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Employees Behavior

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Chapter 1

In todays environment of stiff competition within the country and
globally it is a must for every Organisation to achieve excellence and proved
that without excellence in its work sphere.
It is now well established and proved that without excellence, the
Organisation has to remain prepaid to be dumped any time.
Any Organisation consists of individual at the cooperate level
as well as at the operating level. The concept of excellence has to start with
the individuals desire to excel. It is a drive/move from inside and not much
from outside. Thus if each individual at every level, nurtures the desire to
excel, the total Organisation excels.
In the preamble of Ramcharit Manas, Tulsidas questions himself as
to why he should undertake the project of writing of this book. He said,
nobody else can write the story of Rama better then Valmiki. During
those days, there were no rewards or incentives to write Granthas.
But ultimately he justified himself saying Swantah - Sukhaya Tulsi
Raghunatha Gatha (Tulsi is undertaking the writing the story of Ram for his
own internal satisfaction).
There are numerous other instance in books which amply prove
this theory that it is the inner or innate desire to excel with the individuals
which can bring transformation in the Organisation. Individuals should have
identify with pride in their work., This leads to group identity and
subsequently to Organisation identity.
Henry Ford once said, Take out my building, take out my machine and
all capital but leave my men with me and I will become Henry Ford again.
From above quotation it is amply clear than Man is the most
important of all the Ms. For any Organisation Human resource is the most vital
and valuable of all the resource. Human resource is very dynamic hence they
should be; handled in tactful way. Human resource if groomed and developed

properly they can lead the Organisation to the path of glory and prosperity. To
bring out the best in man is the essence of Human Resource Development
(HRD). Here resource does not! refer to the man but refers to his function or
operation with which a certain objective; is attained. Thus resource is purely
Human Resource Management (HRM), in the organizational:
context, is a process by which employees of an Organisation are
continuously helped in a planned way.
1) To acquire capabilities (Knowledge perspectives, attitudes values
and skills) required to perform various task or functions associated
with their present or future expected roles.
2) To developed their general capabilities as individuals so that they
are able to discover and utilize their own inner potential for their own as
well as organizational development purposes.
3) To develop an organizational culture where Superior -
Subordinate relationship team work and collaborating among
different sub-units are strong and contribute to the organizational
health dynamism and pride of employees.

Twentieth century has witnessed several drastic and revolutionary
changes in the field of industries. The concept of workers participation in man-
agement is widely use but indistinctly defined. Nevertheless it is
frequently misunderstood. As a matter of fact it is a principle of attaining
industrial democracy by ensuring the total involvement of the workers in
achieving the organizational goal of 1 the enterprise. This is the reason why
Danis defines the concept of participation as the mental and emotional
involvement of person in a group situation, which encourages him to identify
himself with group goals and share responsibilities in them.


When the industrial policy resolution of India has stated that in the
Socialist democracy, labour is a partner in the Common task of
development and should participate in it with enthusiasm, it has
actually meant the mental and emotional involvement of the worker and his
identification with the Organisation to which he belong in the totality of the
sense of the term. It is neither a process of sharing the decision - making
power of the management as certain writer put it, nor a ground for more
collective bargaining as many trade union leaders interpret it.
Participation means the identification with an involvement in the day to-
day functioning for the achievement of the goals of the enterprise taking the
reality of the situation which enables the to undertake the responsibilities. In
such a situation he naturally becomes a partner in the decision - making
process of the organization, irrespective of the nature of the organizational
structure of the participating machinery. The International Institute of Labour
Studies remarks.
The participation results from practice which increases the
scope for employees Share of influence in decision-making at
different tiers of the organizational hierarchy concomitant
assumption of responsibilities. This becomes meaningful only in a such
situation. Here it is quite evident that the participation of each should strictly
confine to the field for which he is competent and concerned with.
Workers participation in management is involvement of workers only in
such areas achieves of the enterprises where they can make some positive
contribution for the betterment of the enterprise. Such a participation should
facilitate effective utilization of available resources and effective execution of
long-term expansion plans including diversification. It should facilitate the day-
to-day functioning as well as inventions and innovations.
But it should be noticed that workers participation cannot be limited
and isolates to certain areas, which are favorable and convenient to the
managements alone. It should be conducive to the direct and indirect well
being of the workers as well. This is possible only both workers and the

management commit themselves to the Organisation in accord. Hence the
success of workers participation largely depends upon mutual understanding,
faith and trust. Similarly workers participation cannot be limited to the formal
participation of one or a few trade union leaders. It should aim at achieving
the whole hearted involvement of each worker concerned with his or her area
of competence and concern.
Workers participation can be defined as a principle of ensuring
industrial democracy through mutual understanding, faith trust and
co-operation of workers and the management by establishing an
effective communication system for attaining the whole hearted involvement
of each worker in the area of his competence and concern with a view to
maximising result in regard.

The role of employee participation in smooth functioning of
Organisation. I have select this topic because it is closely concern to the
employees feeling, their motive power their way of thinking towards the
As a human being that every employees wants his opinion man-
agement of the Organisation in which he is working workers take it as
equivalent to decision. Employees participation in management is ensure
effective consolation with workers an points of their concern. Employees
fell that they have better understanding of industrial process in which they
take part. They feel that they have to make a positive contribution towards the
goal of business Organisation. Employee participation meets the
psychological needs of the employee brings them closer to the management,
promotes their interest in self education, gives them as insight into the
economic and technical condition.
Workers management co-operation as been in practice in different
countries in different form. Thats why this topic is selected.


