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Suga Electron (M) SDN BHD V Koon Seng SDN BH

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Malayan Law Journal Unreported/2011/Volume /Suga Electron (M) Sdn Bd ! "oon Seng Sdn Bd # $2011%
MLJU &&2 # 2& Septem'er 2011
$2011% MLJU &&2
Suga Electron (M) Sdn Bhd v Koon Seng Sdn Bhd
CI!IL SUIT "O ##$%# O& #''(
#) Se*te+,er #'%%
GF Nelson (Kee Tong Kiak with him) (Chee Siah Lee Kee) for the plaintiff.
Tan Koon Heo (KH Tan & Co) for the defendant.
U+- Kalthu+ .
1( )e Pla*nt*++,- cla*m aga*n-t te .e+endant *- *n negl*gence and +or damage- +or te -um o+
/MS0&1002&3(00 and or general damage- to 'e a--e--ed0 *ntere-t and co-t-(
B/ &ACTS .
2( )e Pla*nt*++ and .e+endant are l*m*ted compan*e- carry*ng on te*r re-pect*!e 'u-*ne-- at "awa-an
Per*ndu-tr*an )ang4a40 )ang4a40 Joor were te*r +actor*e- are located ad5acent to eac and are a'out 100
metre- +rom eac oter(
3( )e Pla*nt*++ -tarted *t- +actory operat*on- +or te a--em'l*ng o+ pr*nted c*rcu*t 'oard- *n May 1116( 7rom
an *n*t*al 12 # l*ne -ur+ace mount tecnology mac*ne-0 te Pla*nt*++ ad *ncrea-ed to a 12 # l*ne -ur+ace mount
tecnology mac*ne- *n 2000(
8( )e .e+endant -tarted operat*ng a ru''er glo!e ma4*ng +actory -*nce 2001 and te +actory operated on a
28#our 9 day- a wee4 'a-*-(
2( :t *- common ground tat te .e+endant ad engaged te -er!*ce- o+ an *ndependent contractor 'y te
name o+ .r*lco )ecnolog*e- (M) Sdn( Bd( ( ;.r*lco;) to dr*ll0 con-truct0 'u*ld and ma4e ready a tu'ewell *n
te .e+endant,- +actory prem*-e- *n Marc 2002( :t *- al-o agreed tat te .e+endant d*d pump underground
water troug te tu'ewell(
6( )e Pla*nt*++ alleged tat te .e+endant ad a'-tracted water +rom underground and tere'y cau-*ng
dewater*ng to te -u'terranean -o*l o+ te Pla*nt*++,- ad5o*n*ng land( )e ground and +loor -ettlement o+ te0
Pla*nt*++,- +actory a- a re-ult o+ te dewater*ng re-ulted *n crac4- appear*ng *n 2003 on te wall- o+ te
Pla*nt*++,- +actory and gap- at te 5o*nt- o+ apron- and wall-0 +loor and column-(
9( Pla*nt*++ wrote letter dated 6(2(2003 (page 3630 :.) to te )ang4a4 Land <++*ce to compla*n a'out te +loor
-ettlement( V*de letter dated 8(9(2003 (page 2190 :.) to te .e+endant0 te Pla*nt*++,- -ol*c*tor- alleged tat
te .e+endant ad comm*tted dangerou-0 *llegal and / or *rre-pon-*'le and negl*gent act- *n e=tract*ng large
!olume- o+ deep underground water and tere'y ad cau-ed great damage w*c wa- ten -t*ll cont*nu*ng(
By te -ame letter0 te .e+endant wa- g*!en not*ce and demand to +ortw*t -top te -a*d dangerou-
operat*on-0 +a*l*ng w*c legal act*on would 'e *n-t*tuted( V*de Pla*nt*++- -ol*c*tor-, letter dated 31(3(2002
(page 2210 :.)0 te Pla*nt*++ cla*med te -um o+ /M30&1002&3(00 +or damage- and lo--e- -u++ered a- a re-ult
o+ te .e+endant,- -a*d dangerou-0 *llegal and / or negl*gent act-0 w*c ten culm*nated *n te Pla*nt*++
*n-t*tut*ng t*- act*on aga*n-t te .e+endant(
&( :t *- te .e+endant,- ca-e tat e!en toug 'ot o+ te Pla*nt*++- and .e+endant,- +actor*e- are ad5acent to
eac oter0 'ut *n actual +act tey are >u*te a d*-tance +rom eac oter( 7urter *t *- te .e+endant,- r*gt to
Page 3
pump underground water *n *t- own prem*-e-( )e .e+endant den*ed tat *t wa- negl*gent *n pump*ng te
underground water a- *t ad ta4en all rea-ona'le -tep- to engage .r**co to dr*ll te well( Moreo!er0 te
.e+endant ad -topped around 2002 u-*ng te underground water +or *t- ru''er glo!e- product*on a+ter *t
ad +ound tat te -a*d water >ual*ty wa- not conduc*!e to 'e u-ed *n ru''er glo!e- product*on( )e
