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Pastor's Notes:: Thank You For Your Commitment To The Cause of Christ & His Kingdom!

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Pastors Notes:

Well, we are halfway through

our Community Revival. I dont
know what everybody else
thinks, but spiritually speaking, I believe this has
been one of the best weve had. There has been such a sweet spirit that is so discernable. The
singing has been geared towards ministering to the people and putting them in the best position to
hear and respond to the Word. Both messages have been truly REVIVAL geared in trying to get
the CHURCH to turn to their first love. If we the church will listen, we can experience renewal &
refreshing. Will you pray for tonights service and Rev. Clarence Thomas and tomorrows service
and Rev. Andrew Shull? These could be the breakthrough services! I also want to thank those from
our congregation that have attended so far. We have had excellent attendance from our folks. I also
want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all those that worked so hard on Sunday. Many of our people
were working all afternoon in packing up sound equipment, setting up sound equipment, repacking
sound equipment. Many were also practicing in the community choir most of the afternoon as well.

This coming Sunday is National Senior Adult Day. We are thankful for the best group of Senior
Adults you could find anywhere and also thankful for the best Senior Adult Pastor you could find
anywhere. Can I get a hardy AMEN?!?!?!?!? They were ministering in the service this coming
Sunday morning. You do not want to miss this great time of ministry. Sunday School is as 9:45 AM
and worship is at 10:30. Make you plans to be with us!

at 5:00 PM This meeting is to give our yearly financial
report to church members or faithful financial supporters of the church.

The PAVILION is up!!!!! If you have not driven by our new property, drive by and see the
beginnings of the Pavilion. We are excited about the beginning of this project and are anxiously
awaiting the other parts of that project that will bring it to its completion.

We are excited to announce some changes to some things we have done in the recent past.
We truly feel that the way to see our church grow (winning souls, not transfer growth), will come by
making ourselves known to this community and doing what we can to impact them so we can share
the gospel with them. With that thought in mind, several things are in the workings:

Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter
September 23, 2014

1) Make our annual Trunk or Treat a bigger event While we have had many people come, we
think we can do it even bigger and better by moving it outside. We are checking to see if we can
block off the road in front of the church for safety purposes and have
things on both sides of the road. Being outside will enable us to reach
more people as well as be seen by more people. We are EXCITED
about this opportunity! Please be willing to volunteer and help in any
way that is needed.

2) Build on Miracle on Poole St. This was a special outreach that was led by our music ministry
but involves all ministries and the entire church. What a great opportunity to provide a meal, the
love of Jesus, gifts and the message of Christmas. Plans have already been made and the collection
of things is under way. Again, whatever is needed, please plan to participate and help us reach this
community for the Lord Jesus Christ! Here is a list of things we are looking for: Purse size tissue
packets, gum/mints, beef jerky, purse size hand sanitizer, men's combs, chapstick, car air fresheners,
chip clips. Thanks for your help and support!

3) Mission Bags September has been the month over the last 3 years that we have passed out
missions bags. We have asked that you take them and collect money in the bag over a 6 month
period. This year, our mission bag money is not going to another country. Our mission this year is
our BUILDING FUND! When you receive your mission bag, prayerfully, strategically, money in that bag. Spare changed, dollar bills, a set weekly amount, monthly
amount or whatever the Lord puts on your heart.

To help us make the greatest impact, we are going to move FALLFEST from October this year to the
Spring. It will be sometime the later part of April or first part of May. We are going to coordinate
the date to coincide with the ending of the money bag project. In other words, the day we bring our
missions bags(building fund offering) will be the Sunday of the SRPINGFEST weekend! So that all
the monies in the mission bags and all the profit from SPRINGFEST and the Vision offering we take
on the Sunday afternoon following SPRINGFEST will be a TOTAL amount raised for the Building

By moving FALLFEST to the Spring, it allows us more time and energy to devote to the first two
events I mentioned. It also helps us all to not have some many things we are asked to donate to in
a row. It also spreads some major events throughout the calendar instead of having them all at the
same time. Those attending our meeting all felt this was a positive all the way around. WE ARE

There will be a special meeting to set the date and to offer suggestions of new things that can be done
to SPRINGFEST on October 9
, at 7:00 PM. Meeting will be held in the dining area of the CLC.
A second meeting is planned for November 13, at 7:00 PM. Please mark your calendars and plan to
come and help us make this the most successful and vibrant festival we have ever had!

Christian Education Department- We are in need of a teacher for 4th and 5th grade
Sunday School Class. Please see Pastor Jason if you may be interested in teaching and
fill out an application. Please note: There are certain criteria that you have to meet to be
a Sunday School teacher.

If you have been looking for a way to get more involved and you have a smiling face, we need you
on our greeter team! Each member serves about once every month and a half. If you are interested
in this ministry, please call the church office at 476-2977. Thank you!

Women Walking in Victory Home Group meeting: October 3 at 6:30pm, the Jeanne Nemitz
Home, 1478 Price House Rd (1477 if using a GPS to locate). MEXICAN FOOD: Please bring a
food to pass; Andrea Cobb is bringing Taco Soup, so you may want to bring, for example, Taco
Salad, Chips/Queso/Dips, Guacamole, chopped fresh tomatoes, onion, shredded lettuce, tortillas,
etc), but don't forget the dessert. We will have a time of testimony, sharing, and praying for the
needs of this group. You do NOT have to be a member of the WWV Sunday School Class to
attend. If you have any questions, please call Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819.

