specific time to answer the questions
30 seconds to a minute is long enough.
There are no discussions or interruptions at
this stage;
l When all members have been able to
contribute, the team identifies one action on
which they agree that they can try between
now and when the team meets again;
l If the action agreed is a specific behaviour,
such as not interrupting when others are
speaking, by using the how/why technique
and asking why, the team will arrive at a
value such as respect. The value and
behaviour can be added to the ways of
working/ground rules.
At the next meeting, there is a discussion
about whether the action agreed had been
taken, what the learning was and what, if any,
the follow-up actions are. In this way the team
shows that it takes action and learns together
an action learning team.
Taking time to reflect, ensuring that all team
members participate and establishing ways
of working do not need to be time-consuming
or onerous.
Like anything worth doing, it needs practice
the more it is done, the easier it becomes and
will start to be second nature. Evidence shows
that taking time to do this improves team
effectiveness. Since this has a direct correlation
with team member well-being and quality of
care, the question is not can we afford to do it
but rather can we afford not to do it? l
or for
further information.
Aston Organisation Development (2009) The Aston
Team Performance Inventory Manual.
Ball, J., Pike, G. (2006) At Breaking Point? A Survey of
the Wellbeing and Working Lives of Nurses in 2005.
London: RCN.
Borrill, C. et al (2002) Team Working and Effectiveness in
Health Care: Findings from the Health Care Team
Effectiveness Project. Birmingham: Aston Centre for Health
Service Organisation Research.
Darzi, A. (2008) High Quality Care For All: NHS Next
Stage Review Final Report. London: DH.
Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching
and Learning Methods. Oxford: Further Education Unit,
Oxford Brookes University.
Govier, I., Nash, S. (2009) Examining transformational
approaches to effective leadership in healthcare settings.
Nursing Times; 105: 18, 2427.
Health and Safety Executive (2008) Stress-related and
Psychological Disorders. London: HSE.
Kline, N. (1999) Time to Think Listening to Ignite the
Human Mind. London: Cassell Illustrated.
Nash, S. (2006) Knowing yourself understanding others.
Clinical Leadership News. London: RCN.
RCN, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
(2007) Guide 5. Effective Team Meetings. In: Developing and
Sustaining Effective Teams. London: RCN.
West, M.A. (1996) Reflexivity and work group effectiveness:
a conceptual integration. In: West, M.A. (ed) The Handbook
of Work Group Psychology. Chichester: John Wiley.
Value (the
Behaviours (the how)
Respect: How
can we show
respect to
Listening to me
Not interrupting
Not trivialising what I say or what
I am concerned about
Not using mobile phone or email
or other interruptions when I am
talking to you/we have a meeting
Ensuring participation
Practice in depth
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 9 Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
practice changing practice
A life coach helped a team of primary care nurses to improve teamworking
and manage stress
Using life coaching techniques to enhance
leadership skills in nursing
AUTHOR Catherine Williamson, BSc, Dip Life
Coaching, is a life coach, Greater Manchester,
and former speech and language therapist in
the NHS.
ABSTRACT Williamson, C. Using life coaching
techniques to enhance leadership skills in
nursing. Nursing Times; 105: 8, 20-23.
This article describes a recent initiative,
which used life-coaching to develop strong
leadership skills and empower individual
team members and the team as a whole. A
three-stage process was used to enable a
team of nurses in a GP practice to improve
working relationships, leadership skills and
stress management.
practice population of 12,500 patients. There
are four partners with four salaried GPs.
More and more I was noticing the nursing
team having negative attitudes, moaning,
feeding off each others negativity and I felt it
was starting to spiral out of control.
The team had great difficulties in time
management, difficulties saying no and we
rarely had time to communicate.
The biggest problem was changes in
working practice. For example, a new ECG
machine was to be used and it took so much
longer than [was] acceptable before the
nurses were able to perform an ECG without
there being some problem.
The ANP had frequently discussed her
concerns within the GP practice but decided
to take the initiative and sought out a
supportive pharmaceutical representative,
who agreed to jointly fund any work carried
out to help the team develop.
At my first meeting with the ANP, she raised
further issues to address: At the time I was
working well out of my comfort zone as a
newly qualified nurse practitioner. I had
much less time to deal with management
problems and I was very conscious when I
was asked for advice/help that I was not able
to give the time I should. Also, at times, I felt
irritated that it was not acknowledged that I
had my own stresses and work
commitments that couldnt wait either.
In the past, the nursing teams Id led all
worked as a team and people supported each
other. In this team, they all had different
problems and never seemed to think about
how anyone else felt, or how busy other
people in the practice were. I feel its part of
my responsibility to try to make the nursing
team as effective and efficient as possible it
was obvious to all the practice team how
stressed a few members of the team were.
After a lengthy discussion about work, stress,
management and how to move forward, we
agreed a programme to cover all dysfunctional
aspects of the team and enable it to move
forward in a positive way (Table 1).
The aims of the individual coaching sessions
with the ANP were to help her develop:
Self-belief this focuses on preparing people
to stand up for what they believe in, on the
understanding that they focus on achieving
the best outcomes for the team and service;
Self-awareness to be effective leaders, staff
need a strong sense of self-worth so they can
handle pressure and stress more effectively;
Self-management without this ability, it
can be difficult to implement effectively what
has been learnt;
Personal integrity this can help with the
decision-making process. The ANP
demonstrated this when she was persistent
in applying for funding;
The ability to enable others this can be
empowering for others and actively helps
them to take responsibility and thus develop
their own self-esteem and confidence.
Reflecting on these one-to-one sessions, the
ANP said they made me realise my own
values and why I get more irritated by certain
characteristics of the team members. It
wasnt my fault that we were not working
well as a team; each individual team member
needed to own their responsibilities.
Zwell (2000) argued: One key function for
many managers is developing the leadership
ability of their subordinates. If they are to
develop others, managers need a strong
sense of identity, their core competencies
and what they need to improve.
The individual sessions helped the ANP to
focus on herself, recognise her strengths,
know her limitations and begin to build and
shape the right team around her.
Owen (2005) summarised this as follows:
By having the self-confidence and self-
awareness to know their own weaknesses,
they [the leader] can build the right
leadership team to help them and they can
then be open about learning.
Belbin (1996) published a management
book based on a study of successful and
unsuccessful teams competing in business
Life coaching aims to help people to enhance
work performance and career opportunities
and to achieve more in life. According to
Martin (2007): Your coach cannot do the
work for you but can, and should, suggest
where you direct your focus to gain
optimum benefit from what you are doing.
The NHS has identified that this kind of
work that is, enhancing leadership and
management is very much needed. The
NHS Institute for Innovation and
Improvements (2006) leadership qualities
framework contains detailed descriptions of
qualities and levels of attainment specifically
tailored to the NHS needs and environment.
Earlier this year, an advanced nurse
practitioner (ANP) approached me to ask
about team-building. The term can induce
dread at the thought of outdoor activities or
other similar pursuits. However, my work as
a life coach focuses on building a
communication structure to make a team
work, from management to co-worker level
and beyond to outside the team.
The ANP outlined the situation as follows:
Since the advent of QoF [the quality and
outcomes framework] in general practice,
[there has been] more and more pressure on
practice nurses to achieve targets for the GPs
to earn money.
I work with a team of three practice nurses
and two HCAs, in a very busy surgery with a
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
games at Henley Management College. He
described a team role as a tendency to
behave, contribute and interrelate with
others in a particular way. With this in
mind, I felt a Belbin assessment would be an
ideal way for the team to start to examine:
l The roles they bring to the workplace;
l How these fit in with the team;
l The contribution of roles to the team.
There are nine team roles in total and the
questionnaire helps to identify individuals
preferred roles, their manageable roles and
their least preferred roles. These nine roles are:
Plant creative, imaginative and unorthodox;
Resource investigator an excellent
communicator, recognises opportunities
and is extrovert;
Coordinator a strong sense of objectives,
promotes decision-making, delegates well;
Shaper challenging, driving and dynamic,
thrives on pressure and an effective delegator;
Teamworker cooperative, supportive and
diplomatic, averts friction and listens well;
Implementer disciplined, efficient,
organised and reliable;
Completer finisher conscientious, pays
attention to detail and delivers results;
Specialist has rare skills or knowledge, and is
dedicated, professional and single-minded;
Monitor evaluator discerning, objective,
questioning and sees all options.
Once staff understand their preferred roles,
it can help to explain why they relate well to
some people and have conflicts with others.
It also helps to explain some of the less
favourable traits, since for every role there is
a set of strengths, allowable weaknesses and
non-allowable weaknesses.
This gives staff a new vocabulary with
which to talk to others about their behaviour
and how it impacts on others. Typically, a
complete Belbin programme includes not
only self-perception but also team members
perceptions of each other. In this case study
the process was limited to self-perception
only, but nonetheless brought out some
strong underlying issues.
The ANP said: It was very interesting that
the frustration I had with certain members of
staff, who were not acting and following up
on new initiatives as I expected, was brought
to a head when Catherine had us all working
on the types of personalities we were.
I found out that I look at things from the
wider picture and these particular team
members looked at things using detail. This
was extremely helpful in me understanding
them more. Now I will be able to help
prevent problems occurring when we set up
new initiatives by giving them more detail
than I previously felt that they needed.
It is important for managers/leaders to
understand the behavioural characteristics of
their staff so that when conflicts do arise they
can be discussed on a professional level
rather than a personal one.
The aims of the three group sessions were to:
l Raise awareness;
l Understand behaviour;
l Empower staff.
Before starting the group sessions one team
member (an HCA) said: I hoped the sessions
would teach us something about us as
individuals and as a group. From a managerial
point of view, the ANP had hoped the sessions
would help the group to understand that other
team members also had stresses to deal with
and that this stress has an impact on the team.
She also hoped that the team would look at
themselves more and stop blaming the
system for their stress and realise we are
actually quite lucky where we work.
All six team members were asked to
contribute and share issues that arose for them
in the sessions if they felt comfortable to do
so. All agreed to maintain confidentiality and
professionalism throughout the sessions,
respect each others point of view and bear in
mind that the sessions may bring up personal
issues that people may want to keep private.
A life coachs role is to help people see things
as they really are. Downey (1999) quoted
Tim Galloways definition of coaching as:
To establish a firmer connection with an
inner authority that can guide vision and
urge excellence and discriminate wisdom
NT 3 March 2009 Vol 105 No 8 21
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Self-management without this ability, it
can be difcult to implement effectively what
has been learnt;
Personal integrity this can help with the
decision-making process. The ANP
demonstrated this when she was persistent
in applying for funding;
The ability to enable others this can be
empowering for others and actively helps
them to take responsibility and thus develop
their own self-esteem and condence.
Reflecting on these one-to-one sessions,
the ANP commented that they made
me realise my own values and why I get
more irritated by certain characteristics
of the team members. It wasnt my fault
that we were not working well as a team;
each individual team member needed to
own their responsibilities and be
accountable themselves.
Zwell (2000) argued: One key function
for many managers is developing the
leadership ability of their subordinates.
If they are to develop others, managers
need to have a strong sense of identity, their
core competencies and what they need
to improve.
For the ANP concerned, the individual
sessions helped her to focus on herself,
recognise her strengths, know her
limitations and begin the process of building
and shaping the right team around her.
Owen (2005) summarised this as follows:
By having the self-confidence and
self-awareness to know their own
weaknesses, they [the leader] can build the
right leadership team to help them and they
can then be open about learning.
Belbin (1996) published a management
book based on a study of successful and
unsuccessful teams competing in business
games at Henley Management College,
Oxfordshire. He described a team role as a
tendency to behave, contribute and
interrelate with others in a particular way.
With this in mind, I felt a Belbin assessment
would be an ideal way for the team to start
to examine:
The roles they bring to the workplace;
How these t in with the team;
The contribution these roles make to
the team.
There are nine team roles in total and the
questionnaire helps to identify individuals
preferred roles, their manageable roles
and their least preferred roles. These nine
roles are:
Plant is creative, imaginative and
Resource investigator is an excellent
communicator, recognises opportunities
and is extrovert;
Coordinator has a strong sense of
objectives, promotes decision-making and
delegates well;
Shaper is challenging, driving and
dynamic, thrives on pressure and is an
effective delegator;
Teamworker is cooperative, supportive
and diplomatic, averts friction and listens well;
Implementer is disciplined, efcient,
organised and reliable;
Completer nisher is conscientious,
pays attention to detail and delivers results;
Specialist has rare skills or knowledge,
and is dedicated, professional and
Monitor evaluator is discerning,
objective, questioning and sees all options.
Once staff have an understanding of
their preferred roles, it can help to explain
why they relate well to some people and
have conflicts with others. It also helps to
explain some of the less favourable traits,
since for every role there is a set of
strengths, allowable weaknesses and
non-allowable weaknesses.
This gives staff a new vocabulary
with which to talk to others about their
behaviour and how it impacts on others.
Typically, a complete Belbin programme
includes not only self-perception but also
team members perceptions of each
other. In this case study the process was
Level of intervention Areas to be covered Desired outcomes
Individual coaching
with ANP
Leadership style and qualities
Who is in control? How to take an
assertive stance
Where do you give away your power?
The aim of these sessions was to give the ANP time out
from her busy workload to evaluate how she was doing,
what was going well and what was not working. This also
gave her the opportunity to think more about herself rather
than just focus on her team
Belbin (1996) team
roles assessment
All six staff in the team completed an online
Belbin team roles assessment
To develop a greater understanding of an individuals role
within a team
To help identify where conflict may arise and understand
how to adapt our behaviour
To help an individual understand why they may respond
in a particular way during times of stress
Three two-hour group
sessions with all six
members present
Taking responsibility
Understanding how a persons stress
affects the team
How to look after each other
Take greater control of your life rather than
outside influences impacting on it
These group sessions were a way of raising awareness of
many different issues at both a personal and team level. It
allowed team members to share information about
themselves in a non-threatening manner, which creates a
greater level of support and ownership
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 10
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
games at Henley Management College. He
described a team role as a tendency to
behave, contribute and interrelate with
others in a particular way. With this in
mind, I felt a Belbin assessment would be an
ideal way for the team to start to examine:
l The roles they bring to the workplace;
l How these fit in with the team;
l The contribution of roles to the team.
There are nine team roles in total and the
questionnaire helps to identify individuals
preferred roles, their manageable roles and
their least preferred roles. These nine roles are:
Plant creative, imaginative and unorthodox;
Resource investigator an excellent
communicator, recognises opportunities
and is extrovert;
Coordinator a strong sense of objectives,
promotes decision-making, delegates well;
Shaper challenging, driving and dynamic,
thrives on pressure and an effective delegator;
Teamworker cooperative, supportive and
diplomatic, averts friction and listens well;
Implementer disciplined, efficient,
organised and reliable;
Completer finisher conscientious, pays
attention to detail and delivers results;
Specialist has rare skills or knowledge, and is
dedicated, professional and single-minded;
Monitor evaluator discerning, objective,
questioning and sees all options.
Once staff understand their preferred roles,
it can help to explain why they relate well to
some people and have conflicts with others.
It also helps to explain some of the less
favourable traits, since for every role there is
a set of strengths, allowable weaknesses and
non-allowable weaknesses.
This gives staff a new vocabulary with
which to talk to others about their behaviour
and how it impacts on others. Typically, a
complete Belbin programme includes not
only self-perception but also team members
perceptions of each other. In this case study
the process was limited to self-perception
only, but nonetheless brought out some
strong underlying issues.
The ANP said: It was very interesting that
the frustration I had with certain members of
staff, who were not acting and following up
on new initiatives as I expected, was brought
to a head when Catherine had us all working
on the types of personalities we were.
I found out that I look at things from the
wider picture and these particular team
members looked at things using detail. This
was extremely helpful in me understanding
them more. Now I will be able to help
prevent problems occurring when we set up
new initiatives by giving them more detail
than I previously felt that they needed.
It is important for managers/leaders to
understand the behavioural characteristics of
their staff so that when conflicts do arise they
can be discussed on a professional level
rather than a personal one.
The aims of the three group sessions were to:
l Raise awareness;
l Understand behaviour;
l Empower staff.
Before starting the group sessions one team
member (an HCA) said: I hoped the sessions
would teach us something about us as
individuals and as a group. From a managerial
point of view, the ANP had hoped the sessions
would help the group to understand that other
team members also had stresses to deal with
and that this stress has an impact on the team.
She also hoped that the team would look at
themselves more and stop blaming the
system for their stress and realise we are
actually quite lucky where we work.
All six team members were asked to
contribute and share issues that arose for them
in the sessions if they felt comfortable to do
so. All agreed to maintain confidentiality and
professionalism throughout the sessions,
respect each others point of view and bear in
mind that the sessions may bring up personal
issues that people may want to keep private.
A life coachs role is to help people see things
as they really are. Downey (1999) quoted
Tim Galloways definition of coaching as:
To establish a firmer connection with an
inner authority that can guide vision and
urge excellence and discriminate wisdom
NT 3 March 2009 Vol 105 No 8 21
For more nursing practice information log on to and NT Clinical and Archive

Self-management without this ability, it
can be difcult to implement effectively what
has been learnt;
Personal integrity this can help with the
decision-making process. The ANP
demonstrated this when she was persistent
in applying for funding;
The ability to enable others this can be
empowering for others and actively helps
them to take responsibility and thus develop
their own self-esteem and condence.
Reflecting on these one-to-one sessions,
the ANP commented that they made
me realise my own values and why I get
more irritated by certain characteristics
of the team members. It wasnt my fault
that we were not working well as a team;
each individual team member needed to
own their responsibilities and be
accountable themselves.
