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Evaluating The Performance of Dominant Brightness Level Based Color Image Enhancement

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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3 Issue 4 July-August, 2014 Page 139

Abstract: This paper has been defined the different
techniques of image enhancement. Image enhancement has
originated to be one of the most significant visualization
applications for the reason that it has capability to improve the
visibility of images. It improves the quality of poor images.
Distinctive procedures have been projected so far for getting
better the feature of the digital images. To improve picture
superiority image enhancement can explicitly recover and
bound some data accessible in the input image. This paper has
evaluated the performance of dominant brightness level based
image enhancement technique. By using image processing
toolbox, the design and implementation has been done in
MATLAB. The comparison among the dominant brightness
level, histogram equalization and the adaptive histogram
equalization has shown that the dominant brightness level
outperforms over the histogram based image enhancement.
Keywords: Enhancement, Histogram Equalization,
Adaptive Histogram Equalization, Dominant Brightness
Level, Human Visual Perception.
Image enhancement is generally simplest and interesting
areas of digital image processing. Image enhancement is
method used to improve the overall quality of the degraded
images can be achieved by using enhancement methods
.So that the human eye can easily observe the main
features of the image. It is used to remove the irrelevant
artefacts from the images like noise or brighten an image
and it easier to recognize key features and then it looks
better. It is a very subjective area of digital image
processing. To make a graphic display more helpful to
visualize and analysis, it improve the image features such
as edges or boundaries. It increases the dynamic range of
selected features. It does not raise the inherent content of
data. It can be broadly divided into two categories:

a. Spatial Domain Method: which directly operate on
pixel. The operation can be formulated as
= ,
Where g is the output, f is the input image and T is an
operation on f defined over some neighborhood of .

b. Frequency Domain Method: which operate on the
Fourier Transform? Frequency domain image

is straightforward. The frequency filters developed an
image in the frequency domain. This type filtering
technique is very simple:
1. Transform the image into the Fourier domain
2. Multiply the image by the filter
3. Take the inverse transform of the image

Figure1. Results of enhancement (a) before enhancement
(b) after enhancement
Histogram equalization is the method of image
enhancement that is used to enhance the contrast of
images. In HE it is not compulsory that the contrast of an
image will always be raised. Sometimes it shows that it can
be not as good as than the contrast of an image reduced.
Before working with HE its necessary to recognize the
two main concepts of histogram equalization that are
known as PMF (probability mass function) and CDF
(cumulative distributive function). First of all estimate the
PMF and CDF for all pixels in an image then work further.
The transformation T(r) needed to be obtain by using this
formula as

HE is further divided into two broad categories:
a. Local Histogram Equalization: The overall contrast of
an image can be improved efficiently.
b. Global Histogram Equalization: Based on grey level
content of an image, the pixels are modified by
transformation function.
Histogram equalization is a point process. In order to
obtain a uniform histogram for an image the point process
redistributes the images intensity distribution. HE can be
done in three main steps:
1. Compute the histogram of an image.
2. Calculate the normalized sum of histogram.
3. Transform the input image to an output image.


Ramandeep Kaur, Prof. Rajiv Mahajan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
GIMET College, Amritsar, (Punjab), India.
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3 Issue 4 July-August, 2014 Page 140

Figure2. Results of histogram equalization (a) original
image (b) output result of histogram equalization
Adaptive histogram equalization [AHE] is a computer
image processing technique used to improve contrast of the
images. Adaptive histogram equalization [AHE] is a
brilliant contrast enhancement for both natural images and
medical images and other initially non visual images. It
differs from ordinary histogram equalization [HE] in the
respect that the adaptive method computes several
histograms, each corresponding to a distinct section of the
image, and uses them to redistribute lightness value of the
image. In image fusion process, fusion process may
degrade the sharpness of the fused image so to overcome
this problem of poor brightness adaptive histogram
equalization will be used to enhance the results further. We
can say that adaptive histogram equalization will come in
action to preserve the brightness of the fused image.The
main point of AHE [2 my ppr] is that in which at smaller
scales contrast of an image is enhanced, while at larger
scales contrast of an image is reduced or decreased. The
advantage of adaptive histogram equalization [AHE] is
that it is automatic, reducible, and locally adaptive and
usually produces superior images.

Figure3. The results of adaptive histogram equalization (a)
original image (b) output results of adaptive histogram
Dominant Brightness means that is effective or impressible
technique for the images. Contrast enhanced images may
contain intensity distortion and lose image information in
various regions. To overcoming the problems of contrast
enhanced images, to decompose the input image into
several layers of single dominant brightness levels. The
image can be equally decomposed into different levels so
that it can be easily handled.

