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Peppapig Activity Pack

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The document provides information and curriculum-linked activities about the Peppa Pig television show and live party performance.

The main characters are Peppa Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, George Pig, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Emily Elephant, and Daisy.

Themes and activities include birthdays, games, music, songs, making cakes, trains, nature trails, magic tricks, and dancing.

Activity Pack

For teachers of Early Years Foundation Stage

Information about the show Peppa Pigs Party with ideas and suggested
activities linking the content and themes of the show to the curriculum.
A) Introduction:
Characters. Themes and plot outline.
B) Curriculum linked information and activities:
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication, language and literacy
Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Creative development
A) Introduction:
Peppa Pigs Party Characters
Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig is a lovable but slightly bossy little pig. She is young (4 years old) and lives with
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and her little brother, George. They live in a house on a hill. Peppa likes
playing with Suzy Sheep (her best friend), visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig and looking after
George. Most of all, Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles, laughing and making
loud snorting noises.
Daddy Pig
Daddy Pig is very jolly and laughs all the time, especially when he plays with Peppa and George.
Daddy Pig reads the paper and gets excited about trips in the car. He loves cookies and pumpkin
pie and Peppa teases him about his big round tummy. He also likes to think he is a bit of an
expert on most things. Daddy Pig can be a tiny bit grumpy sometimes, especially when he cant
remember where he put his glasses.
Mummy Pig
Mummy Pig likes jumping up and down in muddy puddles almost as much as Peppa. She works
from home on her computer and sometimes lets Peppa and George help, as long as they dont bash
the keyboard. She is better at map reading than Daddy Pig and is very wise about most things.
George Pig
George is Peppas little brother. He is 2 years old and loves to play with his big sister, Peppa, even
when shes being bossy. Georges favourite thing is his toy dinosaur. He carries it everywhere with
him. George cant speak very well yet but likes saying one word a lot: Dine-saw!
Suzy Sheep
Peppas best friend is called Suzy Sheep. Peppa loves Suzy and Suzy loves Peppa.
When they play dressing-up, Suzy likes to be a nurse and Peppa is always a fairy princess.
Danny Dog
Danny Dog is Peppa and Georges friend from playgroup. He loves playing outside in the park.
He also likes toy boats. His Granddad has a real boat and takes Danny out for rides on the river.
Emily Elephant
Emily is one of Peppas friends from playgroup. She likes playing in the park, going to the funfair
and dressing up.
Daisy only appears in the show, Peppa Pigs Party. She is a human character.
She is friends with Mummy Pig and has come to help with Peppas birthday party celebrations.
Other friends and family of Peppa Pig that appear in the TV show, but not in the Peppa Pigs Party,
include Grandpa and Granny Pig, Rebecca Rabbit, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony and Zoe Zebra.
Peppa Pigs Party Live Show
Main themes: Birthdays and birthday celebrations, games, musical instruments and songs,
making cakes, trains, nature trails, magicians and magic tricks and dancing!
Note: Puppets in the show all the characters, except for Daisy, are hand-held puppets operated
by actors who can be seen by the audience.
Act One:
Peppa Pigs Party starts in the morning, on the day of Peppas birthday party. (In the show there
is a narrator who you can hear but not see, as in the TV series. All of the characters speak to the
audience, from time to time.) Mummy Pigs friend Daisy has come to help with the preparations
for the party. In the garden she finds three colourful tents but no one appears to be there. However,
its not long before Daisy is playing peek-a-boo with Peppas friends, Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep and
Emily Elephant, who have been hiding in the tents, which are there for a sleepover after Peppas
party. Next, the friends all realise that they have forgotten to bring Peppas presents and rush
home to get them.
In the meantime, Daisy rings the doorbell on Peppas house. She hears Daddy Pigs voice.
He tells her that George has taken the key for the front door and George is hiding somewhere in
the house. George can be seen in different windows of the house, as he plays peek-a-boo with
the grown-ups, until, finally, he and the key are found! Inside the house, Peppa is hiding in the
laundry basket. George does not know where Peppa is but he can hear her laughing.
The grown-ups help George to find Peppa.
Peppas friends arrive and its time to open her birthday presents. Peppas presents are lots of
different musical instruments: a drum, a horn, an accordion and a violin. Daisy leads the song
I am the music man and everyone plays the instruments, with George joining in with the sound
Mummy tells everyone about the treats for Peppas birthday: a train ride and a nature trail. Peppa
and her friends go to play in the garden while they wait for Grandpa Pigs train, Gertrude, to arrive.
Meanwhile, Daddy Pig and George make Peppas birthday cake. The result is a lot of mess in the
kitchen! Daddy and George get cleaned up for the train ride and Mummy Pig takes over the cake
making and party preparations.
Act Two:
Gertrude the train arrives and takes everyone into the woods. Just before the start of the nature
trail, Gertrude breaks down. Everyone tries to help Daddy Pig to fix Gertrude. In the end, Peppa
pulls a lever and Gertrude starts again. Daddy decides to stay with Gertrude just to make sure
everything is working properly.
