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Retail User Guide

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Us e r G uid e f or R et a i l I n ter n e t B a nkin g Us er s:

Dear Customer,
We welcome you to the family of Punjab National Banks esteemed customers. We feel privileged to offer
you our Internet Banking ervices.
Our Commitment
!t Punjab National Bank" we believe technology is partner of people" an efficient" homiest and reliable
friend. We are committed to leveraging the latest and emerging trends" to serve our customers better. We
shall establish a standard in banking in our long#standing relationship" as we believe our success is based on
the satisfaction of our customers.
ow to access Internet Banking !ervices:
$o access Internet Banking ervices you need a P% &preferably Pentium with Windows '( or above)" a
Browser &*icrosoft Internet +,plorer -.- or Netscape Navigation ../ or later version) and a connection to
Internet. 0ou will also need 1ser Id and password&s) provided to you by the branch. 2nce you are connected
to Internet" visit Banks website" www "n et #nb "c om or www "#nbindi a" c om and %lick the login button.
$he Internet Banking page will be displayed. %lick on 3etail 1sers and it will take you to the login page.
Unbeatable !ecurit$ %eatures:
2ur Internet Banking ervices comprise best of the security features. We have installed a highly secured
environment with multi#layer security system" which will ensure that the services are protected and will
maintain the integrity and confidentiality from any unauthori4ed access.
!s a part of security feature" tool bar and menu bar on the browser are disabled. Please check the following
security settings of Internet +,plorer before logging into Internet Banking ervices.
5 %heck security settings by going to Internet +,plorer $ools Internet 2ptions !dvanced
ecurity and enabling both bo,es 6 7./ and 6 8./
5 %heck the %ipher strength by going to Internet +,plorer 9elp !bout Internet +,plorer. If the
same shows a number less than :7(#bit" you have to update it by clicking on the adjacent link
;1pdate Information<. =ownload the :7(#bit encryption pack suitable for your browser.
5 >&eri!ign !ecure site certification from afe cript 6td. !ll information sent to this site is
encrypted and protected from third parties.
'ogin to !ervices:
0ou will be provided with 6ogin password if you apply for view facility only. 6ogin ? transaction
passwords if you apply for both view ? transaction facilities. 6ogin@ign#on password helps you to enter the
Internet Banking ervices. $ransaction Password is reAuired to confirm your transactions like funds transfer"
utility bill payment" stop payments of cheAues" etc. 0ou can do the above activities once your 1ser Id is
activated through the branch.
5 0ou have - attempts to login. $he password is case sensitive i.e. p &small) is different from P
&capital). o be careful while putting the password&s).
5 $he si, &.) characters password sent to you is randomly generated by the system. (he )
is ca#ital al#habet *one character between + to ,-, the .
character is a s#ecial character */,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc- and the last 5 characters are numbers *four numbers, each between 6 to 7-.
89am#le: +/:5;<"
5 $he password selected by you should contain minimum . characters and ma,imum 7( characters and
should be as per the rules displayed in the screen.
5 !t the time of first login to the services" you will be asked to change the password&s). 3ead the
instructions provided in the same page. If you have both the passwords" you would be reAuired to
keep distinct passwords for them for security reasons. 2nce passwords are changed" the new
passwords are to be keyed in.
5 $he e,piry periods for 6ogin ? $ransaction passwords are 8./ days ? :(/ days respectively. $his
period is from the date of issue of password by the bank or change of password by the customer. If
the service is not being used for the said periods" you will reAuire new passwords to resume the same.
Unable to 'og in:
In case your 1ser Id is disabled due to wrong@incorrect password" then approach your branch or any %B
branch &where you want to receive the duplicate password) and apply for a fresh password. $he new
password will be sent to branch after getting the same reAuest from the branch. ubmit the acknowledgement
for activating your 1ser Id after receiving the new password. If you have set@created the IB! =e$ number
then you can submit duplicate password reAuest on#line by clicking >Borgot Password option on the login
=now $our Internet Banking !tatus>Details:
$o know your Internet Banking status@details contact your branch" where you have account 2r any %B
branch of PNB.
2r 7C 9ours 9elp 6ineD
:(// :(/ 7777 &!ll India $oll Bree Number)
/:7C#78C//// &!ccessible from mobile)
5 ymbolic keyboard can be used while logging in from public computers.
5 =o not reveal password&s) over phone" mail" etc. to any person including Bank.
5 $he passwords can be changed as freAuently as you wish &using the facility available in the customi4e
option). !n alert on your 9ome page shows the e,piry periods for your passwords" the moment you
log in. Please change your password&s) before the passwords get e,pired or when the system prompts
you to do so.
5 =o not click on website links@attachments in un#known@suspicious emails. $hese links may take you
