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Application of Swot Analysis As A Management...... - 24 Pages

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This report submitted in accordance with requirement of the Universiti Teknikal
Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for the Bachelor Degree of Manufacturing Engineering
(Manufacturing Process) with Honours.





The purpose of this study is to apply SWOT Analysis as a management tool in analyzing
competitiveness of a product. A sample of product; e-minus is allowed for study purpose
with permits from the industry. As to enable the SWOT Analysis to be performed, three
objectives are structured. This includes to identify points from e-minus and the two
competitors product that prior to SWOT, to analyze competitiveness using the points
generates from SWOT Match-Matrix thus come out with the result and finally to
develop competitive strategies for e-minus based on its SWOT Match-Matrix also from
benchmarked results of competitors SWOT Match-Matrix. A set of methodology is
applied as a flow of completing this study. This involved the process of defining the
right competitors and obtaining data for e-minus and the competitors. In order to gain
relative data for all the three products, a template of accessing criteria that prior to
SWOT point is used at first. This data is then prioritized into five and transferred into
SWOT Analysis template for each product. The data is summarized and transported into
SWOT Match-Matrix template for competitive analysis and discussion. Results from the
SWOT Match-Matrix of e-minus have generated ten strategies and is used as a proposed
strategies that be able to implement in order to face its market and establish its brand
name. Eight strategies that derived from competitor 1 and seven from competitor 2 are
viewed as a predicted strategy that might be apply by them against e-minus and are
benchmarked. These benchmarked strategies are used as a reference to generate
additional strategies for e-minus. As a final result, sixteen strategies are developed for e-
minus as to ensure it could stay competitive in its market.


Kajian ini adalah mengenai penggunaan Analisis SWOT sebagai salah satu medium
pengurusan dalam mengkaji kemampuan sesuatu produk untuk bersaing dalam
pasarannya. Contoh produk yang diberi nama e-minus telah digunakan untuk mengkaji
keupayaan saingannya melalui aplikasi SWOT. Bagi melancarkan kajian ini, tiga objektif
telah disusun. Ini merangkumi mengenalpasti faktor penyumbang kepada SWOT,
menganalisis faktor-faktor SWOT tersebut dengan menggunakan komponen SWOT
Match-Matrix serta akhir sekali mengatur strategi saingan untuk e-minus. Kaedah kajian
merangkumi mencari dan mengumpulkan maklumat bagi e-minus beserta dua lagi
produk saingannya. Untuk data yang relatif bagi ketiga-tiga produk, jadual yang
menetapkan faktor SWOT telah direka dan data disusun mengikut faktor-faktor SWOT
tersebut. Lima data utama daripada setiap kumpulan faktor tersebut telah dipindahkan ke
dalam Analisis SWOT. Data-data ini kemudiannya diringkaskan dan dipindahkan ke
dalam SWOT Match-Matrix untuk tujuan analisis strategi. Hasil daripada analisis SWOT
Match-Matrix untuk e-minus memperlihatkan sebanyak sepuluh strategi telah diatur
untuk e-minus berdepan dengan permulaan pasarannya. Manakala lapan dan tujuh
strategi daripada produk saingan pertama dan keduanya telah ditanda aras sebagai
strategi yang diramalkan berkeupayaan mengatasi pasaran e-minus. Tujuan tanda aras
adalah untuk membentuk strategi tambahan bagi e-minus. Sebagai kesimpulan, di akhir
kajian telah memperlihatkan keseluruhan enam belas strategi dibentuk bagi
mengukuhkan keupayaan e-minus untuk bersaing dengan produk saingannya serta


My grateful thanks to my parents and whole family for their patience, understanding and
supports also to Nurul Huda Muhammad, ex-engineer and a very close friend of mine
who helped me figure out the product used for this study together with all information
needed throughout this study.


Praised be to Allah. It has been exceedingly grateful to all; my PSM supervisor, industry
advisor, friends and family; who allowed this final year project to be able to perform
within the timeline with lots of experiences and knowledge gain and skills a lot have
been improved. This study would not have been possible without advices from Mr. Sik
Chong Wei who role as an industry advisor who had been so generous with the chances
given to perform this study. Also to Nurul Huda Muhammad who had helped me figure
out the product used in this study together with all related information that always seem
necessary throughout completing this study. To Miss Muzalna, my PSM supervisor who
has never failed to guide the need and being so endlessly supportive and encouraging
during this timeline. Another word of thanks specially dedicate to the rest of my friends
for the tremendous ideas which has turn this study even more better than ever expected.
Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my family for being so
understanding, helpful and so cooperative. Thank you.