Daisy takes Peppa, George and friends to the start of the nature trail. To begin with, everyone is a
little tired, bored and grumpy but in the end they have great fun spotting birds, watching a duck
build a nest and seeing colourful butterflies. It starts to rain and everyone starts jumping up and
down in muddy puddles! Finally, they get back to Daddy Pig and Gertrude. Daddy Pig helps them
get cleaned up and takes them home in time for Peppas party.
At the house, Daisy leads some party games and then Daddy Pig appears as the Amazing Mysterio
and does some magic tricks. Daddys final trick is to blindfold Peppa and bring in her birthday
cake to surprise her! After cake, everyone dances together.
Its time to go to sleep in the tents but, after singing a good night song, Peppa decides she is not
sleepy yet and everyone has one more dance before going to bed. They say goodnight and goodbye
to the audience - thats the end of the story / show.
B) Curriculum linked information and activities
inspired by the show, Peppa Pigs Party.
Personal, social and emotional development
1. Birthdays. Tell the story of Peppa Pigs Party to your class and ask them what they think the
story is about. Answers may vary from birthdays to having fun with friends. Ask them what they
think is the best thing about birthday parties. Answers may include presents and playing games.
Ask who are birthdays for? How do you feel at birthday parties? Sometimes, at birthday parties,
you do not know everyone and may feel a little shy. Here is a good game for getting to know people:
Switch. A getting to know each other game.
Divide the children into two groups and line them up by the walls on either side of the area.
The leader stands in the centre and calls out things that the children may have in common,
for example: Anyone who likes playing in the park, anyone who has a brother, anyone wearing
jeans, anyone who likes baked beans and then calls out Switch! If it is true for anyone then
they switch sides by running across the room. This is usually a popular game and after a while
you can get ideas from the children too for the Switch!
2. Feelings. Ask your class to consider the following moments in extracts from Peppa Pigs Party
(see below), which touch on different feelings and emotions.
In Extract One, Peppa asks if she will get more presents, Mummy Pig says no and that there
will be things for everyone. This is ideal for a discussion about sharing, being kind, generous,
having fun together, saying thank you and to talk about why people who are invited to a birthday
party are sometimes given party bags with small presents when they are going home.
In Extract Two, Peppa and her friends are tired and a bit fed up from walking. Daisy suggests
they sing a song to cheer themselves up. Ask your class what songs they like to sing to cheer
themselves up. What other things might you do to cheer yourself up when you are tired?
For example, playing a game like I Spy, having a drink and something to eat or a cuddle.
In Extract Three, Peppa and her friends are excited and happy to see Mummy Pig and they all try
to tell Mummy Pig the story of their day and all end up talking at the same time. Mummy Pig cannot
understand what they are saying. Ask your class why is it important to listen and wait your turn to
talk. If you want to say something when other people are talking what should you do? Here is a
fun way to take turns to talk about things that have happened to you and tell your news!:
4. News! (a role-play exercise)
The leader takes on the role of a TV news presenter. He/she has a toy or mimed microphone.
All the children sit in a circle and are given numbers in sequence from 1 upwards, which represent
TV channels. The leader talks like a news reporter and says something like: Today the weather is
sunny and now here is the news from Channel 1, then Channel 2, then 3 and so on. Each child
can then say something that they have done recently. It could be what they had for breakfast or
somewhere they went during the summer holidays that is up to the leader. At the end of each
report the leader says something like: Thank you very exciting news and now for the news
from Channel . Everyone gets a turn to speak and tell their news!
Here are the extracts from the script of Peppa Pigs Party:
Extract One:
MUMMY: Well, we have lots of things to organise for your party, Peppa.
PEPPA: What lots of things, Mummy? More presents?
MUMMY: No, Peppa, things for everyone.
NARRATOR: Mummy Pig tells everyone about Peppas birthday treat.
MUMMY: Grandpa Pig has lent us Gertrude the train to take everyone for a ride
ALL: Hooray!
MUMMY: and Daddy Pig is going to take everyone along the nature trail
DADDY: Thats right!
ALL: Hooray! Hooray!
Extract Two:
SUZY: Daisy, are we nearly there yet?
DAISY: Not long now.
EMILY: (voiced by Georges puppeteer) My feet hurt!
DAISY: Its just around the corner.
DANNY: Im tired!
DAISY: What things can you see?
PEPPA: Just trees and trees and more boring trees
DAISY: I know! Why dont we sing a little song to cheer ourselves up?
DANNY: Lets sing a song about animals
PEPPA: I dont know any
DAISY: Lets sing about the nature trail
ALL: Thats a good idea, etc
PEPPA: (Referring to the audience) and can all of our friends sing with us.
Extract Three:
NARRATOR: The children cant wait to tell Mummy Pig about their adventures.
MUMMY: (quietening them) It sounds as though youve had a very exciting time.
Where is Daddy Pig now?
PEPPA: Hes taking Gertrude the train back to Grandpas house.
MUMMY: Now, tell me, how on earth did you all get to look like that?
NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends didnt have any trouble telling Mummy Pig what they found.
ALL: MUDDY PUDDLES!!! (They all laugh)
Communication, language and literacy
Ask your class how many of them have been to the theatre to see a show. Can any of them
describe a theatre and say what a show is? Here is one definition: A theatre is a place,
usually inside but sometimes outside, where you can see a show or a play. A show / play is a
story that is live with people called actors pretending to be characters while other people,
called the audience, watch them. There can be singing and dancing in a show / play too.
