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Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the

Course of Modal Logic.

Johan van Benthem
Abstract. We discuss Saul Kripkes seminal 1963 paper Semantical Consid-
erations on Modal Logic, and sketch subsequent developments in modal logic
with a view to their general logical thrust.
Keywords. Modal Logic, Kripke, Invariance, Translation, Complexity.
1. Returning to the Sources: What a Famous Paper Contains
Kripkes classical paper that forms the point of departure for this brief essay
a content that is easily described to the modern reader especially, since much of
it made its way soon into the widely used textbook Hughes & Cresswell 1968 [1],
a major point of entry for my generation into the area.
The author rst summarizes his own earlier work on relational possible worlds
semantics of propositional modal languages, where truth of a formula at a world
s means that is true at all accessible worlds t.
He notes the resulting completeness
theorems for deduction in classical propositional modal logics such as T, S4 or S5.
But the key topic of the paper is modal predicate logic with object quantiers,
the vehicle for philosophical discourse about modality. This was an active area at
the time. Semantic structures seem obvious: ordered families of possible worlds
endowed with object domains, and an interpretation function for predicates with
respect to objects and worlds. But the issue is the truth denition for the language.
Kripke mentions earlier systems by Prior and Hintikka, taking dierent Fregean-
Austinian views on atomic statements involving objects not of this world: these
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank the anonymous reader for useful feedback, and Stefan
Minica for the L
X apotheosis of this paper.
Semantical Considerations on Modal Logic (Kripke 1963 [18]).
The semantic structures in the paper are model structures (nowadays, frames with a distin-
guished world) and models (adding a valuation). Accessibility relations are to be reexive: the
paper has no minimal modal logic K (named afterwards in honour of Kripke).
In a footnote, Kripke cites Kanger and Hintikka as authors of related semantic ideas.
2 Johan van Benthem
lack truth values.
While this diversity may reect dierent legitimate conceptions
of modal predication and quantication
, a further fact hurts. Consistent logics
for these semantics turn out to modify either the underlying modal propositional
logics, or the standard inference rules of rst-order predicate logic.
Kripkes own proposal takes an alternative Russelian line, giving truth values
to modal formulas with any objects, inside or outside of the current world of
evaluation. Boolean and modal clauses stay as for propositional systems, while
quantication is only over objects existing at a world. He gives a proof system
that is complete for the new semantics, summarizing his results as follows:
The systems we have obtained have the following properties. They
are a straightforward extension of the modal propositional logics,
without the modications of Priors Q; the rule of substitution
holds without restriction, unlike Hintikkas presentation; and nev-
ertheless neither the Barcan formula nor its converse is derivable.
Further, all laws of quantication theory - modied to admit the
empty domain - hold. The semantic completeness theorem we gave
for modal propositional logic can be extended to the new systems.
Finally, the paper discusses a number of mathematical provability interpretations
for the modalities, where possible worlds stand for models of arithmetic.
2. A First Reaction: 40 Years Later
One striking feature of this much-cited, but probably not much-read paper is how
few results it contains! There is no new take on propositional modal systems, there
is one new proposal for modal predicate logic but not one that has eventually
commanded allegiance and there is no trace of the subsequent discovery of math-
ematical and philosophical problems with the straightforward models of modal
predicate logic, that have persisted until today (Brauner & Ghilardi 2006 [2], van
Benthem 2009 [3], Chapters 11, 26). Finally, the exploration of provability inter-
pretations focuses precisely on a road not taken in the subsequent owering of the
eld of Provability Logic (Artemov 2006 [4]).
Now this is hindsight, and I do recall the liberating eect of this paper and
others by Kripke, inspiring a young generation of logicians in the 1960s. Moreover,
progress arises from seminal new ideas, as much as new theorems. And the paper
denitely opens up a new semantic program that has kept growing since. Even
so, I felt a bit like once when visiting the headwaters of the Mississippi in Ithaca
State Park, Minnesota. It is hard to imagine that the mighty river originates in
this placid setting. And maybe this geographical analogy is apt. The Mississippi
becomes a great river because of two further features. One is its teaming up with
mighty allies, in particular the Missouri. Likewise, the later development of modal
logic probably owes as much to the streams of powerful new ideas that were added
Options spread to truth conditions for the modality, say, construed in a three-valued format.
