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Sample Engagement Retainer

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/Retainer Agr


BETWEEN: name of law firm

AND: COMPANY NAME (referred to in this Agreement as the "Client")

Re: Corporate and Commercial Matters
Our File No.

All corporate and commercial legal matters handled by our law firm on behalf of the Client including
those instructed by the Client or any director or officer of the Client from time to time; All advice in
relation to the Client and its business and legal matters; All contracts, security agreements, negotiations,
joint venture contracts, proposals and other obligations of the Client including advising, meetings,
drafting and attending on execution of documents, all court, administrative body or other proceedings and
representation of the Client and any or all of the persons, who represent the Client's interests, including all
hearings, examinations for discovery, trails, research, advising, instituting proceedings, prosecuting
proceedings and all legal representation related thereto; All travel, meetings attendances and other
services in relation to the foregoing.

We are pleased to confirm you have engaged our law firm to act for the Client on the above-noted
matters. Thank you for the confidence that you have shown in engaging us. We accept the engagement
and we take your trust very seriously. Our goal as the Clients lawyers will be: to provide effective legal
services to the Client efficiently and at reasonable cost. We will strive to be reliable in terms of our legal
service commitments and to be accessible to you. We agree to act on the terms and conditions set forth in
this Agreement. This document, once signed by you, shall be our Engagement Letter and Retainer
Agreement. The Client has reviewed a draft of this Agreement in advance of our representation and the
Client had time to carefully review and consider the terms hereof and to obtain independent legal advice
regarding the nature and effect of this Agreement. It is a fundamental precondition to our representation
of the Client that all of the terms of the Agreement be accepted in their entirety by you after you have
completed this review, consideration and advice as you deem appropriate.

1. Scope of Employment

We are instructed by the Client and we are hereby authorized to assume conduct of the legal matters
presented to us for representation as your solicitors. In the course of our representation of the Client, we
will provide reports and updates to you on an interim basis when the matters are active. You authorize us
to do all things necessary relating to the legal matters affecting the Client, all for the protection of the
Clients interest, and to act as the Clients solicitors, either in such manner as the authorized directors or
officers of the Client instruct or otherwise as we consider expedient in those instances where authorized
persons are not readily available to instruct us. Our firm's objective is to work with you in achieving your
legal goals as efficiently as possible.
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By signing this agreement, you agree that where our law firm is instructed to perform legal services on
behalf of the Client (or any number of companies), we shall receive and be entitled to rely upon
instructions provided by any director or officer of the Client (or companies) until we are presented with a
duly passed resolution of the directors or shareholders of the Client (or companies) changing the same. As
you may already be aware, when acting for the Client, we will not be able, under our Law Society Rules,
to represent the individual directors, officers or shareholders of the Client in relation to Client matters.
Our undivided loyalty must be to the Client and its best interests only.

2. Fees

We will endeavour to estimate our fees on projects that the Client wishes us to handle. Thanks to
authority that has examined lawyers billing procedures we are able to advise that our fees will be based
upon the following considerations, among others:

i) time and labour spent by us on your behalf;
ii) complexity of the matter, difficulty and novelty of the questions
involved, skills, specialized knowledge and responsibility of the lawyer;
iii) amount of money and value of property involved;
iv) number and importance of documents prepared or reviewed;
v) circumstances under which services are rendered;
vi) importance of this matter to you;
vii) customary charges of other lawyers of equal standing; and
viii) the end results achieved.

We will carefully consider the time that we spend on your legal matters. We will also carefully consider
ways in which we may reduce your legal costs. For instance, our automated time recording system
enables us to accurately record the time spent on your file, rounded to as close as one tenth of an hour.
Also, we attempt to use the services of our junior lawyers and legal assistants in order to bring down the
effective hourly rate that the Client is charged on some project-style legal work. Our accounts will
generally not be less than the time costs we record, based on the standard hourly rates in effect from time
to time. The writer's usual hourly rate is $___.00. Our associate lawyers hourly rates range up to
$___.00, and the time of or business law paralegal is charged at the rate of $___.00 per hour, resulting in
savings to you in respect of work that would otherwise have been charged at the partner's hourly rate.

