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Discharge Standards For Dubai

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The key takeaways are that environmental standards help set benchmarks to protect air, water and land quality. They also help regulate waste discharges and pollution. The standards mentioned in the document include limits for pollutants in sludge, land contamination, and emissions from stationary sources.

Environmental standards are set to measure the quality of different environmental segments like land, water or air against waste discharges and pollution. They serve as benchmarks to protect environmental quality and maintain it for present and future generations. The standards are implemented through legislation to define requirements for a healthy environment.

The different types of wastes mentioned are those produced during manufacturing of goods, extraction of fuel, conversion of fuel to energy, and in all stages of human activity. Wastes include those from domestic, trade and industrial sources.

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Information Bulletin

May 2003


Environmental Standards are set as measures of a segment of environment against
waste discharges and pollution. They also serve as benchmark to which the environment
is protected and in maintaining the best quality of air, water and land for the beneficial use
of man at present as well as for future generations.

Wastes and pollution are the undesirable results of mans quest for convenience. Man
produces goods such as clothes, cars, electronic appliances, chemicals, medicine, food,
and even potable water for his own use and convenience. Once used, these goods are
discarded and turned out into wastes. Wastes are also produced during the manufacture
of these goods, during the extraction of fuel, and in conversion of fuel into usable form of
energy. Wastes, therefore, are being generated in all stages of mans activity - wastes
that cause pollution and gradually destroying our environment.

The effect of pollution could be temporary, severe or permanent depending on the
concentration of pollutant present in the waste stream and on the assimilative capability
of the receiving segment of environment. Each segment of environment, such as the
Dubai Creek, any plot of land, workplaces inside manufacturing premises, or even the air
in an enclosed commercial building has its distinct features different from the other. Each
requires different degree of control or set of environmental standards.

Protection of environment requires legislative tools legislation that defines the basis as
well as the requisites of a healthy environment. The Dubai Municipality has issued the
key legislation in the Local Order on the Environment Protection Regulations in the
Emirate of Dubai. The Local Order prescribes not only the basics of environmental
protection but it also empowers the competent department, i.e., Environment Department
to further issue environmental standards and relevant guidelines for implementation.

This Bulletin features quick reference of the various environmental standards issued by
the Environment Protection and Safety Section (EPSS) of the Environment Department.
Tables 1 through 5 indicate the allowable and objective values with supplementary notes
below each. All concerned parties, agencies and establishments operating in Dubai are
required to comply with these environmental standards.

Within the context of and for the purpose of this Bulletin, the following words and phrases
shall bear the meanings given opposite each unless specifically stated otherwise. These
definitions shall not be interpreted for use in other issues or forum without consultation
and consent from Environment Protection and Safety Section (EPSS)
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Segment of









The ability of a segment of environment to absorb and neutralize wastes
without impairing the quality of the environment or harming any life forms,
inflict damaged to property, or reducing the beneficial use of that segment of

Means any gaseous, smoke, fumes, mist, heat, noise, particulate or airborne
dust being released into the air environment.

The living ecosystem of the Emirate. It encompasses all of the external
conditions and influences affecting the life, development and the survival of
any lifeform. With respect to man, environment covers all the things around
him including land, air, water, plants, animals or substances in the natural
system, and all form of energy, as well as, the things or structures that man
introduced around him such as buildings, roadways, means of transportations,
machines and all form of technology.

Is that portion of environment with or without fixed and contagious boundary
such as, the air inside a building or manufacturing premises, a plot of land, a
water body such as a river or creek, or the fenced environment around an
industrial plant or commercial premises that has distinct features from the
general environment outside of it.

Within the context of this document and pursuant to Local Order on the
Environment Protection Regulations in the Emirate of Dubai, are the specified
values of environment quality indicators or allowable limit of pollutants in the
waste stream when discharge into a segment of environment, beyond which, it
can cause pollution and impair the quality of the environment.

Any substance, matter or energy that impairs the quality of a segment of
environment or that makes other substance or product undesirable.

The presence of pollutant in a segment of environment at sufficient quantity or
in excess of the specified environmental standards and which, over time, can
cause undesirable effect on man, animals, vegetation or property. It is the state
of environment being unsafe and its beneficial use has been compromised.

The residual solids generated from treatment of wastewater. Generally it is
considered a hazardous waste unless proven otherwise. It may include semi-
solid residues that collect at the bottom of storage tanks or reservoir.

Any solid, liquid or gaseous matter being discharged into the environment as
an excess material having no direct beneficial use to man and environment. It
includes any product that is over its useful life and unwanted.