In this connection, Kripke later speaks of dierent conventions, all tenable in modal logic.
Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the Course of Modal Logic 3
to the paradigm by other strong logicians. Moreover, the Mississippi only becomes
what it is thanks to the terrain on its path, with gradients driving it eventually to
its delta. In a similar fashion, to me, it is the scientic community and its qualities
of reception and nurture that determine whether ideas grow or die. The intellectual
gradients of the time were right for modal logic.
3. The Historical Context: Backward, and Forward
The semantics for modal logic has a long history, and despite various authorita-
tive surveys, it still has lots of mysteries to me. For instance, contrary to popular
opinion, it just is not true that modal logic was in a syntax only mode before the
1960s except maybe in the hands of diehard formalists. Topological interpreta-
tions of the universal modality as an interior operation date back to Tarski in the
1930s (cf. van Benthem & Bezhanishvili 2007 [5]), and with hind-sight, we can see
that this early topological semantics is even a generalization of the relational pos-
sible worlds semantics for S4 and its extensions, since Kripke models correspond
to Alexandro tree topologies. Indeed, the analogy extends from S4 to the mini-
mal modal logic, and even below, once we move from topological to neighbourhood
semantics. Topological methods were quite popular in the 1950s, and in particular,
Beth 1957 [6] modeled intuitionistic logic in topological tree models. But somehow,
relational models provided a simpler take that red the imagination, perhaps also
because of historical echoes to Leibnizian views of modality as truth in all possible
worlds, that go back to the Middle Ages. But even their mathematical core content
was around: it had been established in Jonsson & Tarski 1951 [7] on the represen-
tation theory of Boolean algebras with additional operators. Moreover, a further
relevant line that was publicly known is Priors extensive work in the 1950s on
temporal logic, where the relational interpretation for the modalities in terms of
earlier/later is precisely the point. But in temporal logic, the relational semantics
is so obvious that it seems no big deal, and its ideas remained underappreciated.
4. Intermezzo: Two Directions in Modal Logic
A distinction seems relevant here. One can connect modal languages with semantic
structures in two ways. In one direction, the latter are given beforehand, and one
looks for logical languages that describe essential features, and lead, hopefully, to
axiomatizable, perhaps even decidable calculi of reasoning. For instance, one can
view early topological semantics as some sort of proto-topology. In this direction,
no particular language or logic is sacrosanct, since one wants to get at relevant
structure with whatever language is best suited. Thus, changing a modal language
is quite acceptable on this approach, and indeed, temporal logics came in lots
of dierent strengths. In the opposite direction of giving a semantics, however,
one xes a language and perhaps a deductive system, and asks for the design of a
model class that makes the given logic come out complete. The two modes suggest
4 Johan van Benthem
dierent questions. Of course, eventually, the two directions meet and interact, as
is the reality of research in modal logic today.
In either direction, much of the subsequent history of modal logic could not
have been predicted from its beginnings in the 1960s. The story that runs from
the present paper to the extensive eld described in the 2006 Handbook of Modal
Logic [10] contains many further themes, and a much larger set of players, with
applications and motivations coming not just from philosophy and mathematics,
but also computer science, linguistics, and even economic game theory.
