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Contract With Springbrook Software

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Agenda Item: 7.

Council Report
September 8, 2014
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: J ason Stilwell, City Administrator
Submitted by: Susan Paul, Administrative Services Director
That the City Council:
1. The City Council Adopt a Resolution (Attachment I) Authorizing the City
Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Springbrook Software (Attachment II) for
a New Financial, Human Resources, and Payroll System in an Amount Not to
Exceed $190,683 for the Period of September 30, 2014 through September 30,
2018 and a Contract for Related Project Management Oversight Services with
Public Consulting Group (Attachment III) in an Amount Not to Exceed $73,200;

On November 5, 2013, the City Council adopted the FY 2013-2017 Information Technology
Strategic Plan. The Plan included five goals:
Goal 1: Residents, businesses, visitors and staff have easy access to the information
and transactions they need at their convenience (anytime; anyplace).
Goal 2: IT applications are designed to encourage collaboration and communication
among internal and external users.
Goal 3: Processes and procedures are in place to manage and track IT investments to
ensure they directly and measurably, support business priorities, initiatives and
outcome goals.
Agenda Item: 7.F
Goal 4: The Citys applications effectively streamline business processes, improve
information sharing and enable an outcome-based, accountable approach to service
Goal 5: City staff are provided tools and training that enable them to work
collaboratively to provide internal and external customers the highest quality service
and support.

A key component of the Plan is the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
System. The goal is to replace current disparate, outdated systems with integrated systems
built upon a shared database in order to streamline and automate work processes and more
easily share data. A formal procurement process was conducted leading to the selection of
Springbrook Software. Implementation of the ERP system addresses Strategic Plan Goals 1-
ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION: (including why Council is considering the item and justification for
Currently, the City uses the Multiple Operations Manager (MOM) system by Corbin Willetts for
General Ledger, HR, Payroll and Business Licenses. The system also tracks Purchase
Orders and Revenue. The system no longer meets the Citys needs.
A key component of the FY2013-2017 Information Technology Strategic Plan is the
implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The goal is to replace
current disparate, outdated systems with integrated systems built upon a shared database in
order to streamline and automate work processes and more easily share data.
The first goal of the ERP project is to replace and augment the functions and features
provided by the MOM system with a new Payroll, Finance and Human Resources system,
followed ultimately (as separate future projects) by new capabilities such as Permitting, Code
Enforcement and Work Orders. Desired outcomes include:
Improve efficiency of daily business operations,
Improve data accuracy and ease of reporting and
Enable internal and external customers to find and access the data they need to
answer questions and make informed decisions.