.e+endant *n-tead ad u-ed -*nce ten and *- -t*ll u-*ng water -uppl*ed 'y Syar*4at ?*r Joor Sdn( Bd(
(;S?J;)( )e .e+endant *n-tead alleged tat any -u'-*dence o+ te Pla*nt*++- +actory +loor *- due to te
Pla*nt*++- un-ta'le +actory 'u*ld*ng -tructure *t-el+( )e .e+endant tere+ore prayed +or te Pla*nt*++- cla*m 'e
d*-m*--ed w*t co-t-(
1( <n te la-t day o+ te +ull tr*al (10(12(2010)0 te @ourt ad5ourned te , matter to 10(1(2011 +or ment*on( )e
learned .e+endant,- coun-el ten ad *n+ormed te @ourt tat part*e- would l*4e to -ettle te ca-e am*ca'ly(
)e 10(1(2011 date +or ment*on wa- +*=ed +or part*e- to *n+orm te @ourt weter tey ad -ettled te matter
or not( <n 10(1(20110 wen te matter wa- called up +or ment*on0 part*e- re>ue-ted more t*me to con-*der
propo-al +or -ettlement and +or -u'm*--*on- to 'e de+erred( )e @ourt ten +*=ed 28(1(2011 +or ment*on(
Aen te matter wa- called up +or ment*on on 28(1(20110 and -*nce part*e- +a*led to -ettle te matter and
ad a-4ed +or t*me to +*le te*r -u'm*--*on-0 te @ourt +*=ed 12(8(2011 +or dec*-*on to 'e , del*!ered( <n
21(3(2011 and 'e+ore te date +or te dec*-*on0 te matter wa- called up +or te @ourt to ear te Pla*nt*++,-
enclo-ure 92 appl*cat*on to amend te Statement o+ @la*m( ?- te .e+endant,- coun-el ad no o'5ect*on to
te appl*cat*on0 te @ourt allowed te Pla*nt*++- appl*cat*on w*t co-t- at /M300/# to te .e+endant0 and te
.e+endant wa- allowed to +*le ?mended Statement o+ .e+ence and te Pla*nt*++ wa- al-o allowed to +*le
?mended /eply *+ nece--ary( )e @ourt ten +*=ed 12(2(2011 +or ment*on +or t*- purpo-e(
10( <n 12(2(20110 wen te matter wa- called up +or ment*on0 te @ourt wa- *n+ormed tat te part*e- ad
agreed +or te @ourt to dec*de on te *--ue o+ l*a'*l*tyB tat *+ te @ourt +*nd- +or te Pla*nt*++0 te part*e- ad
agreed +or a--e--ment o+ damage- 'e eard 'e+ore te learned .eputy /eg*-trar( <n te -ame date0 te
.e+endant ad +*led an appl*cat*on *n enclo-ure &8 +or perm*--*on to recall and cro--#e=am*ne +urter te
w*tne--e- to te ca-e to contrad*ct te allegat*on o+ negl*gence w*c wa- pleaded *n te ?mended
Statement o+ @la*m a+ter te part*e- ad clo-ed te*r re-pect*!e ca-e( : d*-m*--ed te -a*d enclo-ure &8
appl*cat*on w*t co-t- o+ /M200/# *n te cau-e 'y rea-on tat te .e+endant -ould not 'e allowed to reopen
te tr*al *n order to ;repa*r; .e+endant,- ca-e w*c ad already concluded( )at dec*-*on *- now te -u'5ect
matter o+ an appeal 'y te .e+endant to te @ourt o+ ?ppeal( Cot w*-*ng to delay t*- matter any +urter0 :
a!e dec*ded to del*!er my dec*-*on on te -u'-tant*!e cla*m(
11( )e part*e- ad agreed to 8 *--ue- to 'e determ*ned 'y te @ourt a- +ollow-D
11(1 weter te Pla*nt*++ a- a cau-e o+ act*onB
11(2 weter te .e+endant owe- a duty o+ care to te Pla*nt*++ to en-ure tat te pump*ng o+ underground
water would not 5eopard*-e te +oundat*on o+ te Pla*nt*++- land and cau-e te Pla*nt*++- land to -u'-*deB
11(3 weter te -ettlement and te crac4- on te Pla*nt*++,- +actory 'u*ld*ng wa- cau-ed 'y te .e+endant,-
a'-tract*on o+ underground waterB
11(8 weter te Pla*nt*++ a- -u++ered lo--0 and *+ ye-0 te amount o+ damage-(
12( 7or te purpo-e o+ my dec*-*on0 : need only addre-- te +*r-t 3 *--ue- a- part*e- ad agreed +or te @ourt
to determ*ne te *--ue o+ l*a'*l*ty w*l-t damage- would 'e a--e--ed 'y te learned .eputy /eg*-trar(
E. Whether the Plaintiff has a cause of action:
13( :n *t- ?mended Statement o+ @la*m te Pla*nt*++ alleged tat a- te , Pla*nt*++- prem*-e- *- 'e-*de te
.e+endant,- prem*-e- te .e+endant owed te Pla*nt*++ te duty o+ care to en-ure te Pla*nt*++- land d*d not
