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Research Journal of Recent Sciences _________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502

Vol. 2(1), 21-24, January (2013) Res.J.Recent Sci.

International Science Congress Association 21
Quantum Size Effects on Effective Mass and Band gap of Semiconductor
Quantum Dots

Changiz Vatankhah and Ali Ebadi
Department of Physics, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr Branch, Mahshahr, IRAN

Available online at:
Received 26
September 2012, revised 10
October 2012, accepted 15
November 2012

In this research we calculate the band gap of ZnS nano particle and show that it increases with decreasing its size. The
simplest way for discussing this phenomenon and finding the band gap for different sizes is effective mass approximation. We
show, this method isn't accurate for particles smaller than 2.5 nm. This is due to the fact that the effective mass of particles at
this size is dependent of size. To calculate the band gap of small size ZnS, the density functional theory was used. This theory
has also used to determine the effective mass for various particle sizes. Our calculation indicates the appearance of blue shift
by decreasing the size of particle.

Keywords: Density functional theory, band gap, effective mass, density of states.

In recent years, various semiconductor nanocrystals have been
synthesized and it has been found that their electrical and optical
properties are dramatically different from their bulk
. A typical semiconductor nanocrystal with 110
nm diameters consists of about 100 10000 atoms. These small
colloidal nanocrystal as promising advanced functional
materials can be found in many different applications, ranging
from lasers
, solar cells
, to single-electron transistors
. One
example of these nanocrystal applications is to incorporate them
into biological systems
. CdSe quantum dots (QDs) permit in
vivo cancer cell targeting and imaging in living mice
. Many of
these applications are related to the size-dependence of the
nanocrystal optical properties. In a semiconductor, the optical
properties are related to the edge transitions of the electronic
band gaps. Thus, studying the size dependence of the electron
band gap and the related exciton energy is one of the most
important topics in semiconductor nanocrystal research.

Among the nano material the ZnS nano particle is of more
importance in industry because of its ability to produce the
white color. For studying the optical specification of these
substances, the energy levels must become calculated. To
calculate the energy gap of ZnS nano particle, we benefit from
the effective mass approximation
Calculation shows that
this technique has a good speed and accuracy for particles larger
than (2.5 nm) but there is a vast difference between the
experimental and approximental results for smaller particles.
This difference comes from ignoring the nano effective mass
changes. To fix this error and for measuring the energy gap of
smaller sizes, the density functional theory provided
. By this
we have become able to measure the ZnS nano particle effective

Effective Mass Approximation (EMA) for nano particles:
Hamiltonian of a nano particle would be like this through usage
of effective mass approximation


For an accurate calculation of columbic interaction the produced
amounts of two polar substances in between the nano particle
surface and the inscribed substance must calculated. For this
reason polarization terms have been brought to the equation. By
solving eigenvalue for Hamiltonian results would be like this.



And are electrons and holes effective masses,
respectively, and R is the radius of QD, is the reduced mass,
is the permittivity of the vacuum and is the effective
Rydberg energy. The first term on the right hand side represents
the band gap of bulk materials, which is characteristic of the
material: for example, 2.53 eV for CdS, 1.74 eV for CdSe and
1.50 ev for CdTe. The second additive term of the equation
represents the additional energy due to quantum confinement
having a 1/R
dependence on band gap energy, Eg(QD). R
(sphere radius) is associated to particle size. The third
subtractive term stands for the columbic interaction energy of
terms n polarzatio
r r
m m
h e

2 2
h h
2 2
248 . 0 786 . 1
) ( ) (
RY g
bulk E QD E + =

* *
1 1 1
h e
m m
+ =

Research Journal of Recent Sciences ______________________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502

Vol. 2(1), 21-24, January (2013) Res. J. Recent Sci.

International Science Congress Association 22
exciton having 1/R dependence; often neglected due to high
dielectric constant of the material. Witch the constant (1.8) has
obtained from numerical solving of the nearest neighbors of
columbic interaction
and ignoring atoms at away distance. As
you see E (QD) would decrease with R
ratio and the quantum
size effect would cause the increasing that energy with R

Ratio. So the energy gap of nano particle will always increase
with decreasing of diameter. This variation the energy gap
would cause a transition of red absorption wave length into blue
witch called blue shift. And as discussed it is the result of the
quantum size effect. In this paper we have used below
numerical amounts to perform calculations of the energy gap

= 3.84; = 0.4m
; = 0.61m
; = 5.2

The obtained results from these calculations have been
compared with experimental results
and they have shown in
figure -1. The last subtractive term, stands for spatial correlation
effect (independent of radius), and significant only in case of
semiconductor materials with low dielectric constant.

For nano particles within (2.5-4 nm) increasing of the energy
gap are related with experimental results but for smaller ones,
the increasing rate expands with it, which would cause a vast
difference between numerical and experimental results.

This disagreement comes from the choose amounts for electron
and hole mass which were only suitable for bulk substances and
because the effective mass contains all of the existing
interaction on excited electron , so by decreasing the particles
diameter, the amount of the effective mass must also changes
with these variation. There is not a huge difference between the
theory and experiment because the changes are not big for nano
particle with diameter larger than 2.5nm. But these differences
are clear for smaller particles and they must be calculated. There
for the effective mass approximation method would not predict
the ways of how effective mass variation and its not usable for
smaller dimensions. In the next chapter we have suggested
another method not only usable to determine the energy gap
variation but also suitable to calculate the how of effective mass

Research Journal of Recent Sciences ______________________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502
Vol. 2(1), 21-24, January (2013) Res. J. Recent Sci.