In J une 2014, the City issued RFP#ERP-001 Finance, Payroll, Human Resource System.
Objectives of this procurement included:
Select and implement a cloud-based ERP software solution proven effective and
affordable in small California cities,
Implement a new Payroll system by J anuary 1, 2015,
Develop a detailed and feasible Project Plan in partnership with City stakeholders and
Establish a potentially long-term relationship with a vendor partner (or partners) for
provision of software and services, including on-going hosting services.
Agenda Item: 7.F
A targeted outreach was initiated with a number of vendors with a presence in the small
municipal market. The RFP was posted on the Citys website and advertised in local print
publications. The City received one proposal; from Springbrook Software. Evaluation of their
proposal was conducted and it was determined that it met the Citys requirements at a
reasonable cost. References were checked for several small cities. The responses were
excellent. Especially important was their ability to provide services via the Cloud, thereby
eliminating the need for the City to acquire and support hardware and software to run the new
system; and the option of adding the additional modules identified above as part of the Citys
goal for an integrated ERP system. Springbrook software is currently in use by over 85
California public agencies.
The project includes the following modules:
Dashboard - This tool provides for easy, personalized review of specific data including
automatic notification of workflow tasks (i.e. vacation approval, personnel action form
approval, purchase order approval, etc.), quick access to all of their open processes
(un-posted transactions), and a running list of reports that have been produced but not
yet viewed.
General Ledger - The General Ledger module provides the functionality required for
informative online analysis and financial reporting. Application flexibility provides a
stable foundation for current operations as well as the ability to adjust to future growth.
Configurable and exportable look-up grids and internal query/reporting tools enhance
the user's experience and allow for easy access to all information in any format from
any time period. In addition, complete GASB and CAFR tools are also included.
Bank Reconciliation - The Bank Reconciliation module automatically assists with
balancing General Ledger cash activity and bank statements. With optional ACH
transfers available in the Clearing House module, this process is automated and
complete. A complete check clearing process is included, with the option of accepting
this information directly from the bank.
Clearing House - The Clearing House module allows for all ACH type transactions
(Direct Deposits, Direct Debits, ACH, etc.) to be automatically prepared and
transmitted to appropriate agencies.
Extended Budgeting - The Extended Budgeting module is used to create and analyze
an unlimited number of budget types and scenarios. The system is built to allow for
detailed drill down information that can roll-up to an account. A seamless import/export
with MS-Excel offers a multitude of variations regarding deployment.
Fixed Assets - The Fixed Assets module tracks value and depreciation from
acquisition to disposal. It is specifically designed to meet GASB 34 requirements. It is
fully integrated with the procurement applications and can do an actual asset creation
from those applications if so toggled.
Purchase Orders - The Purchase Orders module is a comprehensive, integrated
management tool that administers all purchasing information and decisions. It features
real-time budget checking, electronic approval and work flow routing of purchase
orders and online remote purchase order entry. A complete Change Order process
with detailed audit trails is also included for any modifications to an existing purchase
Agenda Item: 7.F
Requisitions - The Requisitions process provides tools to quickly and efficiently
generate, process and approve both standard and contractual requisitions.
Accounts Payable - The Accounts Payable module is the management procurement
piece for vendor payment processing. Through the use of electronic checks and e-
workflow, it offers a paperless environment and creates an effective and efficient
solution for all accounts payable needs.
Project Management - The Project Management module is designed to monitor costs,
budgets and requirements for projects and grants. It allows agencies to be proactive in
the project management and job costing area by tracking all aspects and stages of
project and grant activity. Multi-level tasking allows users to define each project in as
much detail as desired. The tight integration with other applications, such as Payroll
and Accounts Payable makes entering this information easy and accurate.
Payroll - The Payroll module is both comprehensive and robust. It was designed to
exceed local governments' most complex payroll requirements. Users have the ability
to control authorized positions and handle complex benefit and deduction calculations.
Effective dates allow the user to enter updates and changes to the system at any time
with the system automatically turning on the appropriate information.
Payroll Budgeting - The Payroll Budgeting feature is a flexible budgeting tool that can
leverage existing payroll history into reliable budget projections. It is designed so that
an unlimited number of "what-if' scenarios can be executed and evaluated. Once a
final budget is confirmed, it will interface into the General Ledger budgeting
Human Resources - The Human Resources module is a comprehensive solution to
manage all employee information. Its reporting capabilities meet all OSHA, FMLA and
EEOC requirements and strict security standards ensure that sensitive records remain
safe and secure. The user-defined category and type set up allows HR to configure
the system with exactly the type of information they need to monitor and keep.
Electronic Personnel Action Forms are also available to automate processes such as
issuing ID badges to new employees or kicking off annual reviews.
Online Open Enrollment - The Open Enrollment feature combines strict administrative
control over the enrollment process with the feature rich, on-demand research and
enrollment tools that employees want. This system allows monitoring of the entire
process from initial research to final enrollment, including automatically reminding
those employees who have not yet completed the process.
Online Employee Self-Service - The Online Employee Self-Service feature empowers
employees to take an active role in tracking and maintaining their own information.
Employees can view their pay stubs, W-2's, employee information, vacation requests,
etc. and also enter their time via this application.
Online Applicant Tracking - The Online Applicant Tracking feature provides web
portal access for applicants to view job openings, post resumes, and complete required
application information. Built-in tools provide for easy review of applicant information,
and automatic notification of eligibility or rejection. Once the selected applicants are
hired, data flows into the Payroll system for easy employee setup.
Accounts Receivable - The Accounts Receivable module provides a comprehensive
system for creating and maintaining all information necessary to record and track
Agenda Item: 7.F
customer data, invoices and balances. The application makes billing and reporting
easy with its reporting and query tools.
Central Cash Receipts - The central Cash Receipts module provides secure
management and tight operational controls of payment collection and processing. It
centralizes all payment collection for maximum productivity and control. Full keyboard
input and direct interfaces to cash drawers and receipt printers ensure improved user
efficiency. The detailed reporting and query tools make finding information and daily
balancing an easy task.