loo-e *t- -upport at te mater*al t*me (paragrap 3)( )at te .e+endant ad 'reaced *t- duty o+ care to te
Pla*nt*++ and wa- negl*gent wen te .e+endant ad pumped out underground water +rom *t- land and
tere'y cau-ed te underground water le!el *n te Pla*nt*++,- land to +all0 w*c *n turn ad cau-ed te
Pla*nt*++,- land to loo-e *t- -upport( )e part*cular- o+ te .e+endant,- negl*gence wa- -tated a- #
Page 8
13(1 te .e+endant +a*led to carry out -o*l *n!e-t*gat*on 'e+ore pump*ng out te underground waterB
13(2 te .e+endant ad pumped out te underground water were *t 4now*ngly or -ould a!e 4nown tat 'y
a'-tract*ng te underground water would cau-e te underground water le!el to drop (dewater*ng) and
tere'y re-ult*ng *n -ettlement o+ te Pla*nt*++,- land a- aga*n-t *t- +actoryB
13(3 te -ettlement o+ te Pla*nt*++,- land ad re-ulted *n te -u'-*dence o+ te +oundat*on o+ te Pla*nt*++,-
+actory and crac4- and gap- appear*ng *n te Pla*nt*++,- +actory -*nce end o+ 2003 (paragrap- 8?0 20
?mended Statement o+ @la*m)(
)e amendment wa- made to te Statement o+ @la*m *n order to ma4e te Pla*nt*++,- cla*m more clear(
18( : agree w*t te -u'm*--*on o+ te learned coun-el +or te Pla*nt*++ tat *t *- clear +rom te unamended
Statement o+ @la*m tat te Pla*nt*++- ca-e *- +ounded on te law o+ negl*gence0 e!en 'e+ore te Statement o+
@la*m wa- amended on 21(3(2011( )e :--ue- +or .eterm*nat*on (enclo-ure 36) were -ettled 'etween te
part*e- on 2(10(20010 w*c -ow clearly tat t*- ca-e *- 'a-ed on negl*gence( : agree w*t te Pla*nt*++-
coun-el,- -u'm*--*on tat te part*e- ad proceeded w*t te tr*al on te *--ue- o+ weter te .e+endant
owe- a duty o+ care to te Pla*nt*++ and0 weter te Pla*nt*++ a- -u++ered lo-- and damage0 'e*ng te
element- o+ a cau-e o+ act*on *n negl*gence( Learned coun-el +or te .e+endant ad not at any t*me o'5ected
to te e!*dence adduced at te tr*al a- 'e*ng *nadm*--*'le 'y rea-on o+ *t not 'e*ng pleaded(
12( :n te Supreme @ourt ca-e o+ Su*er-ntendent o+ Land- and Sur!ey-0 8t i!ision and "nor ! Hamit #.
$at%sin and & 'rs $1118% 3 @LJ 2690 Pe Swee @*n S@J0 (del*!er*ng te @ourt,- dec*-*on) eld at page 291
; )e underly*ng well#4nown rat*onale +or re>u*r*ng -uc mater*al +act- to 'e pleaded *-0 o+ cour-e0 to pre!ent te
oppo-*ng party +rom 'e*ng ta4en 'y -urpr*-e 'y e!*dence w*c depart- +rom pleaded mater*al +act-0 +or -uc e!*dence
*+ allowed0 w*ll pre5ud*ce and em'ara-- or m*-lead te oppo-*ng party(
:+ a party *- ta4en 'y -urpr*-e0 e mu-t o'5ect ten and tere at te po*nt o+ t*me wen -uc e!*dence emerge-0 +or -uc
e!*dence to 'e d*-regarded 'y te @ourt0 and te @ourt w*ll ten upold -uc t*mely o'5ect*on( )e @ourt w*ll generally
owe!er grant an ad5ournment *+ re>ue-ted0 on -u*ta'le term- a- to co-t- etc( +or te plead*ng to 'e amended 'y te
party -ee4*ng to adduce -uc e!*dence( <ne mu-t 'ear *n m*nd te need +or an orderly ad!er-ary -y-tem o+ a @ourt
tr*al0 not a caot*c arangue *n a mar4et place( ? party *- not ta4en 'y -urpr*-e wen te c*rcum-tance- actually
*nd*cate -o0 e(g( wen -uc e!*dence *- te !ery e!*dence -ougt to 'e rel*ed on 'y *m +rom te out-et0 or wen e
+a*l- to o'5ect to -uc e!*dence ten and tere a- t*- @ourt now -ee4- to empa-*-e(
Ae ne=t deal w*t te +act tat -uc e!*dence wa- not o'5ected to t*meou-ly a- 'e*ng *nadm*--*'le on account o+ *t-
'e*ng at !ar*ance w*t plead*ng(
Eenerally *n c*!*l ca-e- only0 'ot part*e- can !al*date any mode o+ adduc*ng e!*dence 'y con-ent0 e=pre-- or *n+erred0
e!en wen -uc mode *- *rregular0 +or any *rregular*ty *- deemed to 'e wa*!ed 'y -uc con-ent( )ecn*cal rule- o+