International Science Congress Association 23
Density of state (DOS) ZnS nano particle for these dimensions
(0.47nm, 0.73nm, 1047nm) is presented in figure-2. Figure-3
shows the compared amounts of 0.47 nm ZnS nano particle
density state the bulk substance ones. As you can see the density
of state nano particle forms are so sharp that says the energy
bands are quantized. Also decreasing particle size would result
increase of energy gap. These increments are results of the nano
particle size and show the blue-shift. The figure -1 shows
comparison of this method to the experimental results.

Comparison density of states ZnS QDs of 0.47 nm with its

As you can see amounts of the density functional theory
calculations are pretty matched to the reality for smaller
particles, and this is the results obtained from figure-2 with
substances band width, differences between nano particle band
width and bulk substance, have been calculated and reported in
table -1.
Differences between nano particle band width with its bulk
and calculation the effective mass variation with size
E (eV)

bulk 0
1.47 0.81
1.14 1.15
0.73 1.52
0.47 3.08

By using the results obtained from density functional method
and also usage of number 2 equation, the effective mass
variation per dimensions of first particle have been reported in
figure-4 as you can see in figure-4 the decreasing of particle size
would increase the effective mass. It was also predictable
because the smaller the particle size, much influence will gain
from sided neighbor. By fitting of extracted data from the curve
which is shown in figure-4 this equation is obtained.
59 . 5
exp( 39 . 2 21 . 0
+ =

Variation of effective mass with diameter of nano particles

This equation is a damping one, which increasing of R will
results in moving the eve towards to 21, which is the effective
mass of the bulk substance ZnS. As you can see its obvious that
for bigger dimension (bigger than 2.5nm) the effective mass
changes are very low. This is the cause of obtaining acceptable
results by replacing amounts of bulk substance instead of
smaller ones into the effective mass formula. But for minor
sizes these variation would be huge and highly influence on
obtained results. Through the processed equation the ZnS nano
particle effective mass has obtained and the energy gap
variation reproduced for various amount of size by putting
results from the equation in number 2 equation.

Comparison the mass effective variation with nanoparticle
diameter by applying effective mass variations

By applying effective mass variations, there is no difference
between calculative and experimental results for particles
smaller than 2.5nm.
Research Journal of Recent Sciences ______________________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502
Vol. 2(1), 21-24, January (2013) Res. J. Recent Sci.

International Science Congress Association 24
Results and Discussion
We assumed that the ZnS QDs have a wurtzite crystal structure.
The parameters used in this paper are as follows: bulk lattice
constants a=3.83 , c=6.25 ; E
=5.7eV. We first calculated
difference energy gap ZnS QDs and its bulk between
experiment effective mass approximation (EMA) shown in
figure -1. Difference energy gap disagree with experimental for
smaller dimensions because effective mass dependence of size
of nano particles, there for the effective mass approximation
method would not predict the ways of how effective mass
variation and its not usable for smaller dimensions. For solving
this problem we have used density functional theory (DFT). for
solving the (kohn-sham) equations the semi-potential
softwarePWscf have been used. For this we built a super-cell
and then we made a vacuum around its 3 dimensions. But it is
one problem and it is dangling band issue, which its the result
of making a vacuum around the particle. To remove the
dangling band we have used the Surface passivation.The surface
of an unpassivated nanocrystal consists of dangling bonds,
which will introduce band gap states. The purpose of a good
passivation is to remove these band gap states. One way to do so
is to pair the unbonded dangling bond electron with other
electrons. If a surface atom has m valence electrons, this atom
will provide m/4 electrons to each of its four bonds in a
tetrahedral crystal. To pair these m/4 electrons in each dangling
bond, a passivating agent should provide (8m( /4 additional
electrons. To keep the system locally neutral, there must be a
positive (8m) /4 nuclear charge nearby. Thus, the simplest
passivation agent can be a hydrogenlike atom with (8m) /4
electrons and a nuclear charge Z= (8m) /4. For III-V and II-VI
systems, the resulting atoms have a noninteger Z, thus a
pseudohydrogen atom. These artificial pseudohydrogen atoms
do describe the essence of a good passivation agent, and thus
can serve as simplified models for the real passivation
situations. This pseudohydrogen model has been used
successfully in our previous studies.

By using density functional theory difference energy gap ZnS
QDs and its bulk agreement with experiment shown in figure-1.
This method not only usable to determine the energy gap
variation but also suitable to calculate the how of effective mass
variations. By applying effective mass variations for effective
mass approximation, there is no difference between calculative
and experimental results for particles smaller than 2.5nm
according figure -5.

In this paper we have shown two methods for measuring the
energy gap of ZnS nano particle and also we shown that the first
method is not usable for smaller sizes (except) we calculated the
effective mass variations. By using the density functional theory
not only we determined the effective mass variation per particle
size, also we showed that by using these variations it is possible
to use the effective mass approximation for smaller sizes.

The authors would like to thank the Islamic Azad University,
Mahshahr branch for support in this research.

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