Abstract i
Abstrak ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Content v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
List of Abbreviation x

1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 4
1.3 Objectives of Study 5
1.4 Scope of Study 5
1.5 Organization of Study 6

2.1 Management Tools 8
2.1.1 SWOT as a Management Tool 11
2.1.2 Examples of Previous Study Using SWOT 12
2.2 SWOT as a Tool in Analyzing Competitiveness 14
2.2.1 History of SWOT 15
2.2.2 Evolution of SWOT Framework 16
2.2.3 The Purpose of SWOT 17
2.2.4 Component of SWOT and the Analysis 18
2.2.5 Phases of Analysis 21
2.2.6 SWOT Analysis: Match-Matrix 23 Example of Case Study Performing Match-Matrix 25
2.3 Advantages of Using SWOT 27

3.1 Review of the Issues and Problem 28
3.2 Study Planning 29
3.3 Flow Chart of Study Planning 33
3.3.1 PSM 1 33
3.3.2 PSM 2 34

4.1 Arrangement of Data 36
4.2 SWOT Analysis 42
4.2.1 SWOT Analysis for e-minus 42
4.2.2 SWOT Analysis for Competitor 1 42
4.2.3 SWOT Analysis for Competitor 2 42
4.3 SWOT Match-Matrix 46
4.3.1 SWOT Match-Matrix for e-minus 46
4.3.2 SWOT Match-Matrix for Competitor 1 46
4.3.3 SWOT Match-Matrix for Competitor 2 46
4.4 Result & Discussion for e-minus 48
4.4 (a) Result 48
4.4 (b) Discussion 49
4.5 Result & Discussion for Competitor 1 53
4.5 (a) Result 53
4.5 (b) Discussion 54
4.6 Result & Discussion for Competitor 2 57
4.6 (a) Result 57
4.6 (b) Discussion 58
4.7 Final Discussion and Proposal of Enhancing
The Competitiveness of e-minus 60

5.1 Conclusion 62
5.2 Recommendation 63


A Gantt chart 68
B Template of Accessing Criteria 69
C SWOT Analysis Template 70
D SWOT Match-Making Template 71


2.1 Example of several Management Tools with functions 9
2.2 Example template for SWOT analysis 23
2.3 The SWOT match-matrix 24
2.4 SWOT matrix for Hayden Company 26

3.1 SWOT cell-matching or match matrix 32

4.1 List of data that supports the accessing criteria for each
SWOT component 37
4.2 SWOT Analysis conduct for e-minus 43
4.3 SWOT Analysis conduct for Competitor 1 44
4.4 SWOT Analysis conduct for Competitor 2 45
4.5 SWOT Match-Matrix for e-minus 47
4.6 SWOT Match-Matrix for Competitor 1 52
4.7 SWOT Match-Matrix for Competitor 2 56
5.1 Matrix for extended SWOT Analysis 63


1.1 Example of the diagram SWOT analysis template 3

2.1 Element of SWOT 18
2.2 Scanning process of external and internal factors for SWOT 21
2.3 Abbreviated SWOT matrix for Hayden Company 25

3.1 Sample product of e-minus for study 30
3.2 Flowchart of Study Planning 33


SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
HSDPA - High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi (IPA:


This chapter introduced the basic ideas of competitiveness and SWOT, problem
statements, objectives and scope of study.

1.1 Background

Analyzing product competitiveness is mandatory in any type of industry in order to
ensure market success. Product competitiveness is a stage which a product actually
facing various challenges of rivals. Product with good formulating and strategies are
seen to have the ability to compete and faces the rivals thus result in excel market
feedback. Knowing the competition is one of the best ways to ensure market success,
and doing so begins with identifying and understanding who the product must battle for
business in each of its target market segments.

In developing a strategic business model, it should be understand the basics of strategy
in competition and in industrial structures as an input to strategic thinking. Competition
occurs directly as business provide products and services and compete with other
businesses for customers, by the availability, quality and price of how the product or
service. Both the context of how these businesses compete and how they design products
and services are key factors in this competition (Betz, 2002).

Competition does not only look at the existing competitors but also threat from low cost
and better substitute products, threat from new entrants and the technological innovators
in the same product category. When formulating the market strategies for product, it is
crucial to determine the products from the inside out. This could be done via
competitive analysis that carries down by the firm. The outcome from this competitive
analysis is the identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(SWOT) of a product. SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is
organized by the SWOT format into a logical order that helps understanding,
presentation, discussion and decision-making (Chanman, 2005).

The term SWOT itself is an acronym from strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. SWOT analysis provides a body of knowledge that is needed to undertake the
strategic planning process. The result from the analysis can be used for all sorts of
decision-making. Analysis of SWOT consists of a template which normally presented as
a grid, comprising four sections, one for each of the SWOT headings: Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The two-by-two matrix facilitates the
alignment of the factors and applies a timeframe for achievement as defined in the four
quadrants. Figure 1.1 below is the example of the diagram of SWOT.

Positive Negative

Strengths Weaknesses
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

7. 7.

Opportunities Threats
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

7. 7.

Figure 1.1: Example of the diagram of SWOT Analysis template.