Any waste that exhibits one or more hazardous characteristics, such as being
corrosive, flammable, oxidizing, poisonous, radioactive or ecotoxic.

All spent water discharged from any activity of man or industrial process. For
the purpose of this document it is further classified into 2 types namely; a)
domestic wastewater, and b) trade wastewater.

All water-borne human wastes, also called sewage, arising from residential
premises as well as from, industrial, commercial and institutional buildings.

Any wastewater generated and discharged from industrial operations or
commercial activities.

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Table 1 Dubai Wastewater Discharge Limits
*Maximum Allowable Limits for Discharge to
Land as for Irrigation
Physico-Chemical Units
Drip Spray
Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l 1,000 20 10
Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l 3,000 100 50
Chlorides mg/l 500 350
Chlorine residual mg/l 10 Not less than 0.5 mg/l after
30 min contact time
Cyanides as CN mg/l 1 0.05 0.05
Detergents mg/l 30
Fluorides mg/l 1 1
Nitrogen, ammoniacal mg/l 40 5 1
Nitrogen, organic (Kjeldhal) mg/l 10 5
Nitrogen, total mg/l 50 30
Oil & Grease Emulsified mg/l 150
Oil & Grease Free oil mg/l 50 5 5
pH (range) units 6 10 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0
Pesticides, non-chlorinated mg/l 5
Phenols mg/l 50 0.1 0.1
Phosphorous (P) mg/l 30 20 20
Sulfates, total mg/l 500 200 200
Sulfides as S mg/l 10 0.05 0.05
Surfactants mg/l
Suspended Solids (SS) mg/l 500 50 10
C 45 or > 5 of ambient

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l 3,000 1,500 1,000
Total Metals mg/l 10
Aluminum (Al) mg/l 2 2
Arsenic (As) mg/l 0.50 0.05 0.05
Barium (Ba) mg/l 1 1
Beryllium (Be) mg/l 0.1 0.1
Boron (B) mg/l 2.0 2.0 2.0
Cadmium (Cd) mg/l 0.3 0.01 0.01
Chromium (Cr) mg/l 1.0 0.1 0.1
Cobalt mg/l 0.1 0.1
Copper (Cu) mg/l 1.0 0.2 0.2
Iron (Fe) mg/l 2.0 2.0
Lead (Pb) mg/l 1.0 0.5 0.5
Magnesium (mg) mg/l 100 100
Manganese (Mn) mg/l 1.0 0.2 0.2
Mercury (Hg) mg/l 0.01 0.001 0.001
Molybdenum (Mo) mg/l 0.01 0.01
Nickel (Ni) mg/l 1.0 0.2 0.2
Selenium (Se) mg/l 0.02 0.02
Silver (Ag) mg/l 1.0
Sodium (Na) mg/l 500 200
Zinc (Zn) mg/l 2.0 0.5 0.2
Fecal Coliforms MPN/100 ml.

500 20
* Discharge limits to marine environment will be determined on case basis and through a
mathematical modeling study. Based on the result of the modeling study, the EPSS would
issue Disposal Permit specifying the allowable limits which, in no case, shall compromise
the Marine Water Quality Objectives as given in Table 2.
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Table 2 - Marine Water Quality Objectives


Sea and Coastal Zone

Dubai Creek
20 mg/l 10 mg/l
Chlorine, total residual 0.01 mg/l 0.01 mg/l
Dissolved Oxygen Not less than 5 mg/l or 90%
Not less than 5 mg/l or 90%
Nitrogen -ammonia (NH
-N) 0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l
Nitrogen nitrate 0.5 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
Nitrogen- total 2.0 mg/l 2.0 mg/l
Petroleum hydrocarbons 0.001 mg/l ( aromatic fraction ) 0.001 mg/l ( aromatic fraction )
pH 1 pH unit from ambient level 1 pH unit from ambient level
Phosphate-Phosphorus 0.05mg/l 0.05mg/l
Temperature 2
C from background level 2
C from background level
Total Dissolved Solids 2% from background levels 2% from background levels
Turbidity/Color 75 NTU or none that will reduce
light penetration by more than
20% from background levels.
75 NTU or none that will reduce
light penetration by more than
20% from background levels.
Surfactants 0.02 mg/l 0.02 mg/l
Suspended Solids 10 mg/l mean
25 mg/l maximum
10 mg/l mean
15 mg/l max.
Trace Metals
Aluminium 0.2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l
Arsenic 0.01 mg/l 0.01 mg/l
Cadmium 0.003 mg/l 0.003 mg/l
Chromium 0.01 mg/l 0.01 mg/l
Copper 0.005 mg/l 0.005 mg/l
Iron 0.2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l
Mercury 0.001 mg/l 0.001 mg/l
Zinc 0.02 mg/l 0.02 mg/l
Bacteria (E. Coli) 200 Organisms per 100 ml water 200 Organisms/100 ml water

i) The following are prohibited for discharge into the water environment of Dubai:
Pesticides and herbicides.
Oil and/or solvent waste.
Radioactive waste.
Residues from the removal of TBT anti-fouling paints.

