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Ceremony of Consecration

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The Master, attended by the officers and the Chaplain, form themselves in
order, round the lodge, which is then uncovered, while a piece of solemn
music is performed. The first clause of the Consecration Prayer is rehearsed,
as follows:
"Great rchitect of the !niverse" Ma#er and $uler of all %orlds" &eign, from
thy celestial temple, from realms of light and glory, to bless us in all the
purposes of our present assembly"
"%e humbly invo#e thee to give us, at this and at all times, Wisdom in all our
doings, Strength of mind in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony in
all our communications"
"Permit us, ' thou uthor of (ight and (ife, great )ource of (ove and
*appiness, to erect this lodge, and now solemnly to consecrate it to the
honor of thy glory"
"Glory be to God on high." $esponse.
"As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be! Amen."
&uring the response, the %:.Master, and the %ardens, ta#e the vessels of
corn, wine and oil, and sprin#le the elements of Consecration upon the
The Chalain then continues!
"Grant, ' (ord our God, that those who are now about to be invested with the
government of this lodge, may be endued with wisdom to instruct their
brethren in all their duties. May Brotherly "ove, #elie$ and Truth, always
prevail among the members of this lodge+ and may this bond of union
continue to strengthen the lodges throughout the world"
",less all our brethren, wherever dispersed+ and grant speedy relief to all who
are either oppressed or distressed.
"%e affectionately commend to thee all the members of thy whole family. May
they increase in the #nowledge of thee, and in the love of each other.
"-inally+ May we finish all our wor# here below, with thine approbation+ and
then have our transition from this earthly abode to thy heavenly temple
above, there to en.oy light, glory and bliss ineffable and eternal"
"Glory be to God on high!" $esponse.
piece of solemn music is performed while the lodge is covered.
The Chaplain then &/&0CT/) the (odge in the following terms:
"To the memory of 111111.. %e dedicate this (odge. May every brother
revere their character, and imitate their virtues.
"Glory be to God on high."
$esponse: "So mote it be! Amen!
piece of music is then performed, whilst the brethren of the new lodge
advance in procession, to salute the Grand (odge, with their hands crossed
upon their breasts, and bowing as they pass.
The Grand Master then rises, and C'2)T0T!T/) the new lodge in the form
"0n the name of the Most %orshipful Grand (odge, 0 now constitute and form
you, my brethren, into a lodge of -ree and ccepted Masons. -rom
henceforth 0 empower you to act as a regular lodge, constituted in conformity
to the rites of our 'rder, and the charge of our ancient and honorable
fraternity+ and may the )upreme rchitect of the universe prosper, direct and
counsel you in all your doings."
$esponse: "So mote it be!"
The Grand Master and his 'fficers, accompanied by some dignified clergyman,
having ta#en their stations, and the (odge, which is placed in the centre, being
covered with white satin, the ceremony of Consecration commences. ll
devoutly #neel, and the preparatory prayer is rehearsed. The chaplain or orator
produces his authority,34v5 and being properly assisted, proceeds to consecrate.
34vi5 )olemn music is introduced while the necessary preparations are ma#ing.
The lodge being then uncovered, the first clause of the consecration prayer is
rehearsed, all devoutly #neeling. The response being made, G('$6 T' G'&
'2 *0G*, incense is scattered over the lodge, and the grand honours are
The 0nvocation is then pronounced with the honours+ after which the
consecration prayer is concluded, and the response repeated as before,
together with the honours. The lodge being again covered, all the brethren rise
up, solemn music is resumed, a blessing is given, and the response made as
before, accompanied with the honours. n anthem is then sung+ and the
brethren of the new (odge having advanced according to ran#, and offered
homage to the Grand Master, the ceremony of consecration ends.
The above ceremony being finished, the Grand Master advances to the
pedestal, and constitutes the new (odge in the following form:
Page 78 of 9:; 0llustrations of Masonry < by %illiam Preston =0n the elevated
character of Grand Master, to which the suffrages of my brethren have raised
me, 0 invo#e the 2M/ of the M')T *0G*, to whom be glory and honour" May
he be with you at your beginning, strengthen you in the principles of our royal
rt, prosper you with all success, and direct your >ealous efforts to the good of
the Craft" ,y the divine aid, 0 constitute and form you, my good brethren,
Masters and -ellows, into a regular (odge of -ree and ccepted Masons+ and
henceforth empower you to act in conformity to the rites of our venerable 'rder,
and the charges of our ancient -raternity. May God be with you"= men.
-lourish with drums and trumpets.
The grand honours are then given, and the ceremony of 0nstallation succeeds.

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