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Report of The National Library Service For The Year Ended 31 March 1958 by New Zealand. National Library Service

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31 MARCH 1958

Presented to the House of Representatives by Leave

by authority:

r. e. owen, government printer, wellington, new zealand—1958



Letter of Transmission 3
Scientific, Technical, and Commercial Library Service 3
Regional and District Library Service 4
National Library Proposal 5
Book Stock 5
Request Service 5
Expenditure 5

Country Library Service 6

Free Public Libraries 6
Book Van 7
Minimum Standards for Public Libraries Participating in the Country Library Service 8
Independent Subscription Libraries 9

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
Hamper Service 9
Lighthouse Service 9
Free Service to Ministry of Works, State Hydro-electric, and New Zealand Forest Service Camps 9
and Stations
Hospital and Institutional Library Service 9
Loan Collections 10
Periodicals Service 10

School Library Service 10

Loans to Smaller Public Libraries 11
Information and Request Service 11
Book List 11
Assistance to Islands Schools 13

Library School 14

National Library Centre 14

Inter-library Loan 15
Central Bureau for Library Book Imports 15
Libraries of Government Departments 16
Book Resources Committee of the NZLA 16
Union Catalogue 16
Bibliographical Section 16

The Hon. the Minister of Education.

Wellington, 16 July 1958.


I have the honour to submit the following report of the activities of the National Library Service. The report
covers the work of the Service as a whole and its four divisions—Country Library Service, School Library
Service, Library School, and National Library Centre.

The functions of the Service may be summed up as the provision of such assistance to any New Zealand
library maintained directly or indirectly from public funds as circumstances and policy permit. More
specifically, help is given by a lending service to rural, borough, and county libraries, by the provision of
books for school libraries, by advancing professional training through the Library School, and by maintenance
of records of all library holdings of books and periodicals, as well as other facilities and stock to aid the

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.

cooperative use of this material.

The National Library Service was formed in 1945 from the Country Library Service by Cabinet decision with
the strong support of the New Zealand Library Association. During the war the Country Library Service had
been given responsibility for several tasks of national scope, such as the War Library Service, the Central
Bureau for Library Book Imports, the formation of a Union Catalogue, and the operation of part of the
inter-library loan scheme.

The Country Library Service, which began in 1938, has maintained its van services to rural areas and has been
brought into closer contact with its districts by decentralisation to three district offices—Christchurch in 1944,
Palmerston North in 1948, and Hamilton in 1953.

The number of free libraries regularly receiving service has grown to 112. Special assistance in a number of
cases has been given to libraries serving a population of up to 50,000 operating a free and rental service. The
assistance given to the Gisborne and Wanganui Public Libraries has continued. New Plymouth Public Library
which changed to free service in November 1957, and Palmerston North Public Library, which is expanding
its service, have also received assistance. The fundamental principle of encouraging full local responsibility
for adequate rate-supported libraries has continued.

The School Library Service has continued to bring a wide range and variety of books to school children, the
rate of issue now exceeding one million copies annually. Distribution is effected through 15 centres.

During the year this Service received three valuable sets of books chosen to represent all phases of American
life and thought. The Carnegie Corporation of New York made these sets available to some 26 libraries in
New Zealand.

Scientific, Technical, and Commercial Library Service—A recommendation has been made by the New
Zealand Library Association that impetus be given to scientific and technical library service, chiefly through
public libraries. At a time when increasing reliance is being placed on the efficiency of our secondary industry
the necessity of providing the fullest technical information to aid manufacturers will be apparent. Authority
was obtained 12 years ago to establish such a service but it was not then possible to obtain qualified persons
to begin it. It is hoped that conditions will permit a senior appointment during the present financial year to
inaugurate the service.

Regional and District Library Service—Study has continued on the problems of ensuring an efficient and
soundly based library service for New Zealand's whole population. The problems facing a local authority
overseas with a population of 2,000,000 within a radius of a few miles are minor ones compared with those
facing New Zealand library authorities, where the secondary cities are small, where the pattern of local
government is uneven, and where the population as a whole has a high standard of education and is avid for
books. Costs in New Zealand, per head of population, are bound to be relatively high; vigilance is necessary
to ensure that they are no higher than they need be.