Public Consulting Group understands the expectations of the Citys Administrative Services
Department and has a good working relationship with the project team. They have managed
the RFP process and are uniquely qualified to provide project oversight. The PCG Team is
immediately prepared to provide effective Project Management, Oversight and Support
Services. Both managerial and technical staff will be assigned to the project. They will work
alongside City staff providing guidance, oversight of the ERP vendor and support to the Citys
implementation of the new Financial, Human Resources and Payroll system.
The ERP is an approved FY 2014-15 Capital Project. Funding for the project is contained in
the General Fund.
Budgeted (Yes/No) Funding Source( general fund, grant, state)
Yes GF Acct # 01-67053
Acct # 13-67001

4 Year Estimated Amount
Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total
License Fees &

4 Year Estimated Amount
Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total
Project Management $73,200.00 $73,200.00
Total $73,200.00 $73,200.00
Agenda Item: 7.F

In J anuary 2013, the City Council adopted the development of the IT Strategic
Technology and Interactive Government Projects, one of its key initiatives.
November 5, 2013 - Adoption of the FY 2013-2017 Information Technology
Strategic Plan
J anuary 7, 2014 Adoption of the implementation of Year 1 of the IT Plan as a key
initiative for 2014

Attachment I Resolution
Attachment II Springbrook Software Contract
Attachment III Public Consulting Group Contract
City Administrator City Attorney Administrative Svcs
Director of CPB Director of Public Svcs
Public Safety Director Library Director Other: ___________

Agenda Item: 7.F



WHEREAS, on November 5, 2013 the City Council adopted the FY 2013-2017 Information
Technology Strategic Plan; and

WHEREAS, a key component of the Plan is the implementation of an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) System in order to automate work processess and more easily share data; and

WHEREAS, the Springbrook Software ERP is a cloud-based solution; and

WHEREAS, the ERP system is fully integrated and designed to improve efficiency of daily
business operations, improve data accuracy and ease of reporting, and enable internal and external
customers to find and access the data they need to make informed decisions; and

WHEREAS, Springbrook Software can meet the Citys needs at a reasonable cost; and

WHEREAS, Springbrook Software is currently used by over 85 California agencies; and

WHEREAS, in order to implement this product, expert project management services are
required; and

WHEREAS, Public Consulting Group (PCG) has been involved in the IT Strategic Planning
process, development of the Plan, and managed the procurement process; and

WHEREAS, the PCG team is immediately prepared to provide effective project management
oversight and support services.


Authorize the City Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Springbrook Software for a New
Financial, Human Resources, and Payroll System in an Amount Not to Exceed $190,683 for the
Period of September 30, 2014 through September 30, 2018 and a Contract for Related Project
Management Oversight Services with Public Consulting Group in an Amount Not to Exceed $73,200.

Agenda Item: 7.F
this 9
day of September, 2014, by the following roll call vote:





_________________ _______________________
J ason Burnett, MAYOR Lori Frontella
Interim City Clerk

Agenda Item: 7.F

Attachment II
Springbrook Service Agreement Will be Available Prior to the City Council

