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Analogue Transformations in Physics and Their Application To Acoustics

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Analogue Transformations in Physics and their Application

to Acoustics
C. Garcı́a-Meca1 , S. Carloni2 , C. Barceló3 , G. Jannes4 , J. Sánchez-Dehesa5 , and
A. Martı́nez1
Nanophotonics Technology Center, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain.
ESA – Advanced Concepts Team, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk,
The Netherlands.
Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a (CSIC), Glorieta de la Astronomı́a, 18008 Granada,
arXiv:1306.5177v1 [gr-qc] 21 Jun 2013

O.V. Lounasmaa Laboratory, Aalto University, 00076 Aalto, Finland.
Wave Phenomena Group, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain.

Transformation optics has shaped up a revolutionary electromagnetic design paradigm,
enabling scientists to build astonishing devices such as invisibility cloaks. Unfortu-
nately, the application of transformation techniques to other branches of physics is often
constrained by the structure of the field equations. We develop here a complete trans-
formation method using the idea of analogue spacetimes. The method is general and
could be considered as a new paradigm for controlling waves in different branches of
physics, from acoustics in quantum fluids to graphene electronics. As an application, we
derive an ”analogue transformation acoustics” formalism that naturally allows the use
of transformations mixing space and time or involving moving fluids, both of which were
impossible with the standard approach. To demonstrate the power of our method, we
give an explicit design of a spacetime compressor for acoustic waves and a carpet cloak
for a moving aircraft.

Together with metamaterial science, transformation optics has dramatically improved
our control over the manipulation of electromagnetic waves. This technique provides a
way to know the properties that a medium should have in order to curve light propagation
in almost any desired way. As a consequence, it has allowed for the creation of optical
devices that were unthinkable only a decade ago [1–7, 9, 41].
Transformation optics is standardly described as relying on the form-invariance of
Maxwell’s equations [1, 3–7], i.e., the fact that they have the same structure in any co-
ordinate system [10]. In particular, the electromagnetic equations of a (virtual) medium
MV using a distorted (non-Cartesian) set of coordinates SD are formally equal to those
of a different (real) medium MR in Cartesian coordinates SC . For instance, if the virtual
medium is homogeneous and isotropic, it will be non-diffractive. Then, the equiva-
lence {MV , SD } ∼ {MR , SC } allows us to design real media that are highly non-trivial
(in general, inhomogeneous and anisotropic), but nevertheless retain the non-diffractive
Inspired by the success of transformation optics, scientists have tried to apply a
similar procedure in other branches of physics, such as acoustics [11–14] or quantum
mechanics [15]. In these attempts, form-invariance seems to be the conditio sine qua
non: without this property, a coordinate transformation cannot be reinterpreted as a
certain medium. In many cases, the equations under consideration are form-invariant
only under a certain subset of transformations, limiting the technique to this subset. For
instance, the acoustic equations are not invariant under general transformations that mix
space and time, so one cannot use transformation techniques to design devices such as
time cloaks [16, 17] or frequency converters [18]. Here, we show that there is a way to
escape this limitation. Let us first describe the proposal step by step in general terms.

Consider a formal class of continuous physical systems described by two sets of fields:
some parameter fields (e.g. permittivity and permeability), which describe a background
medium, and some dynamical fields Φ (e.g. electric and magnetic fields), describing some
specific behavior on top of the background medium which we want to manipulate in our
laboratory through transformation techniques. Thus, we call laboratory space the world
where these fields exist. We assume that all these systems are described using the same
standard Cartesian coordinate system SC = (t, x). In this way, different parameter fields
always correspond to different media. In addition, imagine that the Φ-equations are not
form-invariant under the desired transformations and therefore we cannot directly apply
the traditional transformation paradigm as in optics.
The transformation method we propose entails the existence of an auxiliary abstract
relativistic system (we use “relativistic” in the General Relativity sense of form-invariance
under any spacetime coordinate transformation) which is analogue to (i.e., possesses the
same mathematical structure as) the relevant systems in laboratory space. There is no
need for the analogue model to have any direct physical meaning. In fact, this procedure
is the exact reverse of what is done in the “analogue gravity” programme [34]: there, one
searches for laboratory analogues of relativistic phenomena, e.g. in the quest to simulate
Hawking radiation; here, one searches for relativistic analogues of laboratory phenomena.
In the relativistic analogue, the geometric coefficients (typically, the coefficients of the
metric tensor gµν ) play the role of parameter fields; we will denote them generically
by the letter C. One specific system in laboratory space is mapped to one relativistic
system written in an abstract coordinate system SAC = (t, x) (same coordinate labels
as SC ).
Once we find the analogue model, the method develops as follows (see Fig. 1):

• Identify a simple (and probably idealized) virtual medium MV in laboratory space

which possesses some physical or technological quality of interest (Step 1 in Fig. 1).

• Map the laboratory equation associated with MV to its analogue equation in the
abstract spacetime written in coordinates SAC (Step 2). The geometric coefficients
CC (t, x) in these coordinates will be functions of the parameter fields of MV .

• Express the analogue equation in a transformed set of coordinates SAD = (t̄, x̄)
using the transformation f : SAC → SAD that encodes the desired distortion.
One can apply any transformation one likes since the relativistic equations always
maintain their form. This yields a new functional form for the geometric coefficients
CD (t̄, x̄). Then, rename the new coordinates (t̄, x̄) to (t, x).

• Map the renamed equation back to laboratory space and obtain the new medium
MR associated with CD (t, x) (Step 5). In MR , the change induced by f is “real”,
i.e., the solutions in medium MR are related to those in medium MV by this
transformation f .


3 Transformed analogue equation

Transformation Coefficients: CD ( t , x )
System: S AD Rename ( t , x ) to (t , x)
f : S AC S AD

2 Analogue equation 4 Analogue equation

Coefficients: CC (t , x) Coefficients: CD (t , x)
System: S AC System: S AD (renamed)

Map to analogue model Map back to laboratory

(M V CV ) model (CD MR )

1 Laboratory equation LABORATORY SPACE 5 Laboratory equation

Medium: M V (virtual) Medium: M R (real)
System: SC System: SC
Solution: (t , x) Related by f Solution: ~ (t , x)

Figure 1: Flowchart of the proposed analogue transformation method. In the case

of acoustics, the laboratory equations correspond to equation (2), which is not form-
invariant, while the equations in abstract spacetime correspond to equation (3). The
latter is form-invariant under any spacetime transformation (only the values of the metric
components change depending on the coordinate system).