Merits of Workers Participation
Workers participation in management is a tool which promotes
better industrial relations and establish industrial peace. It is important
concept for both management and workers. The need is to implement it
honestly to reap its merits in the form of mutual understanding increased
efficiency of workers, increased production etc. Workers participation in
management have several advantage.
1) Mutual understanding :
The employees and employers nurture two different conflicting
interest. Surprisingly both lack the knowledge of the problems faced by them.
Workers participation in management brings both the parties together. This
togetherness enables them to understand each others problem. This mini-
mizes conflicts and promotes mutual understanding.
2) Efficiency of Workers increases :
The workers become the partner in decision making process. Whatever
decisions are taken, they are their own and hence they have to abide by
them. They become enthusiastic and put lot of hard work while working. This
helps in increasing the overall efficiency of workers.
3) Increase in Production :
Increase in efficiency of workers, better understanding between
workers and employers lead to mutual cooperation which result in increased
productivity and increase in total production of the enterprises.
4) Establishes industrial peace :
Workers participate in decision making process. Whatever decision
good or bad taken, workers are the party to it and hence they cannot evade
the responsibilities. Employers and workers understand each other better and
conflicts are minimized. Each dispute is solved with mutual understanding. In
this way disputes are eliminated and industrial peace is restored.


5) Promotion of Industrial democracy :
Participation of all the parties employees and employers in the
management of the industries which works to safeguard the interest and
betterment of all in industrial helps in promoting industrial democracy workers
participation in management helps in prmotiong industrial democracy.
6) Welcomes Changes :
Some if not all the changes are resisted by the workers. But workers
management helps in arriving at a unanimous decision whether to accept or
reject any change, The change which bring more benefits them the costs
incurred on them, are accepted. Hence the changes are welcomed by the
7) Personal Development :
Participation helps workers to express their creative instinct and they
respond favourably to the challenges at the workplace as regards
performance of the job. They feel in doing so. It is possible as participation
brings industrial democracy.
8) Reduce misunderstanding :
Participation reduces misunderstanding regarding the management
outlook. This increase the organizational balance.
9) No outside help to Sort out disputes:
Employees themselves are participating in the decision making with the
employers. They therefor realize workers as well as managements
problem better hence disputes are resolved by understanding the difficulties
of each other. So in case of industrial disputes no outside help in taken they
are sorted out with in the plant itself by the employees and employers


As the term implies personal management is the management of
human resources in an Organisation and is concerned with the creation of
harmonious working relationships among its participants and bringing about
their outmost individual development such management in concerned with
leadership in both group and individual relationship in and labour relations
and personal management. It effectively describe the process of planning and
directing the application, development and utilization of human resource in
employment. In fact personal management undertakes all those activities
which are concerned with human elements or relations as well as with
material elements in an Organisation. Whatever functions are listed therein,
the main objective of these function is to bring together expertise in a
scientific way and to create attitude that motivate a gfBBp to achieve its goals
economically effectively and speedily.
On the basis of various functions which the personal management
generally undertakes the functional area of personal management may be set
forth as below.
1) Organizational planning, Development and Task Specialization
2) Staffing and Employment
3) Training and Development
4) Compensation, Wage and Salary Administration
5) Motivation and Incentives
6) Employee Services and Benefits
7) Employee Records
8) Labourer Industrial Relation and
9) Personal Research and Personal Audit


1) Organizational planning and Development:
Organizational planning is concerned with the division of al the tasks
to be performed into manageable and efficient units and with providing for
their integration. Both differentiate and integration are vital for the
achievement of pre-determined goals.
a) A determination of the needs of an Organisation in term of a
companys short and long term objectives, utilization of technology of
production decid ing about the nature of product to be manufactured
keeping in view the external environment and public policy.
b) The planning, development and designing of ap^ojaanizational struc
ture through the fixing of the responsibility and authority of the employees so
that organizational goals may be effectively achieved.
c) Developing inter-personal relationship through a division of
position job and task the Creation of healthy and faithful interpersonal
relationship and the formation of a homogeneous; cohesive and effectively
interchange informal group.

2) Staffing and Employment:
The staffing process is a flow of events which results in a continuous
meaning of organizational position at all levels - from the top management to
operative level. The process includes manpower planning authorization for
planning, developing sources of applicant, evaluation of applicant,
employment decision, offers, induction and orientation, transfer, demotion,
promotion and separations, lay. off, discharge, registration, disability and
a) Manpower Planning : Its a process of analyzing the present and
future vacancies that may occur as a result of retirement, discharges, trans
fer, promotions, side level, leave of absence or other reasons and an analysis
of present and future Expansion or Curtailment in the various departments.
Plans are then formulated for internal shifts or cut-brake in manpower, for the

training and development of present employees for advertising openings or for
recruiting and hiring new personnel with appropriate qualification.
b) Recruitment: Is concerned with the process of attracting qualified
and competent personnel for different jobs. This includes the identifica tion of
existing source of the Labour market, the development of new sources, and
theneed for attracting a large number of potential applicants so that a good
selection may be possible.
c)Selection Process: Is concerned with the development of selarjion
po lice and procedures and evaluation of potential employees in terms of job
specifications. This process includes the development of application blame
less. valid and laudable terms. interview techniques employers referral sys
tern evaluation and selection of person nel in terms of job specifications the
making up of final recommendation is the line management and the sending
of offers and rejection letters.
d) Placement: Is concerned with the task of planing an employees in
a job for which he is qualification and personality needs.
e) By induction and orientation: is meant the introduction of an em
ployees to the Organisation and the job by ginning him all the possible infor
mation about the organizations history objectives, philosophy, polices,
future development opportunities, produces, goodwill in the market and in the
community, and by introducing him to other employers with whom and under
whom th has to work.
f) Transfer process: is concerned with the placement of an
employer in a position in which his ability can best utilized this is done by
developing trans fer policies and procedures, counseling employers and line
management an transfers and evaluating transfer policies and procedures.
g) Promotion: is concerned with rewarding capable employers by
patting them in higher position with more responsibility and higher pay. for this
pur pose, a fair, just and equitable promotion policy and procedure have to he
developed, line managers and employers have to be admired an there poli

