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Aim :- To study the tape Recorder.

Apparatus:- Tape Recorder Kit, Power Supply.

Theory:- Tape Recorder :
It is an electronic and tape transport mechanism in which a magnetic tape is recorded
music or Speech. The tape recorder consists of following controls. A tape recording
machine is reuired to perform three important functions !i". recording,play#ac$ and
erasing. %ig is a #loc$ diagram which indicates the #asic functions performed #y a tape
recorder system.In the #loc$ diagram, the same amplifier is used for recording and
play#ac$ and is called the record&play#ac$ amplifier. 'uring the recording process a
ganged switch connects the input of the amplifier to the microphone and the output is
connected to the record head so that the amplified audio signals are impressed on the
mo!ing tape. In the play#ac$ position, the magnetic signals pic$ed up or detected from
the tape #y the same head are applied to the input of the amplifier for reporduction #y
the loudspea$er. (ne and the same head performing the com#ined functions of
recording and play#ac$ is $nown as the record play#ac$ head. The tape is wound on
the supply reel and is mo!ed at constant speed and under constant tension in front of
the record & play#ac$ head during recording and play#ac$ operations. The tape is finally
collected #y the ta$e-up reel. An erase head located to the left of the record&play#ac$
head wipes off any information from the tape #efore the tape reaches the record head
for a fresh recording. The erase head is energised #y the )% oscillator which also
applies an A* #ias to the record head during the recording process for impro!ing the
uality of recording. The erase h ead is not energised ruing the play#ac$ process to
pre!ent the recorded matter from #eing erased. A tape transport system consisting of a
motor, dri!e assem#ly, #elts and pulleys ena#les the tape to mo!e at constant speed
during record and play#ac$ process and also to mo!e faster during the fast-forward and
rewind processes.
+ith the help of #loc$ diagram we can easily understand the wor$ing of tape
recorder.%ig shows the #loc$ diagram of tape recorder. ,lectronic used in tape recorder
wor$s in two ways. %irstly , at the time of recording it gi!es the audio signal to recording
head and then it records on the magnetic tape. Secondly at the time of play #ac$ it
ta$es recorded program from magnetic tape through play head and listen #y spea$er.
Those sets which do not ha!e recording facilty they can only play cassettes.
%ollowing are the main parts of electronic circuit of tape recorder.
1. Microphone:-
It con!erts sound wa!es into electronic wa!es.
2. Record /Play Head:-
At the time of recording ,recording head recording head
place the magnetic field .which is generated #y audio
signal/ on the tape and at the time of play magnetic
field.which is placed on tape/ gi!es the audio !oltage to
head. Through amplification we can listen the music.
Play head also called reproducing head #ecause of its
function. ,rase head functions only at recording time. It
places the recorded program from magnetic ta$e to tape at
the time of recording.
3. Pre-Amplifier :-
Pre-amplifier amplifies the signal recei!ed from microphone at the
time of recording according to reuirement, so that the sound
recei!ed is clear and realistic .In this the way amplifier ena#les
the wea$ signal recei!ed from microphone for recording .At the
time of recording Pre amplifier is also called Recording Amplifier. At
the time of play it amplifies the wea$ signal recei!ed from play
head .So in this way it decreases the noise of signal and gi!es
good audio a#le signal.
. !ias "scillator :-
0ias oscillator pro!ides !oltage to the recording head to $eep it
free from the %aults produced during recording and to the erase
head for erasing.
#. $%uali&er :-
,uali"er circuit used to correct the faults produced due to low
or high freuency At the time of recording or play .
'. (olume )ontrol :-
The output of the Pre-amplifier is used to send audio signal to
!olume which in return sends the audio signal to the sound
amplifier for further amplification. 1olume *ontrol ad2usts the sound
as low or high according to the need.
*. Audio Amplifier :-
The audio signal recei!ed from the !olume control is made
powerful using Amplifier circuit, and is heard to spea$er. The
amplifier can #e prepared as Powerful as is needed to hear as high
sound as is desired at the time of play.
+. ,pea-er :-
Sound is then send to the spea$er #y output section. The spea$er
con!erts the electrical signal into the sound signals.

Ta-eup Real
0ri1e !elt
Pinch Roller
2ly 3heel
Motor and
,upply Reel 0ri1e
!us /dler
!ra-e ,hoe
Tape 4uide
$rase Head
Record /
Play5ac- Head
Pressure Pad
/dler 3heel

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