The reason why medium MR induces the desired change is that the solutions of
the renamed equation (Step 4) are related to those of the original analogue equation
(Step 2) by f . Since the solutions of the equations in Steps 1 and 2 and Steps 4 and
5 are identical, this correspondence is mapped to laboratory space, i.e., the solution Φ̃
associated to medium MR is the desired distorted version of the solution Φ associated
with medium MV . The advantage of the analogue method proposed here is that the
transformation approaches can now be based on any symmetry that leaves the form of
the analogue equations invariant, rather than the restricted set which corresponds to the
original equations in laboratory space.
As in any transformational approach, the medium MR must be flexible enough to
endow the laboratory equation with sufficient degrees of freedom (through flexible pa-
rameter fields) to reproduce the values of CD associated with the transformations of
interest. This will typically require that the system includes moving media and meta-
Let us now apply our new method to acoustics. The standard approach to transfor-
mation acoustics (STA) is based on the wave equation for the pressure perturbations p
of a fluid medium

p̈ = B∂i ρij ∂j p . (1)

Here, B is the bulk modulus and ρij the anisotropic inverse matrix density of the

background fluid. We use latin spatial indices (i, j) and Greek spacetime indices (µ, ν,
with x0 = t). B and ρij are the parameter fields, while p is the dynamical field. From the
transformational physics point of view, equation (1) has a set of drawbacks. i) Clearly,
its form is non-invariant under coordinate transformations that mix space and time. ii)
It cannot deal with fluids flowing with a non-zero background velocity, which however is
the case in many interesting physical situations. iii) To derive equation (1), a necessary
assumption is that the background (static) pressure is homogeneous [20]. Thus, it cannot
be used for fluids with significant pressure gradients, such as when gravitational forces
are relevant. iv) Three-dimensional transformations that require a local increase of the
speed of sound in MR , also require an increase of its density. This is difficult to achieve
with current metamaterials in airborne sound [36, 37].
The proposed method aims in the first place at overcoming the first drawback. Rather
than starting from equation (1), one can look at the field of analogue gravity, where the
formulation of a form-invariant equation has become a standard procedure. In terms of
the velocity potential φ (the velocity perturbation is then vp = ∇φ), the equation for
the acoustic perturbations of a barotropic and irrotational fluid is written as [32–34]

−∂t ρc−2 (∂t φ + v · ∇φ) + ∇ · ρ∇φ − ρc−2 (∂t φ + v · ∇φ) v = 0,


with ρ the mass density, c the speed of sound, and v the fluid background velocity. This
apparently innocent reformulation will already turn out to have several important side-
benefits. However, so far, this equation is still not form-invariant under transformations
that mix space and time. Therefore, we now apply one of the crucial insights of analogue
gravity: equation (2) is structurally identical to the equation describing a relativistic
massless scalar field over a curved spacetime [34]
1 √
√ ∂µ −gg µν ∂ν φ = 0 , (3)
with the (acoustic) metric
 
−(c2 − v2) . −v  i
gµν =  .......... . ......  , (4)
c ..
−v i . δij

and g the metric determinant. Note that in this definition the choice of units can
be considered irrelevant (see Supplementary Information). Equation (3) retains its form
upon any coordinate transformation. Thus, using equation (2) as the laboratory equation
and equation (3) as the analogue equation, we can apply the proposed procedure. The
virtual medium MV in step 1 of Fig. 1 will be characterized by some parameters ρV , cV
and vV , and the real medium MR in step 5 by other parameters ρR , cR and vR . According

to equation (3), the coefficients CV associated to MV are −gg µν , with equation (4)
particularized for ρV , cV and vV . After applying all steps in Fig. 1, one obtains the
relation between the parameter fields of MV and the new medium MR that reproduces
the effect of the coordinate change.

As a result, many interesting transformations that involve mixing space and time,
which could not be addressed in STA, now become possible (for instance, all those
that mix time with one spatial variable – see Supplementary Information). A concrete
example consists of a time-dependent compression of space which acts only inside a
three-dimensional box (the compressor). Such a compressor could be used, for instance,
to select which rays are absorbed by a static omnidirectional absorber placed inside the
box. The simulated performance of a specific configuration of the compressor-absorber
device is shown in Fig. 2 (see the Methods section and the Supplementary Information for
simulation details). It is based on the transformation t̄ = t and x̄i = xi f0 (t). According
to the proposed method, this transformation can be implemented by a set of parameters
given by cR /cV = ρV /ρR = f0 (t) and vR = g(r, t)/f0 (t)r̂, with g(r, t) = r∂t f0 (t) and
r = rr̂ being the position vector. Both f0 (t) and g(r, t) (normalized to cV ) are depicted
in Fig. 2.
Space compression
a b
Ray 1
spatial compressor 0.9
Ray 1 Ray 2 enters
0.8 enters the box
f 0(t) the box
Absorber 0.7
Ray 1 enters
0.6 the absorber
Air 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
t (ms)
c g(r,t) cV
0.6 1
r(m) 0
L=1 0.4 -1
.3 m
0.2 -2
Ray 2 -3
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
t (ms)

Figure 2: Time-dependent spatial compressor and omnidirectional absorber. The ab-

sorber has a spherical shape with radius R = 0.29 m, and is characterized by a static
refractive index (relative to the background medium surrounding the compressor) given
by n = 0.5R/r. The trajectories of two acoustic rays are simulated. After Ray 1 enters
the box, the compression starts, according to the compression function f0 (t) (depicted
on the left). Ray 1 approaches the absorber, which traps it. Ray 2 feels no compression
since f0 (t) = 1 during the time it goes through the box. Thus, Ray 2 follows a straight
line. See Supplementary Information for more details. (a) Simulated acoustic rays. (b)
Compression function f0 (t). (c) Function g(r, t).

