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Notes On The Inside-Outside Algorithm: Anchovies Without Pizza Eats She

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Notes on the Inside-Outside Algorithm

To make a grammar probabilistic, we need to assign a probability to each context-free rewrite

rule. But how should these probabilities be chosen? It is natural to expect that these probabilities
should depend in some way on the domain that is being parsed. Just as a simple approach such as the
trigram model used in speech recognition is \tuned" to a training corpus, we would like to \tune" our
rule probabilities to our data. The statistical principle of maximum likelihood guides us in deciding
how to proceed. According to this principle, we should choose our rule probabilities so as to maximize
the likelihood of our data, whenever this is possible. In these notes we describe how this principle is
realized in the Inside-Outside algorithm for parameter estimation of context-free grammars.
Let's begin by being concrete, and considering an example of a simple sentence and syntactic parse.






Figure 6.1

Implicit in this parse are four context-free rules of the form A ! B C. These are the rules
P ! PP N :

In addition, there are ve \lexical productions" of the form A ! w:

N ! She
V ! eats
N ! pizza
PP ! without
N ! anchovies:

Of course, from a purely syntactic point-of-view, this sentence should also have a very di erent parse.
To see this, just change the word \anchovies" to \hesitation":






Figure 6.2

Here two new context-free rules have been used:


N ! hesitation :

In the absence of other constraints, both parses are valid for each sentence. That is, one could, at least
syntactically, speak of a type of \pizza without hesitation," though this would certainly be semantic
gibberish, if not completely without taste. One of the goals of probabilistic training and parsing is to
enable the statistics to correctly distinguish between such structures for a given sentence. This is indeed
a formidable problem. Throughout this chapter we will refer to the above sentences and grammar to
demonstrate how the training algorithm is actually carried out. While certainly a \toy" example, it
will serve to illustrate the general algorithm, as well as to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of
the approach.
Let's now assume that we have probabilities assigned to each of the above context-free rewrite rules.
These probabilities will be written as, for example,
(S ! N V)
or as
(N ! pizza)
and we call these numbers the parameters of our probabilistic model. The only requirements of these
numbers are that they be non-negative, and that for each nonterminal A they sum to one; that is,

(A ! ) = 1

for each A, where the sum is over all strings of words and nonterminals that the grammar allows the
symbol A to rewrite as. For our example grammar, this requirement is spelled out as follows:
(N ! N P) + (N ! pizza) + (N ! anchovies) +
+ (N ! hesitation) + (N ! She) = 1
(V ! V N) + (V ! V N P) + (V ! eats) = 1

(S ! N V) = 1
(P ! PP N) = 1
(PP ! without) = 1
So, the only parameters that are going to be trained, are those associated with rewriting a noun N or a
verb V; all others are constrained to be equal to one.
The Inside-Outside algorithm starts from some initial setting of the parameters, and iteratively
adjusts them so that the likelihood of the training corpus (in this case the two sentences \She eats pizza
without anchovies" and \She eats pizza without hesitation") increases. To write down the computation
of this likelihood for our example, we'll have to introduce a bit of notation. First, we'll write
W1 = \She eats pizza without anchovies"


W2 = \She eats pizza without hesitation":

Also, T1 will refer to the parse in Figure 6.1, and T2 will refer to the parse in Figure 6.2. Then the

statistical model assigns probabilities to these parses as

P (W1 ; T1) =

(S ! N V) (V ! V N) (N ! N P)
(P ! PP N) (N ! She) (V ! eats)
(N ! pizza) (PP ! without) (N ! anchovies)

P (W2 ; T1 ) =

(S ! N V) (V ! V N P) (P ! P PP)
(N ! She) (V ! eats) (N ! pizza)
(PP ! without) (N ! hesitation)

In the absence of other restrictions, each sentence can have both parses. Thus we also have
P (W1 ; T2 ) =

(S ! N V) (V ! V N P) (P ! P PP)
(N ! She) (V ! eats) (N ! pizza)
(PP ! without) (N ! anchovies)