ii) Any person, commercial establishment or industrial facility discharging waste into the
water environment must obtain Permit from EPSS. The Permit would specify the
maximum allowable concentrations of substance/pollutant in the waste stream, and taking
into consideration of the source, the discharged waste shall not lead to:
Visible floating particulates, grease or oil.
Aesthetically undesirable discoloration in the receiving waters.
Visible residual effects in water or on beaches, rocks or onsite structures.
Objectionable odors emanating from receiving waters at point of disposal.
Alteration of the natural taste, odor, color and overall quality of marine resources
used for human consumption.
Objectionable aquatic growth, which degrades indigenous biota.
Alteration of organic matter in adjacent sediments, which may lead to the
degradation of benthic marine life.

iii) All discharge point to the water environment must be located 1 meter below the lowest
low water level and all discharges must be equipped with a sampling point to provide an
access for taking representative samples of the waste being discharged.
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Table 3 Limits of Trace Metals in Sludge Intended for Disposal on Land*

Parameters Maximum Limits
10 year cumulative loading on land
Cadmium 30 20
Chromium 1,000 200
Cobalt 100 30
Copper 1,000 50
Lead 1,000 125
Mercury 10 5
Molybdenum 20 5
Nickel 200 100
Zinc 1,000 250

* Where disposal is for the purpose of soil conditioning as in the use of compost or
fertilizer for agricultural activity. In any case, disposal to land must have prior written
approval from EPSS.

Table 4 Land Contamination Indicator Levels

Indicator **Concentration (mg/kg)
Arsenic 50
Barium 400
Cadmium 5
Chromium 250
Copper 100
Lead 200
Manganese 700
Mercury 2
Selenium 2
Zinc 500
Pesticides (total) 2
Cyanide 10
Fluoride 500
Phenol 1
Benzene 1
BTEX (total) 100
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 1
Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.5
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
< C9
> C9


** Depending on the source, location and intended land use, the EPSS may specify
stringent level where the health of expected receptors will be at risk or to maintain the
background quality of the site.
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Table 5 Allowable Emission Limits From Stationary Sources

Waste Sources to which
limit is applicable
Emission limits* Notes
Visible emissions Combustion sources

Other sources
Ringlemann 1 or
20% opacity

No visible
1. Does not apply to
emissions of water
vapor and a
reasonable period for
cold startup,
shutdown or
emergency operation

1. as above

Total Particulate
All combustion sources

Large sources
0.25 g/Nm

0.1 g/Nm3
Gas Volumes
calculated to
12% CO

Sulfuric acid mist
and sulfur trioxide
All sources 0.1 g/Nm

Sulfur dioxide All fuel burning sources 0.50 g/Nm

Hydrogen sulfide All sources 5 mg/Nm

Oxides of Nitrogen Fuel burning units
having a gross heat
input above 100,000
MJ, excluding glass

Gas turbines for power

Power generation by
other fuels
0.35 g/Nm
gaseous fuels

0.5 g/Nm
liquid fuels

0.07 g/Nm
gaseous fuels

0.15 g/Nm

@ 7% O

Not applicable to
small units less than
30MW and @ 15 %
Carbon Monoxide All Stationary sources 1.5 g/Nm

Lead and its
All stationary sources 10 mg/Nm3
as Pb

Aluminum smelters

All other sources
0.02 g/Nm

0.05 g/Nm

Chlorine & Chlorine
All stationary sources 0.2g/Nm

as Cl

Metal fumes in total All stationary sources 10mg/Nm
Excluding iron oxide
Iron Oxide fume Iron and steel
0.1 g/Nm

* As may be required by EPSS, all Proponents and/or Owners of emission sources are
required to carry out air quality mathematical modeling study. The scope of study varies
according to source and on case basis. Based on the result of the modeling study, EPSS
then will specify the allowable emission limits of the source being studied.

Further information on environmental matters is available at EPSS office on phone no:
(+9714) 2064244, or fax no: 2270160 or through email address:

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