Another example is the acoustic counterpart of the spacetime cloak reported recently
for electromagnetic waves [16]. Unlike static invisibility cloaks, this device conceals only

a certain set of spacetime events occurring during a limited time interval. To show how
the proposed method allows for designing an acoustic spacetime cloak, we consider the
transformation given by equations (20)-(23) in Ref. [16] (the transformation can also
be found in the Supplementary Information). This transformation mixes time with one
spatial variable. Therefore, the material parameters associated with the cloak can be
obtained by substituting the mentioned transformation into equations (58)-(60) of the
Supplementary Information. The resulting parameters are shown in Fig. 3. A set of
acoustic rays propagating through such a medium were simulated and compared to the
expected trajectories, finding and excellent agreement (see Fig. 3).

a b c
0 l oa gion

C re

cR cV v R cV
0 0.6 0.0

Figure 3: Acoustic spacetime cloak. (a) Simulated acoustic rays. As can be seen,
sound propagation is speeded up or slowed down in order to hide any acoustic event
belonging to the cloaked region. Rays exit the cloak as if they had just passed through
the background fluid. (b) Sound speed and (c) background velocity vR = vR x̂ of the

As a side-benefit of the above procedure, we have automatically solved the other

main drawbacks associated to equation (1): equations (2) and (3) do not require the
background configuration to be of constant pressure, and can deal with non-zero velocity
background flows, making them much more generally applicable. Thus, we can now for
example perform transformation acoustics with waves propagating in moving fluids, a
common situation in aeronautics. Imagine, for instance, that we want to cloak a bump
in an aircraft. In general, if the aircraft is moving with respect to the surrounding
air, a traditional static cloaking device [38, 39] will fail to cloak the bump properly,
because STA does not take into account that the background fluid velocity vR must also
be adapted suitably. Instead, the proposed analogue transformation method allows us
to obtain the required transformation of vR (see Fig. 4). It is worth mentioning that,
although we have theoretically solved the problem, the actual realization of the cloaking
device should take into account other issues like, for example, aerodynamic constraints.
It is worth mentioning that the designed carpet cloak does not introduce reflections, since
the employed transformation is continuous at the boundaries. To further verify this fact,
we calculated in COMSOL the ratio between the acoustic intensity (power) reflected to

the left by the carpet cloak (Ir ) and the intensity of the input wave (Ii ), finding a value of
Ir /Ii ≈ 10−4 (within numerical error). Note that, because one has a moving background,
a Doppler effect on the acoustic wave is expected. This effect appears, however, equally
in presence and absence of the carpet cloak, which does not further contribute to the
evolution of the acoustic signal. The acoustic wave outside the carpet cloak is exactly
the same as in the case in which it impinges onto a flat wall without carpet cloak. Thus,
the frequency of the transmitted wave (i.e., reflected upwards by the wall with the bump
surrounded by the cloak) is the same as the frequency of the input wave.

a b c Max

vV vV vV

Normalized Intensity
Flat wall Bump Bump

Cloak Cloak
(no background (corrected background
x velocity correction) velocity) Min

Figure 4: Wave intensity around a carpet cloak for acoustic waves in moving fluids. A
Gaussian beam initially propagates along the positive x-direction. The wave is immersed
in a fluid moving parallel to the aircraft wall (with speed 0.35cV ), and thus suffers a
dragging effect that deviates it from its original trajectory. (a) Wave impinging onto
a flat wall. (b) Wave impinges onto a wall with a bump surrounded by a carpet cloak
within which the background fluid flows with the same velocity as outside the cloak.
The wave outside the cloak is significantly distorted compared to the flat-wall case. (c)
As in (b), but now the background fluid flows with a modified velocity calculated with
the analogue transformation method. Outside the cloak, the wave recovers the form it
had in the flat-wall case: the bump is perfectly cloaked. See Supplementary Information
for more details.

In addition, STA prescribes for the case of three-dimensional transformations that

sound speed and density must be increased or decreased simultaneously at each point,
while the opposite behavior is obtained with the analogue approach (see Supplementary
Information). This latter requirement is more in line with current state-of-the-art acous-
tic metafluids. These are typically built by putting a lattice of rigid objects in air, and
(unlike in natural fluids) an increase of density corresponds to a decrease of the speed of
sound, and vice versa [36, 37]. Thus, we expect the construction of metamaterial devices
designed with the new method to be easier.
Finally, note that the equations used in the text do not contain any approximation
apart the ones necessary to obtain equations (1) and (2) from basic fluid dynamics
principles. Therefore, the analogue transformations method works both in the wave and

eikonal regimes. On the other hand, as mentioned above, in some cases the acoustic
parameters transform differently depending on whether one works with equation (1) or
equation (2). However, both values are correct as long as the assumptions used to obtain
the corresponding wave equation are valid.

Given that we have described our method in abstract terms, it is natural to ask how
general this approach is. The answer relies on our ability to construct an analogue
theory that mirrors the properties of the relevant equations. Two concrete examples in
this respect are the following. First, phonons in Bose-Einstein condensates provide an
analogue model of a massless scalar field [27, 28]. Second, graphene provides an analogue
model of relativistic electrons [29], so this method could become a powerful tool to
control electronic propagation and confinement in a graphene sheet. In practice, the local
manipulability of the propagating (meta)media will be crucial. In the case of graphene,
the conductivity could be controlled by introducing curvature [30] or by varying the
chemical potential [31]. More in general, the method presented here can be applied to
any system which provides an analogue model of a relativistic field, i.e. scalar fields,
electromagnetic fields, Dirac and Weyl spinorial fields and even spin-2 (gravitational)
fields [34]. In all these examples, the problem of the non-form-invariance of the equations
describing a given system can be circumvented through the construction of an analogue
theory. All in all, our results indicate that the idea underneath transformation optics
has an even far richer scope than initially foreseen.