oies which have to be evaluated to final out whether they have been
h) Separation process: is confirmed with the severing of
relationship with an employer can function of management to be combine.
Grounds of resig nation lay off, death, disability, discharge of retirement. Exit
interviews of employers are arranged. Causes of labour turn are to be
analysed and ad vice is give to the line management on the causes of and
reduction in labour turnover.
3) Training and Development:
It is a complex process and is concerned with increasing the
capabilities of individuals and groups so that they may contribute effectively to
the attainment of organizational goal. This process includes:
i) The determination of training needs of personnel at all levels skill
training, employee counseling, and programs for managerial professional
ii) Self initiated developmental activities during off-hours (including
attendance at School / College / Professional Institutes) reading a
participation in the activities of a community.
Under this area, the training needs of the company are identified,
Suitable training programs are developed operatives and executives are
identified for training, motivation is provided for joining training programs, the
line management is advised matters of specialists are enlisted. The
effectiveness of training programs has to be evaluated by arranging
follow-up studies.

4) Compensation, Wages and Salary Administration:
It is concerned with the process of compensation directed towards
remunerating employees for services rendered and motivating them to attain
the desire lends of performance. The components of this process are.
a) Job evaluation through which the relative worth of a job is
determined. This is done by selecting suitable job evaluation techniques,

classifying job into various categories and thus determining their relative value
in various cat egories.
b) Wage and Salary program which consist of developing and
operating a suitable Wage and Salary program, taking into consideration
certain facts such as the ability of the Organisation to pay. The cost of living,
the supply and demand conditions in labour market and the wage and salary
tends in other firms. For developing a Wage and Salary Program, wage and
salary surveys have to be conducted. Wage and Salary rates have to be
determined and implemented and their effectiveness evaluated.
c) The incentives compensation plan includes non-monetary incentives
which have to be developed administered and received from time to time with
a view to encouraging the efficiency of the employee.
d) The performance appraisal is concerned with evaluating
employee per formance at work in terms of pre-determined norms /
standards with a view to developing a sound system of rewards and
punishment and identifying em ployees eligible for promotions. For this
purpose, performance appraisal plans, techniques and programs are chalked
out, their implimental evaluated and reports submitted to the concerned
e) Motivation is concerned with motivating employees by creating
conditions in which they may get social and psychological satisfaction. For
this pur pose, a plan for non-financial incentives is formulated. A
communication sys tern is developed, morale and attitude surveys are
undertaken, the health of human Organisation diagnosed and efforts are
made to improve human rela tions in the Organisation. The line management
has to advised on the imple mentation of the plan and on the need area and
ways and means of improv ing the morale of employees.

5) Employee Service and Benefits
These are concerned with the process of sustaining and maintaining
the work force in an Organisation. They includes

a) Safety provision inside the workshop. For this purpose,
policies, techniques and procedures for the safety and health of the
employees are developed the line management is advised on the
implementation and operation of safety programs training has to be given to
first line supervisors and workers in safety practices. The cause of accident
have to be investigated and data collected an accidents; and the effectiveness
of the safety programs evaluated periodically.
b) Employee counseling is the process through which employees are
given counsel in solving their work problems and their personal
problems. The line management has to be advised on the employee may face
from time to time.


The human resources and their importance:
From the national standpoint, the human resources can fc defined as
the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitude obtained in
the population, where as from the viewpoint of the individual enter prises, they
represent the total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skill: as
exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its employees. The human
resources have also been designated as human factor.
According to Jucius, the human factor refers to a whole, consisting of
interrelated, interdependent and interacting physiological, psychological,
sociological and ethical component. As regards the physiological component.
It requires several inputs like food, rest and environmental conditions to sat-
isfy the physiological needs. It also requires protection against harmful and
destructive conditions and attempts to avoid loss of income as a measure to
have physiological security.
Physiologically, it is characterized by emotion and impulses. It like and
dislikes certain things and somethings make one happy while others un-
happy, It has numerous psychological needs such as autonomy,
achievement power, and acquisitiveness, which it tends to satisfy in its
As a social being, it tends to satisfy in its needs for affiliation, status,
approval, prestige etc. through interrelation with others. Against as an ethical
creature, it has concept of right and wrong. It tends to do what it thinks is right.
Obviously, the human factor is dynamic in nature as is revealed in
motivation and defense mechanism, it is an enjoying process involving the
above four processes.
The human resources are assuming increasing significance in modern
organizations. Obviously, a majority of the problems in organizational
setting are human and social rather than physical, technical or economic. The
failure to recognize this fact causes immense loss to the nation,
enterprising and the individual. It is a truism that productivity is associated

markedly with the nature of human resources and their total enviorment
consisting of interrelated interdependent and interacting economic and
non-economic, i.e. political, religious, cultural, sociological and physiological
factors. Thus the significance of human resources can be economic from at
least two standpoint.

i) Human being is the most important factor of production.
ii) Every individual will have their own feelings, desires,
perceptions, motives, values, etc,
When they are at the work place these factors will remain with them.
Some Organisation believe that they employ only the brain skill of person, but
they are wrong in their approach, They employ the whole person. We
cannot separate home life of person from his work life. So it the duty of the
management to look why person performing the work to understand the effect
on a whole person, so that the human factor can be understood and dealt
iii) It is essential to encompass all dimensions of the human factor
while dealing with peoples.
iv) Human being manifest themselves, through group interactions
as well as individual actions.
v) Human aspects are subjective, changeable, qualitative or
dynamic varying with culture and personal background.
vi) In the exterior phase of the work employee need to satisfy his
physical needs e.g. food, rest, environment, conditions, etc.
vii) Again the employee has a failing dimension i.e. inner
aspect of the person, like and dislikes of a very personal nature. In short he is
an emotional creature.
viii) Employees have the ethical dimension. They have the idea,
which is right and wrong.

ix) So an employee can be viewed as physiological, social and
ethical creature.
x) It is important to note that employees are not static
individuals but they are in a process of continues change and maturity.
xi) It is this obvious that employees physical and mental attitudes
are important for Organisation productivity.