1. Theatre - words and ideas
a) New words: Here are some words to do with the theatre ask your class to say them out loud
and see if they can remember what they mean
Foyer: This is the place you wait before they open the doors to the place where you take your
seats to watch the show.
Box Office: This is the place where you buy or collect tickets for the show.
Usher: This is the person who checks your ticket and shows you to your seat.
Stage: This is the place where the show takes place. Often it is higher than the seats.
b) The stage game:
Get the children to pretend they are on stage looking at an audience. A move to their left is Stage
Left (SL), a move to their right is Stage Right (SR), a move as close to the audience as possible,
on stage is Down Stage (DS), a move far way from the audience is Upstage (US), standing in the
middle of the stage is Centre Stage (CS).
Label each area with a piece of A4 paper with the shorthand and the longhand version written
on each, for example: SL, Stage Left. Get the children to move to different areas on the stage by
calling out these positions in random order, for example: Stage Right, Centre Stage, Down Stage,
Up Stage, Centre Stage, Stage Left. Get the children to tell you where they are. If you wish, let
some of the children have a go at being leader, calling out the different positions.
c) Audience call and response game:
In Peppa Pigs Party the actors speak to the audience and get them to join in. Here is a good
game for using your voices and having a go at joining in!
The leader calls out the first word or action and everyone else shouts back the second word in
Once everyone knows the response, the leader can call out
in a different order to test the memory of the group.
2. Names and characters
a) Name game:
Everyone in the group says their name and then thinks of a word to go with their name, if possible
a word that begins with the same letter as their name. The teacher and children can help each
other come up with good ideas, for example: Active Anna, Fabulous Finley, Lovely Libby, Jumping
Jack. Everyone thinks of an action that goes with their name, this can be anything from running
on the spot, to putting one hand up in the air and the other hand on a hip. The group stand in a
circle and everyone takes a turn to say their name with the describing word and do their action,
then the rest of the group say the name and word and copy the action back.
b) Peppa Pig name game:
The characters in Peppa Pigs Party act like humans but do have some animal characteristics,
such as making animal sounds. A similar game to above but this time the leader asks the class to
remember the names of the characters from Peppa Pigs Party and from Peppas TV show, if they
wish. Everyone calls out the names of the characters and the animal sound that goes with each
one, for example: Danny Dog ruff ruff. As Daisy is not an animal she could be Dancing Daisy, as
above. In the case of Peppas family, the snorts range from loud and deep for Daddy Pig, to a
small squeaky snort for George. Finally, in a circle or moving around, the leader calls out the
names and sound effects for each Peppa Pig character and the class repeats them back.
3. Vocal warm-ups and sound games
a) Catching sounds:
The leader asks the children to pretend that there are lots of magic, invisible sounds floating
around in the air. Then everyone catches a sound and puts it in their mouth. Next everyone puts
their arms in the air and then, as they lower their arms to the ground, the sound comes out of
their mouths. Good sounds to catch are vowel sounds, for example: eeeh, oooh, aaah and also
animal sounds, such as ssss for a snake and zzzz for a bee. Finally, everyone shakes the sound
out of their bottoms, moving their bottoms and making the sound until the leader tells them the
sound has been shaken away!
b) Laughing sounds:
Peppa Pig, along with her family and friends, love to laugh. Why not try it too? Ask your class to
put their hands on their stomachs (tummies) and try a Ha, ha, ha sound and then try a Ho, ho,
ho and finally a Hee, hee, hee. Next, rub their tummies and try mixing up the sounds to say:
Ha, ho, hee. Keep repeating this, try it loudly and quietly and finally, try it lying down on their
backs, just like Peppa Pig and her family do. This should make a really loud sound!
c) Magic words:
Daddy Pig becomes a magician, the amazing Mysterio, for Peppas party. Ask your class what
magic words they know. For example: Abracadabra, Alakazam, Hocus Pocus, Hey Presto, Izzy
wizzy lets get busy! Everyone can practise saying different magic words, saying them loudly,
quietly, fast and slow.
d) Sound effects game:
Peppa Pig and her friends go on a nature trail in the woods. Encourage your class to make sound
effects for Peppas journey through the woods. First of all the wind blowing through the trees,
then the birds chirping, an owl hooting, ducks quacking. On Peppas journey it starts to rain, see
if your class can make the sound of rain drops getting heavier and faster using their tongues, lips
and voices. Ask everyone to close their eyes while you narrate the story of the journey through
the woods and the children make the sound effects to match!
4. Leader in role storytelling exercises Peppa Pigs Party Preparations!
This is an ideal exercise to do after the children have heard the story of Peppa Pigs Party or, it
could be an introduction to telling the story. In these exercises the teacher / leader takes on a
role and the children respond to that role. Each role has a different status low, middle, high. The
teacher can choose to do all or just one of the roles. He/she tells the children he/she will turn her
back and when he/she turns around he/she will be a character from Peppa Pigs Party and they
can talk to him/her as if they are that character. The emphasis here is to get the children to speak
and tell a story but some miming of objects and situations will also happen naturally.
a) Mummy Pig (high status - a character who is in charge and people do what they say)
b) Daddy Pig (low status - a character who needs help and asks lots of questions)
c) Peppa (middle status - a character who brings information but is not in charge)
a) Mummy Pig Mummy Pig says she is getting everything ready for Peppas birthday party.
