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Corpuz Vs People

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G.R. No. 74259, Corpuz v.


Republic of the Philippines
February 14, 1991
G.R. No. 74259
GENEROSO P. CORPUZ, petitioner,
Law Firm of Roberto P. Halili for petitioner.
Cruz, J.:
The petitioner seeks reversal of the decision of the respondent court dated February 27,1986, the
dispositive portion of which reads as follows:
WHEREFORE, the Court finds the accused Generoso Corpuz y Padre, guilty beyond reasonable doubt as
principal of the crime of Malversation of Public Funds, and there being no modifying circumstances in
attendance, and applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, hereby sentences him to suffer imprisonment
ranging from Twelve (12) Years and One (1) Day of reclusion temporal, as minimum, to Twenty (20)
Years of reclusion temporal, as maximum; to restitute to the provincial government of Nueva Vizcaya the
sum of P50,596.07 which is the amount misappropriated, and to pay the costs of this suit. Further, the
accused is ordered to suffer the penalty of perpetual special disqualification, and to pay a fine equal to
the amount embezzled.
As Supervising Accounting Clerk in the Office of the Provincial Treasurer of Nueva Vizcaya, the petitioner
was designated Acting Supervising Cashier in the said Office. In this capacity, he received collections,
disbursed funds and made bank deposits and withdrawals pertaining to government accounts.
On April 13, 1981, his designation as Acting Supervising Cashier was terminated, and on April 22, 1981, a
Transfer of Accountabilities was effected between the petitioner and his successor. The Certificate of
Turnover revealed a shortage in the amount of P72,823.08. 1
A letter of demand dated April 22, 1981, required the petitioner to produce the missing amount but he
was able to pay only P10,159,50. The balance was demanded in another letter dated October 12, 1981.
This was subsequently reduced by P12,067.51 through the payment to the petitioner of temporarily
disallowed cash items and deductions from his salary before his dismissal from the service. 2
On September 27, 1982, a final letter of demand for the total deficiency of P50,596.07 was sent to the
petitioner. The demand not having been met, an information for malversation of the said amount was
filed against him with the respondent court on October 11, 1983.
The above facts are not denied by the petitioner. 3 He insists, however, that he is not guilty of the
charge because the shortage imputed to him was malversed by other persons.
His claim is that the P50,000.00 constituting the bulk of the shortage represented the unliquidated
withdrawal made by Paymaster Diosdado Pineda through one of four separate checks issued and
encashed while the petitioner was on official leave of absence. He avers he was later made to post the
amount in his cash book by Acting Deputy Provincial Treasurer Bernardo C. Aluning and he had no choice
but to comply although he had not actually received the said amount.
The four checks drawn from the Philippine National Bank and the corresponding vouchers dated are
described as follows:
1. Provincial Voucher dated December 22, 1980 from the General Fund in the amount of P50,000.00 and
paid by PNB Check No. 956637 dated December 22,1980.
2. Provincial Voucher dated December 23, 1980 from the Infrastructure Fund in the amount of
P50,000.00 and paid by PNB Check No. NS958525 dated December 23,1980.
3. Provincial Voucher dated December 23, 1980 from the General Fund in the amount of P50,000.00 and
paid by PNB Cheek No. 956639J dated December 22,1980.
4. Provincial Voucher dated December 29, 1980 from the Infrastructure Fund in the amount of
P50,000.00 and paid by PNB Check No. 958226 dated December 29,1980.
Testifying for the prosecution, Pineda insisted he had liquidated all four checks after the amounts thereof
were disbursed, turning over to the petitioner the corresponding withdrawal vouchers, paid vouchers, and
payrolls, (which were all submitted as exhibits ). 4 He added that the petitioner was not really absent on
the dates in question as alleged but was in fact the one who prepared the said checks in the morning
before attending to the sick wife in the hospital, returning to the office in the afternoon. He said that the
payroll payments made on December 22, 23 and 29, 1980, were liquidated on December 29, 1980, after
the petitioner came back from the hospital. 5
Acting Provincial Treasurer Perfecto Martinez corroborated Pinedas testimony that the petitioner was not
on official leave on the dates in question. He said that although Check No. 958525 had already been
encashed on December 23 1980, the encashment was not immediately recorded in the petitioners
cashbook, which (was) one way of temporarily hiding the early detection of a shortage. It was only in
March 1981 that the shortage was discovered and, when confronted with it, the petitioner had no
explanation to offer. 6
Aluning denied he had exerted pressure on the petitioner to post the shortage in the petitioners cash
book. He explained that after receiving the bank statement from the PNB for December 1980, he
discovered that although the amount of P50,000.00 appeared to have been already encashed, the
encashment was not reflected in the petitioners cash book. As his superior, he required the petitioner to
make the proper entry in the cash book because the amount withdrawn was already part of the latters
accountability. 7
After considering the evidence of the parties, the Sandiganbayan, through Justice Amante Q. Alconcel,
made the following findings:
The evidence on record is devoid of any explanation from the defense as to the amount of P595.87.
Hence, the accused must be held answerable for the misappropriation of the said amount.
As to the amount of P50,000.00, We are not disposed to give credence to his claim that same has not
been liquidated by the paymaster, for the following reasons:
First, Check No. 958525 is only one of four (4) checks issued and encashed for the same purpose, and
that is, to pay salary differentials as well as salaries and wages of provincial officials and employees of
the province of Nueva Vizcaya covering the period, January to December, 1980. Issuance and
