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AS Biology Unit 2 Notes

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Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.

Grade 12, CHSE 2004.

By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 1 of 34
6102 Unit 2B: Exchange, transport and reproduction
Exchanges with the environment & Exchange processes

1- understand what materials need to be exchanged; respiratory gases; nutrients; excretory
products; understand the relationship of size and surface area to volume

Materials exchanged between living things and the environment:
Respiratory gases: O
absorbed, CO
Nutrients: In plants - CO
, H
O, minerals (Nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, potassium, sodium,
magnesium, ammonium, etc.)
In animals: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, H
Excretory products: urea, CO
, excess water and salts, dead cells, etc.

Small organisms have a large surface area : volume ratio.
Large organisms have a small SA : volume ratio.

Small / unicellular organisms can exchange substances with environment by diffusion / active
transport from body surface.
Large / multi-cellular organisms need special exchange and transport systems. This is because
exchange from the body surface would not be efficient enough to exchange materials at the required
rate because of the small surface area to volume ratio. The large size also increases the diffusion
distance, so that a molecule would take a long time to move from the surface to the centre of the body
by diffusion.

2- understand the features of exchange surfaces which and passive and active transport;
Exchange surfaces usually have:
Large surface area to volume ratio to enable more efficient exchange by increasing the surface
area and reducing the diffusion distance. This may be achieved by folding of tissues (eg: villi) or
by presence of microvilli / brush borders on cell surfaces (eg: epithelial cells in proximal
convoluted tubule); outgrowths root hair cells.
Thin wall to decrease diffusion distance(eg: alveoli).Single layer of epithelium.
Large number of mitochondria to provide ATP (energy) for active uptake. Eg: intestinal villi,
proximal convoluted tubule, root hair cells.

3- understand the special features of gas exchange surfaces;
All gas exchange surfaces have some common features which enable more efficient / rapid exchange
of gases by diffusion:
Large SA : volume ratio more surface for diffusion.
Thin walled: decreases diffusion distances.
Moist and permeable - so that gases first dissolve in moisture and then diffuse, the moisture acts as a
diffusion medium.
They are able to maintain a concentration gradient to increase rate of diffusion.
Eg: mesophyll cells of leaves, alveoli in lungs, gills in fishes.

4- understand the need for ventilation mechanisms;

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 2 of 34
Ventilation is the movement of air over the gas exchange surface. This helps to maintain a continuous
concentration gradient so that exchange can continue by diffusion, more rapidly. Eg: Breathing, passing
of water over gills, waving movement of tubifex worms and chironomous larvae, etc.

Gas exchange in protozoa
5- Understand how gas exchange is achieved
in a protozoan.
Gases are exchanged with the environment
directly across the cell surface membrane. The
small size (large SA: Vol ratio) provides a large
S.A for diffusion and decreases the diffusion

Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in Protozoan (amoeba).
Gas exchange in flowering plants
6- Describe the internal and external structure of a mesophyte leaf. Understand the structure and
roles of stomata and the mechanism of stomatal opening in terms of change in ions
concentrations leading to changes in turgidity; understand how gases exchange is achieved.
Mesophyte leaf
Plants exchange gases by diffusion.
Mesophyll cells have air spaces to increase surface area for diffusion, thin cell walls and cytoplasm to
reduce diffusion distance.
Concentration gradient is maintained due to gases being used up / produced in respiration /
Stomata allow entry / exit of gases so that a concentration gradient can be maintained.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 3 of 34
Stomata closed Stomata opened
ions move
out of guard

Water potential
of guard cells

O moves out
of the guard
cells by

Guard cells become flaccid
and less curved, causing the stomata to
ions are
pumped out of
guard cells,
causing a
potential inside
the guard cell.
ions move
into guard cells
Water potential
of guard cells decreases. H
O moves in from
epidermal cells.
Guard cells become turgid and more curved, due
to unequal elasticity of cell wall. So stomata

Gas exchange in humans
7- recall the structure of the thorax; understand the mechanism of
ventilation, including the role of the pleural membranes;
Thorax/thoracic cavity is the region of the body cavity (coelom)
lying above the diaphragm. It is surrounded by ribs, sternum and
vertebral column (rib cage). The lungs and heart are found in the
thoracic cavity. Ventilation (breathing movements) is achieved by the
combined action of ribs, intercostal muscles and diaphragm.

During inspiration / inhalation During exhalation / expiration
External intercostal muscles contract.
Internal intercostal muscles relax.
Ribs and sternum pulled outwards/upwards.
Diaphragm contracts, becomes flattened.
Volume of thoracic cavity increases causing
pressure to become less than atmospheric
pressure, so that air rushes into lungs.
Internal intercostal muscles contract.
External intercostal muscles relax.
Ribs and sternum pulled inwards.
Diaphragm becomes dome shaped.
Volume of thoracic cavity decreases.
Pressure in lungs becomes greater than
atmospheric pressure, so air is pushed out of
the lungs.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 4 of 34

Pleural membranes surround the lungs. There are
2 pleural membranes the outer parietal pleural
membrane and the inner visceral pleural
membrane. The membranes secrete a fluid, which
remains in the pleural cavity, between both
membranes. This lubricates the pleura and reduces
friction as the membranes rub against each other
during breathing movements.