5. Why Was the Framework Attractive, and What Made it Stay?
One basic feature of Kripkes paper is its explanation of modal notions by means
of essentially a classical model-theoretic picture. Intensionality is extensionalized
via multiple reference in sets of possible worlds, i.e., an extended notion of ex-
tension. This move de-mythologized intensionality, and at the same time, it also
geometrized it, providing appealing geometrical content to known modal axioms
in terms of features of accessibility relations. I still recall how illuminating it was
to match laborious modal syntactic deduction in a system like S4 with concrete
pictures of reexive transitive orders: it was as if one could suddenly see what one
was doing. These semantic moves caught on fast, and proved illuminating across
a wide range of philosophical themes beyond modality, such as time, knowledge,
obligation, conditionals, and so on. Thus, modal logic became the calculus of a
booming area of philosophical logic. At the same time, technically, possible-worlds
semantics brought modal logic much closer to extensional classical logic, and thus,
methodologically, the unity of the eld of logic became restored: insights and tech-
niques could now ow freely between classical and non-classical areas. As a
result, the distinction between mathematical and philosophical logic becomes
pretty thin as we shall see in more detail below.
Still there were criticisms from the start, saying that accessibility relations
were ad-hoc formal devices, and that multiple extension was too coarse-grained
for true intensionality. While these are valid points in many settings, the staying
power of possible-worlds modeling has become ever clearer over time. And also,
however justied the worries, the other crucial historical fact is that no convincing
competitor has emerged with equal power and sweep. For instance, the onslaught
of situation semantics in the 1980s as an alternative paradigm has failed and later
versions of situation theory even used modal logic to bring out their key features
(cf. van Benthem & Martinez 2008 [8]).
Likewise, mathematical criticisms of the
low content of modal logic have subsided, since the mathematics of modal logics
has turned out much richer than what was imagined in the 1960s.
This is not to say that all discussion is over. For instance, the appealing provability interpretation
of the universal modality is an -type account saying that there exists a proof for , rather
than the above semantic -type account that is true in all relevant possible worlds.
Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the Course of Modal Logic 5
But over the years, modal logic has undergone some major changes, aecting
its role in logic as a whole. We look at a few, and try to state their essence as a
contribution to universal logic, i.e., the general thrust of the eld.
6. Mathematical Changes in our Understanding of Modal Logic
While modalities have traditionally been viewed as expressions that enrich a classi-
cal system, while the matching semantics moves from single situations to complex
families of worlds, the modern perspective has changed considerably. Modal logics
are not about richer systems than classical logic, but poorer ones! The discussion
to follow starts from propositional modal logic, that has become the dominant
approach in the eld, partly since it high-lights the modality per se.
Graph Structures One shift is that possible worlds in their original sense
are no longer the ruling paradigm. Worlds can be as diverse as information states
of an agent, states of a computer, points in time, board stages in games, linguistic
parse trees, or just: points in a directed graph. The term possible world is retained
mainly for reasons of nostalgia and faded grandeur. Here is a better picture: modal
logic is about directed graphs, and a reason for its broad sweep is the ubiquity of
geometrical structures like this across a wide range of subjects.
Local Quantication But structure is not all. Graphs suggest an internal
description language, where one views a large total situation from some current
point via accessible neighbours. Typically then, modalities express local quantica-
tion over these accessible points. This is more restricted than the usual quantiers
of rst-order logic, that give unbounded access to arbitrary points in a model.
Standard Translation and Tandem View A powerful insight making modal
logic more down-to-earth has been that Kripkes semantics drives a straightforward
translation of the modal language into a rst-order one of the right signature over
possible worlds models, by sending modalities to bounded quantiers. Thus, a
modal formula p describing a world w in a model M can be read equally well,
using the truth conditions as translation clauses, as a rst-order formula y(Rxy
z(Ryz Pz)). This Gestalt Switch yields a tandem approach to reasoning with
intensional notions without having to choose between modal or rst-order logic,
viewing modalities as bounded quantiers ranging over the local environment of
a world in an accessibility pattern, or abstractly, a point in a graph. Thus, from
being an external challenger, modal logic gets integrated into classical logic.
Fine-structure and Fragments The above translation sends the basic modal
language into a fragment of rst-order logic. More generally, propositional modal
languages tend to be fragments of classical logics, though not always rst-order
ones. What makes these fragments so insightful? For a start, the mini-language
Many modern insights have arisen from this move, letting the modalities speak for themselves
rst. Later on in this paper, we will briey discuss where modal predicate logic stands today.
