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Manifesta Journal N.13, 2011

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Hedwig Fijen
to Manifesta Journal Series 3
Nataa Petrein-Bachelez
and Virginie Bobin

Editorial Statement
Conversation between Roberto Jacoby
and Ana Longoni
With Uneasiness as the Starting Point
Bettina Knaup and
Beatrice Ellen Stammer
On Re-Act Feminism
Sven Augustijnen
Fragment Spectres
P.88 P.98
Shid Theory
Raqs Media Collective
Suely Rolnik
Archive for a Work-event: Activation of the Bodily Memory
of the Poetics of Lygia Clark and its Context
Dawn Ades
Ludic Experimentation by the Surrealist Group
in Czechoslovakia, 19711985
Cuauhtmoc Medina
Retroactive Vampirism:
On The Age of Discrepancies
Tom Pospiszyl
Narcisse Tordoir
in Conversation
With the Phantom of Allan Kaprow
Cuauhtmoc Medina
Guest Editorial: The Fungus
in the Contemporary
Miguel Lpez
Back to No-Objetualismo: Returns of Peruvian
Artistic Experimentalism (1960s / 1970s)
Katerina Gregos
Is The Past Another Country?
Magali Arriola
A Place
Out of History
Erick Beltrn, Victoria Noorthoorn
The format of Manifesta Journal (MJ), like the Manifesta biennial,
is a changing model. Every six editions, a new Editorial Team from diverse
areas of Europe and beyond are invited to develop a diferent concept
for the series; to reect on contemporary Europe and the world. Initiated
by the Manifesta Foundation, the Manifesta Journal is an independent
project. It aims to be critical and self-reective toward the theory and
practice of international curatorship and biennials in general, but also
towards its own functional mechanisms.

We are very proud of the realization of the second series of the Manifesta
Journal in which the MJ editorial team sought to establish a compre-
hensive manual, comprised of a wide-reaching sequence of both
theoretical and pragmatic articles, often produced by up-and-coming
writers, curators and artists in addition to theoreticians and practitioners
from marginalized areas of Europe and the world. We would like to take
this opportunity to thank the editorial team of the second series of the
Manifesta JournalViktor Misiano, Nathalie Zonnenberg, Filipa Ramos
and Lisa Mazzafor their invaluable contributions.
Following the spirit and model of the Manifesta biennial, we have
appointed a new editorial team for the third series of the Maniesta Journal
(20112013), with Nataa Petrein-Bachelez as chief editor and Virginie
Bobin as associate editor. In this third series, Manifesta Journal intends
to reconsider the notion of contemporary curatorship and focus on its
(geo)political, social and controversial potentials, its ability to instigate
fresh discussion; to observe its past and comment on its possible future.
As a response to the consolidated understanding of the notion curatorial,
the subtitle of this series of Manifesta Journal will be Manifesta Journal
Around Curatorial Practices.

Another major change in the Manifesta Journal will be its transformation
from a printed publication into a free online magazine. As ever, we stand
for the open exchange of knowledge. With this development, the MJ
intentionally deviates from the selectiveness of many academic journals
to become a widely available source tool in which a reciprocal
relationship with our audiences is established. We are thus pleased
to announce that from MJ #13 onwards, the Manifesta Journal will be
freely accessible worldwide. This will enable us to communicate with
greatly expanded and previously disconnected audiences.
Introduction to Manifesta Journal Series 3




With this new series, the Manifesta Journal will become more
integrated with other projects developed by the Manifesta Foundation.
To this efect, the guest editors of the present rst issue of the third series,
MJ #13, is the curatorial team of Manifesta 9: Cuauhtmoc Medina,
Dawn Ades and Katerina Gregos. Entitled Fungus in the Contemporary,
the issue metaphorically addresses the re-activation and re-contextuali-
sation of the 1960s in contemporary art practices. It takes the form
of artistic or historical suppositions that can be seen as spying on,
ctionalizing or causing delays in the contemporary condition.

The following three issues, MJ #14-16, will be guest edited by Lebanese
lm curator Rasha Salti, and will explore the politics of time as a crucial
approach to both art and society.

I would like to extend a special thanks to Lisa Mazza, MJ managing
editor, as well as Diana Hillesheim and Georgia Taperell for their
valuable support and input into the multi-faceted Manifesta Journal
project. In a time of tumultuous social, political and economic change,
the contextualization of contemporary curatorial practices and theory
shall no doubt be a great challenge, with its own rewards. I therefore
wholeheartedly support the new team and wish them success in their
new undertaking.
Editorial Statement
After the comprehensive grammar and manual for contemporary
curatorship that the editorial alchemy of the greatly-missed Igor Zabel
and Viktor Misiano established in the rst six issues of Manifesta Journal,
and which Viktor Misiano, Nathalie Zonnenberg and Filipa Ramos then
prolically continued in the series of six issues that followed, we are
honoured to take over the editing of Manifesta Journal. Proposing
several mutations of previous editorial endeavours, we intend to use
Manifesta Journal as a porous platform to reconsider the meanings and
the efects of curatorial practices today. In the current state of socio-
political, economical and ecological emergencies, in the context of rapid
changes afecting the Global South and North, in the midst of the protests
and upheavals borne from the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement
that is spreading around the world, we wish to emphasize our viewpoint
on contemporary artistic and curatorial practices as being negotiations
between objects (images, texts, gestures, presences), situated knowledges
and subjectivities.
We have deliberately chosen the encompassing subtitle Around
curatorial practices in order to mark the trajectory from the previous
subtitle, Journal of contemporary curatorship. If we were to visualise
our editorial logic, concentric circles would be most appropriate as they
have in common one centrecuratorial practices, in our case. Thus
the preposition around should be devoted to what actually moves
subjectivities when they adopt the notion of curating as responding
to their practices. We wish to look at the practices in the global art world
that reassess this notion today and focus on its urgent (geo)political,
humanistic, instigating and controversial potentialities; practices that
are informed by subjective drives, subversions, opacities, risks, desires,
beliefs and solidarities. Through them we will investigate the past history
of curating, speculate on its future, and allow its relationships to the senso-
rial and the discursive to unfold, all the while ofering space up to the
powerful real and to the equally powerful imaginary.
We wish to reect on current practices of reading, researching, publishing
and curating that have been enabled by the internet and its social
technologies, while exploring new formats and advocating the open
circulation of knowledge. We therefore present here a new online
and downloadable Manifesta Journal, with most of its texts licensed
through Creative Commons. Every two months, we invite a blogger-in-
residency to share with us their research in progress: their reections on,
assessments of, and reactions to a specic subject. As our rst resident for
December 2011January 2012, we are very pleased to host Adnan Yildiz,
the artistic director of Knstlerhaus Stuttgart.
Manifesta Foundation is recognised for its having embraced progressive
curatorial positions as well as for its understanding of curatorial practices
as political agencies. The Manifesta Biennials have given a special
emphasis on the collaborative, negotiating, afective, political,
and groundbreaking aspects of what the unprecedented curatorial
federations, exhibitions and mediations have relayed to them.






This is a point of inspiration. Furthermore, we are motivated by recent
attempts to go beyond social cynicism by establishing once more
the capability to act and resonate in the public sphere. We thus wish
to bring forward with each issue those potentialities that enable us to think
what we think, feel what we feel and do what we do when we say that
we curate.
We are most delighted to inaugurate the new series of Manifesta Journal
with Cuauhtmoc Medina, Katerina Gregos and Dawn Ades, the curatorial
team of Manifesta 9, as guest editors for this issue, where ghosts from
the past prove to interact very actively with our current preoccupations.
Engaging in a dialogue with these persistent spirits is a way for us to open
the door to the pressing questions that we would like to unfold with you
through the next ve issues of Manifesta Journal.
The new sections of Manifesta Journal include:
SPECULATION (Syn.: cogitation, conjecture,
contemplation, deliberation, hypothesis, meditation,
reection; Ant.: fact, information, reality, truth)
In-depth theoretical texts ofering investigations of,
reections on, and even diversions from the journals
core issues.
STATEMENT (Syn.: afrmation, allegation,
announcement, articulation, charge, comment,
manifesto, proclamation, testimony, utterance; Ant.:
question, request)
Contributors are invited to express their position
through a short text, optionally accompanied by
visual or audio material.
CONVERSATION (Syn.: chat, colloquy, debate,
dialogue, discussion, exchange, palaver, tte--tte;
Ant.: silence)
Unexpected or long-awaited encounters between
artists, curators, critics, theoreticians, or people from
other elds than art.
PROJECTION (Syn.: extension, fantasy, forecast,
project, prediction, prognosis; Ant.: depression)
Studies of past exhibitions/events or reections
on potential future exhibitions/events that constitute
a history of curatorial forms, ofering space up
to ction.
ETUDE (Syn.: analysis, cogitation, comparison,
contemplation, deliberation, examination, inquiry,
investigation, meditation, musing, questioning,
reection, reverie, scrutiny; Ant: idleness)
Critical studies written in response to an image
or a sound chosen by the author.
EXHIBITION ROOM (Syn.: exposition, display,
narration, position, presentation allowance, area,
capacity, chance, occasion, opening, opportunity,
place, play, scope, space, territory, volume; Ant.:
dissimulation zone)
Curators are invited to devise an exhibition for
the specic space of both the journals online
and printed versions.
MATERIALS (Syn.: being, body, component,
constituent, documents, elements, evidence, goods,
paraphernalia, stuf; Ant.: absence)
Exploration of archival materials that have not yet
widely circulated.
GAME (Syn.: adventure, amusement, occupation,
pastime, play, recreation, undertaking; Ant.:
Artists whose practices encompass scores,
instructions or games are invited to share them
with the readers of Manifesta Journal.
Guest Editorial:
The Fungus in the Contemporary


Chronological art categories have
an idiosyncratic density. They do
not point so much to established
xed lines in the time continuum
as to the opaque horizons and
conventions of the narratives
we inhabit by turning them,
either subtly or confrontationally,
into battleelds of meaning.
Behind the relative neutrality of the term contem-
porary art, difering accounts, casts of characters
and plots are constantly deployed, both from within
the texture of our works and texts and in terms
of their institutional condensations. In fact, the con-
temporary is, more than a moment in history,
the interlocking of geographical, temporal, poetic
and political elements around which the diferent
parties of the global art networks constantly
dispute the relevance and urgency of diferent
if not opposedpractices, along with the relative
signicance of a number of genealogical lines.
In that sense, the contemporary ought to be
understood as one of the most powerful instances
of what Mikhail Bakhtin described with the concept
of the chronotope: it is a concept where Time, as it
were, thickens, takes on esh, becomes artistically
visible; likewise, space becomes charged and
responsive to the movements of time, plot and history
The contemporary is not an adjective describing
recentness, but a time-space narrative that structures
diferent views on culture and, therefore, also
propagates among its consumers modalities of agency
within culture and in the world.
What makes this chronotope especially sensible
in the eld of art is, however, its function as judgment.
As it used to be with the notion of new and modern,
to argue for the contemporariness of certain works,
artistic devices or curatorial
/ critical operations involves
in fact some kind of dictate on
their right of existence. Indeed,
despite the claim of the anti-
historicism of several forms
of postmodern thinking, terms
like anachronistic, regressive,
belated, outmoded and reactionary remain critical
puns. It is for this reason that the battles of inclusion
and the geopolitical transformation of the artworld
in the recent decades has, to a great extent,
behaved in reatroactive mode. No surprise, the so-
called process of globalization of art has also been
the imaginary time-space where curating involves art
historical operations as a central part of its political
The experience of the culture of the contemporary
has in the recent years, however, involved a particular
paradox inherent to its turning into a historical
category. The contemporary is constantly dened
in terms of the xed and standardized annexation
of a certain moment of the past. As if reforming
the Nietzschean dichtum that history was born from
the yearning of the man of action unable to nd
examples and guidance from his contemporaries,

both in terms of the institutional policies of collecting
and scholarship, and also in the operative demar-
cations of marketing of art, we are witnessing
a moment where the narrative stands still xated
in the medusa efect of a constant mirroring and
testing of what is current, in relation to the 1960s
and 1970s. Through an increasing number of exhi-
bitions and scholarly accounts, if not also in the
shaping of the memory of the participants and
the way they organize their growing archives,
the contemporary is increasingly growing white
hair. In particular, in the need to remap the formerly
marginalized histories of art of the so-called
periphery, but also in the policies of museums
and in the parlance of the marketplace, there
is a tendency to understand the contemporary
as having started sometime in the 1960s. A particular
date stands behind this seeming reluctance to clear
out the refrigerator. An inordinate number of our
initiatives and narratives stand
still, as if caught with the sight
of a ghost, in and around the failed
or aborted revolutions of 1968.

1 M.M.
Imagination, tr. by
Caryl Emerson &
Michael Holquist,
Austin, University
ofTexasPress, 1981,
2 Friedrich
Nietzsche, Untimely
Meditations, ed.
Daniel Breazeale,
tr. R. J. Hollingdale,
Cambridge University
Press, 1997, p. 67.
It is in terms of underlining that unwritten global
convention of constantly making exhibitions
that reect on the present state of arts looking
back into the borderline between the 1960s
and 1970s, that this issue of Manifesta Journal
has chosen for its title the image of the fungus
of the contemporary. We are conscious of the
ambiguity of this gure, for it both suggests a certain
concern with the way that the circularity of that
narrative is in danger of allowing our reading
of contemporary art to turn stale, and of the
extraordinary proliferation of moments of dissidence
and creativity involved in the concentration of those
contemporary-historical curatorial and artistic
The experiences, texts and images that
this issue of the Manifesta Journal contains attest both
to the unlikely coincidence of curatorial eforts around
the world to intervene in the historical narratives
of contemporary art in terms of a manifold of ways
to widen its fables, restore (and frequently reinvent,
alter and even remake) the artworks that stand as its
referents, and introduce a wealth of intellectual
and sensible complexity to counter the hegemonic
academic and commercialized standard narratives
that the academic industry of the North fashions
as global histories. We would like to imagine
that, among the trufes, magic mushrooms
and huitlacoche that the curatorial and artistic
projects selected have all gathered in this journal,
the reader may also nd some strains of pennicilum
fungi growing, so to speak, on the corpse of recent
contemporary history-based curatorial projects.
Rather than documenting the historicist leanings
of the contemporary art world, we have chosen
projects that activate production of the social
memory of art as a means to politicize, complicate
and even question its radical or even revolutionary
myths of origin.
For what is characteristic of the trope of
the contemporary is, again, as Bakhtin argued,
that the author of the narrative appears dialogical
to the time structure of his or her narratives, feigning
a certain distancing and exteriority from which
the fable emerges, at the same that that the author
species his or her tangential
role in the account.
It is in terms of reecting on the complex coming and
goings of the mushrooming of the contemporary that
this Manifesta Journal would like to let its spores spread.
3 Bakhtin, op.cit.,
With Uneasiness as the Starting Point
Roberto Jacoby: I might be said to belong to a tradition of practices that
try to dissolve into social life, practices of an inapprehensible, ephemeral,
discontinuous, immaterial and context-specic character: experiments
with mass media and technologies now outdated, social research, festive
celebrations, lyrics, political interventions, subjectication operations,
experimental communities. Consequently, a museographic review of my
work presents, from the start, contradictions and difculties. I believe both
you and I have an ethical attitude towards these dilemmas. Neither of us
have felt that the proposal of this exhibition was a moment like any other.
Ana Longoni: Id dare say we sufer from exacerbated ethics!
RJ: The same dilemma could arise with Dadaism and other historical
avant-gardes. But we are used to going to a museum and seeing a Tatlin,
and we dont say, Tatlin in a museum! Thats preposterous! That no
longer shocks us.
AL: I think that thats an efect of time. Enough time has elapsed for
us to be able to codify those irruptions in a museum and even have
at our disposal encyclopaedias that help us understand them as art.
I have the feeling that the same thing is beginning to happen with what
took place in the 1960s. We already have codes to read those radical
experiments as an art that can be seen in a museum. I think that thats
the diference. What they have in common, I agree, is their revulsive
RJ: Those avant-gardes were constitutionally against museums. They
wanted to burn them down, because art was somewhere else if such
a thing we call art existed.
AL: They felt a calling to dissolve art into its autonomous statute, to go
out into the streets and abandon institutional spaces. Thats something
Dadaism shares with the Argentinian avant-garde of the 1960s.
RJ: Exactly. Thats why the invitation to exhibit my work in a museum
such as the Reina Sofa became an ethical dilemma, as well as a logical
one. The attempt to show something that from the moment it is shown
it is betrayed can be a sort of denaturalization.

From February to July 2011, in the Museo Nacional
Centro de Arte Reina Sofa (MNCARS) in Madrid,
the multifarious and elusive work of Argentine
artist and sociologist Roberto Jacoby was exhibited
for the rst time, under the title Desire Rises from
Collapse. In the face of a praxis that overlaps
the most diverse eldsexperiments with mass
media and technologies, social research, festive
celebrations, lyrics, experimental communities,
networks, literary, essayistic and theoretical writing
what was shown there, rather than a body of work,
was an ever-insufcient series of montage and
narration experiments, archiving modalities and
exhibition strategies. Here follows a dialogue, between
an artist who seldom denes himself as an artist and
an emergency curator, in which they ofer a review
of what happened there.




