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Signs in Obgy

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Bagel sign:
Ultrasonographic sign. Gestational sac in the adnexa with
hyperechoic ring
Ball Sign:
Radiological sign of intrauterine fetal death. !ray shows
cru"pled up spine of the fetus..
Banana Sign:
Ultrasound sign in open spina #i$da. Shows a#nor"al anterior
cur%ature of cere#ellu". &ue to the associated 'rnold!(hiari
Chadwicks Sign:
Bluish hue to the %esti#ule and anterior %aginal wall. Seen in $rst
tri"ester of pregnancy. (ause is increased #lood )ow to the
pel%ic organs. 'lso *nown as +ac,ue"ier-s Sign.
Cullen Sign:
Bluish discoloration of s*in around u"#ilicus. Occurs due to intra
peritonealhe"orrhage. Seen in ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
Double Bubble Sign:.
Useful in prenatal diagnosis of duodenal atresia. &uodenal
atresia usuallypresents with polyhydra"nios and produces
dilatation of sto"ach and $rst part of duodenu".
Double decidual sac Sign:
Nor"al Ultrasonographic appearance of intrauterine gestational
sac. Seen as twoconcentric echogenic rings separated #y a
hyperechoic space.
Goodell Sign:
.ar*ed softening of the cer%ix in contrast to non pregnant state.
'lso due toincreased #lood )ow.
Hegar Sign:
'n indication of /regnancy. Softening of the lower parts of the
uterus ena#lesapproxi"ation of %aginal and a#do"inal $ngers in
#i"anual pel%ic exa"ination. 0aginal$ngers are placed in the
posterior fornix and a#do"inal hand pressed down #ehind
Jacquemiers sign: Refer Chadwick Signus!ners Sign:
Sign of placental separation. On pushing the uterus upwards
does not "o%e thecord with it due to the separation.
"adins Sign:
Softening in the "idline of the uterus anteriorly at the +unction of
the uterus andcer%ix. It occurs at a#out 1 wee*s gestation
"ambda Sign:
Ultrasonographic sign seen in dichorionic pregnancies. &ue to
the chorionic tissuein #etween the two layers of the "e"#rane
#etween the twins.
"emon Sign:
Ultrasound sign in open spina #i$da. Shows a#nor"al anterior
cur%ature of cere#ellu". &ue to the associated 'rnold!(hiari
#sianders Sign:
/ulsations in the lateral fornix due to the increased %ascularity.
$almers Sign:
Regular rhyth"ic contractions of uterus felt as early as 1!2
wee*s . It is a sign of pregnancy.
$iskaceks Sign:
'sy""etric growth occurs to the uterus in initial stages of
pregnancy due to thelateral i"plantation of the #lastocyst. 3he
area of i"plantation feels soft co"pared tothe other parts.
Rober!s Sign:
Radiological sign of intrauterine fetal death. !ray shows
presence of gas in thefetal great %essels. 4arliest radiological
sign of intrauterine fetal death
Schroders Sign:
' sign of placental separation. Uterus rises up when the
separated placenta ispassed downwards.
S%alding Sign:
Sign of intrauterine fetal death. O%erlapping of s*ull #ones after
fetal de"ise.O#ser%ed #y ultrasonogr".
S!allwor!h&s Sign:
Slowing of fetal heart rate on pressing the head down I to the
pel%is and pro"ptreco%ery on release of pressure is ter"ed
Stallworthy-s sign. 3his sign is suggesti%e of posterior placenta
S!uck 'win Sign:
Seen in twin to twin transfusion syndro"e. &ue to the se%ere
oligohydra"nioss"aller twin is held in a $xed position along the
uterine wall. 3his is called stuc* twinsign.
(' Sign:
Ultrasonographic sign seen in "onochro"ic twins. 's the
intertwin "e"#ranedoes not ha%e any chorionic tissue it gi%es
rise to 53- sign in ultrasound.

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