It has been apparent that cooperation between local authorities will be the major factor in making economies
on a national scale. A note of the work of the Working Party on Library Cooperation of 27-28 August 1956
appeared in last year's annual report, and it was recorded that the Minister of Education, at the request of the
New Zealand Library Association, had authorised payment of travelling expenses for its Committee on
Regional Planning to enable its work to be carried out.

The committee worked during the year and met in Wellington for two full-day sessions on 6 and 7 June 1957
for consideration of the "establishment of regional and district library services as the best method of providing
a more effective library service for the whole country". Its report was made to the New Zealand Library

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.

Association. After consideration by the executive of the Local Authorities Section, some amendments were
made and the report published by the Association as Co-operation: A New Phase. Fifteen hundred copies
were printed and were circulated to all local authorities for discussion.

The report states:

"1. The main problems facing public libraries are:

(i) The unfair distribution over the whole community of the costs of library service.

(ii) The continuing growth of the cost of municipal government to the point where it has become an
embarrassment to the cities and boroughs concerned.

(iii) The failure of some local authorities to provide for library services."

"8. The basic factor in improving library services will be cooperation among local authorities. Such
cooperation should be the condition of increased Government assistance."

"10. Government assistance to such federations should take the form of cash subsidies on all expenditure
approved for subsidy by the federation, and by the Minister (or National Library Board)."

This report formed the main topic of discussion at the New Zealand Library Association conference in
Invercargill in February 1958. The Association approached the Government for favourable consideration of
the proposals contained in the report on 11 April 1958.

In the meantime the work of the Royal Commission on Local Government Finance is being followed
carefully, as its findings will have considerable bearing on the problem of library finance.

An effort is also being made to foster among local authorities the willingness to cooperate, but progress in this
field is slow.

National Library Proposal—The report of the Working Party of the Public Service Commission on the
National Library proposal was earlier considered by the Government, which had approved it in principle. The
House of Representatives last year approved the terms of reference of a Select Committee to be appointed to
make recommendations for "ways and means of carrying out the decision of the Government to establish a
National Library" and to consider various other associated matters. The decision to appoint such a Committee
was reaffirmed in February 1958, the Committee was named shortly afterwards and has since met on several
occasions. Independently of any solution of the accommodation problems of the Service which such a move
might bring, the proposal merits the most careful consideration.

Book Stock—During the year, 19,283 fiction and 35,573 non-fiction were added to stock, a total of 54,856. Of
these, 10,442 separate titles of non-fiction and 205 fiction titles were added to the headquarters collection,
which now contains approximately 135,000 titles together with 11,000 volumes of periodicals; 15,305
volumes were withdrawn—12,134 fiction and 3,171 non-fiction—making the net additions 39,551. The total
of headquarters and Country Library Service stock now amounts to 652,308, comprising 176,600 fiction and
475,708 non-fiction. As at 31 March 1958 the stock of the School Library Service was 1,091,189 the grand
total of stock in the Service as a whole being 1,743,497.

Request Service—All libraries and groups receiving library service from the Country Library Service and all
Government Departments may ask for special short-term loans of books of an informational type from the
headquarters stock of this Service and, in addition, the headquarters stock is used extensively to satisfy

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
inter-library loan requests. (See also the report of the Librarian, National Library Centre.)

Books Requested and Supplied

Year Ended 31 Increase

March Per Cent
1957 1958
To Country Library Service libraries 55,782 61,870 10.9
To Government Department libraries 6,423 6,998 8.9
To interloan libraries 8,051 8,801 9.3
Total issues 70,256 77,669 10.6
During the year, 26,047 requests (an increase of 9.2 per cent) were referred to Wellington. Of the total issues,
4,975 were books belonging to other libraries throughout New Zealand, whose willing cooperation is
gratefully acknowledged.

Expenditure—Expenditure under Subdivision XII, vote "Education", for the year was £264,956. This figure
includes £94,544 for the purchase of books, of which £45,357 was for books and periodicals on behalf of
Government Departments. The expenditure on behalf of Departments represents 12,146 books and standing
orders for approximately 11,000 serial publications.

Expenditure under Subdivision III for the purchase of books by the School Library Service was £50,580.

