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Module 13: Encrypting and Decrypting Data

Module Overview
Lesson 1: Implementing Symmetric Encryption
Lesson 2: Implementing Asymmetric Encryption
Lab: Encrypting and Decrypting the Grades Report
Module Review and Takeaways
Course Evaluation
Module Overview
It is a common requirement for applications to be able to secure information, whether it is a case of
encrypting files saved to disk or web requests sent over an untrusted connection to other remote systems. The
Microsoft .NET Framework provides a variety of classes that enable you to secure your data by using
encryption and hashing.
In this module, you will learn how to implement symmetric and asymmetric encryption and how to use hashes
to generate mathematical representations of your data. You will also learn how to create and manage X509
certificates and how to use them in the asymmetric encryption process.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Encrypt data by using symmetric encryption.
Encrypt data by using asymmetric encryption.
Lesson 1 : Implementing Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric encryption is the process of performing a cryptographic transformation of data by using a
mathematical algorithm. Symmetric encryption is an established technique and is used by many applications
to provide a robust way of protecting confidential data.
In this lesson, you will learn about several .NET Framework classes that enable applications to secure data by
means of encryption and hashing.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe symmetric encryption.
Encrypt and decrypt data by using symmetric encryption.
Create digital fingerprints of data by using hashes.
What Is Symmetric Encryption?

The name symmetric is derived from the fact that the same secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data.
Therefore, when you use symmetric encryption, you must keep the secret key secure.
To help improve the effectiveness of symmetric encryption, many symmetric encryption algorithms also use
an initialization vector (IV) in addition to a secret key. The IV is an arbitrary block of bytes that helps to
randomize the first encrypted block of data. The IV makes it much more difficult for a malicious user to
decrypt your data.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Symmetric Encryption
The following table describes some of the advantages and disadvantages of symmetric encryption.
Advantage Disadvantage
There is no limit on the amount
of data you can encrypt.
The same key is used to encrypt and
decrypt the data. If the key is compromised,
anyone can encrypt and decrypt the data.
Symmetric algorithms are fast
and consume far fewer system
resources than asymmetric
If you choose to use a different secret key
for different data, you could end up with
many different secret keys that you need to
Symmetric algorithms are perfect for quickly encrypting large amounts of data.
Symmetric Encryption Classes in the .NET Framework
The .NET Framework contains a number of classes in the System.Security.Cryptography namespace, which
provide managed implementations of common symmetric encryption algorithms,such as Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), and TripleDES.Each .NET Framework
symmetric encryption class is derived from the abstract SymmetricAlgorithm base class.
The following table describes the key characteristics of the.NET Framework encryption classes.
.NET Framework Class Encryption
Block Size Key Size
DES DESCryptoServiceProvider Bit shifting
and bit
64 bits 64 bits
AES AesManaged Substitutio
128 bits 128, 192,
or 256
Cipher 2
RC2CryptoServiceProvider Feistel
64 bit 40-128
ts of 8
Rijndael RijndaelManaged SPN 128-256
ts of 32
128, 192,
or 256
.NET Framework Class Encryption
Block Size Key Size
Bit shifting
and bit
64 bit 128-192
Each of the .NET Framework encryption classes are known as block ciphers, which means that the algorithm
will chunk data into fixed-length blocks and then perform a cryptographic transformation on each block.
Note: You can measure the strength of an encryption algorithm by the key size. The higher the number of
bits, the more difficult it is for a malicious user trying a large number of possible secret keys to decrypt your
Additional Reading: For more information about symmetric encryption in the .NET Framework, see the
SymmetricAlgorithm Class page at
Encrypting Data by Using Symmetric Encryption

