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Adv Rites of Passage

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2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: Page 1

Rites of Passage
The Unkindest Cut of All
written by Osvaldo Oyola Ortega

Rites of Passage is an Interlude for a party of 4 to 6 1
-level characters (or alternately, 4-8 characters
with NPC classes of levels 1 to 2). This is adventure is meant to introduce new characters to their first
real combat encounter and learn that all is not always what it seems.

Magic Items Towns Non-player Characters (NPCs) Traps Objects Monsters

Adventure Overview

While passing through or near to the town
of Cutter Jacks the party discovers a standing
bounty on the ears of goblins; left ears that is.
The catch is that the bounty has been around
for generations as a way to curb the local
goblin population, and the goblin tribe (the Na-
Sor) adopted the custom of removing
the left ear of adolescents when they
reach adulthood as a sign of defiance
against their human oppressors. The
law regarding the bounty was never
changed, and the goblins population
has not risen sufficiently in the past
few generations for the monsters to
be a threat. So, it was forgotten
except for a few moldy signs and
some mischievous locals.

When new-comers come through
or nearby town, the locals tend to
bring up the goblin bounty to send the
would-be bounty collectors on a wild-
goose chase. Even if they find and kill
goblins, the left ear has already been
removed, making it worthless in terms of profit.

However, if and when the PCs go hunting
goblins they will stumble upon the very
ceremony of coming of age where these ears
are removed, and in interrupting the goblin rite
of passage, instigate their own.

Beginning the Adventure

The adventure can begin one of two ways
(or a DM could incorporate both):

While traveling through the hilly
woods south of Cutter Jacks the party
is startled by a deer being chased by
two hunters. If you want to get your
players into the right mood with a few
skill checks, you could give Druid or
Ranger PCs a chance to calm the
deer, or for others characters to down
it. Whatever they do, the two hunters
(David and Andre) explain that the
deer was startled by the sound of the
party coming and they hesitated
(rather than chase right away) afraid
that the party was a group of goblins.
If the party inquires about the goblins,
the hunters inform them about the
bounty for goblin ears: 1 piece of gold
per left ear. They add that it has to be
left so that people dont try to cash in twice.
Such bounties can be collected in at the town
guardhouse. They give directions to the ravine
and mine shaft. If the party enters town, locals
can confirm what the two hunters said.

Adventure Area

The town of Cutter
Jacks itself is not
detailed in this
adventure, and the
name is only provided
as an easy reference.
This interlude is
meant to be easily
slipped into a
reasonably secluded
area away from
general civilization
with a nearby hilly

2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: 2
Andre Human Male Expert 2: CR Medium-
sized humanoid (6 tall) HD: 2d6+4 hps: 13 Init: +1,
Spd: 30 ft., AC: 7 (leather + dex) At: +1 (+2 melee or
ranged) Al: N SV: Fort: +2 Ref: +1, Will: +3;
Str: 12, Dex: 13, Con: 15 Int: 10 Wis: 11, Cha: 10
Skills: Climb (+3), Craft, Leatherworking (+4), Handle
Animal (+3), Hide (+5), Intuit Direction (+2), Knowledge
Nature (+3), Move Silently (+4), Profession Hunter (+5),
Spot (+3), Swim (+3), Wilderness Lore (+5)
Feats: Tracking
SQ: Suffers 4 attack penalty with bow and axe.
Possessions: Hand axe, short bow (12 arrows),
skinning knife, dagger

David Human Male Expert 2 : CR Medium-
sized humanoid (6 tall) HD: 2d6+4 hps: 13 Init: +1,
Spd: 30 ft., AC: 6 (leather + dex) At: +1 (+2 melee or
ranged) Al: N SV: Fort: +2 Ref: +1, Will: +3;
Str: 13, Dex: 14, Con: 12 Int: 11 Wis: 13, Cha: 9
Skills: Climb (+3), Craft, Leatherworking (+4), Handle
Animal (+3), Hide (+5), Intuit Direction (+2), Search (+3),
Move Silently (+4), Profession Hunter (+5), Spot (+3),
Swim (+3), Wilderness Lore (+5)
Feats: Martial Weapon (short bow)
SQ: Suffers 4 attack penalty with axe.
Possessions: Hand axe, short bow (12 arrows),
skinning knife, dagger

The second option is as follows: after
coming into town to re-supply, the PCs come
upon an old posting that reads:

Asking locals about town will confirm this.
They can give directions to the PCs towards
the old mine as they call it.