Agenda Item: 7.F

THIS CONTRACT is executed_______ this day of ______2014, by and between the CITY
OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA, hereinafter referred to as CITY and Public Consulting Group, Inc.,
hereinafter called CONSULTANT.
1. Scope. CONSULTANT hereby agrees to provide to CITY, as the scope of
services under this Contract the services set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference.
2. Timely Work. CONSULTANT shall perform all duties incidental or necessary in
a timely fashion; and shall be performed diligently, competently, and in accordance with
professional standards of performance. Failure to so perform is hereby deemed a material breach
of this Contract, and CITY may terminate this Contract with no further liability hereunder. City
may agree in writing with CONSULTANT to an extension of time. It is expressly agreed and
understood that CONSULTANT shall not be held responsible for delays occasioned by factors
beyond their control, nor by factors that could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of
execution of this CONTRACT.
3. Term. The work under this Contract on the ERP project shall commence
September 2014, and shall terminate upon completion of the project. The parties may agree to
extend or amend this Contract prior to its expiration.
4. Compensation. CITY shall pay CONSULTANT in an amount not to exceed
$73,200 in accordance with this Contract.
Compensation under this Contract shall become due and payable thirty (30) days
after CITYs approval of CONSULTANTS submission of monthly written invoices. Written
invoices shall clearly itemize each charge. The payment of any compensation to CONSULTANT
hereunder shall be contingent upon performance of the terms and conditions of this Contract to
the satisfaction of the City Administrator.
If the City Administrator determines that the work set forth in the written invoice
has not been performed in accordance with the terms of this Contract, CITY shall not be
responsible for payment until such time as the work has been satisfactorily performed.
5. Additional Services. In the event that CITY should request additional services
not covered by the terms of this Contract, said services will be provided by CONSULTANT and
paid for by CITY only after a fee for said services has been agreed upon between CONSULTANT
and City Administrator and the City Administrator provides written authorization for the
additional work.
6. Meet and Confer. CONSULTANT agrees to meet and confer with CITY or its
agents or employees with regard to services as set forth herein as may be required by City
Administrator to insure timely and adequate performance of this Contract.
7. Indemnification. CONSULTANT hereby agrees to the following indemnification
To the fullest extent permitted by law (including, without limitation, California
Civil Code Sections 2782 and 2782.6), CONSULTANT shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably
Agenda Item: 7.F
acceptable to designated agents, departments, officials, representatives, and employees
(collectively Indemnitees) from and against claims, loss, cost, damage, injury expense and
liability (including incidental and consequential damages, court costs, reasonable attorneys fees,
litigation expenses and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection
therewith and costs of investigation) to the extent they arise out of, pertain to, or relate to, the
negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, any SUB-CONSULTANT,
anyone directly or indirectly employed by them, or anyone that they control (collectively
Liabilities). Such obligations to defend, hold harmless and Indemnify any Indemnitee shall not
apply to the extent that such Liabilities are caused in part by the negligence, or willful misconduct
of such Indemnitee.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the above paragraph, CONSULTANT agrees to
indemnify and hold harmless CITY from and against any and all claims, demands, defense costs,
liability, expense, or damages arising out of or in connection with damage to or loss of any property
belonging to CONSULTANT or CONSULTANTS employees, contractors, representatives, patrons,
guests or invitees.
CONSULTANT further agrees to indemnify CITY for damage to or loss of CITY OF
CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA property to the proportionate extent they arise out of CONSULTANTS
negligent performance of the work associated with this Contract or to the proportionate extent
they arise out of any negligent act or omission of CONSULTANT or any of CONSULTANTS
employees, agents, contractors, representatives, patrons, guests or invitees; excepting such
damage or loss arising out of the negligence of CITY.
8. Insurance. CONSULTANT shall submit and maintain in full force insurance as
described herein. Without altering or limiting CONSULTANTS duty to indemnify,
CONSULTANT shall maintain in effect throughout the term of this Contract, a policy or policies of
insurance with the following minimum limits of liability:
Commercial general liability insurance including but not limited to premises,
personal injuries, bodily injuries, products, and completed operations, with a combined single limit
of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.
