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Water Park and Water Features Plan Detail

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Water Park and Water Features

Plan Detail

Unique Process Requirements for Water Parks and Features

Preliminary Design Meeting
Before initiating detailed plans and specifications, a pre-design meeting should be scheduled
with the designer, owner, and Washington State Department of Health
( to review the conceptual proposal for the proposed

Safety Review Report
Water parks with water slides, speed slides, inner tube rides, specialty design features, and play
toy structures of certain designs require a report by an engineer certifying the design of the
water feature is consistent with safety engineering practices and industrial standards. The
certifying engineer shall have experience in safety design, including ergonomic aspects of
biomechanics of Recreation Water Contact Facilities (RWCFs), amusement rides, or equal.

Water parks with features such as water slides, require assurance from the State Department of
Health that the slide design will provide a safe ride for the intended users, including the public
restrictions on size, weight, or other factors. The report needs to evaluate whether the ride will
prevent the slider from falling out of slide flume, protect against impact to the sides of the flume
or tube, provide safe entry into the landing pool or run-out, and provide sufficient force to
prevent the slider from stopping in the ride.

Operational Components
Because there are so many aspects in the design of RWCFs that are integrated with the proper
operation of facilities, the state Department of Health often asks for preliminary details of
operation for particular aspects of features. This typically requests details from the owner on
staffing, signage, communication systems, and line of sight issues which may involve additional

General Water Features that are included as RWCFs

This table lists some types of Water Features under WAC 246-262 requirements:

Water Sl ides and Tubes Speci alty Type Pool s Other Types of Features
Conventional water slide Wave Pool Play structure with standing features
less than 4 feet above pool bottom
Inner tube Zero depth entry pool, not a wave
pool with built in activities for play
Play structure with standing features 4
feet or higher above pool bottom
Speed slide Lazy River Climbing wall
Drop Slide Adult activity pool Inflatable toy feature
Child flume Child play feature pool Intermediate speed river
Other (specify) Toddler play feature pool Wave Rider or similar

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Conventional Water Slides or Tubes
Conventional flumes or tubes with slopes averaging less than 12 percent. The last 10 feet of the
flume or tube perpendicular to the pool designed to create a reduced exit speed. Speed
sufficient to keep a timid slider from stopping in the ride. Conventional slides can be installed to
enter into a landing pool or a run-out. They are designed to be used one person at a time with
proper spacing to prevent collisions between sliders. Head first sliding is not allowed on these

Inner Tube Rides
May be continuous or with intermediate pools. Riders properly spaced to prevent collisions.
Intermediate pools require life guards to oversee users and provide assistance to prevent
buildup of persons in a single intermediate pool. When sufficiently sized, multiple riders may ride
on a single tube or raft. Lifeguards have access to and are able to see all intermediate pools.

Speed Slides
Speed slides are generally steep straight slides. Speed slides are generally designed with a run-
out to provide protection for bathers on entry to water. Instructions to bathers are required to
ensure proper entry to the slide and placement of feet and legs to prevent injury. Head first
sliding is not allowed.

Drop Slides
Slides that do not enter below pool water level. Generally short straight slides that may be from
6 to 15 feet in height that drop at a predetermined height above pool water level. Some types of
slides that provide a continuous steep run that could enter into the water at a steep angle may
be considered a drop slide because of the potential depth penetration into the water. Drop slides
require a minimum water depth of 9 feet, but depth requirements vary in accordance with the
particular design.

Wave Pools
Pools contain artificially generated waves. Entry limited to the shallow area of the pool. Public
prevented from entry at sides of pool. Provide details of inset steps and rails to allow swimmers
to exit the pool on the side walls. Show location of lifeguard stations and emergency shut-off
switches for turning off the wave feature by the guards. Provide details about the wave features,
noting the type or types of waves that will be generated, the method by which they will be
generated, the overall range of the height, frequency, and types of waves which the pool can
generate. Provide information on the protections to prevent the public from accessing the area
where waves are generated. Prevent access to areas not readily visible to lifeguards. A
warning area is required to keep persons a certain distance from the wave generating area. If
flotation devices are included, include information about their type and function. Some
restrictions may apply for floatation devices with hard surfaces.

Activity Pools
May be a variety of different types and may be age specific, such as only for young children or
only for older children through adults depending on the activities provided. In some instances
where fall hazards are a potential problem, details on fall protection is needed.