Figure4. The results of dominant brightness level (a)
original image (b) output results of DBL
After that to execute the discrete wavelet transform on
remote sensing images and then calculate the dominant
brightness level by using the log-average luminance in the
low-low sub band, to use the low frequency luminance
components. In view of the fact that high-intensity values
are dominant in the bright region, and vice versa, the
dominant brightness at the position (x, y) is computed.

Where S represents a rectangular region encompassing (x,
y), L(x, y) represents the pixel intensity at (x, y), NL
represents the total number of pixels in S, and represents
a sufficiently small constant that prevents the log function
from diverging to negative infinity. The low-intensity layer
has the dominant brightness lower than the pre specified
low bound. The high intensity layer is determined in the
similar manner with the pre specified high bound, and the
middle-intensity layer has the dominant brightness in
between low and high bounds. The normalized dominant
brightness varies from zero to one, and it is practically in
the range between 0.5 and 0.6 in most images. For safely
including the practical range of dominant brightness, we
used 0.4 and 0.7 for the low and high bounds, respectively.
Veena et al. (2013) [1] for the improved visual observation
and color imitation. By using Discrete Wavelet transform
and singular value Decomposition, Discrete Cosine
Transform the Histogram equalization, Contrast
Enhancement, Bi-histogram equalization discussed the
basic enhancement methods and projected method contrast
enhancement based on dominant Brightness and Adaptive
transformation. The concert of each technique has
evaluated with parameters like Mean Square Error,
Measure of Enhancement Peak Signal to Noise ratio and
Mean absolute error. Without changing original image
quality it has an appropriate for enhancement of low
contrast satellite image.Srivastava et al. (2013) [2]
Histogram equalization has one of the best method that is
very effective method to process the digital contrast
enhancement but has not been suitable for every image.
Sometimes it shows not good outcomes. To overcome this
problem it provides a new method to improve the image
result. In this interact with histogram that reflects
improved outcomes as compare to conservative one. On the
basis of Absolute mean brightness error and peak Signal to
Noise Ratio values. It has an appropriate for real time
applications.Lee et al. (2013) [3] The work has based on
the satellite images the low contrast images used as an
input after applying all the methods the result has the
better quality image. For remote sensing images on the
basis of adaptive intensity transfer function and dominant
brightness level analysis proved a new contrast
enhancement technique. It divide the input image into four
wavelet subbands and split the LL subband into low-,
middle-, and high-intensity layers by analyzing the log-
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3 Issue 4 July-August, 2014 Page 141