AL: Once faced with the dilemma of this exhibition, we turned
this uneasiness into our starting point.
RJ: An uneasiness that is ethical, intimate, personal, and not just rational or
AL: We were running the risk of going against the inherent potency
of those manifestations, those ideas, that past.
RJ: Sure. We werent talking about the concerns of an alert and savvy
curator, of a self-demanding curator. Our discomfort didnt originate
in the intrinsic dilemmas of curatorship.
AL: Rather, in the interrogation about what it meant that your experiences
were nally being displayed in a museum
RJ: Im not speaking only about myself, but about certain practices
in general. And about your work too, both as a historian and a researcher,
since you, who dont dene yourself as a curator, but who have acted
as an emergency curator, also share this feeling that your relationship
with those modes of doing and understanding art has a political meaning
that you dont want to renegade.
AL: We didnt want to naturalize the appearance of your works
in the museum, as if that had always been the place expected and most
likely to receive your practices, but rather as a place to put in evidence our
uneasiness and make it visible. That was the experiment.
RJ: Something like starting from angst and turning it into a reparative act.
AL: When faced with the MNCARS invitation to make this exhibition,
our answer could have been a simple no, or we could have attempted
a reconstruction; a conventional display of documents without turning
the operation into a problem. Our intention, on the contrary, was to make
the difculty that the restitution of those practices entailed all the more
apparent. Your works are too far away from the standards of visibility
suitable for a museum, and they run the risk of a total deactivation once
they are exhibited there, and of becoming mere
RJ: Exhibition devices. Theres a very delicate, critical point between
an exhibition device and its delity to the experiences it intends
to reconstruct. I think that herein lies the artistic as well as the erotic aspect
of a curatorship of this kind. In the gap between a theoretical strategy and
its efective realization, an idea can go down. A good approach doesnt
automatically imply a good outcome. True experiments must be able to fail.
AL: A curatorial experiment such as this also has to disturb other peoples
expectations. Our aim of making the exhibition not just a memory
of the past but a powerful actual experience was a political wager:
to generate in the public the kind of experience that might also be
shocking in the present.
RJ: By denition, past cannot be restored. What matters is having a critical
relationship with the past, being aware of the procedures used to represent
it. In my case, this also means going beyond hermetism, making sure
the work doesnt yield an erudite result, but one accessible and friendly
to the public.
AL: One of the signals of that friendly communication
was the relationship we established with the guardians of the exhibition
rooms, who are unemployed people on transit toward better jobs. These
guardians, who spend a lot of time in the museum, have no training
as guides but simply look after the rooms. They established a very
strong complicity with the exhibition, giving their opinions and getting
involved. As we came back, months later, they would say, People stand
here, This and that happens, Have this xed very involved, indeed.
Manuel Borja-Villel, the MNCARS director, says that that kind of afnity
is a thermometer that indicates an exhibition may work. It was something
remarkable in a museum with those characteristics.
RJ: Yes. So gigantic and complex.
AL: Touristic and massive.
RJ: We couldnt have made it without the spirit that prevails
in the MNCARS. They havent got the kind of bureaucratized staf you nd
in other institutions. They were so patient with us.
AL: Really, having to sufer a curator and an artist who change their minds
all the time is something unusual for them.
RJ: And putting up with a gang of Argentines! Its normal for us
to improvise, to reinvent, to falter, to decide what to do as we go along,
to take advantage of difculties. Otherwise, we wouldnt have survived
in a country like ours.
AL: In this exhibition, as in all your projects, the team workthe blurring
of hierarchies and the enhancement of collective intelligencewas crucial.
Your way of working activates a sort of multiple brain; each one with
his/her abilities, his/her sensibility, his/her power in the encounter with
the others. It isnt a mere aggregate or assembling of parts; rather, it
produces an unexpected and nutritious concoction.
RJ: I like polyphony as well as playing diferent chords. I think energy
is generated only when there are diferences. The rooms werent similar
to each other either.
AL: There were some common resonances, however. Each space
implied a diferent experiment, but it was precisely in their contrast that
the almost- invisible threads uniting those parts appeared.
RJ: Denitely: we escaped the horror of the white cube and homogeneity.
Each room in itself was an installation.
AL: I think thats also due to the fact that we worked with the specicity
of MNCARS spaces: Space One, then the Vault Room and nally the Proto-
col Room. Thats why it is impossible to reproduce the exhibition, as it took
place in Madrid. With the exception, perhaps, of 1968, el culo te abrocho,
your 2008 installation that can be read independently of its context,
because, to a certain extent, it is self-contained.
RJ: Its true; there is something in that work that makes it accessible
to audiences who have no information about the 1968 in Argentina.
AL: I think that the overprinting of poetic and theoretical texts of diferent
moments of your career over documents of your own mythology
in the Argentine 1968 can be understood anywhere as an irreverent,
ironic gesture. For instance, the documents of the mythical Tucumn
Arde in 1968, as a backdrop for an erotic song of the 1980s, set of
by themselves a buzz of temporalities and meanings.
RJ: In fact, it was anger that moved me to make that installation.
AL: Anger?
RJ: Yes, angernot in the result but in the motivation. The celebrations
for the fortieth anniversary of French May that included the President
of France, the most reactionary newspapers and the most despicable
journalists, were a trivialization of that rebellious feat. It was impossible
to know whether they were celebrating May 1968 or its demise.
AL: Yet, besides debating with those trivial readings of the French May, you
were also responding to the myths of the Argentine May. In the last decade
and a half, events such as Tucumn Arde have sufered a remarkable
RJ: Thats why I decided to start from my own experience, without
lecturing about or historicizing the events. I endeavoured to study
the history refraction on myself. There is a procedure of contemporary
DJs, the mash-up, that consists in blending two or more songs together.
An operation diferent from collage, from the cut-and-paste. With 1968, el
culo te abrocho, I tried to proceed as a DJ, using history as a background
over which to overlay another text.
AL: It was the rst time we relied on archive materials, since youve always
had a very detached relationship with the documents of your own past.
As a matter of fact, I remember that when you did 1968, you didnt even
have the documents with you. You had to borrow material from other
RJ: Yes, my archive has a very weak memory.
AL: Another archive experiment took place in the exhibition area we called
the Cabinet of Curiosities, in the Protocol Room. The same documents
that appeared modied in 1968, el culo te abrocho, were exhibited here
in showcases but in their original versions. Thus, what had been seen
in the other room reverberated here, but at the same time that residue
was treated in a radically diferent way, and that diference produced
a shock. The exacerbated fetish-like treatment of the document in one
showcase, highlighted by a spot, in a catacomb atmosphere, restored its
aura. A mausoleum in shadows, in which the documents appeared as if
they were oating in mid-air.
That aural exhibition of documents also contrasted with what we called
the Archive in Use. This archive was available for public manipulation
through two computers. People could dive into the lyrics you wrote for
the pop/rock group Virus in a sort of karaoke or search what productions
you had made in a certain year or together with such and such person or
based on a series of key concepts. This generated a playful contact with
the documents that contrasted with what happened in the other room,
where the almost sacral solemnity prevented all use. As a matter of fact,
we employed three clearly distinct archive treatments.
RJ: The Cabinet of Curiosities was distantly inspired by a seventeenth
century artefact collection. There we treated the archives as a distant
presence, deliberately rendering them inaccessible. The objects
or documents were before everybodys eyes but at the same time
appeared to be distanced. There were recordings nobody could hear,
lms nobody could see, miniature slides, texts that were impossible
to read. We werent after the legibility of the material; what we wanted
was to display it as a series of cult objects.
AL: Yes, the Cabinet of Curiosities worked with the elusiveness
of experience, while the Archive in Use established an opposed logic.
In it, documents were socialized through digital images available
to the exhibition public and also for consultation in diferent points
of Latin America and Spain. For the cabinet, we functionalized a gigan-
tic wardrobe from the time when the building housed a hospital, in the
sixteenth century. That huge wooden piece of furniture, extending
from the oor to the ceiling, was used to keep the hospital linen.
Today it is called the Protocol Room and is usually employed for sound
installations, since the wardrobe presence is too imposing for visual works.
When they ofered us that space, we chose to take advantage of its
materiality, instead of trying to mask it. It was like a ready-made cabinet
of curiosities.
RJ: Those who saw the space for the rst time thought the wardrobe
was a structure created by us.
AL: That would have sapped the museums annual budget!
1968, el culo te
abrocho, series,
RJ: Besides, it had a sort of mortuary connotation. When the building
served as a hospital, it was there that the sheets were kept that may have
been used to cover the dead
AL: Or sick people, or the war wounded.
RJ: There is something macabre to those shelves.
AL: Like a crypt. But with the material exhibited there, we allowed
ourselves some humour or equivocation. The rst showcase displayed
an apocryphal manifesto, written by you in 2004, in the fashion
of the 1960s proclamations, but with a mocking caustic tone. That
means to say that we started with a false clue; a fake. Then followed
the showcases containing the few remaining documents of the so-called
Arte de los Medios group, the rst oral literature experiences, Tucumn
Arde, and the research work on the 1969 social conict. Each object, each
document, was accompanied by a typewritten label such as those used
in ethnographic museums.
In the next room, we operated with the same logic of showcases
in shadows, but the fetish objects exhibited there were from the 1980s
to 2010, to the Brigada por Dilma in the So Paulo Biennial, or to the party
you held, also in 2010, as a materialization of the 1966 Anti-happening
exhibited in the cabinet room. Once again, the resonance of a historical
work overlaid a contemporary one.
The phantasmic rest of the 1960s had the same weight as the works
you made a few months before the MNCARS exhibition. It is as if what
is incorporated today in the museums collections and the art market, once
transformed into historical pieces, corresponded to a procedure that
could be extended even to last weeks experiences.
RJ: We brought into play the key questions implicit in the notion
of archive: authenticity and falsication, copy and original, the arbitrary
and interested nature of the selection, the attening of time, legibility and
legality, sacralisation and profanation.
AL: At this point, Id like to mention the use of the wall texts. These showed
texts written by you, operated as a counterpoint for that phantasmic
atmosphere. Id like to quote them literally. The rst one is an excerpt from
a manifesto written in 1968:
Aesthetic contemplation has ended, because aesthetics is dissolving
into social life. The work of art has also ended, because life and the planet
itself are becoming art. The future of art is linked not to the creation
of works but to the definition of new life concepts, and the artist becomes
the propagator of these concepts. Art has no importance. Its life that
That is: your call to transform art into the invention of new ways of life
appeared strikingly negated or contradicted in the middle of that mournful
atmosphere. Also in the second room, a recent passage, in which you
express your perplexities in the face of the contemporary demand to turn
your life traces into museum pieces:
What remains to be shown of practices now over forty years old, which
took place in a distant context and that escape the art world? Certainly,
those yellowed papers full of writing, those photographs and artefacts
are not, and can never be, The Works. Are they, consequently, fetishes
of a historical recuperation? Memorabilia of eeting moments? Researches
of recent archaeology? The opening of inaccessible archives? How
to infuse life into these maimed and defective records? The authentic
documents are exhibited as inaccessible, aural and even illegible fetishes,
as archaeological remains of a too-distant past that interpolates us from
the shadows, forcing us to relativize our supposed absolute dominion over
Your text, set over an abyss, juxtaposed to the material spoils of your
actions, stresses the impossibility of coping with the uneasiness
of communicating that which cannot be communicated.
RJ: It was like archaeologically counterbalancing the caducity
of the immediate past and, whats more, of the present. The very
idea of contemporary art is paradoxical, since what we usually call
contemporary is nothing but a past, a not-so-recent past that is at least
fty years old. Artefacts like typewriters, slide projectors, cassettes, or even
computer diskettes establish a distance almost as remote as Guttenbergs
press. Where are we? Where am I?
AL: You are talking about the acceleration in the obsolescence
of representation techniques that contemporary art faces today, and that
was also staged in the exhibition of those archive materials. Many of those
records are nowadays inaccessible because they have become technically
outdated, although we used them only ten years ago.
RJ: Conservators, who are used to restoring paintings or papers, have
the same nightmare. Today, to get a telex, a tape recorder or an electric
typewriter running is a technological challenge!
AL: The vertigo and strangeness produced by technologies also points
to the worlds brutal changes over these last fty years. The discourses
of the 1960s can also sound truly obsolete.
We still have to speak about the rest of the spaces. Living Here was one
of the spaces we discussed the most. Its constructive principle was one
used by you in most of your projects: working in collaboration with other
people, usually artists, to build a space that simulated your living room:
The place where you and your friends meet daily to conceive projects.
The starting point was our certitude that it was impossible and pointless
to accurately reconstruct an experience of the mid 1960s: the action you
called Living Here and that consisted in moving your studio and home
to a gallery for twenty four hours.
RJ: Living Here was certainly the space I had the greatest number
of doubts about, because it was the only space that aspired to exist
in the actual temporality of the present; to be a living space, a pleasant
meeting place, vibrant at the same time with art.

AL: I think that while we were in Madrid, at least, the exhibition space
was a place people inhabited; a very vital one as well. Even on the opening
day, there were music recitals and hundreds of people wearing t-shirts
with the phrase I have AIDS. Obviously, the museum regimen is to be
taken into account, and as long as this isnt activated, it becomes a mere
backdrop. However, people felt inclined to linger there.
RJ: Yes. Longer than in any museum room. That, in spite of the fact that
we couldnt serve cofee and cookies! Its true: people sat in the armchairs,
stopped to look at the books and listen to songs, rested.
AL: However, Ive been told that the most visited spaces were those
of the Vault Room, a damp subterranean vault as huge as a pharaonic
tomb. It is said that lunatics used to be conned there, when the building
served as a hospital. Our original project had been to reproduce the
Darkroom performance, in which twelve blinded performers played
in utter darkness for a sole viewer. In the end, though, we had the good
sense of showing the video records on small monitors. In that dark
atmosphere, the characters appeared as presences, more disturbing
than they would normally have been if we had reconstructed the play.
RJ: That proves that sometimes a record can be more faithful
than the original.
AL: Finally, people could leave the exhibition, taking with them a poster
that was really an anti-poster: Che Guevaras typical image saying
A guerrilla ghter doesnt die so he can be hung on the wall, a work you
made in 1969. So they left, taking
home this uneasiness: what to do
with a poster that asks not to be
used as such? Dozens of thousands
of samples of that uneasiness that
haunted us were thus scattered
around the world.
RJ: A paradox.
AL: An object that rebels against
its own being; that revolts against
Exhibition view ofRobertoJacoby. Desire
Rises from Collapse at Museo Nacional Centro
de Arte ReinaSofainMadrid, 2011
Back to No-Objetualismo:
Returns of Peruvian Artistic
Experimentalism (1960s / 1970s)
The aesthetic ustering of the 1960s returned
to Lima in 2007. For a month and a half, between
March and April, some thirty instances of dema-
terialized art were brought back to the public
discussion after forty years of silence. Through
photographs, documents, objects and installations,
the exhibition La Persistencia de lo Efmero. Orgenes
del no-objetualismo peruano: ambientaciones /
happenings / arte conceptual (19651975) [The
Persistence of the Ephemeral. Origins of Peruvian
No-Objetualismo: Environments / Happenings /
Conceptual Art (19651975)] presented a bafing
panorama of local artistic practices that were
completely peripheral to the historical discourses
which had hitherto described the period.
was the shock that some suggested the possibility
that we, the curators, were retrospectively inventing a ctitious and
articial scene. Had there really been such a radical and critical Peru-
vian experimentalism during the 1960s and 1970s as the one seen in
these galleries? Why hadnt that conceptualism transcended its time,
its generation, or even its borders? And why no photographs, works or
documents had been published or exhibited afterward? Where were
these belligerent artists today?
For some reason not entirely explicable for the metropolitan
perspectives, some of the most daring attacks on the art object
in the region had emerged in Peru. However, these had never been
recorded properly in the continental discussions, and much less
preserved in the memory of their own local context. Unlike the
international impact had by cosmopolitan countries such as Argen-
tina and Brazil during those years, the experiences of another group
of Latin American countries, strongly marked by their colonial heritage,
had remained in the shade. This, perhaps, under the hypothesis that
in certain closed countries (or undeveloped countries, as imperial
discourse decreed shortly after the Second World War), the avant-garde
and all forms of artistic experimentalism were nothing but blatant signs
of U.S. domination and of cultural submission.
A bias easy to endorse
in the midst of the erce ideological struggles spanning Latin America,
during which art became a major weapon of the Cold War.
1 Curated by Miguel A. Lpez and Emilio
Tarazona, theexhibition waspresented at
theSpanish Cultural Centre inLimafrom
15 March to30 April 2007. Some
oftheideasinthistext were presented by
thecurators at thesymposium Recargando
lo Contemporneo: Estrategiasde
Recuperacin del Arte Reciente, organized
by Olivier Debroise and Cuauhtmoc
Medinaintheframework oftheexhibition
TheAge ofDiscrepancy: Art and Visual
Culture inMexico, 19681997, inMexico D.F.,
September 2007. Thetext ofthisconference
wasrecently published: Miguel A. Lpez y
Emilio Tarazona, Re/montar lahistoria. Intervenir
los 60, 40 aos despus, in: William Alfonso
Lpez Rosas(ed.), Arte y Accin Poltica-
ICtedraLatinoamericanade Historiay Teorade
lasArtes. AlbertoUrdaneta, Bogot, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, 2011, pp. 51-71.
2 See: MartaTraba, Dos dcadasvulnerables
en lasartes plsticaslatinoamericanas,
1950-1970, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 1973,
pp. 9-32. Acounter argument isprovided by
thePeruviancritic JuanAcha, see: JuanAcha,
Vanguardismo y subdesarrollo, Mundo Nuevo,
Paris, SeptemberOctober 1970, pp. 73-79.


Exhibition view ofLaPersistenciade lo Efmero at Spanish Cultural
Centre, Lima, 2007, PhotoEduardo Hirose
That assumption is clearly wrong, however.
On the contrary, it was the unexpected collision
of parochial concerns and spectres of globalism that
channelled some of the most unusual (and least
addressed) aesthetic processes of alternative
modernity, which exceed the models of social
identication and artistic recognition that would have
been expected at the time. If there was a primary
drive to La Persistencia de lo Efmero, it was in making
clear that the forms of cultural radiation and
inuenceand their efectsare anything but
unidirectional or predictable. The exhibition itself
was the result of detective work: the decision
to exhibit the traces of a scene that had been
completely suppressed necessarily meant drawing from the imagination,
while combining rigorous historical research strategies and the always
risky tasks of artwork reconstruction, in close collaboration with
the artists. Our initial question was whether or not it would be possible
to conceive this fading as a central historico-political issue of the present.
And admitting it were, to what extent would it be possible to resize
the efects of something that does not seem to have taken place, in order
to alter the origins and the scope of so-called critical art?
By 2007, an additional situation made such kind of curatorial recovery
particularly important. Since the turn of the millennium, the emergence
of an accelerated phenomenon of transnationalisation of young Peru-
vian art was felt in Lima, alongside the concomitant consolidation
of a previously nonexistent art scene: new galleries, new collectors
and even unseen museum projects. Widespread enthusiasm seemed
to signal the denitive arrival of the forms of the contemporary and
the acquisition of the coveted passport for aesthetic exchange granted
by globalism embracing the fantasy of living synchronous times.
However, once more, this sudden currency was divorced from internal
historical reection, ignoring those
other aesthetic forms of micro-
globality that had emerged
in the country for over four
decades. Could the delayed arrival
of these works from the 1960s
and 1970s alter the parameters
of the contemporary
in the country?
Contemporary to whom?
Contemporary in which way?
Exhibition view ofLaPersistenciade lo
Efmero at Spanish Cultural Centre, Lima,
with photographic documentions ofworks
by Felipe Buenda, GloriaGmez Snchez,
TeresaBurgaand Rafael Hastings, 2007,
PhotoEduardo Hirose
Exhibition view ofLaPersistenciade lo
Efmero at Spanish Cultural Centre, Limawith
work by LuisAriasVera, Ah! Y el Chino de
laesquinai, 1965 / 2007, PhotoEduardo
The exhibition surveyed ten years of experimental practices (1965
1975) recurring to non-historicist modes of articulation, generating
temporal intersections and overlaps. Our objective was clear: installing
an exhibition set to recuperate the hostility of the early instances
of a hitherto despised dematerialised art, in order to intercept and re-
politicise the course of certain genealogies. It was necessary to attest
that, in the face of the familiar ow of dominant pictorial trends
raised and preserved during those years by the market, there was also
an insubordinate and non-collectable artistic wager that vindicated
attitude over the mere objectness heralded by the prevailing taste;
an ofence that had meant its loss.
La Persistencia de lo Efmero was basically divided into one large
room, presenting a copious photographic record of happenings,
actions and early environments, and six other rooms where objects,
conceptual pieces and partially or completely rebuilt installations were
displayed. This task of spatial reactivation seemed decisive: we could
only imagine conveying certain episodes through the experience
of the body. The efect was great. One of the most striking works
was Ah! Y el Chino de la esquina? [Ah! And the Chinese from the corner
by Luis Arias Vera, one of several ephemeral environments
originally presented by the artist in a solo show in 1965. The work,
reconstructed following the artists blueprints and instructions, consisted
of a sign emblazoned with the title phrase hanging at 65 centimeters
from the ground, from which yellow arrows guided the viewer from
the gallery to a grocery store in a street corner, run by a Chinese
immigrant and his family. The piece made of the viewers path the work
itself, and it was a scathing reference to those migration processes
that had turned the Chinese community into a group of prosperous
Another important piece was Autorretrato. Estructura.
Informe. 9.6.72 [Self Portrait. Structure. Report. 9.6.72] by Teresa Burga,
an installation often cited but never seen after its 1972 exhibition, until
2007. The work uses the notion of self portrait to present sound and
light pieces, as well as medical documents and charts of the artists
face, body and blood taken on a single day (6 June 1972). During 2005
we only found fragments of the work at the artists home, for which it
was decided to reconstruct the missing elements on the same date,
albeit thirty-four years later (6 June 2006), to be
exhibited the following year.
Works done in diaspora were also shown. It was
amazing to see in Lima Rafael Hastingss installation
LEspace, originally exhibited at the Yvon Lambert
Gallery in Paris in 1970: six diagrams that summarise
the ruptures in the modes of representation in
Western art criticized back then for voicing
a comment about European art from the mouth
of a South American. Diferent internal migrations
were also included, such as the subversions
of metropolitan categories such as conceptual
3 Translators note: Traditionally, inLima, it
wascommon for Chinese immigrants towork
asshopkeepers ofcorner shops.
5 Inrecent years wefound thiswork
almost inits entirety inthehouse oftheartist.
It wasexhibited inher recent retrospective
inLimaand inStuttgart, aswell asinthe12