Numerical simulations have been performed with the commercially available COMSOL
Multiphysics simulation software, which is based on the finite element method. For
full-wave simulations, the velocity potential wave equation has been numerically solved
using COMSOL’s acoustic module.
The trajectories followed by acoustic rays in the geometrical approximation have
been calculated by solving Hamilton’s equations:
dk ∂H
=− (5)
dt ∂q
dq ∂H
= (6)
dt ∂k
In our case, the Hamiltonian equals the angular frequency, which can be obtained from
the dispersion relation associated to the velocity potential wave equation under the
assumption of plane-wave solutions of the form φ = φ0 ej(k·r−ωt) . Thus, it can be shown
that the sought Hamiltonian is (k = |k|)

H = ck + v · k. (7)

3 Transformed analogue equation ( S A2 )
( gg )= 0 Reinterpret x as x
x = f (x )

2 Analogue equation ( S A1 ) 4 Analogue equation ( S A2 )

( gg )= 0 ( gg )= 0
Map to analogue model Map back to laboratory model
(cV , V , vV g ) (g cR , R , vR )

1 Laboratory equation LABORATORY SPACE 5 Laboratory equation

Medium: cV , V , v V (virtual) Medium: cR , R , v R (real)
System: S1 System: S1
Solution: (x ) (x ) = (f 1
( x )) Solution: (x )

Figure 5: Analogue Transformation Acoustic (ATA) scheme. As in the main text, µ, ν

represent spacetime indices (µ, ν = 0 − 3, with x0 = t). ∂µ is the partial derivative with
respect to xµ , and the Einstein summation convention over repeated indices is employed.

Supplementary Material
The supplementary information is organised as follows. First, we will describe in some
more detail the application of the analogue transformation method to the case of acous-
tics. Next, we will apply this to spatial transformations and compare the results of the
analogue transformation method with those obtained from the standard formalism for
transformation acoustics. In the third section, we will demonstrate that, contrarily to
the standard scheme, analogue transformation acoustics can deal with spacetime trans-
formations that mix space and time. Finally, in the fourth section, we will give some
numerical examples that illustrate our findings.

1 Analogue transformation acoustics (ATA)

Let us describe more extensively the details of Analogue Transformation Acoustics. In
the definition of ATA we will refer to Fig.5, which specializes the general analogue
transformation method to the case of acoustics.
We start from the definition of the analogue model for acoustics. As mentioned in
the main text, this is a very well studied field and full details can be found in [32–34].
The equation for the velocity potential φ in a barotropic, inviscid and irrotational fluid
with density ρ, sound speed c, and background velocity v is:
−∂t ρc−2 (∂t φ + v · ∇φ) + ∇ · ρ∇φ − ρc−2 (∂t φ + v · ∇φ) v = 0.

It is a known result from analogue gravity that this equation can be written as the equa-
tion of motion of a scalar field φ propagating in a (3+1)-dimensional pseudo–Riemannian
manifold (Equation 2 in Fig. 5), also called d’Alembert, Laplace-Beltrami or (massless)
Klein-Gordon equation:
1 √
−g g µν ∂ν φ = 0,

√ ∂µ (9)
provided that the contravariant metric has components [34]

 
−1 . −v j
1 
g µν (t, x) ≡

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·  , (10)
ρc 

−v i 2 ij
. (c δ − v v ) i j

or, lowering the indices to obtain the (covariant) metric itself

 
−(c − v ) . −v 2 j
gµν (t, x) ≡  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
, (11)
c .
−v i .. δ ij

√ ρ2
−g = . (12)
It is important to stress here that gµν does not represent the metric of the laboratory
spacetime but corresponds to the abstract spacetime in which the analogue model is
Note that since the acoustic equation can always be multiplied by a constant term
ρref /cref , the acoustic metric can be defined with any dimension. In fact, using coordi-
nates x0 = cref t, x, y, z, the Klein-Gordon equation remains the same, while
 
−(c2 − v 2 )/c2 . −v i /c
ref ref 
ρ cref 
gµν =  .......... . ......  (13)
c ρref  .

−v /c .
. δ
ref ij

i.e., a non-dimensional metric. Regarding the calculations in the paper these reference
constants are irrelevant and in the following, for the sake of simplicity, we will not include
The analogy described by the previous equations is only valid in Cartesian coordi-
nates. However, it is sometimes useful to work in other coordinate systems. In a general
coordinate system, equation (8) will not have the form of equation (9) (otherwise we
would not need the analogy). Nonetheless, introducing the three-dimensional spatial
metric γij (γ ij being its inverse and γ its determinant) and using general spatial coordi-
nates (fixing time to be laboratory time), it can be shown that, if γ is time-independent,

equation (8) is still equivalent to equation (9) if we write the metric as

 
−c2 + v i v j γij . −v γijj
ρ 
gµν =  ................... . ........... 
 , (14)
c ..
−v j γij . γ ij

 
−1 . −v i
1 
g µν =

 ... . ................ 
ρc   , (15)
.. 2 ij
−v i . c γ − vivj

√ √ ρ2
−g = γ . (16)
These relations between metric and medium parameters connect the equations in
laboratory space with those in the abstract spacetime, i.e., the equations in step 1 with
those in step 2, and the equations in step 4 with those in step 5 in Fig. 5. The method
is composed of the following steps:

• Start from a (usually simple) virtual medium characterized by parameters ρV , cV ,

and vV and express the laboratory equation in a coordinate system S1 for which
the analogy holds.

• Using equation (15) particularized for the parameters of the virtual medium, derive
its analogue model, which is now a covariant equation in the abstract spacetime,
expressed in a coordinate system SA1 .

• Perform a coordinate transformation x̄µ = f (xµ ) from system SA1 to another

system SA2 to obtain the new metric of step 3, which follows from that in step 2
by using standard tensorial transformation rules

ḡ µ̄ν̄ = Λµ̄µ Λν̄ν g µν , (17)

where Λµ̄µ = ∂ x̄µ̄ /∂xµ .

• Rename x̄µ to xµ to obtain the equation in step 4.

• Derive the acoustic parameters ρR , cR , and vR of the real medium that corresponds
to the equation in step 4 by using equation (15).