8- understand how breathing is controlled;
understand vital capacity and tidal volume;
Breathing is controlled by respiratory centers in the hindbrain (medulla oblongata), which controls the
rate and depth of breathing. The respiratory centre has two parts:
Inspiratory center: increases the rate and depth of inspiration (during exercise / when CO

concentration of blood increases).
Expiratory centres: Inhibits inspiration and stimulates expiration.
Receptor: Stretch receptors in bronchial tree, chemoreceptors in blood vessels and brain.
Effectors: Intercostal muscles, diaphragm.
The basic rhythm of respiration is controlled by medulla. However the rate can be altered to meet the
demands of specific situations, by the respiratory center.

Ventilation rate = Tidal volume x number of breaths per minute
Tidal volume: the volume of air breathed in or out of lungs per breath. It is about 0.5dm
at rest, but
varies with each individual; It increases during exercise.
Vital capacity: the maximum volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal intake of air. It
varies between 3 dm
to 6 dm
depending on size and fitness of the person.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 5 of 34
9- Recall the structure of alveoli and understand their role in gas exchange; explain the function of
surfactants; know that breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the brain.
Practical work should include the use of simple respirometer (refer to practical sheet)
The main role of alveoli is gas exchange between air and blood. Each alveolus is surrounded by a
network of capillaries. The alveolus and capillaries are made up of a single layer of epithelial cells. This
decreases the diffusion distance. The flow of blood in the capillaries and ventilation helps to maintain a
concentration gradient between air in alveolus and blood in the capillaries. This ensures that Oxygen
diffuses into the blood and CO
diffuses out of the blood.

The surfactant is a mixture of
phospholipid molecules present on the
inner surface of the alveoli. The lung
surfactant prevents the alveoli from
collapsing (due to cohesive forces of
water molecules) during exhalation.
This makes inflation of the alveoli
easy. Some babies born without
surfactant in the lungs die from
exhaustion. This is because they need
to spend too much energy to inflate the
lungs. This is called the respiratory
distress syndrome.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 6 of 34
10- Describe the structure of the alimentary canal in relation to digestion and absorption;
The alimentary canal is a tube running from the mouth
to the anus. It is specially adapted for digestion and
absorption of food. Digestion begins in the mouth and is
completed in the ileum. Digestion may be physical
(without changing the chemical composition eg:
chewing / mastication and emulsification of fats by bile)
or chemical (using hydrolytic enzymes to convert large
complex organic molecules into simpler organic
molecules). Enzymes are secreted by the walls of the
alimentary canal (as in stomach and ileum) or by
exocrine gland (like salivary glands and pancreas). The
liver secretes bile for emulsification of fats. The main
parts of the alimentary canal are mouth, pharynx,
oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, (duodenum and
ileum), large intestine, rectum and anus. The wall of the
alimentary canal has the same basic structure throughout
its length. Epithelial cells line the lumen of the gut. It is
glandular and secretes mucus and specific enzymes for
digestion. In many regions the gut lining is highly
folded into villi to increase the surface area for digestion and absorption.

11- Describe mastication and movement of food along the gut.
Mastication is the chewing of food. This increases the
surface area for enzyme action and also makes it easy
to swallow. The teeth play an important role in
grinding of food. The tongue helps to manipulate the
food during mastication. The food is made into a bolus
and swallowed. It is then squeezed down the
oesophagus by rhythmic contraction of circular and
longitudinal muscles of the oesophagus, called

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 7 of 34
12- describe the histology of the ileum wall; understand the sources and effects of secretions
concerned with the digestion of carbohydrates;
Substrate Enzymes Source Place of action Product
Starch Salivary amylase Salivary gland Mouth Maltose
Starch Pancreatic
Pancreas Duodenum Maltose
Maltose Maltase Ileum
Ileum Glucose
Sucrose Sucrase Ileum wall
Ileum Glucose +
Lactose Lactase Ileum wall
Ileum Glucose and

2B.2 Transport systems

13- understand the need for transport systems in relation to size and surface area to volume ratio; the
concept of mass flow and the movement of molecules within organisms;
Large multi-cellular organisms have a very small surface area to volume ratio. Exchange of substances
by diffusion directly from the body surface would be too slow and inefficient due to the large diffusion
distance. Thus there are special transport systems. In plants and large organism substances are usually
transported by mass flow. This is the movement of substances down the pressure gradients, where there
is mass / bulk movement of particles. Eg: blood in blood vessels, sap in xylem and phloem.