G. T. Alley, Director.


On 31 March 1958, 989 towns and small centres were receiving regular loans of books, an increase of 32
centres over the previous year. In addition, 54 Ministry of Works, State Hydro-electric, and New Zealand
Forest Service camps and stations were given library service. Books are also on loan to six places in the
Chatham Islands, and to Niue, Rarotonga, and Pitcairn Island. Free loans of books on a population basis are
given to mental hospitals and prisons situated both in country and urban districts.

Books, periodicals, and information are available to country people in the following ways:

Free loans of books on a population basis to libraries controlled by the local authorities, which in turn
agree to make their libraries free and to maintain reasonable standards of library service.

Loans of books to independent subscription public libraries at a small annual charge per fifty books

Loans of books through hamper collections to isolated groups of readers at a small annual charge.

Free loans of books to lighthouse keepers and similar very remote readers.

Books Requested and Supplied 6

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
Free loans of books on a population basis to Ministry of Works, State Hydro-electric, and New
Zealand Forest Service camps.

All libraries served under (a) and (b) and the majority under (c) receive regular visits from one of the
especially equipped book vans of this Service; at least three visits being paid to each library during a normal
year. In addition, all persons, by whichever of the above means they receive library service, may obtain loans
of requested books by post.


On 31 March 1958 there were participating in the service 107 libraries controlled by the following local

Administrative counties 5
Borough councils 94
Independent town districts 6
Dependent town districts 2
In addition, the following counties contribute to the funds of a public library supplying a free service to
county residents:

County Public Library

Eltham Eltham
Patea Waverley
Wairoa Wairoa
Golden Bay Takaka
Lake Queenstown
These libraries served an estimated local population of 437,000, with a considerable number in surrounding
areas. Besides the many requested books and periodicals 91,954 books are on regular loan to them.

By arrangement with the Waitemata, Patangata, Egmont, and Rangitikei County Councils the public libraries
at Titirangi, Otane, Opunake, and Bulls respectively receive a free service.

Library buildings continue to improve. During the year new libraries were opened in Geraldine, Greymouth,
New Lynn, and Morrinsville, and new buildings are planned in several other centres. This Service continues
to assist in making available material on good overseas practice and New Zealand achievement. Assistance is
also given in the design of the interiors of libraries and in specifications for equipment.

The best results are achieved when a local authority and the librarian prepare a written building programme,
specifying the functions of the library, the various areas to be provided, the relationship between each, the
number of books, readers, and librarians to be accommodated, and the equipment to be housed for efficient
service. Such a document gives a clear directive to the architect, but at the same time allows him complete
freedom of expression in designing the building.


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
The shortage of trained librarians continues. Three students from the 1957 Library School professional course
accepted positions in public libraries serving centres of under 20,000 population, but they were all
replacements for qualified librarians who had taken library work in other fields, so there was no net gain.
There was at least one public library in a small town unable to fill its vacancy for a qualified librarian.

The short course for librarians from smaller centres, held at the Library School from 12 to 30 August 1957,
was of great value to the participating librarians. The demand for training is very great and, with such
eagerness to learn, the training given is immediately effective.

Cooperation between libraries participating in the Country Library Service has been developing slowly. A
little more interest has been shown in the cooperative book-buying scheme fostered by this Service. There are
now 22 libraries taking part. Libraries working together in this way for the first time this year are Blenheim,
Cambridge, Kaikoura, Morrinsville, Picton, Putaruru, and Te Kuiti.

Assistance in staffing was given to the public libraries at Morrinsville and Picton for reorganisation and
extension of local services. Field librarians continue to advise and assist on their regular visits.

A collection of 300 books was lent to the New Zealand IGY party at Scott Base, Ross Dependency, as had
been done in the case of the New Zealand Antarctic Expedition a year earlier.

During the year ministerial approval was given for provision of a full-time librarian and complete service to
be granted to the library at the new Benmore camp, subject to the Ministry of Works providing a satisfactory

Book Van—During the year one of three book vans operating in the South Island was replaced. Using
experience gained in recent replacements in the North Island the new van is constructed of aluminium alloy
on a four-ton, long-wheel-base chassis. Particular care was taken in providing good sealing against dust and
water, adequate natural lighting, and the best possible insulation.