e!*dence can 'e to a l*m*ted e=tent0 e!en d*-pen-ed w*t 'y a @ourt w*tout -uc con-ent al-o(((B -*m*larly w*t
tecn*cal rule- o+ procedure( )ere+ore wen -uc e!*dence repre-ent- a departure +rom plead*ng0 *t -ould 'e
o'5ected to a- wen and were *t *- adduced0 and *t w*ll 'e too late wen *t only o'5ected to later on0 a- *n te +*nal
-u'm*--*on at te clo-e o+ e!*dence((( :n te-e c*rcum-tance-0 te party +ac*ng -uc e!*dence at !ar*ance +rom
plead*ng0 'y +a*l*ng to o'5ect cannot 'e -a*d to 'e ta4en 'y -urpr*-ed0 pre5ud*ced0 m*-led or em'arra--ed( <terw*-e0
te oter -*de o+ te co*n would 'e0 *n te e!ent o+ -uc o'5ect*on ra*-ed at te -tage o+ +*nal -u'm*--*on 'e*ng
accepted 'y te @ourt0 tat party adduc*ng -uc e!*dence may +ace te great r*-4 o+ 'e*ng den*ed lea!e to amend *-
plead*ng *n >ue-t*on at tat -tage(
Suc e!*dence wen g*!en w*tout any o'5ect*on 'y te oppo-*ng party w*ll +urter a!e te e++ect o+ cur*ng te
a'-ence o+ -uc plea *n te rele!ant plead*ng0 *n oter word-0 te e++ect o+ o!ercom*ng -uc de+ect *n -uc plead*ng-(
?- wa- -tated 'y 7ederal @ourt *n "ng Koon Ka% and "nor ! La% (iang Ngong $11&8% 2 MLJ 2990 7(@( at page 29&D
E!*dence g*!en at te tr*al can tere+ore *n appropr*ate c*rcum-tance- o!ercome de+ect- *n te plead*ng- were te net
re-ult o+ -uc e!*dence *- to pre!ent te oter -*de +rom 'e*ng ta4en 'y -urpr*-e( ;
16( )e learned .e+endant,- coun-el ad re+erred to paragrap 8 o+ te unamended Statement o+ @la*m and
-u'm*tted tat 'y tat paragrap 80 te Pla*nt*++ alleged tat te .e+endant ad 'reaced te*r -tatutory duty0
and tat no were *n te plead*ng te Pla*nt*++ ad alleged te tort o+ negl*gence w*t te re>u*-*te part*cular-(
)ere+ore0 *t wa- -u'm*tted tat te @ourt cannot 'e a-4ed to dec*de on -uc unpleaded tort o+ negl*gence( :
+*nd tat te learned coun-el ad co-en to g*!e a narrow *nterpretat*on o+ te -a*d paragrap 8 and
under-tand*ng *t out o+ conte=t o+ te plead*ng !*- oter paragrap- 'e+ore and a+ter *t( My under-tand*ng o+
Page 2
te unamended , paragrap 3 read togeter w*t paragrap- 80 2 and 6 con!ey te mean*ng tat te
Pla*nt*++- allegat*on aga*n-t te .e+endant can only 'e *n te tort o+ negl*gence0 al'e*t te part*cular- o+
negl*gence are not -tated( : >uote te rele!ant paragrap- a- +ollow-D
1 ; 3( Pada -et*ap ma-a mater*al0 .e+endan adala terleta4 'er-e'elaan dengan Pla*nt*+(
2 8( Pada atau -e4*tar pada 'ulan ?pr*l 20030 .e+endan tela -ecara menyala undang#undang0
mengepam a*r tana gal*an dar*pada per*g*#per*g* d* prem*- .e+endan yang terleta4 d* 'ela4ang
-yar*4at Pla*nt*++ untu4 4egunaan .e+endan -end*r*(
3 2( Lan5utan dar*pada t*nda4an#t*nda4an .e+endan ter-e'ut0 tana d* ata- mana Pla*nt*++ 'eropera-*
(-elepa- *n* d*ru5u4 -e'aga* ;artana Pla*nt*+ ter-e'ut;) tela tenggelam0 4*lang Pla*nt*++ dan a-a-
tapa4 (;+oundat*on;) prem*- Pla*nt*+ tela tenggelam dan reta4an#reta4an -erta 5urang#5urang tela
muncul d* 'anya4 'aag*an d* 4*lang Pla*nt*+ -e5a4 a4*rtaun 2003(;
Paragrap 8 certa*nly d*d not con!ey te mean*ng tat te Pla*nt*++ alleged te .e+endant ad 'reaced *t-
-tatutory duty( )ere wa- no ment*on o+ ;tanggung5awa' -tatutor*; *n paragrap 8 at all(
19( 7or te rea-on- -tated a'o!e0 : +*nd tat te Pla*nt*++ a- a cau-e o+ act*on aga*n-t te .e+endant(
F. Whether the Defendant owes a duty of care to the Plaintiff to ensure that the pumping of
underground water would not jeopardise the foundation of the Plaintiff's land and cause the
Plaintiff's land to subside.
1&( :t wa- -u'm*tted +or te .e+endant tat0 'a-ed on te Engl*- autor*t*e- *n te ca-e- o+ #radford Corp. !