14- Describe the structure of the vascular tissues; xylem tissue composed of vessels, tracheids, fibres
and xylem parenchyma; understand the role of vessels in relation to transport; phloem tissue
composed of sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma; the
role of sieve tube elements and companion cells in relation to transport.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 8 of 34
Vascular tissues are tube-like tissues, which are specially designed for
transporting substances by mass flow.
xylem vessels
xylem parenchyma
Xylem vessels - These are tubes like vessels with no cytoplasm, no nucleus,
no cell membrane, no cross walls. They have highly lignified cell walls, with
lateral pits. They form a continuous system of tubes from roots to all parts of
the plant, the lignin provides mechanical support. Lateral pits allow lateral
movements of water and minerals from one vessel to another.

sieve tube elements
companion cells
phloem fibres
Phloem parenchyma.
Sieve tube elements have no nucleus, but thin layer of
cytoplasm is present. They are supported and kept alive
by companion cells. Each sieve tube element is
connected to another by sieve plates. This allows mass
flow. Companion cells have a lot of mitochondria and are
connected to sieve tube elements by numerous

15- describe the structure of a dicotyledonous root; understand the uptake of water and its transport
across the root to the xylem;

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 9 of 34
Structure of dicot roots
Water is absorbed into the root hair cells by
The root hair cells increase the surfaces are to
volume ratio for absorption.
They have lower water potential then the
water in soil.
They have thin cell walls to decrease diffusion
Low water potential of the root hair cells is
maintained by transpiration pull and also
active uptake of minerals.

16- understand the way in which water is
moved through the plant the apoplast
symplast and vacuolar pathways, the
role of the endodermis;
Water is transported from the root hair cells
to the root xylem, across the cortex cells and
endodermis. The water may pass through
three routes to the xylem:
1- Apoplast through cell walls
(interrupted by casparian strip of
endodermis) by diffusion. Transpiration
pull helps to maintain a water potential
2- Symplast through the cytoplasm of
adjacent cells by osmosis, or, by
diffusion through plasmodesmata, down
the water potential gradient.
3- Vacuolar pathway passing through
vacuoles as well as cytoplasm, down the
water potential gradient (osmosis &
Role of endodermis
The endodermis has a waterproof layer in
the cell wall, called casparian strip (made
of suberin). This prevents water from
passing through cell wall of the endodermis.
The water is forced to enter endodermal
cytoplasm. The endodermis secretes mineral
ions into root xylem by active tranport.
These processes maintain a water potential
gradient between the endodermis and root
xylem so that water is pushed into root xylem, down a water potential gradient, by osmosis. This is
called the root pressure.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 10 of 34
17- understand the structure of vessels in relation to the cohesive and adhesive forces of water and
their contribution to the movement of water through the plant;
18- describe the functioning and understand the roles of the transpiration stream; roles of stomata;
understand the effects of different environmental conditions on the transpiration stream;
Practical work to include demonstrations and measurements of transpirations using a
photometer; stomatal counts;

Transport of water through xylem vessels.
Water is transported through the xylem vessels by mass flow. The hollow / tube-like vessels, with
lignified walls carry water from a high pressure potential (in the roots) to a low pressure potential (in the
leaves). The pressure potential gradient is maintained by:
Root pressure: refer to role of endodermis.
Transpiration pull: transpiration causes water potential of leaf cells to be lower than root
cells. Thus, there is a continuous water potential gradient between the root and leaves. This
causes water to flow continuously from roots to the leaves, down the water potential gradient.
Since the upward movement of water is brought about by transpiration, it is called
transpiration pull. The water flows as a continuous stream from roots to leaves. This stream is
called the transpiration stream. The forces of cohesion between water molecules, prevents the
column of water from splitting.
Capillarity / adhesion: the xylem vessels are very narrow. The walls of the xylem vessels
attract water molecules (adhesion force of attraction between molecules of different
substances). This enables water to be drawn through the xylem vessels (capillary action).

Factors affecting transpiration stream.
Light intensity: more light intensity stomata open wider more transpiration more
uptake of water from roots to leaves more photosynthesis.

Wind velocity: more wind velocity more transpiration increased water uptake.

Temperature: higher temperature more evaporation more transpiration more water

Humidity: increased humidity less transpiration less water uptake.

If water loss by transpiration exceeds water uptake by roots (water stress) then stomata closes. Water
uptake will decrease as water potential gradient between roots and leaves will be less.

19- understand the roles of diffusion and active transport in the uptake of mineral ions by root;
understand the transport of mineral ions through the plants;
Mineral ions are obtained from the soil. Root hair cells absorb mineral ions through transporter protein
in the cell surface membrane. Some ions move into the root down their concentration gradient by
diffusion, or against the concentration gradient, by active transport. Roots also use active transport to
pump sodium out of the root. This creates an electrochemical gradient for other positive ions to move
into the cell. The transporter proteins are specific and absorb only specific ions. From the root hair cell
the ions move through the apoplast, symplast and vacuolar pathways along with water (in solution).
They are actively secreted from endodermal cells into the xylem vessels. They are transported through
xylem vessels by mass flow.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 11 of 34
20- understand the translocation of organic solute; appreciate the difference between the transport of
water and organic solute; relate the structure and arrangement of sieve tube elements companion
cells and transfer cells to the movement of organic solutes;
Role of sieve tube, transfer cells and companion cells in transport.
Sieve tubes are specially adapted for mass flow. The sieve plates have pores to allow mass flow of
substances from one sieve tube elements to the next. The sieve plates also prevent sieve tubes from
splitting due to the hydrostatic pressure during mass flow. The lack of a nucleus and the presence of
peripheral cytoplasm provide less obstruction for mass flow.
Companion cells are closely associated to sieve tube and provide materials needed to sustain the sieve
tubes. They are connected to sieve tubes by plasmodesma.
Transfer cells: these are modified companion cells, which have a large surface area and numerous
mitochondria. Their main function is loading of sucrose from source cells to sieve tube and unloading
of sucrose from sieve tube to sink cells by active transport.