Zwell (2000) argued: One key function
for many managers is developing the
leadership ability of their subordinates.
If they are to develop others, managers
need to have a strong sense of identity, their
core competencies and what they need
to improve.
For the ANP concerned, the individual
sessions helped her to focus on herself,
recognise her strengths, know her
limitations and begin the process of building
and shaping the right team around her.
Owen (2005) summarised this as follows:
By having the self-confidence and
self-awareness to know their own
weaknesses, they [the leader] can build the
right leadership team to help them and they
can then be open about learning.
Belbin (1996) published a management
book based on a study of successful and
unsuccessful teams competing in business
games at Henley Management College,
Oxfordshire. He described a team role as a
tendency to behave, contribute and
interrelate with others in a particular way.
With this in mind, I felt a Belbin assessment
would be an ideal way for the team to start
to examine:
The roles they bring to the workplace;
How these t in with the team;
The contribution these roles make to
the team.
There are nine team roles in total and the
questionnaire helps to identify individuals
preferred roles, their manageable roles
and their least preferred roles. These nine
roles are:
Plant is creative, imaginative and
Resource investigator is an excellent
communicator, recognises opportunities
and is extrovert;
Coordinator has a strong sense of
objectives, promotes decision-making and
delegates well;
Shaper is challenging, driving and
dynamic, thrives on pressure and is an
effective delegator;
Teamworker is cooperative, supportive
and diplomatic, averts friction and listens well;
Implementer is disciplined, efcient,
organised and reliable;
Completer nisher is conscientious,
pays attention to detail and delivers results;
Specialist has rare skills or knowledge,
and is dedicated, professional and
Monitor evaluator is discerning,
objective, questioning and sees all options.
Once staff have an understanding of
their preferred roles, it can help to explain
why they relate well to some people and
have conflicts with others. It also helps to
explain some of the less favourable traits,
since for every role there is a set of
strengths, allowable weaknesses and
non-allowable weaknesses.
This gives staff a new vocabulary
with which to talk to others about their
behaviour and how it impacts on others.
Typically, a complete Belbin programme
includes not only self-perception but also
team members perceptions of each
other. In this case study the process was
Level of intervention Areas to be covered Desired outcomes
Individual coaching
with ANP
Leadership style and qualities
Who is in control? How to take an
assertive stance
Where do you give away your power?
The aim of these sessions was to give the ANP time out
from her busy workload to evaluate how she was doing,
what was going well and what was not working. This also
gave her the opportunity to think more about herself rather
than just focus on her team
Belbin (1996) team
roles assessment
All six staff in the team completed an online
Belbin team roles assessment
To develop a greater understanding of an individuals role
within a team
To help identify where conflict may arise and understand
how to adapt our behaviour
To help an individual understand why they may respond
in a particular way during times of stress
Three two-hour group
sessions with all six
members present
Taking responsibility
Understanding how a persons stress
affects the team
How to look after each other
Take greater control of your life rather than
outside influences impacting on it
These group sessions were a way of raising awareness of
many different issues at both a personal and team level. It
allowed team members to share information about
themselves in a non-threatening manner, which creates a
greater level of support and ownership
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 11 Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
practice changing practice
without being subject to an inner bully.
This is an interesting quote as people begin
to know themselves and make changes,
some guilt may need to be addressed.
The results of the Belbin assessment helped
all team members to see themselves in a new
light and allowed them to appreciate each
others strengths and weaknesses.
For example, many of the team emerged as
strong teamworkers, in that they are
cooperative and can avert friction. However,
this can also mean they are indecisive (an
allowable weakness) and, if left unchecked,
this can lead them to avoid situations that
may entail pressure (a non-allowable
weakness). This is helpful for the ANP as it
helped to explain why individual team
members were reluctant to make decisions.
Another example is the monitor-evaluators
in the team. Their contribution is to be
discerning and objective but this can lead
them to be uninspiring and sceptical
(allowable weaknesses) and, if left
unchecked, this can lead to them being
cynical and pessimistic (non-allowable).
Every role is important and it is essential
that each persons strengths and
contributions are recognised.
A practice nurse commented: I hope that as
a result of the team-building sessions, we will
value and acknowledge each other more and
each members contribution to the practice.
Another way of raising awareness is to look
at the locus of control, which is considered
an important aspect of personality. The
concept was developed in the 1950s and
refers to the extent to which people believe
they can control events that affect them.
Understanding this concept can help
people to become aware of:
l When they give away power to others;
l When they are passive;
l When they put others needs first at their
own expense;
l When they assume someone elses power;
l When they become dictators;
l When they blame others for a mistake
they made.
The model in Fig 1 helped the team to
identify when they were most likely to fall
into passive behaviour and when they would
rebel and become more aggressive. We also
found stress levels had a significant influence
on peoples behaviour and responses to
others. Helping people to understand how
their behaviour undergoes subtle changes as
they become more stressed can help them to
make positive choices to stay in control.
One of the HCAs found this process very
useful, saying: Personally I need to look at
the bigger picture, take stock of where I am
and what I want from my job.
Stress has a major impact on people,
affecting them on every level mentally,
physically and emotionally. All members of
the group said they wanted help and advice
on how to deal with stress levels. Stress is a
very personal issue what helps one person
will not always help another so it is
important for staff to understand their own
response to stress and determine what will
help them.
One of the highlights for the ANP in the
group sessions was noticing that her staff felt
they acted in positive ways. However, team
members were able to point out to each
other during the sessions that they were not
always assertive or calm and could actually
be aggressive or short with people.
One way to tackle this is for staff to
consider stress levels as they rise and then go
back and determine the trigger factors and
their response. Knowing trigger points in
certain situations can help people to manage
their reactions and responses more
A practice nurse said: I learnt that, to do as
good a job as I can without getting too
stressed, I need clarity, the opportunity to
discuss issues, time and support.
The following quotes all illustrate how much
team members learnt about themselves:
We became more open with each other;
we understood each others difficulties,
setbacks, expectations and problems. We
also realised the importance of needing to
meet together more often (HCA);
I am working on noticing when I take on
too much or when I am unrealistic in what I
can achieve in a certain time and how this
causes me stress. I am learning to say no. I
found these sessions extremely valuable and
well facilitated (practice nurse);
I thought the sessions were very well
structured. However, if the issues that were
raised are not addressed then nothing will
have been gained at a practice level (HCA);
I feel much more confident in leading the
team of nurses and, in future, know how to
get the best results out of each individual
team member as I understand much better
how they tick (ANP).
However, one HCA pointed out: At a
practice level, little is likely to change until
more time is given by management to the
concerns and expectations of the staff.
This last comment is certainly true and the
evidence from this initiative helped the ANP
to secure more management time to fulfil
her role. After this process, the ANP said: I
hope the GPs will notice the nurses are
much happier in their work and are working
much better as a team. Nurse clinics will be
better run and the nurses will be taking more
responsibility and following through what
they have done.
Reward and recognition are both essential
at work. As Zwell (2000) said: If employees
significantly impact on the organisation and
are not rewarded for that impact, expect
them to go to other organisations where they
will feel more appreciated.
Belbin, R.M. (1996) Management Teams: Why They
Succeed or Fail. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Downey, M. (1999) Effective Coaching: Lessons From the
Coaches Coach. Mason, OH: Orion Business Toolkit.
Martin, C. (2007) The Business Coaching Handbook.
Everything You Need to Be Your Own Business Coach.
Carmarthen: Crown House Publishing.
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2006)
NHS Leadership Qualities Framework.
Owen, J. (2005) How to Lead. What You Actually Need to
Do to Manage, Lead and Succeed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Zwell, M. (2000) Creating a Culture of Competence.
Canada: Wiley.
NT 3 March 2009 Vol 105 No 8 22
limited to self-perception only, but
nonetheless brought out some strong
underlying issues.
The ANP said: It was very interesting that
the frustration I had with certain members
of staff, who were not acting and following
up on new initiatives as I expected, was
brought to a head when Catherine had us
all working on the types of personalities
we were.
I found out that I look at things from
the wider picture and these particular
team members looked at things using
detail. This was extremely helpful in me
understanding them more. Now I will be able
to help prevent problems occurring when
we set up new initiatives by giving them
more detail than I previously felt that
they needed.
It is important for managers/leaders
to understand the behavioural
characteristics of their staff so that
when conflicts do arise they can be
discussed on a professional level rather than
a personal one.
As Table 1 (p21) shows, the aims of the
three group sessions were to:
Raise awareness;
Understand behaviour;
Empower staff.
Before starting the group sessions one team
member (an HCA) said: I hoped the
sessions would teach us something about
us as individuals and as a group.
From a managerial point of view, the ANP
had hoped the sessions would help the
group to understand that other team
members also had stresses to deal with and
that this stress has an impact on the team.
She also hoped that the team would look at
themselves more and stop blaming the
system for their stress and realise we are
actually quite lucky where we work.
All team members (six in total) were asked
to contribute and share any issues that
arose for them during the sessions if they
felt comfortable to do so. All agreed to
maintain confidentiality and professionalism
throughout the sessions, respect each
others point of view and bear in mind that
the sessions may bring up personal issues
that people may want to keep private.
A life coachs role is to help people see
things as they really are. Downey (1999)
quoted Tim Galloways denition of
coaching as: To establish a rmer
connection with an inner authority that can
guide vision and urge excellence and
discriminate wisdom without being subject
to an inner bully. This is an interesting
quote because, as people begin to know
themselves and make changes, some
guilt may be attached and this needs to
be addressed.
The results of the Belbin team-roles
assessment helped all team members to
see themselves in a new light and allowed
them to appreciate each others strengths
and weaknesses.
For example, many of the team emerged
as strong teamworkers, in that they are
cooperative and can avert friction. However,
this can also mean they are indecisive (an
allowable weakness) and, if left unchecked,
this can lead them to avoid situations that
may entail pressure (a non-allowable
weakness). This is helpful for the ANP as it
helped to explain why individual team
members were reluctant to make decisions.
Another example is the monitor-evaluators
in the team. Their contribution is to be
discerning and objective but this can lead
them to be uninspiring and sceptical
(allowable weaknesses) and, if left
unchecked, this can lead to them being
cynical and pessimistic (non-allowable).
Every role is important and it is essential
that each persons strengths and
contributions are recognised.
A practice nurse commented: I hope that
as a result of the team-building sessions,
we will value and acknowledge each other
more and each members contribution to
the practice.
Spiky These people blame others if
something goes wrong they tell people
what to do rather than consult
In control People strive to be
somewhere in this area calm,
balanced, in control and responsible for
what they do and what they get
Outside This kind of person puts others
needs first at their own expense; they
feel guilty when things go wrong and
blame themselves
In control
Poor me
Put others first
Belbin, R.M. (1996) Management Teams: Why They
Succeed or Fail. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Downey, M. (1999) Effective Coaching: Lessons
From the Coaches Coach. Mason, OH: Orion
Business Toolkit.
Martin, C. (2007) The Business Coaching
Handbook. Everything You Need to Be Your
Own Business Coach. Carmarthen: Crown
House Publishing.
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
(2006) NHS Leadership Qualities Framework.
Owen, J. (2005) How to Lead. What You Actually
Need to Do to Manage, Lead and Succeed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Zwell, M. (2000) Creating a Culture of
Competence. Canada: Wiley.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 12
Practice in depth
Nursing Times 12 May 2009 Vol 105 No 18 24
white water successfully must begin with
effective leadership.
Kotter (1996) suggested that management is
concerned mainly with order and consistency,
while leadership is centred on change and
movement. Management focuses on
controlling complex processes, whereas
leadership is about challenging existing ways
of doing things and setting new directions
in organisations.
It could be argued that management is about
doing things right and leadership is about
doing the right things. Covey (2006)
supported this view, asserting that yesterdays
methods do not work in the permanent
white-water world, where managers
traditionally manage within the system and
focus on doing things according to the rules.
Like Vaill, Covey agreed that, while the
managerial role is essential and performs a
vital function, leadership must come first to
make managing more effective. If
management is efficiency in climbing the
ladder, then it is leadership that determines
whether the ladder is leaning against the right
wall. The story in Box 1 may help to illustrate
this point of view.
To help individuals, teams and organisations
to navigate the permanent white-water
environment safely, Covey (2006) suggested
that there are three constants that provide
stability in times of great uncertainty. These
are change, choice and principles.
This article considers each of these three
constants, focusing mainly on the principles
that underpin transformational and effective
leadership in healthcare settings.
When it comes to responding and adapting to
change, Yoder-Wise (2006) stated there are
two choices. We can either get organised or
go with the flow.
In a permanent white-water environment,
going with the flow is fraught with uncertainty
and danger, whereas organising ourselves
allows us to achieve greater stability and safety.
Covey (2006) argued that, in a constantly
changing environment, when times are
difficult and uncertain, there is a need to
develop a solid, unwavering core. He asserted
that, when we adopt changeless and timeless
principles such as trust, fairness, service,
courage, humility, integrity, human dignity,
contribution, growth and empowerment as
core values, we anchor and enable ourselves to
adapt and respond to forces of change.
George (2007) also recognised the constancy
of change, and challenged people to discover
their true north to enable them not only to
cope with change but also to navigate
successfully the permanent white water that
often accompanies change.
In the same way in which a compass points
towards a magnetic field, our true north is the
internal compass that guides us successfully
through life. It represents, at the deepest levels,
who we are as human beings. It is based on
what is most important to us, our most
cherished values, our passions and
motivations, and the sources of satisfaction
in our lives.
When we follow our internal compass as
Healthcare services are constantly adapting to
trends and policy, with healthcare
professionals, especially nurses, having to lead,
organise and deliver care in an increasingly
challenging and changing environment.
Traditional values about care are being
challenged and often come into conflict with
the business environment that appears to
dominate healthcare management (Shaw,
2007). This challenging and changing
environment is not unique to health care; it is
considered to be universal and appears to be
increasing in intensity and complexity.
Vaill (1996) described this often frenetic and
unpredictable environment as permanent
white water an environment that frequently
puts people in the position of doing things
they have little experience of or have never
done before. He also argued that, although
good management skills are still essential for
day-to-day operations, navigating permanent
This article outlines the three core constants that can be used to develop effective
leadership as nurses deliver care in an increasingly challenging environment
Examining transformational approaches to
effective leadership in healthcare settings
AUTHORS Ian Govier, MSc, PGCE, BN,
DipN, RNT, RGN, is development
manager nursing leadership, National
Leadership and Innovation Agency for
Healthcare, Llanharan, Wales, and runs
CTR Training and Consultancy; Sue Nash,
MBA, BSc, RGN, is facilitator of individual,
team and service development, Action
Learning Teams Consultancy; both are
associates of the RCN Consultancy Service.
ABSTRACT Govier, I., Nash, S. (2009)
Examining transformational approaches
to effective leadership in healthcare
settings. Nursing Times; 105: 18, 2427.
This is the first article in a two-part series
on leadership. This first part outlines
three core constants that can be used to
develop effective leadership. It also
describes the principles that underpin
transformational leadership to enable
nurses to adopt this approach in
healthcare settings.
Leadership exists at all levels of an
organisation, especially as people share in a
vision that moves them towards achieving the
goal of providing safe and quality health care.
Recognising the value of proactive choice
when faced with difficult decisions about
healthcare organisation and delivery is
critical when leading, responding and adapting
to change.
The core values and principles that underpin
nursing and the act of caring provide an internal
compass that facilitates authentic and
transformational healthcare leadership.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 13
Nursing Times 12 May 2009 Vol 105 No 18 25
freedom to choose. Although Frankls
understanding was realised in an inhumane
environment, we too can learn lessons that can
be applied in far more favourable situations
that, nevertheless, present challenges.
We can choose to be reactive to our
environment. For example, if the weather is
good we feel happy and if the weather is bad
we will be unhappy. If people treat us well,
we feel well; if they do not, we may feel bad
and become defensive or even aggressive.
We can, however, choose to be proactive and
not let our situation determine how we feel. It
is also liberating to know that even when we
are faced with decisions that appear to be
lacking in preferable choices, we can still
choose our attitude.
Regarding choice, proactive leaders are
driven by values that are independent of the
weather or how others treat them. Mahatma
Gandhi said: They cannot take away our
self-respect if we do not give it to them. Being
proactive means assessing the situation and
developing a positive response. Proactive
leaders use their resourcefulness and initiative
to find solutions rather than just reporting
problems and waiting for other people to solve
them. Such leaders are also more likely to view
leadership as a choice, not a position; they will
be nurses who are concerned with making
things happen and making a positive
difference to patient care.
Nurses sometimes find themselves
disempowered and consider their choices are
nurses, clinical leadership will be authentic
and transformational. We will also be more
likely to reflect the core values that underpin
nursing and the act of caring. This ensures we
choose the care of people as our main
concern, treating them as individuals,
respecting their dignity and providing them
with high standards of practice at all times
(NMC, 2008).
Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe (2005)
suggested the one thing that characterises
organisational life is that change is inevitable.
They also maintained that in organisations
that constantly drive for improved efficiency
and results, greater pressures are placed on
their employees.
So, in organisations such as the NHS and
large professional groups such as nurses, these
pressures can often lead to increased stress and
lower performance. This can be potentially
harmful in terms of providing safe and
effective patient care.
Acknowledging these pressures and the
associated risks is especially important in light
of Lord Darzis (2008) report. This heralds a
significant change for the NHS in England,
mainly because it has made quality of care a
central organising principle alongside access,
volume and cost of healthcare services.