Istanbul Biennial (2011). See: TeresaBurga.
Informes. Esquemas. Intervalos. 17.9.10, Lima:
ICPNA, 2011.
4 On theemergence oftherst happenings
and environments inPeru in1965, see: Miguel
A. Lpez and Emilio Tarazona, Erosion and
Dissolution oftheobject inthePeruvianart
ofthe1960s. Arst, barely- perceptible
tracking coordinate, Papers dArt 93, 2007,
pp. 189-192.
Exhibition view ofLaPersistenciade lo
Efmero at Spanish Cultural Centre, Lima, with
work by TeresaBurga, Autorretrato. Estructura.
Informe. 9.6.72, 1972 / 2007, PhotoEduardo
art or idea art (and its proclamation of the dematerialization
of the art object) to propose festivals of interdisciplinary and plural art
that combined indigenous and urban aesthetics with other cultural
expressions, in the context of a nationalist military dictatorship.
Another issue opened up by the project was how art history
was beginning to be written, increasingly so, from curatorial practice
rather than from academia. In that sense, La Persistencia de lo Efmero
worked efectively as a critical provocation of the meta-narratives
of Peruvian art, but also against interpretive axes that were operating
since the 1990s in the transnational construction of so-called Latin
American art (from which Peru and other Andean countries were
obviously excluded).
A controversial aspect was how
to name what was being
recovered. Could one inscribe
it in the hegemonic rhetoric
of global conceptualism, even
though these experiences forged
autonomous concepts and spaces
of discussion? The opportunity
appeared as the perfect occasion
to bring back a minor concept
to the debate, one almost vanished
in the process of standardisation
of transnational vocabulary:
no-objetualismo, a Marxist
theoretical concept formulated
by the Peruvian critic Juan
Acha in Mexico, circa 1973, as part
of his approach to the counter-
cultural protest and performative
artistic production of the so-called
Mexican groups of the 1970s, but
also in reference to indi-genous
aesthetics such as popular arts,
crafts, and design, which put
in crisis the modern/colonial
perspectives of Western art history.
6 See: JuanAcha, Teoray PrcticaNo-
Objetualistaen AmricaLatina in: JuanAcha,
Ensayos y PonenciasLatinoamericanistas,
Caracas: GAN, 1984, pp. 221-242.
Exhibition view ofLaPersistenciade lo
Efmero at Spanish Cultural Centre, Lima, with
work by TeresaBurga, Work that Disappears
When theSpectator Tries toApproach It, 1970,
Courtesy theartist
The recovery of this concept to think about the emergence
of unorthodox art forms, as Acha did in the 1970s and the 1980s,
was thus a curatorial gesture of political vindication for a category that
had played an important role in Latin America. Even though the concept
had sometimes been misunderstood as merely a Latin version
of the dematerialisation of art, its scope is largely more complex,
and impossible to exhaust in one exhibition. For us, it was necessary
to register the fact that in that subaltern theoretical presence
underlies a latent struggle for other ways of living and constructing
the contemporary.
To think the persistence of that which was meant
to be ephemeral did not imply being anchored
to the immateriality of the works, but recovering
the blaze and the intensity of their efects
of that which is to come. It was not about altering
the content of the discourses, but modifying
the margins from which these very discourses
could be perceived. Beyond questioning history,
we were interested in spreading the desire for another
history: reinstating the inconsistencies and conicts,
fostering a transfusion of intensities and emotions,
and enabling those arrested explosions to inscribe
new openings in the present. Certainly there
was a degree of curatorial ction: to put together
all of these experiences could give the impression
of cohesion when the scene was actually scattered,
anachronistic and disjointed. Yet ction also produces
reality. Our intention was never to mirror the period,
but to provide evidence of a passionate movement
to restore to these radical practices the furious public
impact that was partially taken away from them
during their time.
7 There are several other concepts coined
by artists or theorists inLatinAmericatoname
their practices during the1960s through
tothe1980s. See: Miguel A. Lpez, How Do
WeKnow What LatinAmericanConceptualism
Looks Like?, Afterall 23, Spring 2010, pp. 5-21.
Exhibition views ofLaPersistenciade lo
Efmero at Spanish Cultural Centre, Lima,
with work by Rafael Hastings, LEspace, 1970 /
2007, PhotoEduardo Hirose
Exhibition catalogue page ofTheAge ofDiscrepancies. Art and Visual
Culture inMexico 1968-1997, 2007
Retroactive Vampirism:
On The Age of Discrepancies
In memoriam Olivier Debroise, 19522008
1. Institutionalized amnesia
From the moment we conceived of it far back
in the mid-1990s, those of us involved in The Age
of Discrepancies: Art and Visual Culture in Mexico,
understood the project to be a curatorial
intervention into the texture of cultural memory,
and not as a mere exhibition. Discrepancies was
part of the set of critical and intellectual operations
to which we had been committed since we worked
in the Curare group, in the sense that it demanded
that we operationalize in practice as well as in dis-
course a diferent institutional, intellectual and afec-
tive inscription for contemporary art in Mexico as
a crucial component of public life. For all those
rea-sons, we understood the exhibition to be
a political intervention, directed at several planes
2. Institutional critique
Discrepancies was conceived as a sort of Museum
of Contemporary Art project; as the practical refu-
tation of objections that could have been raised
against the presence of permanent representations
of recent art in Mexico city museums. We were reac-
ting to a near-total absence of public and private col-
lections, historical research and archives dedicated
to the artistic period after 1968. We imagined this
project as a gesture that demanded to be inserted
within society and its cultural institutions. Indeed,
we wanted to advance a kind of institutionalization.
To this end, our intervention had to be vigorous and
ambitious: it was necessary to create a fetish, which
would imply, in addition to an epistemological project,
a circulation of values.
3. Temporary museum
The Age of Discrepancies sought to be a sort
of temporary museum; an exhibition about exhi-
bitions. The show was linked to two other initiatives
that the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico
(UNAM) was undertaking at the time: the creation
of the collections, the physical building and the 2008
museological project of the MUAC (Museo Univer-
sitario de Arte Contemporneo)
and the reconstruction of Mathias
Goeritzs Museo del Eco
The project was inscribed
in a strategy of reorganizing
the fabric of local artistic politics
whereby the university comes,
as in many other places, to amend
1 LaErade laDiscrepancia: Arte y
CulturaVisual en Mxico, 1968-1997, curated
by Olivier Debroise, lvaro Vzquez, Pilar
Garcade Germenos and Cuauhtmoc
Medina, wasorganized for theMuseo
Universitario de Arte Contemporneo at
theUniversidad Nacional Autnomade
Mxico, from 18 March to30 September
2007. Afterward it traveled totheMuseo
de Arte Latinoamericano inBuenos Aires,
Argentina(MALBA) and thePinacotecado
Estado inSao Paulo, Brazil. Thewebsite
compiles texts, reviews and images
oftheexhibition: http//servidor.esteticas.
2 http://www.
3 http://www.


the catastrophic failures of the state structure,
snatching away the monopoly of institutional artistic
control from the federal government and its agencies.
4. Critical hypothesis
Instead of subscribing to a history of art conceived
as an unfolding of personalities and styles,
we adopted a reading that, in a certain way,
shares much with the anthropological denition
of certain visual subcultures or tribes.
The groupings into which the show was divided
operated as diferentiations: not according to their
contributions to culture or art in general, as gestures
that claim a particular eld of practice. We wanted
to convey the notion that there is no single shared
cultural trajectory, but rather diferent adventures
whose concurrence owes to their wanting to combat
each other mutually without managing to become
complementary. We aimed to convey the idea that
to intervene artistically and culturally is to produce
a diferentiation, a split, a bias. In this sense,
we sought to mine the prestige of general
constructions: painting, national culture, the hollow
notion of the cultural itself.
5. Politics of temporality
Choosing to begin the exhibition in 1968with
the origin of the Saln Independiente (1968-
1971), the result of artistss refusals to participate
in the ofcial events of the Olympics in Mexico,
which coincided with the repression of the student
movementwas no countercultural whimsy, as many
of our critics have suggested, and much less a desire
to subsume artistic genealogies within a political
narrative. It supposes, rather, assumes the task
of addressing the fact that after 1968 the framework
of the conditions of art and culture underwent
a fundamental alteration, whereby an important
subset of those social projects that could not
be brought to the states eld of constitution
reverberated within the eld of the cultural. On
one hand, one of the decisive hypotheses of our
exhibition was to discern in the genealogy that leads
from the Saln Independiente to the movement
of the urban strategies of Los Grupos in the 1970s
by way of the experimental circuits of the artists
books inspired by Ulises Carrina continuous
re-elaboration of collective and self-generated
utopias that had begun gestating in 1968.
In retrospect it would be more convenient to have
said that a portion of the energy of experimentation
of the Lefts subjectivities was translated into art, and
that even this failure made evident the complexity
of pinpointing the formation of a new historical
subject beyond the party / proletarian, avant-garde
/ guerrilla model. In the same way it seemed crucial
that we suggest a series of moments of a virtual
visual Left that, throughout the 1970s, 1980s
and 1990s, would seek to reorient the radical
imaginary toward new referents: from Central
American guerrillas to suburban subalterns, passing
through the fracture of the notions of national
identity to formulate a micropolitics of identity.
The way in which diverse forms of artistic
production confronted both the programmatic
artistic vacuum and the programmatic political
vacuum does not seem at all foreign to the eras
trajectory. This preference for a particular afective
political intensity also explains our clear indiference
to those forms of artistic practice that did not
have a radical subjective or intellectual project.
Visitors to the exhibition could not have failed
to recognize that, on some level, the chronicle that
we were proposing had to do with understanding
the end of the twentieth century as illuminated by
Godards phrase in masculin/feminin: The children
of Marx and Coca Cola. Likewise, our decision
to conclude the exhibit with the economic and
political crises of 1994 and 1995 would have had
to suggest the assumption that, with the end
of the regime of single party rule in Mexico, a new
political stage had begun, wherein the politically
intense contents of the twentieth century had
become a crucial part of artistic productionvisibly,
commercially, in the mass media, and institutionally.
The collusion of market and politicization did not
bring us to despair, in part because it was hard
for us to imagine how radical culture could
operate under late, revitalized capitalism without
making use of the commodity form as a mode
of dissemination. To study the dynamic between
culture and society in the present would require
another theoretical apparatus. We imagined that
the recuperation of history depended on performing
a kind of retroactive vampirism: to re-read the prestige
of contemporary art back onto its obliterated past.
6. Currents of dissemination
Cultural contagion is anything but academic
and territorial. All those present here can testify
to the efect of the bottle lost at sea that decided
our involvement in a given cultural eld. It is indeed
because of sporadic contamination or indirect
transmission that we gain access to the crucial
references in our lives: the photocopy of a counter-
relief by Tatlin seen at just the right moment,
the fragment of a lm by Jodorowsky that gives us
the key to question our progressivism, the good
fortune of having been taken by a friend to an homage
to Sergey Kuryokhin, the unexpected discovery
of a work at a museum that, despite the museographic
narrative in which it is inscribed, stands out
as a unique and unrepeatable moment, designed
ex professo for each of us. Every purist argument
against the incorporation of art and radical culture
to the museum or to historiography that hopes
to salvage its anti-systemic character is an expression
of a strange religiosity that efectively collaborates with
repression through the control of supposedly orthodox
information. In Discrepancies, by contrast, we wanted
to activate the greatest space of dissemination that
had been possible for us, above all through a type
of catalog-book that attempted to excite a continuous
uncovering of references, cases and examples,
rather than to provide a closed and systematic
recounting of a period.
The very decision to conceive
the book of the exhibition
as a sort of scrap-book had
a very specic purpose: to create
a publication that we ourselves
would have consumed when
we were twenty-three years old,
to the degree that it would ofer
an account of culture as a eld
of adventures and promises,
and not as a body of ominously
nished works. Cultural memory
should be preserved not out
of a sense of delity to the past,
but with the ambition of facilitating
future explosions. To think
4 Olivier Debroise,
ed., TheAge
ofDiscrepancies: Art
and Visual Culture
inMexico, 1968-
1997, Mexico City,
UNAM / Turner,
2006, 426p. ISBN
Preview available
online at http://
otherwise is to desire that radicalism be transformed
into esotericism, with all of the advantages that come
with controlling a eld of secrets.
7. The motives behind a title
That a project such as The Age of Discrepancies could
have come to fruition had a lot to do with the good
fortune that the exhibition was adopted by the cultural
project of the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de
Mxico in 2003. Insofar as museums in general exercise
a productivist criterion that focuses curatorial eforts
on producing, in the most spectacular way possible,
the traditional art exhibitions Aristotelian unity of time,
narrative and place, operating within the UNAM made it
easy to convey the idea that this was a project centered
on research, and that the anthological show was just
one of its instantiations. For four years we enjoyed
(and maliciously abused) all the advantages that are
supposed to obtain in a truly extraordinary academic
institution, which allowed us to mobilize the resources
of the countrys premiere lm archive, various
libraries and the only center of research on artistic
materiality and technique in Mexico, the Laboratorio
de Obras de Arte at the Instituto de Investigaciones
Estticas, which oversaw the reconstruction of works
using a scientic degree of investigation. Finally,
we had the enormous advantage of using the space
of instruction itself as a eld on which to test out our
arguments, tastes and elaborations. For two years,
in tandem with the weekly curatorial meetings that
arbitrated the teams coordination, we colonized
graduate seminars in Art History at the Department
of Philosophy and Letters, covering our own reading
lists by way of holding discussions with the graduate
students there.
From this perspective, the title of the show came
about naturally. The Age of Discrepancies recalls
and memorializes one of the most notable
gestures in Mexican political history: a declaration
by the University dean, Javier Barros Sierra, who
proclaimed in 1969just over a year after the
massacre at TlatelolcoLong live discrepancy!
after pointing out that the university had been
attacked for fullling its function of being discrepant.
After challenging the president of the Republic by
defending the right of democratic assembly during
the battles of the movement of 1968, dean Barros
Sierra proposed a vision of a new republic, based on
a novel relationship between authority and society
that, instead of fearing disagreement, would place
it at the center of the functions of its educational
apparatus and its academic class. In opposition to all
hegemonic visions of culture, Barros Sierras phrase
seemed to us more than appropriate to describe
an age when, despite the establishments disdain,
cultural producers opted for a creative dissensus with
an intensity that would be hard to compare to other
sectors of culture.
Nevertheless, here it is worthwhile to specify,
dictionary in hand, that discrepancy is not
synonymous with opposition or sub-version.
One of the elements that attracted us to the concept
of discrepancy was the way the term is used
in the scientic eld to refer not so much
to contrariness, but rather to the idea that two
or more pieces of data difer from each other,
and thus suggest an inconsistency. Being discrepant
meant curating a show based on clashes, frictions,
and disagreements, but also on indiferences, lateral
displacements, and the cultural space for dreams,
irresponsibility and reticence.
8. The mechanisms of the local are already
the framework for the global.
Of all the arguments that have arisen around
the exhibition of The Age of Discrepancies, there
is one that particularly surprised us: the complaint
made by certain reviewers that our point of departure
should have been an analysis dened out of our
own ideas and stories, and the taking up of an
endogenous self-consciousness.
We curators
of The Age of Discrepancies understood ourselves
to be part of a context that, in the last two decades,
has occurred in the North as well as the South,
whereby the art, counterculture and visual produc-
tion of the last third of the twentieth century have
demanded their insertion into the museums
discourse because the notion of contemporary
art has changed social valence. This is also why
we expected our program of sending the show
abroad to mobilize exchanges and vibrations within
the global South. Although we did fail to send the
exhibition to the United States and Europewhere
central institutions choose not to accommodate
shows dened geographically unless they resonate
with their own interests in producing national
stereotypesthe shows itinerary was aimed more
energetically at South America.
By presenting it at the Museo de
Arte Latinoamericano in Buenos
Aires and the Pinacoteca Do
Estado in Sao Paulo, Brazil
in 2008, we wanted to occasion
a contagion of tactics.
Today, perhaps for the rst
time, there is a contemporary
art in two senses: the work
of art interacts with its social moment in a direct,
unmediated way, without modern arts biases,
delays, advances or its cult of untimeliness. With
this, the hostility between production and reception
has largely disappeared. However distressing it may
seem to those who feel nostalgia for the avant-
gardes critical function of tension, contemporary
art has an increasingly uid relationship with its
host society: collections, capitals, museums, publics,
educational apparatus and textual attention spill
over into the production of contemporaneity with
a disposition that would have been unthinkable for
the modernists. In this sense, art is contemporaneous
with its society in an immediate, vigorous way that
has not been possible since 1793.
But the assumption that geography implies delays
and advances has also disappeared: no longer does
anyone openly maintain that the periphery follows,
imitates or re-elaborates the centers innovations
according to a difusionist schematic. Rather, diferent
latitudes occupy the same temporal horizon, even
as asymmetries of power and visibility persist.
Resistance to this multi-polarity survives, nevertheless,
in the shared account of the history of art that is still
the narrative of modern art that centers on the region
of the old NATO.
It is in these terms that we must acknowledge that
many of the curatorial operations with the recent
past around the globe have involved the common
and not entirely conscioustask of constructing
a multi-focal account irreducible to the narrative
of the metropolis, one that seeks to reveal a geogra-
phical framework of cultural genealogies that no
longer bears any relation to the mainstream notion
of modernism. Indeed, there is no principal current:
only routes that crisscross each other, in an uneven
5 MnicaMayer,
Artes Visuales, El
Universal, Mexico
City, 8 June 2007.
Available online
at http://www.
Exhibition view ofTheAge ofDiscrepancies.
Art and Visual Culture inMexico 1968-1997 at
theMuseo de Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos
Aires, 2008
weave of operations of power that makes the
historical account increasingly complicated. But
it is no longer possible to trace in this dimension
of complexity a local or national history of art that
would establish its developmental logic and its
own temporality internally, inasmuch as artistic
genealogies, too, undergo an almost instantaneous
process of globalization.
Indeed, as we proposed in the introduction
to the catalog, The Age of Discrepancies originated
in a feeling of unease that several Mexican curators
and art historians had experienced as a result of the
supercial rewriting of local accounts that accom-
panied the visibility that the countrys contemporary
art acquired in the mid-1990s.
We were alarmed at
the possibility that the production of various generations
of artists between muralism and the global emergence
of artists like Gabriel Orozco or Francis Als would
end up completely erased.
It seemed clear to us that
the insertion of an artistic scene within the global
territory would involve a renegotiation of peripheral
genealogies. It is at the level of these interactions that
the disputes over insertion are produced, which also
operate because of retroactive transfusions of prestige
and contemporaneity.
In any case, there was an afective motive that
obliged us to think this show outside of any national
culture scheme. We wanted to imagine an exhibition
that would do justice to a range of works and
gestures that had occurred
amidst disinterest or disdain from
local institutions and audiences.
The Age of Discrepancies wished
to be a catalog of passions and
productions that occurred despite
6 Olivier Debroise
and Cuauhtmoc
Medina, Genealogy
7 Inparticular, Olivier Debroise and
Iwere reacting totheargument inthepress
releases for Gabriel Orozcos project for
theMuseum ofModern Art inNew York
in1993, which suggested that thework
ofOrozco had derived from rejecting
thetradition ofMexicanmuralism. On
top ofthefalsehood ofthisassertion,
theargument assumed thetotal eradication
ofsix decades oflocal anti-muralist reactions,
polemics and rejections, which were invisible
totheMoMAprecisely asaresult oftheir own
politics ofexclusion. Cf. Olivier Debroise,
MexicanArt on Display, inTheEfects
oftheNation: MexicanArt intheAge
ofGlobalization, Carl Good and John V.
Waldron, eds., Temple University Press, 2001,
p.35 n.11 and Cuauhtmoc Medina, Delays
and Arrivals, Curare 27 (JulyDecember
2006), pp.113-117. See also TheAge
ofDiscrepancies, p.26.
Exhibition view ofTheAge ofDiscrepancies.
Art and Visual Culture inMexico
1968-1997 with reconstruction
ofSUMAgroup, ElDesempleado, 1978
atthePinacotecadoStado, So Paulo, Brasil,
Is The Past Another Country?
If there are two dening and symbolic dates
in recent history that have marked the world and
collective memory for subsequent years, one would
be 1989, and the other, 2001. For many people,
the day on which the Berlin wall fell was one
of perceived optimism and hope; the day on which
the twin towers collapsed was dystopian as it
was shocking, and marked the beginning of a period
of regression and counter-Enlightenment policies
in the name of safety and security. It is now twenty-
two years after the demise of real socialism and ten
years after 9/11; post-1989 euphoria has evaporated
and post-9/11 fear and pessimism persists, fuelled
by the banking crisis (2008 is also a key date
in this respect, and may prove to be much more
momentous than 9/11 in the long run), economic
instability, continuing conict in the Middle East and
Afghanistan, and the rise of the right wing in Europe.
In these last twenty years, momentous political and
ideological shifts have taken place, from the demise
of socialism and the collapse of ideological
certainties, to the consolidation of global capitalism
and neo-liberalism, and in some cases, the rise
of nationalism and xenophobia.
At the same time, Western consumerist culture
has increasingly become the desirable norm
in the planetary casino of the global market
economy (to borrow an expression by philosopher
and economist Cornelius Castoriadis) and there
has also been a momentous shift in the representation
and perception of reality itself; technology having
dramatically altered the way in which we conduct
our lives and experience reality. But has there been
time to truly evaluate and understand that which
is our elusive present? Do we possess the clarity
to anticipate the future aside from the usual blind
optimism or rhetorics of catastrophology? According
to the recently deceased historian Tony Judt, we are
living in an unpolitical age of forgetting, one in which
there is a prevalent belief that the past has nothing
of interest to teach us. Ours, we insist, is a new world;
its risks and opportunities are without precedent;
it is a world where we seek actively to forget rather
than to remember, to deny continuity and proclaim
novelty on every possible occasion.
He goes on to
say: In the wake of 1989, with boundless condence
and insufcient reection, we put the twentieth cen-
tury behind us and strode boldly into its successor
swaddled in self-serving half-truths: the triumph
of the West, the end of History, the unipolar
American moment, the ineluctable
march of globalization and the free
market The problem [with all
of this] is the message: that all
of that is now behind us, that its
meaning is clear, and that we may
now advanceunencumbered by
past errorsinto a diferent and
better era.