Inflatable Toys
Soft inflatable toys designed for use in a pool. Provide details on the height of the toy feature,
depth of water below the inflatable feature, distance from walls, and how the toy feature will be
maintained in position to prevent it from coming too close to a wall or other activity. Design toy
with protections to prevent impact injuries from one bather to another (e.g. procedures to
prevent falling injuries). Demonstrate that lifeguards have a clear line of sight to all portions of
the pool, including underneath the inflatable structure.

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Items to Include in the Plans

Water Slides or Tubes
Actual slide component or tube overall
Total height.
Total feet of run.
Average slope.
Dimensions including diameter or width.
Accurate and detailed drawings showing the three dimensional configuration of each
section including:
o Elevation drops.
o Degrees of turns.
o Materials for surfacing.
o Finishes.
Method for joining sections and maintaining smooth surfaces.
Water flow for the water slide.
Manufacturers acceptable range of flow.
A flow meter may be required for operator to monitor flow conditions in the flume.

Slide Attraction Entrance and Exit
Show the location of walkways, stairs, and landings, leading to and from the feature.
Slope of the walking surfaces.
Amount and direction of slope.
Non-slip surface.
Slide flume entries on well drained non slip walking surfaces with sufficient area for
attendant to control spacing of riders.
If slide entrances on elevated platforms, the platform provides protective barriers that
prevent climbing or falling through.
Area where the slide meets with the platform cannot have gaps which could allow a
person to fall through between the slide and the guardrails.

Entry Pool or Run-out
Location of landing pool or run-out.
Size of landing pool or run-out.
Conventional slides, inner tube slides and child slides enter below water level to
entry pools when provided.
Spacing between slides in conformance with requirements.
Dimensions of the landing pool at entry.
Slope leading from the landing pool to stairs.
Communication system used between the attendant to the top and the pool entry
guard at the bottom.

Pool Dimensions and Surfacing Material
Describe the pool dimensions and area:
Shallow water depth.
Deep water depths.
Square feet of surface area of pool that is more than 5 feet deep.
Square feet of surface area of pool that is less than 5 feet deep.
Total pool volume.
Type of pool surfacing material.
Pool color.

Note: This plan detail doesnt yet
include additional requirements
needed to comply with the new federal
law, the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool
and Spa Safety Act. For guidance, see

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Walking Surfaces and Dimensions
Total square feet of walking surfaces.
All decks, locker rooms, and walkways to and from the pool sloped to drains.
Surface is non-slip.
Detail on type of surfacing material used.
Do not use materials such as carpeting that are not water proof, are difficult to clean,
and dry slowly.

Pool Floor and Wall Dimensions
Describe and detail the floor slopes.
Describe and detail wall dimensions including radius of slopes between floor and wall.
Pool surfaces free from protrusions.
Ledges generally not allowed in pools (exception found in 246-260-091[3]).

Pool Setbacks
Pool is at least 15 feet from accessible roof, balconies, trees, or any object that could
allow a person to jump or dive into the pool.

Barrier Protection
Type of barrier provided.
Horizontal and vertical member construction of the barrier.
Maximum openings at the base of the barrier.
Assurance that the barrier isnt compromised to reduce the minimum barrier height
measured from the outside of the barrier (for example, a sloping hill or bench).
At pools without lifeguards:
o All gates or doors leading into the pool self-closing and self-latching.
o Windows accessible to the public and opening to the pool, may not open more
than 4 inches (bedroom windows that open need more barrier protection).
o Separate locking method used to lock gates and doors when the pool is
o Latches may be one of the following:
Continuously locked.
Have an 18 inch radius of protection to prevent a person from reaching
through the outside of the gate to unlatch the door or gate.
Raised 60 inches or more in height.
Check Americans with Disabilities Act for latch requirements (see WAC 51-1100)
and Fire Code (see 51-54-1000) for additional guidance for emergency exits. For
more information, see

Inlets and Outlets and Make-up Water
Number of inlets.
Location of inlets [when pool is greater than 2500 square feet bottom inlets required].
Designed flow per inlet.
If outlet is an overflow channel:
o Details on the overflow channel design.
o General requirements of a minimum slope of 0.1 ft/ft of run, if slope is less than
this, use a hydraulic engineering justification.
o Details of the accompanying balancing tank noting dimensions, valves, pipes,
and freshwater makeup method with cross connection protection provided.
o Assurance that the design will be sufficient to handle peak design surges and
o Assurance that the design prevents flooding of the overflow system.
o Assurance that the design provides an equalizer line or similar protection.
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o Controls provided to ensure against flooding and preventing air lock on the
If outlet is a skimmer (pool less than 2500 square feet of surface area):
o Total length of each weir.
o Total height of each weir.
o Assurance that the design can handle a range of 3 to 5 feet per second across
the weirs at normal operating flow.
o Design normal operating flow going across the weir (minimum of 60 percent).
o Equalizer line users have opening to the pool protected with a grate rated
through IAPMO or UL to protect against hair entrapment.