Statements of account for legal fees, disbursements (and applicable taxes) will be sent to you on an
interim basis. Payment is due when the account is rendered. Our final account will take into
consideration those factors listed above. We will seek retainer sums from you to ensure that all legal
services and related costs are always paid on a current basis, but in the event that funds are not held in
trust to pay an account, you agree that interest on overdue accounts will be charged and payable at the rate
of 1.5% per month calculated monthly (effective annual rate of 19.56%) following 30 days after the
account has been rendered.

An estimate of our fees is, of course, intended to give you an idea of the potential costs for your budgeting
purposes, but the actual final costs may in fact vary significantly from the estimate if unexpected
complications, more work than initially expected or additional work emerge. If our law firm has provided
you with an estimate of the legal fees to be charged in respect of any matter, we will make every
reasonable effort to ensure that the final cost does not exceed the estimated amount. If in the course of
performing legal services on your behalf we discover that the matter is more complex or time consuming
than originally expected, we reserve the right to bring this to your attention and to revisit and settle upon a
final fee or a revised estimate of that fee which is commensurate with those factors listed above. Our goal,

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however, respecting costs will not change, that being to provide effective legal services to the Client
efficiently and at a reasonable cost.

3. Disbursements

We will endeavour to incur costs on the Clients behalf as carefully as possible. We know that
expenditures can add up and care will be taken to ensure that unnecessary costs are avoided. You
authorize us to incur on your behalf out-of-pocket expenses that we consider appropriate
("disbursements"). Disbursements may include file opening charges, long distance and cellular telephone
calls, travel expenses, parking, photocopying, faxes, couriers, postage, binders and binding charges,
printing, transcripts, expert opinions, fees of agents who conduct investigations, searches and
registrations, and computer and other research charges.

As these disbursements are being expended on your behalf, you shall be responsible for reimbursing us
for all disbursements. We are not obliged to pay substantial disbursements on your behalf; instead we
may require you to provide us with payment in advance. Alternatively, we may instruct the person or
company providing the services to bill you directly. In such cases, you will promptly pay such accounts.

4. Pre-Authorized Payment and Retainer, Security & Guarantor Terms

For ease in handling the payment of all legal costs and to ensure that time is not spent unnecessarily on
administrative matters, such as account collection efforts, which take away from our primary job of
providing effective legal services to the Client, our law firm offers to the Client and any guarantors
signing this agreement two methods of account payment. First, a credit card pre-authorized payment plan
is offered. Alternatively, a retainer plan is offered.

The Pre-authorized Credit Card Payment Plan: You, or the person or persons providing the credit card
authorization below, authorize and direct our law firm to pay the total invoice amount contained in each
account that is rendered immediately upon the account being rendered or at an time after. This procedure
will continue until the file is completed, or until you have notified us in writing to discontinue the same.
At that point, you may decide to change over to the retainer plan or to discontinue all requirements for
legal services. In the event that you notify us to discontinue the use of the pre-authorized credit card
payment plan, you authorize and direct us to render a final account utilizing that plan and to pay the same
forthwith, and then we will discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of future billings if any.

The Retainer Plan: You, or the person or persons directing the provision of legal services provide to our
law firm the full, or the estimated, amount of the legal costs anticipated for the particular matter handled
by our law firm on behalf of the Client. In this case, the initial matter(s) will require that a retainer in the
amount of $ be paid to our firm in trust. The retainer will serve as a source of payment for legal
fees, disbursements and sales taxes on all accounts rendered. You will replenish this retainer from time to
time as requested so that it is sufficient to cover the estimated cost of work in progress plus the cost to
complete the work. [Please Note: if the pre-authorized credit card payment plan is chosen, please enter
nil above. If the retainer plan is chosen, please enter the full amount referred to in the cover letter

Until the retainer is replenished as requested, or in the event that the credit card authorization is
withdrawn or if payment using the credit card is not effective, then if no other arrangements have been
agreed upon by our law firm, our firm shall not be obliged to carry out further work.

Regardless of the plan decided upon, the security given by the Client and the guarantees and the security
given by the guarantor(s) below apply and remain effective.