It is worth noting that, for the sake of simplicity, the last two points are carried out in
a slightly different way. First, we directly write equation in step 4 as a function of the

parameters of MR . In fact, according to equation (15), the metric g̃ µν in the equation
of step 4 should be of the form
 
−1 . −vR i
1 
g̃ µν =

 ... . ................ 
ρR cR   , (18)
.. 2 ij i vj
−vR . cR γ̃ − vR R
Then, we force the equations of steps 3 and 4 to be equal (after relabeling x̄µ to xµ in
the expression for ḡ µν ), which implies that
√ p
−ḡḡ µν = −g̃g̃ µν . (19)
From this equation we obtain the relation between the material parameters of the virtual
and real media.
Since equation (8) only considers isotropic fluids, the metric in equation (11) is spa-
tially isotropic, and we cannot implement spatially anisotropic transformations. For
that, one would need to deal with anisotropic fluids and incorporate anisotropy, e.g.
through a homogenization procedure [35]. In that case, it will be necessary to use the
additional parameters of the anisotropic fluid on top of ρ, c and v. However, all transfor-
mations giving rise to an isotropic spatial part of the metric are already implementable.
This includes all spatially conformal and, to a good approximation, quasi-conformal
transformations. Also, one can work out many interesting situations involving mixing
space and time. For instance, all transformations mixing time with one spatial variable
are possible. Note that, as in transformation optics, in this case the implementation of
spacetime transformations is related to moving media.
In the following sections, we will study all these cases in detail to demonstrate these

2 Spatial transformations
As a first example of how ATA works, we will consider purely spatial transformations
i.e. transformations of the type t̄ = t and x̄ = f (x). These transformations will allow
to test the method described in the previous section and to compare the results with
standard transformation acoustics. Since the wave equation for the velocity potential in
its standard form does not account for anisotropy, we will restrict ourselves to conformal
transformations, which preserve isotropy. We will consider three different cases: two-
dimensional (2D) conformal mappings and static background, three-dimensional (3D)
conformal mappings and static background, and general conformal mappings and moving
Before deriving the material properties for these cases, we will first briefly review
the standard method for transformation acoustics so that we can compare the results of
both approaches in subsequent sections1
Note that by STA we refer to the application of direct transformations to the pressure wave equation
and by ATA we mean the combined use of the velocity potential wave equation and the analogue
transformations method). Our comparison focuses only on differences of the results of the two methods.

2.1 Standard Transformation Acoustics (STA)
STA is essentially inspired by transformation optics. However, differently from the
latter, STA is based on a second-order differential equation rather than a set of first-
order ones. This second order equation is the pressure wave equation and can be proven
to be invariant under pure spatial transformations. The success of STA depends on
this property. As mentioned above, we will consider only isotropic media, for which the
pressure wave equation reads in arbitrary spatial coordinates
2 BV 1 √ ij
∂t p = √ ∂i γγ ∂j p , (20)
γ ρV

where p is the (acoustic) first-order pressure perturbation, BV the bulk modulus, and
ρV the mass density. We consider this equation to be the one representing the initial
virtual space. For simplicity, we choose a simple coordinate system S1 with an associated
spatial metric of the form

γij = ΩR δij , (21)

where ΩR is a function of the spatial coordinates. After a transformation the wave

equation can be expressed as
1 √ ij
∂t2 p̄ = √ ∂i γ̄γ̄ ∂j p̄ , (22)
γ̄ ρV
Restricting ourselves to conformal transformations in order to preserve isotropy, the
metric γ̄ij will have the form

γ̄ij = ΩV δij ⇒ γ̄ = Ω3V , (23)

where ΩV is also a function of the spatial coordinates. Now we consider another (real)
space filled with an isotropic medium characterized by parameters ρR and BR . In this
case the wave equation is
BR 1 p ij
∂t2 p̃ = √ ∂i γ̃γ̃ ∂j p̃ . (24)
γ̃ ρR
The coordinate system in real space is also S1 . Thus, the metric γ̃ij is

γ̃ij = ΩR δij ⇒ γ̃ = Ω3R . (25)

Equations (22) and (24) are mathematically identical if

BR = BV 3/2
, (26)
ρR = ρV 1/2
. (27)

The relation between the sound
pspeed in virtual and real spaces can be derived using
the well-known expression c = B/ρ, yielding
c2R = = c2V . (28)
As we can see, the mass density and speed of sound of virtual space are multiplied
by the same factor, i.e., they both decrease or increase simultaneously. However, as
pointed out in the main text, standard artificial composites for airborne sound follow
a different behavior, with sound speed increasing when the density decreases and vice
versa [36, 37]. This fact may complicate the implementation of the required properties
to achieve acoustic devices based on this transformation acoustics method.
For 2D transformations, the required material parameters in real space are simpler
and it turns out that they coincide with the ones derived from ATA (see next section). 2D
conformal mappings are interesting because any (analytic) function of complex variables
defines a conformal mapping. In addition, there exist several efficient numerical methods
for calculating 2D quasi-conformal mappings. To analyze this particular case, we will
assume for simplicity that S1 is the Cartesian system, so that γij = γ̃ij = δij . In addition,
if we leave the z variable unchanged so that

x̄ = x̄(x, y)
ȳ = ȳ(x, y) (29)
z̄ = z

and use the properties ∂x/∂ x̄ = ∂y/∂ ȳ and ∂x/∂ ȳ = −∂y/∂ x̄ of a conformal transfor-
mation, we obtain the following expression for the transformed metric γ̄ ij
 
0 0
 
F (x̄,ȳ) 1 0 0

γ̄ ij =  0 1
F (x̄,ȳ) 0  ⇒ γ̄γ̄ ij =  0 1 0 (30)
  
0 0 1 0 0 F (x̄, ȳ)

 2  2
∂x ∂y
F (x̄, ȳ) = + (31)
∂ x̄ ∂ x̄
Moreover, we will assume that the pressure p is invariant in the z-direction, i.e., p =
p(x, y). This implies that γ 33 is irrelevant, since it is multiplied by ∂3 p = ∂z p = 0 and
ensure that our problem is effectively isotropic. As a consequence, taking into account

that γ̃γ̃ ij = δ ij , equations (22) and (24) are mathematically identical when

ρR = ρV , (32)
BV c2V
BR = ⇒ c2R = . (33)
F (x̄, ȳ) F (x̄, ȳ)
This means that we only need to construct a spatially varying bulk modulus to implement
a 2D conformal transformation.