Transport in mammals
21- understand the outline functions of circulatory system in the transport of respiratory gases,
metabolites, metabolic wastes and hormones; describe the double circulatory system;
The main function of the circulatory system in mammals is the transport of respiratory gases (CO
, O
metabolites (vitamins, minerals, glucose, amino acids, etc), metabolic wastes, (urea, CO
, creatinine,
etc) and hormones (insulin, glucagon, FSH, adrenaline, etc, from endocrine gland to target cells).

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 12 of 34
Double circulatory system the mammalian
circulatory system consists of to two circulations:
1- Systemic circulation
2- Pulmonary circulation.
Systemic circulation is the pumping of oxygenated
blood to all the organ system of the body. It is a high
pressure circulation originating from the left
ventricle and terminating at the right atrium, which
receives deoxygenated blood from the organ
systems / tissues.
Pulmonary circulation is the pumping of
deoxygenated blood to the lungs. It is a low-
pressure circulation originating from the left
ventricle and terminating at the left atrium, which
receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.

22- describe the structure of the mammalian heart and coronary circulation;
Coronary circulation supplied blood to the cardiac muscles. The coronary artery branches from the aorta
and enters the heart muscles. It splits into capillaries and exchange of materials takes place between the
blood and tissues. The capillaries reunite to form veins, which pour blood back into the right atrium
through the coronary sinus. About 5% of the total cardiac output goes to coronary circulation.
Structure of mammalian heart: The heart is enclosed in membrane called the pericardial membrane,
which contain pericardial fluid between them. The wall of the heart is made up three distinct layers:
The outer epicardium consisting of flattened epithelial cells and supporting connective tissue.
A thick layer of myocardium consisting of cardiac muscles cells.
An inner endocardium made up of flattened epithelial cells and connective tissue.
The interior of the heart has 4 chambers: Two atria (upper chambers) and two ventricles (lower
chambers). The atria receive blood from veins and pump it into ventricles. The ventricles pump blood
away from the heart, into arteries. The walls of the left ventricles are much thicker as they have to exert a
greater pressure to pump blood to all parts of the body. The right ventricles exert a much lower pressure
as the lungs are close by and pulmonary tissues are very delicate.
Semi-lunar valves present at the origin of the arteries prevent backflow of blood from arteries into
Atria-ventricular valves prevent backflow of blood from ventricles to atria. The chordae tendinnae
prevent the atria ventricle valves from flipping into the ventricles. The papillary muscles maintain the
tension on the chordae tendinnae (refer to diagrams).

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 13 of 34

Cardiac cycle

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 14 of 34
23- Understand the cardiac cycle, myogenic stimulation; understand how the cardiac cycle is
The cardiac cycle is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles during one
complete heartbeat.
The cardiac cycle can be divided in to 3 main stages:
1) Atrial systole, ventricular diastole (0.13 sec) blood passes from atria to ventricles through atrio-
ventricular valves.
2) Ventricular systole, atrial diastole (0.3 sec) blood passes from ventricles into arteries through
semi-lunar valves. Atria are being refilled.
3) Complete diastole (0.4 sec) atria are being filled with blood from veins. Blood slowly oozes into
ventricles from atria.
OPENING and CLOSING of valves: The semi-lunar valves are open whenever pressure in
the ventricles is greater than pressure in the arteries. At all other times semi-lunar valves
are closed.
Atria ventricular valves are open
whenever the pressure in atria is
greater than pressure in
ventricles. At all other times the
atrio-ventricular valves are
Myogenic stimulation of the cardiac cycle
means that the stimulus for the contraction
of cardiac muscles is generated within the
heart itself (not generated by brain or
spinal cord). This is evident from the fact
that isolated cardiac muscle cells will
continue to contract and relax
rhythmically when placed in an isotonic
solution, without any electrical
stimulation. This indicates that cardiac
muscles are self-excitatory (myogenic).
However, the rate of heartbeat can be
altered by the nervous system or hormones
(like adrenaline).

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 15 of 34
Coordination of heartbeat (cardiac cycle)
The impulse for heart originates at the sino atrial node
(SAN). This impulse (wave of excitation) spreads
through the atrial muscles (intercalated discs of cardiac
muscles enhance the transmission of excitation), causing
atrial systole. The impulse is than taken up by the Atrio-
Ventricular Node (AVN) and passed down to the apex
of the heart, by the bundle of His. The wave of
excitation then spreads into the ventricular walls
(through the Purkinje fibres) causing ventricular systole.
The lack of conducting tissue between SAN and AVN
causes a time delay. So that ventricular systole begins
only after completion of atrial systole.