A generation of politicians
and citizens who are oblivious
to history are turning the twentieth
century into a moral memory
palace, he argues, sacricing
history to both myth making and
denial over memory. This not only
has disturbing implications for
the future of democratic gover-
nance but also leads to what he
calls the misidentication of the
Burgeoning ignorance
and amnesia is proving, he argues,
1 Judt, Tony,
TheWorld WeHave
Lost inReappraisals:
Reections on
Twentieth Century,
Walter Heinemann,
London 2008, p. 2.
2 Ibid.
3 Judt, Tony, What
Have WeLearned,
If Anything?,
TheNew York Review
ofBooks, Volume
55, Number 7, May 1,
See also: www.

calamitous, with the clear prospect of worse to come.
A fairly recent case in point would be the war in Iraq.
During his time as Prime Minister, Tony Blair, in his
drive to defend his motion to authorize the war
in Parliament, failed to mention Britains previous
invasion of Iraq in 1914, which was carried out
in order to protect its oil interests in the region. Had
the British public been informed
of Britains previous adventure
there, the situation would have
been better illuminated and
would or might have brought
sharply into focus the risk
of insurgency and continuing
instability after the invasion, quite
possibly changing public opinion
and the political consensus on
the war.
In his book Why History
historian John Tosh
argues that New Labors whole
political machine was built on
amnesia; amnesia that facilitated
this very dangerous venture.
He warns of the precariousness
of hiding historical facts for
political purposes, using over-
simplied historical analogies
to justify public policy decisions,
or hand picking arguments to suit
courses of action, and advocates
the return of the function of
history in the public sphere.
He goes on to say that active
citizenship in a deliberative demo-
cracy stands in much greater
need of historical knowledge
than is generally recognized
and that thinking
historically has a crucial part to play in the intellectual
equipment of the active, concerned citizen.
he suggests that our world would be better governed
and administered if a better understanding of the past
were available to decision makers and the public.
While acknowledging the problems that history
as an academic discipline is plagued by, as well
as the problematics of historiography and the fact
that history may be abused, manipulated or distorted,
this paper advocates the importance of history
as a tool for furthering knowledge and awareness,
supporting the belief in the social use of history,
as well as the important role it has to play in battling
amnesia, selective memory, forgetfulness, and our
cultures short attention span.
The speed with which events occur, are transmitted,
consumed and then brushed aside nowadays entails
that our understanding of the present is now, perhaps
more than ever, temporary and ephemeral, not to
mention partial. How do we cope in todays hurried,
information overloaded, perpetually networked,
Blackberried, i-Phoned and i-Padded society which
ceaselessly demands instant
gratication? One could say that
to a great degree, our culture
seems dominated by presentism
or short-termism the tendency
to focus on the narrow condi-
tions of the moment and to
uncritically embrace modernity,
technology and progress as being
a boon to society. This no doubt
fosters amnesia and selective
memory, not to mention igno-
rance. In the maze and wake
4 Ibid.
5 For more on
thisrepressed history
see: Jack Bernstein,
miaMess, InterLin-
guaPublishing, 2008.
that thesimilarities
between theBri-
tish invasion and
occupation in1914,
and thecurrent
U.S. experience are
remarkable and
that there were many
lessons that U.S.
politicians and mili-
tary could haveand
should havelearned
before the2003
7 Tosh, John, Why
History Matters,
transcript ofspeech
at Birkbeck College,
London, 28 May,
8 Ibid.
6 Tosh, John, Why
History Matters,
Palgrave Macmillan,
London, 2008.
of information overload and global event saturation,
it now seems even more important to recall history
and past events as a key to unlocking contemporary
identities and psyches, and positing visions of the
future. As the veteran Marxist historian Eric Hobs-
bawm (arguably one of the greatest historians of our
time) has unequivocally put it, History alone provides
orientation and anyone who faces the future with-
out it is not only blind but dangerous, especially
in the era of high technology.
Though the present is often envisaged as being
utterly divorced or cut of from the past, we tend
to forget that, in reality, the past is a collective
continuity of experience.
In the continuum that
constitutes time, The past is a permanent dimension
of the human consciousness to be a member
of any human community is to situate oneself with
regards to ones past, if only by rejecting it For
the greater part of history we deal with societies
and communities for which the past is essentially
the pattern for the present.
It now appears that for
the rst time, we have begun moving further and
further away from this idea.
The Cambridge University historian Christopher
Andrew has termed this increasing prevalence
of historical denial Historical
Attention Span Decit Disorder
He maintains that
this disrespect for the long-
term past produces two serious
intellectual disorders. First,
the delusion that what is newest
is necessarily most advanced
not a proposition which anyone
with even an outline knowledge
of the thousand years which
followed the fall of the Roman Empire would take
seriously And second, the belief that interpreting
the past and forecasting the future require an under-
standing only of the recent past This kind of intel-
lectual parochialism has, for example, led to the
common belief that globalization is an of-shoot
of American capitalism rather than a product of a long
and complex interaction between the West and other
In light of this situation, it is thus perhaps
an opportune moment to reiterate what in fact
should be obvious: that the concept of history plays
a fundamental role in human thought. It invokes
notions of human agency, change, the role of material
circumstances in human afairs, and the putative
meaning of historical events. It raises the possibility
of learning from past events. And it suggests the pos-
sibility of better understanding ourselves in the
present, by understanding the forces, choices, and
circumstances that have brought us to our current
Indeed, as numerous thinkers
have maintained over time,
it is necessary to understand
what has come before in order
to understand the present as well
as posit visions for the future.
An understanding of history
or histories, as is perhaps more
correct a termis paramount
as it entails an understanding
of social and cultural being.
David Cannadine, professor
of history at Princeton University,
explains the function of history
9 Hobsbawm,
Eric, Looking
Forward: History and
theFuture, inOn
History, Abacus,
London 2007, p. 69
12 Andrew,
tolook backwards
before looking
forward, inHistory
and Policy
paper-23.html 10 Ibid page 27.
13 Ibid 11 Ibid page 14
as a discipline that makes plain the complexity
of human afairs, the range and variety of human
experience, which teaches proportion, perspective,
reectiveness, breadth of view, tolerance of difering
opinions and thus a greater sense of self knowledge.

By extent, it is a truism to say that one can only really
know who one is, if one knows where one comes
from; it is no coincidence that so many people
who have sufered displacement due to personal
circumstances customarily try to trace back their
origins or nd their roots; like the adopted child who
eventually wants to nd out who his or her true
parents are.
The Hegelian notion of history as an inevitable form
of progress or development that, in turn, is related
to the idea of the perfectibility of humanitywas
shattered by the violence and Total War of the twen-
tieth century, to borrow the title of Peter Calvoco-
ressI and Guy Wints homonymous, germinal book.
Moreover, those who were quick to proclaim the end
of history (Francis Fukuyama
included) and who hastened
to announce the victory of
Western liberal democracy as
the nal form of government
have had to adopt a more mo-
derate, reserved stance about
their sweeping declarations
in the light of the rise of autho-
ritarian non-democratic powers
(even if they appear in quasi-
capitalist guise), nationalism,
xenophobia, and radical Islam.
These are also reasons why
John Tosh advocates that
we need to pay more attention
to teaching people to think historically. That is to say,
to grasp what is the nature of understanding the past
in a historical sense, and the ways it could be useful,
in an open-ended way because the difculty with
all these agendas whether national, religious or
otherwise is that they are closed agendas with only
one outcome in mind, and thats a denial of what
history can primarily ofer.

Apart from the fact that arguing in favour of the end
of history seems a rather myopic view to take, as it
does not take into account the passage of time and
historical circumstances beyond our own lives, it also
completely ignores the unpredictability of historical
events. Who could have possibly imagined what
happened on 9/11, for example (except for Hollywood
blockbuster action lm directors?) It also does not
take into account the millions of people all over
the world who do not enjoy the comfort and relative
security of a secular free market democracy. True, it
can be argued that democracies are probably better
at dealing with poverty but, on the other hand,
as Jacques Derrida has pointed out (in response
to Fukuyama), never have violence, poverty
and inequality afected as many human beings
in the history of humanity as now.
One cannot speak of history in
such absolute, mono-theoristic
terms as those of the end
of history simply because,
to quote Alexander Herzen,
the father of Russian socialism,
History has no Libretto.
The future, Herzen maintained,
was the ofspring of accident and
willfulness. There was no libretto or
destination, and there was always
14 Cannadine, David,
Making History Now,
History Today, Vol. 49,
July 1999.
See also: www.questia.
For further reading:
Cannadine, David,
Making History, Now
and Then: Discoveries,
Controversies and
Explorations, Palgrave
Macmillan, London
15 Lawless, Andrew,
History Matters:
Interview with John
Tosh, November
as much in front as there was behind.

In light of these developments it hardly seems
a coincidence that, in recent years, an increasing
number of artists are trying to recapture this historical
sense, to re-claim its importance and are making
work that refers back to history, dealing with notions
of time, memory, and bygone events. The work
of these artists, such as Yael Bartana, Lene Berg,
Matthew Buckingham, Andreas Bunte, Chto Delat?,
Omer Fast, Johan Grimonprez, David Maljkovi,
Vincent Meessen, Deimantas Narkeviius, T. J.
Wilcox among others, demonstrates a keen desire
to connect with and understand the past in order
to make sense of the present. As a result, historical
and archival research and representation are now
a prevalent tendency in some areas of contemporary
art. This use and re-use of documents and archives
not only sheds new light on important or overlooked
aspects of historiography, but also makes cultural and
historical attributions shift, highlighting the variable
mechanisms of memory and reception.
Likewise, in lm and video practices, many strands
of historical reference have emerged, as these
media are among the most appropriate for
the deployment of narrative strategies that historical
subject matter invariably relies upon, and because
lens-based practices are, in any case, records of things
that were registered in the past tense. Perhaps it
is the collapse of erstwhile steadfast ideologies, belief
systems or political certainties, and
the demise of the utopian quest
that has caused artists to look back
in time, to search for sheltering
perspectives. In the early and mid-
twentieth century there seemed
to be a vision of how to advance
in the future, in art as well as in politics, something
that cannot be said of today.
In Eastern Europe the return
of history
to borrow
the title of Robert Kagans
recent bookin art practice
probably relates to the fact that
history was violently repressed
and historical representation
was banished during Communist
times, whereas in the Western
world the renewed interest
perhaps comes from the critical
realization that history
has tended to be increasingly
tied to the leisure agenda, and
the entertainment and culture
industries and hence has been
subjected to commodication,
romanticization, nostalgicization,
and spectacularization (as opposed
to being seriously studied).
Despite the abundance of history
as light entertainment and its
consumption in the form of theme
parks, museums, heritage sites,
and costume dramas on TV
and in cinema, it is doubtful
whether these forms contribute
to historical knowledge or
awareness; moreover they
clearly have been inadequate
to forge a historically well-
informed public. Historian and art
16 Stoppard, Tom,
Sunday 2 June 2002
(Features, p. 5).
17 Kagan, Robert,
ofHistory and
theEnd ofDreams,
Alfred A. Knopf,
New York, 2008.
Kaganargues against
theend ofhistory
and theideathat
liberal democratic
ideals and market
economics have
proved illusory
instead weare
witness tothere-
autocratic powers,
along with
forces ofIslamic
radicalism, forces
which threaten
toweaken theworld
See also: Sanger,
David Democracy,
Limited, New York
Times, May 18, 2008,
historian Ludmilla Jordanova suggests that, if
we want to change public cultures connected with
history, the ways in which it is presented currently
need to be reconsidered.
It is within this light that
the artist as historian has a role to play.
This interest in history and historiography stems from
a need to formulate an understanding of the present,
from a demand to nd meaning in the present and,
in some cases, from a desire to imagine the future.
Walter Benjamin talked about the vanishing point
of history as always being in the present moment:
The past carries a secret index with it, by which it
is referred to its resurrection. Are we not touched by
the same breath of air which was among that which
came before? Is there not an echo of those who
have been silenced in the voices to which we lend
our ears today? ... If so, there is a secret protocol
between generations of the past
and that of our own.
So, in efect,
this retreat to the past is not
an escape from the present but
rather a way in which to confront
or comprehend it. Like Benjamins
view of the historian, many con-
temporary artists record the
constellation with which their
own epoch comes into contact
with that of an earlier one
a view to addressing present day
realities and concerns.
For some, contemporary art
history may in retrospect appear
frivolously, irresponsibly obsessed
with the past and that the current
interest in historiography is escapist
indicating arts inability to grasp
or even look at the present, much less to excavate
the future.
I argue the opposite. It is extremely
irresponsible not to be interested in the past, for if
we are to be able to grasp or even look at the present
or think or simply imagine the future we can only do
so with the benet of hindsight. We need more history,
not less, and it is careless and dangerous to disregard it.
In contemporary art we all-too-often see this problem
emerge in the shortcomings of art education, for
example the ignorance of students who dont have
a past knowledge of art history that they should; works
being blindly churned out without knowledge of their
genealogy and what has been done before. The current
interest in history is not something we can dismiss
as one of those trends that occur in contemporary art;
it is a serious intellectual pursuit of diachronic value.
The importance of history
is of course inextricably tied
to the importance of memory.
This historiographic turn in art
is not a mere trend as I have
suggested above, but something
that is rooted in the historical
circumstances of our recent
past. Nor is it an entirely new
phenomenon that arose
in the post-1989 era. In his essay,
The Artist as Historian, Mark
Godfrey points out that already
at the end of the 1970s, There are
an increasing number of artists
whose practice starts with research
in archives, and others who
deploy what has been termed
an archival form of research.
goes on to elaborate on the two
18 Jordanova, Lud-
milla, How history
matters now, History
and Policy, www.
Thepaper isanex-
panded version
ofaspeech given
by LudmillaJorda-
novaat thelaunch
ofJohn Toshs book,
Why History Matters
(Palgrave Macmillan,
2008) at Birkbeck
College, London, on
28 May 2008.
19 Benjamin, Walter,
On theConcept
ofHistory, www.
21 Roelstraete,
Dieter, After
Turn: Current
Findings, e-ux
Journal #6, May
20 Ibid.
strands that exist within this genre of artists using
history: on the one hand, there is a preoccupation
with the history of mediums and forms but
more importantly, his main point about the artist
as historian concerns methodology. To that I would
add the freedom to engage in what Roland Barthes
called the constant opposition between the discourses
of poetry and the novel, the ctional narrative and
the historical narrative.

Artistically speaking, to borrow images, stories,
practices and aesthetics from the past is often
to create diferent narrative methodologies and build
bridges with the present, but also to raise awareness
of alternative or marginalized narratives; narratives
that have been swept aside in the wake of History
with a capital H. As Fernand Braudelthe foremost
French historian of the post-war erahas observed,
this histoire obscure de tout
le monde is the history towards
which all historiography tends
at present.
This is no coincidence
given that for the most part History
has always been written by those
in power; the winners; or those
at the forefront of ruling class
These so called grand
or master narratives and
the myths and barbarism they
often perpetuate and sustain have
not only been promulgated by
ruling class politics but also,
in modern times, by the media and
culture industries. In that respect,
Braudels contribution to post-war
historiographic practices, like that
of the Annales school, has been
indispensable, as it has helped to further the study
of history on those aspects of it, which have been
brushed aside, repressed or left unsaid.
While historical events are often seen as being
perpetually consolidated, one never knows what
the outcome will be further down the road. Braudel
therefore argues that it is only through study
of the longue dure that one can discern structure,
the supports and obstacles, the limits man and
his experience cannot escape.
The longue dure
is an experimental approach
to the theoretical reconstruction
of long-term, large-scale historical
change which represents
a temporal rhythm so slow and
stable that it approximates physical
He used the longue
dure approach to argue in favour
of historical social science and
the plurality of historical time,
as well as to stress the slow
and often imperceptibleefects
of space, climate and technology
on the actions of human beings
in the past. The media in particular
and political opportunists of sorts
have been oblivious to the long-
term efects of various historical
parameters, promoting instead
the idea of event history which
Braudel nds lacking in time density.
The Annales historians, grass roots
history, and history from the bottom
have, to a certain extent,
alleviated this barbarism of
omission that Benjamin refers to.
22 Godfrey,
Mark, TheArtist
October, vol. 120,
Spring 2007, p. 143
25 Benjamin, Walter,
On theConcept
ofHistory, www.
23 Barthes,
Roland, Discourse
ofHistory, translated
by Stephen Bann.
Criticism, 3 (1981):
pp. 7-20.
See also:
24 Braudel, Fernand,
Une Parfaite
Russite, reviewing
Claude Manceron,
quIlve , 17851787
(Paris, 1979), inL
Histoire 21 (1980),
26 Braudel, Fernand,
On History, translated
by Sarah Matthews,
University ofChicago
Press/Wiedenfeld &
Nicholson, London,
The other problem that plagues the historical
scholar is the persistence of deep-held myths about
the past, selective memory and the efects of these
on collective consciousness. These can be better
grasped on the micro-level,
in terms of family and personal
life, for example. When it comes
to families, there is frequently little
consensus on the key story and
their interpretations. There may
not even be a shared account
about the nature and timing of key
events. People constantly make
myths that take deep roots and
use existing myths that relate
to their past.
The practice
of writing history is indeed not
an easy one, as it is marked
by questions epistemological
as well as moral; from the autho-
ritative or subjective voice
of the historian to the voiceless
position of the subject may stem
a whole host of misunderstandings
and misrepresentations. How
objective can the recounting
of history be anyway, and whose
History is it? At what point does
truth collapse and ction take
Roland Barthes posed the very
important question: Does
the narration of past events
really difer from imaginary
narration, as we nd it in the epic,
the novel and the drama?
the historian must organize her own discourse
and in doing so may sacrice objectivity. Barthes
denes the historian not so
much as a collector of facts
as a collector and relater
of signiers; that is to say,
s/he organizes them with
the purpose of establishing
positive meaning and lling
the vacuum of pure, meaningless
Braudel, on the other
hand, pointed out that history
does not exist independently
of the historians perspectives
and that the historian intervenes
at every stage in the making
of history. All these considerations
are in one way or another related
to two fundamental questions
in the philosophy of history:
Is there a xed historical
reality, independent from later
representations of the facts?
Or is history intrinsically
constructed, with no objective
reality independent from the ways
in which it is constructed?
Whether one subscribes
to the objectivist, empiricist,
positivist or structuralist view,
in this writers opinion, there
is truth in both the aforementioned
statements. The event did happen
but we get diferent stories of it.
There is an outside reality outside
the reality of language and what
29 Jordanova, Lud-
milla, How history
matters now, History
and Policy, www.
Thepaper isanex-
panded version
ofaspeech given
by LudmillaJorda-
novaat thelaunch
ofJohn Toshs book
Why History Matters
(Palgrave Macmillan,
2008) at Birkbeck
College, London, on
28 May 2008.
31 Ibid.
27 Tomich,
Dale, TheOrder
ofHistorical Time:
TheLongue Dure
and Micro-history.
Paper presented at
TheLongue Dure
and World Systems
Analysis, Colloquium
the50th Anniversary
ofFernand Braudels
Histoire et Sciences
Social: LaLongue
Dure, Annales
E.S.C., XIII4, 1958,
2425 October
2008, Fernand
Braudel Centre,
Binghampton, New
York, p. 2-3.
28 For further
reading: Hobsbawm,
Eric, On History
From Below, inOn
History, Abacus,
London 2007, pp.
30 Barthes,
Roland, Discourse
ofHistory, translated
by Stephen Bann.
Criticism, 3 (1981):
pp. 7-20.
See also:
is in our heads. To illustrate my point: the twin towers
did collapse; there is no doubt about that. How
this fact is subsequently interpreted by diferent
parties is another matter altogether.
History, thereforeas well as the study of it
is a matter of maneuvering slippery, complex
concepts. History does not only mean the past but
it is also an account of the past, for we do not just
want to know what happened, but also how and
why. We might ask, what is the purpose of history?
Do we study it for its own sake; do we try to nd out
the truth about the past; do we try to comprehend
where we came from; do we try to understand why
a particular event happened; do we want to discover
historical laws, or do we wish to justify present
actions? While historical events are occurrences,
history is manmade. It involves matters of authorship,
availability and reliability of source material, the
interpretation of it, personal interpretation and
bias. Historical knowledge is real, because there
is material evidence that certain events did occur.
But it can be relative as well, because the evidence
might be interpreted diferently by diferent historians
and in diferent times. It is objective insofar as there
is physical proof of the existence of a past, and it
is subjective in so far as there is an historian involved
who establishes the narrative. History, much like
artistic practice, is not a cut-and-dried set of argu-
ments and facts; it lives through debate and argu-
The End of History has ended, if it ever
32 Lawless, Andrew, History Matters:
Interview with John Tosh, November 2008,
A Place Out of History
1.TheFacts (Just aFew)
In 1939, Carmen Ruiz Snchez, formerly known
as Tina Modotti, disembarked at the port of Veracruz.
As a nal gesture, the actress-turned-photographer
abandoned her spot behind the camera, alleging
other kinds of political priorities.
Around 1943, a young Pavel Gubchevsky ofered
a guided tour through the empty galleries of the
Hermitage Museum for the Soviet soldiers who had
helped safeguard its treasures against the imminent
danger of plundering by the Nazi army that was then
advancing on Saint Petersburg.
Many ofthestories surrounding TinaModotti, photographer
and agent oftheCommunist Party, have been based on
theletters she exchanged with Edward Weston aswell ason
newspaper articles. Modottirst became apublic gure when
she waslinked, in1929, tothemurder ofJulio Antonio Mella,
founder oftheCubanCommunist Party. She would later be
absolved ofthiscrime when suspicion would fall on thethen-
Cubangovernment, and on Communist agents from Moscow.
Some ofthose who have written her story have done so
inorder toslant it toclear their own names, asdid Vittorio
Vidali, Modottis last partner, who worked for diferent agencies
oftheSoviet Communist Party. It washe who accompanied
Modottion theboat that took her toEurope after being
implicated intheattempted murder ofPresident Elect Pascual
Ortiz Rubio in1930, acrime for which she waslater thrown out
ofMexico. Modottithen settled briey inBerlinand, following
Vidalis advice, moved toMoscow in1931. There she gave up
photography inorder topursue her activities asanInternational
Red Aid agent,
that supported
persecuted or
jailed communists
around theworld.