2.2 2D conformal mappings and static background in ATA
Let us now reanalyze the case of 2D conformal mappings within the ATA framework.
We will assume again that the coordinate system S1 in laboratory space (see Fig. 5) is
the Cartesian one (γij = γ̃ij = δij ). Thus, we obtain from equation (17) that, under
the conformal assumption, the transformation given by equation (29) corresponds to a
 
−1 0 0 0
c2V 2
 ⇒ √−ḡ = ρV F (x̄, ȳ),
 
µν 1  0 F (x̄,ȳ) 0 0 
ḡ = 
cV2 (34)
ρV cV 
 0 0 0
 cV
F (x̄,ȳ) 
0 0 0 c2V

where F (x̄, ȳ) is given by equation (31). On the other hand, using the expression of γ̃ij ,
 
−1 0 0 0
2 2
1   0 cR 0 0  ⇒ −g̃ = ρR .
g̃ µν

= (35)
ρR cR  0 0 c2R 0  cR
0 0 0 c2R

Substituting equations (34)-(35) into equation (19), we obtain the following relations

ρR = ρV , (36)
c2R = . (37)
F (x̄, ȳ)

As can be seen, for 2D conformal mappings, STA and ATA give the same results.

2.3 3D conformal mappings and static background in ATA

We will now consider 3D transformations of a non-moving medium (vV = 0). In this
case, as in equations (23) and (25), we assume (using also equation (16))

√ 2
3/2 ρV
γ̄ij = ΩV δij ⇒ −ḡ = ΩV
, (38)
p 3/2 ρ
γ̃ij = ΩR δij ⇒ −g̃ = ΩR R , (39)
and the metrics in steps 3 and 4 of Fig. 5 will have the following form
As in the previous section, in our 2D problem we assume that the velocity potential is invariant in
the z-direction, so that φ = φ(x, y). Taking this fact into account, from equation (9) we observe that the
value of g 33 is irrelevant, as it is multiplied by ∂3 φ = ∂z φ = 0. Thus, we have an effective 2D isotropic
spatial metric, since g 11 = g 22 .

 
−1 0 0 0
−c2V 0
 
0 0 c2V
 0 0 0 
 
ρV 
 0 ΩV 0  ⇒ ḡ µν = 1
0  ΩV
ḡµν =  c2V
, (40)
cV  0 0 ΩV 0  ρV cV  0
 0 ΩV 0 

0 0 0 ΩV c2V
0 0 0 ΩV
 
−1 0 0 0
−c2R 0
 
0 0 c2R
0 0 0 
 
ρR 
 0 ΩR 0 0 
 ⇒ g̃ µν 1  ΩR
g̃µν = =  c2R
. (41)
cR  0 0 ΩR 0  ρR cR  0
 0 ΩR 0 

0 0 0 ΩR c2R
0 0 0 ΩR

Notice that to find ΩV we must use equation (17) for a particular transformation. On the
other hand, ΩR will be determined by the coordinate system S1 employed in laboratory
space. Using equation (19) and with the help of equations (38)-(39), we arrive at

c2R = c2V , (42)
ρR = ρV 1/2
, (43)
BR = BV 1/2
. (44)

Comparing with equations (26)-(28), it is seen that the transformation of the speed of
sound is the same in ATA as the one obtained within STA, whereas the other quantities
are transformed differently. In particular, in ATA, one finds that an increase of the
speed of sound should correspond to a decrease in the density of the metafluid. As we
mentioned above, such properties should be more feasible from a technological point of
view than the ones obtained by STA.

2.4 General conformal mapping and moving background

Let us now consider the possibility of a virtual medium with non-zero background veloc-
ity in virtual space and try to find out how this velocity should be changed to implement
a certain coordinate transformation. We proceed as in the previous section but consid-
ering non-vanishing background velocities. In this case, the metrics in steps 3 and 4 of

Fig. 5) are
 
−1 . −v̄Vi
µν 1  
ḡ =  ... . ................ , (45)
ρV cV  .. 2 −1 ij

−v̄Vi . cV ΩV δ − v̄V i v̄ j
 
−1 . −ṽRi
1 
g̃ µν =

 ... . ................ . (46)
ρR cR  .. 2 −1 ij

−ṽR i . c Ω δ − ṽ i ṽ j

Clearly, the only additional requirement to satisfy equation (19) (along with equa-
i = v̄ i , and we know from equation (17) that for pure spatial
tions (42)-(43)) is that ṽR V

ī ∂ x̄ī i
v̄V = ḡ 0̄ī = Λ0̄0 Λīi g 0i = Λīi vV
= v . (47)
∂xi V
Therefore, differently from STA, which assumes a zero background velocity, ATA allows
us to implement transformations of moving media and provides us with the background
velocity field required to achieve a certain transformation. This is one of the main
advantages of ATA.

3 Spacetime transformations
At this point we are ready to consider transformations that mix space and time in
ATA, which could not be implemented in STA. We will start from a virtual medium M1
characterized by parameters ρV , cV and vV = 0 (Step 1 in Fig. 5), and use a Cartesian
system of coordinates (system S1 ) in laboratory space. According to equation (15), the
equivalent metric of the equation in step 2 of Fig. 5 for this configuration is
 
−1 0 0 0
 0 cV 0 0  ⇒ √−g = ρV .
1  2
g µν =

ρV cV  0 0 c2V 0  cV
0 0 0 c2V

On the other hand, we consider a real medium (Step 5 in Fig. 5), moving with back-
ground velocity vR and characterized by isotropic density and sound speed ρR and cR .
We also use the Cartesian system S1 in this case, and thus the metric associated to
Equation 4 in Fig. 5 is given by

 
−1 . −v R 2
1   ⇒ −g̃ = ρR .
g̃ µν (t, x) ≡

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (49)
ρR cR  .
 cR
−v i .. (c2 δ ij − v i v ) j
By way of example, next we will analyze two different cases.