(i)kles $1&12#1% ?ll E(/( /ep(1&8 (F(L()0 Chasemore ! *i)hards $1&83#60% ?ll E/ /ep 990Lang+rook
(roperties Ltd ! S%rre, Co%nt, Co%n)il $1190% 1 A(L(/( 1610 andStephens ! "nglian -ater "%thorit, $11&9% 3
?ll E(/( 391 (@(?()0 tere *- no duty o+ care owed on te part o+ te .e+endant *n a'-tract*ng te underground
water to *t- ne*g'our-( )at te pr*nc*ple- o+ te common law are appl*ca'le to t*- ca-e0 tat *-0 te Engl*-
ca-e law( )*- *-0 'ecau-e -ect*on 88 (1)((a) o+ te Cat*onal Land @ode0 w*c -tate- tat any per-on to
wom land *- al*enated *- ent*tled to te e=clu-*!e u-e and en5oyment o+ -o muc o+ te column o+ a-r1*ace
a'o!e te -ur+ace o+ te land0 and -o muc o+ te land 'elow tat -ur+ace a- *- rea-ona'ly nece--ary to te
law+ul u-e and en5oyment o+ land0 *- 'a-ed -u'-tant*ally on common law pr*nc*ple- accord*ng to te autor-
)eo "eang Sood and "aw La4e )ee *n te 'oo4 ent*tled ;Land Law *n Malay-*a # @a-e- and @ommentary;0
Second Ed*t*on0 Butterwort-0 11120 page 113(
11( )e Pla*nt*++,- coun-el ac4nowledged te common law pr*nc*ple- a- la*d down 'y te Engl*- ca-e o+
Acton v Blundell 12 MGA 322B 122 E/ 1223 were )*ndal @(J( eld at page 1232 tat #
;((( we t*n4 te pre-ent ca-e((( *- not to 'e go!erned 'y te law w*c appl*e- to r*!er- and +low*ng -tream-0 'ut tat *t
rater +all- w*t*n tat pr*nc*ple0 w*c g*!e- to te owner o+ te -o*l all tat l*e- 'eneat *- -ur+aceB tat te land
*mmed*ately 'elow *- *- property0 weter *t *- -ol*d roc40 or porou- ground0 or !enou- eart0 or part -o*l0 part waterB
tat te per-on wo own- te -ur+ace may d*g tere*n0 and apply all tat *- tere +ound to *- own purpo-e- at *- +ree
w*ll and plea-ureB and tat *+0 *n te e=erc*-e o+ tat r*gt0 e *ntercept- or dra*n- o++ te water collected +rom
underground -pr*ng- *n *- ne*g'our,- well0 t*- *ncon!en*ence to *- ne*g'our +all- w*t*n te de-cr*pt*on o+ danum
a'->ue *n5ur*a0 w*c cannot 'ecome te ground o+ an act*on(;
)e ca-e o+ Chasemore ! *i)hards (-upra) appl*ed te pr*nc*ple o+ Acton v BlundellB te -ame pr*nc*ple
wa- appl*ed *n te oter Engl*- ca-e- c*ted 'y te .e+endant,- coun-el(
20( Be tat a- *t may0 te pr*nc*ple- enunc*ated *n te Engl*- ca-e- are no longer good law *n Malay-*a( :n
te @ourt o+ ?ppeal ca-e o+ Kris "ngsana Sdn. #hd. ! .% Sim Ch%an and "nor $2009% 8 @LJ 213 *t wa- eld
'y Sur*yad* J@? (a- e ten wa-)0 *n del*!er*ng te dec*-*on o+ te @ourt0 at page 313 tat #
1 ; $36% A*t re-pect to te arca*c !*ew o+ ?cton ! Blundell te real*t*e- o+ modern l*+e mu-t not
'e d*-counted( F*g den-*ty o+ populat*on *n popular re-*dent*al area- *n Malay-*a *- now te
norm( Fou-e- may a!e to 'e 'u*lt !ery clo-e to eac oter0 at t*me- on *lltop-0 or e!en
ugg*ng to-e -lope-( )o allow te *ncom*ng new ou-e owner are contractor to ta4e away te
ground -upport o+ ad5acent 'u*ld*ng-0 5u-t*+y*ng -uc act- on natural u-er o+ *- land0 and
terea+ter 'lam*ng gra!*ty and -o*l -u'-*dence (or de#water*ng) a- an operat*on o+ te law- o+
Page 6
nature0 *- not *n -ync w*t real*ty( Ae are no more a -oc*ety tat l*!e- m*le- apart l*4e te olden
day-0 'ut *n one were a -neeHe *- ne!er out o+ te ne*g'our,- ear-otB and were l*4ew*-e
unrea-ona'le act*!*t*e- may touc te l*+e o+ a ne*g'our( )o deny te r*gt- o+ ne*g'our-0 and
allow a wrongdoer to wrea4 a!oc and eartace0 would m*l*tate aga*n-t te !ery +a'r*c o+
modern l*+e and collect*!e *deology o+ a mult*#+aceted -oc*ety( :n a nut-ell te ca-e o+ ?cton !
Blundell would 'e out o+ 4eep*ng w*t te current e=*-t*ng law o+ tort-( ?- *t -tand-0 *+ no
rea-ona'le -tep- were underta4en 'y te wrongdoer to en-ure tat no damage- would 'e+all
te ne*g'our-0 and d*d *ndeed -u++er tem0 an act*ona'le tort o+ negl*gence may awa*t *m(
2 $39% )o w*nd up te *--ue o+ lia+ilit, we tere+ore re5ect te rule propounded *n ")ton ! #l%ndell(
<n tat prem*-e0 we al-o re5ect te -tance o+ Singapore Finan)e Ltd. ! Lim Kah Ngam
(Singapore) ((te) Ltd and .%gene HL Chan "sso)iates (Third (art,)0 w*c a- adapted ")ton
! #l%ndell( )e re5ect*on o+ te latter ca-e *- not w*tout precedent( :n (%gliese ! National
Capital Commission $1199% 91 .L/ (3d) 2120 *t wa- re-ol!ed tatD
)e rule o+ Engl*- common law tat owner-*p- o+ land carr*e- te a'-olute r*gt to a'-tract or
*nter+ere w*t te +low o+ underground water0 wate!er te e++ect on te owner,- ne*g'our0
ougt not to 'e appl*ed w*tout re+erence to te modern law o+ negl*gence and nu-1ance/ A*le
te pla*nt*++- d*d not a!e an a'-olute r*gt to te -upport o+ -u'-ur+ace water0 tey d*d a!e a
r*gt not to 'e -u'5ected to *nter+erence w*t te -upport o+ -uc water were -uc *nter+erence
amounted to negl*gence or nu-1ance/;
21( Ba-ed on te autor*ty o+ Kr-1 Ang1ana Sdn/ Bhd/ v Eu S-n Chuan and Anor : rule tat te .e+endant
doe- owe a duty or care to te Pla*nt*++(
G. Whether the settlement and the cracs on the Plaintiff's factory building was caused by the
Defendant's abstraction of underground water.