Of all the factor of production man is by far most important. The
importance endeavor cannot be over emphasized. It is a matter of common
knowledge that every business depend for its effective functioning not so
much on its material or financial resources as on its pool of able and willing
human resources. The overwhelming importance of this factor is due to its
unique characteristics.
First, this is the only resource, which is able to produce and output
greater than its inpur man alone can produce through motivated creativity an
output greater than the sum of his inputs. No other resource can do this.
Second, this resource is animate, active and living. It is man alone who with
his ability to feel, think, conceive and grow shows satisfaction or
dissatisfaction, resentment or pleasure, resistance or acceptance for all type
of managerial action. All other resource, which are inanimate, inert and
passive, do not act in this way. All emotional problem emanate from human
factor only.
Third, human resources are very complex and underpredictable in its
behaviour. There is no look books formula to guide a manager how to
motivate his workers.
A manager can buy his workers time he can buy his physical presence
at a given place, he can by a measured number of skilled macular motion
perhourorday but he can not buy a workers enthusiasm he cannot by his
initiative, he cannot by his totally, he cannot by his devotion. Fourth, Each
individual has his own distinct background. This make individual unique in his

psychological frame works; no two individuals have exactly similar
psychological frameworks. Hence, they cannot be interchange much less
standardized. This implies that all individuals in an Organisation cannot be
treat alike. In employing and supervising people and in endeavoring to reach
their motivation a manager must follow tailor made approach base on his
understanding of the actions, attitudes needs and urges of the worker
concerned. This is a very formidable and challenging task. Finally, it is only
this resource which appreciates in the value of the passage of time. As time
passes people becomes experienced and skilled. It is not so with other
resources, which generally depreciate as times goes on.
Two otherfactors, which have increased the importance of the human
resource are the labour enactments and the rise of labour or Organisation.
Various laws such as the Factories Act, Employees State Insurance Act
and the Workmens Compensation Act have been passed to dictate certain
minimum standard of treatment, Fear of opposition by labour unions is
another somewhat negative reason for treating the human resource with great

SALES PROMOTION ACTIVITIES: (i.e. Motivation performance appraisal)
Some people perform the some type of job more efficiently than others
same find it more rewarding and interesting than otters, and some enjoy it
more than others. At any given point of time people very in the extent to which
they are willing to direct their energies to the attainment of goad due to
differences in motivation.

Work Motivation:
Motivation is mainly psychological it refers to those forces appearing
within an individual which impale him to act or not to act in a certain way.
Motivation may be define as propensity or the level of desire of an individual
to behavior in a certain manner at a certain time and in a Certain situation
being motivated means that a particular behaviour has to fallow.

Motivation in an organization is the millingness of an employee to
respond to organizational requirements. The more positive the individuals
motivation towards the organization the more effective is his performance. His
motivation to a large extent, is determined by his perception. Too often
increase in production, for example is the goal of the management and not of
the employee when incentive schemes are perceived differently by
employees they do not work effectively or are only effective temporarily.
It is also misleading to talk about motivating without specifying the
source and the goal of motivation any attempt to motivate employees thus,
has first to identify their needs and specify how important thus needs all to
their without this, motivational efforts may represent an inaccurate perception
of employees much by employees.

Motivation can be simple or complex:
Simple motives originate from physiological in balances such as thirst
hunger exhaustion and lack of oxygen and sure. Most motives, however are
not very simple and behavior is rarely determined by a single motive. At the
same time a person may or may not be aware of the reasons for his actions.
Hence his behaviour is impredictable. Any attempt to reduce behavior to over
simplified motives is highly questionable and somewhat absurb.

Motivation And Productivity :
An organization should be a vehicle for fulfilling individual needs.
However organization do not exist merely to satisfy individual needs but are
concerned with survival through productivity. Achievement of productivity
coupled withhtesatisfactionoftheemployers needsshould be the concern of all
organizations productivity is the ratio of a given amount of output to a given
amount of input for a specific period of time. The higher the ratio, the higher
the productivity. The part played by motivation in achieving this ratio is
impotent for managers and supervisors.

However, a word of caution is called for as a very precise
evalu-tionof the amount of the motivation still eludes researchers, this
methodological problem does detract from establishing a perfect correlation
between motivation and productivity.
Generally it is found that by to a point performance increases with
increasing motivation beyond which increase in motivation leads to decrease
in performance showing a curvilinear relationship between performance
and motivation. Thus too little motivation leads to sluggishness and inerties
and too much leads to disruption. What the optimum level of motivation
should by depends on the hob level and the individual in a given situation and

High motivation on leads to low performance because
1) A high motivational level narrows the cognitive field. Under
high motivation there is ha higher concentration can the goal to the relative
exclusion of other features ofthe situation, which might be essential to the
solution of the problem. This leads to a higher agree of frustration when the
given response proves incedequate.
2) A high level of motivation is also associated with anxiety. Hence
perfor mance may be directed towards reducing anxiety rather than
achieving acertain level of efficiency.
If the relationship between motivation and performance is so uncertain
why is such effort directed in all organization to motivate employers? Re-
searchers have shown that a high level of motivation may lead to higher
A positive feeling and attitude towards company, job, Suppresses,
peers and subordinates and high performances. Thus motivation initiates
morale which in term influence performance.