3.1 Example 1: three-dimensional dynamic contraction
Consider the transformation

t̄ = t, (50)
x̄ = xf0 (t), (51)
ȳ = yf0 (t), (52)
z̄ = zf0 (t). (53)

The transformation matrix in this case is

 
1 0 0 0
xf 0
Λµ̄µ =  0 (t) f 0 0 

. (54)
 yf00 (t) 0 f 0 
zf00 (t) 0 0 f
Thus, the transformed metric is
 
−1 . −xj f00 (t) 2
µν 1   ⇒ √−ḡ = ρV ,

ḡ (t, x) ≡  ······ · ············
ρV cV  .. 2 2
 cV f03 (t)
−xi f00 (t) ij 02
. cV f0 (t) δ − xi xj f0 (t)

where the prime represents the derivative with respect to time. Imposing equation (19),
the following real medium parameters are obtained
vR = xi f00 (t), (55)
cR = cV f0 (t), (56)
ρR = . (57)
f0 (t)

3.2 Example 2: General transformation mixing time and one spatial dimension
We consider now the most general transformation mixing one spatial coordinate and

t̄ = f1 (x, t), (58)

x̄ = f2 (x, t), (59)
ȳ = y, (60)
z̄ = z. (61)

The transformation matrix in this case is

 
∂t f1 ∂x f1 0 0
∂ t f2 ∂x f2 0 0 
Λµ̄µ = 

. (62)
 0 0 1 0 
0 0 0 1

Therefore, the transformed metric is

−(∂t f1 )2 + c2V (∂x f1 )2 −∂t f1 ∂t f2 + c2V ∂x f1 ∂x f2 0 0

 
2 −(∂t f2 )2 + c2V (∂x f2 )2
ḡ µν =
1   −∂t f1 ∂t f2 + cV ∂x f1 ∂x f2 0 0 
 , (63)
ρV cV  0 0 c2V 0 
0 0 0 c2V
√ ρ2V 1
−ḡ = . (64)
cV ∂t f1 ∂x f2 − ∂x f1 ∂t f2

Imposing equation (19), we obtain the parameters of the real medium that reproduce
this transformation

x ∂t f1 ∂t f2 − c2V ∂x f1 ∂x f2
vR = , (65)
(∂t f1 )2 − c2V (∂x f1 )2
c2V (∂x f2 )2 − (∂t f2 )2
c2R = (vR
x 2
) + , (66)
(∂t f1 )2 − c2V (∂x f1 )2
c2R (∂t f1 )2 − c2V (∂x f1 )2
ρR = ρV . (67)
c2V ∂t f1 ∂x f2 − ∂x f1 ∂t f2

We stress again that the transformations presented in this section were not possible
in STA.

3.3 Transformations for the spacetime cloak

Here we include the transformation used to design the spacetime cloak described in the
main text. The transformation consists of the composition of a Lorentz boost
−2 −1/2 ct
x1 = (1 − n ) x− (68)
t1 = (1 − n−2 )−1/2 t − (69)
followed by a curtain map
δ + |ct1 |
x2 = [x1 − sgn(x1 )σ] + sgn(x1 )σ (70)
δ + nσ
t2 = t1 (71)

and an inverse Lorentz boost

−2 −1/2 ct2
x̄ = (1 − n ) x2 + (72)
−2 −1/2
t̄ = (1 − n ) t2 + (73)
In our example σ = 1, n = 2 and δ = 0.5.

4 Numerical examples
In this section we present some numerical examples for each of the cases studied in the
previous sections.

4.1 2D conformal transformation

As a first verification of the ATA approach based on the velocity potential equation,
we designed and simulated a so-called carpet cloak, a concept that originally appeared
in the framework of transformation optics [38]. Essentially, a carpet cloak makes a
curved wall look flat for an external observer. Thus, we can create a bump in the wall
and hide an object behind it without producing additional scattering. The advantage
of the carpet cloak is that it can be obtained from a quasi-conformal transformation
that introduces a very small amount of anisotropy, which can essentially be neglected.
To our knowledge, acoustic carpet cloaks based on quasi-conformal mappings have not
been reported so far. On the other hand, an anisotropic version of this acoustic device
was recently demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally [39]. Here, we design
and numerically verify an isotropic version of the acoustic carpet cloak. To obtain the
mapping, we will use the method described in Ref. [40], with which we can calculate the
function F(x̄,ȳ). The idea is to deform a rectangular region as shown in Fig. 6. Using
the above-mentioned algorithm and equation (37), we calculated the speed of sound
distribution associated to this transformation, which is also depicted in Fig. 6.

cR cV
conformal 1.1
x x
y y

Figure 6: Carpet cloak quasi-conformal mapping.

To test the device, we simulated its performance both starting from the velocity
potential wave equation and from the pressure wave equation with the same sound
speed distribution, obtaining identical results, as expected based on the conclusions of
Section 2.2. The results for the first case are shown in Fig. 7, where we compare the
velocity potential associated to a Gaussian beam impinging from the left onto a flat wall,
a wall with a bump, and a wall with a bump surrounded by a carpet cloak.

Velocity potential (normalized)
a b c


Figure 7: Simulated velocity potential (color) of a Gaussian beam impinging from the
left onto different objects. (a) Flat wall. (b) Wall with a bump. (c) Wall with a
bump surrounded by a carpet cloak. The figure height for which lighting is calculated
corresponds to wave intensity.