Main Drains
Spacing between main drains and a minimum of two separate drains.
Assurance that drains manifolded so no single drain becomes the sole source of
Maximum velocity through any one drain pipe shall not exceed 6 feet per second
assuming 100 percent of the total recirculation flow at peak flow conditions.
Main drain gratings:
o Total open area of the grates.
o Maximum flow potential across the drains does not exceed 1.5 feet per
o Dimensions of the drain grates.
o Means to secure and fasten the drain grates to the main drain sump.

Fresh Water
Note method for addition of fresh water.
Describe protections to prevent back pressure or back siphonage.
Size of the fresh water makeup in relation to anticipated daily needs.

Valves, Strainer Basket, and Pump
Identify valve placement in the design.
Flow control from the overflow and the main drain system assures at least 60 percent
of the flow comes from the overflow system.
Note design flow of the pump in relation to the overall range of flows with the filter
clean and with the filter dirty.
Provide estimated range of flows determined by the design (hydraulic calculations

Turnover Rate, Filter, Disinfection Equipment, and other Chemical Feeding Equipment
Provide turnover rate.
Turnover rate meets the minimum turnover requirement when filter is dirty.
GPM/SF rate of flow with filter clean and dirty.
Filter and disinfection equipment listed to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)
standard 50 or equal.
Equipment sized to ensure it meets anticipated peak flows and demands, and
average demands.
If using cartridge filters, specify an extra set of cartridges.
When recirculation pump is turned off, controls for feeding disinfectant and other
chemical feeding equipment for controlling pH also turns off (describe how this is
If using supplemental disinfectants, such as ozone, copper/silver, or uV, please
contact the office to ensure that they are correctly used.

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Mechanical Equipment and Chemical Storage
Adequate space provided for access to equipment for routine maintenance and use.
All gauges and flow meters placed where they can be easily read and provide
accurate readings.
All chemicals stored in a separate room or according to the manufacturers
Mechanical room:
o Enclosed.
o Locked.
o Well ventilated.
o Sloped to drain.
o Lighting sufficient for equipment maintenance and reading of meters and

Locker Rooms and Plumbing Fixtures
Plumbing fixtures conform with applicable requirements toilets, urinals, showers,
sinks, hose bibs, diaper changing stations, drinking fountains, and janitor sinks.
Locker rooms designed to minimize cross traffic between persons in street shoes
and those barefoot.
See requirements for fixtures for General use pools, Table 031.3, Limited use pools
Table 031.4.

Ladders, Steps, and Handrails
Location and placement of ladders.
Location, placement, and dimensions of steps.
Location and placement of handrails.

Mechanical Ventilation
Conform with ASHRAE standards for indoor pools.
Demonstrate good air patterns provided in the indoor pool facility to eliminate short
circuiting of fresh air to exhaust air.
Demonstrate protection against moisture buildup.
Air in indoor pool facility has slightly lower air pressure than surrounding rooms or
Total air flow and the minimum fresh air component is detailed in specifications.

Lighting Outdoor Pools
Pools used after dusk meet minimum lighting conditions of 10 foot candles on the
decks and pool surface.
Pool closed before dusk.
o Letter from the owner provided.

Lighting Indoor Pools
Meets minimum standards for indoor pools of 30 foot candles on pool surfaces, 10 foot
candles on pool decks.
Lights have protective covers.
The direction of natural light from windows and potential for glare problems from
sunlight considered.

Bather Load
Bather load projections calculated in accordance with size of the pool, walking
surfaces, plumbing fixtures, surge volume in overflow channel, and balancing tank

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Diving Boards, Platforms, and Starting Blocks
Areas designed for diving, including deck level diving, meets specific pool dimension
Diving areas plans show sufficient cross sectional and plan view details, including:
o Dimensions of the diving boards, platforms, and starting blocks.
o Construction plans for the diving boards, platforms, and starting blocks.

Pool Depth Markings
Placement of pool depth markings on pool decking and sidewall.

First Aid Facilities
First aid kit.
An area for treating injured persons.
Pools without lifeguards:
o Reaching pole.
o Life hook.
o Throwing buoy.
Pools with lifeguards:
o Rescue tube or buoy.
o Backboard with supporting materials.

For more information, contact the Washington State Department of Healths Water Recreation
Program at

Water Recreation Facility Construction Permit: Water Park and Water Features Plan Detail

DOH 333-136 September 2008

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