Excellent insulation is achieved by a thick layer of expanded polystyrene on all sides, roof, and floor. Very
efficient lighting without excessive heat problems has been provided by the installation of two large roof
lights of double glazed, toughened, anti-sun polished plate, the upper light being held an inch above the roof
line with a free flow of air between the panes. This form of construction has contributed to the good handling
qualities of the van. Approximately 2,000 books are carried.

Minimum Standards for Public Libraries Participating in the Country Library Service—Overseas, most
national and State organisations consider it their responsibility to publish statements of standard library
practice, and codes for its evaluation. The most important statement is Public Library Service: A Guide to
Evaluation, with Minimum Standards, which was approved by the Council of the American Library
Association and published by the Association in Chicago in 1956.

In 1952 the New Zealand Library Association Standards Research Committee prepared its "Basic Standards
for New Zealand Libraries, 1952", which was published in New Zealand Libraries 15:121-131; 145-150,
Jl-Ag, S '52. This was based on the survey attempted by the visiting American librarian, Miss Miriam
Tompkins, in 1950, but was not a formal pronouncement of the Association.

For the Country Library Service the problem has been present since 1938. Assistance to local authorities has
been given on three conditions, approved by the Minister of Education at the inception of the Service. The
third of these conditions is that the "local authority should maintain the library at a reasonable standard of


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
Country Library Service assistance to libraries has always been planned as service to assist local effort, not to
supplant it. Where the local service does not reach a certain standard a certain proportion of the Country
Library Service assistance loses its force. No matter how much the assistance is increased the local people
cannot benefit fully from it unless the local authority houses it in a fair building, grafts it on to a reasonable
local book collection, and has the whole serviced by an active and informed librarian. Continuity of good
service is assured only when the basic objectives of library service are enunciated and clearly understood by
the local authority.

Local authorities have not abused the flexible interpretation given to the "reasonable standard of service"
condition, but have appreciated the fact that the Country Library Service always took into consideration any
local difficulties that existed. Libraries generously supported by their local authorities without exception have
made full use of all the services the Government has offered, and the local people have benefited from a
first-class library service in its fullest cultural and educational sense.

Local provision has naturally varied, but since 1950 the pattern of local achievement has become more
apparent, and the possibility was seen of drawing up some code for evaluation. Local authorities participating
in this service were consulted and agreed to provide statistical notes on their own work. These data formed the
basis of a draft statement which set out standards under headings of functions, service, staff, books, and
buildings, and which was sent to local authorities for comment. It was gratifying to receive replies from so
many, saying that they would consider such a statement quite fair and reasonable. Accordingly, the
"Minimum Standards for Public Libraries Participating in the Country Library Service" was approved by the
Minister of Education on 22 April 1958 and issued formally.

The document emphasises that it gives standards for minimum provision, and that local authorities aiming to
give good service will not be satisfied until they are exceeded. That they are exceeded in several centres is a
matter for congratulation, and the local authorities concerned have reason to be proud of their libraries, and
are in every case anxious to maintain their good record.


During the year, 832 of these libraries were linked with this Service, compared with 801 for the previous year.
Of these libraries, 253 are served from Hamilton, 191 from Palmerston North, and 388 from Christchurch.

Altogether 75,997 books were on loan to the 832 libraries, an average of over 91 books per library. Over the
past 10 years the average for each library has increased from 79 books, or 15 per cent, thus demonstrating the
increasing interest that country readers are taking in the type of books supplied by this Service. The figures
shown as basic issues do not include the thousands of books loaned to these libraries on short term through the
"request service".


In places where no library exists and where it is not possible for one to be formed and visited by a book van, a
service to properly established groups by means of hampers is provided. During the year 45 of these groups
received service, there being 3,325 books on regular loan to them. The hamper service is also extended to six
places in the Chatham Islands and to Pitcairn Island.


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.

The postal service has been continued to lighthouse keepers, fire lookouts in State Forests, and a few very
remote readers in coastal islands. During the year a total of 1,851 books was issued, mostly by a hamper



During the year 54 camps or stations received visits from the book van, in addition to one receiving hamper
service from the Christchurch office. Altogether 7,691 books are on loan to such places.


Visits have continued from the book vans to 12 general hospitals with an exchange of 1,405 books. Twelve
mental hospitals received 3,910 books and 13 prisons 3,125 books. During the year assistance has been given
to the Department of Justice in book and periodical selection.