You can encrypt data by using any of the symmetric encryption classes in the
System.Security.Cryptography namespace. However, these classes only provide managed implementations
of a particular encryption algorithm; for example, the AesManaged class provides a managed implementation
of the AES algorithm. Aside from encrypting and decrypting data by using an algorithm, the encryption
process typically involves the following tasks:
Derive a secret key and an IV from a password or salt. A salt is a random
collection of bits used in combination with a password to generate a secret key
and an IV. A salt makes it much more difficult for a malicious user to randomly
discover the secret key.
Read and write encrypted data to and from a stream.
To help simplify the encryption logic in your applications, the .NET Framework includes a number of other
cryptography classes that you can use.
The Rfc2898DeriveBytes and CryptoStream Classes
The Rfc2898DeriveBytes class provides an implementation of the password-based key derivation function
(PBKDF2),which complies with the Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS). You can use the PBKDF2
functionality to derive your secret keys and your IVs from a password and a salt.
Additional Reading: For more information about the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class, see the Rfc2898DeriveBytes
Class page at
The CryptoStream class is derived from the abstract Stream base class in the System.IO namespace, and it
provides streaming functionality specific to reading and writing cryptographic transformations.
Additional Reading: For more information about the CryptoStream class, see the CryptoStream Class page
Symmetrically Encrypting and Decrypting Data
The following steps describe how to encrypt and decrypt data by using the AesManaged class:
Create an Rfc2898DeriveBytes object, which you will use to derive the secret
key and the IV. The following code example shows how to create an instance
of the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class, passing values for the password and salt into
the constructor.
var password = "Pa$$w0rd";
var salt = "S@lt";
var rgb = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(salt));
2. Create an instance of the encryption class that you want to use to encrypt the
data.The following code example shows how to create an AesManaged object.
var algorithm = new AesManaged();
Generate the secret key and the IV from the Rfc2898DeriveBytes object. The
following code example shows how to generate the secret key and the IV by
using the algorithms KeySize and BlockSize properties.
var rgbKey = rgb.GetBytes(algorithm.KeySize / 8);
var rgbIV = rgb.GetBytes(algorithm.BlockSize / 8);
Note: You typically use the algorithms KeySize and BlockSize properties when
generating the secret key and the IV, so that the secret key and the IV that
you generate are compatible with the algorithm.
Create a stream object that you will use to buffer the encrypted or unencrypted
bytes.The following code example shows how to create an instance of the
MemoryStream class.
var bufferStream = new MemoryStream();
Create either a symmetric encryptor or decryptor depending on whether you
want to encrypt or decrypt data. The following code example shows how to
invoke the CreateEncryptor method to create an encryptor and how to invoke
the CreateDecryptor method to create a decryptor. Both methods accept the
secret key and the IV as parameters.
// Create an encryptor object.
var algorithm = algorithm.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV);
// Create a decryptor object.
var algorithm = algorithm.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV);
Create a CryptoStream object, which you will use to write the cryptographic
bytes to the buffer stream.The following code example shows how to create an
instance of the CryptoStream class, passing the bufferStream object, the
algorithm object, and the stream mode as parameters.
var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(
Invoke the Write and FlushFinalBlock methods on the CryptoStream object,
to perform the cryptographic transform. The following code example shows
how to invoke the Write and FlushFinalBlock methods of the CryptoStream
var bytesToTransform = FourthCoffeeDataService.GetBytes();
cryptoStream.Write(bytesToTransform, 0, bytesToTransform.Length);
Invoke the Close method on the CryptoStream and the MemoryStream
objects, so that the transformed data is flushed to the buffer stream. The
following code example shows how to invoke the Close methods on both the
CryptoStream and the MemoryStream objects.
Hashing Data