The RCN is being proactive in asserting
nursings key role in contributing to the
quality-of-care agenda. It has recently
published a report (RCN, 2009) that outlines a
series of recommended actions (for England
only) to achieve this. These are designed to
gain recognition and acknowledgement of the
value and impact of the ward sister/charge
nurse role for high-quality care, and put in
place the necessary measures to strengthen
and support this role for care quality.
Other home countries, such as Wales, have
also introduced initiatives that place more
emphasis on the ward sister/charge nurse role
to lead and manage changing environments
and so directly influence and enhance patient
care (Welsh Assembly Government, 2008).
There is also evidence that links the impact of
this role to standards of patient care. For
example, the Hay Group (2006) showed that
effective ward management has a significant
impact on resource use as well as on
performance indicators such as: patient
satisfaction; absenteeism rates; amount and
nature of complaints; number of drug errors
and levels of severity; and staff turnover rates.
Reaffirming ward sisters and charge nurses
key clinical leadership role and ensuring they
have the capacity, time, resources and
authority to coordinate and deliver patient
care, is a top priority.
Leading, responding and adapting to change
is everyones business. Although ward sisters/
charge nurses play a key role in leading health
care in acute settings, it should also be
recognised that leadership support and
development must occur at all levels and
settings of healthcare organisations. A major
challenge is how we take the bedside to the
boardroom. Executive nurses in particular are
challenged with balancing the leadership of
business with the leadership of caring. These
senior nurse leaders will recognise more than
others that failure to deliver the fundamental
components of care can bring down an NHS
board faster than either financial or
performance failures (Machell et al, 2009).
A unique ability that sets us apart as human
beings is that of self-awareness and the ability
to choose how we respond to stimulus. While
conditioning can have a strong impact on our
lives, we are not ultimately determined by it.
Covey (2004) suggested that between what
happens to us and our response is a space, and
within this space is the ability to choose our
response response-ability. He quoted the
account of the eminent Austrian psychiatrist
Viktor Frankl, who was incarcerated in a Nazi
death camp in the Second World War. Frankl,
like so many others, endured unimaginable
experiences and hardships and was one of the
few who survived.
Frankl (2004) said: We who lived in
concentration camps can remember the men
and women who walked through the huts
comforting others, giving away their last piece
of bread. They may have been few in number,
but they offer sufficient proof that everything
can be taken from a man but one thing: the
last of human freedoms, to choose ones
attitude in any given set of circumstances to
choose ones own way.
During his time in the death camp, Frankl
realised that he alone had the ability to
determine his response to the horror of his
situation. He exercised the only freedom he
had in the environment by imagining himself
teaching students after his release. He became
an inspiration to others around him and
realised that within the middle of the
stimulus-response model, humans have the
A group of workers and their managers are set a
task of clearing a road through a dense jungle on
a remote island to reach the coast, where an
estuary provides a perfect site for a port.
The leaders organise the labour into efficient
units and monitor the distribution and use of
capital assets. Progress is excellent.
The managers continue to monitor and
evaluate progress, making adjustments along
the way to ensure that progress is maintained
and efficiency increased wherever possible.
Then, one day amid all the hustle and bustle
and activity, one person climbs up a nearby tree.
The person surveys the scene from the top of the
tree and shouts down to the assembled group
below: Wrong direction!
Source: Adapted from Covey (2004)
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 14
Practice in depth
Nursing Times 12 May 2009 Vol 105 No 18 26
Practice in depth
limited when faced with policies and directives
calling for increased efficiency that appear to
compromise quality of care. Once we decide to
become more proactive, where we focus our
efforts becomes more important. Our
response to what happened to us will often
affect us more than what actually happened,
and we will choose to use difficult situations to
build our character and develop the ability to
better handle such situations in future.
Covey (2009) also subscribes to the view of
connecting with our internal compass and
discovering and following our true north. He
asserts boldly that principles govern growth
and prosperity in both people and
organisations, claiming that principles draw
the highest and best from people because they
reflect the whole person body, mind, heart
and spirit. Equally significant, these people
then choose to influence and inspire others to
find their voice through these principles.
Influencing and inspiring others are key
components of transformational leadership.
They not only allow us to increase leadership
skills and abilities, but also help us to navigate
the permanent white-water environment of
health care. Through the power of
transformational leadership, leaders and
followers raise one another to new heights of
achievement and development. They are also
able to sustain one another in a life-long effort
to define and construct meaning in their work
lives (Sashkin and Sashkin, 2003). This
approach to leadership not only improves
performance and productivity, but also makes
a positive difference in the lives of organisation
members. Transformational leaders achieve
superior results because of their ability to
motivate and transform people from dutiful
followers into self-directed leaders who go
beyond simply doing what is expected.
Bass and Riggio (2006) supported these
benefits of transformational leadership,
arguing that people who embrace the
principles of such leadership have staff with
higher levels of satisfaction, motivation and
performance, as well as lower levels of stress
and burnout. They also maintained that such
teams are more innovative, collaborative and
effective, which results in their organisations
being able to respond more quickly and
productively to change. In addition, these
organisations possess effective, healthier and
more humane cultures.
Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe (2008)
showed similar outcomes in their
comprehensive research to investigate the
impact of transformational (or engaging)
leadership on organisational performance in
the NHS. They discovered that a culture of
transformational or engaging leadership
significantly predicts increased levels of staff
motivation, satisfaction and commitment.
This combines with reduced stress and
emotional exhaustion and increased general
team effectiveness and productivity.
There are a number of transformational
leadership models or frameworks that may
prove helpful to nurses working in modern
healthcare settings. One that has already been
referred to, and is rapidly gaining recognition
within the NHS and other sectors, is that of
engaging leadership (Alimo-Metcalfe and
Alban-Metcalfe, 2008). The structure of this
model is represented by four clusters of
dimensions: engaging individuals; engaging
the organisation (or team); moving forward
together (which relates to working with a
range of internal and external stakeholders);
and personal qualities and core values. Fig 1
shows the various dimensions in each cluster.
The emphasis of engaging leadership is on
serving and enabling others to display
leadership themselves. It is not about being an
extraordinary person, but rather a somewhat
ordinary, vulnerable and humble or at least a
very open, accessible and transparent person.
This approach to leadership complements
other viewpoints such as Collins (2001), who
described highly successful, or level 5, leaders
as people who channel their ego needs away
from themselves and into the larger goal of
building a great organisation. These leaders
have a tremendous will to get things done, yet
have a level of humility that sets them apart
from others. They rarely talk about themselves,
yet delight in talking about the organisation
and the contribution of others.
Engaging leadership focuses on the critical
importance of teamworking and emphasises
the benefits of collaboration that create a
culture where dialogue is open and new ways
of thinking and doing are encouraged, listened
to and truly appreciated. It stresses that
leadership exists at all levels of an organisation,
especially as people share in a vision that
moves them towards achieving goals of
providing safe and quality health care.
Effective and transformational leadership
is pivotal to the success of healthcare
As nurses lead, respond and adapt to change,
Acting with integrity
Being honest and
Inspiring others
Focusing team effort
Being decisive
Supporting a
development culture
Building shared vision
Resolving complex issues
change sensitively
Showing genuine concern
Being accessible
Encouraging questioning
Source: Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe (2008)
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 15
27 Nursing Times 12 May 2009 Vol 105 No 18
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The second article in this series examines
how to lead effective teams.
Alimo-Metcalfe, B., Alban-Metcalfe, J. (2008) Research
insight. Engaging leadership: creating organisations that
maximise the potential of their people. In: Shaping the Future.
London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Alimo-Metcalfe, B., Alban-Metcalfe, J. (2005) The crucial
role of leadership in meeting the challenges of change. The
Journal of Business Perspective; 9: 2, 2739.
Bass, B.M., Riggio R.E. (2006) Transformational Leadership.
New York, NY: Routledge.
Collins, J. (2001) Good to Great. London: Random House.
Covey, S. (2009) Leadership is a Choice, Not a Position. New
Delhi: Business Standard.
Covey, S. (2006) The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to
Greatness. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Covey, S. (2004) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Darzi, A. (2008) High Quality Care For All: NHS Next
Stage Review Final Report. London: DH.
Frankl, V. (2004) Mans Search for Meaning. London:
Rider Books.
George, B. (2007) True North Discover Your Authentic
Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Hay Group (2006) Nurse Leadership: Being Nice is Not
Enough. A Research Study Examining the Value, Impact and
Leadership of the Ward Manager. London: Hay Group. tinyurl.
Kotter, J. (1996) A Force for Change How Leadership
Differs from Management. New York, NY: Free Press.
Machell, S. et al (2009) From Ward to Board
Identifying Good Practice in the Business of Caring.
London: The Kings Fund.
NMC (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance
and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. London: NMC. tinyurl.
RCN (2009) Breaking Down Barriers, Driving up Standards
The Role of the Ward Sister and Charge Nurse. London: RCN.
Sashkin, M., Sashkin, M.G. (2003) Leadership That Matters
The Critical Factors for Making a Difference in Peoples
Lives and Organisations Success. San Francisco, CA:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
Shaw, S. (2007) International Council of Nurses: Nursing
Leadership. Oxford: Blackwell.
Vaill, P. (1996) Learning as a Way of Being: Strategies for
Survival in a World of Permanent White Water. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
Welsh Assembly Government (2008) Free to Lead, Free to
Care Empowering Ward Sisters/Charge Nurses Ministerial
Task and Finish Group Final Report. Cardiff: WAG. tinyurl.
Yoder-Wise, P. (2006) Leading and Managing in Nursing. St
Louis, MO: Mosby.
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Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 16 Nursing Times 30 June 2009 Vol 105 No 25 12
been subsequently supported by NHS North
West, successfully piloted in a number of
organisations and built upon from both an
evidence base as discussed below and by
different specialty mix.
Following a review of all clinical records and
assessment processes, the indicator topics were
selected because they were common to most
trusts, had associated national guidance and/or
had emerged from patient complaints. Seven
care indicators were chosen. These were:
lFalls assessment;
lFood and nutrition;
lPressure area care;
lPain management;
lPatient observations;
lInfection prevention and control;
lMedicine prescribing and administration.
The indicators are discussed in turn below,
and the key issues to be considered in relation
to each are listed.
Falls assessment
Falls are the most common patient safety
incident reported to the National Patient
Safety Agencys (NPSA) National Reporting
and Learning System (NRLS). In an average
800-bed acute trust, there will be around 24
falls every week, which equates to around
1,250 a year. Associated healthcare costs
are estimated at a minimum of 92,000 per
year for the average acute trust (Healy and
Scobie, 2007).
Key issues:
lPatient safety and lifestyle;
lReduced length of stay and cost;
lFalls reduction strategies.
Food and nutrition
Chronic poor nutrition leads to deficiencies in
immune function, wound healing, organ
function, mental state and growth.
The presence of disease can lead to
inadequate nutrition by reducing digestion
and absorption, altering metabolism and
reducing appetite and therefore food intake.
Long-term enteral and parenteral nutrition
are life-saving therapies for some patients but
many who would benefit from this and other
nutritional support are simply not receiving it
(Kelly et al, 2001).
Effective nutritional management requires
systematic patient assessment on admission, at
scheduled intervals, in response to changes in
a patients condition and before discharge.
Dietary intake should be regarded as a vital
sign and recorded as regularly as other vital
signs, such as pulse and blood pressure.
Key issues:
lMultidisciplinary team approach;
lStaff competency to implement care plans
for effective nutritional management;
lEvaluation and care planning.
Pressure area care
The primary cause of pressure ulcers is
unrelieved pressure to the skin, while
secondary causes include exposure to cold or
skin abrasion. Contributing factors include
poor nutrition, weight loss and diabetes
(Butcher, 2005).
These wounds have been estimated to cost
the NHS 1.4bn2.1bn a year (Bennett et al,
In an organisation as large as the NHS, the
links between clinical practice and patient
outcomes are often distant and rarely direct.
The use of basic performance indicators and
targets that identify so-called good and bad
hospitals has been criticised as being simplistic
and unlikely to lead to clinical change and
better outcomes.
NHS practitioners have not always been
engaged by targets and other indicators used
to manage and assess performance. In some
cases, they were unaware of the targets being
measured or what indicators contribute to
performance ratings, which means that they
are unlikely to use them to help improve the
quality of their services.
In response to these issues, a suite of care
indicators, or metrics, were developed. These
evidence-based measures of care can be used
to benchmark, monitor and improve clinical
outcomes and patient experiences. They have
This article describes the implementation of seven quality care indicators or
metrics and the way data was presented to frontline staff
Practice changing practice
Implementing quality care indicators and
presenting results to engage frontline staff
AUTHOR Suzanne Hinchliffe, CBE, RN,
RM, DMS, MBA, is chief operating officer/
chief nurse at University Hospitals of
Leicester NHS Trust and was previously
director of nursing and governance/
deputy chief executive at St Helens and
Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
ABSTRACT Hinchliffe, S. (2009)
Implementing quality care indicators and
presenting results to engage frontline
staff. Nursing Times; 105: 25, 1214.
This article describes the development
and implementation of seven nursing care
indicators identified in a review of clinical
records and assessment processes. The
indicators were chosen because they were
common to most trusts, had associated
national guidance and/or emerged from
patient complaints. Indicators were
measured and presented using
spidergraphs, which provided staff with
data in a visual and understandable format.
Indicators against which to measure nursing
practice can be selected on the basis of national
guidance or patient complaints.
Indicators should be meaningful to
practitioners and measure aspects of care over
which nurses have an influence.
Data collected on indicators should be
presented in a way that enables staff to quickly
and easily see how care provided in their ward
or unit measures against best practice.
Giving nurses ownership of care indicators
can motivate them to improve their practice.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 17 13 Nursing Times 30 June 2009 Vol 105 No 25
Falls assessment
Resuscitation trolley
Patient identification
Bedrail assessment
Nutritional assessment
Pain management
Observation chart
Fluid balance chart
Prescription kardex
Red tray
Medley assessment
Controlled drug checks
Patient clinical review
Safeguarding training
Patient experience action plans
Family communication sheet
End of life pathway
Discharge arrangements
systems for all patients and link these to a
response team skilled in managing acute
clinical problems.
Key issues:
lFailure to measure basic observations of
vital signs;
lLack of recognition of the importance of
worsening vital signs;
lDelay in responding to deteriorating
vital signs.
Infection prevention and control
Healthcare-associated infections have a high
profile nationally and locally. Directives on
reducing HCAI rates consistently guide
healthcare providers towards developing
cultures that embed infection prevention and
control into all aspects of clinical care.
Key issues:
lPatient experience, including safety and
comfort, and awareness of infection status;
lEarly identification and management of
known or suspected infections;
lReducing transmission risk;
lSurveillance, analysis of potential
acquisition and incident reporting;
lPromoting an organisational culture that
recognises the significance of infection
prevention and control and responds to the
challenges with a focus on both a strategic and
clinical aspects.
Medicine prescribing and
Medication errors tend to fall into three
categories: prescribing; dispensing; and
administering. All healthcare staff need to find
ways to reduce the frequency of these errors.
Medication errors are the second largest
category of error after slips, trips and falls
reported to the NPSAs NRLS. Approximately
5,000 medication safety incidents are reported
to the NRLS every month.
Key issues:
lPatient safety;
lIncident reporting;
lOpen and fair culture.
Other categories are equally important
and, as confidence grew, further indicators
were introduced, often based around
patient safety guidance for example
patient identification and control drug
management. This resulted in a bank of over
20 indicators that complemented
recommendations from national bodies,
including the NPSA.
2004) and this cost may be added to by
litigation. These wounds are slow to heal and
are associated with significant morbidity.
Pressure ulcers affect quality of life and can
contribute to cause of death.
Key issues:
lDecreased risk of infection;
lDecreased pain;
lDecrease in length of stay.
Pain management
Most inpatients will experience some degree of
pain during their stay in hospital. In addition
to the obvious discomfort for the patient, poor
pain management can result in delayed wound
healing, extended hospital stay and chronic
pain syndromes (Bonnet and Marret, 2005).
Effective acute pain management requires
systematic patient assessment on admission, at
scheduled intervals, in response to new pain
and before discharge. Pain intensity should be
regarded as a vital sign and recorded as
regularly as other vital signs, such as pulse and
blood pressure.
Key issues:
lExcellent pain assessment;
lEnhanced patient satisfaction outcomes;
lReduced length of stay.
Patient observations
The primary role of monitoring patient
observations is to make clinicians aware of the
deteriorating patient. The National
Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcomes
and Death has found the patients who did
not survive had often shown signs of
deterioration long before they died (Cullinane
et al, 2005).
Abnormal physiological values are often
charted without action in the hours preceding
an in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest and up
to 24 hours before ward patients are admitted
to intensive care.
The enquiry recommended that hospitals
should pay more attention to physiological
signs of decline, put in place track and trigger
Healthcare providers are increasingly required
to demonstrate the effectiveness of their
performance and to achieve centrally
developed targets.
Performance indicators and targets that
identify good and bad hospitals have been
criticised as simplistic.
Targets do not always engage healthcare
professionals in a way that motivates them to
change clinical practice, and they are often
unaware of what is being measured.
Nursing metrics indicators that measure
performance on a range of aspects of care are
intended to generate meaningful information that
will enable and motivate nurses to change their
practice to improve patient outcomes.

Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 18 Nursing Times 30 June 2009 Vol 105 No 25 14
2 per. mov.
avg. (nutrition)
Practice changing practice
Every month, trust boards are presented with
trust-wide performance indicators as part of
the drive to maintain performance and
demonstrate care delivery standards.