She tells everyone what to do. First of all they have to clean the house: sweep, polish and mop.
Mummy Pig gives everyone a job to do. She checks that everyone knows what they are doing
and gets them to repeat back their jobs and tell her when they have finished. Then they make
some sandwiches: cheese and jam and cut them into triangle shapes, put them on plates and put
them on the table. Then they put out cups, straws and party hats and mix up some orange
squash and apple juice for everyone to drink. Finally, they get the CD player and get some CDs
with different dance music: jumping music, swaying music and wiggly music. At last everything is
ready except for one thing. What is it? The cake! Daddy Pig is going to make the cake.
b) Daddy Pig The teacher turns around and becomes Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig needs lots of help.
He tells the children he is an expert cake maker but it soon becomes clear that he has forgotten
how to make a cake, perhaps he never really knew! Daddy Pig asks the children to help him. They
must tell him what kitchen equipment and tools he needs to make a cake, for example: a bowl, a
spoon, a mixer, a cake tin and what ingredients he needs for the cake, for example: flour, eggs,
milk, sugar, butter and what to do with them, for example: cream the sugar and butter, beat the
eggs, mix it all up. Here the children are the leaders and have higher status than Daddy Pig. The
teacher can stick to the story and Daddy Pig can make a mess with Mummy Pig coming back to
tidy up and make a new cake, or the children can change the story and help Daddy to bake, cool
and ice the cake in time for Peppas party.
c) Peppa Pig Peppa knows some things but not everything. Peppa arrives - she knows it is her
birthday and tells the children what presents she would like but also asks them what presents
they think she might get. She tells them she knows there will a sleepover in the garden, in the
tents, but there are other surprises planned for the day. Peppa asks the children what they think
the surprises might be? Peppa knows which of her friends are coming but wonders if the children
will come too and ask their names. Peppa decides she wants to surprise her family too and is
going to hide somewhere in her house. She asks the children where would be a good place to
hide? The children hide with her. Peppa starts giggling. She tells the children she cannot stop
laughing and gets them to laugh too. In the end, Peppa says she has to go, as she can hear
Mummy Pig calling, but she hopes to see everyone soon and they all say Goodbye.
5. More storytelling
a) Birthday stories: Ask each child to talk about their last birthday, birthday party or a friends
birthday party. Ask them to talk about what they did, who was there and what they enjoyed the
most. This could be done in the style of the Birthday News show, as in the News! game above.
b) Birthday cake game: Everyone sits in a circle and imagines that there is an invisible magic
birthday cake in the centre. The teacher will give everyone a slice of magic cake but first they
must say one thing they enjoy about birthdays or, alternatively, something they enjoyed about
Peppa Pigs Party story.
Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
1. Letters and numbers: Theatre seats game.
Put three rows of ten chairs facing a space or stage. Make a corridor down the middle of the
rows of chairs. Label the rows A to C and number the chairs in each row from 1 to 10.
Put a label on each chair, for example: A1 or C8.
Next make some simple tickets, these can be square or rectangular, with the seat row and number
written on them. Each ticket could be decorated, by the children, before starting the game.
Put the tickets into a hat and then get each child to draw a ticket out of the hat and find their
seat. This can be done three or four times to see how fast the children can find their seats.
2. How things work: Theatre lights - theatre lighting game.
Tell your class that when you go to the theatre to see a show there are special theatre lights that
light up the actors and the stage. These lights are bigger and more powerful than ordinary house
lights. Some theatre lights have pieces of coloured material in them called gel, which can change
the colour of the light on stage. Theatre lights can be used in different ways to create special
effects. Why not try the theatre lighting game:
Get some torches and make the room you are in as dark as possible. Turn on the torches and try
putting them in different places, such as close to the ground, high up, under your chin, on pictures
on the wall, on small toys and on different parts of your body. What does the light do? How does
it make the person or object look? What kind of shadows do you get what do you have to do
with the light to make the shadows bigger or smaller?
3. How things work: Trains.
a) Ask the children to draw a picture of Gertrude the train or any other type of train.
Gertrude is a steam train on special wheels. What other types of trains are there?
b) Make a human train with the class. Pretend to break down, like Gertrude, and ask the
children for help fixing the train. What will make the train go? Water, coal, fuel, buttons, levers?
c) Sing songs to do with trains, for example: to help the children remember how trains work.
Two good songs for diesel / steam trains are: Early in the morning and The runaway train
went down the track see the lyrics below:
Early in the morning
Come down to the railway station early in the morning,
See all the railway trains standing in a row.
See all the drivers starting up the engines,
Clickety click and clackety clack,
Off they go!
The runaway train
The runaway train came down the track and she blew,
The runaway train came down the track and she blew,
The runaway train came down the track, her whistle wide and her throttle back,
And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.
The engineer said the train must halt and she blew,
The engineer said the train must halt and she blew,
The engineer said the train must halt -- he said it was all the fireman's fault,
And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.