24- Describe the structure and roles of arteries, veins
and capillaries;

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 16 of 34
Blood and body fluid
25- describe the composition of blood as plasma and cells, to include erythrocytes and leucocytes
(neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes):
27- understand the role of leucocytes in phagocytosis and secretion of antibodies;

describe the structure of erythrocytes and understand their role in transport
Red blood cells / erythrocytes are disc shaped biconcave cells,
without a nucleus. The cells are filled with a red pigment called
haemoglobin. The main function of haemoglobin is to carry oxygen.
It also carries some amount of CO
, as carbamino-haemoglobin.
Haemoglobin consists of 4 polypeptide chains: 2 alpha chains and 2
beta chains. Each chain is attached to a haem (iron containing)
group, which can combine with one O

28- understand the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide;
The shape of RBCs increases the surface area to volume ratio for exchange of respiratory gases. The
lack of nucleus also enables the cells to pass through the narrow lumen of the capillaries.
Transport of oxygen: oxygen is carried from lungs to the body tissues in the form of oxyhaemoglobin.
Hamemoglobin combines with O
in the lungs, where the O
partial pressure is high, to form
oxyhaemoglobin. This is carried to the tissues, where the O
partial pressure is low p(O
) or high
), haemoglobin has a lower affinity for O
. So oxyhaemoglobin dissociate to form oxygen and
haemoglobin. The oxygen then diffuses into the tissues and is used for respiration.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 17 of 34
(Loading of oxygen)
High p(oxygen)-in lungs
Haemoglobin + Oxygen Oxyhaemoglobin
Low p(oxygen)-in tissue
(Unloading of oxygen)
Transport of carbon dioxide:
About 5% of CO
dissolves in plasma and is transported from tissues to lungs as molecular CO
About 10% of CO
combines with the amino group of haemoglobin to form carbamino-haemoglobin,
which dissociates in lungs to release CO
About 85% of CO
is carried in the form of hydrogen carbonates, dissolved in the plasma.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 18 of 34
29- Understand and interpret
dissociation curves of
haemoglobin and the Bohr effect;
At low p(O
), haemoglobin has a
very low affinity for O
. So the
slope has a very low gradient. At
this time haemoglobin is
combining with the first O

molecule (each haemoglobin can
combine with 4O
When the first O
combines with haemoglobin, it
causes the haemoglobin molecules
to change shape (allosterism). This
change in shape of the
haemoglobin molecules makes it
easier for the 2
, 3
and 4

molecules to combine with haemoglobin, so the curve become steeper until all the haemoglobin
molecules are completely saturated. The steep part of the curve is very significant because it
indicates that haemoglobin will release a lot of O
even for a small change in p(O
). This allows Hb
to release O
to tissues more rapidly.
Loading tension p(O
) when Hb is 95% saturated
Unloading tension p(O
) when Hb is 50% saturated (each Hb molecules is combined with 2O


BOHR EFFECT: the shifting of the O

dissociation curve to the right, due to
increase in p(CO
) (CO
This increases the loading and
unloading tension, so that haemoglobin
has a lower affinity for O
(refer to
transport of CO
). The result is that
haemoglobin gives up O
more readily
to tissue where CO
concentration is
high, eg: in rapidly respiring tissues like
liver and muscles.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 19 of 34
30- Describe the roles of respiratory pigments (haemoglobin, fetal haemoglobin and myoglobin):
Understand and interpret dissociation curves of haemoglobin and the Bohr effect:
Respiratory pigments have the ability to combine with O
temporarily and release it to tissues for
respiration, when O
concentrations are low.
Myoglobin is a respiratory pigment which stores oxygen in the muscles. It is made up of a single
polypeptide chain associated with one Haem (iron containing) group. It has a very high affinity of
oxygen. It can take up oxygen released by hemoglobin in tissues, and store this oxygen in the form of
oxy-myoglobin. When p(O
) is very low then O
can be released to continue aerobic respiration. eg;
during exercise. Foetal hemoglobin also has a greater affinity for oxygen, compared to adult
hemoglobin. This allows fetal hemoglobin to take up O
more readily than maternal hemoglobin at any
given p(O
). This ensures that the fetus can get a continuous supply of O
from maternal blood in the

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 20 of 34

31- Describe the interchange of materials between capillaries and tissue fluid, including the
formation and reabsorption of tissue fluid.
Tissue fluid is a transport medium between blood in the capillaries and tissues. It carries O
, H
O and
nutrients from capillaries to tissues, water, salts, CO
and other wastes flow back from tissue to
capillaries. These substances can pass from capillaries to tissue fluid and vice versa by ultrafiltration
osmosis, diffusion etc.

Tissue fluid is formed from blood at the arterial end of the capillaries. The high blood pressure, thin
and porous walls of the capillaries causes the liquid component of blood (except large proteins) to be
squeezed out of the capillaries.
The tissue fluid (about 85%) is reabsorbed at the venous ends of the capillaries mainly by osmosis.
Solutes move along the Pressure gradient caused by difference in water potential between the inside and
outside of the capillaries. The remaining 15% of tissue fluid is collected by lymph vessels / capillaries
which pour tissue fluid/lymph back into the veins.
Oedema is the accumulation of tissue fluid, causing swelling. This may occur due to;

1 Blockage of lymph vessels
2 Increased permeability of capillaries
3 Increased in blood pressure
4 Lack of proteins in the plasma.

Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
Grade 12, CHSE 2004.
By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 21 of 34

32- Understand that species are adapted to survive in particular environmental conditions.
33- Understand the relationship of the external features of the organisms to the physical
characteristics of a specific habitat.
34- Describe the xeromorphic adaptations in flowering plants; hydrophytes.