Hashing is the process of generating a numerical representation of your data. Typically,hash algorithms
compute hashes by mapping the binary representation of your data to the binary values of a fixed-length hash.
If you use a proven hash algorithm, it is considered unlikely that you could compute the same hash from two
different pieces of data. Therefore, hashes are considered a reliable way to generate a unique digital
fingerprint that can help to ensure the integrity of data.
Consider the example of the FourthCoffee.Beverage service, which sends messages to the
FourthCoffee.Inventory service. When the FourthCoffee.Inventory service receives a message, how do the
two services know that the message was not sabotaged during the transmission? You could use hashes, as the
following steps describe:
Compute a hash of the message before the FourthCoffee.Beverage service
sends the message.
Compute a hash of the message when the FourthCoffee.Inventory service
receives the message.
Compare the two hashes. If the two hashes are identical, the data has not been
tampered with. If the data has been modified, the two hashes will not match.
The .NET Framework provides a number of classes in the System.Security.Cryptography namespace,
which encapsulate common hash algorithms.
Hash Algorithms in the .NET Framework
The following table describes some of the hash classes that the .NET Framework provides.
.NET Framework Class Description
SHA512Managed The SHA512Managed class is an implementation
of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and is able to
compute a 512- bit hash. The .NET Framework
also includes classes that implement the SHA1,
SHA256, and SHA384 algorithms.
HMACSHA512 The HMACSHA512 class uses a combination of
the SHA512 hash algorithm and the Hash-Based
Message Authentication Code (HMAC) to
compute a 512-bit hash.
MACTripleDES The MACTripleDES class uses a combination of
the TripleDES encryption algorithm and a
Message Authentication Code (MAC) to compute
a 64-bit hash.
MD5CryptoServiceProvider The MD5CryptoServiceProvider class is an
implementation of the Message Digest (MD)
algorithm, which uses block chaining to compute
a 128-bit hash.
RIPEMD160Managed The RIPEMD160Managed class is derived from
the MD algorithm and is able to compute a 160-
bit hash.
Computing a Hash by Using the HMACSHA512 Class
To compute a hash by using the HMACSHA512 class, perform the following steps:
Generate a secret key that the hash algorithm will use to hash the data. The
sender would need access to the key to generate the hash, and the receiver
would need access to the key to verify the hash.
2. Create an instance of the hash algorithm.
Invoke the ComputeHash method, passing in a stream that contains the data
you want to hash. The ComputeHash method returns a byte array that
represents the hash of your data.
The following code example shows how to compute a hash by using the HMACSHA512 class.
Hashing Data by Using the HMACSHA512 class
public byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] dataToHash, byte[] secretKey)
using (var hashAlgorithm = new HMACSHA1(secretKey))
using (var bufferStream = new MemoryStream(dataToHash))
return hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(bufferStream);
Additional Reading: For more information about hashing in the .NET Framework, see the Hash Values
section on the Cryptographic Services page at
Demonstration: Encrypting and Decrypting Data
In this demonstration, you will use symmetric encryption to encrypt and decrypt a message.
Demonstration Steps
1. Start the MSL-TMG1 virtual machine if it is not already running.
2. Start the 20483B-SEA-DEV11 virtual machine.
Log on to Windows 8 as Student with the password Pa$$w0rd. If
necessary, click Switch User to display the list of users.
4. Switch to the Windows 8 Start window.
5. Click Visual Studio 2012.
In Microsoft Visual Studio, on the File menu, point to Open, and then click
In the Open Project dialog box, browse to the
E:\Mod13\Democode\FourthCoffee.MessageSafe folder, click
FourthCoffee.MessageSafe.sln, and then click Open.
8. In Visual Studio, on the View menu, click Task List.
9. In the Task List window, in the Categories list, click Comments.
10. Double-click the TODO: 01: Instantiate the _algorithm object task.
Explain that the following code creates an instance of the AesManaged class.
this._algorithm = new AesManaged();
12. Double-click the TODO: 02: Dispose of the _algorithm object task.
Explain that the following code determines whether the _algorithm object is
not null and then invokes the Dispose method to release any resources that the
algorithm may have used.
if (this._algorithm != null)
Double-click the TODO: 03: Derive a Rfc2898DeriveBytes object from the
password and salt task.
Explain that the following code creates an instance of the
Rfc2898DeriveBytes class by using a password (that the user provides at run
time) and salt (hard-coded value in the application).
return new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, this._salt);
Double-click the TODO: 04: Generate the secret key by using the
Rfc2898DeriveBytes object task.
Explain that the following code uses the Rfc2898DeriveBytes object to
derive the secret key by using the algorithms key size in bytes.
return passwordHash.GetBytes(this._algorithm.KeySize / 8);
Note: The KeySize property returns the size of the key in bits, so to get the
value in bytes, you divide the value by 8.
Double-click the TODO: 05: Generate the IV by using the
Rfc2898DeriveBytes object. task.
Explain that the following code uses the Rfc2898DeriveBytes object to
derive the IV by using the algorithms block size in bytes.
return passwordHash.GetBytes(this._algorithm.BlockSize / 8);
Note: The BlockSize property returns the size of the block in bits, so to get
the value in bytes, you divide the value by 8.
20. Double-click the TODO: 06: Create a new MemoryStream object. task.
Explain that the following code creates an instance of the MemoryStream
class, which will be used as a buffer for the transformed data.
var bufferStream = new MemoryStream();
22. Double-click the TODO: 07: Create a new CryptoStream object. task.
Explain that the following code creates an instance of the CryptoStream
class, which will transform the data and write it to the underlying memory
var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(
Double-click the TODO: 08: Write the bytes to the CryptoStream object.
Explain that the following code writes the transformed data to the underlying
memory stream.
cryptoStream.Write(bytesToTransform, 0, bytesToTransform.Length);
Double-click the TODO: 09: Read the transformed bytes from the
MemoryStream object. task.
Explain that the following code uses the ToArray method to extract the
transformed data from the memory stream as a byte array.
var transformedBytes = bufferStream.ToArray();
Double-click the TODO: 10: Close the CryptoStream and MemoryStream
objects. task.
Explain that the following code closes the cryptoStream and bufferStream
Double-click the TODO: 11: Use the _algorithm object to create an
ICryptoTransform encryptor object.task.
Explain that the following code creates an ICryptoTransform object that
will encrypt data.
var transformer = this._algorithm.CreateEncryptor(key, iv);
Double-click the TODO: 12: Invoke the TransformBytes method and
return the encrypted bytes task.
Explain that the following code invokes the TransformBytes helper method,
which will use the ICryptoTransform object to encrypt the data.
return this.TransformBytes(transformer, bytesToEncypt);
Double-click the TODO: 13: Use the _algorithm object to create an
ICryptoTransform decryptor object task.
Explain that the following code creates an ICryptoTransform object that
will decrypt data.
var transformer = this._algorithm.CreateDecryptor(key, iv);
Double-click the TODO: 14: Invoke the TransformBytes method and
return the decrypted bytes task.
Explain that the following code invokes the TransformBytes helper method,
which will use the ICryptoTransform object to decrypt the data.
return this.TransformBytes(transformer, bytesToDecypt);
38. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.
39. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging.
In the Fourth Coffee Message Safe application, in the Password box, type
41. In the Message box, type This is my secure message, and then click Save.
42. Close the Fourth Coffee Message Safe application.
43. Open File Explorer and browse to the E:\Mod13\Democode\Data folder.
Double-click protected_message.txt, and then view the encrypted text in
45. Close Notepad, and then close File Explorer.
46. In Visual Studio, on the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging.
In the Fourth Coffee Message Safe application, in the Password box, type
Pa$$w0rd, and then click Load.
Verify that the Message box now displays the text This is my secure
49. Close the Fourth Coffee Message Safe application.
50. Close Visual Studio 2012.
Lesson 2: Implementing Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric encryption is the process of performing a cryptographic transformation of data by using an
asymmetric encryption algorithm and a combination of public and private keys.
In this lesson, you will learn about the classes and tools that you can use to implement asymmetric encryption
in your applications.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe asymmetric encryption.
Encrypt and decrypt data by using asymmetric encryption.
Create and manage X509 certificates.
Manage encryption keys in your applications.
What Is Asymmetric Encryption?

