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CVEN2002 2702 Course Profile v15

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CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 1



Semester 2 2013

CVEN2002 Engineering Computations for Civil Engineers
CVEN2702 Engineering Computations for Environmental

COURSE DETAILS Version 1.5 30/07/13
Units of Credit 6
Contact hours 6 hours per week
Course Convener Bill Peirson
CVEN Room 414 (Consultation Wednesdays 2 to 4pm)
0416 150 223
This course is composed of two strands: numerical methods and statistics. The requirements of each strand are
summarised separately below.
Each component will contribute 50% towards your final mark but you must score at least 40% in each
component to obtain a pass in this subject.
The course convener may adjust the final scores by scaling if agreed by the Head of School.

The minimum attendance requirement is 80% of all classes, including lectures and tutorials. You may fail the
course if more than 20% absences are recorded.

The formal exam scripts will not be returned. Students who perform poorly in the quizzes and tutorials are
recommended to discuss progress with the relevant lecturer during the semester.

CVEN2002/CVEN2702 is the primary source of training in numerical and statistical methods that Civil and
Environmental Engineering students will receive during their course. It builds on their previous analytical
mathematical training as well as computer programming. The material presented in these subjects is
fundamental to more advanced numerical and statistical techniques used by subjects in later years of the
programme. Particular emphasis is placed on practical application within these subjects to show how this
material will prove useful in Professional Engineering.

CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 2

Private Study Review lecture material and textbook
Do set problems and assignments
Reflect on class problems and assignments
Download materials from WebCT for the statistics strand
Check your e-mail regularly for messages and tutorial solutions for the computations
Lectures Find out what you must learn
See methods that are not in the textbook
Follow worked examples
Hear announcements on course changes
Tutorials Be guided by tutors
Practice solving set problems
Ask questions
Assessments Demonstrate your knowledge and skills
Demonstrate higher understanding and problem solving

Refer to MyUNSW for Important Dates available at:
Beware! An assignment that includes plagiarised material will receive a 0% Fail, and students who plagiarise
may fail the course. Students who plagiarise are also liable to disciplinary action, including exclusion from
Plagiarism is the use of another persons work or ideas as if they were your own. When it is necessary or
desirable to use other peoples material you should adequately acknowledge whose words or ideas they are and
where you found them (giving the complete reference details, including page number(s)). The Learning Centre
provides further information on what constitutes Plagiarism at:

(Formerly known as Common School Information)
For information about:
Notes on assessments and plagiarism,
School policy on Supplementary exams,
Special Considerations,
Solutions to Problems,
Year Managers and Grievance Officer of Teaching and Learning Committee, and
Refer to Academic Advice on the School website available at:

CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 3

Class Wednesday, 10:00 12:00 CLB 7

Lecturer Bill Peirson
CVEN Room 414
0416 150 223

Tutorial Wednesday, 12:00 13:00 Locations as follows:
Location Senior Tutor 2nd Tutor Class Family range:
Mat 102 Komeil
Kelvin Nguyen CVEN2002
A to Chan (40)
Mat 107 Mojtaba Tajziehchi YiXin Wang CVEN2002
Chang to Fong (40)
Mat 130 Peter Kovalsky Jiaxi Liu CVEN2002
Garrard to Islam
Mat 309 Sajjad Eghdamirad Asitha Amarakoon CVEN2002
Israfil to Li (40)
JGoods LG21 Simon Elder Sing Siu Michael Lee CVEN2002
Liang to Mort (40)
CivEng 102 Junchao Wang Sammy Sudjono CVEN2002
Muscat to Sharan
OMB114 Ankit Agarwal Sadia Abdullah CVEN2002
Shargorodsky to
Tucker (40)
OMB144 Jianbei Zhu Nilesh Patel CVEN2002
Turner to Yuan (40)
OMB145A Belinda Lau Bushra Naseem CVEN2002
Zhang- (20)
Quad G031
CivEng G8 Mitchell Kramer Dipayan Choudhury CVEN2702 All
NOTE: TUTORIALS COMMENCE WEEK 2. The roll will be marked!
During the numerics tutorial CVEN Room 201 is reserved for class use. If you wish to
use a computer to solve problems during the tutorial, please ensure that you go to your
allocated tutorial room first. Note that 2nd year students cannot use Room 609.

To understand how Civil and Environmental Engineering problems can be mathematically formulated and
answered practically in the engineering sense using numerical solution of linear and non-linear equations;
numerical integration, finite differences; differential equations, boundary value problems, initial value problems
and partial differential equations.

At the end of this course, students should be familiar with the basic numerical techniques used in Civil and
Environmental Engineering and be equipped to start applying these techniques to practical problems.
For each hour of contact it is expected that a student will put in at least 1.5 hours of private study.