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Security for Unpaid Accounts: It is anticipated that either the retainer plan or the pre-authorized credit
card payment plan will enable all legal costs to be paid immediately. But in the event that sums remain
owing to our law firm for whatever reason, name of law firm obtains security from our clients (and other
person(s) as Guarantor) for amounts which are due and owing. By signing this agreement, you, the Client
(and any Guarantor(s) or company also signing this agreement in the place(s) provided below) grant to
our law firm a security interest over all of your (and the Guarantors, Guarantors, other companys or
companies', or other persons, as the case may be, who sign below) present and after acquired personal
property as security for any and all amounts due and owing to our firm from time to time. All
enforcement costs incurred by our firm are also secured. By signing this agreement, you hereby waive
notice of the filing of any financing statement or receipt of any verification statement relating to this
security interest.

The Guarantor or Guarantors hereto, if any, hereby guarantee the debts and obligations of the Client to
name of law firm hereunder and covenant with name of law firm to pay the same to name of law firm
in the event of default in payment by the Client hereunder.

5. Termination

At all times you shall have the right, with or without cause, to terminate our services by giving us written
notice and paying any balance then due to us. You authorize us to pay the same under the payment
method chosen herein, and if none is in effect at the time of termination, by way of immediate payment
by you. We also reserve the right to terminate our services at any time, with or without cause. We would
expect to withdraw in the following circumstances:

i) if our continuing to act would be unethical or impractical;
ii) if our retainer has not been replenished;
iii) if our accounts are not paid; or
iv) if you fail to respond to any reasonable request relating to this
matter, such that our representation of you could be compromised.

Upon our withdrawal and if we have been engaged to assist with any litigation matters, we shall be at
liberty to immediately file at the appropriate court registry any Notices of Intention to Act in Person
previously signed and delivered by you in respect of all litigation matters. Further, we shall be at liberty
to cease acting as registered and records office for the undersigned Client or companies.

6. Privacy and Related Legislation

We are pleased to advise that our Law Society Rules require us to protect your confidential information.
The laws protecting solicitor/client communications further ensure that your engagement of our law firm
will enable you to obtain the best legal advice possible on the matters of concern to the Client, all
protected by privilege. Certain legislative enactments, however, govern the collection, use and disclosure
of personal information. We require your consent in order to ensure that we are in compliance with that

You hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure by us of your personal information (as defined in
legislation that protects personal or private information) in relation to the work that you have retained us
to do for you and in order to protect your interests. As the nature and scope of the work which you have
retained us to do may change from time to time, you hereby acknowledge and agree that the purposes for
which the information is collected, used and disclosed may change from time to time. You hereby agree
that there is no need to obtain your consent with each such change. You also authorize us to disclose your

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personal information to our agents, other professional advisors with whom we are dealing on your behalf,
any necessary governmental authorities and where necessary or authorized by you, counsel for an
opposing party. You also acknowledge having received and reviewed a copy of our personal information
protection policy.

7. Agreement

Please indicate your approval of and agreement with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by
dating, signing and returning the original to our office. Enclosed for your records is a second copy of this
Agreement previously signed by us. Please note that where one or more individuals and/or companies, as
Clients or Guarantors, are signing this agreement, the obligations of those parties hereunder shall be joint
and several and the security granted shall be by all signatories, whether Clients, Guarantors or companies.
Finally, we confirm that you have obtained such independent legal advice as you deem appropriate prior
to signing this Agreement.

Dated for reference this day of __, 200_.

name of law firm

Partner and Authorized Signatory of Law Firm

APPROVED AND AGREED this day of __, 200_.

COMPANY NAME (the Client)

Authorized Signatory -
[Print Name]

(the Guarantor)

Pre-Authorized Credit Card Payment Authorization and Direction

name of law firm is hereby authorized and directed to pay all invoices and all accounts rendered to the
Client from the following credit card, and to continue to do so until this authorization and direction is
terminated by way of written notice to that effect delivered to name of law firm name of law firm, all in
accordance with part 4 of this Agreement.

Credit card: VISA - ___ MasterCard - ___ American Express - ___ Other - ___

Card Number: _______ _______ _______ _______ Expiry Date: ___ ___

Name as it appears on Credit Card: __________________________________

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Authorization and Direction Signature: X_____________________________

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