It is vital that care indicators and the data
generated by them are owned and
understood by staff at all levels, not only to
raise awareness but also to help and support
them to improve their own areas.
The recent National Nursing Research Unit
report State of the Art Metrics for Nursing
recognises that nurses must have responsibility
for actions that lead to outcome in terms of
legitimate authority, self-perception and
sphere of practice. It also states: There must
be sufficient knowledge to inform remedial
action (Maben and Griffiths, 2008).
Frontline staff are genuinely interested
in clinically governed care, but need
governance-related data to be presented in a
meaningful and comprehensible way. By
holding up a mirror to wards and
departments, we enabled them to see what
was and was not working well and to identify
support needed to make improvements.
Presenting data based on the care indicators
as a list of numbers might not be the best way
to communicate performance, and the gaps in
performance to individual practitioners. We
therefore decided to present the data in the
form of spidergraphs a visual reporting tool
(Fig 1, p13). Also known as radar charts, these
illustrate the gaps between current and desired
performance with the aim of showing at a
glance how each specialty/ward was
performing against a range of care indicators.
Bar charts showed performance against single
indicators over time (Fig 2).
The categories are relevant to staff who, until
recently, might not have received detailed
monthly reports on patient falls, medication
errors or nutrition assessment, for example.
We found clinical staff were genuinely
interested in patient safety, experience
and clinical outcomes. Where they saw
how they were performing against the
indicators, healthy learning and change began
to take place.
In areas that were struggling to perform,
the problem was frequently associated with
leadership issues for example the wrong
staff mix, staff anxieties about caring for
high-risk and high-dependency patients,
capacity pressures or even having the right
person in the wrong job.
Taking time to look at a simple spidergraph
enabled us to find causes and solutions.
Each indicator chosen was complemented
with the following:
An evidence base;
A list of patient, staff and organisational
benefits from using care indicators;
A range of criteria for measurement;
Visual products for reports for individual
wards (Figs 1 and 2 show dummy data);
Visual products for corporate reporting.
Each indicator is measured on a monthly
basis for 50% of patients in each ward area.
Immediate feedback is given to ward staff,
followed up by both a pictorial spidergraph
and a historic look back to view progress.
Over time, the number of patients being
monitored by indicators achieving high
compliance may be reduced. The greater the
compliance with each indicator criterion, the
fuller the colour of the spidergraph.
Bennett, G. et al (2004) The cost of pressure ulcers in the
UK. Age and Ageing; 33: 230235.
Bonnet, F., Marret, E. (2005) Influence of anaesthetic and
analgesic techniques on outcome after surgery. British
Journal of Anaesthesia; 95: 1, 5258.
Butcher, M. (2005) Prevention and management of
superficial pressure ulcers. British Journal of Community
Nursing; Suppl S16, s18s20.
Cullinane, M. et al (2005) An Acute Problem? National
Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcomes and Death.
Department of Health (2008) High Quality Care for All.
London: DH.
Healy, F., Scobie, S. (2007) Slips, Trips and Falls in
Hospital. London: National Patient Safety Agency. tinyurl.
Kelly, I.D. et al (2001) Still hungry in hospital: identifying
malnutrition in acute hospital admissions. Quarterly Journal
of Medicine; 93, 9398.
Maben, J., Griffiths, P. (2008) State of the Art Metrics
for Nursing: A Rapid Appraisal. London: National Nursing
Research Unit.
As the support and involvement of staff at all
levels grew, so did confidence. This led to
better compliance with the indicators. Further
indicators could then be developed.
With the addition of support measures
around indicators, for example supportive falls
plans or campaigns to reduce HCAIs, positive
results emerged. These included over 90%
compliance with risk assessments, a reduction
in reported falls of 26%, and compliance with
the monitoring and management of infection
prevention and control hygiene measures
which helped in the achievement of MRSA
and C. difficile markers.
Our experience in developing, implementing
and encouraging the ownership and adoption
of indicators by practitioners has been a highly
positive experience in fostering the drive to
improve and maintain quality.
In particular, we feel the delivery of data in a
purely visual, easily understandable form has
been a key part of this success.
The recent publication of more than 200
new indicators a key outcome of Lord
Darzis report High Quality Care for All will
make the dissemination of indicator data more
vital than ever in our attempts to measure the
quality and benchmark our work against our
peers (Department of Health, 2008).

Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 19 Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
practice changing practice
A qualitative study found that a leadership development module was effective in
helping health and social care staff to develop leadership skills
Improving services through leadership
AUTHOR Gillian Janes, MA, PgCLTHE, BSc,
RGN, is senior lecturer and CETL4HealthNE
fellow, School of Health and Social Care,
University of Teesside, Middlesbrough.
ABSTRACT Janes, G. (2008) Improving services
through leadership development. Nursing
Times; 104: 13, 58-59.
BACKGROUND: The NHS is facing
unprecedented reform. Effective leadership
has been identified as crucial to the success
of this modernisation,
AIM: To evaluate the perceived impact of a
new module (Leadership With a Purpose -
LWAP) from student, mentor/manager and
service development perspectives.
METHOD: A descriptive, qualitative study
was carried out using one-to-one semi-
structured interviews and thematic analysis.
RESULTS: All participants reported a
positive impact following LWAP attendance,
with students and practice mentors/line
managers identifying similar effects. Its
usefulness during periods of transition was
an unexpected finding. Further themes
indicated wide-ranging effects on students
attitudes and skills. These included
improved personal skills such as
communication, assertiveness and self-
awareness. Another key theme was students
improved ability to work with others. There
was evidence of applying learning in
practice, as participants implemented
service improvements.
CONCLUSION: This study supports the
limited research showing a positive impact.
Its main contribution is the evidence it
provides of the application of learning in
practice in terms of service improvement
following attendance. This is a major gap in
the current body of knowledge.
todays unprecedented reform of the NHS
and responses to this. Developing effective
leadership at all levels of the service is crucial
for successful modernisation (Department of
Health, 2004; DH, 2000).
Recognition of this has resulted in a
plethora of leadership development
programmes. In a climate of enhanced
educational accountability, robust evaluation,
particularly on the impact of education in
practice, is vital (Williams, 2003).
The LWAP module is one of a range of
short introductory programmes available to
health and social care staff in the UK, some of
which have been evaluated (Janes and
Wadding, 2004; Cooper, 2003; Edmonstone
and Jeavons, 2000). However, major
academic reviews concur in recognising the
limited empirical evidence of the impact of
leadership development programmes on
practice (Hartley and Hinksman, 2003;
Williams, 2003). It was therefore important
this new, local module was evaluated.
This study aim of this study was to evaluate
the perceived impact of the LWAP module
in practice from student, mentor/manager
and service development perspectives, in
order to inform future provision.
A recognised model for the evaluation of
training and development (Kirkpatrick,
1983) was used to demonstrate how this
study adds value by enabling module
evaluation at a deeper level (level 3, that is,
behavioural change and indirectly level 4,
namely impact on the organisation) than is
usually the case.
A systematic review of the literature was
undertaken. Key search terms used were:
evaluation; evaluation in practice; evaluation
of education; leadership; and leadership
development. Systematic filtering resulted in
38 papers, of which 14 concerned short,
introductory programmes.
Much of the literature on leadership is
descriptive and theoretically or practically
weak (Hartley and Hinksman, 2003;
Williams, 2003) or concerned with much
longer, more intensive programmes.
However, critical review of these 14 studies
indicates strikingly coherent findings from
around the world. This amounts to a small
but significant body of fairly robust evidence
that introductory programmes have a
positive impact on participants in three
domains. These encompass: personal
behaviour and attitudes; ability to work with
others; and improving services.
Although no universal framework for
leadership development evaluation has yet
been agreed, these three domains would
appear to comprise the core of any such
structure. However, only a very small
proportion of studies have addressed the
impact of introductory programmes on
This article is based on an evaluation study
examining the impact on practice of a new
leadership development module (Leadership
with a Purpose LWAP) for health and
social care staff.
Fig 1 identifies some of the factors driving
The practice context: The practice context:
Unprecedented reform of
Health and Social Care
for services
Changing expectations:
public and workforce
Technology and
treatment advances
Loss of public
Integrated Integrated
working working
Empowerment: public, service users, staff Empowerment: public, service users, staff
Service redesign: people, Service redesign: people,
process, technology process, technology
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
service improvement behaviour in practice
(Janes and Wadding, 2004; Krugman and
Smith, 2003).
As identified earlier, the main purpose of
contemporary leadership programmes is to
develop staff who can modernise and improve
services. Although there is evidence of their
impact in this area, it is very limited, making it
the most crucial area for further research.
An action-orientated evaluation methodology
was used, which combines the focus of process
evaluation with the essence of action research.
The benefit of this method lies in taking action
in the real world (Lathlean, 1994). The study
used a qualitative interpretive approach to data
collection, which aims to capture and interpret
the meaning of in-depth, narrative data on the
lived experiences of individuals.
Population and setting
The research was undertaken in the North of
England. The potential study population
comprised a purposive, initial cohort sample
of nine module participants from a range of
disciplines and of both sexes, plus a chain
referral sample of the practice mentor and line
manager for each student. Inclusion and
exclusion criteria were developed, based on the
studys aims and resources available, to
provide equal access in accordance with
research governance (DH, 2005). All
participants were female registered nurses and
worked in one of two large acute NHS trusts.
Research governance and ethical
The study was approved by the relevant
university research governance committee,
NHS trust R&D departments and local
research ethics committees. Being a member
of university academic staff and module leader
presented a potential ethical dilemma in the
form of a dependent relationship between
researcher and participants (DH, 2005). To
minimise this, recruitment to the study began
after the students received assessment results.
Data collection
This comprised the development and
piloting of a semi-structured interview guide
to ensure a degree of continuity and focus for
the interviews. One-to-one tape-recorded
interviews were then carried out with
students, practice mentors and line managers
to ensure a range of perspectives were
captured. The practice mentors and line
managers were identified by each student.
Each interview was transcribed verbatim as
soon as possible and participants given the
opportunity to verify their transcript.
Data analysis
A recognised framework (Burnard, 1991)
guided the thematic analysis of each
transcript and provided a transparent audit
trail. Data analysis was undertaken
independently by the researcher and a
colleague who had no involvement in the
project, before discussion to confirm the
resulting themes. Participants were able to
verify the final themes and research report.
All participants were female six nurses and
one midwife. Of the seven interviews
conducted, four were with students and
three with people fulfilling the dual role of
practice mentor/line manager for students
(they will be referred to as mentors here).
The mentor for student 1 did not participate.
The students attended the module
approximately nine months before interview
and had been in their current roles from a
few months to almost 20 years. Although
not specifically asked about years of
professional experience, it was apparent
during interviews that all were very
experienced practitioners.
Themes and sub-themes
Four broad themes emerged from the data.
These were: the context of LWAP
attendance; impact on the individual; impact
on ability to work with others; and impact
on service. Each theme comprised a number
of sub-themes.
All participants reported a positive impact
following module attendance. In contrast to
some previous studies (for example,
Krugman and Smith, 2003), mentors and
students reported broadly the same impact
with very few differences. Therefore,
variations between groups are highlighted.
Theme 1: LWAP in context
The importance of contextual influences on
impact in this study was not new. However, the
usefulness of leadership development during a
period of either personal or organisational
transition was an unexpected finding and has
not been identified previously in the literature.
All participants were experiencing transition,
either personal or organisational.
Similarly, transition was the motivating
factor identified by all mentors for
recommending the module. The mentor for
student 4 said:
I thought it would be good for her there [are]
a lot of issues within that department that were
wanting to look at and there is a need for a lot
more change in there she knows clinically there
isnt a problem its the leadership skills were
wanting to develop.
Despite mentors common reasons for
recommending the module, there was wide
variation in their expectations.
However, all mentors claimed students had
gained from attendance and planned to
continue recommending LWAP. This
emphasis on transition is a feature of the
current practice context and shows the
impact of reform and modernisation policy
on NHS staff (Wanless, 2004). Mentors in
particular saw the module as a means of
helping staff to cope with new roles and
changing work practices, and to lead NHS
Theme 2: Impact on the individual
The findings demonstrated evidence of
impact on individuals in terms of personal
attitudes, skills and knowledge. This theme is
broken down into three sub-themes.
l Sub-theme 1: Changed attitudes
Subtle but important changes in attitude
were the most frequently cited differences by
students and mentors alike. For example, a
changed attitude to leadership was common:
Id have just normally said no-you do
that-but because its changed my thinking it
doesnt always have to be that senior persons
responsibility and that has changed me, you
know, my way of thinking. (Student 1)
This underpinned different attitudes to
service improvement, resulting in students
seeing this as part of their role, leading to
increased confidence, motivation and passion
for patient-centred care:
I definitely think from doing the module it
gave her a boost, it gave her something to work
towards and it gave her the encouragement to
really go and work towards making things
happen rather than just thinking about it.
(Mentor for student 3)
Interviewees consistently identified
increased confidence and self-esteem as a
result of LWAP attendance. In addition,
mentors highlighted the association between
this and participants increased risk-taking
behaviour and willingness to learn from
mistakes. This is an important finding as
attitudinal change is the most difficult
educational outcome to achieve (Ramsden,
1992). Increased confidence, self-esteem and
risk-taking underpin self-belief, which is
identified as central to leadership
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 20
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
service improvement behaviour in practice
(Janes and Wadding, 2004; Krugman and
Smith, 2003).
As identified earlier, the main purpose of
contemporary leadership programmes is to
develop staff who can modernise and improve
services. Although there is evidence of their
impact in this area, it is very limited, making it
the most crucial area for further research.
An action-orientated evaluation methodology
was used, which combines the focus of process
evaluation with the essence of action research.
The benefit of this method lies in taking action
in the real world (Lathlean, 1994). The study
used a qualitative interpretive approach to data
collection, which aims to capture and interpret
the meaning of in-depth, narrative data on the
lived experiences of individuals.
Population and setting
The research was undertaken in the North of
England. The potential study population
comprised a purposive, initial cohort sample
of nine module participants from a range of
disciplines and of both sexes, plus a chain
referral sample of the practice mentor and line
manager for each student. Inclusion and
exclusion criteria were developed, based on the
studys aims and resources available, to
provide equal access in accordance with
research governance (DH, 2005). All
participants were female registered nurses and
worked in one of two large acute NHS trusts.
Research governance and ethical
The study was approved by the relevant
university research governance committee,
NHS trust R&D departments and local
research ethics committees. Being a member
of university academic staff and module leader
presented a potential ethical dilemma in the
form of a dependent relationship between
researcher and participants (DH, 2005). To
minimise this, recruitment to the study began
after the students received assessment results.
Data collection
This comprised the development and
piloting of a semi-structured interview guide
to ensure a degree of continuity and focus for
the interviews. One-to-one tape-recorded
interviews were then carried out with
students, practice mentors and line managers
to ensure a range of perspectives were
captured. The practice mentors and line
managers were identified by each student.
Each interview was transcribed verbatim as
soon as possible and participants given the
opportunity to verify their transcript.
Data analysis
A recognised framework (Burnard, 1991)
guided the thematic analysis of each
transcript and provided a transparent audit
trail. Data analysis was undertaken
independently by the researcher and a
colleague who had no involvement in the
project, before discussion to confirm the
resulting themes. Participants were able to
verify the final themes and research report.
All participants were female six nurses and
one midwife. Of the seven interviews
conducted, four were with students and
three with people fulfilling the dual role of
practice mentor/line manager for students
(they will be referred to as mentors here).
The mentor for student 1 did not participate.
The students attended the module
approximately nine months before interview
and had been in their current roles from a
few months to almost 20 years. Although
not specifically asked about years of
professional experience, it was apparent
during interviews that all were very
experienced practitioners.
Themes and sub-themes
Four broad themes emerged from the data.
These were: the context of LWAP
attendance; impact on the individual; impact
on ability to work with others; and impact
on service. Each theme comprised a number
of sub-themes.
All participants reported a positive impact
following module attendance. In contrast to
some previous studies (for example,
Krugman and Smith, 2003), mentors and
students reported broadly the same impact
with very few differences. Therefore,
variations between groups are highlighted.
Theme 1: LWAP in context
The importance of contextual influences on
impact in this study was not new. However, the
usefulness of leadership development during a
period of either personal or organisational
transition was an unexpected finding and has
not been identified previously in the literature.
All participants were experiencing transition,
either personal or organisational.
Similarly, transition was the motivating
factor identified by all mentors for
recommending the module. The mentor for
student 4 said:
I thought it would be good for her there [are]
a lot of issues within that department that were
wanting to look at and there is a need for a lot
more change in there she knows clinically there
isnt a problem its the leadership skills were
wanting to develop.
Despite mentors common reasons for
recommending the module, there was wide
variation in their expectations.
However, all mentors claimed students had
gained from attendance and planned to
continue recommending LWAP. This
emphasis on transition is a feature of the
current practice context and shows the
impact of reform and modernisation policy
on NHS staff (Wanless, 2004). Mentors in
particular saw the module as a means of
helping staff to cope with new roles and
changing work practices, and to lead NHS
Theme 2: Impact on the individual
The findings demonstrated evidence of
impact on individuals in terms of personal
attitudes, skills and knowledge. This theme is
broken down into three sub-themes.
l Sub-theme 1: Changed attitudes
Subtle but important changes in attitude
were the most frequently cited differences by
students and mentors alike. For example, a
changed attitude to leadership was common:
Id have just normally said no-you do
that-but because its changed my thinking it
doesnt always have to be that senior persons
responsibility and that has changed me, you
know, my way of thinking. (Student 1)
This underpinned different attitudes to
service improvement, resulting in students
seeing this as part of their role, leading to
increased confidence, motivation and passion
for patient-centred care:
I definitely think from doing the module it
gave her a boost, it gave her something to work
towards and it gave her the encouragement to
really go and work towards making things
happen rather than just thinking about it.