The final grade for the numerical computations component will be based on the sum of the scores from each of
the assessment tasks.

Tutorial hand-ins (2) 10 To be advised during the
A major programming assignment 30 30 August 2013
During examination period. The formal
exam scripts will not be returned.
60 November 2013
CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 4

Two tutorial hand-in assignments will be requested during the course of the session. To be marked, these must
be submitted during the respective tutorial. Each hand-in will be of equal value. Late hand-ins will not be
marked. The hand-ins are scheduled without consultation and students in previous years have found this
approach useful in motivating them to stay abreast of the material presented week-by-week.

To complement the learning objectives of the statistics strand, students of CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 are
required to complete a major individual programming assignment in MATLAB (SCILAB submissions will also be
accepted). This assignment is to address a learning gap recently identified in the undergraduate course
curriculum. This programming assignment will be due by 5pm Friday 30 August 2013. To complete this
assignment effectively, students will need to develop a working knowledge of MATLAB supported by the
instruction provided during lectures and supplementary instruction during week 2. The due date for this
assessment task has been selected to minimize clash with major assessment due in other subjects.


Week Date Topic Assessments Due
1 31 July 2013
1. Intro. to numerical methods (Hornbeck Ch. 1)
2. Numerical Interpreters
2 7 August 2013
3. Solution of equations (Hornbeck Ch. 5)
3 14 August 2013
4. Soln. of simultaneous linear eqns (Hornbeck Ch. 6)
5. Iterative solutions
4 21 August 2013
6. Taylor series (Hornbeck Ch. 2)
7. Finite differences and Numerical differentiation
(Hornbeck Ch. 3)
5 28 August 2013
8. Numerical Differentiation (Hornbeck Ch. 3)
assignment due
Friday 30 Aug. 5pm
4 September
9. Numerical integration (Hornbeck Ch. 8)
11 September
10. Interpolation (Hornbeck Ch. 4) Tutorial
8 18 Sept 2013
11. Differential equations and initial value problems
12. More accurate ODE solutions (Hornbeck Ch. 9)
9 25 Sept 2013
13. Higher order initial value problems (Hornbeck 9.8)
14. Boundary value problems (Hornbeck 9.9)

Semester Recess (Sat 28 Sept Mon 7 Oct)

10 9 Oct 2013 15. Partial differential equations (Hornbeck Ch.3 &11)
11 16 Oct 2013
16. Time-dependent partial differential equations
(Hornbeck Ch.11)
12 23 Oct 2013
13 30 Oct 2013
No lecture this week.


Hornbeck R Numerical methods Quantum 1975

Additional Readings
Faires JD and Burden RL Numerical methods 2nd edition Brooks/Cole 1998 (1st edition PWS-Kent 1993)
Cheney W and Kincaid D Numerical mathematics and computing Brooks/Cole 1985

CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 5

Class Tuesday 10:00 12:00 CLB 7
Lectures run in week 1 through to week 12
Statistics Coordinator Joanna Wang
and Lecturer email:
Room: RC-2070
Phone: 9385 7036

Tutorials & computer tutorials:
Note that tutorials start in week 1 and run through to week 13, excluding week 10 where there is no
tutorial/lab class because of Matlab tests. Times and locations indicated on your timetable through MYUNSW.
The week 1 tutorial is a computer tutorial. The week 2 tutorial is another computer tutorial. There are
computer tutorials on the even weeks: 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12. Computer tutorials alternate with the classroom tutorials
which are held on the odd weeks: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13.

Computer tutorials are held in the School of Mathematics and Statistics computer laboratories in the Red
Centre. Students are expected to attend their tutorials/laboratory classes, and rolls will be kept.

Before your first computer tutorial in week 1, you should make sure you can logon to the computers
in the School of Mathematics and Statistics in the ground floor computing laboratory (RC-G012) using
your zID (UNSW User ID) and zPass. You will first need to set your Mathematics and Statistics
password using the Maths Info link on the course home page. If you are having difficulties please go
to the Computing Centre helpdesk on the mezzanine level of the Red Centre.
You are advised to start, as soon as possible, to do the preliminary online Matlab Quizzes which are
available on Maple TA (which you can access through the CVEN2002/2702 course web page on
UNSW Blackboard). These quizzes are designed to help you to get started using Matlab, and they
form part of your assessment.
You must have set your password and be able to login in the Mathematics & Statistics computer
laboratories BEFORE your first lab class in Week 1.

Statistics Web Site: The CVEN2002/CVEN2702 course web site will be available through UNSW
Please check the web page regularly for new and updated information.