Unlike symmetric encryption, where one secret key is used to perform both the encryption and the decryption,
asymmetric encryption uses a public key to perform the encryption and a private key to perform the
Note: The public and private keys are mathematically linked, in that the private key is used to derive the
public key. However, you cannot derive a private key from a public key. Also, you can only decrypt data by
using the private key that is linked to the public key that was used to encrypt the data.
In a system that uses asymmetric encryption, the public key is made available to any application that requires
the ability to encrypt data. However, the private key is kept safe and is only distributed to applications that
require the ability to decrypt the data. For example, HTTPS uses asymmetric encryption to encrypt and
decrypt the browsers session key when establishing a secure connection between the browser and the server.
Note: You can also use asymmetric algorithms to sign data. Signing is the process of generating a digital
signature so that you can ensure the integrity of the data. When signing data, you use the private key to
perform the signing and then use the public key to verify the data.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Asymmetric Encryption
The following table describes some of the advantages and disadvantages of asymmetric encryption.
Advantage Disadvantage
Asymmetric encryption
relies on two keys, so it is
easier to distribute the
keys and to enforce who
can encrypt and decrypt
the data.
With asymmetric encryption, there is a limit on the
amount of data that you can encrypt. The limit is
different for each algorithm and is typically
proportional with the key size of the algorithm. For
example, an RSACryptoServiceProvider object with
a key length of 1,024 bits can only encrypt a
message that is smaller than 128 bytes.
Asymmetric algorithms
use larger keys than
symmetric algorithms,
and they are therefore
less susceptible to being
cracked by using brute
force attacks.
Asymmetric algorithms are very slow in comparison
to symmetric algorithms.
Asymmetric encryption is a powerful encryption technique, but it is not designed for encrypting large
amounts of data. If you want to encrypt large amounts of data with asymmetric encryption, you should
consider using a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption.
Best Practice: To encrypt data by using asymmetric and symmetric encryption, perform the following steps:
1. Encrypt the data by using a symmetric algorithm, such as the AesManaged
2. Encrypt the symmetric secret key by using an asymmetric algorithm.
3. Create a stream and write bytes for the following:
The length of the IV
The length of the encrypted secret key
The IV
The encrypted secret key
The encrypted data
To decrypt, simply step through the stream extracting the data, decrypt the symmetric encryption key, and
then decrypt the data.
Asymmetric Encryption Classes in the .NET Framework
The .NET Framework contains a number of classes in the System.Security.Cryptography namespace, which
enable you to implement asymmetric encryption and signing. Each .NET Framework asymmetric class is
derived from the AsymmetricAlgorithm base class.
The following list describes some of these classes:

RSACryptoServiceProvider. This class provides an implementation of the
RSA algorithm, which is named after its creators, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and
Leonard Adleman. By default, the RSACryptoServiceProvider class supports
key lengths ranging from 384 to 512 bits in 8-bit increments, but optionally,if
you have the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider installed, the
RSACryptoServiceProvider class will support keys up to 16,384 bits in
length. You can use the RSACryptoServiceProvider class to perform both
encryption and signing.

DSACryptoServiceProvider. This class provides an implementation of the
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) algorithm and supports keys ranging from
512 to 1,024 bits in 64-bit increments.
Although the RSACryptoServiceProvider class supports both encryption and
signing, the DSACryptoServiceProvider class only supports signing.
Additional Reading: For more information about asymmetric encryption in the .NET Framework, see the
Public-Key Encryption section on the Cryptographic Services page at
Encrypting Data by Using Asymmetric Encryption