(Mentor for student 3)
Interviewees consistently identified
increased confidence and self-esteem as a
result of LWAP attendance. In addition,
mentors highlighted the association between
this and participants increased risk-taking
behaviour and willingness to learn from
mistakes. This is an important finding as
attitudinal change is the most difficult
educational outcome to achieve (Ramsden,
1992). Increased confidence, self-esteem and
risk-taking underpin self-belief, which is
identified as central to leadership
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 21 Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
practice changing practice
effectiveness in the NHS (DH, 2002).
l Sub-theme 2: Improved skills
All interviewees highlighted development of
several key leadership skills after the
module. These were: increased self-
awareness; influencing skills including
assertiveness and communication; and
delegation. The following comments
illustrate some of these changes:
because I learned to look at myself I found it
easier to implement the change and I do look at
my work differently and I do plan things
differently. (Student 2)
I have been more assertive and taken people
to one side rather than just letting it go, which is
a fault of mine, I am too passive. So the course
made me recognise that and Im dealing with
it. (Student 3)
The second example shows how enhanced
assertiveness enabled effective accountability,
which is another key leadership skill for NHS
staff (DH, 2002). These support the findings
of previous studies (Janes and Wadding,
2004; Cooper, 2003; Edmonstone and
Jeavons, 2000).
l Sub-theme 3: Increased knowledge
LWAP students increased knowledge was
evident in three areas: leadership theory;
tools and strategies; and the broader context
of leadership practice. First, gaining an
understanding of contemporary views on
leadership appeared to have the most
wide-ranging effect on participants,
completely changing their approach to the
topic and its relevance to them.
Students lack of knowledge regarding
contemporary leadership approaches was not
surprising as this was the first programme
most had experienced. However, this raises an
important issue, as recent key health and social
policy documents emphasise the importance
of leaders adopting a transformational
approach (DH, 2004; DH, 2000). This studys
findings suggest that it is unwise to make
assumptions about the understanding of this
concept by key service staff.
Secondly, increased knowledge regarding
practical tools and strategies for leaders also
had an important personal impact on
students. In particular, the circle of influence
and win/win thinking and assertive
communication were highlighted by
students. Mentors generally took a broader
view, identifying students improved ability
to adapt their behaviour to different people/
situations and enhanced ability to implement
change as key personal developments.
These findings support strong evidence
from previous studies (Janes and Wadding,
2004; Cooper, 2003; Krugman and Smith,
2003; Tourangeau, 2003; Edmonstone and
Jeavons, 2000).
Theme 3: Ability to work with
l Sub-theme 1: Attitudinal changes
Enhanced recognition and appreciation of
the contribution of others and ability to
motivate them were frequently and
consistently identified by students and their
mentors/line managers alike, although there
were slight differences. This reinforces the
need to use other forms of data in addition
to self-reporting to ensure the study is
trustworthy. Valuing the contribution of
others led to an increased willingness to ask
for and accept support as this comment by
student 3 illustrates:
My attitudes have changed definitely in that
I can rely on people-. I dont have to do it all
myself. Thats less stressful for me. I do leave
time for the other things for me to do with the
audit and the extra jobs that you do.
l Sub-theme 2: Skills development
In terms of enhanced collaborative working
skills, the ability to develop and influence
others was identified consistently by both
groups. Some examples of developing others
included encouraging colleagues to problem
solve for themselves, plan their own work
and develop areas of specialist interest, then
share these skills with others. This
commonly led to enhanced job satisfaction
for colleagues. This finding supports
previous work (Hill, 2003; Krugman and
Smith, 2003). However, time constraints due
to poor staffing levels were identified as a
potential barrier, although this was not
considered insurmountable.
Enhanced ability to influence others was also
identified consistently by both groups and
attributed to enhanced communication/
empathy, which underpinned the
development of more trusting relationships
with colleagues. This is illustrated by student 2:
the consultants, I think the management
people find it hard to get [them] to change their
mind on things, theyre quite a powerful force
and quite hard to win over but, if things are put
to them in a way that they can view it more
positively, we just chip away- small changes
and I think its them gaining confidence in us
as people that can make changes.
This is consistent with a number of other
studies. The positive impact on students
ability to work more effectively with others is
underpinned by the development of personal
skills already discussed above.
Theme 4: Impact on service
l Sub-theme 1: Project characteristics
There was clear evidence of the application of
learning in practice as illustrated by the
service improvements participants
implemented. Student projects had a number
of common characteristics. These were:
service user focus, multiple stakeholder
involvement, unexpected spin-offs and the
catalytic effect of module attendance.
Projects included the introduction of:
telephone follow-up for orthopaedic
patients; reducing the number of
inappropriate referrals to a regional
antenatal unit; a daily rest period for
post-ICU surgical patients; and improving
access for antenatal scanning. User-centred
evaluation of projects was a module
requirement, resulting in comments such as:
The feedback we had from the patients is
that they think its excellent. (Student 3)
The multi-stakeholder nature of student
projects illustrates the complexity of modern
health and social care as well as the application
of enhanced collaborative working attitudes
and skills by students. This also resulted in a
balanced scorecard approach to evaluation.
For one project, benefits for clients,
administrative, sonography, medical and
nursing staff were identified:
It has had a huge impact and will in future
on clinic times [and] consultant time so from
the service point of view thats absolutely
excellent. (Mentor for student 2)
Following this success, although roll-out
was desirable, the student was aware of the
implications of this for other staff,
demonstrating her increased knowledge of
the broader context of practice.
Strong evidence emerged regarding the role
of LWAP as a catalyst for service
improvement. Student project ideas were not
necessarily new but, in all cases, module
attendance created the opportunity,
motivation and commitment for
Shes probably thought about this for a long
time and this has just given her that go-ahead
to start it. (Mentor for student 3)
The notion of LWAP as a driver for
improvement was an unexpected finding and
has not been noted by other authors. It
provides a strong argument for the provision
of formal programmes incorporating
compulsory implementation of a service
improvement project.
l Sub-themes 2 and 3: Factors affecting
project success
Key contextual and policy drivers for service
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
improvement were highlighted as
facilitating project success, particularly by
the mentors. In addition, receiving support
from immediate colleagues and managers
and a positive organisational culture were
strongly associated with effective project
implementation by all participants. This
finding further supports the literature on
this subject.
One feature of this issue is the provision of
leadership development as part of a
trust-wide strategy, which is the case for
LWAP and has been recommended in
respect of another short, introductory
programme (Cooper, 2003; Edmonstone
and Jeavons, 2000).
Both groups of respondents consistently
felt students ability to apply the enhanced
knowledge and personal skills gained from
module attendance had an impact on the
projects success.
Factors such as the multidisciplinary
nature of practice and financial constraints
were, not surprisingly, identified as barriers
to project implementation by both groups
of respondents, although these were not
considered to be insurmountable. Students,
but not mentors, identified cultural issues
such as tradition and custom as inhibiting
The following comment provides one
example summarising the wide-ranging
impact that module attendance appears to
have had on participants and, more
importantly, on service delivery:
At first I thought, its such a short course,
how valuable is that [service project] going to
be? But its demonstrated to me that that was
an excellent way to look at it because its
increased [her] self-belief, its had an impact on
the team, its had an impact on the service and
will do in the future. Its just going to grow and
grow and, from one module of introduction, I
think what shes achieved is tremendous and
its only reflecting back now that Ive probably
realised just how far shes come. (Mentor for
student 2)
One limitation of this study is that none of
the students who failed to submit the
module assignment participated. This may
have been for a number of reasons
including: they had a negative experience
of the module; they did not value the
academic credits attached to it; were too
busy to take time out of practice to
participate; or they assumed that the
invitation had been sent in error. In
addition, all participants were women.
In conclusion, a review of the literature
revealed limited evidence of the impact of
introductory leadership development
programmes on participants and practice.
In addition, the absence of an agreed
evaluation framework is apparent despite the
fact that there has been massive investment
in development opportunities for health and
social care staff in recent years. The nebulous
concept of leadership in health and social
care practice requires a multi-faceted
approach to evaluation. Despite some
differences, the findings are strikingly similar
to those of previous studies evaluating the
impact of short leadership development
programmes carried out in a number of
This studys main contribution to the
literature is its focus on the application of
learning in practice through the
implementation of service improvement
projects. This enabled us to explore the
impact of LWAP at level 3 (behavioural
change) and indirectly at level 4 (impact on
the organisation). This is a major gap in the
current body of knowledge, which this study
addresses by providing evidence of service
improvement following module attendance.
While recognising the studys limitations,
this research indicates that the LWAP
leadership development programme is an
effective organisational development strategy.
The findings indicate that LWAP can
simultaneously drive the modernisation of
service delivery and empower the workforce
to deliver this.
Thus, based on the study findings and the
limited empirical research, the following
structure for a universally applicable
leadership development evaluation
framework is proposed. This should explore
programme impact in three domains: impact
on the individual; ability to work with others;
and service improvement. It should use a
mixed methods approach, incorporating
formal or informal 360-degree feedback from
service users, colleagues and managers.
l Testing of the proposed evaluation
structure incorporating three domains
(impact on the individual; ability to work
with others; and service improvement) on a
larger sample and other leadership
development programmes;
l Quantitative evaluation of the impact of
LWAP service improvement projects
onervice costs, staffing levels, skill-mix and
patient satisfaction;
Burnard, P. (1991) A method of analysing interview
transcripts in qualitative research. Nurse Education Today;
11: 461-466.
Cooper, S.J. (2003) An evaluation of the Leading an
Empowered Organisation programme. Nursing Standard;
17: 23, 33-39.
Department of Health (2005) Research Governance
Framework for Health and Social Care.
Department of Health (2004) The NHS Improvement Plan:
Putting People at the Heart of Public Services. www.dh.
Department of Health (2002) NHS Leadership Qualities
Framework (LQF) Technical Research Paper: Summary.
London: The Stationery Ofce.
Department of Health (2000) The NHS Plan: A Plan for
Investment, A Plan for Reform.
Edmonstone, J., Jeavons, M. (2000) An Evaluation of
the Leading an Empowered Organisation (LEO)
Programme. Leeds: Centre for the Development of Nursing
Policy and Practice, University of Leeds.
Hartley, J., Hinksman, B. (2003) Leadership
Development: a Systematic Review of the Literature.
London: National Leadership Centre.
Hill, K. (2003) Development of leadership competencies as
a team. Journal of Nursing Administration; 33: 12,
Janes, G., Wadding, A. (2004) An Evaluation of the
Impact of the Leading an Empowered Organisation
Programme (LEO) in County Durham and Tees Valley.
Middlesbrough: School of Health and Social Care, University
of Teesside.
Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1983) Four steps to measuring training
effectiveness. Personnel Administrator; 28: 11, 62-74.
Krugman, M., Smith, V. (2003) Charge nurse leadership
development and evaluation. Journal of Nurse
Administration; 33: 5, 284-292.
Lathlean, J. (1994) Choosing an Appropriate Methodology.
In: Buckeldee, J. and McMahon, R. (eds) (1994) The
Research Experience in Nursing. London: Chapman and Hall.
Ramsden, P. (1992) Learning to Teach in Higher
Education. London: Routledge.
Tourangeau, A.E. (2003) Building nurse leaders capacity.
Journal of Nurse Administration; 33: 12, 624-626.
Wanless, D. (2004) Securing Good Health for the Whole
Population - Final Report. London: HM Treasury.
Williams, S. (2003) Systematic Review: Evaluation and
Leadership Development. Henley on Thames: Henley
Management College.
l Evaluation of the service improvement
impact of such programmes with no
compulsory service improvement project;
l Evaluation of the impact of LWAP on
non-nursing participants, for example allied
health professionals, and administrative,
technical and support staff;
l Evaluation of its impact on participants
who did not complete the module.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 22
practice changing practice
Nursing Times XX Month 2009 Vol 105 No XX 00
improvement were highlighted as
facilitating project success, particularly by
the mentors. In addition, receiving support
from immediate colleagues and managers
and a positive organisational culture were
strongly associated with effective project
implementation by all participants. This
finding further supports the literature on
this subject.
One feature of this issue is the provision of
leadership development as part of a
trust-wide strategy, which is the case for
LWAP and has been recommended in
respect of another short, introductory
programme (Cooper, 2003; Edmonstone
and Jeavons, 2000).
Both groups of respondents consistently
felt students ability to apply the enhanced
knowledge and personal skills gained from
module attendance had an impact on the
projects success.
Factors such as the multidisciplinary
nature of practice and financial constraints
were, not surprisingly, identified as barriers
to project implementation by both groups
of respondents, although these were not
considered to be insurmountable. Students,
but not mentors, identified cultural issues
such as tradition and custom as inhibiting
The following comment provides one
example summarising the wide-ranging
impact that module attendance appears to
have had on participants and, more
importantly, on service delivery:
At first I thought, its such a short course,
how valuable is that [service project] going to
be? But its demonstrated to me that that was
an excellent way to look at it because its
increased [her] self-belief, its had an impact on
the team, its had an impact on the service and
will do in the future. Its just going to grow and
grow and, from one module of introduction, I
think what shes achieved is tremendous and
its only reflecting back now that Ive probably
realised just how far shes come. (Mentor for
student 2)
One limitation of this study is that none of
the students who failed to submit the
module assignment participated. This may
have been for a number of reasons
including: they had a negative experience
of the module; they did not value the
academic credits attached to it; were too
busy to take time out of practice to
participate; or they assumed that the
invitation had been sent in error. In
addition, all participants were women.
In conclusion, a review of the literature
revealed limited evidence of the impact of
introductory leadership development
programmes on participants and practice.
In addition, the absence of an agreed
evaluation framework is apparent despite the
fact that there has been massive investment
in development opportunities for health and
social care staff in recent years. The nebulous
concept of leadership in health and social
care practice requires a multi-faceted
approach to evaluation. Despite some
differences, the findings are strikingly similar
to those of previous studies evaluating the
impact of short leadership development
programmes carried out in a number of
This studys main contribution to the
literature is its focus on the application of
learning in practice through the
implementation of service improvement
projects. This enabled us to explore the
impact of LWAP at level 3 (behavioural
change) and indirectly at level 4 (impact on
the organisation). This is a major gap in the
current body of knowledge, which this study
addresses by providing evidence of service
improvement following module attendance.
While recognising the studys limitations,
this research indicates that the LWAP
leadership development programme is an
effective organisational development strategy.
The findings indicate that LWAP can
simultaneously drive the modernisation of
service delivery and empower the workforce
to deliver this.
Thus, based on the study findings and the
limited empirical research, the following
structure for a universally applicable
leadership development evaluation
framework is proposed. This should explore
programme impact in three domains: impact
on the individual; ability to work with others;
and service improvement. It should use a
mixed methods approach, incorporating
formal or informal 360-degree feedback from
service users, colleagues and managers.
l Testing of the proposed evaluation
structure incorporating three domains
(impact on the individual; ability to work
with others; and service improvement) on a
larger sample and other leadership
development programmes;
l Quantitative evaluation of the impact of
LWAP service improvement projects
onervice costs, staffing levels, skill-mix and
patient satisfaction;
Burnard, P. (1991) A method of analysing interview
transcripts in qualitative research. Nurse Education Today;
11: 461-466.
Cooper, S.J. (2003) An evaluation of the Leading an
Empowered Organisation programme. Nursing Standard;
17: 23, 33-39.
Department of Health (2005) Research Governance
Framework for Health and Social Care.
Department of Health (2004) The NHS Improvement Plan:
Putting People at the Heart of Public Services. www.dh.
Department of Health (2002) NHS Leadership Qualities
Framework (LQF) Technical Research Paper: Summary.
London: The Stationery Ofce.
Department of Health (2000) The NHS Plan: A Plan for
Investment, A Plan for Reform.
Edmonstone, J., Jeavons, M. (2000) An Evaluation of
the Leading an Empowered Organisation (LEO)
Programme. Leeds: Centre for the Development of Nursing
Policy and Practice, University of Leeds.
Hartley, J., Hinksman, B. (2003) Leadership
Development: a Systematic Review of the Literature.
London: National Leadership Centre.
Hill, K. (2003) Development of leadership competencies as
a team. Journal of Nursing Administration; 33: 12,
Janes, G., Wadding, A. (2004) An Evaluation of the
Impact of the Leading an Empowered Organisation
Programme (LEO) in County Durham and Tees Valley.
Middlesbrough: School of Health and Social Care, University
of Teesside.
Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1983) Four steps to measuring training
effectiveness. Personnel Administrator; 28: 11, 62-74.
Krugman, M., Smith, V. (2003) Charge nurse leadership
development and evaluation. Journal of Nurse
Administration; 33: 5, 284-292.
Lathlean, J. (1994) Choosing an Appropriate Methodology.
In: Buckeldee, J. and McMahon, R. (eds) (1994) The
Research Experience in Nursing. London: Chapman and Hall.
Ramsden, P. (1992) Learning to Teach in Higher
Education. London: Routledge.
Tourangeau, A.E. (2003) Building nurse leaders capacity.
Journal of Nurse Administration; 33: 12, 624-626.
Wanless, D. (2004) Securing Good Health for the Whole
Population - Final Report. London: HM Treasury.