P (W2 ; T1) =

(S ! N V) (V ! V N) (N ! N P)
(P ! PP N) (N ! She) (V ! eats)
(N ! pizza) (PP ! without) (N ! hesitation)

The likelihood of our corpus with respect to the parameters is thus

L( ) = (P (W1 ; T1) + P (W1 ; T2))(P (W2 ; T1 ) + P (W2 ; T2 ):

In general, the probability of a sentence W is

P (W ) =

X P (W; T )

where the sum is over all valid parse trees that the grammar assigns to W , and if our training corpus
comprises sentences W1 ; W2; : : :; WN , then the likelihood L( ) of the corpus is given by
L( ) = P (W1 )P (W2 )

P (WN ):

Starting at some initial parameters , the inside-algorithm reestimates the parameters to obtain new
parameters 0 for which L( 0 ) L( ). This process is repeated until the likelihood has converged.
Since it is quite possible that starting with a di erent initialization of the parameters could lead to a
signi cantly larger or smaller likelihood in the limit, we say that the Inside-Outside algorithm \locally
maximizes" the likelihood of the training data.
The Inside-Outside algorithm is a special case of the EM algorithm 1] for maximum likelihood
estimation of \hidden" models. However, it is beyond the scope of these notes to describe in detail how
the Inside-Outside algorithm derives from the EM algorithm. Instead, we will simply provide formulas
for updating the parameters, as well as describe how the CYK algorithm is used to actually compute
those updates. This is all that is needed to implement the training algorithm for your favorite grammar.
Those readers who are interested in the actual mathematics of the Inside-Outside algorithm are referred
to 3].

0.1 The Parameter Updates

In this section we'll de ne some more notation, and then write down the updates for the parameters.
This will be rather general, and the formulas may seem complex, but in the next section we will give a
detailed description of how these updates are actually computed using our sample grammar.
To write down how the Inside-Outside algorithm updates the parameters, it is most convenient to
assume that the grammar is in Chomsky normal form. It should be emphasized, however, that this
is only a convenience. In the following section we will work through the Inside-Outside algorithm for
our toy grammar, which is not, in fact, in Chomsky normal form. But we'll assume here that we have
a general context-free grammar G all of whose rules are either of the form A ! B C for nonterminals
A; B; C, or of the form (A ! w) for some word w.
Suppose that we have chosen values for our rule probabilities. Given these probabilities and a
training corpus of sentences W1 ; W2; : : :; WN , the parameters are reestimated to obtain new parameters
0 as follows:
0(A ! B C) = Pcount(A ! B C)
count(A ! )



0 (A ! w) =

(A ! w)
count(A ! )

count(A ! B C) =
count(A ! w) =

XN c (A ! B C; W )


c (A ! w; W )

The number c (A ! ; Wi) is the expected number of times that the rewrite rule A ! is used
in generating the sentence Wi when the rule probabilities are given by . To give a formula for these
expected counts, we need two more pieces of notation. The rst piece of notation is standard in the

automata literature (see, for example, 2]). If beginning with a nonterminal A we can derive a string
of words and nonterminals by applying a sequence of rewrite rules from our grammar, then we write

) ;

and say that A derives . So, if a sentence W = w1 w2


) w1 w2

wn can be parsed by the grammar we can

wn :

In the notation used above, the probability of the sentence given our probabilistic grammar is then
P (W ) =

X P (W; T ) = P (S ) w w

1 2

wn ) :

The other piece of notation is just a shorthand for certain probabilities. The probability that the
nonterminal A derives the string of words wi wj in the sentence W = w1 wn is denoted by ij (A).
That is,
wj ) :
ij (A) = P (A ) wi
Also, we set the probability that beginning with the start symbol S we can derive the string

equal to

ij (A).

wi?1 A wj +1


That is,
ij (A) = P (S

) w1

wi?1 A wj +1

wn ) :