Every species has special adaptations to enable it to survive in particular environmental
conditions. e.g.; polar bears have thick layers of adipose tissue (fats), which keeps them warm during the
cold arctic winter. Camels are specially adapted to survive in the deserts. The long loop of Henle, broad
flat feet and specialized metabolism which enables them to make use of metabolic water, etc. helps them
to survive hot dry desert climates. The physical characteristics of a specific habitat influence the external
features of organisms. e.g. Bottom dwelling fishes are dorso-ventrally flattened and the mouth is present
on the ventral surface. Pine trees have needles to prevent snow from accumulating on leaves. Butterflies
with sucking mouth parts to suck nectar from flowers, fore limbs of dolphins modified into flippers,
beaks in birds to suit different feeding habits -hooked in carnivores birds, long beaks in fishing birds,

Xerophytes are plants which have special adaptations to survive in dry / desert climates, where
water is scarce. The adaptations they possess are called xeromorphic adaptations. These plants have
special adaptations to;
Reduce transpiration rate
store water (succulents)
Resist desiccation.
Some features that help to reduce transpiration rate are;
Thick cuticle reduces cuticular transpiration. Eg. Heather(Erica) and Holly (Ilex)
Rolling of leaves - Traps
moist air within the leaf,
decreasing the rate of
diffusion of water vapour.
Hinge cells dry up rapidly,
contract and cause rolling of
leaves. eg; Ammophilia
(marram grass).
Layers of protective hairs on
leaf (pubescence) -Traps
moist air, increasing the
diffusion path, so reducing
transpiration. eg; marram
Depression of stomata (in
sunken pits) - lengthens the
diffusion path by trapping
still, moist air above the stomata, so reducing transpiration. eg; Holly
Reduction in number / absence of leaves limits water loss to the stem, which has fewer stomata
.These stems are flattened and green, so that they can photosynthesise. eg; most cacti (opuntia.)
leaves may be reduced into spines.

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Shedding of leaves in times of water scarcity .eg;
deciduous plants shed leaves in winter.
Succulence - The ability of plants to absorb water
rapidly when it is available and store it for use in
periods of drought (water scarcity). The water is taken
up by a shallow but extensive root system, allowing
efficient absorption when the soil is moist. The 15m
high American cactus can take up 2 tonnes of water in
a single day following a storm. This is stored in the
fleshy (succulent) stem,
Resistance to desiccation - reduction of transpiration
surface through loss or reduction of leaves. eg.
deciduous plants and cacti.

Hydrophytes are plants which are specially adapted to grow in places where water is freely available
(aquatic plants). They may be:
01- Completely submerged. E.g.: Canadian pondweed (Elodea), Milfoil (MyriophyIlum).
02-partially submerged. Eg: Water lilies (Nymphaea) and water crowfoot (Ranunculus).

Some special adaptations of completely submerged hydrophytes are;
No cuticle - to allow efficient gas exchange.
No stomata - so that gases cannot escape. The gases remain trapped in leaves, contributing to
buoyancy and storage of gases, which is scarce.
Small leaves / dissected lamina reduce the resistance to flow of water, which would otherwise
damage the leaves. Also increases surface area to volume ratio for gas exchange by diffusion.
Air spaces store gases for respiration and photosynthesis. They also provide buoyancy to keep leaves
near the surface, to absorb maximum sunlight for photosynthesis.
Reduced root system - as the plant absorbs water and minerals from its body surface. Also because
anchorage is not important.
Reduced vascular and supporting tissues - as water provides buoyancy there is no need for
supporting tissues. Moreover, rigid stems and leaves would offer more resistance to water

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movement, increasing the chances of damage.

Special adaptations in partially submerged plants are;
Stomata on upper surface, not on lower surface to increase rate of gas exchange
Thick palisade mesophyll layer to absorb maximum light for photosynthesis.
Elongated lignified cells (sclereids) prevent leaf from rolling up, so that it can absorb maximum
sunlight for photosynthesis.

35. Describe the structural and physiological adaptations shown by invertebrates to the varying
oxygen concentrations found in fresh water;
36. Describe specific examples of features to include external gills, direct access to air, and presence
of respiratory pigments.

Some factors which affect the oxygen concentration of water are;
Turbulence (water movement.), temperature, photosynthesis, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
Moreover O
has a low solubility in water. Thus, the O
concentration of water is usually low and
variable. Some features that help aquatic invertebrates to cope with varying O
concentrations in
frehwater habitats are:
Large surface area to volume ratio (small size): Increases surface area
and decreases diffusion distance for more rapid exchange of gases by
diffusion. eg; Amoeba, chironomous larva.
Have flattened bodies: lowers diffusion distance so that O
from the surface can rapidly reach all parts of the body. e.g.; planaria

Presence of Tracheal gills: these are
outgrowth of the tracheal system in
aquatic insects/larvae. They increase the
surface area for O
absorption by
diffusion. eg ; chironomous larva,

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midgefly larva, caddis fly larva.