Difficulties occur from time to time in connection with the service to prisons and mental hospitals. They arise
from the lack of supervision of these libraries by trained library staff. Officers engaged in other duties are not
in a position to organise the full service which would be of such benefit to patients and prisoners.

From the special TB collection 1,620 books were exchanged at four-monthly intervals for 15 sanatoria and
tuberculosis wards of public hospitals. Three hundred and thirteen books were sent on request (250
non-fiction and 63 fiction). Sixty-four requests could not be fulfilled as the required books were not available
through the stock or through purchase, and the resources of other collections are not used for these borrowers.


Collections of books, pamphlets, and periodicals to illustrate particular subjects are available for short periods
not only to affiliated libraries but also to university and the larger public libraries.


Year ended 31
1957 1958
Number of collections sent 628 640
Number of books included 26,667 26,645

A total of 1,127 titles is now taken by the Wellington office, of which 821 copies are circulated regularly to
Government Department libraries. Four hundred and eighty copies are sent direct from the publishers to the
Country Library Service offices in Hamilton, Palmerston North, and Christchurch, and are sent out regularly
to 93 affiliated libraries. In addition, the periodicals held in Wellington are available on short-term loan to
public and other libraries which are interested in them.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.


In 1941 the Minister of Education approved the establishment of a New Zealand School Library Service, the
purchasing of books to be financed from the augmented item "School and Class Libraries" in the vote
"Education", the administration being undertaken by the Country Library Service, as it then was. This new
service was to provide not school text books, but a wide and varied choice of books of high imaginative
quality or technical excellence, suitable for children at all levels of ability and stages of development. The
smaller and more remote country schools were to be given priority. Books were to be freely available for
reading at home.

The provision of supplies of books which circulate among schools goes some way towards setting free the
money for library books, available to schools by way of annual capitation grant and from local contribution,
which is eligible for subsidy. These funds may then be used to build at each school (a) a collection of such
basic reference books as are needed always at hand; (b) reading material for the preparatory classes; (c) books
of purely local interest; (d) other books which it is desired to have permanently.

By cooperation between the Education Board and the Dunedin City Council considerable progress had been
made in service to schools in Otago since 1938. Vigorous exploitation of a book stock selected in terms of
children's interests followed the most enlightened overseas practice, linking skilfully the activities of home,
school, and public library, as well as introducing to this country books not previously known here.

Beginning in Canterbury in March 1942 by incorporating the Travelling Library for Rural Schools, the School
Library Service has developed until, today, exchanges of books are sent to 2,490 schools with a total roll
(excluding primers) of 298,317. These figures do not include those for post-primary schools, which make use
of the information and request service only.

Services available to schools and to the smaller public libraries can be broadly defined as general exchanges
of books, information and request service, provision of book lists, and advice on library planning.

General exchanges of books, changed regularly, are sent to all primary, intermediate, and district high schools
and the primary departments of registered private schools which join the service, for the use of pupils in
Standard 1 and upwards. These books are intended mainly for recreational reading, both at home and at
school. The number sent in each exchange is based on the school roll, exclusive of primer classes, on a scale
of not fewer than one per child, while for small schools it is usually possible to increase this to two or three
books per child. Exchanges are made at least once a year, with further exchanges during the year for smaller
schools to the extent that books and staff make possible. Where satisfactory arrangements for storage and
adequate use can be made, exchanges of suitable books are also sent to the smaller public libraries which
provide free service in their children's and young adults' sections. The number of books sent is based on the
population of the area controlled by the local authority. Post-primary schools depending, as they do, mainly
on their own libraries, do not receive exchanges of books but participate with the other schools in the
information and request and other services available. The post-primary departments of district high schools
are eligible for all services, including exchanges.

The information and request service, available to all schools which have joined the service, supplies to both
children and teachers, on short-term loan, books and other material to meet individual needs not satisfied by
the general exchanges. The particular aim is to meet requests for children's books and books for school
purposes. Schools have been urged to make the fullest use of this service which helps to ensure that the right
book reaches the child who needs it, for classroom activity or any other worth-while purpose. Material for the
personal or study needs of teachers cannot usually be supplied by the School Library Service; such requests

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
can, however, be handed to the nearest public library or "B" library group linked with the Country Library
Service. When schools are establishing new libraries extra help by way of special collections or indefinite
loans is given. All public libraries and groups receiving library service from the Country Library Service may
use the information and request service. During the year 328,482 books were sent out in response to requests.