TinaModottiat anexhibition ofher work
at theNational Library inMexico City, 1929
Courtesy Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images
Vittorio Vidalion
theship, 1930
Courtesy Museo
Nacional de Arte,
MelvinMoti, No Show, 2004 Courtesy
Julio Antonio Mellas typewriter,
Courtesy Museo Nacional
deArte, INBA-Conaculta
thereconstruction ofMellas
assassination, 1929,
46373 Conaculta.INAH.Sinafo.
Letter from TinaModottitoEdward Weston, February 25, 1930
Courtesy Center for Creative Photography, University ofArizona
On October 29, 1947, Dutch painter Han van
Meegeren was tried for collaborating with the
Nazisa crime that was punishable by death
in postwar Netherlandsand sentenced to a year
in prison for forgery.
Sometime in 1967, the writer and famous hoaxer
Cliford Irving is reported to have irrupted, imper-
sonating an FBI agent, into La Falaise, the Ibiza
residence of the eccentric millionaire and inde-
fatigable jetsetter, the art dealer, arms trafcker,
Ambassador-at-Large for Haiti, Nicaragua, and
Liberia (among others), and long-time CIA agent:
Fernand Legros.
HanVanMeegerens trial, 1947
Courtesy Yale Joel/Time & Life Pictures
Editorial/Getty Images
Fernand Legros infront ofhisRolls-Royce
(no date)
Courtesy Foundation Ral Lessard, Hong Kong
Upon not achieving recognition for hisown artistic work,
VanMeegeren chose toforge and sell paintings by great
Dutch masters oftheseventeenth century inorder tosilently
devote himself tohistalent. In1932 he painted Manand
Womanat Spinet, awork similar tothecompositions and
themes ofJohannes Vermeer, which wasclaimed by art
historianAbraham Bredius tobe one ofVermeers greatest
works but nonetheless managed toraise suspicion among
specialists. VanMeegeren reassessed hisstrategy and
decided tocreate aseries ofpaintings that would ll avoid
inthereligious period that specialists maintained had existed
inVermeers work. Among others, he painted Christ with
theAdultress (19301944), which he sold toHermann Gring
at thebeginning oftheSecond World War.
After theend ofthewar, VanMeegeren wasaccused oflooting
Dutch cultural heritage inorder tobenet Naziofcers when
Christ with theAdultress wasfound inGrings possession.
Thepainter thus confessed tohaving forged thework, along
with several others. During thetrial, inview ofthedisbelief
that he could create aVermeer, he painted anew piece which
absolved him oftheaccusation ofbeing aNazicollaborator.
He was, however, charged with forgery and fraud.
Recovered painting
ofChrist and
theAdultress with
Courtesy National
Archives and Records
Two people
studying Christ and
theAdultress by
November 1, 1947
Courtesy Yale Joel/
Time & Life Pictures
Film stills ofSimon Starling, Project for
aMasquerade (Hiroshima), 2010
Courtesy oftheartist and TheModern
Institute, Glasgow
Nedko Solakov, Top Secret (19891990)
Courtesy oftheartist
In 1979, Sir Anthony Blunt, a member of the British
intelligence service, a respected art historian and
the surveyor of Queen Elizabeth IIs Pictures,
was removed from his post and stripped of his
knighthood when Margaret Thatcher revealed him
to be the fourth man in the Cambridge Fivea group
of spies that had worked for the Soviet Union during
the Cold War.
In the spring of 1990, amid all the political changes
brought about by the fall of the Communist regime,
Nedko Solakov exhibited his work Top Secret for
the rst time, to great controversy, as it constituted
a kind of public confession detailing his collaboration
with the Bulgarian Secret Police.
Manand Womanat
theSpinet, 1934
HanVanMeegerens trial. Theartist ispainting
toprove he wasable toforge aJohannes
Vermeer, October 1, 1947
Courtesy Yale Joel/Time & Life Pictures
Editorial/Getty Images
Video still ofHitoSteyerl, November, 2004
Courtesy oftheartist
In 1998, Andrea Wolf (alias Seht Ronah), a friend
of Hito Steyerls who starred in one of her early lms
combining feminism and the martial arts, was killed
in action as she fought for the Kurdistan liberation
Between 2005 and 2008, the artist Jill Magid inter-
viewed several undercover agents from the Dutch
Secret Service, after receiving an invitation from that
countrys Security and Intelligence Service (AIVD)
to create a work of art that would give the agency
a human face.
Jill Magid, Hacked Novel, 2009
Courtesy ofYvon Lambert, Paris
2. TheScene
Each of the characters assembled in this exhibition
has a story of his or her own to tellin some cases
narrated, analyzed or distorted multiple times depen-
ding on the era and the author on duty. A Place Out
of History emerges as a kind of platform or stage
set where a whole series of stories converge, most
of them told from the corridors of history, and whose
central gures each seem to demand their turn
in the spotlight. In these stories, false identities, secret
agendas, ofcial versions and half-baked truths all
played an active rolethough almost always from
behind the scenesin the denition of specic political
scenarios and movements. However, their narrative
reconstructions and mediatic restitutions reveal a series
of historical coincidences and ideological divergences
which have blurred the lines that divide the inside from
the outside of history, and ction from reality.
1 Walter Benjamin: Places ofRe-
remembering, consulted at http://www.
places-of-re-remembering , June 21, 2010
Installation view ofMuseum ofAmericanArt
(MoAA) at Museo Tamayo, Mexico D.F.
PhotoRamiro Chavez
On January 25, 2009, Milo Rau asked a certain Walter
Benjamin, the self-proclaimed ofcial spokesperson
of the Museum of American Art (MoAA), If there
is a place out of History (even if it is just the history
of art), what kind of stories are told there?
In1939 Henry Moore installed Reclining Woman(1930) inthe
garden ofthearchitect Ern Goldngers newly completed
home at 2 Willow Road, Hampstead. Themodernist home
proved unpopular with many residents, most famously with
thewriter IanFleming whose wrath led him torecast Goldnger
astheCold War villainpar excellence. InToronto, however,
Moores connection tointernational espionage wasfar more
real: hiswork wasrst introduced totheArt Gallery ofToronto
(now theAGO) by Anthony Blunt, theDirector oftheCourtauld
Institute, Keeper oftheQueens Pictures, now infamous spy.
In1955 Blunt, anadvisor totheTorontomuseum, had proposed
Moores Warrior with Shield (19531954) for acquisition.
Simon Starling,
Musselled Moore,
Courtesy oftheartist
and TheModern
Webster Ltd, Glasgow
While Moore wasno doubt oblivious tothelatters connection
tointernational espionage, thismost international ofartists
wasnot untouched by themachinations ofglobal politics
and appears tohave become adept at balancing hisinterests
with those ofpeople with money and power. While Moore
wasapublic sponsor oftheCampaign for Nuclear Disarmament,
he wasalso happy toreceive acommission for asculpture
(Nuclear Energy, 19641966) tocommemorate Enrico
Fermis rst self-sustaining nuclear chainreaction inChicago
in1942. Even before that commission had been completed,
Moore had, much tothedistress ofChicago University, made
anedition ofasmaller working model ofthesculpture under
thetitle Atom Piece (pun clearly intendedone ofwhich he
later [controversially] sold totheHiroshimaCity Museum
ofContemporary Art (). Further still, it wasobserved that
Moore had amassed aconsiderable fortune from hisassociation
with Joseph Hirshhorn, whose own vast fortune had inturn
come from thephenomenally protable sale ofuranium
deposits inCanada, asale bolstered by thefrenetic activities
oftheAtomic Energy Commission during the1940s and 1950s
(Simon Starling, Redeploying Mooreexcerpt).
Project for aMasquerade (Hiroshima): Asixteenth century
Japanese play ofpersonal reinvention, double identity and
disguise restaged asacold war drama. With James Bond,
Joseph Hirshhorn, Enrico Fermi, Anthony Blunt, Colonel
Sanders and themultifaceted Atom Piece asUshiwaka,
theexiled son ofthedefeated Lord Yoshitomo, ying from
incarceration with thehelp ofHenry Moore asahat maker,
whofashions hisdisguise.
Film stills ofSimon
Starling, Project
for aMasquerade
(Hiroshima), 2010
Courtesy oftheartist
and TheModern
Institute, Glasgow
Those were strange years inart and politics. On theone hand, Modern Art had
tobe defended from thecriticism from theright (see Alfred Barr Jr., IsModern
Art Communistic?). On theother, it became apparent, especially topeople like
George Kennan(North Americandiplomat, political scientist, and historian, known
asthefather of containment during theCold War), that AmericanModern Art
could be used inthecultural Cold War asanexpression ofWestern creativity and
freedom. Nevertheless, these exhibitions helped establish therst postwar common
Europeancultural identity, based on Modernism (abstract art), Internationalism and
individualism, nally establishing Barrs narrativeconstructed inthemid 1930s,
asdened through hisfamous diagram and later through theMoMApermanent
exhibitasthedominant history ofModern Art until today (MoAA, Mission
TheMuseum ofAmericanArt (MoAA) inBerlinisaneducational institution dedicated
toassembling, preserving and exhibiting memories oftheMuseum ofModern Art
and its circulating exhibitions inEurope during the1950s. Curated by Dorothy Miller,
these exhibitions rst introduced Gorky, Motherwell, Pollock, Gottlieb, Rothko,
Kline and de Kooning intothemuseum context. These artists constituted themost
attractive and radical segment oftheworks promoted by theInternational Program
ofCirculating Exhibitions, established by theMoMA, and funded by theRockefeller
Foundation with theaim ofpromoting greater international understanding and
mutual respect.
Installation view ofMuseum ofAmericanArt
Courtesy ofMoAA, Berlin
Exhibition credits:
Arst version ofAPlace out ofHistory
wasoriginally presented at Museo Tamayo
Arte Contemporneo inMexico City from
September 2010 toMarch 2011.
Curated by Magali Arriola in collaboration with
Magnolia de la Garza.
*Nedko Solakov, Theaction ison (for thetime
being)excerpt. Text written in1990. Origi-
nally published inKulturaweekly newspaper
(Soa), 22 June 1990.
Once upon atime there wasaboy.
They say he wasasmart and obedient one. He got thehighest
grades inschool, he read books at home and he drew. (...)
He particularly liked thebooks with theadventure stories
where thegood guys won out over thebad guys. He
also liked spy stories. Thebrave Soviet Chekisti and their
Bulgariancolleagues Avakum Zakhov and Emil Boev really
compelled him. They made him condent that theenemies
who were spoken and written about everywhere were not
going tointrude upon hissocialist fatherland.
Theboy wasgrowing up Intheautumn of1976 (when
he wasinhissecond year at theAcademy ofFine Arts), he
went on atrip toParis(hisloving parents, whom he loved
dearly inreturn, paid for thetrip). Everything waswonderful
theLouvre, theRodin(museum), theDufy retrospective, afew
porn movies. Inthemiddle oftheeight-day trip, thetour leader
ofthegroup ofBulgariantourists told him that packages had
been left at thereception desk for both him and B. (akind older
man, thebrother ofawell-known professor). Totheboys
surprise, hispackage contained enemy propagandamaterials.
Theboy read thisand that and then handed thematerials
over tothetour leader with thewords: They are spitting on
Bulgaria! Thetour leader got worried and quickly summoned
amanfrom theEmbassy towhom theboy gave thepackage,
happy tohave carried out hispatriotic duty*
3. TheCharacters
Milo Raus question to Walter Benjamin regarding
the narratives that emerge from the margins
of history marks a pause in the chronological
and causal unfolding of the facts, and opens up
a line of questioning regarding the role played by
the protagonists of such narratives. The main feature
of art history, states Benjamin in another recent
interview where the question of his identity
was addressed, is the uniqueness of its characters:
persons, objects or events. However, from the meta-
position, art history becomes just a story and all
these unique historical entities are now transformed
into the characters in this story, like the characters
in a theater play.
4. TheMotive
The dialogue we propose among contemporary
artists, historic pieces and archival documents falls
into a now-traditional line of research that questions
the so-called neutrality and autonomy of artistic
expressions, as well as both art historys constructive
strategies and its forms of enunciationand, one
should add, those of the curatorial practice; discourse
as a reconnaissance tool that contributes to the writing
of a historic moment. From this perspective, the works
in the exhibition not only address artistic production
as an ideological tool that has played an instrumental
role in the construction of history but also, and
conversely, the fact that art history has so frequently
been written according to a political agenda, ulti-
mately evolving into the construction of a system
of communication and international exchange.
But to return to the original question: Is there
(or is there not) an inside and an outside of art
history? The answer may vary depending on where
the narrator is located. The questions we should
be asking then are: How do images travel? What
political and discur-sive economies do they
react to? The answers are even more compelling
when we consider the need to rethink the format
of exhibitions, which, as this one, are obliged to initiate
a negotiation between the func-
tion of art and the artists role; between art as the
object of desire and as a historical document; between
the desire to believe and the right to be fooled.
2 Walter Benjamininterviewed by Maxine
Kopsa, TheMuseum isHistory: TheMuseum
ofAmericanArt intheVanAbbemuseum,
museum-is-history/english (consulted June
22, 2010).
Legros wasnally convicted for fraud by theFrench
government in1979, after twelve years ofpreparation ofacase
and several extradition demands, and theintervention offorty
one international lawyersamong which Henry Kissinger, who
personally oversaw hisrelease from one ofhislast stopovers
inprison four years earlier, by protesting themistreatment
ofanAmericancitizen. Having received atwo-year sentence,
he walked away from theParisiantribunals scot-free, claiming
that he had already spent that time incustody.
False. Everything that follows is false Any resemblance
to existing persons or to persons who have existed is purely
coincidental, and whoever would see any comparison
or rapprochement with any real person would be acting
against my will.
Fernand Legros, Fausses histoires dun faux marchand de
tableaux, 1979, Preface
In1969two years after hisintimidatory intervention at LaFa-
laise, Irving would publish Fake! TheStory ofElmyr de Hory,
theGreatest Forger ofour Time, abiography detailing theac-
claimed forgers complicity with theart dealer Fernand Legros.
Legros sued him for defamation while he allowed hisfriend,
thewriter and diplomat Roger Peyrette, toenthusiastically
depict him not only asacollector ofart and ofexquisite teenage
males, but also asanunscrupulous arms merchant and money
launderer suspected tobe asilent accomplice invarious obscure
political scenarios such asthekidnapping ofMoise Tshomb and
themurder ofBen Barka.
Fernand Legros
coming out from
thePalaisde Justice,
Paris, May 1978
Courtesy Keystone-
Keystone viaGetty
Front cover ofIci
Fernand Legros
death on April 7, 1983
Courtesy Foundation
Ral Lessard, Hong
Top Secret, created between December 1989 and February 1990,
consists ofanindex box, lled with aseries ofcards detailing
theartists youthful collaboration with theBulgarianstate security,
which he stopped doing in1983. InBulgaria, twenty one years after
thechangeover, theofcial les remainclosed, and there are no
publicly known documents on theartists collaboration. Thework
caused great controversy when it wasrst exhibited inthespring
of1990, at theheight ofthepolitical changes tothelong-standing
communist rule. Theself-disclosing gesture inthisartistic project
isstill unique inthecontext ofpost-communist Europe, and since its
appearance, Top Secret hasbecome anicon ofits time. Aforty-minute
long video, which shows theartist re-reading theindex boxs contents,
wasshot inhisstudio inSoain2007.
Nedko Solakov, Theaction ison (for
thetime being), 1990. Originally published
inKulturaweekly newspaper, Soa, June 22,
Index box
Several writers have already noticed the similarity between
the documentation of performances by Czech artist Ji Kovanda and
the photographs taken by communist secret police of those being
followed. In fact, they seem almost identical. The pictures taken by
the police using hidden cameras capture the environment of the hard-
line communist days of Prague of the 1970s and early 1980s. The secret
agent follows an individual who cannot be visibly distinguished from
the other citizens. It is only from the records that we learn that this indi-
vidual, seemingly doing everyday things, is in fact committing acts
against the state. Sending letters, meeting with friends in restaurants or
picking up visitors from the airport are later viewed as the distribution

Ji Kovanda, Contact, VodikovaStreet
inPrague, September 3, 1977
Courtesy oftheartist
Czechoslovak Secret Police, Photos from
Operation Alex, 26 April 1980
Courtesy Institute for theStudy
ofTotalitarianRegimes, Prague
of subversive materials, gathering for counter-revolutionary reasons
or establishing contacts with foreign spies. The photograph serves here
to document criminal acts, which are not apparent at rst glance. It
is important that the photograph capture the environment in which
the act takes place, and that it include the other individuals in contact
with the person followed. It is therefore necessary that the photograph
contain information on the place and time, and to assure that the other
people appearing in it are identied. Photography only becomes proof
of the crime with the additional interpretation of the captured facts,
with an analysis of the entire police record. What is most important for
a communist court of law is the real or fabricated intention of the acts
of those being followed, and even their class or social afliation.
Many of Kovandas performances took place at roughly the same time
and in the same places in Prague where people were going about their
everyday business. Those passing by never even expected that an artistic
performance was being played out around them. Kovanda brushed
against people, hid on the sidewalks for no apparent reason, or acted
according to a predetermined scenario that did not difer from everyday
behaviour. All of these performances were documented by a non-profes-
sional photographer. Kovanda then glued the photograph on a piece
of paper, and beneath it wrote the title of the performance, its physical
location, the time it took place, and described the scenario. Only after
reading this record is it made clear that the activity was indeed an art
action. Brushing against people, hiding and walking back and forth have
become the work of an artist, and therefore we must perceive and assess
them as art.
Two types of hidden scenarios were thus being played out concurrently
in Pragues public spaces: one led by the secret police, the other by
unofcial artists. Even though they were based on completely diferent
motivations, their photographs and accompanying texts show a number
of similarities. We rst have to learn to read the secret police records, just
like the language of post-war art. Even though we are familiar with this
language, we should be wary of it. Many of those who were being
photo-graphed by the secret police knew that they were being followed.
They modied their behaviour to prevent being persecuted or to
confuse the police in diferent ways. Kovanda knew that he was being
photographed, for he had himself invited his friend to his inconspicuous
performances. Nevertheless, he acted as if he were not aware of his
friends existence.
Admittedly, these similarities and discrepancies are for the most part random.
The police record was a collective product; Kovandas documentation was part
of the artists work. Neither were originally available to the public, or if so, only
shared with a select group of viewers. Even though Kovandas work may not
appear so, it was an art piece from the very outset. The possible interpretation
of the police record as an artwork comes up against a number of essential
limits that shift such an interpretation to the level of mere intellectual tightrope
walking. The records of the communist police are still quite combustible in
Eastern Europe. They continue to be perceived as evidence of individual guilt.
Even though the volumes of records are composed of individual, osten-sibly
authentic records and reports, few people bring themselves to admit that they
are, in their essence, a work of ction in which those who were the objects of
interest were viewed in advance through the deformed lens of political interest.
Kovanda himself did not derive his 1970s performances from the secret
polices tactics, however. Though from todays perspective it may even
seem hard to believe, he considered them to be apolitical and did not
consciously react to the events of the day with them. Today we interpret
them as individual artistic expressions that arose from the artists inner
needs, as well as an efective metaphor of personal resistance against
totalitarianism. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that Ji Kovandas work
has become so popular.
Narcisse Tordoir in Conversation
With the Phantom of Allan Kaprow
Narcisse Tordoir: So! What do you think?
Allan Kaprow: Wow! Thats a painting?!
NT: Yeah, some big painting. You were a painter too, werent you?
AK: I was, I was, but
NT: Wait! Here in the studio it might look like painting but once it
is installed it will form what youve called an environment, consisting
of two canvases, a newspaper and some documentary material. Youll be
submerged in it. In fact, you are already part of it right now
AK: Weird though, I dont recognize my own work anymore. Is it really
based on one of my strategies?
NT: From where I see it, the re-invention of your work is a collaboration,
an artistic dialogue, or even an exchange between the two of us.
AK: A collaboration in what sense? I can see that the imagery in these
paintings is drawn from documentation of my work, but other than that
NT: These paintings are not based on the original documentation of your
work. Instead Ive re-done that documentation. You see, there is nothing
left but the photographs, so Ive had to nd all visual clues there.
This conversation between Belgian artist Narcisse Tordoir and the phantom of Allan Kaprow (embodied
by Philippe Pirotte) took place on the occasion of the re-invention of Kaprows Words (1962) by Tordoir,
for the exhibition Allan Kaprow: Art As Life curated by Pirotte (in collaboration with Stephanie Rosenthal
and Eva Meyer-Hermann) for the Kunsthalle Bern in 2007. It was originally printed in a newspaper* produced
by Tordoir for the exhibition, which can be downloaded here:

Narcisse Tordoir, WORDS, series, 2007
Courtesy theartist
AK: Its funny that you consider registration and not experience to be
the essence of my art.
NT: Experience is inuenced by the Zeitgeist. The energy and power
in those images is fascinating precisely because they dont bring back
the past. They incite something totally diferent!
AK: When I re-invented my own environments in 1991 in Milan, I added
a mural-scale photograph of the original for each reinvention, allowing
people to make a visual comparison between then and now. The frozen
poses of the participants in these photographs gave clues about how
to handle the reinvented environments.
NT: Exactly. We started out by performing acts and movements that were
loosely modelled on the ones in the pictures. We tried to physically imitate
the poses and behaviour of these historical predecessors, creating mock
documents, not necessarily correct or
AK: Getting it wrong is probably
getting it right! Still, these
types of documents never hold
the promise of a future artwork.
NT: Why not? While studying
the score of Words, the photo-
graphs of your Happenings kept
haunting my head. They are lasting
images that have become iconic...
In the end, they are the only thing
that remains, really. Whether or
not these remains are art, is of less
interest to me. When we deal with
experiences of the past, as we do
in this case, that kind of essentia-
lism seems valid
AK: Strange. I thought it was exactly the overcoming of the past that
pushed art, certainly when considered from an avant-garde logic. It is as if
nowadays there were an almost fetishist interest in a vanishing modernism
and the gestures of our generation of artists.
NT: Do you know that I almost abandoned this project at one point?
AK: No, for what reason?
NT: As I said, it was hard to separate the score from the photographic
documents. The pictures of your originals, whether artworks or not,
came to dominate my mind as the only possible reinvention of the score.
I couldnt get rid of those images!
AK: I wanted to create a sort of result without a result. For me, art is pure
activity. It is identical to life precisely because in the end I produce
documentation rather than art.
NT: Identical to life? How can your art be identical to life, when
the pictures clearly show you posing or strategically overlooking your
own orchestrated performances?
Narcisse Tordoir,
WORDS, series, 2007
Courtesy theartist
AK: Happenings, or activities! These are not performances. I deliberately
used the words happenings and activities to describe my work.
Remember, there is no public. In a Happening, all of the spectators are
NT: Whatever You threw tires. Pollock threw paint. There is not
necessarily that much of a diference.
AK: I agree Nowadays, life is probably part of a prefabricated reality. But
then, how do you explain this project as a collaboration? What did you do
with my ideas, besides abandoning them?
NT: My way of working stems from the same ideas you put forth in your
text The Legacy of Jackson Pollock. You pursued Pollocks logic by
introducing all sorts of materials: the space of everyday life and of our
bodies was an extended notion of painting. Involving others to intervene
literally or mentally while working on a painting is quite the same for me.
AK: So, you are trying to rehabilitate painting as a medium. Pollock
destroyed that, didnt he? Like some of my colleagues, I considered
dropping out of the professional art world myself, in order to deconstruct
the artistically hollow professionalization of the eld. Didnt you start
in the 1980s, when there was a massive return to painting?
NT: I did start then, but that does not necessarily mean Im trying to restore
the medium. At the end of the seventies, I did a lot of research concerning
the reinvention of my medium: painting. It would be nave not to acknow-
ledge that our society is a complex situation; a web of relations between
people. Personally, Ive always seen painting as an interface and I worked
in a series of collaborative undertakings.
AK: So for you, artistic activity is not about a nal product? It is not about
making more art?
NT: No, the art world is omnipresent today and it markets its products
accordingly. I prefer to see painting as a way of working. It allows me
to articulate cultural dispositions and their transformations. Ive done
a lot of workshops where Ive tested the possibilities of diferent relations
between people. These workshops might be seen as cultural exchange
stations, realised specically through the medium of painting.
AK: Rauschenberg once said: Painting is related to art and life. Neither
can be made. Perhaps we try to act in the gap between the two
NT: I am interested in the making of art, in the same way you processed
Pollock, his act of painting, possibly in trance, and these ritual aspects
and thats what one can read as a spectator, close to the work, close to life
AK: For this re-invention, you combined pictures of diferent environments
and happenings. You did not stick to the existing images of Words.
NT: When you sent me the score of Words in order to do a re-inven-
tion, I felt reluctant at rst, because it seemed to be a bit of an old
schoolmasters game. It is like teaching a child to swim by asking him or
her to swim to the part of the pool where the swimming lesson will start.
AK: You teach art, dont you?
NT: Yes, but I am not interested in the teaching itself; I am interested
in what I can gain from it. That is why I have accepted to do this. I want
to investigate the limits of artistic collaboration. To put myself in another
mans shoes and think and work with him, that is what fascinates me
most. In that sense, teaching is a very rewarding activity.
AK: I share your fascination for the collaborative element in art practice.
However, it is precisely this fascination that has led me to create my
Happenings and invite the public to participate. To a certain extent,
the Happening is the place where collaboration is enhanced and stimu-
lated. You, on the other hand, choose to investigate the possibilities of
artistic collaboration through painting. Isnt that a contradiction, or isnt
painting, at the very least, a medium too stubborn for your said purpose?
NT: After art school, I gave up on
painting for a while. I focused on
actions. However, the registration
of these Actions gradually pushed
me back towards painting. When
I stopped painting, I did something
very similar to, yet diferent from
what you did when you were
thinking about Jackson Pollock.
I made big, foldable drawings and
walked through the city, holding
them up in diferent places.
AK: Like engaging in a conversation
on the street?
NT: Yes, but rather as the action
of a shy person. Recently, I brought
some of my works resulting
from the workshops I organised
into the public sphere and asked
the public to manipulate them.
I am too shy though, to go on
with performances. Lets just say it
was not really my praxis.
AK: I didnt make performances
NT: Sorry, Happenings. I think in the 1960s and 1970s one could motivate
people, do something personal, perhaps even odd, and that would be
called a Happening. I know you use the term to indicate a very specic
type of act. We were not always that precise. We focused on the idea that
doing things would change other things, but the unconscious, even
nave, implicit level of social transformation got lost over the years
AK: I was conscious about that when I re-invented my own work from
the 1980s onward. The space we live in once stood for the body and its
functions but all of that has been mediated into semiotic oblivion
NT: Yes, and on top of it, the government now strongly encourages
Narcisse Tordoir,
WORDS, series, 2007
Courtesy theartist
participation in cultural actions. Its so boring. Participation and art
in general are presented as commodities accessible to all, as a means
for social transformation, where in fact, people are merely being kept
occupied entertained at best.
AK: And you think returning to painting will challenge that status quo?
NT: Well, no, and besides, its not just painting. My activities did not bring
me a lot, even when I worked together with people from the Behaviour
Art Group, Reindeer Werk. We exchanged materials in a kind of parallel
economy, or we organised workshops and tried to transgress the borders
of art and life, intertwining the two. However, the whole collaboration
remained between us. It didnt really blur with life.
AK: Explain that to me.
NT: There, you do that teaching-thing again. Art isnt about confessions.
We tried to stimulate social transformation and it didnt work at all.
In the end, the whole idea was nave and as a result I started drawing
again: registering actions.
AK: I want to know what art is about, then. How does the registering
of actions become art again? My scores and activity booklets are certainly
not art.
NT: To tell you the truth, it doesnt interest me that much, just as it
wouldnt interest me to take a series of pictures for the sake of taking
pictures. When I talk about an artwork, I talk about the making of
that artwork. How does an artwork come into being and how are its
potentialities reactivated? Those are my main concerns.
AK: So how did you use the score?
NT: You gave me the score and trusted me to re-invent it, as you say.
Narcisse Tordoir,
WORDS, series, 2007
Courtesy theartist
I started by reading about it and looking at the remaining pictures.
Gradually, working with those pictures became painterly research.
AK: Thats a little like what I was doingI wanted to dissolve
the boundaries between art and reality, so that my activities became
indistinguishable from real life. That is why I didnt like museums.
I liked ordinary life, performed as art or non-art. It was able to charge
the everyday with a metaphoric power.
NT: But werent the scores working documents in the rst place?
Elaborated sketches? Didnt they become ideas only afterwards? You
designed decors for the Happenings and wrote instructions in much
the same way as a choreographer or a lm director would. From that
moment on, I think the Happening has had nothing to do with everyday
life anymore. My re-invention of Words started as a Happening and
we acted as if we were participating in an unknown Happening of yours,
acting in your absent presence.
AK: But then the participants are not the same as the ones experiencing
the work?
NT: Not necessarily, but you participate, I participate, we all participate and
sometimes others participate. What I mean is that you participate because
you are there. You look over my shoulder and see what I am doing. I try
to understand you. I reach out for what you mean, even when I just see
you smoking a pipe in the background.
AK: The documents provided you with material and incited you to paint. It
is not totally unlike compensating for the actual demand for conventional
works of mine that amount to art history.
NT: You are your past! You became your own medium and you are your
own ction.
AK: I want to be as absent as possible from these re-inventions by others.
NT: Well, you are very present!
AK: That was not exactly intended but if you insist, I could see my artistic
existence functioning in much the same way as an oral history would.
NT: Maybe; I dont know much about that. But yes, why not like an oral
AK: I want my art to function as an integral part of life, not as a foreign
body that is buried in a museum, even when it is only kept as a document
of the past. By the way, Ive wanted to ask you, why did you not use words
in this version?
NT: Arent we blabbing all the time? Our words will be an integral part
of this reinvention, perhaps as a counterpoint to the idea of the language
imposed upon us in press conferences and discourse.
AK: Ahhh, ok. I did Words as a spontaneous language collage, abandoning
philosophy in favour of art. The words in the environment were physically
used and given a playful signicance that went beyond facts and
the acquisition of knowledge. Words are both communication and non-
communication at once
NT: Exactly. I liked the notion of organised junk. So I researched
the presence of language: what is the equivalent of a random
collection of words today? Then I made my own non-narrative collage;
a deconstruction of language similar to the one you intended.
AK: The result looks a bit like neo-classicist painting. Jacques-Louis Davids
Oath of the Horatii comes to mind
NT: Youll live on to tell my story Again, words! Hamlets last ones.
There are probably many digested references but if Ive understood you
correctly that could just be another form of the functioning of oral history.
Look at El Greco for example: his clouds glue everything together. I use
that in my collage-technique.
AK: Mmmh. Man thinks in pictures, said Aristotle.
NT: And A picture is worth a thousand words. Think of it as a big collage
wherein everything ts and nothing is right. Language today is used
similarly: communication, public relations, news, infotainment All very
visual, in fact.
AK: Indeed. In the Words environment, there were no images
in the ordinary sense because the words themselves functioned
as images. Here there is no play with model and symbol; no confusion
between image and meaning.
NT: I am a Belgian. I cant redo Magritte all the time.
AK: True, but your version doesnt incite the beholder to do things
involving his or her own subconscious thought patterns and polysemic
NT: Doesnt it? Maybe it does. People will deal with this newspaper*. Itll
be distributed inside and outside the museum. Besides, you even made
some fantasies about your own work in the 1990s didnt you? Judging by
the photographs, your 1991 version of Words looks like design to me.
AK: Well, it sure didnt look like the original! The expressionism of the 1960s
environments gave way to elements, which witnessed the regulated
consumerism and corporatism of the 1990s. Some of them even had
references to the rst Gulf War. You know, I read somewhere that Warhols
Piss Paintings, with their queer take on the mythical Pollock and
his macho acts, were the ultimate Pollock re-inventions.
NT: Itll become an endless process of mythologization and
deconstruction. That is quite a re-invention in itself. The museums wont
be able to truly ossify your legacy.
AK: But theyll try to, I am afraid.
Edited by Philippe Pirotte







Shid Theory
Mangelos nos. 1 to 9
Branka Stipani
As he himself accurately foresaw, Dimitrije
Baievi Mangelos died in 1987 at the age of 66;
in his manifesto Shid Theory, published and exhibited
in 1978 in Zagreb, he divided his life into nine-and-
a-half Mangeloses, ending in the year of his death.
Referring in the manifesto to the bio-psychological
theory he had learned about as a schoolboy in his
native village of id in former Yugoslavia according
to which the cells in the human organism are
completely renewed within seven years and therefore
each human being contains several completely dife-
rent personalities Mangelos used it to explain
the diferences between early and late works of
various artists, claiming there were two Rimbauds,
two Karl Marxes, three Van Goghs, several Picassos
and nine-and-a-half Mangeloses. He also applied
this method when categorizing and dating his own
works: one Mangelos was a critic and curator, while
another questioned it all, claiming that one must
start from a clean slate; tabula rasa. One was involved
in art institutions, while the other doubted the validity
of such systems, prompting the third, and ones that
followed, to persevere in the formulation of the artistic
project termed No-art.
Mangelos no.1 was a country boy in id;
Mangelos no.2 a primary and high school student;
Mangelos no.3 wrote poems in his exercise
books and commemorated relatives and friends
killed in the war with black squares he was later
to term Paysages de la mort and Paysages
de la guerre; Mangelos no.4 inscribed his rst
alphabets in blackened books and studied history
of art; Mangeloses no.5 and 6 were already deeply
committed to art, painting tabulae rasae, paysages,
anti-peinture, pythagoras, no-stories, and the like,
and taking part in the work of the avantgarde group,
Gorgona, who based their radical projects on anti-art
foundations. Mangeloses no.7, no.8, no.9 and no.9
formulated theories on art, culture and civilization,
writing them down in booklets, cardboard panels,
and globes. But no matter how he calculated
his life stages, somewhat imprecisely and in various
versions, the nal entry in his biography always
remained the same. This is the year of his death,
to which he added his nal and eternal resting
place: Les champs du dernier goulag the elds
of the former Soviet concentration camp
as an antipode to the Champs Elyses.
Mangelos, Shid-Theory, 8 pages, 1978
Courtesy ofGalerie Frank Elbaz, Paris
Thistext by BrankaStipani hasoriginally
been published inMangelos from 1 to9. No
art, inMangelos nos. 1 to9, exh. cat., Porto:
Fundao de Serralves et. al., 2003, pp. 1233
(p. 13). Trans. fromtheCroatianby Majaoljan.


Archive for a Work-event:
Activating the bodys memory
of Lygia Clarks poetics and its
context / Part 1