4.2 3D conformal transformation and Maxwell’s fish-eye

A very interesting example of an isotropic 3D device is that of Maxwell’s fish-eye. This
element implements the mapping of the 3D surface of the four-dimensional hypersphere
to the volume of a 3D sphere in flat 3D space [41, 42]. The metric of such a geometry
in Cartesian coordinates is given by [41]

−c2V 0
 
0 0
ρV 
 0 ΩV 0 0 
(ḡµν ) = , (74)
cV  0 0 ΩV 0 
0 0 0 ΩV

2 p
ΩV = r2
, r= x2 + y 2 + z 2 , (75)
1+ a2

where a is the radius of the 4-sphere. Therefore, the device has an infinite extension
in principle. However, it can be shown that its functionality is unaltered if we place a
spherical mirror at r = a. One of the main properties of Maxwell’s fish-eye is that it
focuses the rays emanating from a point source located at any arbitrary point x0 within
the sphere to the point −x0 [41, 42]. Of course, this is not valid for points outside the
spherical mirror. According to equations (42)-(43), we can implement the metric given
by equation (74) by using a medium with the following properties (ΩR = 1)

cR = cV r2
, (76)
1+ a2
ρR = ρV r2
. (77)
1+ a2

We have verified the functionality of the acoustic Maxwell’s fish-eye through 3D numer-
ical calculations as shown in Fig. 8, where we can observe its focusing properties. Being
a 3D device, the properties required to implement Maxwell’s fish-eye derived from the
ATA approach could be easier to achieve than those derived from the STA approach, as
has been discussed above (see Fig. 9).

4.3 Transforming the background velocity

To verify the possibility of working with moving media provided by our new approach, we
will use the previous example of the carpet cloak, but considering a non-zero background
velocity parallel to the wall. For instance, let us take vV = 0.25cV (x̂ + ŷ) m/s. If we use
the values of ρR and cR calculated for the carpet cloak in the previous section and keep
this value of vV , the wave is distorted into an undesired wave (see Fig. 10). However, if
we force a background velocity given by equation (47) such that
 x  ∂ x̄ ∂ x̄

ṽR ∂x ∂y
y = , (78)
ṽR ∂ ȳ
∂ ȳ

the wave is distorted in the desired way (remains unchanged outside the cloak).

4.4 3D dynamic contraction

In this example we simulate the transformation of section 3.1 in the ray acoustics ap-
proximation (for which only the sound speed and background velocity are relevant). The
transformation is performed only inside a 3D box, which we call the time-dependent spa-
tial compressor. The employed function f0 (t) is shown in Fig. 2 of the main text. When
f0 (t) 6= 1, the transformation is discontinuous at the boundaries of the compressor, so
the ray must enter and exit the compressor when f0 (t) = 1 in order to avoid reflections.
In Fig. 11 we depict the simulated trajectories followed by two different rays. After
Ray 1 has just entered the box, the compression starts. It reaches a value of f0 (t) = 0.5,
which is kept during a short time interval, and finally returns to no compression (f0 (t) =
1) before Ray 1 exits the box. Ray 2 feels no compression since f0 (t) = 1 during the
time it goes through the box. Thus, Ray 2 is a straight line.
We can use this compressor, for instance, to select which rays are trapped by an
omnidirectional absorber placed inside the box (see Fig. 2 in the main text). We take
this absorber to be the one described in [43], which is characterized by an acoustic


2D cut-plane Image (-x 0 )

y Source (x0 )

Pressure (normalized)
b t = 3 ms c t = 28 ms d t = 47 ms


Figure 8: 3D simulation of Maxwell’s fish-eye under point source excitation. (a) Device
schematic. In the simulation, a = 5 m and x0 = −3x̂ m. The structure is surrounded by
a hard boundary condition (wall) that acts as a mirror. A point source emits a Gaussian
pulse (in the time domain) at a certain point within the spherical structure (x0 ). We
keep track of this wave at different instants to verify the focusing effect. In the figure,
we depict the acoustic pressure over a spherical cross-section passing through its center
at (b) t = 3 ms, when the pulse has just been launched, (c) t = 28 ms, and (d) t = 47
ms, when the pulse gets focused at −x0 . Note that, although we only show a 2D plane
here, the focusing effect occurs in 3D.

2.0 1.00

cR cV

cR cV

0.5 0.50
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r/a r/a

Figure 9: 3D Maxwell’s fish-eye mass density and sound speed as a function of the
radius. As can be seen, these two parameters follow an inverse behavior in the analogue
approach (left), whereas they had the same behavior in the standard approach (right).

Velocity potential (normalized)

a v V = 0.25cV ( xˆ + yˆ ) b v R = v V within the cloak c v R = v V within the cloak

vV vV vV


x Min

Figure 10: (a) Flat wall with a constant background velocity parallel to the wall. (b)
Carpet cloak with the same background velocity as in (a). (c) Carpet cloak with a prop-
erly transformed background velocity. The figure height for which lighting is calculated
corresponds to wave intensity.

Ray 1 x P1 (3 ms)

x P1 (1.2 ms) Time-dependent

spatial compressor

Ray 2
x P2 (3 ms)
L = 1.3 m

x P2 (1.2 ms)

Figure 11: Time-dependent spatial compressor. The box has a length of L = 1.3 m. The
positions xP1 and xP2 of the first and second acoustic rays at different instants are shown.
When the compression starts (t = 1.2 ms), Ray 1 has just entered the compressor. When
the compression finishes (t = 3 ms), Ray 1 is about to exit the box and Ray 2 is about
to enter.

refractive index
n= ns , (79)
where R is the radius of the absorber and ns is the refractive index of the medium
surrounding the absorber. In our particular implementation, we take R = 0.29 m and
ns = 0.5nb , which is the effective refractive index of the compressor for maximum com-
pression (nb is the index of the background fluid).

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This work was developed under the framework of the ARIADNA contract 4000104572/11/NL/KML
of the European Space Agency. A. M. and J. S.-D. also acknowledge support from Con-
solider EMET project (CSD2008-00066), A. M. from project TEC2011-28664-C02-02,
and C. B. and G. J. from the project FIS2008-06078-C03-01. We thank Reme Miralles
for her help with Fig. 2.

Author Contributions
S. C. proposed to explore the combination of transformation acoustics and analogue
gravity. C. G.-M. devised the final method, developed the main theory, and performed
the simulations. C. B., G. J., and S. C. contributed in several important theoretical
aspects of this work. C. G.-M. and J. S.-D. analyzed the implementation advantages of
the proposed method. A. M. assisted with the simulations. All authors participated in
the manuscript preparation and discussed the results. S. C. and A. M. coordinated the


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