This co-existence was reinforced by other developments, omitted here, such as frame corre-
spondence theory for modal axioms in terms of classical properties of the accessibility relation.
6 Johan van Benthem
of basic modal logic has proved remarkably well-chosen for its combining various
desirable features. One is the ease of modal deduction, without the tedious vari-
able management needed for rst-order proof in general. Modal core patterns of
reasoning meet the eye at once. But perhaps deeper are the following points:
Expressive Power and Invariance The expressive power of the basic modal
language turned out to match a natural structural invariance relation between
graph models, viz. bisimulation, a natural back-and-forth process equivalence
between transitions from world to world that preserves atomic facts (Blackburn, de
Rijke & Venema 2001 [9]). Bisimulation analyzes when two models are the same
from a modal point of view, a basic question that sets the semantic expressivity
level for any well-designed logical language. And it has proven a natural level of
identication for structures, not just in modal logic, but also in process theories,
set theory, and other areas.
Computational Complexity Next, while the expressive power of the modal
language is weaker than that of rst-order logic, it shows much better behaviour
in terms of the computational complexity of the core tasks a logic is used for:
stating properties of structures, evaluating them, and reasoning about them. This
computational viewpoint has often been dismissed as a matter of mere implemen-
tation, but by now, there may be more awareness that procedural ne-structure
is as fundamental an issue as expressive ne-structure. In particular, testing for
modal validity is decidable in polynomial space, model checking takes polynomial
time: lower than for rst-order logic. Thus expressive weakness can be computa-
tional strength, and the perspective shifts once more:
The Balance Modal languages strike a balance between two competing
forces: expressive power and computational complexity. This is a much broader
theme in the eld: rst-order logic itself arose as a reasonably expressive fragment
of second-order logic whose notion of consequence was axiomatizable (though un-
But there are other natural compromises along these lines. In modern
modal logic, many systems (cf. the hybrid logics of Areces & ten Cate 2006 [11])
lie in between the basic language and full rst-order logic, with extra modalities
describing more graph structure.
This landscape of fragments of rst-order logic
has shown that small can be beautiful. Hence, modal logics are also tools for
exploring the ne-structure of complex classical systems, sometimes leading to the
discovery of new classical logics in the process.
The crucial issue of when two modal models represent the same structure does not seem to
have occurred much to philosophers, and it is still under-appreciated in philosophical logic.
Our survey is by no means complete. There are many further viewpoints that capture important
aspects of modal formalisms. One important more syntactic way to think of the above translation
views modal languages as perspicuous variable-free formalisms for proof-theoretic purposes.
The same is true for languages beyond rst-order logic such as the modal -calculus (Bradeld
& Stirling 2006 [12]). This is a decidable part of xed-point logic with only local quantiers.
Modal logic inuenced classical logic in the Guarded Fragment of Andreka, van Benthem &
Nemeti 1998 [13], a new large decidable part of rst-order logic. Or see the abstract model theory
with Lindstrom theorems for weak languages in van Benthem, ten Cate & Vaananen 2009 [14].
Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the Course of Modal Logic 7
The above features are my take on what makes modal logic general, and a
source of perspectives and insights for the Universal Logic in this volume. Of
course, this is a personal stance, and more could be said. A large role in changing
modal logic was also played by the mathematical studies of the 1970s, on frame
denability, general completeness (and incompleteness) theorems, or the interplay
of model theory and algebra. All these are well-documented in the Handbook of
Modal Logic [10], and they are very much alive today, witness the lively current
interactions of modal logic and Universal Algebra.
7. Descriptive Expansion: Modal Patterns and
Transdisciplinary Migrations
But the development of modal logic since the 1960s is not just theoretical evolution
of mathematical and computational perspectives. At the same time, its basic fea-
tures changed through extension of descriptive coverage, and the study of modal
patterns in a widening circle of elds. This was already visible in the late 1960s,
when there was a wave of philosophical logics using modal ideas in innovative
ways, including epistemic logic, doxastic logic, tense logic, deontic logic, condi-
tional logic, and of course, Kripkes own studies of modality and quantication
that reverberated for decades.