Professional Liability Insurance CONSULTANT shall maintain in effect
throughout the term of this Contract professional liability insurance with limits of not less than
$1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. CONSULTANT will either maintain or
cause to be maintained professional liability coverage in full force or obtain extended reporting
(tail) coverage (with the same liability limits) for at least three (3) years following CITYS
acceptance of work.
Workers Compensation Insurance If CONSULTANT employs others in the
performance of this Contract, CONSULTANT shall maintain workers compensation insurance in
accordance with California Labor Code section 3700 and with a minimum of $100,000 per
occurrence for employers liability.
9. Ownership of Work. Upon completion of the work under this Contract,
ownership and title to all materials and deliverables produced as part of this Contract will
automatically be vested in CITY and no further contract will be necessary to transfer ownership to
10. Licensing. CONSULTANT represents that it is properly licensed to perform the
work specified under this Contract, including but not limited to, possession of a current city
business license.
Agenda Item: 7.F
11. Termination. This Contract may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30)
calendar days written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, CITY shall pay
CONSULTANT for all services performed to the satisfaction of CITY to the date of receipt of notice
of termination. An itemized statement of the work performed to the date of termination shall be
submitted to CITY. In ascertaining the services actually rendered hereunder up to the date of
termination of this Contract, consideration shall be given to both completed work and work in
process of completion, and to complete and incomplete drawings and other documents whether
delivered to CITY or in the possession of the CONSULTANT.
12. Agency. In performing the services specified under this Contract, CONSULTANT is
hereby deemed to be an independent CONSULTANT and not an agent or employee of CITY.
13. Authority of the City Administrator. CONSULTANT shall perform all necessary
services provided under this Contract and outlined in the proposal and shall do, perform, and carry
out said work in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined by and to the satisfaction of the
City Administrator. The City Administrator reserves the right to make changes, additions or
deletions, to the scope of work as deemed necessary or advisable to implement and carry out the
purposes of this Contract. The City Administrator is authorized to execute change orders.
14. Responsibility of Consultant. By executing this CONSULTANT represents and
state to CITY that he/she possesses, or will arrange to secure from others, all necessary
professional capabilities, experience, resources and facilities necessary to provide to city the
services contemplated under this Contract. CONSULTANT further warrants that he/she will
follow the current generally accepted practices of the profession to make findings, render opinions,
prepare factual presentations, and provide professional advice and recommendations regarding the
project for which services are rendered under this Contract.
15. Materials and Equipment. CONSULTANT shall furnish at his/her own expense,
all materials and equipment necessary to carry out the terms of this Contract.
16. Digital Files. CONSULTANT shall furnish copies of all deliverables on compact
disks (for example, final report) in digital format. Files shall be compatible with the current
versions used by PC computers.
17. Audit Authority. CONSULTANT shall keep full and detailed accounts and exercise
such controls as may be necessary for proper financial management under this Contract; the
accounting and control systems shall be satisfactory to CITY. CITY and CITYs auditor shall be
afforded access to CONSULTANTs records, books, correspondence and other data relating to this
Contract. CONSULTANT shall preserve these records, books, correspondence and other data
relating to this Contract for a period of four (4) years after final payment or for such longer period
as may be required by law. In addition, CONSULTANT agrees to make said records, books,
correspondence and other data relating to this Contract available to CITY at CITYs principle
place of business upon seventy-two (72) hours advance written notice. The City Administrator, or
his or her designee, shall at all times have the right to inspect the work, services, or materials.
CONSULTANT shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required by CITY for the proper
examination of the work or services and all parts thereof. Such inspection shall not relieve
CONSULTANT form any obligation to perform said work or services strictly in accordance with
the specifications of any modifications thereof and in compliance with the law.
18. Notices. All notices herein provided to be given, or which may be given by either
party to the other, shall be considered fully received when made in writing and deposited in the
United States mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to the respective parties as
Agenda Item: 7.F
CITY: City Administrator
City of Carmel-By-The-Sea
P.O. Box CC
Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA 93921