! Even if you are
not in school, please take some time tomorrow morning to pray for our schools,
state, country, and the world in general. We need God to bless us!

Prayer List

AMERICA, Tommy Wallace, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson, Beatrice Granger, Tonya Gibson,
James Tillman, Kay Simmons, Larry Buchannan, Curtis Thackston, Brenda Brittian, Patrick
Teague, Danny Lanford, Cindy Taylor, The Beck Family, Brianna Smith, Drew Nabors, Amanda
Scott, Destiny Leonard, Sylvia, Carol Hopson, James Morgan, Ella Weathers, Mertice Whitmore,
James Dame, Denise Woody, Lee Armes, Ronnie Ball, Kenny Waddell, Jr., Breanne Theo, Brenda
O. Walker, Lisa Cooley, Darryl Crowe, Mack Roddy, Bobby Porter, Paisley Brown, Wayne Cox,
Judy Crowe, Eddie Foster, Kim Roberson, Tim Horton, Connie Lida, Wanda Jackson, Joyce Sloan,
Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes
Christian Sympathy to the family of Kathryn Porter on the loss of her brother.

The choir will wear Robes on Sunday.

Thank you to everyone who helped with Community Revival - choir members and those who
set up sound on Sunday!

Toy Closet- Its time to start collecting toys for our Christmas Project. Item to purchase this
week is Board Games.

The Arm N Arm project is very important now. Honduras lost its bean crop which is the
primary source of food. It was one of the cheapest and most satisfying food to them. People
are starving, pastors cant afford to pastor and the country is worse than before. Please help
us feed these young men. $2.00 will go a long way!

Band Of Brothers has just completed their first fishing excursion to Santee Cooper and we had a
great time. We will pan another fishing trip at the first of the year so hopefully more of us can
go. A huge thanks to Wayne Bishop for making sure that our accommodations were in order and
for booking our guide services. We appreciate your efforts brother.

Our next Band of Brothers meeting will be October 2nd, in the man cave at 6:30. You will not
want to miss this meeting guys! We want every man to consider this your personal invitation;
from us to you. We would love for you to join us.

JOY CLUB MEETING- Our next Joy Club meeting will be THIS THURSDAY, September 25th at 6:30
in the CLC. Please bring a sample of any crafts, hobby projects, collectables, canned items
(preserves, jelly, relish, etc) for display at our meeting. We will draw 2 names from this group
for a prize. If you did not sign up, but would like to attend, please call Sandra Patterson to get a
food assignment. Thank you!

SENIOR ADULT SUNDAY: is September 28
in the AM Service. Primetimers choir will be singing.

We will be having a special Senior Adult Revival on October 14 & 15. The time will be from
10:30 AM until 12 Noon, both days. We are meeting on Sundays at 5:30 and Wednesdays at
6:30 before church to pray collectively for this upcoming revival. We hope you can join us!
Note: There will be a special SAM Leadership meeting on Wed. September 24
at 10 AM. We
will be discussing Revival plans as well as making some changes in our Joy Club for October. We
will also be working on our schedule for 2015. Please be present for this very important

Mainstream Ministries will be having an Around Town Scavenger Hunt on Saturday,
September 27th. Keep an eye out on the bulletin board for a sign up sheet.

We will have a Bon Fire for the Youth at the new property on Hwy 101 on Friday, September 26th.
We will start at 6:00 PM.

Attn: ACTS YouthMake plans to be here early on Wednesday Nights for CONNECTION at 6:00 PM.
We have the best fellowship and snacks are always available!

ACTS Drama Team We will be meeting Sundays at 5:00 in the CLC in preparation for our Youth
Service on Sunday, September 28th.

Praise and Worship Practice Sunday 4:30 and Drama Practice Sunday at 5:00.

Extreme Kidz will be ordering new Tshirts, if you would like to purchase one see Ms. Donna

Extreme Kidz Fundrising Lunch- September 28 Adults $7.00 and kidz 12 and under 4.00. Menu
Fried Chicken, green beens, Mac and Cheese, rolls, sweet and Tea. Please mark your calendar
for this meal and support the Extreme kidz.

HELP WANTED: WE are having Trunk or Treat this year and it
is going to be bigger than ever before. We need your HELP!!
WE need EVERYONE in the church to volunteer. We will have
trunks or candy, bouncy, popcorn, ices, games, balloons, face
painting, free supper, But we can not do this without your
help. IF you would like to help please see Ms. Donna or sign up on the Bulletin board in the
hallway,( it should be up by Sunday). This is an outreach to our community to share the love of
Christ and let them know that WCOG cares about our community. Excited... Next Meeting will
be October 12 @ 3:00 CLC.

Upcoming KIDZ Events:
October 18: Carowinds Trip for 8-13 year olds
October 29 Trunk or Treat

September 9th is the 2nd Anniversary of our Hispanic Ministry as we know it now, Woodruff
IglesiaDe Dios. To Celebrate, they will be having a special service at 4:00 PM on Sunday,
September 28thand a special dinner to follow. Everyone is invited to attend and help us
celebrate 2 wonderful years

Ministry Leaders for This Week
Sunday Greeters-Patsy Brown & Linda Palmer
Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan
CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg
Crossing Guard- David Hoyt
Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown
Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight
Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Michael Brown, Harold Chesney,
Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, & Kenny Waddell
NurseryAM Ann Knight & Allison Arnold PM-Ann Knight
No Sunday Night Kiddie Church
Music- AM- Primetimers Choir PM-Allen Durham
Praise Team-Gold Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

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