But also beyond philosophy, modal patterns are ubiquitous.
Linguists have
used modal operators for describing modal, temporal and other expressions in
natural language, making them important to communication and other cognitive
functions. An even broader source of modal patterns is the study of information
and agency, that crosses borders between philosophy and many other disciplines.
In the 1970s, economists independently rediscovered epistemic logic as a conve-
nient perspicuous formalism for the informational reasoning about rational agency
that keeps players locked into game-theoretic equilibria. Around the same time,
computer scientists started using modal, temporal, and epistemic logics for a wide
variety of purposes in describing processes and information ow. The resulting
dynamic and temporal logics of computation, information, knowledge, belief, pref-
erence, and other crucial features of social agency are coming together today in
the study of what is sometimes called intelligent interaction.
Besides this, modal patterns have turned out crucial in ever more mathemat-
ical settings, witness non-well-founded set theory, provability logic, logics of space
and space-time, or co-algebra of non-well-founded innite objects (Venema 2006
[16]). This wholly unplanned academic penetration of modal ideas since the 1960s
is another reason for the remarkable staying power of the eld.
Freudental 1959 [15] proposed broadcasting reasoning patterns with basic modal dualities into
outer space, as a way of making other intelligences aware of basics of thought on Planet Earth.
Modal patterns also occur in knowledge representation, web languages, or spatially distributed
computation, where again, they have often been rediscovered independently.
8 Johan van Benthem
8. Back to Philosophy and Mathematics
While philosophers may feel that all this newer activity is a farewell to the origi-
nal philosophical motivations, there is really no reason why a prodigal son might
not return to the old home, bringing travel tales far beyond what his parents
ever imagined. Some modal logicians are returning to epistemology, philosophy of
action, and other areas of the mother discipline these days. Examples are work
on belief revision, interactive epistemology, and philosophy of action inspired by
computational and game-theoretic inuences. And examples can be multiplied.
One might think of all this as applied modal logic, though I have argued
elsewhere that the term applied logic fails to do justice to what is happening
today as it suggests two falsehoods: that traditional ideas and logic systems
suce in the new areas, and that no new pure logical theory is at stake. But one
striking feature of modal logics in the above areas has been the emrgence of new
fundamental notions and issues, beyond anything studied up to the 1980s:
One key example is the notion of what may be called equilibrium, in epistemic
reection or in actual behaviour: with examples like common knowledge, game-
theoretic equilibria, or iterated action. This calls for modal logics beyond the
usual ones, incorporating recursion mechanisms with xed-points, whose theory,
in full development, is rife with open problems. Another fundamental new theme is
system architecture, and in particular, system combination. On a naive analytical
view, one should just do modal logics for various features of agency, and then throw
them together to get the whole picture. But it has become clear since around 1990,
that things are much more delicate. Depending on the manner of combination, even
decidable modal logics may give rise to highly undecidable combinations. Thus,
the behaviour of complex modal systems is one more new fundamental challenge.
Both recursion and system combination make excellent sense for logic in
general and I would put them on a par with the universal themes in Section 6.
Back to modal predicate logic An illustration of the preceding point takes
us back to the modal predicate logic originally discussed here. One reason why
the latter system has been so hard to dene well, avoiding model-theoretic and
proof-theoretic catastrophes, is the fact that is a system combination of two modal
whose behaviour depends critically on the mode of combination. Even so,
modal predicate logic is obviously important to old and new theory and applica-
tions and in that sense, Kripkes paper is still highly relevant, decades later.
9. Conclusion
Is all well on the banks of the great river that Saul Kripke helped bring forth?
Clearly, in its course, the river runs among diverse communities and a common
Modal logics of preference, another crucial ingredient of intentional goal-driven rational agency,
using evaluation orders of worlds, might well make their way back into deontic logic.