to replica of banks website and ask for keying in your user id ? password&s).
5 Bank will never send any e#mail reAuesting to provide 1ser Id@Password and other sensitive
5 In case of doubt" reconfirm the PNBs website by double clicking the ;padlock< symbol@icon at the
bottom right of the web page to ensure the site is running in secure mode before you input any
confidential@sensitive information.
5 %licking on the ;padlock< symbol@icon and server certification symbol will display details of the
server certification in the favour of Punjab National Bank.
5 $o ensure a safe and genuine login" always enter banks website either through www.n e t pnb. c om or
www.pnb i nd i a .c o m .
5 In case there is any call" please confirm that the call is from the authori4ed person of the bank.
5 0ou can download PNB tool bar ? access banks website by clicking a link@icon.
Using Internet Banking !ervices:
2nce you enter the user id ? the password" the system will check for the correctness and allow you to enter
in to the services. 9ere the screen will display various options in the form of buttons@icons. $hese
buttons@icons will have different functions and selecting or clicking on the respective button@icon will
activate the function. 0ou can use $ab key" *ouse clicks" croll bar to navigate within the screen@pages. $o
go to previous page@screen don?t use @Back? button on your browser" but use >Arevious? button on the
>el# button will be available to view on#line help available in the system" this will guide you in using
Internet Banking ervices. $his will open as a separate window and after using the >9elp please close the
window by clicking on the close button. (he Internet Banking !ervices will dis#la$ messages on to# of
each screen" (hese messages will indicate successful acce#tance or an$ t$#e of errors" Don?t forget to
look there if $ou do not get the e9#ected result after selecting an o#tion.
+ctivation of User Id:
$here are two cases where you should approach the branch for activating your 1ser
5 When you receive a fresh password from the bank" you have to approach your branch or any %B
branch to get it activated" as each new password comes in disable mode by default for security
5 0our 1ser Id gets disabled if you e,ceed more than - attempts with wrong passwords. In this case
you have to approach your branch or any %B branch to get it activated.
Disable User Id:
If you have lost your user id ? password and you want to block the access to your Internet Banking account
then you may follow the following procedures to temporarily disable your Internet Banking
5 $ry to login with your user id ? wrong passwords for more than - times" as you know user id gets
disabled if you e,ceed more than - attempts with wrong passwords.
5 !pproach your branch or any %B branch to get it disabled.
Issuance of Du#licate>%resh Aassword:
$here are two ways of sending duplicate@fresh password reAuest.
5 Using IB! =e$D click >Borgot Password link" enter user id" IB Eey &Eey generated by you
previously through the system)" 26 of the branch" where you want to receive your password and
password options. $he password will be sent to the concern branch based on the correctness of the
data provided by you.
5 !pproach your branch or any %B branch for issuance of duplicate@fresh password. $he password
will be sent to the same branch.
+dding more accounts to e9isting User Id:
If you want to attach more accounts to your e,isting 1ser Id" then contact your branch" where you have
account 2r any %B branch of PNB. ubmit the reAuest for adding new accounts to the 3elationship
*anager &3*) at branch. 2nly accounts with same capacity can be added to the e,isting 1ser
Internet Banking !ervices 3 %acilities:
$he Internet Banking ervices offer you variety of features on your
+ccountsD $his includes !@c ummary" tatement" chedule of deposits@loans" Nominee =etails"
status of cheAues ? on#line sto# #a$ment of cheBuesF.
R(G!4D $his allows inter bank remittance in real time without any manual intervention at the
(ransfer of funds4D $his includes on#line fund transfer between own ? other %B accounts" tatus of
ReBuestsD $his includes DD reBuestF" %heAue Book reAuest" %D account o#ening>%D renewal>%D
breaking reBuests4.
CailsD $his includes details of mail sent@received" composing@viewing@replying of mails ? check
status of mails.
CustomiDeD %ustomer can change his password&s)" customi4e display ? inAuire activities.
'ogoutD $his option is to be used at the time of coming out from the services. It is advisable to logout as
soon as you finish working on the services. 6eaving in between or leaving the P% unattended may
result in unauthori4ed person viewing your confidential information.
%acilities 4
Utilit$ Bill Aa$ments &$elephone" *obile" +lectricity" 6I%" Water" =onations" etc.)" OnEline (icket
Booking &3ailways ? Indian !irlines)" Income (a9 #a$ments, *%!7:" =GB$ payments" Inter#
bank fund transfer through F8%( ? R(G!" OnEline sho##ing" etc. $he links are provided on the
home page.
De#ending u#on user #rofile, all or some of the o#tions mentioned above will be available for the user"
4 !ervices 3 %acilities available to the users, who have availed transaction facilit$" User has to contact
the branch where he is having account or an$ CB! branch of AFB"

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