average luminance of the resultant layer. After that apply
adaptive intensity transfer function and then implement
contrast enhancement technique then combine the
decomposed image by using image fusion method after
that at last use inverse discrete wavelet transform method.
Then the contrast enhanced image has ready as a result.
Thien Huynh and Thuong Le-Tien (2013) [4] provide a
method for preserving the intensity and visual artifacts.
For sorting out the original histogram, intensity preserving
weighted dynamic range HE used in class variance. The
way focus on separating point based on variance to reduce
the squared error of sub-histogram related to brightness
shift with HE. The outcome has exposed enhanced the
contrast and also preserves the brightness. The outcomes
proved the technique superior than others methods in
overall brightness, the discrete entropy, the local
contrast.Cheng and Zhang (2012) [5] the major limitation
of contrast enhancement algorithm has Over-Enhancement
which could stimulate the loss of edges, alter the main
texture, damage the fine details, and create the image
appearance unnatural. It has no efficient reason for Over-
enhancement until now. It provides a new technique for
the recognition of Over-enhancement.
1. To investigated and analyzed profoundly
2. The purpose for detecting over-enhancement has
The outcomes show that the projected technique can
establish the Over-enhancement areas perfectly and
efficiently and give a quantitative method to assess the
Over-enhancement levels fine. Ahmed etal. (2012) [6] our
learning uncovers that HE - in a remarkable contrast to its
claim, is not associated to enhancement of contrast. To
recognize this observation, we begin through real world
images which have variable amount of image quality that
almost consistently want processing to get better image
contrast. For this reason, HE is used upon technique. HE is
working with grey level of images. As a result, the
learning aims to get out the realistic nature of alteration
functions used by HE. To recognize these calculations, this
paper dismantles histogram equalization into its building
blocks. These blocks show the relationship between
fundamentals and contrast of HE. In this different
keywords are used like Histogram equalization,
Cumulative density function, probability density,
contrast.Khan etal.(2012) [7] for contrast enhancement HE
is one of the most efficient method, but it does not protect
the mean brightness of images. To overcome these problem
different methods has been proposed like bi- HE and multi-
HE techniques. Bi-HE is the technique that prevents the
brightness, but it will begin various unwanted artifacts in
the processed image. On the other side, multi-HE
technique may not begin these type of artifacts. In this
paper by using Gaussian filter for contrast enhancement of
natural images propose a weighted average multi segment
histogram equalization technique. Use the method of
global HE and divide it into several parts via optimal
thresholds, then independently applied HE to each part.
Different methods are used in this paper like Gaussian
filter, histogram segmentation, HE, contrast enhancement,
brightness preservation.Amina saleem e.tal (2012) [8]
planned a scheme that balances the situation of local and
global contrast enhancements and a reasonable illustration
of the original image and defeat the limitations of altered
contrast enhancement that is fusion-based contrast
enhancement algorithms. By using laplacian pyramid
decomposition techniques has used for fusion. The results
show that enhancing the local and global
contrasts.Ghimire and Lee (2011) [9] work has been
focused on nonlinear color image enhancement techniques.
The purpose of image enhancement has to get better some
features of an image to construct it visually good one. It
shows the image enhancement has applied only on the
V(luminance value) component of the HSV color image
and H & S component need no modification for
enhancement because these components has not been
changed. The V element enhanced in two steps. In first
step the V element by using non linear transfer function
has divided into smaller overlapped blocks and for every
pixel within the block the luminance enhancement has
accepted out. In the next step the contrast enhancement
method has applies on it. At last the H and S element
image and V element has converted back to RGB Image.
The result shows that enhancement has one of the best
methods for the image enhancement.Roomi and Prabhu et
al. (2011) [10] provided that for better visualization of low
contrast images contrast enhancement method has been
used. Histogram equalization used for Contrast
enhancement. Histogram equalization has not suitable for
consumer electronics product straightforwardly. It provides
a new method of histogram equalization that tries to found
foreground and background pixels of an image and apply
bi-histogram equalization on them. Its outcomes shows
that this algorithm preserves the original image as
compare to other techniques.Chauhan and Bhadoria (2011)
[11] Histogram equalization has predictable technique for
contrast enhancement. Histogram equalization has some
limitations. Histogram equalization recovers the disparity
of an image by altering the intensity level of the pixel
based on the intensity of the original image. To overcome
these problems apply brightness preserving weight
clustering histogram equalization that protect image
brightness and enhance visual effects of an image
efficiently as compare to histogram equalization
technique.Josephus and Remya S (2011) [12] proved that
for local content emphasis that the adaptive histogram
equalization has the best and efficient algorithm. But
sometimes has a problem of amplification and introduction
of the speckle noise due to it information lost. To overcome
this problem the multilayered contrast limited adaptive
histogram equalization with frost filter that focused on
application to medical images. In this on contrast limited
adaptive histogram equalization the combination of frost
and median filter both has been used. For the removal of
speckle noise in images the technique of frost filter has
been done. The work has been done on medical images
such as mammogram, knee, and brain images. Demirel et
al. (2010) [13] provided a novel satellite image contrast
enhancement method based on the discrete wavelet
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3 Issue 4 July-August, 2014 Page 142

transform and singular value decomposition has been
projected. In this method by using discrete wavelet
transform divide the input image into the four frequencies
subbands and estimates the singular value matrix of low-
low subband image and then restructure improved by
applying inverse discrete wavelet transform. The
illustration results on the finishing image quality show the
advantage of the projected technique over the predictable
and the state-of-the-art method. The different techniques
used for example discrete wavelet transform, Image
equalization and satellite image contrast enhancement.
Compare the techniques with general histogram
equalization and local histogram equalization. Ke et
al.(2010) [14] This provide there are so many types of
image enhancement techniques that makes the image
results better that associate to the person visual system. It
includes the two techniques bilateral tone Adjustment and
Saliency Weighted Contrast Enhancement both combined
in image enhancement framework. The main scenes that
are contained in mid-tone regions enhanced by bilateral
tone adjustment in most of the curve-based global contrast
enhancement techniques. The saliency-weighted Contrast
enhancement integrates the notion of image saliency into
an easy filter-based contrast enhancement technique. It
performs extra enhancement in regions that persons give
larger concentration to. By using the luminance
component in this saliency weighted contrast enhancement
achieves extra performance. It proved that to achieve
higher contrast enhancement with slight sound and huge
image quality. Murahira et al. (2010) [15] proved for
improving images histogram equalization is one of the
general technique. On the other hand, it will cause a
consequence on the brightness saturation or shadow in
several identical areas. To overcome these things mean
preserving bi-histogram equalization technique has been
developed. New histogram equalization with variable
enhancement degree and bi-histogram equalization with
variable degree has developed. By only one parameter the
degree of every of these techniques has controlled. Every
type of images is enhanced effectively. The outcomes show
that especially, bi-histogram equalization with variable
degree can recognize the normal
enhancement.p.jaatheeswari etal. (2009) [16] by HE,
contrast enhancement of an image can be effectively
worked. On the other hand, this technique to produce
irrelevant visual deterioration likes saturation effect. To
overcome this drawback is by preserving the mean
brightness of input image inside the output image. In this
paper for image contrast enhancement and brightness
preservation, introduce a new technique contrast stretching
recursively separated histogram equalization. Two stages
of algorithm are to be applied. Different keywords that
were used in this paper like image contrast enhancement,
contrast stretching, image contrast enhancement and
histogram equalization.Garg et al. (2011) [17] different
enhancement methods like gray scale manipulation,
filtering and HE are used to enhancing an image. HE is
very important and known image enhancement method. It
is a famous method for contrast enhancement just because
it is easier and efficient. . In HE it is not compulsory that
the contrast of an image will always be raised. Sometimes
it shows that it can be not as good as than the contrast of
an image reduced. In this paper compare different
enhancement methods on the basis of the performance
analysis methods like PSNR, MSE, NAE, CPSNR and
normalized correlation.
This section contains the experimental results. The overall
section contains the original image, Histogram
Equalization, AHE, Dominant brightness analysis level