The fireman said he rang the bell and she blew,
The fireman said he rang the bell and she blew,
The fireman said he rang the bell -- the engineer said "You did very well"
And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.
The porter got an awful fright and she blew,
The porter got an awful fright and she blew,
The porter got an awful fright -- he got so scared he near turned white,
And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.
The conductor said there'd be a wreck and she blew,
The conductor said there'd be a wreck and she blew,
The conductor said there'd be a wreck and he felt the chills run up his neck,
And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.
The runaway train went over the hill and she blew,
The runaway train went over the hill and she blew,
The runaway train went over the hill and the last we heard she was going still,
And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew.
c) Ask your class to draw maps of a train journey, with the train track winding, going straight, in a
tunnel, passing houses, rivers, roads and woods. Or get them to design a train journey using
model trains and track. It can have bends, circles, straight lines, bridges, stations and tunnels.
4. Measurements: A Cake Challenge!
Get your class to pretend to be the ingredients for the cake!
Suggested measurements for a sponge cake:
100g of self-raising flour, 100g of butter, 100g of sugar, 2 eggs.
In this case, 100g equals four people. 1 egg equals one person. Everyone stands in a circle to represent
the mixing bowl. Ask how many people need to get inside the circle, that is into the bowl, to make the
cake? Put them in one, lot of ingredients at a time. (Answer: 14 people.) Mix the ingredients together
by asking everyone to move around in different shapes, first of all round in a circle, then running up
and down in straight lines, then moving up and down in spiky shapes and then round in a circle again.
Put the mixture into the cake tin by asking everyone to stretch up and down and then form a tight
group. To cook the cake, ask everyone to rise up slowly from the ground and lift your arms straight
up into the air. You may vary the measurements and ingredients to make larger to different types
of cakes as you wish!
5. Numbers, colours, shapes: Being a magician - Playing Cards!
Ask your class to try out cutting, simple shuffling and sorting playing cards as if they were
magicians, like Daddy Pig!
Give each child a few cards, up to ten each, and ask them to: cut in half, move one half to the top
or bottom of the cards and take a few cards from bottom or top of their pile and put them in the
middle of the pile. They could try thumbing the edge of the cards.
Get them to sort their cards into reds, blacks, numbers, clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds.
In pairs, or with you, get them to try a simple card trick with colours. First, to prepare the trick,
sort the cards into colours and put the red on the bottom and the black on the top of the pile.
Then, for the trick, ask someone to pick a card from the top of the pile and put it back in near the
bottom of the pile. When the magician turns over the cards it will be easy to spot the chosen
card, as it will be a black card in amongst red cards! Hey presto!
Knowledge and understanding of the world
1. Birthdays:
Talk to your class about birthdays and what they mean. Our birthday is the day that we were born.
It tells us how old we are.
Different countries have their very own way of celebrating birthdays. Here is some information
about some birthday traditions around the world:
In the UK we celebrate birthdays with cards, presents, cake, balloons, chocolates and parties.
Sometimes we sing and dance special celebration dances like the Hokey Cokey (see lyrics in
Creative Development section below).
Africa - Ceremonies are held in various African tribes for groups of children instead of birthdays.
Children, on reaching a certain age, are made to learn the laws, beliefs, customs, songs and
dances of their tribes.
Argentina - On their 15th birthday, girls dance to a waltz with their father and other boys.
Brazil The birthday boy or girl receives a pull on the earlobe for each year they have been alive.
The birthday person also gives the first slice of the birthday cake to his/her most special friend,
usually mum or dad.
Canada - In parts of Canada, the nose of the birthday child is greased for good luck. It is believed
that the greased nose makes the birthday child too slippery for ill luck to catch them. This tradition
is reputed to be of Scottish descent.
China - In China, the birthday child pays respect to his/her parents and receives a gift of money.
Friends and relatives are invited to lunch and are served noodles to wish the birthday child a long
Denmark - A flag is flown outside the window to indicate that someone in the house is having a
birthday. Gifts are placed around the bed of the birthday child while they are asleep so they will
see them immediately upon awakening.
Germany - A member of the birthday person's family wakes up at daybreak and lights candles
on the birthday cake. The number of candles will be equal to the age of the birthday person, plus
one for good luck. The candles are left burning all day long. That night, after dinner, everyone
sings the birthday song and the birthday boy/girl blows out the candles. Presents are then
opened and the party begins.
Holland - Special year birthdays such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 21 are called "crown" years. The birthday
child receives a large present on a crown year birthday. The family decorates the birthday child's
dining chair with flowers, streamers and balloons. At school, the birthday child can give their
classmates chocolates or other stuff to eat and the teacher makes the birthday child a special
birthday hat made out of paper streamers and paper flowers.
Vietnam- Everyone celebrates their birthday on New Year. The Vietnamese do not acknowledge
the exact day they were born. On the morning of the New Year, adults congratulate children on
becoming a year older by giving them red envelopes, which contains "Lucky Money".
a) Make a World Birthday Chart: Put a world map on the wall. Talk to your class about where the
different countries are and how birthdays are celebrated. Find images from books, magazines and
the internet of people and places in the birthday countries listed above. Stick these on the map next
to the relevant countries, along with drawings, done by the class, of the different birthday activities.
b) More birthday activities inspired by the World Birthday Chart:
i. Make a birthday hat like they do in Holland:
You will need: a piece of A3 paper, sticky tape, paints, colouring pencils or crayons, glittery bits.
