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March For Life Pilgrimage Brochure 2010

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L i fe W i l l b e V i ct o r i o u s

Vitae Victor ia Er it

Ma rc h fo r Li fe
Pi l g ri m age 2010
Washington DC
January 20-23
Archbishop Naumann marches in the Washington DC March for
Life in 2006 with seminarians, college and high school students from
the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Pope John Paul II’s Words to America about
My dear young people, this year marks the Defending Life in our Country
37th Anniversary of the landmark decision that
allowed the murder of innocent children still in America, . . . your best beauty and your richest blessing is found
their mothers womb in our county. in the human person: in each man, woman and child, in every
immigrant, in every native-born son and daughter.
Our church needs you, our Holy Father needs
you, and as your humble servant, I need you to For this reason, America, your deepest identity and truest charac-
be a witness this year as we continue to march ter as a nation is revealed in the position you take toward the
and pray to end abortion in our country. human person. The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you
treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most
Join me and thousands of other young people
defenseless ones.
from across the nations this January 20-23 in
Washington DC to pray that life will someday The best traditions of your land presume respect for those who
soon be victorious. cannot defend themselves. If you want equal justice for all, and
true freedom and lasting peace, then, America, defend life!
The March for Life
is always an The 37th Annual March for Life
experience. It is
heartening to see “Stand Up Now! Unite for the Life Principles--
thousands of No Exception! No Compromise!"
particularly so many
young Americans,
March For Life
make this annual
pilgrimage to
Washington DC, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
giving expression to Evangelization + Catholic Formation Office
Youth Ministry
their protest of the 12615 Parallel Parkway
Supreme Court’s Kansas City, Kansas 66109
tragic and arrogant
decisions. 2010 Phone: 913-647-0357 direct line
Fax: 913-721-1577
M a rc h for Li fe Pi l gri m a g e 2 0 1 0 You Did It For Me
Pilgrimage We will journey together by
You Did It For Me
bus from Kansas City to the National Shrine Pilgrimage Schedule Legalized abortion
of the Immaculate Conception in Washington
is having a destruc-
DC where we will be hosted by Catholic Wednesday, January 20, 2010
University of America. Our destinations will tive effect on our
8 am Gather at Savior Pastoral Center society; few other
also include: the National Holocaust Museum,
sightseeing in the District, a bus tour of Na- 12615 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, KS. 66109 actions legalized by
tional Monuments, St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Check-in, Bag Checks, Load Bus
Dome of the Basilica and the
our public policy as
Washington DC, and the National Shrine of Review Code of Conduct
Catholic University of America profoundly under-
the Immaculate Conception. 10am Depart for DC/Stops along the way for meals. where we are staying. mine our values as Modern technology has
Thursday, January 21, 2010
a people or upset enabled us to appreciate
Lodging Arrive in DC-load bags into storage at Holiday Inn how quickly the growing
the moral com-
Sightseeing of National Monuments and Holocaust Museum child in the womb takes on
Holiday Inn Central Washington DC 4pm Check –In at Hotel Accommodations pass by which we human features.
4:45pm Depart by bus for National Shrine live. **
1501 Rhode Island Ave. NW Dinner at Shrine
7pm Vigil Mass at Shrine OR if Archbishop has Kansas Mass, we go there.
Washington DC 20005 10pm Meet bus to return to accommodations
Showers/Social time. Over 50 million legal abortions
Cost $ 260.00 12:30am Lights Out were performed between 1973
Friday, January 22, 20106am Pack the Bus
$100.00 per person deposit due Dec 21, and 2010. *
6:30am Depart for Verizon Center for the National Youth
2009. Final balance due Jan 11, 2010
Rally for Life (capacity 20,000 and it will fill, we must be in
How do I sign up? Fill out the registra- line when the doors open) The pro-life commitment of the
tion forms, permission form, and code of 7am Verizon Center Doors Open Catholic Church is reflected in
conduct available at 7:30 a.m. Rally featuring popular Catholic recording artists: her :
Click on Youth and download the forms. 8:00 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. Confessions
• compassion for those who so often
9:30 a.m. Rosary
10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Mass celebrated by Washington regret having had an abortion
Make checks payable to : Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl with bishops and priests Basilica of the National • understanding for those who are facing
The Archdiocese of Kansas City from around the nation
Shrine where we will
difficult decisions
attend the Vigil Mass
Send your registration and check to: Depart for National Mall for Pro-Life Rally • assistance for all who choose life. **
12pm Rally + March for Life
Youth March for Life Pilgrimage 4:30 Load buses
12615 Parallel Parkway Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
Kansas City, KS 66109 Where Evangelization + Catholic Formation Office
Youth Ministry
pil—grim—age (p ĭ l ´gr ə-m ĭ j) n. do I find 12615 Parallel Parkway

1. A journey to a sacred place or shrine. registration Kansas City, Kansas 66109

2. A long journey or search, especially one of

exalted purpose or moral significance.
forms? Phone: 913-647-0351 Rick Cheek—direct line
Fax: 913-721-1577
intr.v. pil—grim—aged, pil—grim—ag—ing, pil—grim—ag—es We’ll join thousands to E-mail: March for Life from the

click on YOUTH White House Lawn to

the Supreme Court steps. *The Alan Guttmacher Institute, "Induced Abortion in the United States" Facts in Brief (2005).
** United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

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