The alphas and betas are referred to, respectively, as inside and outside probabilities.
We are nally ready to give the formula for computing the expected counts. For a rule A ! B C, the
expected number of times that the rule is used in deriving the sentence W is
(A ! B C) X
c (A ! B C; W ) =
(A) ij (B) j +1;k(C) :
P (W ) 1 i j k n ik
Similarly, the expected number of times that a lexical rule A ! w is used in deriving W is given by
(A ! w) X (A) :
c (A ! w; W ) =
P (W ) 1 n ii
To actually carry out the computation, we need an e cient method for computing the 's and 's.
Fortunately, there is an e cient way of computing these, based upon the following recurence relations.
If we still assume that our grammar is in Chomsky normal form, then it is easy to see that the 's must
X X (A ! B C) (B) (C)
ij (A) =
for i < j if we take

B;C i k j

(A ! w ) :
Intuitively, this formula says that the inside probability ij (A) is computed as a sum over all possible
ways of drawing the following picture:
ii(A) =




In the same way, if the outside probabilities are initialized as 1n(S) = 1 and 1n(A) = 0 for A 6= S,
then the 's are given by the following recursive expression:
X X (B ! C A) (C) (B) +
ij (A) =


B;C 1 k<i

B;C n k>j

(B ! A C) j +1;k(C)

ik (B):

Again, the rst pair of sums can be viewed as considering all ways of drawing the following picture:

i-1 i


Together with the update formulas, the above recurence formulas form the core of the Inside-Outside

To summarize, the Inside-Outside algorithm consists of the following steps. First, chose some initial
parameters and set all of the counts count(A ! ) to zero. Then, for each sentence Wi in the training
corpus, compute the inside probabilities and the outside probabilities . Then compute the expected
number of times that each rule A ! is used in generating the sentence Wi . These are the numbers
c (A ! ; Wi). For each rule A ! add the number c (A ! ; Wi) to the total count count(A ! )
and proceed to the next sentence. After processing each sentence in this way, reestimate the parameters
to obtain
0(A ! ) = Pcount(A ! ) :
count(A ! )
Then, repeat the process all over again, setting = 0, and computing the expected counts with respect
to the new parameters.
How do we know when to stop? During each iteration, we compute the probability
P (W ) = P (S ) w1

wn ) = 1n(S )

of each sentence. This enables us to compute the likelihood,

L( ) = P (W1 ) P (W2 )

or, better yet, the log likelihood

LL( ) =

P (WN );

log P (W ) :

The Inside-Outside algorithm is guaranteed not to decrease the log likelihood; that is, LL( 0) ? LL( )
0. One may decide to stop whenever the change in log likelihood is su ciently small. In our experience,
this is typically after only a few iterations for a large natural language grammar.
In the next section, we will return to our toy example, and detail how these calculations are actually
carried out. Whether the grammar is small or large, feature-based or in standard context-free form,
the basic calculations are the same, and an understanding of them for the following example will enable
you to implement the algorithm for your own grammar.

0.2 Calculation of the inside and outside probabilities

The actual implementation of these computations is usually carried out with the help of the CYK
algorithm 2]. This is a cubic recognition algorithm, and it proceeds as follows for our example probabilistic grammar. First, we need to put the grammar into Chomsky normal form. In fact, there is only
one agrant rule, V ! V N P, which we break up into two rules N-P ! N P and V ! V N-P, introducing a
new nonterminal N-P. Notice that since there is only one N-P rule, the parameter (N-P ! N P) will be
constrained to be one, so that
(V ! V N-P) (N-P ! N P) = (V ! V N-P)
is our estimate for (V ! V N P). We now want to ll up the CYK chart for our rst sentence, which is
shown below.



The algorithm proceeds by lling up the boxes in the order shown in the following picture.

Figure 6.6

The rst step is to ll the outermost diagonal. Into each box is entered the nonterminals which can
generate the word associated with that box. Then the 's for the nonterminals which were entered are
initialized. Thus, we obtain the chart



and we will have computed the inside probabilities

11(N) = (N ! She)
33(N) = (N ! pizza)

55(N) = (N ! anchovies)

22(V) = (V ! eats)
44(PP) = (PP ! without)

All other 's are zero.