Take a piece of A3 paper length ways and cut it in half.
Use sticky tape to stick the two pieces of paper together to make one long piece of paper. Now
fold over this paper to make one long strip.
Use this strip to fit your head and sticky tape together where it is comfortable. This is the basic
hat! Now have fun decorating it painting or colouring it with birthday colours and making it
sparkle with birthday glitter!
ii. Make a birthday flag like they do in Denmark:
You will need: A rectangular piece of paper folded, colouring pencils and crayons and wooden sticks.
First, get your class to come up with a design for their flag. This could be different colours,
patterns or shapes and even include a photograph (or a drawing) of them when they were babies.
Next, get them to draw and colour-in the design on both sides of the outside of the folded paper
and then put glue on the inside edges and along the stick. Then fold the paper over the stick to
complete the flag.
iii. Make a lucky envelope like they do in Vietnam
Get the children to decorate some small white envelopes. Find images of lucky colours, shapes
and objects, such as a four-leaf clover or a horseshoe. The children can choose an object to draw
or cut out and stick on their envelope. Instead of putting money inside they can write or draw a
birthday wish to put inside the envelope.
iv. Waltz like they do in Argentina
Get the children to clap and tap out the 1-2-3 rhythm of the waltz. Then they can move around,
individually, on their toes, turning in half-circles, taking a big step on 1 and two small steps on 2,3.
Start slowly and add music as you wish!
v. Do the Hokey Cokey
You put your left arm in, your left arm out
In out, in out, you shake it all about
chorus: You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around
That's what it's all about
Whoa-o the Hokey Cokey
Whoa-o the Hokey Cokey
Whoa-o the Hokey Cokey
Knees bent, arms stretched
Raa raa raa
You put your right arm in, your right arm out
In out, in out, you shake it all about
You put your left leg in, your left leg out
In out, in out, you shake it all about
You put your right leg in, your right leg out
In out, in out, you shake it all about
You put your whole self in, your whole self out
In out, in out, you shake it all about
2. Nature Trails:
In Peppa Pigs Party, Peppa and her friends go on a nature trail through the woods. They see
birds, a duck building a nest and lots of colourful butterflies. Ask your class what else might you
see on a nature trail? Here is a fun way of doing this:
Binoculars game. Look through the binoculars / magnifying glass, what do you see?
A game for the memory and the imagination.
Use toy binoculars, painted cardboard tubes stuck together or hands as binoculars and / or an
imaginary or real magnifying glass. Discuss what you might see through binoculars or a
magnifying glass on a nature trail; such as bugs, butterflies, an ant hill, a caterpillar on a leaf, an
owl in a tree, a bird eating a worm, a pack of birds flying in the sky, rain clouds. Let each child
look through the binoculars / magnifying glass and tell you what they can see. They can be as
imaginative as you wish! They might even see fairies or elves, which could lead on to some
woodland inspired storytelling!
Here are some more ideas, with a few related activities:
a) Trees like oak trees, spruce trees, beech trees, birch trees and willow trees with leaves
of different shapes and colours.
b) More about trees each type of tree is different. Beech trees have grey, smooth bark whereas
sweet chestnut trees have twisted, ridged brown bark. Leaves are different shapes, colours and
sizes too.
i. On a nature trail take some paper and crayons and try some bark or leaf rubbing.
c) The seasons trees and their leaves change with the seasons. Talk about the seasons
with your class, from the point of view of a tree.
i. Ask your class to draw a picture of a tree in each season.
e) Animals and insects. Here are some animals and insects you might see in a wood: ants,
caterpillars, millipedes, ladybirds, wood lice, bees, spiders and bush crickets, mice, squirrels (red
and grey), badgers (but only at night), hedgehogs, rabbits and deer.
i. Riminee Ree game: Get your class to pretend to be different animals, trying out the movements
and sounds they make. Make this fun by saying this rhyme for each animal: Riminee ree, after the
magic words abracadraba 1-2-3, a (name an animal) you will be!
f) Birds. Here are a few woodland birds: Sparrows, robins, owls, woodpeckers and treecreepers,
which are small brown and white birds that creep jerkily up tree trunks, pulling out insects from
cracks in the bark using their sharp, curved beak.
i. Make a toy bird using some card, googly eyes, cardboard tube and feathers. Cut a head shape
and a beak shape from card. Paint the card, beak and tube. When dry stick beak on head shape
and then to tube. Stick feathers (real or paper) on to the tube.
g) Ducks live by water. They feed on grasses, insects and fish. They build nests on water with
twigs and leaves. Peppa and her friends watch a duck, on a pond, gathering things to build a
nest, in Peppa Pigs Party.
i. Make a water play area for your class. Add some toy ducks for them to play with. Around the
area put some collected twigs, leaves and other pieces of materials for the children to make a
nesting area for the ducks.
h) Footprints: When Peppa and her friends get lost they find the way back to Gertrude the train
by following their footprints.
i. Ask your class what the footprints of these creatures look like: human, bird, duck, squirrel,
rabbit, deer? Show them pictures and quiz them on which footprint belongs to who!
ii. Try human footprint drawing: Get the children to take off their shoes and socks and use a
pencil to draw around their feet. Then they can colour in their feet and cut them out to make
some colourful footprints. They can use their paper footprints to make a colourful and interesting
journey to follow in and out of different rooms!
j) Things on the ground. Here is a list of things you might see on the ground in a wood on a nature
trail: twigs, leaves, stones, feathers, nuts, seeds, pinecones and even litter!
i. Make a nature collage or natural sculpture with the things collected from the ground on a
nature trail. Ask the children to make a picture using these materials or a sculpture that reflects
the woods or nature they have seen, for example: a nest, a tree, a fire pile, a bird or a butterfly.