You can encrypt your data asymmetrically by using the RSACryptoServiceProvider class in the
System.Security.Cryptography namespace.
Encrypting Data by Using the RSACryptoServiceProvider Class
The RSACryptoServiceProvider class provides a number of members that enable you to implement
asymmetric encryption functionality in your applications, including the ability to import and export key
information and encrypt and decrypt data.
You can create an instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider class by using the default constructor. If you
choose this approach, the RSACryptoServiceProvider class will generate a set of public and private keys.
The following code example shows how to create an instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider class by
using the default constructor.
Instantiating the RSACryptoServiceProvider Class
var rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
After you have created an instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider class, you can then use the Encrypt
and Decrypt methods to protect your data.
The following code example shows how you can use the Encrypt and Decrypt methods to protect the
contents of a string variable.
Encrypting and Decrypting Data by Using the RSACryptoServiceProvider Class
var plainText = "hello world";
var rawBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(plainText);
var decryptedText = string.Empty;
using (var rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
var useOaepPadding = true;
var encryptedBytes = rsaProvider.Encrypt(rawBytes, useOaepPadding);
var decryptedBytes = rsaProvider.Decrypt(encryptedBytes, useOaepPadding);
decryptedText = Encoding.Default.GetString(decryptedBytes);
// The decryptedText variable will now contain " hello world"
Note: You use the useOaepPadding parameter to determine whether the Encrypt and Decrypt methods use
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). If you pass true, the methods use OAEP, and if you pass
false, the methods use PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.
Typically, applications do not encrypt and decrypt data in the scope of the same RSACryptoServiceProvider
object. One application may perform the encryption, and then another performs the decryption. If you attempt
to use different RSACryptoServiceProvider objects to perform the encryption and decryption, without
sharing the keys, the Decrypt method will throw a CryptographicException exception. The
RSACryptoServiceProvider class exposes members that enable you to export and import the public and
private keys.
The following code example shows how to instantiate different RSACryptoServiceProvider objects and use
the ExportCspBlob and ImportCspBlob methods to share the public and private keys.
Importing and Exporting Keys
var keys = default(byte[]);
var exportPrivateKey = true;
using (var rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
keys = rsaProvider.ExportCspBlob(exportPrivateKey);
// Code to perform encryption.
var decryptedText = string.Empty;
using (var rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
// Code to perform decryption.
Note: The exportPrivateKey parameter instructs the ExportCspBlob method to include the private key in the
return value. If you pass false into the ExportCspBlob method, the return value will not contain the private
key. If you try to decrypt data without a private key, the Common Language Runtime (CLR) will throw a
CryptographicException exception.
Instead of maintaining and persisting keys in your application, you can use the public and private keys in an
X509 certificate, stored in the certificate store on the computer that is running your application.
Additional Reading: For more information about the RSACryptoServiceProvider class, see the
RSACryptoServiceProvider Class page at
Creating and Managing X509 Certificates

An X509 certificate is a digital document that contains information, such as the name of the organization that
is supplying the data. X509 certificates are normally stored in certificate stores. In a typical Windows
installation, there are user account,service account, and local computer machine certificate stores.
X509 certificates can also contain public and private keys, which you can use in the asymmetric encryption
process. You can create and manage your X509 certificates by using the tools that Windows and the .NET
Framework provide.
Creating a Certificate by Using MakeCert
MakeCert is a certificate creation tool that the .NET Framework provides. You can access the tool by using
the Visual Studio command prompt. The MakeCert tool provides a number of command-line switches that
enable you to configure the X509 certificate to meet the requirements of your application.
The following table describes some of the MakeCert command-line switches.
Switch Description
-n This enables you to specify the name of the certificate.
Switch Description
-a This enables you to specify the algorithm that the certificate uses.
-pe This enables you to create a certificate that allows you to export the
private key.
-r This enables you to create a self-signed certificate.
-sr This enables you to specify the name of the certificate store where the
MakeCert tool will import the generated certificate.
-ss This enables you to specify the name of the container in the certificate
store where the MakeCert tool will import the generated certificate.
-sky This enables you to specify the type of key that the certificate will
The following code example shows how you can use the MakeCert command-line tool to generate a self-
signed certificate, which contains both a public and a private key.
MakeCert Example
makecert -n "CN=FourthCoffee" -a sha1 -pe -r -sr LocalMachine -ss my -sky
Additional Reading: For more information about MakeCert, see the Makecert.exe (Certificate Creation
Tool) page at
Managing X509 Certificates by Using the Microsoft Management Console Certificates
The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Certificates snap-in enables you to manage any X509
certificates installed in the context of your user account, service account,or local computer.
To open a certificate store by using the MMC snap-in, perform the following steps:
Log on as an administrator. If you log on without administrative privileges,
you will only be able to view certificates in your user account certificate store.
In the Windows 8 Start window, use search to find mmc.exe, and then click
3. In the MMC window, on the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in.
In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, in the Available snap-ins list,
click Certificates, and then click Add.
In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, click either My user account, Service
account, or Computer account, and then perform one of the following steps:
a. If you chose My user account, click Finish.
If you chose Service account, click Next, and then perform the following
i. In the Select Computer dialog box, click Next.
In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, in the Service account list, click
the service account you want to manage, and then click Finish.
c. If you chose Computer account, click Next, and then click Finish.
In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, repeat steps 4 and 5 if you want
to add additional certificate stores to your session, and then click OK.
After you have opened one or more certificate stores, you can perform any of the following tasks:

View the properties that are associated with any X509 certificate in any of the
certificate stores, such as Personal or Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
Export an X509 certificate from a certificate store to the file system.
Manage the private keys that are associated with an X509 certificate.
Issue a request to renew an existing X509 certificate.
Additional Reading: For more information about managing certificates, see the Working with Certificates
page at
Managing Encryption Keys

The .NET Framework provides the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespace, which
contains a number of classes that enable you to use X509 certificates and their keys in your applications.
These classes include the following:

X509Store. This class enables you to access a certificate store and perform
operations, such as finding an X509 certificate with a particular name.