Figure5. Input image
Figure5 has shown the input image without any

Figure6. HE image
Figure6 has shown the effect of HE on input image. It
shows the clear difference between input image and the
effect of HE image.

Figure7. AHE image
Figure7 has shown the effect of AHE on input image.
There is clear difference between input image and the
effect of AHE image.

Figure8. Dominant brightness levels analysis image
Figure8 has shown the effect of dominant brightness levels
analysis of image. The brightness level of image is
This section is used to show the performance analysis
between existing and proposed techniques. These
parameters are very important part of the digital image
processing. In this different parameters are used to show
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3 Issue 4 July-August, 2014 Page 143

the performance of proposed method is better than the
existing algorithm.
8.1 Mean Square Error Evaluation
In image processing mean square error is the most general
measure for performance measurement of the existing
method and the coded images. It is straightforward method
to design system that decrease the MSE but cannot capture
the impurities like blur artifacts. It is computed by using

Table 8.1 Mean Square Error Evaluation

Graph1 MSE of AHE, HE and DBL
Graph1 has shown the quantized analysis of the mean
square error of different images by using AHE (Black
Color), HE (Orange Color) and DBL (White Color). It is
especially clear from the plot that there is decrease in MSE
value of images. This decrease shows enhancement in the
objective quality of the image.
8.2 Peak signal to noise ratio
Peak signal to noise ratio measure the degree of image
distortion. PSNR is used to measure the quality between
the original image and compressed image. If the value of
PSNR is higher, then the quality of reconstructed image is
better PSNR represent the peak error. To measure the
PSNR first complete the MSE. Signal in the case of image
is the original data and when noise is introduced in the
image it becomes error.
PSNR is defined as:

. (5)
Table 8.2 Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Evaluation

Graph2. PSNR of AHE, HE and DBL
Graph2. has shown the quantized analysis of the peak
signal to noise ratio of different images by using AHE
(Black Color), HE (Orange Color) and DBL (White
Color). It is especially clear from the plot that there is
increase in PSNR value of images. This maximization
shows enhancement in the objective quality of the image.
8.3 Root Mean Square Error
The root mean square error is a generally used to compute
of the difference among values predicted by a model and
values actually observed from the surroundings that is
being modelled. The RMSE of a model total with respect
to the estimated variable is defined as the square
root of the mean squared error:

Table 8.3 Root Mean Square Error

Graph3. RMSE of AHE, HE and DBL
Figure 7.3 is showing the relative analysis of the Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE). As RMSE need to be
minimized; therefore the key goal is to reduce the RMSE
as much as possible. It is providing better results than the
available methods.
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3 Issue 4 July-August, 2014 Page 144

8.4 Average Difference
Less the value of Average difference [AD] that gives the
result more clear and appropriate and reduce the noise
from image by using equation of AD

Table 8.4 Average Difference

Graph4. Average Error of AHE, HE and DBL
Graph4 is showing the comparative analysis of the
Average Difference. As Average Difference needs to be
minimized; so the main objective is to reduce the Average
Difference as much as possible. It shows better results as
compare to existing methods.

The image enhancements techniques have become
important pre-processing tool for digital vision processing
applications. It has been shown in this paper that the
image enhancements have been successfully used for
improving the quality of poor images by using the various
linear and non-linear techniques. This paper has evaluated
the performance of dominant brightness level based image
enhancement technique. The design and implementation
has been done in MATLAB using image processing
toolbox. the comparison among the dominant brightness
level, histogram equalization and the adaptive histogram
equalization has shown that the dominant brightness level
outperforms over the histogram based image enhancement.
In near future we will modify the dominant brightness
level based image enhancement by using the adaptive
histogram stretching as a post processing technique.

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