22( :t *- not d*-puted tat te .e+endant ad dr*lled0 con-tructed and completed te tu'ewell on *t- prem*-e-
on 1&(3(2002( )e dept o+ te well *- 122(10 metre-0 w*c wa- adm*tted 'y S.1 a- 'e*ng !ery deep(
23( ?ccord*ng to S.20 wo *- te manag*ng d*rector o+ te .e+endant0 te .e+endant ad pumped
underground water +or 3 to 6 mont- a+ter te tu'ewell wa- completed to -a!e co-t- (.20 I G ? 22) e!en
toug te .e+endant a- water -upply +rom S?J( )e .e+endant ad only u-ed te underground water +or 3
to 6 mont- 'ecau-e *t +ound te underground water to 'e un-u*ta'le +or glo!e ma4*ng purpo-e-( )e
.e+endant tere+ore -topped u-*ng te underground water and ad clo-ed and cemented te tu'ewell ( I G
? 220 260 .2)( Fowe!er0 dur*ng cro--#e=am*nat*on0 S.2 -tated tat te tu'ewell wa- cemented *n 2002( )e
te-t*mony o+ S.2 contrad*cted tat o+ SP2 and SP8(
28( ?ccord*ng to SP20 te .e+endant d*d pump underground water +re>uently upon te complet*on o+ te
tu'ewell( :n 20020 SP2 o'-er!ed tat te .e+endant ad +re>uently pumped water at n*gt and wen te
Pla*nt*++- +actory wa- clo-ed( )*- cont*nued unt*l 2006( )e te-t*mony o+ SP2 *- -upported 'y SP8( ?ccord*ng
to SP80 e went to te .e+endant,- +actory on 19(1(2006 togeter w*t two oter o++*cer- to carry out
*n!e-t*gat*on on te compla*nt lodged 'y te Pla*nt*++( SP8 +ound tat te tu'ewell wa- not cemented up and
tat tere wa- a pump and motor *n-talled at te tu'ewell0 and tat te tu'ewell could 'e u-ed at anyt*me(
SP8 wa- not cro--#e=am*ned on t*- +act(
22( : tere+ore agree w*t te -u'm*--*on o+ te Pla*nt*++,- coun-el tat S.2 wa- not tell*ng te trut a'out te
tu'ewell 'e*ng cemented( : +*nd tat te tu'ewell wa- not cemented and tat te .e+endant wa- -t*ll u-*ng
te tu'ewell to pump underground water unt*l at te !ery lea-t 2006( :t *- -*gn*+*cant to me tat wen te
Pla*nt*++- coun-el wrote te letter o+ demand dated 8(9(2003 (:.0 page 219)0 te .e+endant +a*led to re-pond
to *t( :+ *t wa- true tat te .e+endant ad -topped u-*ng te underground water a+ter # 6 mont- and ad
cemented te tu'ewell0 t*- would mean tat te t*me +rame would 'e *n Septem'er 2002( )ere wa-
tere+ore no rea-on wy te .e+endant ad not repl*ed to te Pla*nt*++,- letter o+ demand 'y categor*cally
deny*ng te Pla*nt*++- allegat*on-( 7unn*ly enoug S.2 ad agreed0 dur*ng cro--#e=am*nat*on0 to te
-ugge-t*on 'y learned coun-el wen re+er*ng to page 2190 :. #
; ID J*4a 'enar 'aawa .e+endan 'erent* mengepam a*r0 -eme-t* .e+endan men5awa' mengata4an .e+endan tela
'erent* mengepam a*r( Setu5u4aJ
?D Setu5u(;
Page 9
26( SP8 ad a-4ed +or te record o+ te underground pro+*le0 te tu'ewell dr*ll*ng data and te water pump*ng
data0 'ut te .e+endant d*d not g*!e tem to *m( )*- wa- a++*rmed 'y S.2( Aen te -ame >ue-t*on- were
po-ed 'y learned Pla*nt*++,- coun-el dur*ng cro--#e=am*nat*on0 S.2 could only an-wer e wa- not -ure0 not
tat te data / record wa- non#e=*-tant( : tere+ore *n!o4e te ad!er-e *n+erence aga*n-t te .e+endant +or
+a*l*ng to produce te -ame under -ect*on 118(g) o+ te E!*dence ?ct 1120(
29( ?ccord*ng to SP20 eac +actory *- -uppl*ed w*t *ndu-tr*al water and ut*l*t*e- water 'y S?J( .ur*ng cro--#
e=am*nat*on0 S.2 te-t*+*ed tat tere are 2 water meter- *n te .e+endant,- prem*-e-( )e water '*ll-
produced 'y te .e+endant *n 'undle :. are o+ only 1 meter w*c *- te old meter Co( 200009100682( )e
old meter wa- canged to a new meter no( 201011001088 *n <cto'er 2008 # -ee page 3190 :.( )e Pla*nt*++
ad g*!en a not*ce dated 9(12(2001 (enclo-ure 86) to te .e+endant to produce te re>u*-*te water '*ll- a-
well a- te appl*cat*on +orm to S?J or oter water -uppl*er( ?nd yet wen S.2 wa- a-4ed wy te '*ll- +or te
oter meter were not produced 'y te .e+endant e repl*ed tat #
; :n* d*4endal*4an ole -et*au-aa -aya( Se4*ranya perlu -aya 'ole m*nta -et*au-aa -aya -ed*a4an(; :n