Announcements: To be made in lectures or through the course web site.

Required Text: J. Devore and N. Farnum, Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition,
Duxbury Press, Thomson Publishers.

Additional readings: Basically any text with Statistics and Engineers in its title could make it. One
comprehensive text is,
D. Montgomery and G. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5

Edition, 2011, Wiley (or any previous edition).

Lecture notes: For the Statistics strand will be made available via course web site. They are not a
substitute for attendance at lectures. In addition Laboratory and Tutorial material will
be made available on this website.

Help with the course: Times and places where you can get help with the course will be advertised on the
course web page. Your lecturer will have regular consultation times which will be
advertised in lectures and on UNSW Blackboard.
In addition, there will be regular consultation times advertised with other members of
the stats department. At all of these times you are welcome to just turn up. For other
times, please email your lecturer for an appointment.

Peer Support: There will be a peer support session through the Student Support Scheme in the
School of Mathematics and Statistics, where you can get help with statistics. Details
will be announced in lectures and on UNSW Blackboard.

CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 6


The Statistics strand of CVEN2002/CVEN2702 will enable you to understand the various ways in which random
variation arises in engineering contexts and to develop facility at:
applying various graphical and data analysis methods for summarizing and understanding data;
applying various statistical models and methods for drawing conclusions and making decisions under
uncertainty in engineering contexts; and,
applying Matlab for graphical and statistical analysis.

We believe that effective learning is best supported by a climate of inquiry, in which students are actively
engaged in the learning process. Hence this course is structured with a strong emphasis on problem-solving
tasks in lectures, in tutorials and laboratories, and in assessment tasks. Students are expected to devote the
majority of their class and study time to the solving of such tasks.
New ideas and skills are first introduced and demonstrated in lectures, and then students develop these skills by
applying them to specific tasks in tutorials and assessments. Computing skills are developed and practiced in
regular computer laboratory sessions.
This course has a major focus on research, inquiry and analytical thinking as well as information literacy. We
will also explore capacity and motivation for intellectual development through the solution of both simple and
complex mathematical models of problems arising in engineering, and the interpretation and communication of
the results.
For each hour of contact it is expected that you will put in at least 1.5 hours of private study.

The final grade for the statistics will be based on all of the assessment tasks.

Statistics Component Assessment Summary
Online Matlab
Available through Maple TA via
BlackBoard webpage.
Start as early as possible.
Due Thursday week 2
Before 2pm Thursday
August (week 2)
Three online
through MapleTA
Three online quizzes during session.
Available via Maple TA.
Due Thursday at 2pm: Weeks 5, 9 &
Before 2pm
1. Thu 29
Aug (wk 5)
2. Thu 26
Sept (wk 9)
3. Thu 24
Oct (wk 12)

Mid-session Test

Administered during week 7 tutorials.
You must sit the test in the tutorial in
which you are enrolled.
15% Week 7 tutorial
Matlab computer
Held in blocks in computer
laboratory. Arrange a time to do it at
your convenience (after mid break)
15% Week 10
Final Examination
During the exam period. 3 hours
(including Numerical Methods)
60% November 2013
Total 100%

Assessments: There are two tests held during session a mid-session test conducted during the tutorial in
week 7 and a lab test in week 10. There are online Matlab quizzes due to be completed by Thursday week 2;
and then online quizzes due in on Thursdays in each of weeks 5, 9 and 12. All online quizzes are run through
Maple TA and will be scheduled to be due in at 2pm on Thursday unless otherwise announced. For each of the
quizzes due in on the Thursdays of weeks 5, 9 and 12 the quizzes will be open for approximately a week before
they are due. More details of the quizzes will be announced in lectures. Details of material to be assessed in
tests will be clarified in the couple of weeks before each of the tests. Students must sit their test in week 7 in
the tutorial in which they are enrolled unless they have prior written approval from the lecturer. Students
unable to attend for a test must give a medical certificate to the tutor or lecturer. There will be no opportunity for
a re-sit.

Rationale for assessment: The quizzes in weeks 5, 9 and 12 are designed to give immediate in-session
feedback about understanding of new concepts. The class tests also give students an opportunity for feedback
on their progress and mastery of the material.

CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 7

Many practical problems require use of a computer software package, and in this course students are required
to become familiar with Matlab. The Matlab component of CVEN2002/2702 is assessed by
(i) the online quizzes due in week 2 and (ii) the Matlab test in week 10:

(i) Online quizzes due for the completion at the end of week 2, covering material in the Matlab self-paced on-
line tutorial.