At the very moment
when the artist digests
the object, he is digested
by society, which has
already found him
a title and a bureaucratic
function: he will be
the engineer of the
leisures of the future,
an activity that has
no efect whatsoever
on the equilibrium
of social structures.
Lygia Clark, 1969
The work of Lygia Clark is today recognized as one
of the founding gestures of contemporary art in Brazil,
and has an important presence in the international
scene. Her artistic trajectory occupies a singular
position in the critical movement that shook the
international art eld during the decades of the 1960s
and 1970s. But as with many artistic practices of that
period, especially in Latin America, her work risks
being reduced to an unarticulated set of sterilized
The need and desire to face this situation triggered
the creation of a project, which I undertook between
2002 and 2010: constructing the bodily memory
of Lygia Clarks work and the context from which
it originated. The result is an archive of sixty-ve
interviews registered on lm, fty-three of which were
selected to be released in a DVD format,
and which
have already been the object of diverse unfoldings
in diferent contexts, some of which are still ongoing:
an exhibition of the artist at the Muse des Beaux-Art
de Nantes (2005) and at the Pinacoteca do Estado
de So Paulo (2006); a series of exhibitions of the
archive in diferent countries;
incorporation of the
archive in the collections of museums in Latin
America, Europe and the U.S., each subtitled
in the appropriate ofcial language; and nally,
a box that contains a selection of twenty DVDs
and a booklet, which has been produced in both
France and Brazil.
The project will be the starting point for an attempt
to revisit Lygia Clarks work and to problematize
the operations of archiving, preserving, collecting
and exhibiting this kind of artistic practice, if indeed
it should persist as a living experience today. What will
be presented here is a stance on the current debate
regarding the destinies that are given to this kind
of workdestines that range between its announced
death and the vitality of its pulsing in the present.
1 Lhomme structure vivante dune
architecture biologique
et cellulaire, in the dossier dedicated to
Lygia Clark in the magazine Robho, n. 5-6
Paris, 1971. Copies of the magazine are rare,
but the reader can make use of the facsimile
of the journal, as well as of the rst issue
that was dedicated to the artist in the 1968
issue of the magazine, published in the
exhibition catalogue Lygia Clark, de luvre
lvnement : Nous sommes le moule, vous
de donner le soufe, Suely Rolnik and Corinne
Diserens, eds, Nantes: Muse de Beaux-
Arts de Nantes, 2005. Portuguese version:
Lygia Clark, da obra ao acontecimento:
Somos o molde, a voc cabe o sopro, So
Paulo: Pinacoteca do Estado de So Paulo,
2006. The Brazilian edition includes the
reproduction of both cahiers, which have
been translated to Portuguese.
An unusual territory
Lygia Clarks trajectory began in 1947. She dedicated
her rst sixteen years of activity to painting and
sculpture, which had a surprising early repercussion
in Brazil and, already in 1964, represented the begin-
ning of an international presence.
The singularity of
the artists research led her, in 1963, to the creation of
Caminhando (Walking).
The origin of this work was
a study that Lygia had made for one of her Bichos
(Beasts): while cutting a piece of paper as a Mbius
strip, the artist realized that the artwork consisted in
the very experience of cutting that surface and not in
the object that resulted from it. She then decided to
transform it into an artistic proposition: the receiver
would experience a time without a before or an
after, and a space deprived of rear and front, right
and reverse, above and below, inside and outside.
The work would be accomplished through that
experience: in the temporality of the gesture of the
person who would denitively stop being reduced
to the condition of spectator, with his or her sterile
relation with a supposedly neutral object, situated
outside in a supposedly inert space. This experience
privileges a living space created through the act that
operates between the two; made of the fusion of the
bodies of the hand, the paper and the scissors. Simple
and powerful, the proposition went beyond the fron-
tiers that delimited the eld of art in that period, and
allowed Lygia Clark to foresee an unknown territory.
This vision opened a deep crisis with no return: there
would be from then on an inection in the trajectory
of the artist that would lead her to risk the beginning
of an international consolidation; to radically follow
her new path of research. She would need three years
more to start giving body to what was by then only
virtual. The rst proposition to follow was Pedra e ar
(Stone and air) (1966),
which inaugurated a series
of works that Lygia Clark put together under the title
Nostalgia do corpo (Longing for the Body).
Four other
series of propositions that mobilized the last twenty-
three years of her work followed: A casa o corpo
(The house is the body) (19671969); O corpo a casa
(The body is the house) (19681970); Corpo Colectivo
(Collective Body)that the artist subsequently named
Fantasmtica do corpo (Phantasm of the body) (1972
1975)and Estruturao do Self (Structuring the Self)
Those works progressively embodied
the virtual territory that she had inaugurated with
Caminhando (Walking), and in which she would invest
2 The fty-three DVDs of the archive will be available for free public
consultation in the museums and cultural institutions of several
countries. In Brazil, they are already available in So Paulo, at the
Cinemateca Brasileira, that also makes available for consultation the
DVCams of the sixty-ve interviews, in their original, unedited version.
3 Exhibitions of parts of the archive, accompanied by a conference
by the author of the projects, were presented in the following countries
and institutions: in Belgium, as the co-initiative of four institutions:
Performing Arts Research Training Studios (PARTS), Extra CityCenter
for Contemporary Art, Beursschouwburg Theatre, and Gallery Jan Mot,
with conferences and workshops of Hubert Godard and Guy Brett, in
collaboration with the author (Brussels and Antwerp, 24 March31 April
2007); in Germany, as part of IN TRANSIT 08 Performing Arts Festival
Singularities, at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin, 11 June21 June
2008); in the United States, at Cage, an experimental gallery that was
inaugurated with a one-year-long presentation of the archive (New
York, JanuaryDecember 2012). In Brazil, at the Museu Universitrio de
Arte of the Federal University of Uberlndia (Uberlndia, 14 March25
April 2008); at the Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste (Fortaleza,
17 April07 May 2010) and at the Museu de Arte Moderna Alosio
MagalhesMAMAM (Recife, 2011). Other than the exhibitions of the
archive, ve DVDs of the interviews were presented in Spain, on the
initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Brazilian Government in the
edition of ARCO 08, which had Brazil as the guest country (Madrid,
13 February18 February 2008). Among the exhibitions of this archive,
scheduled for 2012, are: In France, at the Laboratoires dAubervilliers
(Paris, June 2012) and in Spain, at MACBA (Barcelona, October 2012).
4 This essay was originally published in a booklet included in the
box set. The initiative of the realization of this box set came from a
suggestion of the Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, in
France, after the enthusiastic reception that the exhibition Lygia Clark,
de luvre lvnement received in the French and international
press. Some of the volumes were freely distributed in libraries, cultural,
and educational institutions in both France and Brazil, and the other
volumes are being sold in bookshops in both countries.
her creative power for the remainder of her life.
After the turn that took place in 1963, the artists
research persisted in the creation of proposals
that depended on the processes they mobilized
on the bodies of people who ofered themselves
to live them as a condition for the realization
of those practices as artworks. The oeuvre was
accomplished in the expansion of each one of those
persons sensibilities. It activated his or her aesthetic
experience, that is to say the capacity to be afected
by the forces that shake both the objects created
by the artist, and their environment, thereby demys-
tifying the illusory stability of their shape as could be
apprehended by perception. The work was completed
by the activation of those persons vulnerabilities
to the sensation of the paradoxical disparity bet-
ween two exercises of cognitionon one hand,
perception of the worlds shapes, and, on the other,
the resonance of the forces that animate itwhen
its tension reaches a threshold of tolerability. This
cognitive approach challenged the experimentalist
to sustain him/herself in the empty-full
zone of
otherness that such forces open in his or her own
subjectivity. I refer to the zone made by a fullness
of sensations of the forces that disturb the layout of
ourselves and of the world, producing an emptiness
of meaning that pushes us to reinvent both. The
opening of this otherness that inhabits subjectivity
was the event through which the work was
accomplished. The wager was that this event would
afect the daily life of the people who had experienced
the propositions; the opening would impregnate
their relation with the forces at play in the diferent
environments of their existence.
Even in her early practice of painting and sculpture,
Lygia Clark tried to shift from the reduction
of the eyes exercise to its retinal potency (that
which apprehends the forms), in search of its
resonance potency (that which apprehends the
forces) and the paradoxical dynamics between
What changes and becomes more complex
after 1963 is that the research of these dynamics is
no longer limited to the eye, and is now explored
with the other senses, through the creation of
objects that appeal to all of them. It is in this aspect
that Clarks works are distinct from the exploration
of the senses made by the sensorial experiences
or by the practices of bodily expression developed
during those decades, most of them limited to per-
ception. The coincidence of such movement with
the sensorial propositions of Lygia Clark simply
5 The text refers to the exhibition of David Medalla and Paul Keeler at
Signals Gallery, in London, in which the English critic Guy Brett was involved.
Brett was the only person to maintain a dialogue with the work of Lygia
Clark from that period until the end of the artists life, and he did not move
away after the inection of 1963. Mrio Pedrosa also remained close to
her, and continued to praise her research. His reaction to Trepante, the last
exemplar of the series of Bichos, made of rubber, is widely known. Seeing
her rst version, he kicked it, joyfully exclaiming: Finallywe can kick a work
of art. However, Pedrosa recognized that he did not know how to think of
her work after Caminhando (Walking). The same happened with Yves-Alain
Bois, who explicitly declares so in his text Nostalgia of the Body, in October
96, October Magazine, MIT Press, Summer 1994, pp. 85-99.
6 The proposition consists of ofering the spectator a strip of any paper,
scissors and glue. The objects come with instructions: he or she should
twist the strip 180 degrees, then glue the front face of one extremity to
the back face of the other, forming a two dimensional single surface (like
a Mbius strip). Then choose any point of the strip to start a longitudinal
cut, avoiding hitting the initial point every time a lap is completed. The cut
generates both spiral and intertwined forms, while the strip narrows and
lengthens, until the scissors can no longer avoid the point at which the
operation began. At this moment, the strip regains its front and back, and
the work is fullled.
7 Pedra e ar (Stone and Air) consists of a plastic bag, a rubber band, a
pebble, and air. The receiver must ll the bag with her or his own breath
and close it with a rubber band; in one of its exterior angles, facing it up,
he or she places the pebble. Then he or she should hold the air balloon
with the palm of his or her hand, pressing it with systolic and diastolic
movements to make the pebble go up and down. Lygia Clark considered
Pedra e ar (1966) her rst work on the body, the simplest one; and perhaps
because of that it was her favorite.
8 Nostalgia do Corpo is a phase from Clarks trajectory from between
1966 and early 1967. The following works, among others, are from this
phase, and were all created in 1966: Pedra e ar, Livro sensorial, Pingue-
pongue, Desenhe com o dedo, gua e conchas, Respire comigo, Dilogo
de mos e Natureza (Estrutura cega).
9 For further information on the Objetos Relacionais and their use
in the Estruturao do Self (Structuring the Self), see: Suely Rolnik,
Breve descrio dos Objetos Relacionais, in Lygia Clark, da obra
ao acontecimento (catalogue), op. cit., p. 15. In the original French:
Brve description des Objets Relationnels, in Lygia Clark, de loeuvre
lvnement. Nous sommes le moule, vous de donner le soufe.
10 Empty-full was how Lygia Clark referred to this kind of experience; a
conceptual refrain throughout her artistic trajectory.
11 For further information on the presence of this direction of research
since the early works of painting and sculpture, see: Suely Rolnik, Molding
a Contemporary Soul: the Empty-Full of Lygia Clark, in Rina Carvajal and
Alma Ruiz, eds., The Experimental Exercise of Freedom: Lygia Clark, Gego,
Mathias Goeritz, Hlio Oiticica, Mira Schendel (Los Angeles: The Museum
of Contemporary Art, 1999, pp. 55-108). Bilingual edition (English/Spanish).
indicates that they breathed the same air du temps,
which summoned the question of the body-in-art
practices, especially in the research of other senses,
towards an overcoming of the primacy of vision, both
in artistic creation and in its reception.
Lygias work would no longer be interrupted
in the nitude of the spatiality of the object; it would
now be accomplished as temporality, in an expe-
rience in which the object would lose its thingness
to become, once more, a eld of living forces that
afect, and are afected, by the world, promoting
a continuous process of diferentiation of subjective
and objective realities. If this central aspect of the
artists thinking poetics was part of her pictorial
and sculptural strategies, after the shift in 1963,
it expanded and became even more radical. It
is true that in Bichos (Beasts)the last series
before the inectionthe gesture of the so called
participant and, beyond it, the experience it enabled
were summoned as part of the work, through the
invitation to the manipulation of the object. Yet the
work could still exist as such, independent of this
experience, and those who approached it could
still remain simple participants. From 1963 onward,
Clarks works could no longer support themselves
on the autonomy of the individual objectsisolated
from the experience of the context of the specic
dispositive they belonged to, as otherwise, they
risked becoming a sort of nothingness. Such is Lygias
strategy to avoid her creations from succumbing
to any desire of fetishization (even if the institutional
system of art is able to turn anything into a fetishized
The artist digested the object: the work be-
comes event; an action on reality that transforms it.
It is important to underline that the invitation
of Lygia Clarks work to mobilize the body as its
decisive element cannot be mistaken with the simple
invitation to manipulate the objects created by the
artist, as was the case with other works that invited
spectator participation, common to the artistic scene
at the time. In their missives, both Lygia Clark and
Hlio Oiticica insisted on distinguishing their works
from those practices.
It still makes sense to establish
that distinction in regard to the contemporary works
characterized by a fascination for interactivity, in
which aesthetics is usually qualiedand more
recently theorizedas relational,
reduced to
a sterile relation between the faade of the objects
and that of the body that manipulates them,
both turned into things. This is very diferent
from the disruptive experience produced by the
12 An example of the fetishization of an object that was part of a
proposition, for which such a fate was never imagined, is a large,
rectangular piece of plastic with nylon or jute bags stitched at the
ends, of the series Arquiteturas Biolgicas, created by Lygia Clark in
1968 and practiced with variations until 1970. The object was used by
a group of people, who inserted either their feet or hands into the bags
and went on to improvise movements, each one involving the other
person in the plastic. The work was realized through the exploration of
approaches between the bodies, diferent from everyday experiences.
This work has been reduced to the plastic with the bags sewn at their
edges, resting on a pedestal in the exhibition Global Conceptualism:
Points of Origin, 1950s1980s, which intended to show forms of
conceptual art outside of the North American axis.
13 In one of the letters, Hlio Oiticica writes to his friend (20 June
1969): [...] for you the most important thing is the discovery of the
[body] [...] and not of the participation in a given object, because this
relationship with the object (subject-object) is overcome [...], while in
general the problem of participation keeps this relation. In Luciano
Figueiredo org., Lygia Clark. Hlio Oiticica. Cartas 19641974 (Rio de
Janeiro: UFRJ, 1996, p.115). Cf. Suely Rolnik, Anal, o que h por trs da
coisa corporal?, in Lygia Clark, da obra ao acontecimento, op. cit., p. 9.
14 See especially Nicolas Bourriaud, Esthtique relationnelle (Dijon:
Presses du Rel, 2002). English translation: Relational Aesthetics (New
York: Random House, 2009). The ideas put forth by this author have
been widely disseminated in Latin America, generally isolated from the
vast and varied international production of thought in this eld. This
mode of dissemination characterizes the colonial tradition that is still
present in the region, and that consists on the idealized and a-critical
consumption of foreign theories, especially those of European and
North American provenance.
15 UFR dArts Plastiques et Science de lArt de lUniversit de Paris I,
16 Lygia Clark lived in Paris during three periods of her lifetime. The
rst one was in the beginning of her artistic trajectory, from 1950
to 1952, when she studied with rpd Sznes, Isaac Dobrinsky and
Fernand Lger. The second one was in 1964, when she frequented the
group of Latin American artists of kinetic art, mostly Venezuelans, such
as Soto and Cruz-Diez, and the circle of artists at Galerie Denise Ren
in Paris, and Signals, in London. This text focuses on her third and nal
period, from 1968 to 1976.
17 Lygia Clarks students whose interviews were lmed for the Archive
for a work-event are Christinne Ishkinazi, Galle Bosser, Claude Lothier,
Berndt Deprez, Marie-Jos Pillet and Didier Vignon.
mobilization of the resonance of the experimentalists
body operated by Lygias Relational Objects and by the
dispositives that create the conditions to approach
them. Such postures, which tend to belong to the
sphere of entertainment, will always remain foreign
to this other sphere in which the body and the objects
it encounters awaken from their inertia as things,
in order to exist as living beings, in a permanent
process of creation that takes place between them,
leading both to become others.
Lygia followed that path for twenty-six more years,
until her death in 1988. Her penultimate step would
be taken in the work with her students in the recently
created Faculty of Fine Arts at the Sorbonne,
the artist taught from 1972 to 1976.
Known as
Saint-Charles, the name of the street where it was
located, it was the rst art faculty of the university,
created to answer to the conservatism of ne
arts schools, to which art training in France had
previously been conned. As a consequence of the
movements that shook the country in 1968, Saint-
Charles redrew the very eld of contemporary art
practices, and of the freedom of experimentation
that usually characterizes them. Therefore, in order
to pursue her artistic research, Lygia Clark chose to
exile herself from the institutional and disciplinary
territory of art, and to migrate to the university. In
that context, it was more feasible to sustain, in her
propositions, the otherness of the eld of forces
that destabilises the forms of subjects and objects,
hereby dissolving their separation, which belongs to
a perceptive, representational and rational approach.
This choice strengthened in her work the active
presence of otherness that inhabits the body, and the
becomings that it implies; a presence that tended to
be banished from the ofcial art world at the time.
The conditions that the artist encountered in the
university allowed her to take a step ahead and to
exhaustively explore the experiences propitiated by
her dispositives. For the rst time, she began closely
following the efects of her objects and procedures
in the subjectivity of their receivers. With a relatively
stable group of people for sufciently long sessions,
an appropriate environment was created for the
experimentalists to allow the sensations summoned
by the propositions to emerge, to free the images
they evoked, and even to verbalize them, if they
wanted to. In that setting, the process amplied and
unfolded according to the rhythm of the recurrent
sessions. Also, Lygias presence became an essential
element of the experience that the work required to
happen. The artist participated in the process: a ritual
that she conducted, using the objects in the bodies of
her students, and/or ofering the conditions of their
The new experience of the university work would
allow Clark to face the difculties that most of the
students experienced in their attempts to abandon
themselves to her propositions, which depended on
their possibility to free their aesthetic experience and
the poetic capacity they mobilized. Lygia realised then
that the subjective event presupposed and mobilised
by her objects and dispositives as the condition
of their expressivity tended to clash with certain
psychic barriers of those who accepted to experiment
them. These barriers are built by the phantasmatics
inscribed in the memory of the body, as the artist
herself called it.
This unease can be perceived in the interviews of her
Sorbonne students, which are part of the archive.

Most of them recognize the germinal importance
of these experiences for their lives, and those who
became artists admit the strong inuence they
played in their work. However, many revealed a clear
ambivalence when recalling the rage they had felt
for the artist, when they were haunted by their
phantoms and by the memory of the sensations that
convoked them and caused anguish, without having
an adequate environment to deal with the bodys
memory of their traumas and to carry out the work
of elaborating it.
Phantasmic barrierswhich in this case were
manifested through the students resistance to
experience the artists proposalsare raised as
a protection from traumatic memories, caused
by failed attempts to live the aesthetic experience
and to reinvent oneself through this process.
This failure is the consequence of an inhibition
of aesthetic experience because it is unable to nd
an environment that responds to its expression.
The micropolitical characteristic of dictatorships,
for example, tend to summon and strengthen existing
traumas; or to produce them for the rst time in those
who have had the opportunity to live the aesthetic
experience and its expression before the installation
of such regimes in their countries (an opportunity
that was especially favoured by the countercultural
movements that preceded the dictatorships and
that continued during their rst years, before being
repressed). Phantasmic barriers are inscribed in the
bodys memory as a strategy of defense, alongside
the traumatic experience that unleashed their
construction; both the trauma and the defense can
simultaneously be mobilized by any context that
directly or indirectly evokes the original situation.
It is in relation to this impasse that the artist created
Estruturao do Self (Structuring the Self), the last
gesture of her oeuvre, which took place after her
denitive return to Rio de Janeiro in 1976. To realise
it, she dedicated a room of her at to a sort of
installation, where she received each person
individually for one-hour-long sessions
one to
three times a week over a period of months, and in
some cases, even a period of years. The Relational
Objects were the instruments conceived by the artist
to touch the bodies of her clients, as she referred to
those who were available to experience this proposal.
they would lay on one of those objects,
the Grande colcho (Large Mattress),
and the session
would begin. Many were the uses of the Relational
Objects, and they were chosen concerning Lygias
listening to the requests made by the clients bodies
at each moment of the process. The feeling of an
invisible demand oriented her in the selection of the
objects, as well as in the sequence of their use and
their manipulation during the session.
Traumas and their ghosts inscribed in the memory
of the body consequently became the focus of her
research, whose mobilization would no longer be
a mere collateral efect of her proposals, but rather,
the nervous center of their dispositives. Lygia Clark
sought to explore the power of the objects to bring
this memory to the surface and to treat it (an opera-
tion she called vomiting the phantasmatic).
It is therefore the inner logic of the investigation
that led her to invent her last artistic proposal, which
included a deliberately therapeutic dimension.
Her many years of psychoanalysis had prepared her
for such experience,
by making her delve into the
complexity of her own bodys memory and the work
of releasing its entanglements. A new exile of the ins-
titutional terrain of art took place, this time toward the
eld of psychotherapeuticsa far distant region from
the boundaries of art, within which was still situated
the university context that she had chosen to make
her experiments possible.
It is worth recalling that throughout the twelve
years in which Lygia worked on Estruturao do Self
(Structuring the Self), she insisted in pointing out
that it was a psychotherapeutic practice and, at the
same time, often repeated that she had neither ever
stopped being an artist, nor had become a psycho-
analyst (or anything of the sort). How then, can we
understand her exile into psychotherapeutic terrain?
Perhaps such a shift was the solution she had found
in order to free the exercise presupposed by the word
art from the determinations that prevailed in the
institutional terrain in which the artistic practices
were conned at the time; a gesture that was shared
by many artists of her generation (those who had
made the act of questioning this context the main
focus of their aesthetics. From Lygias unique answer,
through her work, to the challenge of such a state
of things, we can assume that what mattered to her
was the operation of the artistic practice and the
event it promoted, and neither the eld in which the
event took place nor its name or categorization, and
even less so, the place it was assigned inside a pre-
established hierarchy of cultural values. In fact, in that
moment, the institutional eld of art was the least
suitable place for such an operation.
Lygia was accordingly obliged to migrate to the
terrain of psychotherapy in order to continue and to
complete her operation of creating a new territory
that she had constructed throughout her artistic
trajectory. From the viewpoint of that unknown
territory, the polemic surrounding the question of
where to situate this specic work is sterile; it is
a false problem; a cul-de-sac: it does not matter if it
is still in the eld of art or already in that of psycho-
therapeutics. We should thus make an efort to enter
the singular territory created by the artist: there where
aesthetics and therapeutics reveal themselves as
potentials of experience, inseparable in their act of
interfering in subjective and objective realities. Such
an act is therefore also political, given its disruptive
efects on the dominant mode of subjectivation and,
specically, in its power in the institutional eld of art.
It is precisely the conuence of poetic, therapeutic
and politic powers in a single gesture that we need to
(re)activate when updating Lygia Clarks works in the
The event fades away
During Lygia Clarks life, and in the ten years that
followed her death, her practices dedicated to the
bodily experimentation of those who had accepted
to involve themselves with her propositions enjoyed
no reception in the institutional context of art.
The artist was recognised exclusively by her works
of painting and sculpture, which only comprise one
third of her trajectory. With the exception of a brief
period between 1968 and 1971, in Europe, with the
retrospective of her work in the Venice Biennale
(1968), the dossiers published in two issues of the
magazine Robho
(1968 and 1971), and the beginning
of her classes at the Sorbonne (1971), the attention
towards the remaining two thirds of her production
only emerged in 19971998. Such attention was the
result of the successful reception of the small room
dedicated to some of her propositions in documenta
X, organized by the curator Catherine David, and
mainly of the itinerant retrospective organized by
Fundaci Antoni Tpies, where for the rst time the
whole body of works by the artist was exhibited.

From that moment onward, the practices dedicated
to the body have been recognized as part of her
work, which has since been admitted to the exclusive
club of the international stars of contemporary art.
In recent times, the artists work has appeared in at
least thirty exhibitions globally every year.
The experimental period has increasingly been paid
attention to; her paintings and sculptures fetching
ever-higher prices on the art market.

In that context, and considering the way in which
Lygias propositions tend to be presented, they are
on most occasions drained of vitalitysomething
that also happened to other artistic practices of
those decades. Only the objects that participated
in those actions are exhibited, and sometimes the
actions are remade for an audience of museums
and biennials, who observe them with a mixture of
curiosity and distraction, without any condition for
actualizing the experience that makes them make
sense. Such propositions, especially Estruturao do
Self (Structuring the Self), are strictly incompatible
with the presence of anyone adopting the position
of spectator; of anyone who is exterior and/or
immune to the experience such works require and
mobilizenot to mention the silence, the temporal
continuity and the mute intimacy between resonant
bodies; essential aspects for the realization of the
18 She exceptionally worked with a couple.
19 The clients kept their underwear on.
20 Grande Colcho (Large Mattress) is the name that Lygia gave to a
Relational Object that consisted of a large pillow of transparent plastic
lled with polystyrene beads and covered with a loose sheet on which
the client was lying during the whole session. Lygia Clark also used it
for other purposes, for example, by pressing against this mattress the
clients body, demarcating her or his contour in order to mould itan
expression that the artist proposed specially to describe this operation.
Cf: Suely Rolnik, Breve descrio dos Objetos Relacionais, in Lygia
Clark, da obra ao acontecimento, op.cit., p. 15.
21 Lygia Clark engaged in analysis for a large part of her life, in
diferent periods and with diferent psychoanalysts, among them Pierre
Fdida, during her last period in Paris. I lmed an interview with Fdida
for this archive in 2002, before the project received support, because
there was a risk of losing the opportunity to record his precious
testimony, as the analyst was seriously ill. This was the last interview
given by Fdida, who died three months later. The interview is part of
the complete archive of 53 lms and can also be entirely read in in
Lygia Clark, da obra ao acontecimento, op.cit., pp. 69-71.
22 The magazine Robho played an important role in the opening
of France to contemporary art. The discovery of Lygia Clarks work
by its editors, Jean Clay and Julian Blaine, triggered the shift of the
magazine, so far focused on kinetic art (being the main vehicle in
Paris of its divulgation), towards installations, performances, public
interventions, etc. An interview with Julian Blaine is included in the
archive. As for Jean Clay, we were unable to interview him, as he has
refused to talk about Lygia Clark for many years.
23 Exhibition organized by Fundaci Antoni Tpies (Barcelona, 1997),
in partnership with MAC de Marseille (Marseille, 1998), Fundao
Serralves (Porto, 1998), Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels, 1998) and Pao
Imperial (Rio de Janeiro, 1998-1999). The publication of the catalogue
of this exhibition, conceived by Manuel J. Borja-Villel, then director of
the institution, and Nuria Enguita Mayo, co-curator of the exhibition,
is a prime source for researchers of the work of Lygia Clark, thanks
to the attentive work of investigation, which incorporated the artists
manuscripts hitherto unpublished and inaccessible to the public, and
whose reading is essential to the understanding her work.
24 Two small aluminum sculptures of the series Bichos from the
1960s were sold in October 2010 for about 700 000 euros each at the
37th International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC) in Paris to a French
collector. In May that year, in the Art Auction BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India
and China), held in London, an aluminum sculpture of the same series
doubled the estimated, reaching half a million dollars. More recently,
another work of the same series was sold at the Art Basel art fair for
around 1.5 million euros, and the work Abrigo Potico 3, from 1964,
was sold at the same fair for around 1.8 million euros.
work. We could say the same to anyone adopting
the position of receptor in its passivityas the work
doesnt exist without his or her actionor the position
of participant. If the artist had made of her work
the digestion of the object in order to reactivate the
critical power of the artistic experience, the circuit
was now digesting the artist, turning her into the
engineer of the leisure of a future that was already
there, which in no way afects the balance of social
structures, just as she had predicted more than three
decades earlier.
In the best of cases, the objects are presented
alongside documents, and sometimes the only thing
that is presented is the documentation. Yet, these
allow no more than a fragmentary and merely ex-
ternal apprehension of such actions, stripped of their
relational essence, according to the meaning of the
term implied by Lygia Clarks work. The artists poetic
gesture is thus emptied out, and her work is turned
into a luxury item for the feast of the reication of
art that cultural capitalism promotes. The epigraphy
to this text is a sort of prophecy that conrms the
artists acute lucidity in relation to the new regime
back in 1969, when one could only vaguely discern
it in the horizon. This lucidity was already evident in
shift of the artists work in 1963: by circumventing that
instrumentalization, she was laying it bare, even if it
was still too early to be able to verbalize it with such
accuracy. This was something that could only happen
six years later.
The critical forms set in motion by Lygia in her
proposals over the two following decadesmainly
when she migrated outside the eld of artonly
found resonance after her death, during the second
half of the 1990s, in the extra- or para-disciplinary
drift of a new generation of artists. Those young
artists began to rethink and activate the movement
of Institutional Critique initiated in the 1960s from
diferent conceptual and political grounds.
of those artistic practices that began to proliferate,
especially in Latin America, tried to inltrate the
interstices of the urban life, making apparent what
was irrupting in the ofcial cartography of the city.
The drift outside the ofcial spaces and categories
of art undertaken by that third generation of the
Institutional Critique did not imply a complete exile,
as was required for Lygia in her time. The context
had completely changed: the relation of those new
artistic practices to the ofcial circuit of art was now
marked by a uid dynamic of comings-and-goings
that tended to disseminate micro-movements
of a critical deterritorialization of the established eld.
That generation was thus moving away from the anti-
institutional and anti-disciplinary imagery that had
triggered the most radical creations of the 1960s and
1970s, and had also embedded Lygias propositions,
despite that her drift out of the institutionalized realm
was not motivated by an opposition to it but by the
very demand of her poetics, which could not be
addressed within that context.
The anguish I felt by the way in which the work of
the artist had been incorporated within the ofcial
circuit found a fertile ground for confrontation in
the critical gesture that was reactivated by this new
generation of artists, now employing other strategies.
For them, the entire act of questioning the value of
acting in the institutional terrain of art had become a
false problem. A collective support was now ofered
to my desire to activate the poetic power of Lygias
work in its recent return to that terrain, which she had
deserted in life. In fact, this desire originated much
earlier, in the impulse that had initially led me to take
her bodily propositions as the subject of my doctoral
thesis at Paris VII, in response to a request by the artist
herself, who was frustrated by the lack of dialogue
with the critics at the time. The thesis was a rst step,
but the desire to push the task forward and to give
more consistency to it remained. I owed it to Lygia
and to her work, which thinking poetics contributed
and continued to contributeto my own work. And
so it was that, in 2002, I began to conceive the project
of building a bodys memory of her propositions,
which resulted in the archive.
To be continued
in Manifesta Journal #14
25 See Brian Holmes, L'extradisciplinaire. Vers une nouvelle critique
Institutionnelle, and Suely Rolnik, La mmoire du corps contamine le
muse, in Multitudes, n
28 (Paris, 2007), http.//multitudes.samizdat.
net. An issue produced in collaboration with the mutilingual Austrian
magazine Transform, http.//
Ludic Experimentation
by the Surrealist Group
in Czechoslovakia, 19711985