The Ravine and the Old Mine

The place the locals refer to as the old
mine was once the goblin tribes lair.
However, they were forced to abandon the
place when the locals discovered that copper
could be found there and the old bounty first
began. While the goblins have found another
place to lair that they prefer, they still see this
spot as a sacred part of their homeland and
return for important ceremonies like the coming
of age ritual.
The ravine itself is surrounded by a layer of
brush that gives (25%) cover to anyone at the
top. The western side is a steep wall of black
stone (climb DC 25), while the east side
(above the mine shaft) is a craggy hill of
plateaus that while covered in small shrubs
provide no cover (climb DC 15). The southern
side is much less of a steep slope covered in
thorny vines that (painfully) aid climbing (climb
DC 0). The natural erosion of the stone on the
northern side has created a ramp down to the
ravine floor (see map).
The floor of the ravine is a fine gravel, that
kicks up into dust easily.

The following text includes a description for
characters that sneak up to the edge of the
ravine to spy on the action below:

The moonlight reveals a strange ritual.
Large ruddy-skinned goblins in studded leather
armor flank a black altar stone. They appear
impassive, and wield spears. Behind the altar
are five apparently young goblins in two rows.
They are armored as well, but not armed. Just
off to the side and front of the altar stone is a
line of 5 more young goblins. They are armed
and hold spears upright at their sides, but have
their hands up to the left side of their head.
Immediately before the altar is a squat goblin
dressed in wolf-hides. Around his neck is a
necklace, which holds a wolf-skull, and at his
side is a vicious-looking club.

As you watch, a young goblin steps up onto
the black stone and kneels before the wolf-skin
garbed one. This goblin begins to speak some
words and look to the sky. He punches the
goblin twice in the chest, who then growls and
bows his head. The leader of the ceremony
then takes the young goblins head in his
hands and there is a quick jerking motion. The
performer of the ceremony steps back, as the
young goblin steps off the stone dazedly. He
steps over to one of the flanking warriors and
his handed a spear. He then takes his place in

2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: 3
line with the others holding their hands to their

It is wholly possible that the game-master may
have to abridge or alter the above description
based on the characters actions. The intensity
of the ceremony makes it so that all involved
suffer a 4 circumstance penalty to spot or
listen checks. However, Gar-wogs (the goblin
sorcerer) familiar (a bat) is hanging in nearby
tree, near the north end of the ravine. If the
party approaches from this side the bat will
surely see and/or hear them, unless the party
is taking precautions to be stealthy.

Bat Familiar Diminutive animal, HD: d8 Hps: 2,
Initiative: +2 (dex), Speed: 5 ft., fly 40 ft (good), AC: 16
(+4 size, +2 dex), Attacks: Nil, Damage: Nil SQ:
Blindsight Saves: Fort: +2, Ref +4, Will: +2
Abilities: Str: 1 (-5) Dex: 15 (+2), Con: 10, Int: 2 (-5), Wis:
14 (+2), Cha: 4 (-4)
Skills: Listen: +9, Move Silently: +6, Spot: +9

The bat will immediately fly to within range to
alert its master. Allow the PCs in the area a
spot check to notice the bat, it will be moving at
four times its speed to get to its master.

Once the goblin warlock is alerted to the
PCs presence, he will send the two flanking
warriors up the stone ramp to engage them,
and yell at the dazed goblins who have had
their ears removed to take some action. He
will do this as moving to place the ramp wall
against his back to avoid being a target for
spells or missile fire and remain there until all
his goblins have engaged and then support
them with spells. He will send out his bat to
circle above to give him reports on where PCs
might be hidden and then yell instructions to
his warriors.

The uncut goblins will stand about
confused for a round and then begin to run
towards the southern end of the ravine and
climb out in order to escape. As they are
officially not adults until their ear is cut, they
are not allowed to take part in combat.

The cut goblins will stand dazed in pain for
1d3 rounds, or until attacked.

Goblin Warriors (2) Small Humanoid (goblinoid)
Warrior 2 HD:2d8 hps: 13 each CR: Initiative: +1
(Dex) Spd: 30 ft. AC: 15 (Studded leather + dex + size)
AT: short spear +1 or dagger +1 (ranged: +2) Damage:
short spear 1d6-1, dagger 1d4-1. Al: LE SV: (Fort: +3,
Ref: +1, Will: +0); Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 13 (+1) Con: 11 Int:
10 Wis: 11 Cha: 8 (-1)
Skills: Hide: +6, Listen +3, Move Silently: +4, Spot: +3.
Feats: Alertness
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft.
Possessions: Each wears a small leather helmet, a short
spear and a dagger.