The workers participation in management came into existence
during the second decade of this Century. The history of workers
participation goes back to the year 1 9 1 7 when UK Whithy committee
recommended it as an instruments to have cooperation between workers and
employers. After World War-l many European countries have made laws for
establishing work councils. After World War- II in UK joint body of workers
and representatives of employer were set up but their status was advisory.
The countries like Belgium, Sweden, Germany and France followed suit.
Progress was slow but gradually it gained momentum.
In India prior to independent no concrete steps were taken in this
regard. The first concrete step in this regard was taken by the government by
passing Industrial Disputes Act 1947 where provisions for setting up Works
Committees were made to promote good industrial relations between
employers and employees. These committees could not achieve the
objectives. Later the Industrial Policy of 1956 stressed the need for workers
association management. According to the Industrial Policy 1956, In a
Socialist democracy labour is a partner in the common task of development
and should participate in it with enthusiasm. There should be joint consultation
and workers and technicians etc.
Whenever possible be associates progressive in management.
Enterprises in public sector have to set an example in this respects. The
second five year plan gave workers participation in management a further
impetus. According to the governments Policy. It is necessary in this
context that he workers should be made to feel that in this own way he is
wiping to build a progressive state. The creation of industrial democracy
therefore, is a prerequisite for the establishment of Socialist Society.
A study group headed by a Secretary of ministry of Labour was sent to
tour and study in the countries Belgium, France, UK, Germany, Sweden and
Yugoslavia in the year 1956. The group has submitted its report in the year
1957, which was discussed in the 15
Indian Labour Conference in 1957 and

decided that workers participation should be left for present to the will of the
employers. The scheme was implemented in 50 establishments of public and
private sector. Later in February 1958 a tripartite Seminar on Labour
Management Co-operation was held for setting up Joint Management
Councils. In this Seminar employees and employers from Central
Organisation and of Central and State Government participated. They decided
regarding the constitution and functions of Joint Management Councils.
In the month of March 1960 a second tripartite Seminar was need at
the heaviest of Labour Ministry. It was decided that a tripartite committee be
set up which would review the progress of Participation Scheme.
Later in 1970 placed a before parliament a Scheme Nationalized
Banks Scheme which suggested to elect two directors on the Board of
Directors of each Nationalized Bank representing one from clerical cadre and
one from Supervisor Cadre.
Forty- Second amendment to the constitution in the year 1975 ensure
workers participation in industry at shop and floor levels and included in the
20 point program. All the sincere efforts were made to make workers
participation an effective tool to promote industrial peace and good industrial
relations but the scheme could not make any appreciable headway. National
Commission of Labour observed that these institutions failed to accomplish
the objective of promoting joint consultation in industry.
To make workers participation in industry effective the wholehearted
support and involvement of workers, management and government is es-


There are many methods used for workers participation in man-
agement some of them are the following.
1) Suggestion Method :
Under this method the suggestion from the workers ate invited as
regards improvement in working how to avoid accidents cleanliness etc. The
best suggestion from the worker is rewarded and a certificate to that effect is
given to the worker so that others can make better suggestions in future
management receive novel suggestions from the workers. This increases the
importance of the workers with that management. This is a method of
encouraging workers interest in the industrial establishment. This method is
adopted in many organization in India.

2) Co-partnership :
It is a means of workers participation in management and is viewed as
leading to industrial democracy. Co-partnership allows workers to participation
in management and is viewed as leading to industrial democracy. Co-partner-
ship allows workers to participate in decision making under this method the
employees get share of the company and establish their ownership. This is
made possible because the share of profit is not paid in cash but company
share are allotted to the workers.
Being shareholders of the company they are entitled to participate in
management. This increase the status of workers and leads to improvement
in their attitude as they realize their responsibilities and relations between
workers and management become smooth. They also received dividend on
their share. Co-partnership suffers from limitations. Employees are not
interested in co-partnership and their share of profit in cash and refuse to
accept share of the company. They prefer to remain wage corners rather than
to become partners in the business.


3) Representation on board of director:
Under this method one or two representatives of the workers are
nominated on the Board of Directors of a Company. They enjoy same
privileges and have the same authority as other directors have. They
participate in decision-making process as regard policies and procedure. This
one of the most effective method of ensuring workers participation on
management. Here the represents lives of the employees to be nominated are
elected or suggested by the unions of the employees.

4) Works Committee :
The Industrial Disputes Act 1947 provides for establishing works
committees in every establishments employing hundred or more workers. This
is made compulsory to ensure workers participation through
legislation. The Work Committee consist of equal number of members of
workers and employers. The object of establishing works committees is to
promote healthy industrial relation. However these committees so farfailed to
achieve the objects as both workers and employers could not change their

5) J oint Management Councils :
Industrial Policy 1956 of government of India has stressed on joint
consultation between management and workers to maintain industrial peace
and torn promote better industrial relations in the prime sector of industries.
The Joint Management Councils received recognition during second five year
plan. Under this system consultative committees are set up consisting of
representatives of employers and employees both. They are advisory in
nature. These committees discuss the matter relating to workers and the
working conditions. The representatives of workers and employers discuss
these problems. The managements consider their decisions sympathetically
and implement them though mandatory. The committees discuss matter
relating to canteen facilities, prevention of accident, general precautions and

safety measures, drinking water facilities, rules and regulation, absenteeism,
training, discipline, etc. After taking decision regarding the above matter, rec-
ommendations are made to the management.
It is not mandatory an the part of the industries to establish Joint
Management Councils. These committees are setup with the consultation of
recognized union of the establishment. The committees are usually formed at
plant level. The members of management are nominated by the top
management and the representative of workers are elected or nominated by
the recognised trade union of the undertaking.
Though a good venture of setting up of Joint Management Councils,
they could not come upto the exceptions. Earlier it received a positive
response and one hundred Joint Management Councils failed to promote
mutual understanding between employees and employers. Only union leaders
get the opportunity to participate in the Council meeting a common employee
is far away from the deliberations. Many a times union leaders use this
opportunity to bargain by pushing up their varies demands defeating the sole
purpose of the Joint Management Councils.