The preparation of book lists, which have proved of value to schools and public libraries has been continued
this year. The supplements to Junior Fiction and Non-Fiction for Primary Schools are annotated lists of the
better, recently published children's books, other than those appearing in countries with which there are
currency difficulties; these supplements are distributed twice a year to schools and public libraries which ask
to be placed on a mailing list. "For the Post-primary Library", a series of annotated lists of current titles, has
been appearing regularly in the Education Gazette since 16 July 1951. Public libraries and larger post-primary
schools will find further suggestions in the cyclostyled series "Books for Young Adults" which appears at
intervals; it includes books for recreational reading and gives special consideration to suitable adult titles.
Other lists are prepared for publication as the need arises. A bibliography of material published by the Service
from its inception in 1942 appeared in the annual report for the year ended 31 March 1956. Since that date the
following items have been added:

Books for young adults: List 5, October 1956; List 6, June 1957; List 7, November 1957.

Books for young people, 1957.

Interim list of subject headings for New Zealand school libraries, o.p.

Junior fiction.

Supplements: April 1956 to September 1956; October 1956 to March 1957; April 1957 to September 1957.

Non-fiction for primary schools. (Supplements have title, Junior Non-fiction.)

Supplements: April 1956 to September 1956; October 1956 to March 1957; April 1957 to September 1957.

Quick-reference books for high-school libraries, 1956.

Sets of books for French classes, August 1956.

In addition to this published material, buying and reading lists are constantly being prepared to meet the
special needs of individual schools, public libraries, and groups concerned with the reading of children and

Assistance is given to schools planning new libraries or reorganising existing libraries. The visiting of schools
to give help where needed and to discuss the use of books is still limited by staff shortages.

Except for small parcels which are sent by post, books are distributed in hampers or cartons by rail or road
transport from 15 centres—North Island: Whangarei and Hastings public libraries; offices of the Country
Library Service in Hamilton and Palmerston North and of the School Library Service in Auckland, Napier,
New Plymouth, Wanganui, and Wellington. South Island: Greymouth, Timaru, Dunedin, and Invercargill
public libraries; the office of the Country Library Service in Christchurch and of the School Library Service in
Nelson. Schools are usually served by the nearest School Library Service office.

The headquarters office at Wellington is responsible for the coordination of the service, for the selection,
ordering, classifying, and cataloguing of new books and their dispatch to district offices, the maintenance of a


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
comprehensive collection of children's and young people's books used to meet requests which cannot be
supplied from local offices, and the distribution of books to schools and public libraries in or near Wellington
city and the Hutt Valley. To enable children at smaller country schools to see and to choose for themselves
from a wide range of books, the possibilities of service by book van are being considered.

Since its establishment schools joining the service have paid a subscription at the rate of 1s. per pupil
(Standard 1 and upwards) for each of the first two years. Ministerial authority was given during the year to
discontinue this levy.

Schools borrowing books are asked to accept responsibility for (a) safe-keeping of books while on loan to the
school, including books issued to members of staff for school use; (b) return of books when due; (c) payment
for books lost or damaged beyond fair wear and tear; (d) payment of freight and postal charges from school to
School Library Service office.

Books are made available to special institutions controlled by the Education Department. Primary pupils of
the Correspondence School are provided with individual postal service from district offices. Child welfare
institutions, training centres, health camps, and other special groups are given service according to their needs.
Teachers' training colleges, young people's groups, kindergartens, and nursery play centre supervisors are also
helped. Visits to School Library Service offices by teachers in training are arranged wherever possible.

Assistance to several Pacific Island schools has been continued from the Auckland office by means of
extended loans. Under this system the schools receive an original bulk loan which they check annually,
reporting losses and returning damaged and worn books for replacement, wherever possible, by new titles, so
that loans will not degenerate into collections of old books. The schools concerned were listed in last year's
annual report. The desirability of extension of this service is constantly in review.