Cut Goblins (6) Small Humanoid (goblinoid)
Warrior 1 HD:1d8 hps: 4 each (6 unhurt) each CR:
Initiative: +1 (Dex) Spd: 30 ft. AC: 15 (Studded leather
+ dex + size) AT: short spear +1 (ranged: +2) Damage:
short spear 1d6-1 Al: LE SV: (Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will:
+0); Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 13 (+1) Con: 11 Int: 10 Wis: 11
Cha: 8 (-1)
Skills: Hide: +6, Listen: +1, Move Silently: +4, Spot: +3.
Feats: Alertness
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft.
Possessions: Each has a short spear.
These goblins have a 2 penalty to listen checks
because of the recent loss of their ear.

Uncut Goblins (4) Small Humanoid (goblinoid)
Warrior 1 HD:1d8 hps: 4 each (6 unhurt) each CR:
Initiative: +1 (Dex) Spd: 30 ft. AC: 15 (Studded leather
+ dex + size) AT: Unarmed +1 Damage: Unarmed (1d2-
1) Al: LE SV: (Fort: +2, Ref: +1, Will: +0); Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 13 (+1) Con: 11 Int: 10 Wis: 11 Cha: 8 (-1)
Skills: Hide: +6, Listen: +1, Move Silently: +4, Spot: +3.
Feats: Alertness
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft.
Possessions: These goblins carry nothing.

These goblins will seek to escape as quickly
as possible. If confronted they will run rather
than fight, and will only fight if cornered, and
even then if the sorcerer and the two warriors
are killed they will surrender, and try their
hardest in broken common to beg for mercy.
As soon as they get out of ravine they will run
back to their lair. The lair does not fall into the
scope of this adventure and is over an hours
march away in an abandoned fort (see
Continuing the Adventure.)

Gar-Wog Small humanoid
(goblinoid), Sorcerer 2; HD:
2d4 hps: 13 CR: 2 Initiative:
+1 (dex), Spd: 30 ft. AC: 14
(Size + Dex + Leather), AT:
Club +1, Ceremonial Dagger
+1 Damage: 1d6-1 (club), 1d4-
2 (dagger). AL: LE SV: (Fort:
+1, Ref: +1, Will: +4); Str: 9 (-
1), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 11, Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 14
Skills: Concentration +3, Hide:
+6, Listen +3, Move Silently +3,
Spellcraft +3.
Special Spells

The spells marked
with the green star can
be found in Sword &
Sorcery Studios
Relics & Rituals

If you do not have
access to this book,
replace them with
these core spells
respectively: Ghost
Sound, Burning

2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: 4
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Toughness
SQ: Spell-casting, Has the benefits of Alertness (+2
Listen and Spot) when his familiar is within arms reach,
Darkvision 60, +2 to listen from familiar when
Spell Progression: 0: 6 1: 4 (10% Arcane failure)
Spells Known: 0
-- Daze, Detect Magic, Resistance,
Steal Sleep; 1
-- Acid Spittle, Disappear
Possessions: Gar-Wog wears leather armor, has a
necklace with the skull of a young wolf, flanked by the
skulls of two wolf-pups. He wears a tarnished gold signet
ring (worth 80 gps; see below), and carries his spell
components in a belt pouch. He also wields a club and
carries ceremonial knife made of an ox bone. It is fragile
and dull and only does 1d4-1 (minimum 1) points of
damage when used in melee, a bag of goblin ears (a
number equal to the cut goblins).

Gar-Wog will remain behind his goblin
warriors and cast spells from there, casting
acid spittle and then moving in to spit it and
moving away. He will also try to use Daze on
obvious fighters and his warriors will gang up
on that character for that round. If forced to
flee he heads first towards the southern end of
the ravine to climb away. If this way is
blocked, he heads to the mine to hide and then
use Disappear and try to sneak past the party.

Points of Interest

1. The Black Stone: This black square stone
obviously was brought here from somewhere
else, but examination of how it lies will tell an
observant individual that it has been here quite
some time. It can be pried out of the gravelly
dirt, but weighs 200 lbs. It is 1 feet tall, by 2
feet wide, by 3 feet long. It is stained in fresh
goblin blood.

2. The Old Mine: The entrance is about ten
feet high and 15 feet wide. Any light from
outside reaches about 20 in and then visibility
becomes a problem. Anyone using the
tracking feat should be able to tell (DC 10) that
no one has walked here in quite some time.