X509Certificate2. This class enables you create an in-memory representation of
an X509 certificate that currently exists in a certificate store. When you have
instantiated an
X509Certificate2 object, you can then use its members to access information,
such as the X509 certificates public and private keys.

PublicKey. This class enables you to manipulate the various pieces of metadata
that are associated with an X509 certificates public key, such as the public
keys value.
The following code example shows how to use the X509Store and X509Certificate2 classes to enumerate the
personal certificate store on the local machine.
Enumerating a Certificate Store
var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
var certificate = default(X509Certificate2);
var certificateName = "CN=FourthCoffee";
foreach (var storeCertificate in store.Certificates)
if (storeCertificate.SubjectName.Name == certificateName)
certificate = storeCertificate;
After you have created an X509Certificate2 object, you can use its members to determine whether the X509
certificate contains either a public or private key. The following list describes some of the members you can

HasPrivateKey. This property enables you to determine whether the X509
certificate contains a private key.

FriendlyName. This property enables you to get the friendly name that is
associated with the X509 certificate.

GetPublicKeyString. This method enables you to extract the public key that
the X509 certificate contains as a string value.

PublicKey. This property enables you to get the public key that the X509
certificate contains as a PublicKey object.

PrivateKey. This property enables you to get the private key that the X509
certificate contains as an AsymmetricAlgorithm object.
You can use the PublicKey and PrivateKey properties of the X509Certificate2 class to create an instance of
the RSACryptoServiceProvider class.
The following code example shows how you can use the PublicKey and PrivateKey properties to create an
instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider class..
Instantiating the RSACryptoServiceProvider Class
var certificate = new X509Certificate2();
// Code to set the public and private keys.
// Create an RSA encryptor.
var rsaEncryptorProvider = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)certificate.PublicKey.Key;
// Create an RSA decryptor.
var rsaDecryptorProvider = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)certificate.PrivateKey;
Additional Reading: For more information about managing encryption keys in your application, see the
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates Namespace page at
Demonstration: Encrypting and Decrypting Grade Reports Lab
In this demonstration, you will learn about the tasks that you will perform in the lab for this module.
Lab: Encrypting and Decrypting the Grades Report
You have been asked to update the Grades application to ensure that reports are secure when they are stored
on a user's computer. You decide to use asymmetric encryption to protect the report as it is generated, before
it is written to disk. Administrative staff will need to merge reports for each class into one document, so you
decide to develop a separate application that generates a combined report and prints it.
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
1. Encrypt data by using asymmetric encryption.
2. Decrypt data.
Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Virtual Machine: 20483B-SEA-DEV11, MSL-TMG1
User Name: Student
Password: Pa$$w0rd
Exercise 1: Encrypting the Grades Report
In this exercise, you will update the reporting functionality to encrypt the report as it is generated, but before
it is saved to disk.
First, you will create an asymmetric certificate by using a prewritten batch file.The batch file uses the
MakeCert tool that ships with the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). You will create a self-signed
certificate named Grades using the SHA-1 hash algorithm and store it in the LocalMachine certificate store.
You will then write code in the Grades application to retrieve the certificate by looping through the
certificates in the LocalMachine store and checking the name of the certificate against the name that is stored
in the App.Config file. Next, you will use the classes that are provided in the System.Security.Cryptography
and System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespaces to write the EncryptWithX509 method
in the Grades.Utilities.WordWrapper class. You will get the public key from the certificate that you created
and use it to create an instance of the RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter class. You will use this to
encrypt the data for the report and then return the encrypted buffered data to the calling method as a byte
array. You will then write code in the EncryptAndSaveToDisk method to write the returned data to the file
that the user specifies. Finally, you will build and test the application and verify that the reports are now
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
1. Create an asymmetric certificate.
2. Retrieve the Grade certificate.
3. Encrypt the data.
4. Write the encrypted data to disk.
5. Build and test the application.
Task 1: Create an asymmetric certificate
1. Start the MSL-TMG1 virtual machine if it is not already running.
Start the 20483B-SEA-DEV11 virtual machine and log on as Student with the
password Pa$$w0rd.
Start File Explorer, navigate to the E:\Mod13\Labfiles\Databases folder, and
then run SetupSchoolGradesDB.cmd.
4. Close File Explorer.
Start Visual Studio, and then open the Grades.sln solution from the
E:\Mod13\Labfiles\Starter\Exercise 1 folder.
Set the following projects to start without debugging at startup:
a. Grades.Web
b. Grades.WPF
In the Grades.Utilities project, review the contents of the CreateCertificate.cmd
In a command window running as Administrator, navigate to the
E:\Mod13\Labfiles\Starter\Exercise 1\Grades.Utilities folder and then run
Verify that the command returns a success message, and then close the
command window.
Task 2: Retrieve the Grade certificate
In the Grades.Utilities project, in the WordWrapper class, locate the
GetCertificate method.
Add code to this method to loop through the certificates in the
store.Certificates collection.
Inside the loop, if the SubjectName.Name property matches the
_certificateSubjectName variable, return the certificate to the calling method.
Task 3: Encrypt the data
In the Grades.Utilities project, in the WordWrapper class, locate the
EncryptWithX509 method.
Add code to this method to get the public key from the X509 certificate by
using the PublicKey.Key property, cast it to a RSACryptoServiceProvider
object, and store it in a variable named provider.
In the EncryptWithX509 method, add code to create an instance of the
AesManaged encryption class named algorithm. Enclose this line of code in
a using statement and add a closing brace at the end of the method.
Add code to create an instance of the MemoryStream class to hold the