They can use string or wool to tie their sculpture together.
ii) Butterflies. There are thousands of different types of butterflies, different sizes, colours and
patterns. Talk to your class about the life of a butterfly: The butterfly starts its life as an egg, soon
tiny caterpillars hatch out of the eggs. Caterpillars nibble on bits of leaves. Caterpillars eat every
day and grow bigger and bigger. The bigger they grow the tighter their skin gets until it gets too
tight and splits open. The skin splits all the way down and underneath is a new skin. When a
caterpillar is fully grown, it prepares to turn itself into a cocoon. A cocoon is like another egg and
inside the caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Then the butterfly breaks out of the cocoon, spreads it
wings and flies away. The butterfly feeds on nectar from flowers, like bees, and when it is ready it
lays eggs and more caterpillars will be born.
Drama exercise: Caterpillars and Butterflies.
Get the children to pretend they have some magic invisible play dough in their hands. Ask them
what colour it is. Then, get them to hold it tightly in their hands and say some magic words.
When they open their hands get them to pretend the play dough has turned into a cheeky little
caterpillar that wriggle and crawls up and down their arm, tickling them. Get them to catch the
imaginary caterpillar and hold it in their hands and say some magic words again. This time, when
they open their hands, the caterpillar has turned into a beautiful butterfly, the same colour as the
magic play dough. They can use their hands to make the shape of the butterfly or pretend to be
butterflies themselves, flying from flower to flower! NB: This exercise can also be done with an
egg that, in turn, becomes a bird or a duckling.
Physical Development
Here are some games and exercises that combine movement, imagination and thought:
1. Magician, magician, grant my wish game
Use one object to mark the start line and one to mark the finish line, 20 paces apart.
Choose someone to play the magician. The magician should stand behind the finish line, while
the others stand behind the start line, facing him/her.
Players take turns to ask the magician permission to move forward to the finish line. Each player
must begin their question: Magician, Magician, Grant My Wish. May I and ask to move
forward in any one of these ways:
Three steps forward, three hops forward, three skips forward or three jumps forward.
The magician can say: Yes, your wish is granted or they can say, My magic is not working
properly you can move but in a different way such as one step sideways, one step backwards,
one tiny step or one giant step forwards.
The game ends when everyone has got to the finishing line.
2. Jumping in muddy puddles
Start with bouncing. The children take their shoes off and make a large circle. Everyone sits on
the floor with legs out. The teacher says: Let your fingers jump on knees. Let fingers jump on
different body parts. Fingers and hands do little jumps and big jumps. Jump fingers high and
swoop down low. Jump fingers all around the floor.
Now use your whole bodies. Jump up! Crouch down low and jump up high again. How high can
you jump?
Try jumping in different ways stretched/spiky, wide/thin, fast/slow, forwards/backwards/sideways,
tiptoe jumps/giant stamping jumps.
Now lets pretend we are jumping in muddy puddles. The muddy water splashes onto your feet,
legs, arms and faces. Its fun!
Warm down:
Sit down and jump your toes and hands on the floor. Jump your fingers all over your body. Lie on
floor and jump your fingers on the floor. Get the children to rest on the floor for a couple of minutes.
Touch childrens heads to get them to sit up again.
3. Footprints game
Each player has two sheets of A4 paper with an outline of their footprint on it. As each player
steps forward, they must place a footprint in front of their foot to step on to. Before they can step
forward again they must lift up their back foot, pick up the piece of paper, and balance on one
foot while placing the paper in front again. See how long it takes to get from one end of the room
to the other!
4. Nature trail obstacle course
Set up an obstacle course for your class inspired by Peppa Pig's nature trail. Have straight paths
to walk along, a climbing section for a hill, a circle to go around for a duck pond, small circles for
trees to walk around, a zig zag circuit for a bendy path and bars to go under to represent a railway
bridge. Use toy animals and / or pictures of woodland creatures to decorate the way!
Creative development
Here are some ideas using drama, dance, games and arts and crafts inspired by Peppa Pigs Party:
1. Drama exercise: The magic birthday box on the shelf.
Everyone is sitting down. The teacher says: Lets pretend there is a magic invisible box on an
invisible shelf above our heads. Ok, lets stretch up and get down our magic box. Has everyone
got their box? Is it heavy? Oh, we need a key to open it. Lets stretch up to the shelf again and
find the key. Has everyone got their key? Its a magic key and everyones key is their favourite
colour my colour is .., whats your colour? Lets put the key in the lock and open the box.
Turn the key and click! Lets open the lid . . . whats inside the box? Its a birthday present!