3. The Break Room: This room once had a
door, which now hangs splintering from one
rusty hinge. Read the following aloud to your

This dusty room carved of the earth is filled
with broken furniture and rubble. There are
hooks by the entrance and in the low ceiling for
lanterns, though none are there now. The
furniture appears to have been wooden
benches and tables. There are also shards of
crockery and bits of metal around. The rough-
hewn walls are slick with moisture that runs
down from the ceiling, and that has smeared
the now illegible scrawls on the walls.

This was once a break room for miners.
There is nothing of value left here, as vagrants,
vandals and other questionable creatures and
people have stayed here over the years. The
graffiti was painted by children, but in its
smeared state could be mistaken for arcane
symbols. In reality it calls the local lords
mother a kobold.

4. The Dark Mine Shaft

Read aloud:

The tunnel slopes downward in the form of
broad steps to a 20 x 20 shaft that goes
straight down into the darkness. Two rusty
rings are set into the ceiling, one with a
splintering wooden pulley, with a bit of frayed
rope still hanging off. Water drips soundlessly,
plummeting into the abyss with an echoing
ploop below.

The mine does not really play into this
Interlude. The easiest way to handle it is to
have the lower mine levels be flooded. The
surface of the water should be 60 down, and
should go down at least another 20 to
discourage exploration. Alternately, the DM
may decide to attach this encounter to some to
some other related or unrelated adventure
involving a copper mine. The walls of the shaft
are dangerously slick (DC 30).

Ending the Adventure

The Interlude basically ends when the
encounter is finished, with either all the goblins
fleeing or being soundly defeated. If the PCs
retrieve the bag of ears, the town authorities
will be very surprised to see the goblin ears,
but will be obligated to pay the bounty.

Continuing the Adventure

Of course the nature of this interlude
makes it so that the GM can expand upon it in
many different ways. Below are some

The Signet Ring: The signet ring with a
fancy S (or whatever letter works for the
campaign setting) belonged to a long lost
member of a local noble family that will give a
100 gps reward for its return (a local pawn-
broker would be able to identify it as such).
This good deed could gain the party

2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: 5
employment from this family. This could easily
be linked with the armor plot point below.

The Studded Leather Armor: When and
if the characters examine the armor the goblins
are wearing they find it is of very fine quality
(just short of masterwork). Where did these
goblins get such access to such fine armor?
The GM could develop a conspiracy with
another town or nation who is helping to arm
the goblins in order to weaken their neighbor.
The non-serious attitude towards the goblins
that locals have would mean that an attack by
them would be unexpected and quite effective.
Perhaps that is why so many young goblins
are being initiated.

The Old Mine: What is in the old mine?
Why was it abandoned? Why have the goblins
not returned to their home? Perhaps it is
merely flooded, or perhaps something more
frightening and powerful live within. This
could be a dropped clue for a future adventure
when fish-men (kuo-tua? sahuagin?) begin to
attack the town.

The Goblin Lair: The goblins that escape
have a long march home. PCs could track
them back to the old fort that they are now
using as a lair, and find the goblins preparing
for war.

The Old Mine

(See next page for the map of the ravine).
Scaling the Adventure

Although intended as an introduction for low-
level characters, there are some adjustments
possible for more experienced parties:

-level PCs: Double the number of Cut
goblins and goblin warriors. Make Gar-Wog
a 4
-level sorcerer.

-level PCs: Triple the number of cut
goblins, add a worg for each of the goblin
warriors and the sorcerer, who are resting in
the entrance to the mine (or foraging around)
the brush. Make Gar-Wog a 4

-level PCs: Quadruple the number of
cut goblins, and triple the number of
warriors making them 3rd level; make Gar-
wog a 6
-level sorcerer, with an assistant of
the same level as Gar-wog is in the original
adventure, add a warrior-leader who is 5
level, add a worg for each of the warriors,
and one for Gar-wog and his assistant give
Gar-wog a heavy mace +2, and his leather
armor masterwork.

2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: 6

The broken lines show the graduated level downwards towards the center/bottom of the ravine. Solid
lines show sheer drops of a depth equal to the amount shown on the appropriate arrow, to the next


2001 MIDGARD On-Line d20 Adventures: 7
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Rites of Passage, Copyright 2001, Osvaldo Oyola Ortega
Midgard Copyright 2001, Osvaldo Oyola Ortega / Matthew Schouten
Relics & Rituals, Copyright 2001, Sword & Sorcery Studio

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