During the year members of the staff acted as librarians at the usual teachers' refresher courses. Appropriate
collections of books always create considerable interest. Discussions at these courses have been helpful in the
selection of books and have brought about an increased awareness of the uses of books in a wide range of

Below are tables showing details of the School Library Service as at 31 March 1958. The figures for the
number of "schools" and "pupils" include those for primary schools and post-primary departments of district
high schools but do not include those for other post-primary schools as these do not receive general exchanges
of books. (Figures in parentheses are for the previous year.)

Schools Pupils
Receiving (Standard 1
Exchanges and upwards)
Education Board schools 2,004 (1,973) 252,469 (241,148)
Departmental schools and institutions 211 (216) 13,996 (14,270)
Private schools 275 (260) 31,852 (28,175)

Totals 2,490 (2,449) 298,317 (283,593)


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.
Year Ended 31
Books Supplied 1958 1957
In exchanges to—
All schools, Standard 1 to Form II 676,637 648,816
District high schools, Form III to Form VI 34,452 32,439
Public libraries, children's departments 34,639 30,926
Public libraries, young people's sections 22,724 22,307

Total for exchanges 768,452 734,488

On request and in loan collections, including indefinite loans—

Primary 263,374 244,175
Post-primary 72,956 78,358

Totals 1,104,782 1,057,021

Book Stock—Additions to stock were 70,228 fiction and 48,789 non-fiction. Withdrawals were 47,645 fiction
and 11,834 non-fiction. The stock now stands at 1,091,189, of which 656,911 are fiction and 434,278 are
non-fiction. One thousand four hundred and sixty-nine new titles were added during the year.



At the end of November nine diplomas and five certificates were awarded to 14 students who completed the
course. For health reasons one student accepted under the Colombo Plan returned to his own country at the
end of the first term. Of the successful students two returned to the libraries in which they had been employed
before attending the school, three were appointed librarians of smaller public libraries, four joined the staffs of
city public libraries, two are now members of the School Library Service staff, and one the librarian of the
Central Military District. The two holders of UNESCO Fellowships are consolidating their training by
carrying out practical work in the Delhi Public Library for three months.


This course began on 4 March with 17 New Zealand students and the three Indonesian students who have
been working in libraries in New Zealand since February 1957.

Four students have a master's and nine a bachelor's degree in arts, one a bachelor's degree in music, and two
are holders of the New Zealand Library Association's Certificate.


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.


Part II of this course was held at the Library School from 14 January to 15 February. Twenty-two students
attended and all were recommended for the award of the Association's certificate.


A short course for librarians and library assistants mainly from smaller public libraries was held from 12 to 31
August. There were 21 students from the following public libraries: Birkenhead, Blenheim, Dargaville,
Devonport, Hawera, Howick, Huntly, Inglewood, Kaiapoi, Kaikohe, Kaitaia, Martinborough, Mataura, Nelson
Institute, Otaki, Palmerston, Rangiora, Taumarunui, Upper Hutt, Waiuku, Warkworth, and a field librarian
from the Country Library Service, Hamilton.

In addition to lectures and practical exercises, several hours were set aside for the informal discussion of
problems and special questions raised by the students. Senior members of National Library Service
headquarters joined the staff of the school in these discussions.

Limits imposed by the size of the school made it necessary to defer acceptance of some students eligible for
this course.

A short course on similar lines will be offered again in August this year to librarians or library assistants of
small public libraries who are not able to take advantage of other means of training.

As in previous years we wish to acknowledge the valuable contribution made to these courses by visiting
lecturers and the libraries which lend us books.


The National Library Centre, in addition to acting as the division responsible for the headquarters work of the
Service, has continued to promote the cooperative use of library resources. Staff at headquarters are still
working under very difficult conditions and there is a continuing and pressing need both for administrative
working space and adequate housing for the book collections.

Inter-library Loan—All inter-library loan requests for books and periodicals the location of which is not
known are sent to the National Centre. Items which are not found in the Union Catalogue of non-fiction
books, the Union List of Serials, or other bibliographical sources are listed in the weekly publication Book
Resources, which is sent to 39 libraries for checking.

1956-57 1957-58
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Interloan cards received 7,197 100.0 7,640 100.0
Supplied from National Library Service 4,312 59.9 4,411 57.7
Supplied from other Wellington libraries 171 2.4 139 1.8
Supplied from Union Catalogue records 949 13.2 1,055 13.8
Supplied from Union List of Serials 101 1.4 173 2.3
Not supplied for various reasons 641 8.9 664 8.7


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.