Ive got a . What have you got? Show me!
The teacher encourages each child to mime a present and to say what it is.
To finish: Ok, now its time to put our magic boxes back on their shelves.
This exercise can be used for different themes, with items such as food,
flowers or animals inside the box.
2. Design a birthday party cake
Ask the children to draw, colour or paint a birthday cake with candles and make it extra special
by using shiny bits and materials.
3. Birthday dancing
a) Warm up by wiggling different body parts and then the whole body. Wiggle really fast and then
wiggle really slowly. Stretch up high, bend down low and you are ready to go!
b) Dance steps to try skipping, galloping, hopping, turning, tip toes, stepping from side to side.
c) Dance to different music and try out different dancing styles from ballet to disco!
4. Birthday Party Games
a) Georges Whos got the key? game
One child closes their eyes. Everyone else sits in the line. Another child is chosen quietly to hide
the key behind their back. Everyone in the line puts their hands behind their backs and shouts
Wheres the key to the house?. The first child opens their eyes and has three guesses to find out
who has got the key.
b) Blindfold guessing game
This game is a variation on what happens to Peppa in the show when she is surprised with her
birthday cake.
One person is blindfolded or has to shut their eyes tightly. Then they have to guess what they
can smell. Try a slice of bread, washing-up liquid, a flower, coffee, chocolate, a lemon or an orange.
c) Musical statues
At Peppas party the children play musical statues. A good way to play this game is to make statues
of different shapes or animals and see who can come up with some really creative ideas and still
keep still!
d)Guess What? game
You will need: cardboard box with a lid, coloured wrapping paper, small household objects.
Cover the box with wrapping paper. Cut out two holes into each side of the box, big enough for a
childs hand to fit through. Place objects to be guessed inside make sure nobody is looking! Or
keep on the blindfold.
Players take it in turns to feel the objects in the box and guess what it is.
Try these objects: a rubber duck, an orange, a toy car, a comb, a teddy bear, a key, sunglasses, a
banana, and a sponge.
5. Music and song
In Peppa Pigs Party, Peppa is given lots of instruments for her birthday and Peppa and her
friends sing lots of songs. Here are some ideas inspired by this:
a) Sound orchestra: Talk about different instruments and different rhythms with your class,
such as a piano, guitar, drums, trumpets, flute, make sounds and actions for each instrument.
Every child chooses an instrument for which to do the actions and sounds. The teacher is the
conductor of the orchestra! When the teachers hands go high the music is loud, when his/her
hands go low the music is quiet. When his/her hands go fast or slow the music follows.
When the teachers hands go across the middle, the music stops.
b) Songs from the show:
i. I am the Music Man
These are the instruments sung in the show:
Drum bang, bang, bang
Horn oompah, oompah, pah
Accordion squeezy, squeezy,
Violin vio, vio, violin
ii. Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (sung at Peppas party)
iii. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (sung in the tents at the end of the day).
iv. Going on a Nature Trail (a variation on Going on a Bear Hunt)
Here is an extract from the song used in the show. Make your own variation with ideas from your
Going down the nature trail
To see what we can find
To see what we can find
Got to look this way
Got to look this way
Got to look that way
Got to look that way
Coming to a big bush
Coming to a big bush
Couldnt go under it
Couldnt go under it
Couldnt go over it
Couldnt go over it
Had to go around it
Had to go around it
And look what we found!
And look what we found!
A bird swooping across the sky!
6. Puppets.
There are many different types of puppets. Talk to your class about different types of puppets
and/or the types of puppets used in the Peppa Pigs Party. These are hand-held puppets and
rod puppets controlled by actors seen on stage, not hidden from view.
Other types of puppets: String, wooden spoon, glove, finger, shadow puppets.
a) Working with puppets:
Ask your class to create their own small puppets by bringing in toys or making them. Simple
small puppets to make are wooden spoon ones or finger puppets or they can decorate ready made
glove puppets. Finger puppets can be made by drawing round one finger on to a piece of card
and then drawing on a head and a body and decorating. The cut out card can be curved round
so that the bottom corners of the picture can be stuck together and placed on top of the finger.
Have fun playing with the puppets and getting them to move, make sounds and talk.
Golden rule: The person controlling the puppet must always keep their eyes on the puppet so
that the audience looks at the puppet and not at them.
Try out these ideas:
Puppet can bow, look around, run, jump, dance, fall over. Puppets with hands can clap, point,
wave, rub hands, tap with impatience. Try different emotions and actions: thinking, crying,
sneezing, snoring, looking, reading.
Voices Puppets work well with high or low voices. Get each child to choose a voice for their
puppet and try saying different things like: yes and no, hello, how are you, all right, goodbye!
Puppet plays:
i. Puppet walks on and looks at audience, finally waves and hops off.
ii. Puppet is tired, walks on slowly, yawns and stretches, brushes a spot on the floor, lies down,
goes to sleep, snores and gradually drops out of sight.
iii. Puppet walks on, picks something up, nods yes and runs off.
Music Use different types of music live or recorded to suit your puppet plays.
iv. The puppet is shy and plays peek-a-boo. A simple peek-a-boo song could also be used, such
as: "Name..., where are you? There you are, there you are, how do you do?"

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