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List of Questions: To Be Answered in The Host's Statement

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List of questions

to be answered in the hosts statement

Please answer the following questions in the order given to produce a
hosts statement of one to two pages. It should be accompanied by the
signed confirmation of support below.
Do you know the applicant personally, or do you have connections
to his/her current institution or his/her current employer?
How do you rate her / his academic and/or professional career and
Please consider the following points: dedication, mobility, future potential.
How do you rate her / his leadership potential? To what etent will
she ! he become a decision"ma#er, thought leader or influential voice in
her ! his respective field$
What is your assessment of the applicants motivation based on the
submitted letter of motivation?
How do you rate the project plan the applicant has submitted?
Please consider the following points: current relevance, originality,
relevance to modern societies, clarity of focus, %methodological& quality,
feasibility at the host institution, chances of success in the period
envisaged for sponsorship.
To what etent were you involved in drawin! up her / his project
Does the applicant have the lan!ua!e skills necessary to carry out
the project successfully?
's of: (arch )*+,
-osts confirmation of support

'pplicants name .ame of the proposed host

.ame of the host institution

'ddress of the host institution %street, postal code, city!town, country&

/ontact data of the host institution %phone number, fa number, email address&
I hereby confirm that all the necessary preconditions for conducting the pro0ect will be in place and that
the candidate will have access to all the facilities needed to complete the pro0ect. I affirm that if
sponsorship is granted the candidate will be covered by the same safety conditions as other researchers
wor#ing at the institute. I will provide professional mentoring during the candidates stay in 1ermany.

Place ! 2ate 3ignature
2ata Privacy 3tatement
I hereby agree that data relating to my person and position collected as part of the present application
%application review for epert reviewers& %surname, given name, academic title, field of research and
specialism, gender, postal address, email address& may be stored and processed electronically by the
'leander von -umboldt 4oundation %'v-& and used for purposes of review, statistics and evaluation by
the 'leander von -umboldt 4oundation and its authorised agents according to 5 ++ 62317 evaluation
results will only be published in cumulative, anonymised form. I understand that I can withdraw my
consent to participate in the evaluation at any time.
's these data may be required in order to process %review for epert reviewers& future applications, they
will be stored on servers of the 'leander von -umboldt 4oundation until I withdraw my consent.
Personal data will not be made available to third parties as per 5 8 6231.
In the event of a positive decision, the 'v- is entitled to publish my name, academic title, field of research
and information on the host institute in connection with the funding decision.

Place ! 2ate 3ignature
's of: (arch )*+,

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