unencrypted data. Enclose this line of code in a using statement and add a
closing brace at the end of the method.
Add the following code to create an AES encryptor based on the key and IV.
using (var encryptor = algorithm.CreateEncryptor())
var keyFormatter = new RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter(provider);
var encryptedKey = keyFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(algorithm.Key,
6. Add a closing brace for the using statement at the end of the method.
Add the following code to create byte arrays to get the length of the
encryption key and IV.
var keyLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(encryptedKey.Length);
var ivLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(algorithm.IV.Length);
Add code to write the following data to the unencrypted memory stream
object by using the Write method of the MemoryStream instance.
a. The length of the secret key.
b. The length of the IV.
c. The encrypted secret key.
d. The IV.
e. The encrypted data.
Add code to create an instance of a CryptoStream object, passing the
unencrypted memory stream, the AES encryptor, and the
CryptoStreamMode.Write constant as parameters. Enclose this line of code
in a using statement and add a closing brace at the end of the method.
Add code to call the Write and FlushFinalBlock methods of the
CryptoStream object to write all the data to the memory stream.
11. Add code to return the encrypted buffered data to the calling method.
Task 4: Write the encrypted data to disk
In the Grades.Utilities project, in the WordWrapper class, in the
EncryptAndSaveToDisk method, add code to write the encrypted bytes to the
file path passed to the method.
Task 5: Build and test the application
1. Build the solution and resolve any compilation errors.
2. Run the application.
3. Log on as vallee with a password of password99.
Generate grade reports for George Li and Kevin Liu, saving each report in the
E:\Mod13\Labfiles\Reports folder.
5. Close the application, and then close the solution.
Attempt to open one of the reports that you created in the previous step by
using Internet Explorer and Notepad.
Results: After completing this exercise, you should have updated the Grades application to encrypt
generated reports.
Exercise 2: Decrypting the Grades Report
In this exercise, you will create a separate utility to enable users to print reports.Users will be able to select a
folder that contains encrypted reports, and the application will then generate one combined report and send it
to the default printer.
First, you will use the classes that are provided in the System.Security.Cryptography and
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespaces to write the DecryptWithX509 method in
the SchoolReports.WordWrapper class. You will get the private key from the certificate and use it to create
an instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider class. You will use this to decrypt the data from the
individual reports and then return the decrypted data to the calling method as a byte array. Finally, you will
build and test the application and verify that a printed version of the composite report has been generated.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
1. Decrypt the data.
2. Build and test the solution.
Task 1: Decrypt the data
In Visual Studio, open the School-Reports.sln solution from the
E:\Mod13\Labfiles\Starter\Exercise 2 folder.
2. In the WordWrapper class, locate the DecryptWithX509 method.
Add code to this method to get the private key from the X509 certificate by
using the PrivateKey property, cast it to a RSACryptoServiceProvider
object, and store it in a variable named provider.
In the DecryptWithX509 method, add code to create an instance of the
AesManaged encryption class named algorithm. Enclose this line of code in
a using statement and add a closing brace at the end of the method.
Add code to create an instance of the MemoryStream class, passing the byte
array that the method received as a parameter. Enclose this line of code in a
using statement and add a closing brace at the end of the method.
Add the following code to create byte arrays to get the length of the
encryption key and IV.
var keyLength = new byte[4];
var ivLength = new byte[4];
Add code to read the key and IV lengths from index 0 in the memory stream
and then convert the two lengths to integers.
8. Add code to determine the starting position and length of the encrypted data.
Add code to create byte arrays to store the encrypted key, the IV, and the
encrypted data.
Add code to read the key, IV, and encrypted data from the memory stream
and store them in the byte arrays that you have just created.
Add code to decrypt the encrypted AES managed key by calling the Decrypt
method of the provider object.
Add code to create a new instance of the MemoryStream class to store the
decrypted data. Enclose this line of code in a using statement and add a
closing brace at the end of the method.
Add code to create an AES decryptor object, passing the decrypted key and
the IV as parameters. Enclose this line of code in a using statement and add a
closing brace at the end of the method.
Add code to create an instance of a CryptoStream object, passing the
memory stream for the decrypted data, the AES decryptor, and the
CryptoStreamMode.Write constant as parameters. Enclose this line of code
in a using statement and add a closing brace at the end of the method.
Add code to call the Write and FlushFinalBlock methods of the
CryptoStream object to write all of the data to the memory stream.
16. Add code to return the decrypted buffered data to the calling method.
Task 2: Build and test the solution
1. Build the solution, and then resolve any compilation errors.
Run the application, and then print a composite report that contains the two
reports that you generated earlier. Save the .oxps file in the
E:\Mod13\Labfiles\Reports\ClassReport folder.
3. Close the application, close the solution, and then close Visual Studio.
Open the composite report in the XPS Viewer and verify that the data has
printed correctly.
Results: After completing this exercise, you should have a composite unencrypted report that was
generated from the encrypted reports.
Module Review and Takeaways
In this module, you learned how to implement symmetric and asymmetric encryption and how to use hashes
to generate mathematical representations of your data.
Review Question(s)
Test Your Knowledge
Fourth Coffee wants you to implement an encryption utility that can encrypt
and decrypt large
image files. Each image will be more than 200 megabytes (MB) in size. Fourth
Coffee envisages that only a small internal team will use this tool, so
controlling who can encrypt and decrypt the data is not a concern. Which of
the following techniques will you choose?
Select the correct answer.
Symmetric encryption
Asymmetric encryption
Verify the correctness of the statement by placing a mark in the column to the right.
Statement Answer
Is the following statement true or false? Asymmetric encryption uses
a public key to encrypt data.