CONSULTANT: Public Consulting Group, Inc.
2150 River Place Drive, Suite 380
Sacramento, CA 95833

19. Entire Contract. This Contract constitutes the entire contract between the
parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior contracts, whether oral or written, relating to the
subject matter thereof. Any modification of this Contract will be effective only if it is in writing
signed by both parties hereto.
20. Validity. If any provision in this Contract is held by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full
force without being impaired or invalidated in any way.
21. Assignment of Interest. The duties under this Contract shall not be assignable,
delegable, or transferable without the prior written consent of CITY. Any such purported
assignment, delegation, or transfer shall constitute a material breach of this Contract upon which
CITY may terminate this Contract and be entitled to damages.
22. Conflict of Interest. CONSULTANT shall at all time avoid conflicts of interest,
or the appearance of conflicts of interest, in the performance of this Contract. CONSULTANT
shall file statements of financial interest on forms provided by CITY to the extent and at the
times required by CITYS Conflict of Interest Code and applicable law.
During the term of this Contract CONSULTANT shall not directly or indirectly,
either as a partner, employer, employee, consultant, principal, and agent or in any individual or
representative capacity, engage or participate in any business or voluntary activity on behalf of
any other party on any property located within the City of Carmel-By-The-Sea without
notification to City Administrator.
23. Non-discrimination/Affirmative Action. CONSULTANT will not discriminate
against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, age, national
origin, marital status, physical or other motor handicap, unless based upon bonafide occupational
CONSULTANT will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed
and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, sex,
age, national origin, marital status, physical or other motor handicap.
24. Counterparts. This Contract may be executed in multiple originals, each of
which is deemed to be an original, and may be signed in counterparts.
25. Laws. CONSULTANT agrees that in the performance of this Contract it will
reasonably comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations. This Contract
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the
City of Carmel-By-The-Sea.
26. Attorneys Fees and Court Venue. Should either party to this Contract bring
legal action against the other, (formal judicial proceeding, mediation or arbitration), the case shall
Agenda Item: 7.F
be handled in Monterey County, California, and the party prevailing in such action shall be
entitled to a reasonable attorneys fee which shall be fixed by the judge, mediator or arbitrator
hearing the case and such fee shall be included in the judgment, together with all costs.
27. Severability. If any term of this Contract is held invalid by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remainder of this Contract shall remain in effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract is entered into by the parties hereto in Carmel,
California, on the day and year first written above.

By: _____________________________
Its: _____________________________


By: _____________________________
Its: _____________________________

Agenda Item: 7.F
1. Project Management Services for Implementation of the
Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)
The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea recently adopted an Information Technology Strategic Plan and is
seeking a contractor to provide Implementation Support Services for Year 1 of the Plan.
Good project managers and a strong technical staff are necessary to ensure a sound implementation of
IT projects on-time and within budget, with a close eye on minimizing scope creep. This includes
carefully defining project scope, requirements, budget and schedule as well as over-seeing the work of
vendors hired to implement the selected hardware and software. A successful implementation
requires that all components of the project come together seamlessly to meet the organizations goals
while balancing the need to get work done in the meantime.
In close coordination and partnership with the City, PCG consultants will ensure the fulfillment of the
required executive, management and technical roles outline above in order to successfully implement
the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
2. Statement of Work
Public Consulting Group, Inc. proposes a strong team to assist the City in its implementation.
Ms. Sally Nagy will provide CIO Advisory, Project Management, and related services to the City.
Working in partnership with City departments, Ms. Nagy shall fulfill the following objectives,
expectations and duties:
Oversee the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)
Ensure that the Citys deployment of information technology serves the business needs of the
City through the efficient and effective development and deployment of the Citys information
technology resources;
In addition, she will serve as Project Manager, providing day-to-day planning and oversight of this
project. She will also provide technical and business analyst expertise.
Sr. Level Consultants will provide subject matter expertise as necessary based upon the particular
application being implemented.
3. Reporting
The PCG Team will report to Ms. Nagy who will report to the City Administrator or his designee.
4. Compensation
The City shall pay PCG according to the schedule below for services pursuant to this agreement.
Consultant Hourly Rate
Ms. Nagy $160
Sr. Consultant $145
5. Payment
Payment shall be made monthly upon submittal of an invoice.

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