i) Shop Councils :
Under this system the industrial units having employees 500 or more
have to setup the Shop Council in all shops and departments, The member of
management and of workers have equal representation. The total number of
members should not be more than twelve. The decision of the Shop Council is
to be implemented with in a months time. The tenure of the council is for two
years. The Councils should meet at least once in a month. The Shop Council
must make efforts to increase the productivity, to avoid wastage and to make
maximum use of machines and manpower and recommend the steps to
remove absenteeism.


ii) Joint Councils :
In order to ensure effective workers participation, Joint Councils were
introduced. Every undertaking employing 500 or more employee should set
up a Joint Council at the unit level. Organisation of the Joint Council was t he
same as of Shop Council. The Joint Council should meet at least once in
three months. It has a chairman, vice chairman and a secretary who received
all the facilities required to per form their functions. It deals with optimum
production, fixation of productivity norms, matter unresolved by the Shop
Councils. Some of the State governments extended this scheme to the
undertaking having less than 200 employees. The scheme was implemented
in about 1500 undertaking of public and private sector.
Shop Councils and Joint Councils were the scheme implemented
during emergency in 1975 but after the lifting of emergency the schemes have
lost their effect.

Chapter 2

1) To study workers behavior in Hero Moto Corp.
2) To check that whether the workers are aware about their duties
towards Organisation or not.
3) To study the sincerity of workers towards growth of organisation.
4) To study the role of HR department for workers participation.
5) To study the morale of workers.


Chapter 3
The growing industrial disputes and industrial unrest in India
attract the attention of all who aspire for an industrial progress and
economic development in the country. Workers participation is one of the
most recent philosophical approaches on which much hopes have been
pinned for attaining industrial peace and harmony
A study on workers participation helps to assess the actual level of
participation achieved at present. It attempt to investigate the problem that
stand in the way of ensuring workers effective involvement and to suggest
way and means to emulate examples of better understanding participation
and involvement. It also attempt to measure the effectiveness of the present
form of workers participation in India.

1) This study is limited only for the purpose for knowing employees
participation in C.S.T.P.S.
2) The study is limited for effect of employees participation of smooth
functioning of organization.
3) The study is limited only for the C.S.T.P.S. Chandrapur.
4) Only 60 employees of the company are selected for this study
Ordinarly when on talk about hypothesis is a simply means
assumption or some supposition to be proved or disproved.
In other words it is defined as proposition or set of proposition set forth
as an explaination for the occurance for some specified group of
phenomenon either asserted mearly as a provision conjecture to guide some
investigation or accepted highly probable in light of established fact.

If the employee working in organisation is satisfied towards their
working condition, salary, welfare, facility then it help in smooth functioning of

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

We may define,research methodology as the systematic method of
discovering new facts of verifying old facts, their sequences,
interrelationships, causal explanations and natural laws which govern them.
By P.V. young
Research methodology means a careful critical enquiry or
examination in seeking facts for principles, diligent investigation in order to
ascertain something.
By Webster Internationational dictionary
Research methodology is a method of studying problems whose
solutions are to be desired partly or wholly from facts.these facts may be
statements of opinions,historical facts,those contained in records and
reports,the results of tests,answers to questionnaires,experimental data of
any sort, and so forth.
By w.s. monroe

Research methodology:
Research is a search for facts. It answers the questions and gives
solution to the problems. research is an organized enquiry. it seeks to find

explanations to unexplained phenomenon to classify doubtful facts and to
current the misconceived facts.
Period of study
One month
Type of research:
Descriptive research
Sources of data:
Both primary and secondary data have been used.

1) Primary data:
The primary data was collected through observation, interview
schedules personnel visit to obtain the necessary information. The only
instrument used was a structured interview schedules for the study. The
interview schedules were given customers for collection of data.

2) Secondary data:
Secondary data was obtained from company records, magazines and
annual reports etc.

Sampling unit:-
Employees of CSTPS Chandrapur

Sampling technique:-
Simple random technique.
Sample size:-
A sample of 60 employees was selected for this survey.
Tool for analysis:-
1) Percentage method.

(1) Simple percentage:

Simple percentage analysis was used by the research for analyzing and
interpreting the collected data. The diagramatic representations were given by
pie diagrams and bar charts.
Percentage Method = (N0. Of respondents/ Total respondents) x 100


Period of working:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Less than 1 Year 05 8.33%
2 1 to less than 2 year 10 16.66%
3 2 to less than 5 years 30 50.00%
4 5 to less than 10 years 15 25.00%
5 10 years or more 00 00
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 2.91


SD = -
N n

265 115

SD = -
60 60

SD = 0.86

Variance = (0.86)

Variance = 0.74


From the above it is found that, out of 60 employees 5 (8.33%)
employees are working in organization from less than 1 year, 10 (16.66%)
employees are working from 1 to less than 2 years, 30 (50%) employees are
working from 2 to less than 5 years, 15 (25%) employees are working from 5
to less than 10 years and none of the employees have worked more than 10
Thus it is found that, maximum employees in CSTPS, Chandrapur
are working from 2 to less than 5 years.