(ii) Matlab class test held in the computer laboratory in Week 10. You will be required to arrange a time to do
your Matlab laboratory test through the School of Mathematics and Statistics Student Web Portal, to which
there will be a link on UNSW Blackboard. Further details of the MATLAB test will be made available on UNSW
Blackboard and in lectures closer to the time. Students are advised to book their time for the Matlab laboratory
test as soon as possible (once available, around the mid-session break) as there are limited places available at
each time. Students who are unable to attend for the test at the time at which they have booked must give a
medical certificate to the lecturer. There will be no opportunity to re-sit the test.

On-line quizzes in Matlab and in statistics will be administered through UNSW Blackboard and MapleTA. Here
are some guidelines you should follow when taking each quiz:
For the Matlab on-line quizzes in Week 2 you are allowed as many attempts as you want. Your best mark will
For the Statistics on-line quizzes, you are allowed a maximum of 3 attempts.
- Once you begin an attempt at a quiz, you have a fixed time to finish that attempt.
- You should only start an attempt at a quiz if you plan to finish it in that sitting.
- Once you answer a question, select Save Answer. You will still be allowed to modify your response.
Selecting Finish submits your responses to MapleTA which cannot be changed.
- Do not close MapleTA or your web browser during a quiz. You will not be able to continue that attempt
the next time you login.
- It is expected that you work on each quiz alone.

The final exam will assess student mastery material in the lectures, tutorials and laboratory classes.

Tutorial and Lab classes in week 10: Because of the block lab test in Week 10, the regular Statistics
computer laboratory classes will not be held in week 10.

Matlab Software
Matlab 2012a is available on the computers in the School of Mathematics and Statistics computer laboratories
on the mezzanine level and ground floor of the Red Centre.

The Matlab and Simulink Student Version R2012a is also available through the UNSW bookshop for $119.
This includes Symbolic Math, Control Systems, Signal Processing, Statistics, Optimization and Image
Processing Toolboxes.

Matlab References
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Introduction to MATLAB, 2009 (available through the course
A. Gilat, MATLAB: an introduction with applications, New York, Wiley, 2005.
R. Pratap, Getting Started with MATLAB7, Oxford University Press, 2005.
D. J. Higham, MATLAB guide, SIAM Philadeplhia, 2004.

CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 8

Syllabus and approximate schedule
Below is the intended course schedule. However, lectures may fall slightly behind or ahead of this timetable. Any
variation of this will be indicated by the lecturer.

STATISTICS PROGRAM: approximate schedule of topics and references.
Week of Session
Assessments due
Date Topic Text Reference
1 30 Jul 2013 Introduction 1.1
Online Matlab quizzes
due Thursday by 2pm

Aug 2013 Descriptive statistics. 1.2, 1.3; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
3 13 Aug 2013 Foundations of Probability 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
4 20 Aug 2013 Random variables 5.4
Online quiz due Thursday by
27 Aug 2013
Special distributions
(discrete and continuous)
1.5, 1.6
6 3 Sep 2013
Normal distribution,
sampling distributions
1.4, 5.5, 5.6
Mid-session test in tutorial
10 Sep 2013
Inference for means
(Confidence Intervals)
7.1, 7.2, 7.4
8 17 Sep 2013
Inference for means
(Hypothesis testing)
8.1, 8,2
Online quiz due Thursday by
24 Sep 2013
Inferences for proportions,
variances and means. 7,.3, 7.5, 8.3
Mid-session Break
Matlab Block Lab test
8 Oct 2013 Regression (I) 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
11 15 Oct 2013 Regression (II) 11.4, 11.5, 11.6
Online quiz due Thursday by
22 Oct 2013 ANOVA Chapter 9
13 29 Oct 2013 No Lecture this week (There is a tutorial)

The library has a mathematics subject guide on the web which is a good starting point for mathematical
information. They can be found at

Academic Misconduct
The University of New South Wales has rules relating to Academic Misconduct. They can be found at

Plagiarism and academic integrity
Plagiarism is the presentation of thoughts or work of another as ones own, Issues you must be aware of
regarding plagiarism and the universitys policies on academic integrity can be found at and

Rules for the Conduct of Examinations
The University of New South Wales has rules for the conduct of examinations. They can be found at

Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety policies and expectations:

Equity and Diversity
Those students who have a disability that requires some adjustment in their teaching or learning
environment are encouraged to discuss their study needs with the course convener prior to, or at the
commencement of, their course, or with the Equity Officer (Disability) in the Equity and Diversity Unit
(9385 4734 or Issues to be discussed may include access to
materials, signers or note-takers, the provision of services and additional exam and assessment
CVEN2002 and CVEN2702 Semester 2, 2013 Course Profile - 9

arrangements. Early notification is essential to enable any necessary adjustments to be made.

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