!*ew o+ te regretta'le att*tude o+ S.2 and te .e+endant toward- te pro-ecut*on o+ t*- ca-e0 : aga*n *n!o4e
te ad!er-e *n+erence aga*n-t te .e+endant under -ect*on 118(g) o+ te E!*dence ?ct +or *t- +a*lure to
produce te re>u*-*te water '*ll-(
2&( Ba-ed on te a'o!e con-*derat*on-0 : tere+ore +*nd tat te Pla*nt*++ a- -ucce--+ully pro!ed an te
'alance o+ pro'a'*l*t*e- tat te .e+endant d*d a'-tract te underground water at te mater*al t*me( : +*nd te
te-t*mony o+ S.2 o+ l*ttle pro'at*!e !alue0 a- -een +rom *- an-wer to >ue-t*on- po-ed tat e ad no
4nowledge0 could not remem'er or -*mply to deny any -ugge-t*on- po-ed(
21( ?- +or te *--ue o+ weter te -ettlement and te crac4- on te Pla*nt*++,- +actory 'u*ld*ng wa- cau-ed 'y
te .e+endant,- a'-tract*on o+ te underground water0 te Pla*nt*++ ad called SP1 a- *t- e=pert w*tne--(SP12
*- a con-ult*ng eng*neer -*nce 11&9( Fe -pec*al*-e- *n -o*l and +oundat*on eng*neer*ng( Fe a- prepared 2
report- on *n!e-t*gat*on o+ cau-e- o+ -u'-*dence o+ 'u*ld*ng- and called a- w*tne-- to te-t*+y on -ome o+ *-
report-( F*- e=pert*-e a- well a- *- +*nd*ng- on t*- matter wa- not callenged / or -er*ou-ly callenged 'y
te .e+endant( )e .e+endant d*d not call any e=pert w*tne-- to callenge SP1,- +*nd*ng-( ?- -uc SP1,-
te-t*mony *- accepted 'y me(
30( SP1 te-t*+*ed tat on 22(3(20080 e went to te Pla*nt*++,- +actory and o'-er!ed tat tere wa- e=ce--*!e
-u'-*dence( )e -u'-*dence a- re-ulted *n w*de-pread crac4- and gap- *n te ground +loor -la'0 wall- and
apron- o+ te +actory( Fe arranged +or a contractor0 )w*n Ae-t Eng*neer*ng ( ;te @ontractor ;) to dr*ll two
'oreole- at te +actory prem*-e-( 7*eld te-t- were carr*ed out *n te 'oreole-( So*l -ample- were collected
+rom te 'oreole- +or la'oratory te-t-( )e @ontractor ad *n-talled 2 water -tandp*pe- and mon*tored te
ground water le!el- *n te -tandp*pe- +or one mont( )e @ontractor cored 6 ole- *nto te product*on +loor
-la'- to reco!er te concrete cyl*nder- +or !*-ual e=am*nat*on(
31( SP3 *- @ontractor wo carr*ed out te wor4 a- e=pla*ned 'y SP1( Fe and *- -ta++ went to te Pla*nt*++-
+actory on 21(2(2008 and -tayed unt*l 2(6(2008( )ey too4 2 'oreole -ample- and 'rougt 'ac4 to "uala
Lumpur +or te-t*ng 'y So*lpro )ecn*cal Ser!*ce- Sdn( Bd( ?+ter tat tey mon*tored at d*++erent *tem-
32( )e -o*l te-t- done 'y So*lpro )ecn*cal Ser!*ce- Sdn( Bd( (, ;So*lpro;) wa- agreed 'y te part*e-0 and
learned coun-el +or te .e+endant ad agreed +or te Pla*nt*++ not to call anyone +rom So*lpro to te-t*+y on te
-o*l re-ult-(
33( ?+ter -tudy*ng te re-ult- o+ te 'oreole-0 la'oratory te-t-0 ground water le!el- and te -la' core
-ample- *n order to a-certa*n te cau-e /cau-e- o+ te -u'-*dence0 SP1 perepared a report on page- 238#
3080 :.(SP1 made te +ollow*ng +*nd*ng-D
13.1 te ground and ground +loor -la' a!e 'een +ound to a!e -ettled 90 to 10 mm( )e
*n!e-t*gat*on- d*-clo-e a compre--*'le clay layer o+ 3 to 3(2 m( t*c4ne-- underly*ng te +actory(
?ny cange o+ te pre--ure *n t*- clay layer or any drop *n ground water le!el would re-ult *n a
ground -ettlement( )e ground -ettlement underneat te +actory tat would a!e 'een cau-ed
Page &
'y te mac*ner*e- and per-onnel operat*ng on te ground +loor -la' a- 'een computed to 'e
11 mm( )*- -ettlement *- muc le-- tan te -ettlement- +ound at te +actory and *- not
-u++*c*ent to cau-e te -e!ere crac4- and gap- a- a- 'een -een *n te +actory( Moreo!er0 t*-
-ettlement -ould a!e occurred *n te 18 mont- a+ter te +actory commenced operat*on *n
May 1116 and not *n late 20030 w*c *- & 1/2 year- a+ter te commencementB
1.2 ground water le!el- *n 'ot water -tandp*pe- ad 'een mon*tored to *ncrea-e +or a'out te
-ame amount o!er a per*od o+ two mont- o+ dry per*od( )e r*-*ng ground water le!el- *nd*cate
tat te ground water le!el- ad 'een lowered *n te recent pa-tB