Less than 1 Year 1 to less than 2
2 to less than 5
5 to less than 10
10 years or more

Nature of Job:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Permanent 15 25.00%
2 Temporary 25 41.67%
3 Fixed Term 20 33.33%
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 2.08


SD = -
N n

105 65

SD = -
60 60

SD = 0.75

Variance = (0.75)

Variance = 0.57


From the above it is found that, out of 60 employees 15(25%) have
permanent job, 25(41.67%) have temporary job and 20(33.33%) have their for
fixed terms.
Hence maximum employees in CSTPS, Chandrapur have temporary

Permanent Temporary Fixed Term

Satisfaction with the following aspects job:
Satisfied Not Satisfied Cant Know
The amount of influence
you have over your job
10 (16.67%) 05 (8.33%) 00
The amount of pay you
05 (8.33%) 10 (16.67%) 05 (8.33%)
The sense of
achievement you get
from your work
05 (8.33%) 00 03 (5%)
The respect you get
05 (8.33%) 10 (16.67%) 02(3.33%)
Total 41.67% 41.67% 16.33%

Influence over Job Amount of payment Sense of achievement Respect get from
5 5 5 5
Satisfied Not Satisfied Cant Know

From the above table it is found that out of 60 employees 10(i.e.
16.67%) employees are satisfied with the amount of influence over their job, 5
(i.e. 8.33%) are not satisfied.
Out of 60 employees 5(i.e8.33%) employees are satisfied with the
amount of payment, 10 (i.e. 16.67) employees are not satisfied with their
payment, 5(i.e 8.33%) cant say anything about this.
Out of 6o employees 5(i.e. 8.33%) employees are satisfied with the
sense of achievement from their work, 3 (i.e.5%) cant say anything about this.
Out of 60 employees 5(i.e. 8.33%) satisfied with respect get from
supervisor/managers, 10 (i.e.16.67%) are not satisfied while 2(3.33%) cant
say anything about this.


Discussions with supervisors and managers:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Job Experience 12 20.00%
2 Chances of Promotion 18 30.00%
3 Need of Training 05 08.33%
4 About payment 23 38.33%
5 None of above 02 03.33%
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 2.75


SD = -
N n

277 105

SD = -
60 60

SD = 1.24

Variance = (1.24)

Variance = 1.55

From the above table it is found that, out of 60 employees 12
(i.e.20%) employees discussed about job experience with their
supervisors/managers, 15 (i.e. 30%) employees discussed about chances of
promotion, 5 (i.e.8.33%) employees discussed about need of training, 23 (i.e.
38.33%) employees have discussed with their supervisors/managers about
payment and 2 (i.e. 3.33%) employees have never discussed with
Hence maximum employees of CSTPS, Chandrapur Have discussed
with supervisors/managers about their payment.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Job Experience
Chances of Promotion
Need of Training
About payment
None of above

Opinions of Workers on Companys Issues:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Frequently 05 08.33%
2 Hardly 20 33.33%
3 Never Ever 20 33.33%
4 Sometimes 15 25.00%
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 2.75


SD = -
N n

235 105

SD = -
60 60

SD = 0.92

Variance = (0.92)

Variance = 0.85


From the above table it found that out of 60 employees 5(i.e. 8.33%)
employees discussed with their seniors on companys issues, 20 (i.e. 33.33%)
hardly participate in discussion, 20(i.e. 33.33%) never ever discuss with
seniors about companys issues while 15(i.e.25%) employees sometimes
discuss with seniors about companys issues.
Hence it is clear that most of employees do not participate in
discussion of companys issues.

Frequently Hardly Never Ever Sometimes

Relations with Managers:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Very Good 15 25.00%
2 Good 25 41.67%
3 Poor 05 08.33%
4 Very Poor 00 00
5 Dont Know 15 25.00%
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 2.58


SD = -
N n

285 95

SD = -
60 60

SD = 1.49

Variance = (1.49)

Variance = 2.24


From the above table it is found that out of 60 employees 15(i.e. 25%)
employees have very good relations with managers, 25(i.e. 41.67%)
employees have good relations with managers, 5 (i.e. 8.33%) have poor
relations with managers, 15 (i.e. 25%) dont know about their relations with
managers and none of the employees have very poor relations with
Hence maximum employees have good relations with managers.

Very Good Good Poor Very Poor Dont Know

Satisfaction with the working conditions:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 45 75.00%
2 No 15 25.00%
Total 60 100%

From the above table it is found that, out of 60 employees 45 (i.e.
75%) employees are satisfied with the working conditions and remaining 15
(i.e. 25%) are not satisfied with the working conditions.
Hence maximum employees of the CSTPS, Chandrapur are satisfied
with the working conditions.

Yes No

Satisfaction with the Welfare Facilities:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 50 83.33%
2 No 10 16.67%
Total 60 100%

From the above table it is found that out of 60 employees 50 (i.e.
83.33%) employees are satisfied with the welfare facilities while 10 (i.e.
16.67% employees are not satisfied with welfare facilities.
Hence it is found that maximum employees are satisfied with the
welfare facilities of the organization.

Yes No

Opinion about industrial relations:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Good 50 83.33%
2 Average 05 08.33%
3 Poor 05 08.33%
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 1.25


SD = -
N n

25 15

SD = -
60 60

SD = 0.59

Variance = (0.59)

Variance = 0.35


From the above table it is found that out of 60 employees 50 (i.e. 83.33
%) employees said that industrial relations in Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.,
Nagpur are good and 5 (i.e.8.33%) employees said that industrial relations
are poor and average respectively.
Hence maximum employees said that industrial relations in CSTPS,
Chandrapur are good.

Good Average Poor

Satisfaction with recruitment and selection
S.N. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 55 66.67%
2 No 05 33.33%
Total 60 100%

From the above table it is found that 91.67% employees are satisfied
with recruitment and selection process while 8.33% are not satisfied with this
Thus maximum employees are satisfied with selection and recruitment
process of CSTPS, Chandrapur.

Yes No

Satisfaction with Training and development program:
S.N. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 42 70%
2 No 18 30%
Total 60 100%

From the above table it is found that 70% employees of the CSTPS
Chandrapur are satisfied with their after training performance while 30% are
not satisfied with their performance.
Hence maximum employees of CSTPS Chandrapur are satisfied with
their after training performance.

Yes No

Satisfaction with Wages & Salary
S.N. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 48 80%
2 No 12 20%
Total 60 100%

From the above table it is found that 80% workers are satisfied wit
wages and salary while 20% workers are not satisfied.