Course Evaluation
Your evaluation of this course will help Microsoft understand the quality of your learning experience.
Please work with your training provider to access the course evaluation form.
Microsoft will keep your answers to this survey private and confidential and will use your responses to
improve your future learning experience. Your open and honest feedback is valuable and appreciated.

Meant to live

Fumbling his confidence and wondering why
the world has passed him by
Hoping that hes beant for more than
arguements and failed attemts to fly, fly

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somwhere we live inside,
somwhere we live inside

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somwhere we live inside

Dreaming about providence and whether mice
or men have second tries
Maybe we've been living with our eyes half
open, maybe we're beant and broken,

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somwhere we live inside, somwhere we live
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somwhere we live inside

We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than the wars of our father's
And everything inside screams for second life

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live
We were meant to live!

Fuimos hechos para vivir

Dejando caer su confidencia y preguntndose
Por que el mundo le ha pasado por encima
Esperando que el este hecho para mas
Ms que argumentos y fallidos intentos de volar, volar

Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Vivimos dentro de algn lugar,
Vivimos dentro de algn lugar

Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Vivimos dentro de algn lugar

Soando sobre providencia y donde los ratones y los
hombres tienen segundas oportunidades
Quizs hemos estado viviendo con nuestros ojos medio
Quizs fuimos derrotados y rotos, rotos

Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Vivimos dentro de algn lugar,

Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Vivimos dentro de algn lugar

Queremos ms de lo que este mundo tiene para ofrecer
Queremos ms de lo que este mundo tiene para ofrecer
Queremos ms que las guerras de nuestros padres
Y todo grita adentro por una segunda vida

Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Fuimos hechos para vivir por mucho ms
Nos habremos perdido?
Vivimos dentro de algn, lugar
Vivimos dentro de algn, lugar

Your love is a song

I hear you breathing in
Another day begins

The stars are falling out
My dreams are fading now, fading now

I've been keeping my eyes wide open
I've been keeping my eyes wide open

Your love is a symphony
All around me
Running through me

Your love is a melody
Underneath me
Running to me

Your love is a song

The dawn is fire bright
Against the city lights

The clouds are glowing now
The moon is blacking out
Is blacking out

I've been keeping my mind wide open
I've been keeping my mind wide open

Your love is a symphony
All around me
Running through me

Your love is a melody
Underneath me
Running to me

Your love is a song
Your love is a song

Your love is a song
Your love is a song

With my eyes wide open
Tu amor es una cancin

Te oigo respirar
Otro da comienza

Las estrellas se estn cayendo
Mis sueos se estn desvaneciendo ahora, desvaneciendo

He estado manteniendo mis ojos bien abiertos
He estado manteniendo mis ojos bien abiertos

Tu amor es una sinfona
Toda alrededor de mi
Corriendo a travs de mi

Tu amor es una meloda
Debajo de mi
Corriendo hacia mi

Tu amor es una cancin

El alba es fuego brillante
Contra las luces de la ciudad

Las nubes son brillantes ahora
La luna se esta oscureciendo
Se esta oscureciendo

He estado manteniendo mi mente bien abierta
He estado manteniendo mi mente bien abierta

Tu amor es una sinfona
Toda alrededor de mi
Corriendo a travs de mi

Tu amor es una meloda
Debajo de mi
Corriendo hacia mi

Tu amor es una cancin
Tu amor es una cancin

Tu amor es una cancin
Tu amor es una cancin

Con mis ojos bien abiertos
I've got my eyes wide open
I've been keeping my hopes unbroken

Your love is a symphony
All around me
Running through me

Your love is a melody
Underneath me
Running to me

Your love is a song

Your love is a song

Tengo mis ojos bien abiertos
He mantenido mis esperanzas intactas

Tu amor es una sinfona
Toda alrededor de mi
Corriendo a travs de mi

Tu amor es una meloda
Debajo de mi
Corriendo hacia mi

Tu amor es una cancin

Tu amor es una cancin

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