Williams, S. (2003) Systematic Review: Evaluation and
Leadership Development. Henley on Thames: Henley
Management College.
l Evaluation of the service improvement
impact of such programmes with no
compulsory service improvement project;
l Evaluation of the impact of LWAP on
non-nursing participants, for example allied
health professionals, and administrative,
technical and support staff;
l Evaluation of its impact on participants
who did not complete the module.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 23 Nursing Times 21 April 2009 Vol 105 No 15
Practice changing practice
Healthcare staff want to be able to care for
patients with humanity and decency and to
give patients the same kind of care that they
would want for themselves or their loved ones
(Goodrich and Cornwell, 2008).
For many staff, such a desire may have been
a motivating factor in their decision to enter
the healthcare professions in the first place.
Practitioners want to be able to show
compassion to the patients under their care.
Compassionate care matters to patients.
Anecdotally, it is the presence or absence of
compassion that often marks the lasting and
vivid memories patients and family members
retain about the overall experience of care in
hospital and other settings.
Improving patients satisfaction about their
experience of care is an outcome most patients
and families agree has value in itself, and is
emphasised in the goals in recent key policy
documents (Department of Health, 2008).
Research evidence suggests that compassion
affects the effectiveness of treatment. For
example, patients treated by a compassionate
caregiver tend to share more information
about their symptoms and concerns, which in
turn yields more accurate understanding and
diagnoses (Epstein et al, 2005).
In addition, since anxiety and fear delay
healing (Cole-King and Harding, 2001), and
compassionate behaviour reduces patient
anxiety (Gilbert and Procter, 2006), it seems
likely that compassionate care can have
positive effects on patients rate of recovery
and ability to heal.
Compassion, in simple terms, is a deep
awareness of the suffering of another coupled
with the wish to relieve it (Chochinov, 2007).
Compassion requires that staff give
something of themselves. When fatigue,
personal factors and organisational
circumstances conspire to create workplace
stress, it becomes more difficult for staff to feel
and show compassion, creating a gap between
their intentions and their capabilities.
Sometimes it is easier to identify when
compassion is missing than when it is present.
In the broadcast and print reports of failures in
hospital care such as, for example, the
reports of the Healthcare Commissions
(2009) and (2007) investigations into Mid
Staffordshire and Maidstone and Tunbridge
Wells NHS trusts it is the apparent lack of
compassion that fuels media outrage.
It is important to note that the focus on
compassion should not reside merely at the
sharpest ends of care that is, in emergency
situations, or when a patient is known to be
dying. Lack of compassion in mundane
aspects of acute and everyday care also takes its
toll on patients and staff. Indeed, it is the little
things that patients or carers often recall as
having been either present or lacking in their
experiences of care. For examples of these
little things go to
pointofcare_compassion. The elements of
compassion, as defined in particular relation
to health care, are described in Box 1.
How do we assess how good we are at
delivering compassionate care? The question is
important, but it also presents an immediate,
inherent challenge in an NHS reliant on
quantified targets and measures.
If we accept that compassion is a felt
experience, it follows that the closest we can
come to measuring compassion is to ask
patients whether or not they experienced it.
Measures of compassion must rely to a large
degree on patients own subjective assessments
of their experiences of care, which can be
obtained in a variety of ways: interviews;
questionnaires; frequent feedback
mechanisms; and surveys.
Care, compassion and respect have always
been enshrined in the value statements of the
health professions (NMC, 2009; 2008).
However, compassion has recently gained a
higher profile with policymakers. The NHS
Constitution sets out certain NHS values
including respect, dignity and compassion:
[The NHS] touches our lives at times of
most basic human need, when care and
compassion are what matter most
(Department of Health, 2009).
We wanted to look more closely at
compassionate care what it it, what prevents
it and what enables staff, day in and day out, to
be compassionate towards every patient in
their care. To do this, we held a one-day
workshop bringing together people who work
in hospital (nurses, doctors, psychologists,
chaplains, managers) and experts who have
written on or researched the topic.
We have also published a short paper
reviewing the literature on compassion and
concepts related to it (Firth-Cozens, 2009).
This article is based on the discussions at the
workshop as well as the paper (see www.
The Kings Fund Point of Care programme explores the barriers to providing
compassionate care in hospital and how nurses can ensure such care
Exploring how to ensure compassionate care
in hospital to improve patient experience
AUTHORS Jocelyn Cornwell, PhD, is
director; Joanna Goodrich, MA, is senior
researcher/programme manager; both at
the Kings Fund Point of Care programme.
ABSTRACT Cornwell, J., Goodrich, J.
(2009) Exploring how to ensure
compassionate care in hospital to improve
patient experience. Nursing Times; 105:
15, 1416.
This article is the first in a series by the
Kings Fund Point of Care programme
looking at practical interventions to
improve patients experiences of care. It
discusses what compassion means, what
might prevent consistent compassionate
care and what practical changes could
ensure compassion.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 24 Nursing Times 21 April 2009 Vol 105 No 15 15
On staff coping with constant exposure to death
and dying:
I went to work on an elderly ward where
patients died daily and there was great pressure
on beds. At first, I did all I could to make the
lead-up to a death have some meaning and to
feel something when one of them died. But,
gradually, the number of deaths and the need to
strip down beds and get another patient in as
fast as you can got to me and I became numb to
the patients; it became just about the rate of
turnover, nothing else. (Firth-Cozens, 2009)
Stress and depression is evidenced by high
self-criticism (Brewin and Firth-Cozens,
1997), and a lack of compassion towards
oneself is likely to work its way through
to a lack of compassion towards patients
(Gilbert, 2009).
Stress and burnout have their origins in
different sources, some of them individual,
some of them situational:
Individual factors:
Age and experience;
Self-esteem levels;
Personal resilience;
Job satisfaction.
Situational factors:
Regular exposure to pain and distress;
Conflicting information about what the
organisation expects from staff or what is
valued in the organisation;
Poor feedback systems or lack of recognition
or praise for individual acts of compassion
and care;
Lack of time and simultaneous pressure to
meet targets.
Compassion, too, can become problematic
for staff in settings where displays of emotion
are treated as a failure to maintain an
appropriate professional distance or authority.
Though not necessarily unique to any one
profession, this is particularly relevant to those
in roles that place a high value on professional
detachment. Such attitudes are more
commonly associated with doctors but
perhaps increasingly prevalent in nursing.
The role of education in teaching healthcare
staff professional values and standards is also
important. In medicine, the psychosocial
aspects of caregiving have tended to command
There are other types of measure that might
also be considered measures of process
and measures of structure. Since compassion
can demonstrate itself in very practical ways,
there are objective, practical measures that
may indicate or point to its presence or
absence (the feeling for the patient) in the
way care is delivered.
In this way, we can say that many of the
physical indicators already assessed, while they
might not measure compassion directly, do
point towards it. The measures we have in
mind are ones such as: how quickly staff
respond to call bells; whether patients feeding
needs are attended to; how well pain is
managed; and how often and at what times of
day or night patients are moved from ward
to ward. All of these have an impact on
continuity of care and relationships between
staff and patients.
These basic indicators of aspects of quality of
care may tell us something about attitudes and
behaviours that are important with respect to
compassion. Poor performance in any of these
dimensions may not be caused by a lack of
compassion but rather might be taken as
indications of environments in which patients
are at risk of feeling uncared for, and therefore
merit further investigation.
Structural measures that complete the more
rounded attempt to measure compassion
would be measures of risk in the physical
environment or risk to staff capability to
deliver compassionate care. Risk in the
physical environment of care would need to be
observed and audited. Risks to staff capability
would be available from feedback in staff
surveys to questions about the quality of
leadership and support and teamworking.
They would also be available in some of the
human resource data such as: measures of staff
turnover; vacancy rates; and the use of bank
and agency staff in different locations.
Why, when staff may have entered the
healthcare profession with high ideals,
abundant stores of compassion and a strong
motivation to treat patients as they themselves
would want to be treated, do lapses in
compassionate care sometimes occur?
The main reason may involve the natural
defences we develop in reaction to trauma. In
care settings, staff experience regular, frequent
or in some cases continuous exposure to
human beings in varying states of pain and
distress. Sometimes the defence takes the form
of inappropriate joking; sometimes it
manifests itself in numbing, a distancing
reaction and withdrawal, as described by an
acute care nurse in Box 2.
The key point is that under these conditions,
practitioners must develop coping
mechanisms some more effective or
appropriate than others.
Staff who do not find effective ways of
coping may be more susceptible to stress and
burnout. Self-reported stress of health service
staff in general is considerably greater than
that of the general working population (Wall
et al, 1997).
Compassion starts with good basic care and
can be demonstrated in very practical ways for
example making sure that a patients feeding
needs are addressed, that pain is managed and
that the patient is helped to the toilet as needed.
It can be equated with providing both dignity
and respect.
Compassion goes beyond essential care,
however, to encompass empathy, respect, a
recognition of the uniqueness of another
individual and the willingness to enter into a
relationship in which not only the knowledge but
the intuitions, strengths, and emotions of both
the patient and the [caregiver] can be fully
engaged (Lowenstein, 2008).
As such, compassion involves real dialogue
communication that is human to human rather
than clinician to patient.
The compassionate caregiver never
stereotypes but appreciates difference,
recognising the common humanity shared by
both patient and caregiver.
Compassion should not necessarily be seen
as being sweet and nice. It includes honesty and
may require courage.
It is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Compassion can mean very different things in
different situations and to different people. In
recognising the individuality of each patient,
compassionate carers will also recognise how
best to tailor their behaviour to show
compassion based on an individuals needs.
In short, for healthcare professionals,
compassion means seeing the person in the
patient at all times and at all points of care.
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 25 Nursing Times 21 April 2009 Vol 105 No 15
Practice changing practice
secondary status, and workshop participants
felt this was increasingly common in nursing
training. Training that emphasises professional
detachment and positions compassion as soft
and fluffy may have a detrimental impact on
interpersonal relationships between staff and
patients and to the quality of care delivered.
Even where the value of compassion is
taught in the syllabus, there is a concern
that, without systematic modelling and
explicit endorsement and support for striving
to be compassionate towards every patient,
every time, it will be eroded and more difficult
to practise.
When staff caring for patients feel under
pressure and are subject to time constraints,
it is often difficult to do just that one thing for
the patient that makes the individual feel cared
for. Enabling staff to feel and be
compassionate towards patients in their care,
at all times, requires action on multiple levels.
At an individual level, a powerful resource
that healthcare professionals consistently cite
is patients stories.
In cases where professionals themselves, or
their loved ones, become patients, the nature
of their personal experience of care very often
has a profound effect on how they carry out
their clinical practice. Where first-hand
experiences of care are not available, exercises
in which staff are asked to role-play or write a
narrative imagining themselves as patients can
have a similar usefulness.
Providing practitioners with a forum for
open and honest dialogue about their
experiences of delivering care is similarly
important. A safe and recrimination-free
environment in which to discuss the everyday
challenges, frustrations and pressures of the
job in which sharing stories and feelings
about patients and their care is legitimised
is essential.
It helps to remind busy staff that every
patient is individual and unique; it provides
support to individuals; it encourages
communication within the team; and it helps
to improve team dynamics.
Good team relations make a difference not
only to the quality of interactions among team
members but also to the quality of care
delivered to patients (see Box 3 for the markers
of a good team). As such, enabling good
teamworking is important.
Within teams, those in senior positions can
enable compassion among staff by modelling
compassionate behaviours towards
themselves, other staff and patients often
through relatively simple gestures, for example
by encouraging a junior colleague to take a
meal break or by taking one themselves.
We also need to focus our attention on the
formative stages of the professions, while
nurses and doctors are learning their roles
within a hospital. If modelling compassionate
behaviour is crucial in the message it sends to
all levels of staff, it is especially so when
students are in hospital to observe and learn.
Mentoring is particularly important in
teaching settings and for practitioners at the
start of their careers.
None of these suggestions will make much
impact, however, if staff remain unaware of
what is valued in the organisation or feel
undervalued in their jobs. Providing regular
feedback to staff on their performance and
providing recognition when they deliver
compassionate care can help alleviate stress
and counter poor organisational morale.
Finally, acute care could learn a lesson from
palliative care. With its primary emphasis on
patients experience, on their physical and
psychological comfort and quality of life, the
palliative care setting can serve as a model of
how to better integrate a focus on compassion
into care delivery. l
Brewin, C., Firth-Cozens, J. (1997) Dependency and
self-criticism as predicting depression in young doctors.
Journal of Occupational Health; 2: 3, 242246.
Chochinov, J. (2007) Dignity and the essence of medicine:
the A, B, C and D of dignity conserving care. BMJ; 335:
Cole-King, A., Harding, K.G. (2001) Psychological factors
and delayed healing in chronic wounds. Psychosomatic
Medicine; 63: 216220.
Department of Health (2009) The NHS Constitution: the
NHS Belongs to Us All. London: DH.
Department of Health (2008) High Quality Care for All
NHS Next Stage Review Final Report. London: DH. tinyurl.
Epstein, R.M. et al (2005) Patient-centred communication
and diagnostic testing. Annals of Family Medicine; 3:
Firth-Cozens, J. (2009) Enabling Compassionate Care in
Acute Hospital Services. London: The Kings Fund. www.
Gilbert, P. (2009) The Compassionate Mind: A New
Approach to Lifes Challenges. London: Constable
and Robinson.
Gilbert, P., Procter, S. (2006) Compassionate mind
training for people with high shame and self-criticism:
Overview and pilot study of a group therapy approach.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; 13: 353379.
Goodrich, J., Cornwell, J. (2008) Seeing the Person in
the Patient. London: The Kings Fund.
Healthcare Commission (2009) Investigation into Mid
Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. London: HC. tinyurl.
Healthcare Commission (2007) Investigation into
Outbreaks of Clostridium difficile at Maidstone and
Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. London: HC.
Lowenstein, J. (2008) The Midnight Meal and Other
Essays About Doctors, Patients, and Medicine. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
NMC (2009) Guidance for the Care of Older People.
London: NMC.
NMC (2008) The NMC Code of Professional Conduct:
Standards for Performance, Conduct and Ethics. London:
Wall, T.D. et al (1997) Minor psychiatric disorder in NHS
staff: occupational and gender differences. British Journal
of Psychiatry; 171: 519523.
Macpherson, C.F. (2008) Peer-supported storytelling for
grieving pediatric oncology nurses. Journal of Pediatric
Oncology Nursing; 25: 148163.
Smith, P. (2008) Compassion and smiles: Whats the
evidence? Journal of Research in Nursing; 13: 367370.
Youngson, R. (2008) Compassion in health care: The
missing dimension of health care reform? NHS Confederation
futures debate series:
lIts task is defined and its objectives are clear
lIt has reasonably clear boundaries and is not
too large (ideally fewer than 10 people)
lIts members know who leads it and the
leadership is good
lThere is participation in decision-making by
all members, good communication and frequent
interaction between them
lIt meets regularly to review its objectives,
methods and effectiveness
lIts meetings are well conducted
lIts members trust each other and feel safe to
speak their minds
lThere is a shared commitment
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 26 Nursing Times 8 September 2009 Vol 105 No 35 23
practice changing practice
Over the last decade, there has been an
increasing emphasis on the caring dimension
in healthcare policy, practice and research.
This is particularly evident in policy
documents emphasising the importance of
person centred care (The Scottish
Government, 2007; Scottish Executive,
2006a; 2006b; Department of Health, 2003).
It is apparent from these documents and a
number of recent national projects that
compassionate care is considered
fundamental to nursing practice.
The importance and centrality of
compassion in nursing has gained increasing
prominence as a result of these many policy
drivers. However, alongside this, an
immense diversity of views has emerged
on defining or conceptualising caring, which
has tended to increase its elusiveness
(Schantz, 2007). Basset (2002) suggested
highly, and being included in decision-
making processes was also important.
Delivering holistic nursing care can be
challenging as the many pressures in clinical
settings continue to increase.
According to Goodman (2004), patients
tend to judge the quality of technical aspects
of care by healthcare professionals interest
and concern for their health and welfare. For
patients, how care is delivered can be as
important as the treatment itself.
It is evident from the literature that
patients welcome compassionate care and it
influences their perception of the quality of
care provided (Henderson et al, 2007;
Goodman, 2004; Attree, 2001; Lothian and
Philip, 2001). Their experiences indicate that
compassionate care cannot always be taken
for granted (NHS Confederation, 2008).
Initially, the project team explored the
meaning of compassionate care. A number
of aims were identified and, from these, a
project plan emerged. Fig 1 on p24 shows the
links between the projects aims and strands
and those who would benefit. The plan
provided a useful guide for the team as the
project evolved and also an effective tool for
communicating aspects of the project.
Vital to the success of the projects
development was the working partnership
between the university and nursing staff.
Scott (2008) suggested that close
partnerships between education and practice
can cultivate a caring culture in healthcare.
This was achieved on a number of levels in
both organisations; NHS senior nurses and
university lecturers participated in the
project working group.
It was also considered vital that project
development information reached all
stakeholders, so routes of dissemination
included roadshows, newsletters, email and
face-to-face conversations.
As the project evolved, four strands
lInfluencing nurse education by
embedding the principles of compassionate
care in the curriculum;
A project developed in partnership between an NHS board and a university has
focused on promoting the importance of compassionate care in nursing practice
Developing a nursing education project in
partnership: leadership in compassionate care
AUTHORS Elizabeth Adamson, MSc, BSc, SCM,
FHEA, RGN, is lecturer; Linda King, MSc, BSc,
Cert Ed, RNT, RGN, is lecturer; Janis Moody,
MSc, MA, PGCE, FHEA, RMN, RGN, is lecturer;
Anne Waugh, MSc, BSc, Cert Ed, RNT,
FHEA, SRN, is senior teaching fellow and school
director of academic quality; all at Edinburgh
Napier University.