One can protably view rst-order logic itself as a modal logic or more precisely, as a dynamic
logic of changing assignments in suitable computational state spaces.
Rolling down the River: Saul Kripke and the Course of Modal Logic 9
practical vision among them is hard to achieve. Also, major theoretical problems
remain unresolved, from nding the right semantics for modal predicate logic to
understanding general behaviour of system combination, the delicate balance of
expressive power and computational complexity, and other issues raised here. And
nally, dierent conceptions of modality are still alive beyond the possible worlds
semantics of Kripkes paper. I mentioned alternative -style proof views (Artemov
2006 [4]) and even more radically than that, non-operator predicate views of
modality, dismissed in the 1960s partly under the inuence of Montague, may still
get their eld day (Halbach, Leitgeb & Welch 2003 [17]).
However that may be, I feel that even in its present state, modal logic is
not just an area of interdisciplinary application, but also an excellent conceptual
laboratory for pure universal logic.
[1] G. E. Hughes & M. J. Cresswell, 1968, An Introduction to Modal Logic, Methuen,
[2] Th. Brauner & S. Ghilardi, 2006, First-Order Modal Logic, in P. Blackburn, J. van
Benthem, & F. Wolter, eds., Handbook of Modal Logic, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 549
[3] J. van Benthem, 2009, Modal Logic for Open Minds, CSLI Publications, Stanford.
[4] S. Artemov, 2006, Modal Logic in Mathematics, in P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem &
F. Wolter, (eds.), Handbook of Modal Logic, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 927 970.
[5] J. van Benthem & G. Bezhanishvili, 2007, Modal Logics of Space, in M. Aiello, I. Pratt-
Hartmann & J. van Benthem, eds., Handbook of Spatial Logics, Springer, Dordrecht,
217 298.
[6] E. W. Beth, 1956, Semantic Construction of Intuitionistic Logic, Mededelingen Konin-
klijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. New Series 19:11, Amsterdam, 357
[7] B. Jonsson & A. Tarski, 1951, Boolean Algebras with Operators, American Journal of
Mathematics, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 891939.
[8] J. van Benthem & M. Martinez, 2008, The Stories of Logic and Information, in P.
Adriaans & J. van Benthem, eds., Handbook of the Philosophy of Information, Else-
vier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 217 280.
[9] P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke & Y. Venema, 2001, Modal Logic, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge.
[10] P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem & F. Wolter, (eds.), 2006, Handbook of Modal Logic,
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
[11] C. Areces & B. ten Cate, 2006, Hybrid Logics, in P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem &
F. Wolter, (eds.), Handbook of Modal Logic, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 821 868.
[12] J. Bradeld & C. Stirling, 2006, Modal -Calculi, in P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem
& F. Wolter, eds., Handbook of Modal Logic, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 721 756.
[13] H. Andreka, J. van Benthem & I. Nemeti, 1998, Modal Logics and Bounded Fragments
of Predicate Logic., Journal of Philosophical Logic 27, 217274.
10 Johan van Benthem
[14] J. van Benthem, B. ten Cate & J. Vaananen, 2007, Lindstrom Theorems for Frag-
ments of First-Order Logic, Proceedings of LICS 2007, 280 292. To appear in Logical
Methods for Computer Science.
[15] H. Freudenthal, 1959, Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse, North-
Holland, Amsterdam.
[16] Y. Venema, 2006, Algebras and Co-Algebras, in P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem & F.
Wolter, (eds.), Handbook of Modal Logic, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 331426.
[17] V. Halbach, H. Leitgeb & Ph. Welch, 2003, Possible Worlds Semantics for Modal
Notions Conceived as Predicates, Journal of Philosophical Logic 32, 179 223.
[18] S. A. Kripke, 1963, Semantical Considerations on Modal Logic, Acta Philosophica
Fennica, 16 , 83 94.
Johan van Benthem
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation,
University of Amsterdam,
P.O.Box 94242, 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Philosophy,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

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