Listed on Book Resources 1,023 14.2 1,198 15.7

Four hundred and seventy-five titles not found in any library were ordered for national stock.

The number of requests received by the centre represents probably less than half the total volume of traffic
among New Zealand libraries, the proportion of direct interloan being higher in the special and university
libraries. Interloan was devised and introduced among libraries by the New Zealand Library Association and
in its operation the responsibility of the National Library Service is not merely to act as a clearing house but to
provide all the material it reasonably can to make the system effective. Other libraries participate reciprocally,
or lend so that they may the more freely borrow. The contribution, as has always been expected, is a varying
one and one or two libraries may consider that they have a substantial and unrealisable credit balance in their
favour. The point beyond which certain libraries may feel they cannot go in the common interest has not so far
been determined administratively but it may be necessary to consider this. If so, it is better that it be done
quantitatively on the basis of a common library policy rather than that the present procedure should become
an embarrassment or be administered capriciously or conservatively.

Central Bureau for Library Book Imports—After the introduction of import control in January the
Government approved that the facilities of the bureau should be extended to meet the situation and assure
libraries of their essential supplies. The bureau was set up in 1940 as a responsibility of the Country Library
Service as a result of discussions between the Government and the Library Association. Because libraries
undertook to avoid unnecessary duplication and develop cooperative ways of recording and using their
holdings, the 50 per cent cut in book imports made in 1939 was restored and the necessary machinery
established to safeguard the country's supply of essential publications.

The situation now is that recommendations for licences are made to the Comptroller of Customs in two
categories: firstly, block licence in annual or six-monthly lots to cover a full licensing period, on behalf of
public libraries serving a population of 20,000 and over, university libraries, and a few special libraries;
secondly, individual recommendations on behalf of smaller libraries which are made on the basis of orders
sent in when making application. Book-sellers are expected to give libraries a proportionate share of their
1956 transactions on which their current licence would be computed.

Block licence recommendations, normally made at the end of the year—and for some years only for
anticipated imports from scheduled countries, chiefly the dollar area—were held over until the present
calendar year and statistically will be included in the figures for the 1958 licensing period.

Libraries of Government Departments—A total of £45,357 was spent on behalf of Government Departments
financed from the Consolidated Fund and purchasing through the National Library Service. Of this total,
£25,344 was for standing orders, chiefly periodical subscriptions. The value, nationally, of a range of
periodicals wider than that which is now received by all the libraries would scarcely be disputed, but the
degree of duplication between and particularly within Departments continues to cause concern.

Book Resources Committee of the New Zealand Library Association—The Book Resources Committee of
which the Librarian, National Centre, is Secretary, has continued to act as the national planning and advisory
body in the cooperative acquisition, recording, and use of publications. In June and July of this year Dr K. D.
Metcalf, Librarian Emeritus of Harvard, at the joint invitation of the United States Educational Foundation in
New Zealand and the New Zealand Government, will visit New Zealand. Dr Metcalf will visit the main
centres and will have discussions with the committee and the Government on policy matters.

Union Catalogue—During the year 26,033 new titles were added including 2,928 from the microfilmed
record of library catalogues. The catalogue now includes over 400,000 entries.


The Project Gutenberg eBook of Report of the National Library Service for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, G. T. Alley.

Union List of Serials—The typing and printing of the sixth (cumulative) supplement to the Union List of
Serials has commenced and publication is anticipated early in 1959.

Index to New Zealand Periodicals—The 1956 issue of the index, the first for which the National Library
Service has accepted the responsibility of publication, was printed by photo-offset and distributed. The 1957
issue is being prepared in the same way. The possibility of simplifying production by printing direct from the
typed cards is being explored.

General—Printed catalogue cards for 247 New Zealand books and pamphlets were issued during the year.
Work on the national bibliography, from 1890 to 1950, has continued and it is hoped to commence the typing
of a preliminary check list of holdings at the end of the year.

by authority:

r. e. owen, government printer, wellington, new zealand—1958

Price 1 s.

96098-58 G

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Report of the National Library Service
for the Year Ended 31 March 1958, by G. T. Alley and National Library Service (


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