1.3 te recorded ground water le!el- ro-e 3m *n 6 mont- +rom Jun to .ecem'er 2008( )at
mean- te ground water ad 'een lowered 'y( at lea-t 3m( ? total drop o+ ground water le!el *-
calculated to 'e 6m( te 3m and 6m drop *n ground water le!el- a- 'een calculated to *nduce
-ettlement- o+ 61mm and 103mm re-pect*!ely( )e-e amount- o+ -ettlement- are -*m*lar to
to-e mea-ured at te Pla*nt*++,- +actory( )e ground -ettlement cau-ed 'y te lower*ng o+
ground water le!el co!er- a large area( )at wa- wy SP1 +ound te -ettlement not only *n te
+actory +loor 'ut al-o on te ground out-*de te +actory 'u*ld*ng(
38( SP1 concluded tat te w*de-pread -ettlement- and -e!ere crac4- *n te Pla*nt*++- +actory are cau-ed 'y
te a'-tract*on o+ ground water( Fence te pump*ng out o+ ground water *n te ne*g'our*ng .e+endant,-
+actory would a!e re-ulted *n te -er*ou- damage- -een *n te Pla*nt*++- +actory(
32( .ur*ng cro--#e=am*nat*on0 SP1 ad ruled out te po--*'*l*ty o+ te0 u-age o+ te )ang4a4 # Muar road 'y
ea!y !e*cle- cau-*ng te -ettlement re-ult*ng *n te -e!ere crac4- -een *n te Pla*nt*++- +actory( SP1 al-
te-t*+*ed tat dur*ng *- *n!e-t*gat*on e -aw te ent*re product*on +loor wa- occup*ed w*t mac*ne-(
Fowe!er0 a+ter e made calculat*on- to +*nd out te -ettlement cau-ed 'y te-e mac*ne- e +ound te
-ettlement to 'e 10m(m( w*c *- muc le-- tan te -ettlement e ad mea-ured *n-*de te +actory +loor(
36( 7or te .e+endant0 S.1 te-t*+*ed tat tere wa- no geolog*cal and ydro#geolog*cal -tudy done 'e+ore te
dr*ll*ng o+ te tu'ewell wa- carr*ed out( E!en toug S.1 wa- not a e=pert on te matter0 .r*lco ad
con-ulted an e=pert wo drew up te recommendat*on- a- conta*ned *n .r*lco,- letter dated 13(3(2006 to te
.e+endant (page 3090 :.) and -*gned 'y S.1( :n te -a*d letter0 *t wa- -tated tat #
; Land -ur+ace -u'-*dence *- a penomenon tat a- 'een commonly a--oc*ated to te remo!al o+ -ol*d- or +lu*d-0
naturally or art*+*c*ally0 +rom 'eneat te land -ur+ace(
)o e=pla*n te cau-e o+ ground -u'-*dence0 te geolog*cal and ydro#geolog*cal -ett*ng o+ te area mu-t 'e e-ta'l*-ed
+*r-t( )*- *- 'ecau-e an *mportant +actor go!ern*ng geo#aHard -uc a- ground -u'-*dence *- te geology o+ te area(
Py-*cal caracter*-t*e- -uc a- roc4 type-0 ma5or geo#-tructure- and -o*l cond*t*on0 to a large e=tent0 control- ground
3&( ?+ter care+ul con-*derat*on o+ te e=pert te-t*mony o+ SP10 te te-t*mony o+ SP3 and S.1 and .r*lco,-
letter dated 13(3(20060 : -ee no rea-on not to accept te te-t*mony o+ SP1 and *- +*nd*ng-( :n reac*ng *-
conclu-*on0 SP1 ad already ta4en *nto account te .e+endant,- -u'm*--*on tat te alleged ground
-u'-*dence could 'e cau-ed 'y te ea!*ne-- o+ te mac*ner*e- u-ed 'y te Pla*nt*++ *n *t- +actory and ad
d*-counted te e++ect- o+ te ea!y tra++*c on te near'y )ang4a4 # Muar ma*n road( : tere+ore +*nd tat te
Pla*nt*++ a- -ucce--+ully pro!en on te 'alance o+ pro'a'*l*t*e- tat te a'-tract*on o+ ground water *n te ,
.e+endant,- prem*-e- a- re-ulted *n te w*de-pread -ettlement- and -e!ere crac4- *n te Pla*nt*++,- +actory(
31( <n te e!*dence adduced0 : +*nd tat te Pla*nt*++ a- -ucce--+ully pro!en on te 'alance o+ pro'a'*l*t*e-
tat te .e+endant owed *t a duty o+ care and tat te .e+endant ad +a*led to per+orm *t0 a- a re-ult o+ w*c
damage ad en-ued +rom tat +a*lure( )e damage -u++ered : +*nd *- +ore-eea'le -*nce te .e+endant,-
+actory *- only 100 metre- +rom te Pla*nt*++- +actory and tey are ne*g'our-0 and te Pla*nt*++ would tere'y,
'e a++ected 'y te act*on- o+ te .e+endant(
80( : tere+ore +*nd te .e+endant l*a'le to te Pla*nt*+ *n negl*gence and allow te Pla*nt*++,- cla*m w*t te
amount o+ damage- to 'e a--e--ed 'y te learned .eputy /eg*-trar / Sen*or ?--*-tant /eg*-trar( : award
co-t- at /M200000/#to te Pla*nt*++(

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