ABSTRACT Adamson, E. et al (2009) Developing
a project in partnership: leadership in
compassionate care. Nursing Times; 105:
35, 2326.
The prominence of the caring dimension has
never had such a high profile in healthcare
practice before.
As a result of this, the Leadership in
Compassionate Care Project has evolved. A unique
feature is the partnership between Edinburgh
Napier University and NHS Lothian. Engaging
with and helping qualified and student nurses to
value and promote the delivery of compassionate
care is a primary focus of the project.
This article outlines key policy drivers, the
projects four main strands, and the aims,
processes and perceived impact on practice.
that many authors believe that care is the
central and unifying core in nursing and
argued that it was vital for nurses to
understand this.
Nevertheless, it is evident from nursing
literature that there are difficulties in
defining both caring itself and the idea of
compassionate care. Compassion has been
called the prelude to caring, and caring has
been described as the essence of nursing
(Beauchamp and Childress, 2009). Care has
also been described as a human trait, an
affect, a moral imperative, an interpersonal
interaction, or as a series of therapeutic
interventions (Lavoie et al, 2006).
What does this tell us about delivering
compassionate care in practice?
Leadership project
While research can be found on the subject
of caring in general, less is available on the
subject of compassionate nursing practice,
and what nurses and student nurses
understand this to be and how they take this
into practice settings.
This was one of the main catalysts which
led to the conception of the Leadership in
Compassionate Care Project. In particular,
there was a need to understand what
compassionate care means both for patients
and nurses, and how we could help students
and registered nurses throughout NHS
Lothian deliver such care.
A unique feature of this project was the
strong partnership forged between Edinburgh
Napier University and NHS Lothian.
It is apparent from recommendations in
various policy documents that person
centred care is expected to be a fundamental
feature of nursing practice. It is imperative
that patients individual experience of care is
the best that it can be, and meets their
particular needs.
Attree (2001) found that aspects of care
which patients valued in their relationships
with nurses included open communication,
kindness, concern, sensitivity and time spent
with them. Patients rated dignity and privacy
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 27 24 Nursing Times 8 September 2009 Vol 105 No 35
practice changing practice
compassionate care from the perspectives of
patients, families and healthcare staff;
lIdentify a working definition of
compassionate care;
lDevelop key principles of compassionate
nursing practice;
lDevelop standards/best practice
statements for compassionate care;
lIdentify a practice development approach
that would enable change and enhance
compassionate nursing practice;
lProvide student nurses on placement in
the beacon wards with exposure to
compassionate care project developments;
lEnsure that all relevant experiences are
studied, developed and shared so that best
practice is rolled out across NHS Lothian;
lFeed back learning from work in the
beacon wards into the nursing
undergraduate programme.
Four senior nurses in compassionate care
were appointed, one in each of the beacon
wards. They helped staff to identify the
structures and processes which enabled
compassionate nursing practice to be
consistently delivered.
Development opportunities for
newly qualified nurses

Research by OBrien-Pallas et al (2006) and
Evans (2001) showed that many newly
qualified nurses lack confidence and find
their work environment challenging; this
lSupporting newly qualified nurses;
lFacilitating leadership skills development;
lIdentifying beacon wards as centres of
excellence in compassionate care.
Influencing nurse education
A priority was to influence education
through embedding person centred,
compassionate nursing practice in the
nursing and midwifery programmes. This
strand involved reviewing module
descriptions and curriculum content to
ensure the integration of person centred,
compassionate care as a theme.
A questionnaire elicited students nurses
views of compassionate care in their
programme. Their understanding of
compassionate care was also explored. This
information provided a baseline from which
to build on and to ensure that compassionate
care became a living theme through all
teaching materials and learning activities.
Identifying beacon wards
The areas initially chosen to champion
compassionate nursing practice were named
beacon wards. Aspects of their good practice
would be identified with the aim of sharing
these with other clinical areas.
A list of desirable criteria for the beacon
wards was developed. This focused on the
following three key areas:
lCaring environment initiatives
demonstrating holistic and person
centred care;
lEvidence of collaborative and effective
team working good ward communication,
efficient team organisation and use
of resources;
lEvidence of staff development
mentorship and preceptorship training and
student evaluation.
All clinical areas in NHS Lothian interested
in becoming part of the project were asked
to present a portfolio to showcase their
ward/clinical area. The project team
provided support and guidance on portfolio
development. The portfolio enabled staff to
reflect on their caring practices and
highlighted many patient centred initiatives.
Eighteen portfolios were presented from a
wide range of adult nursing specialties; six
were shortlisted. Members of the project
team, including the director of nursing and a
senior academic from Edinburgh Napier
University, visited the areas.
Following an in-depth selection process,
four clinical areas were chosen for the initial
programme of development work and
awarded beacon status.
Aims of beacon wards
The project team identified a number of
broad aims for the beacon wards:
lDevelop an understanding of

LEADERSHIP IN COMPASSIONATE CARE: Creating confident, competent leaders who champion compassionate practice
Embed compassionate nursing
practice within all pre registration
University University University
Influence nurse education
Embed the ethos of compassionate
care into the nursing and midwifery
Identify beacon wards
Clinical areas that showcase
excellent compassionate nursing
Offer development opportunities
to newly qualified nurses
During first year after registration
Offer leadership skills
development to registered nurses
Encourage nurses to realise their


Build partnership with
NHS colleagues
Evaluate and learn Share the vision nationally and
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 28 Nursing Times 8 September 2009 Vol 105 No 35 25
affects their ability to provide compassionate
care. It is evident that holistic nursing care
requires commitment, confidence and
competence to demonstrate a compassionate
approach to care-giving.
The aim of this strand is to provide
ongoing support for all newly qualified
nurses working in NHS Lothian during
their first year in practice. The DH (2008)
linked confidence with the ability to care.
In addition, Carter et al (2008) found
the presence of a supportive peer culture
is pivotal to creating and sustaining
caring practices.
Our approach to supporting newly
qualified nurses in practice involved a series
of study days. Four took place in the first
year and their content incorporated dynamic
learning opportunities such as the use of
role-modelling and drama. This drew on the
findings of Harrison (2006), who suggested
that incorporating artistic methods into
nurse education can be an effective way of
developing compassion.
Leadership skills development
for registered nurses
This strand offers leadership development to
nurses interested in taking forward a practice
initiative focusing on compassionate care in
their clinical area, such as protecting patient
mealtimes. By adopting an inclusive
approach, all members of the
multidisciplinary team could be involved.
McCormack and Garbett (2001) supported
this, as they found that development
initiatives were most effective when staff
took ownership.
Facilitated action learning was planned
to enable personal and professional
development by providing the opportunity
to reflect on practice issues and explore
solutions. Study days were also organised to
facilitate practice development skills that
could then be used to help nurses to
implement and evaluate their change
in practice.
Table 1 sets out the aims, processes and the
anticipated impact on practice.
The planning and development stages
of the Leadership in Compassionate Care
Project were vital to realising its vision
and aims. This was ultimately based on a
unique working partnership between
education and practice.
The project continues to evolve and it is
evident that awareness has been raised at
different levels in educational and practice
settings about the nature of compassionate
care and delivering this in practice.
The impact of the various strands in terms
of delivering the project vision and the
potential this has to transform practice will
continue to become apparent and be
reported as it progresses.
Several national projects have recently
emerged with a common aim of
individualising patient experience. It is
hoped the findings from the Leadership in
Compassionate Care Project will have a
positive impact on nursing practice
nationally and internationally. l
Overarching aim Principal processes Impact on practice
Create condent, competent
and compassionate leaders
Ensure that compassionate nursing practice is embedded in pre-registration
nursing programmes
Maintain the university and NHS partnership and, through this, ensure that
compassionate care is promoted in both clinical practice and the university
Ensure that learning and ndings continually inform the evolving project
Share the vision for compassionate nursing practice at every opportunity
Condent leaders who are able
to champion compassionate
nursing practice
Registrants who are caring and
Satised patients
Aims Process Impact on practice
Embed compassionate nursing
practice in all pre-registration
Encourage student centred learning
Provide students with decision-making skills
Review the personal development tutor role to enhance the personal and
professional support offered to students
Lecturers promote person centeredness and compassionate care in all
interactions. Lecturers make caring practices explicit in all teaching sessions and
reective activities
Set up supportive and nurturing relationships with all new university students
throughout the programme
Offer pastoral support for students through an independent adviser
Build student/teacher relationships and supportive networks
Offer mentor/buddy systems, where established students befriend new students
and help them to settle into university
Nurses and midwives who demonstrate
delivery of care that:
Is person centred
Is respectful and dignied
Enhances patients experience
of healthcare
Build partnership with NHS
Seek agreement about the project vision
Design joint working on sub-projects to inuence and enhance the delivery of
compassionate care
Set up regular meetings to maintain effective communication between education
and practice
A unied approach to care delivery
The development of common goals and
values in both practice and education
Evaluate and learn Ongoing evaluation of the project through focus group discussions
Feedback from students using satisfaction questionnaires
Shared learning between key stakeholders
Gaps in delivery of compassionate
care identied
Measures taken to address these
The meaning of compassionate care
made more explicit
Share the vision nationally and
Network between higher education institutes and practice areas locally, nationally
and internationally (newsletter, website)
The organisation of an international conference to share good practice
Dissemination of project ndings through publication
The establishment of good practice in
compassionate nursing practice
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 29 Nursing Times 8 September 2009 Vol 105 No 35 26
practice changing practice
Attree, M. (2001) Patients and relatives experiences and
perspectives of good and not so good care. Journal of
Advanced Nursing; 33: 4, 456466.
Basset, C. (2002) Nurses perceptions of care and caring.
International Journal of Nursing Practice; 8: 815.
Beauchamp, T.L., Childress, J.F. (2009) Principles of
Biomedical Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carter, L. et al (2008) Exploring a culture of caring.
Nursing Administration; 32: 1, 5763.
Department of Health (2008) Condence in Caring:
a Framework for Best Practice. London: DH.
Department of Health (2003) Essence of Care:
Patient-Focused Benchmarks for Clinical Governance.
London: DH.
Evans, K. (2001) Expectations of newly qualied staff
nurses. Nursing Standard; 15: 41, 3338.
Goodman, G. (2004) How can nurses help patients work
more effectively with nurses to improve the safety of patient
care? Nursing Economics; 22: 100105.
Harrison, E. (2006) Teaching compassion: Multiple
sclerosis and the poetry of Molly Holden. Nurse Educator;
31: 3, 103106.
Henderson, A. et al (2007) Caring for behaviours that
indicate to patients that nurses care about them. Journal
of Advanced Nursing; 60: 2, 146153.
Lavoie, M. et al (2006) The nature of care in light of
Emmanuel Levinas. Nursing Philosophy; 7: 225234.
Lothian, K., Philip, I. (2001) Maintaining the dignity and
autonomy of older people in the healthcare setting. British
Medical Journal; 322: 668670.
McCormack, B., Garbett, R. (2001) A concept analysis
of practice development. Nursing Times Research;
7: 2, 87100.
NHS Confederation (2008) Futures Debate. Compassion
in Healthcare the Missing Dimension of Healthcare
Reform? London: NHS Confederation.
OBrien-Pallas, L. et al (2006) Do we really understand
how to retain nurses? Journal of Nursing Management;
14: 262270.
Schantz, M.L. (2007) Compassion: a concept analysis.
Nursing Forum; 42: 2, 48-55.
Scott, S. (2008) New professionalism shifting
relationships between nursing education and practice.
Nurse Education Today; 2: 240245.
Scottish Executive (2006a) Delivering Care, Enabling
Health: Harnessing the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied
Health Professions Contribution to Implementing
Delivering for Health in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish
Scottish Executive (2006b) Rights, Relationships and
Recovery. The Report on the National Review of Mental
Health Nursing. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
The Scottish Government (2007) Better Health, Better
Care. A Discussion Document. Edinburgh: The Scottish
Produced by Endorsed by
Register now:
Dignity and
Respect in Nursing
A practical guide to delivering compassionate nursing care
23rd September 2009, Central London
Including expert contributions from:
Jane Cummings, Director of Performance
Nursing and Quality, NHS North West
Jocelyn Cornwell, Director Point of Care Programme
The Kings Fund
Dr Liz Jones, Head of Patient Environment
Department of Health
Gill Robertson, Professional Adviser
Royal College of Nursing
Charlotte Wilkinson, Lead R&D Nurse: Dignity in Care
City University
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n Explore the issues around privacy and dignity within mixed
sex wards
n Share the ndings of the Kings Fund Point of Care
Programme and learn about: Enabling compassionate
care in acute hospital settings
n Participate in a practical session run by Claire Chambers
& Elaine Ryder from Oxford Brookes University and Age
Concern / Help the Aged, authors of the recently published
text book: Compassion and Caring in Nursing
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Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 30 Nursing Times 15 September 2009 Vol 105 No 36 16
Compassionate care is a key
product of healthcare
providers and is expected by
the public (Burdett Trust for
Nursing, 2006). It is also a
vital aspect of good nursing
care (Johnson, 2008).
Using computers and doing
administrative work are also
part of modern nurses daily routine, and it
is claimed that these have distracted them
from being compassionate (Black, 2008).
Alan Johnson, the health secretary until
June 2009, also viewed compassion as
important (Carvel, 2008). In June 2008, he
trailed plans to develop quality indicators
that would rate the performance of ward
nursing teams, possibly including
compassion (Carvel, 2008).
This was followed by Lord Darzis NHS
Next Stage Review, which formally
announced that a set of national metrics
would be developed (Department of
Health, 2008).
In May 2009, the government published a
set of over 200 quality indicators, with 53 on
patient experience, covering dignity and
respect and focusing on the person (The
NHS Information Centre for Health and
Social Care, 2009).
In addition, the NHS Constitution sets out
certain NHS values, including respect,
dignity and compassion (Cornwell and
Goodrich, 2009; DH, 2009).
Nurses have long expressed concern that
they do not have enough time to care for
patients properly (British Journal of Nursing,
2004), and that tasks, routines and
documentation take priority over holistic
care (Pearcey, 2007).
The new metrics may cause dilemmas
for nurses. Should nurses aim to provide
high quality care for which they have
little enough time or do they risk being
distracted by addressing indicators
which may measure superficial aspects
of care?
Compassion and
The link between compassion
and nursing is not new.
Schantz (2007) suggested that,
at present, it is not encouraged
in nursing practice where it
may have become optional.
Society has witnessed an
increase in the power of
technology. This appears to be mirrored in
nursing, where the technical and managerial
aspects of care take priority over its delivery
possibly because the expansion of nurses
role has eroded the essence of nursing
(Wright, 2004).
There needs to be debate within the
profession about what exactly constitutes
compassion. Consideration also needs to be
given to the most appropriate method of
measuring compassion, as well as how it can
be identified in nursing applicants and
developed in student nurses. Conditions that
encourage compassion in nursing practice
also need to be explored.
Compassion, or caring, can be viewed as
nursings most precious asset (Schantz,
2007), a fundamental element of nursing
care (Dietze and Orb, 2000), and one of the
strengths of the profession.
According to Torjuul et al (2007), it
involves being close to patients and seeing
their situation as more than a medical
scenario and routine procedures.
The politicians notion of compassion,
according to Alan Johnson, features smiles
and empathetic care (Carvel, 2008). Is
compassion more than the sum of these
two behaviours?
One of the difficulties in considering issues
such as compassion is that everyone
patients, nurses and politicians will have
their own personal, subjective definition.
Personal definitions fit in with our own view
of the world, but may have little in common
with the views of others.
An outline of what compassion is, how it is an integral part of care and relates to
dignity, and how it might be measured in both qualied and student nurses
Compassion in nursing 1: dening, identifying
and measuring this essential quality
AUTHORS Neil Davison, BN, DipN, FETC,
Cert Ed, ONC, RGN, is lecturer and teaching
fellow; Katherine Williams, MA, AdvDipEd,
DipN, Cert Ed, RGN, is lecturer; both at
Bangor University.
ABSTRACT Davison, N., Williams, K. (2009)
Compassion in nursing 1: defining,
identifying and measuring this essential
quality. Nursing Times; 105: 36, 1618.
The first in this two-part unit on compassion
examines the concept of compassion, and how it
can be identified and measured in practice. It
also discusses the level of compassion expected
in nursing.
Describe the contribution
that compassion makes to
clinical practice.
Identify the challenges
involved in dening and
measuring compassion.
practice guided learning
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 31 Nursing Times 15 September 2009 Vol 105 No 36 17
the suitability of student nurses to join the
register could be influenced by subjective
views about compassion in practice.
Registered nurses are guided by the NMCs
(2008) code of conduct, which demands that
they respect the dignity of those receiving
care. The concept of dignity, like
compassion, is abstract and difficult to
measure (Fenton and Mitchell, 2002).
Compassion is viewed as an integral part
of dignity (RCN, 2008) and nurses
compassion plays a major role in providing
dignified care to patients. Compassionate
care enables patients to remain
independent and retain their dignity (Dietze
and Orb, 2000).
There is agreement in nursing literature and
practice that the delivery of compassionate
care is more than the competent execution
of clinical skills; it involves a doing role
and a being role. Patients consider it is vital
that they are cared for and cared about
(National Nursing Research Unit, 2008).