Yes No

Performance of HR:
S.N. Options Frequency Percentage
1 Excellent 18 30%
2 Very Good 15 25%
3 Good 24 40%
4 Average 03 05%
Total 60 100%

X = a +

= 1 +

X = 2.2


SD = -
N n

138 72

SD = -
60 60

SD = 0.92

Variance = (0.92)

Variance = 0.86


From the above table we found that 30% employees ranks
performance of HR as Excellent, 25% ranks it as Very Good, 40% ranks it as
Good while 5% of them ranks performance of HR as Average.
A hence maximum employee ranks HR as a Good.

Excellent Very Good Good Average

Overall satisfaction of employees:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 48 80%
2 No 12 20%
Total 60 100.00%

From the above table it is found that 80% employees are satisfied with
the their job while 20% are not satisfied with that.
Hence maximum employees are overall satisfied with their job.

Yes No

About the morale:
Sr. No. Particulars Frequency Percentage
1 Yes 54 90%
2 No 06 10%
Total 60 100.00%

From the above table it is found that 90% employees are thinks that
these facilities provided company boosts their morale while 10% of them are
not agreed with that.
Hence maximum employees are of the opinion that these facilities have
increased their morale to work in organization.

Yes No

Chapter 5

1) Maximum employees in CSTPS, Chandrapur are working from 2 to
less than 5 years.
2) Maximum employees in CSTPS, Chandrapur have temporary job.
3) Maximum employees of CSTPS, Chandrapur Have discussed with
supervisors/managers about their payment.
4) It is clear that most of employees do not participate in discussion of
companys issues.
5) Maximum employees have good relations with managers.
6) Maximum employees of the CSTPS, Chandrapur are satisfied with the
working conditions.
7) It is found that maximum employees are satisfied with the welfare
facilities of the organization.
8) Maximum employees said that industrial relations in CSTPS,
Chandrapur are good.
9) Maximum employees are satisfied with selection and recruitment
process of CSTPS, Chandrapur.
10) Maximum employees of CSTPS Chandrapur are satisfied with their
after training performance.
11) Maximum employees of organization are Satisfied with the
Compensation policies of the company.
12) Maximum employees of the organization are Very Dissatisfied with the
Reward Facilities of the Company.
13) Maximum employee ranks HRD as a Good.
14) Maximum employees are overall satisfied with their job.
15) Maximum employees are of the opinion that these facilities have
increased their morale to work in organization.


Workers participation in Management means effective consultation
with workers on the point, which ultimately concern them. Their
participation in decision making is the Central point of the scheme so as to
make them feel that they are closely association with the management and
they have a positive contribution towards the goal of the Organisation.
Studies suggest that despite increase economic benefits, mine
workers may not be attracted towards work because of the unsafe or
unhealthy conditions participative work design are likely to improve the
nature of the work Organisation thereby creating conditions for improving
productivity and safety. Workers participation in management give them
chance for participation in taking some of the difficult problems and safety in
connection with their work. It is now being increasingly felt that mine workers
should have right to inspect their mines for safety and healthy reasons and to
ensure that regulation and safety rules are being complied with. They should
have the right to investigate.


Above all this Research Methodology in CSTPS, Chandrapur. We are
studying the many aspects of employees participation in smooth
functioning of Organisation. In between this there is merits and demerits of
employees participate. How the employee should participate. In various
functioning of CSTPS, How they overcome their daily problems with
management. The demand of social security. Heath Securities many more
allowances if these are not fulfill then the strike, dispute etc. are occur and
lower the production.
To avoid this all thing we wish to give some suggestion i.e.
1) Management of CSTPS should provide social security in job to the
2) Workers and Managements representative should be educated then
and only then it helps to solve the problem and able to understand. The
% of literacy should be high.
3) Trade union should be strengthened and powerful, because of unity
every problem should be solved. And the tread union leader dont
misused their rights, power ands duties. They are always choose the
right way.
4) Collective bargaining should be promoted.
5) An atmosphere frees from psychological inhibition
6) In CSTPS worker always participate in meeting. But this is not enough
for workers are always participate in every part of other activities like
control the environment pollution to make clean the environment
cultural programmes support.
7) To motivate the worker or increases efficiency the management
display worker birthday and marriage aniversary to main notice board
and giving them best wishes to worker because of that ultimately
worker is motivated and they feel very pleasure.


Name : _______________________________________________________
Age : ______________________ Education : _________________________
Designation : ___________________________________________________
1) How many years in total have you been working at this workplace?
1) Less than 1 year 2) 1 to less than 2 years
3) 2 to less than 5 years 4) 5 to less than 10 years
6) 10 years or more
2) Is your job permanent, or is it temporary or for a fixed-term?
1) Permanent 2) Temporary 3) Fixed-term
3) How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your job?
(Tick on appropriate box)
Satisfied Not Satisfied Cant Know
The amount of
influence you have
over your job

The amount of pay
you receive

The sense of
achievement you get
from your work

The respect you get
from supervisors/line

4) In general, how would you describe relations between managers and
employees here?
1) Very good 2) Good 3) Poor
4) Very poor 5) Dont know
5) Are you satisfied with the working conditions?
1) Yes 2) No
6) Are you satisfied with the safety welfare facilities?
1) Yes 2) No
7) According to you how is the industrial relations in your organization?
1) Good 2) Average 3) Poor


8) Are you satisfied with recruitment and selection process of company?
1) Yes 2) No
9) Are you satisfied with training and development pogramme of
1) Yes 2) No
10) Are you satisfied with Wages and salary given by company?
1) Yes 2) No
11) Are you satisfied with compensation policy of company?
1) Very satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral
4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied
12) Are you satisfied with reward policy of company?
1) Very satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Neutral
4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied
13) Are you satisfied with overall facilities provided by company?
1) Yes 2) No
14) Is these factors boost your morale?
1) Yes 2) No



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