I. Interpretation Games (19711974)
These experiments in artistic and
literary interpretation on a given theme
aim to determine the extent to which
the functions and qualities of each
participants associations concur and
the ways they dispose them toward
mutual inspiration.
(V.E.: interpretation games)
Good Day, Mr
Gauguin (conception and instructions:
Martin Stejskal)
Item for interpretation:
Gauguins eponymous 1889 painting
Order of participants:
Martin Stejskal, Eva vankmajerov,
Vratislav Efenberger, Andrew Lass,
Jan vankmajer, Ladislav Novk
Rules: In this interpretation
game each artist in succession had
to examine two diferent interpretations
at the same time. They used Gauguins
celebrated painting, on one hand,
and an interpretation of itthe work
of the previous participanton the other.
Each participant was free to decide
which of the two points of departure
would predominate.
(V.E.: ibid.)
Each participant knew before
the game began of the condition
involving two interpretational aspects;
nonetheless, most of them preferred
to react to the work of the preceding
interpreter. This demonstratesonce
again, as in Chinese Whispersthat
the inclination toward an internal
imaginative dialogue between
the players was given preference
over the inclination toward abstract
experimentation. This strange form
of pictorial dialogue outside the bounds
of language indicates a possible
approach to a certain deeper layer
of intersubjective communication whose
symbolic functions are broader and
more dynamic than those of language,
which is too closely bound up with
conventional rationality.
(V.E.: idem)
The conict between
the romantic spirit and the rational
mind in their past and present forms
(and the resulting erotic appeal) are
two of the most important problem
areas dealt with in this game.
(M.S.: Closing commentary on
II. Restorer (1975)
(Collective experiment in tactile
Conception, instructions,
adaptation: Jan vankmajer
The idea of the experiment
was to nd out:
1. If the sense of touch is able to arouse
associative thinking and become
a subject matter for the imagination.
Ludic Experimentation by the Surrealist Group
in Czechoslovakia, 19711985
Jan vankmajer, whose lm Down to the Cellar will gure in Manifesta 9
next year, is a member of the long-lived Prague surrealist group.
In the 1970s, at a time when the group had had to cease publication
temporarily of its journal, Analogon, games became a major part
of their activity. Gamesgroup activities combining the poetic and
the experimentalhad been integral to surrealism since the beginning.
The games invented by the Czech surrealists, some of which were
published in Analogon 6 iii, 1991, add a critical dimension to the poetic
and experimental. We present here a small selection of these games,
which were generously provided by Bruno Solarik, member of the Prague
Dawn Ades
Prague surrealist
group, Game
inAnalogon 6 iii,
2. Whether particular objects, forms and
structures, placed in certain imaginative
circumstances (with a tactile object) can,
after being read by touch, be connected
consciously in a continuous perceptual
3. To which extent a subjective tactile
objectication is possible.
4. If touch, isolated from the other
senses, is capable of transmitting
aesthetic arousal.
5. Whether the visualisation of the tactile
perception takes part in the transmission.
Rules: The participants
in the experiment were presented with
an object I created which was a tactile
interpretation of Restorer at Work,
a picture cut out from a magazine. No
one, aside from me, had seen the original
image. The participants were required to:
1. Insert their arm(s) in a cotton sleeve
and identify the object, describing it and
giving their rst impressions
2. Connect the tactile impressions
acquired and the associations
or analogies that might arise
into an imaginative whole
3. Try to determine which of ten pictures
served as the inspiration for the artists
tactile interpretation.
(J..: commentary on game)
Participants: M. Bounourov, V.
Efenberger, A. Marenin, E. Medkov, J.
Moj, A. Ndvornkov, M. Stejskal, L.
I see here similarities not
only in form, but in actions. A bearded
Christ, whose mouth has, remarkably,
been stepped on, leaving the impression
of a shoe (I subsequently ascertain by
touch that the shoe is also real.)
The tenacious restorer is trying
to eliminate the decoration by injecting
it. [...] The syringe seems to come directly
out of his eyes, which I have symbolised
in tactile form as a pair of little hanging
balls. The needle is represented
here as a corkscrew and the body
of the syringe as an antiseptic phallus
made of Bakelite (hard plastic). Two
sacks to the right of the tactile object
humorously symbolise, in my reading,
the entire complex of his consciousness,
the creative potency hidden in old
(M.S.: commentary on his own
participation in the experiment)
The game is included
in the collection titled Otev en hra [Open
III. Quarrel inaCompass (1981)
Original conception and
instructions: Gilles Dunant, Nala Attia,
Michel Dubret, Vince
Adaptation: F. Dryje
Participants: N. Attia, M. Dubret,
G. Dunant, Vince, F. Dryje, J. Koubek, M.
Stejskal, J. vankmajer
Rules: 1. Each participant
in the game wrote down that days
experiences and impressions (from
the morning till the beginning
of the game); 2. Five cards with pictures
were taken and each player described
it in writing; 3. Each player composed
an articial dream (using the method
of dream logic) integrating the elements
in 1. and the characteristics of the cards
in 2.; 4. Each player took a trip around
Prague, sharing only the beginning
and end points with the others, and
eventually wrote them down; 5.
Connections between the contents
of the articial dream and the trip were
sought (analogies, correspondences, and
so on).
The written record of the game
was to be supplemented with
a commented evaluation by the artists.
Fragments of reality:
1. A truck loaded with lard and covered
with a red tarp (I encountered them
twice that day).
2. A limping lawyer (Mr Michlek) and
a clerk at the tribunal (an acquaintance
of ours, Mrs Kaiserov).
3. Pieces of polished agate and a strange
horn (from a hairy rhinoceros) at
a second-hand shop in Celetn Street.
4. Looking for Martins studio (went
into no. 5 instead of no. 15, as usual).
5. Waiting with full bladder for
Martin to arrive.
19. Sun in window
20. Carriage-ride
47. Work in rice eld
69. Stone column in middle
of room
70. GeminI (twins)
Im feeling drowsy with pressure
in the belly area. I know already from
experience that Im in for a fretful dream.
Nonetheless, I fall asleep rather easily:
Im racing along on a road at
a breakneck speed behind the wheel
of a (rather large) sort of car. Im
driving so fast because I need to get
home in time. Our toilet is ooding.
The ushing lever has broken of.
However, I cant concentrate on driving,
because of the sun shining in the rear
view mirror, blinding me. I tilt the mirror
every which way, forward and backward.
Suddenly the truck bed of the vehicle
Im driving in the mirror. I see that Im
transporting a pile of raw lard. A red
tarp has been thrown over the lard.
Michlek, the lawyer, sits on the pile
with a bandaged leg. Mrs Kaiserov sits
next to him. They are holding hands and
looking in each others eyes amorously.
It disgusts me, so I tilt the mirror back.
Suddenly, out of the blue, a massive
stone column appears in the middle
of the road. I clearly wont be able
to stop in time or swerve around
the column. I let go of the steering
wheel and cover my eyes. The truck
slams into the column, which breaks up
into small pieces of agate-stone and one
rhinoceros horn. Everything is tumbling
along the road. People come running
and collect the pieces of polished
agate from the paving stones. I rush
out of the mangled car and run along
the road. Its Slavkova Street. I search for
the building containing Martins studio.
I cant nd it. First I enter no. 5, but its
not there. Some people send me on
to no. 15. Finally, I nd the studio. I bang
on the door, but nobody opens. I wake
up with a strong desire to urinate.
The ctional dream came
out of me in one sitting; actually, all
I did was put the events of the day and
the card symbols in order and joined
them in my own self. The card symbols
related to the days events in an eerie
Carriagetruck loaded with lard
Stone columnpieces of agate
Mr Michlek, the lawyer, and Ms
Kaiserovthe GeminI (twins)
The magic of this game lies
in the expectation. Like a shaman who
has just nished his dance and is waiting
for the rain, Iwhen I had nished
writing down the dream and walked
out into the streetcouldnt rid myself
of the idea that I had just brought
some misfortune down on myself or,
in the best of cases, I would witness
some misfortune I would be responsible
forif only unconsciously. I shuddered at
the thought that at any moment I might
hear behind me the tinkling of broken
glass and the sound of crumpling
of metal from a car accident. But
I eventually realised that the connection
between the dream and reality didnt
have to play itself out at the identity
level and I started to worry about falling
roof tiles. Worry isnt the right word for
the feeling, though, because at the same
time I was secretly hoping for the dream
to come true. This ambivalent
feeling accompanied me the whole
way. Another feeling accompanied
me: a feeling of some sort of secret
mission that elevated an ordinary walk
to a meaningful undertaking with
a higher purpose. I looked on other
people as mere marionettes or moving
props in a secret play of circumstances
they were completely unaware of.
They were there only to carry out,
unawares, a sort of magical mission I had
set in motion by writing the dream.
In Martins cellar, where we had picked
our cards and then written down our
dreams, I had a general sense that
we were involved in a great conspiracy
against all of humanity.
The rst thing that caught my
attention was a bunch of odd pipes
sticking out of the ground in Vinohrady
Park; pipes about 20 cm on average
were protruding from the ground and
returning again without reaching it.
The pipes reminded me of a bent-over
gure in the rice eld on card no. 47. At
that moment, I didnt realise it, however.
Instead, they gave me the impression
of being some sort of dark link with
the underworld. I remembered card
no. 47 once in the course of my walk,
as I watched a group of people waiting
meekly for a hot dog. When I left
the park, an asphalt truck zoomed by
me, incredibly caked over with asphalt.
The white lard thus became black
asphalt. On my walk I noticed several
times that I was walking in the middle
of the road. I was reminded of card no. 70
(Gemini) twice by two railroad workers
I met, the two towers of Tn Church and
two girls sitting across from each other
behind a caf window.
Im walking along Vinohradsk
Street and decide to enter a book
shop; the rst thing that catches my
gaze is the Atlas of Precious Stones,
published about a month before, which
Id been looking for with no success.
I buy it. I take the pedestrian underpass
to Wenceslas Square. The columns
in the underpass seem to beckon me
to walk into them. Autosuggestion?
A conscious attempt at dream fullment?
At the second-hand shop in Celetn
Street I buy a box of polished agate
stones which I saw in the morning
(I dont buy the hairy rhinoceros horn).
In the course of the walk,
the passive expectation turns into a sort
of wringing out of connections from
reality. I take notes as I walk. I meet Dr.
Drvota, but I avoid him; I dont want
to be drawn from the dream. In one
of the alleys leading away from the Old
Town Square Im suddenly blinded
by sunlight; I swerve over into some
shade to nish taking down my notes.
Progressively, I nd fatigue sets in, my
feet start to hurt and I need to urinate.
About two hours later I come home. Im
the third. Martins already there.
So, the whole journey took
place in quite a normal, banal manner,
uneventfully, with no exciting chance
encounters. The connections between
the dream and reality are minimal,
rather insubstantial. Still, I cant say
Im disappointed with the game.
The afternoon lled with magical
expectationdespite being constantly
held back by a rational scepticism
sufused the game with an unrepeatable
atmosphere in which I had some sort
of personal superiority, a sort of detached
view of reality from above, which
gave me the feeling I was in control,
in charge of it, and to a certain extent
liberated me from a fear of it. For the rst
time I was fully cognizant of the fact
that I was a member of a cult, with all
the positive and negative aspects that go
along with such a membership.
(J..: excerpt from game)
Key to abbreviations
K.B. Karol Baron
F.D. Frantiek Dryje
V.E. Vratislav Efenberger
J.K. Ji Koubek
A.L. Andy Lass
A.M. Albert Marenin
E.M. Emila Medkov
A.N. Alena Ndvornkov
M.S. Martin Stejskal
L.. Ludvk vb
E.. Eva vankmajerov
J.. Jan vankmajer
Compiled by Frantiek Dryje
On Re-Act Feminism
re.act.feminism #2a performing archive
In the context of the current trend
of the historicization and institutionalization
of performance art, our goals are:
>> To investigate feminist, gendercritical and queer
strategies within performance art from the 1960s
to the early 1980s as well as the return of this artistic
practice in the form of re-enactments, re-formulations
and archival projects.
>> To go beyond current strategies of canonisation
and stress the diversity of performative practices
beyond Western normativity.
>> To create a critical and thematic cartography
to promote a transcultural and cross-generational
>> To highlight the complex relationship between live
performances, their traces and documents, and their
re.act.feminism #2a performing archive
is a continually expanding temporary and living
performance archive travelling through six
European countries from 2011 to 2013.
In its current
version it presents feminist, gendercritical and queer
performance art by 125 artists and artist collectives
from the 1960s to the beginning of the 1980s, as well
as contemporary positions in the form of videos,
lms, photographs and texts. The research focus
is on artworks from Eastern and Western Europe,
the Mediterranean and the Middle East, the U.S. and
countries in Latin America. On its route through
Europestarting in Spain and continuing through
Croatia, Poland, Estonia, Denmark and ending
in Germanythis temporary archive will continue
to expand through research of the partner institutions
and cooperation with various art academies and
universities. It will also be animated through
exhibitions or screenings or performances or
workshops along the way, which will continuously
contribute to the archive.
The works have been chosen based on their potential
and relevance for todays feminist and queer debates
and artistic strategies. They allow us to see the power
relations inscribed in the body as well as its potential
for resistance and for pleasure, and the discovery
of singular subjectivities and connections between life
and art.
The project is based on the idea of a living archive.
We do not stress the artefacts and documents
as such, and we do not focus primarily on
the archival function of preserving and conserving.
On the contrary, we emphasise their use, re-
use, appropriation and reinterpretation. In other
words, we are interested in the productivity
of the document: What efect does it have
in the moment of its reception, what does it do? What
kind of relationship does it create between the past
and the future, between its author and its recipient?
What types of references and interpretations are
ofered by the archive?
re.act.feminism is a manner of time travel that invites
us to engage in a lively dialogue beyond the limits
of time and space. Our focus is not on historical
reconstruction, but rather on infectious gestures and
productive translations.




1 Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-
Gasteiz, Spain(October 7, 2011January 15,
2012); Instytut SztukIWyspa, Gdansk, Poland
(March 23 April 22, 2012); GalerijaMiroslav
Kraljevi, Zagreb, Croatia(May 5-26,
2012); Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde,
Denmark (June 16 August 19, 2012);
TallinnaKunstihoone, Tallinn, Estonia(August
27 - September 23, 2012); Fundaci
AntonITpies, Barcelona, Spain(November
15, 2012 - February 15, 2013); Akademie der
Knste, Berlin, Germany (June 21 September
1, 2013).
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Charming
for theRevolution, 2009, Perfomer Werner
Hirsch, PhotoAndreaThal
Fragment Spectres

Two excerpts from Every evening, we wired news to Brussels,
an interview with Jacques Brassinne de La Buissire, conducted by
Sven Augustijnen in Bossire (Belgium), on 3 February 2011, published
in Spectres, pages 76, 78, 90, and 92 (Brussels, ASA Publications, 2011),
accompanying the lm with the same title.
Photograph by unknown author taken the morning of 18 January 1961
at the entrance of the Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral of Elisabethville on
the occasion of the singing of the Requiem Mass for four Belgian
ofcers who had served for the Katangese Gendarmerie and who had
fallen in the Katanga Secession War Major Collet, Major Van Damme,
Capitan Smets, Lieutenant Williquet and Under-Lieutenant Randour.
More precisely, it depicts the moment that the ve cofns were car-
ried inside the cathedral by soldiers of the Katangese Gendarmerie,
followed by the chaplain, Father Pierre Adam, and his entourage.
In the middle, the ag bearer of the Katangese Gendarmerie is walking
out of the cathedral with the Katangese ag, with the fanfare of the
Katangese Gendarmerie on the right. On the left stand the president
of Katanga, Mose Tshombe and his ministers, Jean-Baptiste Kibwe,
Godefroid Munongo, and Gabriel Kitenge, amongst others. Jacques
Brassinne de La Buissire would state in his doctoral dissertation,
Enqute sur la mort de Lumumba in 1991, that the president and
these ministers as well as some of the soldiers of the Katangese
Gendarmerie, including ve Belgians were present during the exe-
cution of Patrice Lumumba, Joseph Okito and Maurice MPolo on
the evening of 17 January in the Katangese savannah.
Dawn Ades is Professor of Art His-
tory and Theory at the University
of Essex. She has published widely
on twentieth century art and
has curated major exhibitions such
as Undercover Surrealism: Georges
Bataille and DOCUMENTS (2006).
Magali Arriola is an art critic and
curator living in Mexico City.
The work of the Belgian visual
artist Sven Augustijnen expands
and undermines the traditional
codes of documentary practice,
questioning the narratives under-
lying current political and social
Erick Beltrn works currently on
the phantom image, the social
disappearance of notion of scales
and the creation of units.
Katerina Gregos is a curator
and writer based in Brussels,
who is currently Associate Cura-
tor of Manifesta 9 and curator
of the Danish Pavilion at the Venice
Biennale (2011).
Almost all of Roberto Jacobys
work has been collaborative, be
it with the rock-pop band Virus
in the 1980s or through the crea-
tion of diverse experimental micro-
societies, involving diferent actions
and the development of technolo-
gies of friendship in the 1990s and
Bettina Knaup is a Berlin-based
independent curator who focuses
on live arts, performance and
Ana Longoni is a writer and
researcher specialized in the arti-
culations between art and politics
in Latin America from the twen-
tieth century onwards. She is also
a Professor in the Universidad de
Buenos Aires and has been an ac-
tive member of the Red Concep-
tualismos del Sur / Southern
Conceptualisms Network since its
founding in 2007.
Miguel A. Lpez is a writer, resear-
cher and curator based in Lima,
and has been an active member
of the Red Conceptualismos del
Sur / Southern Conceptualisms
Network since 2007.
Dimitrije Baievi (1921 in id,
Yugoslavia1987 in Zagreb, Croatia)
lived and worked in Zagreb, Croa-
tia where he was an art historian,
a respected art critic, a museum
curator, and an artist who signed
his works under the pseudonym
Cuauhtmoc Medina is an inter-
national curator, art critic and
historian based in Mexico City,
Mexico, a researcher at the Insti-
tuto de Investigaciones Estticas at
the National University of Mexico,
and the current curator of Mani-
festa 9.
Victoria Noorthoorn is an inde-
pendent curator based in Buenos
Aires; she is the Curator of the 11th
Biennale de Lyon (September
December 2011).
Art historian Philippe Pirotte (BE)
is an independent curator and
Senior Advisor at the Rijksakade-
mie, Amsterdam (NL).
Tom Pospiszyl is a writer and
curator based in Prague, where
he regularly lectures at the Film
School in addition to contributing
to Lidove noviny daily newspaper.
Raqs Media Collective (Monica
Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi, Shuddha-
brata Sengupta) have been various-
ly described as artists, curators,
editors, and catalysts of cultural
processes, working along the in-
tersections of contemporary art,
historical inquiry, philosophical
speculation, research and theory.
Suely Rolnik, psychoanalyst, art
and culture critic and curator,
is a Professor at Pontifcia Universi-
dade Catlica (SP).
Beatrice Ellen Stammer works
as curator, project manager and art
consultant in Berlin through her
own art management company,
and specializes in gender issues.
Published by
Manifesta Foundation
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nataa Petrein-Bachelez
Virginie Bobin
Cuauhtmoc Medina
in collaboration with Dawn Ades
and Katerina Gregos
Lisa Mazza
Assisted by Georgia Taperell
Shannon dAvout
g.u.i., Paris: Bachir Soussi-Chiadmi,
Nicolas Couturier
Sven Augustijnen: Emiliano
Battista (French-English)
Cuauhtmoc Medina: Christopher
Fraga (Spanish-English)
Ana LongonI and Roberto Jacoby:
Jorge SalvettI (Spanish-English)
Miguel Lopez: Max Hernndez
Calvo (Spanish-English)
Suely Rolnik: Filipa Ramos / Pablo
Lafuente (Portuguese-English)
Jan vankmajer: Ivan Gutierrez
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