Now it happened in this case that each box contains only one nonterminal. If, however, a box
contained two or more nonterminals, then the for each nonterminal would be updated. Suppose, for
example, that the word \anchovies" were replaced by \mushrooms." Then since \mushrooms" can be
either a noun or a verb, the bottom part of the chart would appear as



and we would have computed the inside probabilities

55(N) = (N ! mushrooms)


55(V) = (V ! mushrooms):

In general, the rule for lling the boxes is that each nonterminal in box (i; j ) must generate words
wj , where the boxes are indexed as shown in the following picture.



In this gure, the shaded box, which is box (2; 4), spans words w2 w3 w4.
To return now to our example, we proceed by lling the next diagonal and updating the 's, to get:



12(S) =
23(V) =
45(P) =

(S ! N V) 11(N) 22(V)
(V ! V N) 22(V) 33(N)
(P ! PP N) 44(PP) 55(N) :

When we nish lling the chart, we will have




with, for example, inside probabilities

25(V) = (V ! V N) 22(V) 35(N) +
+ (V ! V N-P) 22(V) 35(N-P)
15(S) = (S ! N V) 11(N) 25(V) :
This last alpha is the total probability of the sentence:
15(S) = P (S ) She eats anchovies)
X P (She eats anchovies; T ):

This completes the inside pass of the Inside-Outside algorithm. Now for the outside pass. The
outside pass proceeds in the reverse order of Figure 6.6.
We initialize the 's by setting 15 (S) = 1 and all other 's equal to zero. Then
25 (V) = (S ! N V) 11(N) 15 (S)
35 (N) = (V ! V N) 22(V) 25 (V)
55 (N) = (P ! PP N) 44(PP) 45 (P) :
The 's are computed in a top-down manner, retracing the steps that the inside pass took. For a
given rule used in building the table, the outside probability for each child is updated using the outside
probability of its parent, together with the inside probability of its sibling nonterminal.
Now we have all the necessary ingredients necessary to compute the counts. As an example of how
these are computed, we have
(V ! V N) ( (V) (N) (V)+
c (V ! V N; W1 ) =
+ 22(V) 35(N) 25(V))
= (V !(SV) N) ( 22(V) 33(N) 23 (V))


since 23(V) = 0. Also,

(V ! V N-P) ( (V) (N-P) (V)) :
We now proceed to the next sentence, \She eats pizza without hesitation." In this case, the computation proceeds exactly as before, except, of course, that all inside probabilities involving the probability
(N ! anchovies) are replaced by the probability (N ! hesitation). When we are nished updating
the counts for this sentence, the probabilities are recomputed as, for example,
c (V ! V N-P; W1) =

0 (V ! V N) =

c (V ! V N; W1) + c (V ! V N; W2)
V N P; Wi ) + c (V ! eats; Wi) + c (V ! V N; Wi)

0 (V ! eats) =

c (V ! eats; W1) + c (V ! eats; W2)

i=1;2 c (V ! V N P; Wi ) + c (V ! eats; Wi) + c (V ! V N; Wi)

Though we have described an algorithm for training the grammar probabilities, it is a simple matter
to modify the algorithm to extract the most probable parse for a given sentence. For historical reasons,
this is called the Viterbi algorithm, and the most probable parse is called the Viterbi parse. Brie y, the
algorithm proceeds as follows. For each nonterminal A added to a box (i; j ), in the chart, we keep a
record of which is the most probable way of rewriting A. That is, we determine which nonterminals B; C
and index k maximize the probability
(A ! B C)

ik (B) k+1;j (C) :

When we reach the topmost nonterminal S, we can then \traceback" to construct the Viterbi parse.
We shall leave the details of this algorithm as an exercise for the reader.
The computation outlined here has most of the essential features of the Inside-Outside algorithm
applied to a \serious" natural language grammar.


1] A.P. Dempster, N.M. Laird, and D.B. Rubin. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the
EM algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 39(B):1{38, 1977.
2] J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1979.
3] J. D. La erty. A derivation of the inside-outside algorithm from the EM algorithm. Technical report,
IBM Research, 1992.


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