Presence of breathing tubes/siphons; these are tubes which are used for breathing air. They protrude
out of the water surface. The open end of the tube has hair like processes which prevent entry of
water (water logging). eg; Rat tailed maggot, Gnat larva
Waving of tails: This helps to maintain a concentration gradient, increasing rate of gas exchange. eg;
Tubifex worms, chironomous larva.
Presence of respiratory pigments: Hemoglobin may be present
which absorbs oxygen at very low P(O
). e.g.; Tubifex worms
and chironomous larva. This enables these organisms to survive
in very low oxygen concentration, making them good indicators
of organic pollution. Refer to indicator species in unit 3.
Some insects trap air bubbles below the abdomen before going; water beetle, water boatman.
Presence of lungs: some molluscs (snails) can store air in the
mantle cavity, which serves as a lung. These organisms have to
come to the surface to breath air. eg; planorbis (has heamoglobin), limnea (no heamoglobin),

37. Know that offspring result from the fusion of gametes, forming a zygote; understand that this
fusion of gametes leads to gamete variation in offspring.
38. Recall that gamete formation involves a reduction division (meiosis) and understand its
significance as the division of a diploid nucleus to give haploid nuclei: understand the behaviour
of chromosomes during the first and second division of meiosis including chiasmata formation
(names and details of stages of prophase are not required).
39. Understand that haploid and diploid phases occur in the lifecycles of organisms.

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Unit 2. Revision notes in accordance with syllabus specifications.
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40. Describe the structure and functions of the principal parts of an insect-pollinated dicotyledonous
flower and a grass.
41. Describe pollination and the events leading to fertilization, understand the adaptations related to
insect and wind pollination.
Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower of the same species.

It is the transfer of pollen from the anther of a
flower to the stigma of the same flower or to
the stigma of another flower on the same plant.
e.g.; Garden pea
It is the transfer of pollen from the anther of a
flower on another plant of the same species.
e.g.; Willow, Holly, Poplar.
After pollination the epidermal cells of the
stigma secrete sucrose solution, which
stimulates growth of the pollen tube. The
pollen tube penetrates the tissues of the
style to reach the micropyle. The pollen
tube has two main functions;

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1 It delivers the male nucleus (gamete) from pollen grains into the embryo sac (where female gamete is
present), so that fertilization can occur.
2 Pollen tube secretes auxins which stimulates development of ovary into fruits.

The growth of pollen tube into the embryo sac is controlled by enzymes, secreted by the tube
nucleus. These enzymes soften middle lamella between style cells. Moreover, the pollen tube is
negatively aero tropic, positively hydrotropic and positively chemotropic to chemicals secreted by
the micropyle.
The pollen tube contains 3nuclei_1 tube nucleus and 2 male nuclei.
When pollen tube enters the embryo sac through the micropyle, the tube nucleus degenerate. one
male nucleus(n) fuses with egg cell nucleus(n) to form a diploid zygote.(2n).The other male nucleus
(n) combines with the two polar nuclei(2n) to form a triploid (3n) endosperm nucleus. This is called
double fertilization.

01-large, brightly coloured petals to attract insects
and act as a platform.
01-petals are small, if present not brightly
02-Nectaries produce sweet, scented nectar, which
insects feed upon.
02-Nectaries absent.
03_Stamens enclosed within the flower, usually in a
position to transfer pollen onto the body of a visiting
03_Stamens hang out of the flower (pendulous) to
disperse pollen into the wind. Anthers are usually
large to produce large quantities of pollen.
04_larger pollen grains, with sculptured walls to
help it attach to body of insect. Fewer pollen
produced as chances of pollination are more.
04_ Small, light, smooth pollen grains to be easily
carried by wind. large number of pollen are
produced to increase chances of pollination.
05_stigma is small and enclosed within the flower.
Positioned in such a way that it comes into contact
with the visiting insect, to pick up pollen.

05_Long, feathery, branched stigma hanging out
of the flower to trap pollen from the wind.

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42. Describe and appreciate the significance of the mechanisms for ensuring cross-pollination;
protandry, protogyny and dioecious plants.
Cross pollination increases genetic variation in the species, because it involves genetic material from
two different parent plants. The increased genetic variation increases the chances of survival of the
species. Plants have developed certain mechanisms to prevent self pollination and favours cross
1_Dioecious plants; these plants have male and female flowers on different plants, so self pollination is
impossible .e.g.; Poplar, Willow, Holly
2 Dichogamy_; Male and female parts of the flower mature at different times.
A_ Protandry; The stamens ripen before carpels become mature so that the stigmas of the flower are
not receptive to pollen. e.g.; sage, white nettle
B_Protogyny; The carpels mature before the stamens, so the stigma of the flower is receptive to
pollen before the anthers dehiscise(rupture). e.g.; bluebell, wild aram.

43. Describe the structure and functions of the male and female reproductive systems.

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Testis produces sperm and male sex hormone testosterone.
Scrotum regulates testis temperature.
Epididymis stores sperm.
Vasdeferens transfers sperms from epididymis to urethra.
Cowpers, prostate, seminal vesicle- produces seminal fluid for lubrication during copulation,
provides an alkaline medium for sperms to swim and obtain nourishment.
Penis transfers sperms to vagina.
Urethra common passage for sperm and urine.