SWOT enables proactive thinking, rather than relying on habitual or instinctive reactions
(Chanman, 2005). The main objective of SWOT analysis is to analyze factors from both
within and outside the product that may influence success. A properly conducted SWOT
analysis generates information which helps a firm respond to various strategic
challenges in order to keep the consistency of the product performance in market.
SWOT as a technique can find suitable applications across diverse management
functions and activities, is particularly applicable in early stages of strategic and
marketing planning. The SWOT analysis headings provide a good framework for
reviewing strategy, position and direction of a product or business proposition, or any
idea (Chanman, 2005). What makes SWOT particularly powerful is that, with a little
thought, it can help uncover opportunities that are well placed to exploit. Also by
understanding the weaknesses of the product, a firm can manage and eliminate threats
that would otherwise catch their unawares.
1.2 Problem Statement

Successful factors among product are very subjective to discuss because it tied strongly
with strategic planning that structured for the product before it enters the market. If excel
and well planning strategies are structured, the product will prepare for a market battle
and survive for competitiveness. Especially for a new product, it is crucial to develop a
strategy in order to approach the customer and be competitive among other products.

In order to fulfill this study, a product renamed as e-minus (which roll as a HSDPA
communication server) is selected as to apply the SWOT analysis and to measure its
competitiveness level. The selection of this product is made based on number of factors.
The main reason is this product is such a new entrance substitutes product for local
market which functions as communication server or instant office set up for SOHO
(Small Office/Home Office) use. As a communication server, it is facilitated with
HSDPA broadband, Wi-Fi access for LAN, SIP & VoIP communications, IP-PBX
calling features and print server in only one single product. The best part for this product
is it comprised with multiple additional applications compares to the other existing
SOHO products. In order to obtain it competitiveness level, it is necessary to identify
both internal and external point of factors prior to SWOT analysis before a strategic
planning can be implemented for this product to stay competitive in market.

The idea for analyzing the competitiveness level of this product is determined since as a
new substitute product, it is very crucial to get to know the market and its type of
customers instead of providing ways to approach a bigger market in order to face the
close competitors and react for feedback. All these factors would lead for a strategy as a
kick-start for product to be able to compete.

1.3 Objective of Study

The objectives of this study are:
a) To identify points from the product of e-minus and the competitors product that
prior to SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).
b) To analyze competitiveness using the points generates from SWOT Match-Matrix
thus come out with the result.
c) To develop competitive strategies for e-minus based on its SWOT Match-Matrix and
from the benchmarked results of competitors SWOT Match-Matrix.

1.4 Scope of Study

Since this study is about analyzing a products competitiveness, the focus of this study is
concentrated on the selected product (e-minus) and the similar SOHO products that
manufactured from its two close competitors. Moreover, the focus of this study is going
to be specific to the technology adoption and features offers by all the three products.
The reason is to identify factors that might contribute to the market rivalry and how
strategies can be suitable to develop as to aid e-minus to stay competence. In order to
approach the two relevant competitors, a market survey is conducted. The reason is to
identify the most preferable brand name that chooses by users and to approach the
technology and features offer.

1.5 Organization of The Study

This study is conducted in three organized flow process and is summarized as below.

Section 1: Introduction
This section introduces the basic idea or background that surrounds the title of this
study, issues that contributes to the problem statement, objectives of the study and the
scope of the study.

Section 2: Literature Review
This section reviews the relevant information that contributes to the literature reviews.
Direction is more focus on example of management tool, SWOT as a management tool,
the practiced of SWOT in a previous study as a management tool in various and
different fields and also the used of SWOT as a tool in analyzing the competitiveness.
This chapter also described SWOT in details beginning from the history of the SWOT
until the used of the match-matrix to obtain the result.

Section 3: Methodology
This section explains the methodology applies for performing this study. Despite a brief
explanation on how the study is conducted, a flow chart also provided represents the
processes. This chapter focus on approach method used and the way data are collected
which involves three different phases.

Section 4: Result and Discussion
This chapter performs a continuation beginning from the result that arranged in a table
of accessing criteria. This result is next transfer into SWOT Analysis template before it
is summarized and transported into SWOT Match-Matrix for analysis and discussion.
Final discussion and proposal also included.

Section 5: Conclusion & Recommendation
This is the last section of this report. This section reflects the objectives of this study
accordingly to the overall findings. Recommendation meanwhile represents a propose
method that applicable to implement for future study in order to gain a better result.



This chapter reviews the relevant literature of management tools, SWOT Analysis as a
management tool, previous study using SWOT Analysis and the entire SWOT Analysis.

2.1 Management Tools

SWOT (Strategic Planning), Benchmarking, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management
(TQM) and several more are among of the many management tools that companies have
experimented with in recent years. Rigby (2001) in his articles defined that the term
management tool can mean many things, but often involves a set of concepts,
processes, exercises, and analytic frameworks. Some tools, such as Benchmarking is
specific analytical exercises with very tangible outputs. Others, such as Visioning,
Creative Destruction, and Market Disruption Analysis, are processes that have less-
tangible outcomes.

For years until now explosion of management tools has been witnessed and that burst
was fueled by the need to successfully navigate an increasingly competitive
marketplace. With operations spanning the globe, companies have become more
complex, adding to the challenging decisions corporate leaders face which requires them
to identify the right tools for business solution. Fortunately, they now have an expanded
toolset at their fingertips, resulted from the faster emergence, less expensive information
delivery systems (Rigby and Bilodeau, 2007). Table 2.1 shows several of the
management tools together with its function.

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