Nurses themselves have to appreciate that
clinical practice is changing and will
continue to do so, and need to recognise that
advanced clinical skills and compassionate
care are not mutually exclusive; high tech
does not have to mean low care.
This does not ignore the fact that there are
and will continue to be tensions when
attempting to truly care for patients with
increasing use of technology, more acutely ill
patients, fewer nurses and increased
managerial functions for practitioners
(Corbin, 2008). l
Part 2 of this unit, to be published in next
weeks issue, looks at factors that influence
compassion in clinical practice
Schantz (2007) noted that there may be
confusion over the exact definition of
compassion because words such as caring,
sympathy, empathy, compassionate care and
compassion are used interchangeably.
The role played by empathy and sympathy
in care provision is clarified by Dietze and
Orb (2000), who argued: Empathy and
sympathy in or of themselves do not imply
good therapy or care: they are simply part of
the conditions required for appropriate
therapeutic intervention.
Pearcey (2007) found that student nurses
considered that it was doing the little things
for patients that constituted a caring
approach. She offered the perspective that
nursing has a functional component or
doing role, as well as a being role.
Ultimately, compassion impels and
empowers people to not only acknowledge,
but also act (Schantz, 2007). This involves
focusing on another persons needs and
channelling the emotion generated by their
predicament into an active response.
There appear to be two elements involved
in professional caring: instrumental caring,
which includes the required skills and
knowledge; and expressive caring, which
involves the emotional aspects. Expressive
caring changes nursing actions into caring
(Woodward, 1997). This could help to
explain why some nurses are technically
competent, but do not seem outwardly
However, Roach (2002) considered
compassion along with confidence,
competence, conscience, commitment
and comportment as one of the six core
elements of caring. If nurses claim to
genuinely care for their patients, then
without compassion, their caring may be
incomplete and lacking.
Educators have the responsibility of
identifying applicants to nurse education
programmes who are compassionate or
who have the potential to become
compassionate nurses.
This is problematic because exactly what
constitutes compassion is not clear, and
trying to identify evidence of compassion in
applicants is difficult. Evidence that an
applicant has compassion can be sought from
statements on caring made on an application
form, or possibly provided by a referee.
Even having selected candidates who
display the necessary qualities is no guarantee
that, at the end of a pre-registration course,
they will still have these qualities. During
educational programmes, students values
may be influenced by the informal
curriculum (Johnson, 2008).
Teachers and mentors in both clinical and
more formal educational environments may
impart their own values and it is usually
assumed that these influences will be
negative, leading to compassion fatigue or
burnout. This is thought to result from
exposure to the realities of professional life,
including trying to meet patients needs
while coping with the demands of the service
and managers (Johnson, 2008).
Apart from the difficulties in attempting to
recognise and develop compassion in
applicants and students, there are difficulties
and possibly dangers in measuring the
compassion shown by nurses. The
consequences of measuring compassion
needs serious consideration before any
attempt is made to rate or judge nurses
because compassion is viewed as part of
being a human (Proctor, 2000).
If a measurement tool indicates that a
team of nurses lack compassion, this equates
to saying they lack a fundamental human
quality (Schantz, 2007), which could have
significant negative consequences for
individual team members.
Student nurses are assessed on their ability
to provide compassionate care in practice.
The NMC (2007) identified compassion,
along with care and communication as an
essential skills cluster that complements the
proficiencies student nurses are required to
achieve to register. The essential skills cluster
states that student nurses need to provide
competent and confidential care, treat
patients like partners and in a dignified
manner, and provide care without
discrimination in a warm, sensitive and
compassionate way.
It seems entirely appropriate for a
caring-based discipline such as nursing to
specify the fundamental elements needed for
professional practice. The problem remains
that, in the absence of clear, observable
behaviours and traits that are agreed as
reliable indicators of compassion, mentors
will struggle to make judgements about
what constitutes compassion in the next
generation of nurses.
Mentors also face the difficulty common to
all nurses of deciding what compassion really
is and, consequently, their judgements about
Portfolio Pages contain activities that
correspond to the learning objectives in
the unit. They are presented in a
convenient format for you to print out or
work through on screen and can be led
in your professional portfolio as evidence
of your learning and professional
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Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 32 Nursing Times 15 September 2009 Vol 105 No 36 18
practice guided learning
Black, S. (2008) Project to restore compassion is
transforming care, says founder. Nursing Standard; 22:
48, 10.
British Journal of Nursing (2004) Survey nds
heart of nursing is lost. British Journal of Nursing;
13: 7, 351.
Burdett Trust for Nursing (2006) Who Cares, Wins.
Leadership and the Business of Caring. London: Burdett
Trust for Nursing.
Carvel, J. (2008) Nurses to be rated on how
compassionate and smiley they are. The Guardian, 18 June
Corbin, J. (2008) Is caring a lost art in nursing?
International Journal of Nursing Studies; 45: 163165.
Cornwell, J., Goodrich, J. (2009) Exploring how to enable
compassionate care in hospital to improve patient
experience. Nursing Times; 105: 15, advance online
Department of Health (2009) The NHS Constitution: the
NHS Belongs to Us All. London: DH.
Department of Health (2008) High Quality Care for All:
NHS Next Stage Review Final Report. London: DH.
Dietze, E.V., Orb, A. (2000) Compassionate care: a
moral dimension in nursing. Nursing Inquiry; 7: 3,
Fenton, E., Mitchell, T. (2002) Growing old with
dignity: a concept analysis. Nursing Older People; 14:
4, 1921.
Johnson, M. (2008) Can compassion be taught? Nursing
Standard; 23: 11, 1921.
NMC (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct,
Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. London:
NMC (2007) Essential Skills Clusters (ESCs) for
Pre-registration Nursing Programmes. London: NMC.
National Nursing Research Unit (2008) High quality
nursing care what is it and how can we best ensure its
delivery? Policy+; Issue 13, October 2008.
Pearcey, P. (2007) Tasks and routines in 21st century
nursing: student nurses perceptions. British Journal of
Nursing; 16: 5, 296300.
Proctor, S. (2000) Caring for Health. London: Macmillan.
RCN (2008) Dignity. London: RCN.
Roach, M.S. (2002) Caring, The Human Mode of Being:
a Blueprint for the Health Professions. Ottawa: Canadian
Hospital Association Press.
Schantz, M. (2007) Compassion: a concept analysis.
Nursing Forum; 42: 2, 4855.
The NHS Information Centre for Health and
Social Care (2009) Indicators for Quality Improvement.
Leeds: NHS Information Centre.
Torjuul, K. et al (2007) Compassion and responsibility in
surgical care. Nursing Ethics; 14: 4, 522534.
Woodward, V.M. (1997) Professional caring: a
contradiction in terms? Journal of Advanced Nursing;
26: 9991004.
Wright, S. (2004) Say goodbye to core values. Nursing
Standard; 18: 34, 2223.
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A practical guide to delivering compassionate nursing care
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Jocelyn Cornwell, Director Point of Care Programme
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Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 33 18 Nursing Times 22 September 2009 Vol 105 No 37
lack of experience in
challenging clinical situations.
Tweddell (2007) suggested
that compassion develops
with experience. More
experienced surgical nurses
reported that being close to
patients and relatives and
witnessing their suffering
allowed practitioners to see in
a compassionate way (Torjuul et al, 2007).
Knowlden (1998) suggested that
experience influences nurses ability to be
caring, as student nurses said they were often
overwhelmed by the working environment.
Therefore, it could be not the amount of
clinical experience but the length of time it
takes nurses to acclimatise which is
important. Support mechanisms such as
preceptorship and clinical supervision may
have a role in facilitating compassionate care.
Wright (2004) argued that personal,
professional and healthcare agendas seem to
draw us ever further away from the heart of
nursing. He suggested that activities
considered to be intellectually demanding,
such as managerial and technical aspects of
care, are perceived as more important than
hands-on care. Managerial and technical
functions are more likely to be carried out by
more senior or experienced nurses, drawing
them away from direct care, whereas newly
qualified nurses will have comparatively
fewer of these responsibilities.
Pearceys (2007) study offers some support
for Wrights views. Student nurses said that
qualified nurses mainly cared for patients
medical needs, with the core element of
nursing delegated to junior practitioners.
Many years ago, a task-centred approach
to organising care was proposed as a possible
defence mechanism against the anxiety that a
more interpersonal style of working creates
(Menzies, 1970). This may offer some insight
into the behaviour of nurses who seek refuge
in form filling and other activities not
directly related to care.
Factors that inhibit compassionate care
cannot be considered in
isolation. As one student
nurse explained: A lot of the
time, staff would probably
like to spend more time
caring for patients, however
with staffing levels as they are,
nursing priorities are more to
ensure that patients medical
needs are met first, then if
there is time the nurse can work on going
beyond what is expected (Pearcey, 2007).
This indicates a belief that, at a basic level,
nurses role is to attend to medical needs,
with additional care viewed as optional.
Caring for others may have a personal cost
for nurses, and the effect of helping or
wanting to help others who are traumatised
or suffering can result in compassion fatigue
(Absolon and Krueger, 2009).
Nurses need to be aware of strategies, both
individual and organisational, that can limit
the impact of working with suffering. A
supportive and caring working environment
(Stewart, 2009) and access to supervision are
examples of organisational provision, with
rest, diet, exercise, personal relationships and
spiritual support as aspects that individuals
can focus on (Absolon and Krueger, 2009).
Cultural factors
Exactly why society expects nurses to be
compassionate is not clear, although this may
be related to the professions religious origins
and because most care is usually provided by
family or friends with whom we have
emotional attachments (Woodward, 1997).
Patients assume that nurses will provide
compassionate care. However, once this
becomes the norm, there may be a danger
that it will become devalued or hidden.
Compassion is an individual and natural
response to the suffering of a fellow human.
Attempts by nurses to overtly display this
quality could mean it becomes
institutionalised, lacking any real feeling and
ultimately worth less (Salvage, 2006).
Cultural changes can influence nursing, or
Exploring the professional, personal, cultural and educational factors that
inuence compassionate care, and how nurse educators can encourage it
Compassion in nursing 2: factors that inuence
compassionate care in clinical practice
AUTHORS Neil Davison, BN, DipN, FETC,
Cert Ed, ONC, RGN, is lecturer and teaching
fellow; Katherine Williams, MA, AdvDipEd,
DipN, Cert Ed, RGN, is lecturer; both at
Bangor University.
ABSTRACT Davison, N., Williams, K. (2009)
Compassion in nursing 2: factors that
influence compassionate care in clinical
practice. Nursing Times; 105: 37, 18-19.
This second in a two-part unit on
compassion examines the factors that
influence the use of this quality in daily
clinical practice. Part 1 examined the
concept of compassion and how to identify
and measure it.
Describe factors that can
inuence the provision of
compassionate care.
Outline activities that
student nurses could do to
develop compassionate skills.
practice guided learning
Caring for others is a fundamental part of
nursing practice (Corbin, 2008).
It is difficult to imagine that nurses would
not want to be compassionate to patients,
but some factors interfere with good
intentions and prevent them from being
translated into actions.
Issues that may inhibit compassion in
everyday nursing practice can be classified as
professional, cultural and personal.
Professional factors
The availability and use of time can influence
compassionate care. Pearcey (2007) studied
third year student nurses perceptions of
clinical practice and, unsurprisingly, lack of
time was seen to equate with lack of care.
There are suggestions that newly qualified
graduate nurses acquire knowledge from
textbooks, which ill equips them for clinical
practice (Tweddell, 2007), limiting their
ability to provide compassionate care. This
criticism fails to acknowledge that, on
pre-registration courses, half the education
takes place in clinical practice.
Torjuul et al (2007) found experienced
surgical nurses questioned the ability of
newly qualified practitioners to be as
compassionate as more experienced
colleagues, but this view was based on their
Nursing Times Leadership Supplement 34 19 Nursing Times 22 September 2009 Vol 105 No 37
Absolon, P., Krueger, C. (2009) Compassion fatigue
nursing support group in ambulatory care gynaecological/
oncology nursing. Society of Nurse Oncologists; 19:
1, 1619.
Castledine, G. (2004) Role of hospital nursing in promoting
patient recovery. British Journal of Nursing; 13: 7, 353.
Corbin, J. (2008) Is caring a lost art in nursing?
International Journal of Nursing Studies; 45, 163165.
Hunter, B. (2004) The importance of emotional
intelligence. British Journal of Midwifery; 12: 10, 604605.
Koerner, J.G. (2007) Healing Presence: the Essence of
Nursing. New York, NY: Springer.
Knowlden, V. (1998) The Communication of Caring in
Nursing. Indianapolis, IN: Center Nursing Press.
Kralik, D. et al (1997) Engagement and detachment:
understanding patients experiences with nursing. Journal
of Advanced Nursing; 26: 399407.
Menzies, I.E.P. (1970) The Functioning of Social Systems
as a Defence Against Anxiety: Report on a Study of the
Nursing Service of a General Hospital. London: Tavistock
Institute of Marital Studies.
Pearcey, P. (2007) Tasks and routines in 21st century
nursing: student nurses perceptions. British Journal of
Nursing; 16: 5, 296300.
Salvage, J. (2006) Its the action that counts. Nursing
Standard; 20: 49, 2023.
Salvage, J. (2004) The call to nurture. Nursing Standard;
19: 10: 1617.
Schantz, M. (2007) Compassion: a concept analysis.
Nursing Forum; 42: 2, 4855.
Stewart, D.W. (2009) Casualties of war: compassion
fatigue and healthcare providers. MEDSURG Nursing;
18: 2, 9194.
Torjuul, K. et al (2007) Compassion and responsibility in
surgical care. Nursing Ethics; 14: 4, 522534.
Tweddell, L. (2007) Compassion on the curriculum.
Nursing Times; 103: 38, 1819.
Woodward, V.M. (1997) Professional caring: a
contradiction in terms? Journal of Advanced Nursing;
26: 9991004.
Wright, S. (2004) Say goodbye to core values. Nursing
Standard; 18: 34, 2223.
nursing may mirror cultural changes. The
view of the profession as a calling or vocation
is now somewhat outdated and likely to be
associated with Nightingales idea of service.
Today, the word vocation is frequently
used to mean career, yet originally it meant
calling, particularly to a religious way of life.
As religious values have become more
marginalised in society, so too caring may
have moved to a more peripheral position in
nursing culture (Woodward, 1997).
The decline in the original vocational
nature of nursing might be related to the
development of a scientific basis for
healthcare (Salvage, 2004). This change may
also be reflected by the vocabulary used in
nursing, where compassion has been
superseded by the use of words such as
caring and empathy. Early nurse leaders
viewed compassion as a fundamental quality
of a nurse (Schantz, 2007).
Science and technology have both been
linked to the decline in the caring nature of
some nurses. There are concerns that some
nurses apply their skills to machines and
systems, rather than provide care for patients
(Knowlden, 1998).
A great deal of nursing is practised in
hospitals, which have their own culture.
There have been substantial changes in
hospitals over recent years and the resulting
increase in pressures may have had a
negative effect on the compassion shown by
some nurses (Tweddell, 2007).
Personal factors
Koerner (2007) felt the personal philosophy
of nurses forms the root of compassion,
arguing that an ability to see how living
beings are related and involved with each
other is the foundation for compassionate
care. She saw compassion for others as an
active involvement, not a passive position,
but cautioned that compassion for others
begins with kindness to oneself.
Personal beliefs are likely to have a
considerable impact on the professional life
of individual nurses, and it is worrying that
some believe they should embrace and
develop technical medical skills at the cost of
caring (Castledine, 2004).
Nurse educators may be in a position to take
the lead in helping to ensure that student
nurses are given opportunities to develop
compassion in clinical practice.
If asked at interview, potential student
nurses often say they have a concern for
others and want to care for people.
Assuming these sentiments are truthful,
nurse educators have a responsibility to
nurture and develop these individuals,
enabling them to become compassionate
registered nurses. This might be achieved by
exploring how students are assessed, both
theoretically and clinically. The NMC clearly
indicates that compassion is an attribute
required of nurses, but it is left to educators
to determine how and where it is developed
and assessed.
It is possible that educators have focused
on preparing highly skilled nurses, but have
not allowed enough time to help them to
develop fundamental caring skills. The
increased focus on academic preparation for
nurses may have resulted in the academic
level of assignments taking centre stage. It is
also easier to assess academic skills.
Designing assessments that measure ability
to analyse the wholeness and complexities of
practice presents challenges, and simply may
not be academic enough in some eyes.
Mentors are in a good position to decide
whether a student is compassionate in
practice, but they are likely to need
considerable support and guidance from
nurse educators about how to detect the
presence of compassion.
One solution could be to allow student
nurses to appreciate the realities of receiving
care by recording a journal or log of a
patients feeling and emotions in effect,
using the patient and her or his experience to
identify compassion in nurses.
Mentor assessment of student nurses could
be guided by Kralik et als (1997) research,
which explored patient perceptions of
pre-operative care. In this study, patients
categorised nurses as engaged nurses or
detached nurses, identifying the qualities
of the former as friendly and warm, gentle,
and compassionate and kind, all attributes
essential to develop in student nurses.
It is vital that nurses, whether in practice,
education or leadership positions, engage in
the debate about defining and
communicating the role of compassion
in nursing.
Without involvement from frontline
nurses facing the daily challenge of providing
compassionate care, nursing may have a
target-driven view of this concept placed on
it. This will mean that nurses and educators
will have to continue to tolerate the current
focus on achievement of competencies, and a
tick box approach to measuring
performance (Hunter, 2004). l
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