44. Describe the production of the gametes in oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

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Differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis

Spermatogenesis(seminiferous tubule of
Oogenesis (In ovary)
1) Continuous process 1)Cyclic process

2) Begins at puberty 2)Begins in fetus

3) No polar bodies are formed. 3)Polar bodies are formed

4) Meiosis I is immediately followed by
meiosis II
4) Meiosis II is completed only after
attachment of sperm to secondary oocyte
5 )Four spermatozoa are produced from one
primary spermatocyte
5) One mature ovum is formed from one
primary oocyte.

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45. Recall the events in the menstrual cycle; understand the roles of luteinising hormone, follicle
stimulating hormone, oestrogen , progesterone.

1) FSH: Initial increase stimulates development of follicles and induces follicle cells to produce
oestrogen. (Level then decreases because low levels of oestrogen in blood inhibits FSH secretion.)
Second surge/peak in FSH level is caused by high level of oestrogen. This time FSH triggers
2) LH (Leutinizing Hormone): LH level increases due to increase in oestrogen.
Function: Induces ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum.
3) Oetrogen: Initial increase due to development of follicles. Second increase due to secretion from
corpus luteum.
Function: Inhibits FSH secretion at low concentration stimulates FSH and LH secretion at high
Repair of endometrial wall.
4) Progestrone: increases as corpus luteum forms as it is secreted by corpus luteum. Decreases when as
it is secreted by corpus luteum. Decreases when corpus luteum degenetrates.
Inhibits LH and FSH.
Function; Maintains thickness of endometrium.

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46. Describe the transfer of male gametes leading to fertilization.

The semen is deposited at the cervix during copulation. The sperms then use their flagella to swim
through the cervix and up through the uterus to the oviducts. The alkaline semen provides an alkaline
medium for the sperms to swim. It also contains hormones called prostaglandins which stimulate
contraction of the uterus and oviducts to assist movement of the sperms. Out of the few millions of
sperms, only a few hundred reach the oviduct and come into contact with the secondary oocyte, If
ovulation has occurred recently. The secondary oocyte can remain viable for 24 hours; the sperms can
remain viable up to 2 days.
The secondary oocyte is surrounded by follicle cells and a clear membrane called the zona pellucida.
Proteases from the Acrosomes of many sperms hydrolyse a pathway through the follicle cells and
zone pellucida.
Eventually one sperm succeeds in passing through the outer layer and penetrating/fusing with the
cell surface membrane of the secondary oocyte. Immediately the cortical granules (lysosomes)
rupture and release enzymes into the secondary oocyte, which causes the zona pellucida to thicken
and prevent entry of other sperms.
The sperm nucleus then enters the secondary oocyte. At the same instant the secondary oocyte
completes its second meiotic division to form a mature ovum and another polar body.
The male nucleus fuses with the female nucleus to form a diploid zygote.

47. Describe implantation; understand the functions of the placenta in relation to the development of
the embryo.

The zygote then divides and redivides by mitosis to form a ball of cells called blasttocyst. The outer
layer of cells of the blasttocyst is called trophoblast, which is able to penetrate and get embedded
into the endometrium. This is called implantation.
The trophoblast develops into two membranes_ The chorion and amnion.The chorion form many
chorionic villi which secrete Human chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) to prevent degeneration of the
corpus luteum (to maintain pregnancy).It later forms placenta.
The placenta is an organ formed from the tissues of the mother and the foetus. The chorionic villi
project into blood filled spaces within the endometrium of mothers uterus. This increases the
surface area for diffusion, but at the same time prevents maternal and fetal blood from mixing.
The main functions of placenta include;

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By Stafford Valentine Redden. Page 33 of 34
_ Transport of oxygen and food (Glucose, amino acids, vitamins, etc) from maternal blood to fetal
_ Excretion of carbon dioxide and Nitrogenous wastes from fetal blood to maternal blood.
_ Placenta produces progesterone to maintain the thickness of endometrium during pregnancy, also
prevents ovulation and menstruation from occurring.
_ Acts as a filter to prevent toxins and disease causing microbes getting into fetal blood. However, HIV
rubella, alcohol and nicotine can cross placenta.
_ Some antibodies of mother can cross the placenta, providing passive immunity to the fetus.

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48. Understand birth and lactation, and the roles of oxytocin and prolactin.
Forty weeks after conception, the fetus lies with its head near the cervix. The level of progesterone falls
dramatically. This makes the myometrium more sensitive to oxytocin released by the posterior pituitary
gland. Together with prostaglandins secreted by placenta, oxytocin stimulates the smooth muscles of
myometrium to contract. The pressure on the uterine wall and cervix stimulate more oxytocin to be
released (positive feedback).The contractions eventually push the fetus through the cervix and vagina.
The placenta and umbilical cord are then expelled as the after birth.
_ Lactation is the production of milk from breasts. Each mammary gland is composed mainly of fat and
a number of lactiferous glands, which secrete milk. Progestrone and oestrogen from placenta stimulate
the development of these glands during pregnancy.
_ Prolactin causes these glands to secrete milk, which is then stored in lactiferous ducts, so the hormone
prolactin stimulates milk production in breasts.
_ Oxytocin stimulates the release of milk in response to sucking.

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