encashment occurred on December 23, 1980, and in fact, another check (No. 956639) was also issued
and encashed on the same day. The two (2) other checks (Nos. 956637 and 958526) were issued and
encashed on December 22 and 29, 1980, respectively. Except for Check No. 958525, which was only
entered in accuseds Cash Book on March 31, 1981, or three (3) months after its issuance and
encashment, all the other three (3) were duly entered. Then Check No. 956639 which, as pointed out
above, was issued and encashed on the same day as Check No. 958525, was duly entered in his Cash
Book. Non-entry of the latter check on time was a subtle way of camouflaging the embezzlement of its
money equivalent.
Secondly, there seems to be no logical reason why Checks Nos. 956639 and 958525, could not have been
liquidated together by Diosdado Pineda who used the proceeds to pay salary differentials of government
officials and employees of the province of Nueva Vizcaya, since these have been issued and encashed on
the same day.
Thirdly, Diosdado Pineda, who was presented as a prosecution witness, swore that he duly liquidated the
proceeds of the four (4) checks as follows:
Q If the payroll is already accomplished, where do you give the payroll?
A I give it back to the cashier with the corresponding voucher to support the vouchers paid by me or
disbursed by me.
Q So that your cash advances will be liquidated?
A Yes, Your honor.
xxx xxx xxx
Q In the absence of the cashier to whom do you give these documents?
A give them to the cashier only, no other person.
Q In his absence, do you keep these documents?
A Yes, Your Honor.
Q For payrolls that you paid for December 22, 23 and 29, when did you give these payrolls to the
A On December 29, sir.
Q Duly accomplished?
A Duly accomplished, Your Honor.
xxx xxx xxx
Q Where did you see your cashier on the 29th?
A At the office, Your Honor.
Q At what time?
A In the afternoon, sir.
Q Are you not aware that your cashier was absent on that date?
A He was present on that day, sir. He would go out because the wife was supposedly having a check-up
but in the afternoon, he would return. (t.s.n., March 29, 1985, pp. 1618)
The cashier referred to by the witness is the accused, Generoso P. Corpuz.
And fourthly, We are not impressed by accuseds claim that he was absent on December 22, 23 and 29,
1980. His witness, Diosdado Pineda, declared otherwise. His Employees Leave Card (Exhibit J), wherein
his earned leaves are indicated, shows that during the month of December, 1980, he earned 1.25 days
vacation leave and 1.25 days sick leave, which is the same number of days vacation and sick leaves that
he earned monthly from July 7, 1976 to October 1981. Moreover, even if it were true that he was absent
on December 23, 1980, the day when Check No. 958525 was issued and encashed, yet, the other check
which was issued and encashed on the same day was duly liquidated.
The above findings are mainly factual and are based on substantial evidence. There is no reason to
disturb them, absent any of the exceptional circumstances that will justify their review and reversal. On
the contrary, the Court is convinced that the facts as established point unmistakably to the petitioners
guilt of the offense charged.
This conclusion is bolstered by the Solicitor Generals observation that:
Moreover, petitioners denial of responsibility for the missing P50,000.00 is negated by the following
First. When he entered the said amount in his cash book in March, 1981, he did not make any notation
that said amount, though entered, was not actually received.
Second. At the time he signed the certificate of turn-over (Exhibit C), he did not make any certification
that the amount of P50,000.00 should not be charged against him.
Third. Despite his insistence that Pineda and Martinez misappropriated the money, he did not file any
case, whether civil, criminal or otherwise, against either or both.
The absence of a post-audit is not, as the petitioner contends, a fatal omission. That is not a preliminary
requirement to the filing of an information for malversation as long as the prima facie guilt of the suspect
has already been established. The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any public funds or
property with which he is chargeable, upon demand by any duly authorized officer, shall be prima facie
evidence that he has put such missing funds or property to personal use. 8 And what determines whether
the crime of malversation has been committed is the presence of the following requirements under Article
217 of the Revised Penal Code:
(a) That the offender be a public officer.
(b) That he had the custody or control of funds or property by reason of the duties of his office.
(c) That those funds or property were public funds or property for which he was accountable.
(d) That he appropriated, took, misappropriated or consented or, through abandonment or negligence,
permitted another person to take them.
The petitioners claim that he is the victim of a sinister design to hold him responsible for a crime he
has not committed is less than convincing. His attempt to throw the blame on others for his failure to
account for the missing money only shows it is he who is looking for a scapegoat. The plaintive protest
that he is a small fry victimized by the untouchables during the Marcos regime is a mere emotional
appeal that does not impress at all. The suggestion that the supposed injustice on the petitioner would
be abetted by this Court unless his conviction is reversed must be rejected as an warrant
The equipoise rule invoked by the petitioner is applicable only where the evidence of the parties is evenly
balanced, in which case the constitutional presumption of innocence should tilt the scales in favor of the
accused. There is no such equipoise here. The evidence of the prosecution is overwhelming and has not
been overcome by the petitioner with his nebulous claims of persecution and conspiracy. The presumed
innocence of the accused must yield to the positive finding that he malversed the sum of P50,310.87 to
the prejudice of the public whose confidence he has breached. His conviction must be affirmed.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, with costs against the petitioner. It is so ordered.

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