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An Experimental Validation of Load Distribution

in Screw Threads
by M. D'Eramo and P. Cappa
ABSTRACT-The thread load distribution has bee n examined,
as is known, in literature both theoretically and experimentally.
In the present paper the load distribution is validated by strain-
gage measurements. Starting from the theoretical load distri-
bution the stresses on the outer surface of the female member
of a threaded connection are calculated. The theoretical and
experimental stress values obtained are reasonably close.
List of Symbols
D. = outside diameter of female screw
D .. = mean diameter of thread
D .. ,. = mean diameter of femaie screw wall
E = Young's modulus
F = totai rudalload on connection
Fk = axiaiload on k thread turn (the engaged
thread turns are numbered starting from the
unthreaded part of male screw)
l == pitch of thread
Mok = bending moment per unit length
n = totai number of ungaged thread turns
Pk == radiaiload per unit length
u == radiai displacement for threaded element
uk, wk ::: radiai an d axial displacements evaluated o n
D .. diameter circumference of the active flank
of k thread turn, considered as a cylindrical
collar perfectly clamped at its base
'Y == semi-angle of thread
/1 = pitch variati o n between i an d i + l thread
E., Es == rodai and tangential unit elongation of the
M. D'Bramo is Professar, University of Cassino, Department of Industria/
Engineering, Via Zamosch 43, 03043 Cassino, Italy. P. Cappa (SEM
Member) is Assistant Professar, University of Rome "La Sapienza,"
Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics, Va Eudossiana /8, ()()/84,
Rome, Italy.
Originai manuscript submitted: August 10, 1990. Fina/ manuscript
received: December 5, 1990.
70 March 1991
a., a., a, = normai component of stress in the rodai
radiai, and tangentiai direction '
' = male screw
" = female screw
The load distribution in threaded connections has been
investigated since the beginning of the century but only
a few of the most essentiai papers are referred to here.l-1
and Sopwith developed two theories which
are stili the basis of the calculations to determine analytically
the load distribution. As it has been pointed out'" Maduschka
and Sopwith's results are very dose and correspond to the
photoelastic results obtained by Hetenyi.
Subsequently, the knowledge of load distribution has
been refined: the thread strains have been evaluated by
means of a finite-element model; '

the lack of a fully
formed profile in extreme pitches of nut has been taken
into account; '
and the connections stressed by bending
moments have been considered.

Research has also focused on improving both load
distribution and connection strength by modifying thread
or nut form.
Moreover, some artici es '

" ha ve been published
on the experimental and theoretical comparative examina-
tion of the load distribution. The experimental results
have, generally, been obtained using photoelastic techniques.
It is the purpose of this paper to perform a further
vaiidation of theoretical results with an experimental
method that utilizes electrical-resistance strain gages as
Theoretical Load Distribution
For the evaluation of theoretical load distribution the
method proposed by Maduschka,
with some refmements
is adopted. An axially symmetric model is assumed
looking their slope, thread turns are seen as
delimited by rotation surfaces. Friction is not considered.
Since the threads of the connection members remain in
contact, the pitch variation between adjacent thread turns
must be equal for both members. Therefore
The strains taken into account to evaluate the pitch
variation are: the rudal and radiai strains of the core; and
the rudal and radiai thread strains. As Sopwith stated,
other strains may occur but those above are the significant
strains. The threads are seen as cantilevers perfectly
clamped at their base.
To evaluate the core strains, both the rudalload and the
radiai load transmitted through the thread are taken into
account. Because of the thread flank slope, the radiai
displacement contributes noticeably to the pitch variation.
The contribution is equal to the radiai displacement
multiplied by the tangent of the flank angle ( 'Y for sym-
metrical triangular thread). Goodier called this effect
Assuming that both connection members are pulled (see
Appendix 1),
Il//= l o ,'
- tan 'Y o tlu/+ H,'.,- H,' (2)
w h ere
Fig. 1-Threaded connection
H:= w:+tan 'Y u:
tan 'Y u:;
The positive direction for axial and radiai displacements
of the threads is shown in Fig. 2. H: is the contribu-
tion of the strains of the k thread turn to pitch variation
for the male (female) screw.
Disregarding form and curvature differences between
male and female threads:
The load-displacement relationship Hk = f(Fk) should
be determined in advance by a finite-element method
It should be pointed out that both Maduschka and
Sopwith hypothesized that the load is distributed on the
middle line of the flank. However, photoelastic studies
and FEM evaluations have shown that contact occurs
along the entire thread flank, and the pressure on the
flank is almost constant in the transverse (i.e., perpen-
dicular to the middle line) direction.
If the material behavior can be assumed to be elastic,
the load-displacement relationship is linear and eq (l)
gives a finite-difference equation with constant coefficients
(see Appendix Il). Integrating this equation with the
following limiting condition
the Fkl F values can be obtained.
The method described may be extended to a material
that can be simulated with an elastic-plastic behavior; the
Fig. 2-(a) Finite-element of the
thread, (b) loading condition
Experimental Mechanics 71
system of n - l equations (l) and the condition expressed
by eq (5) should be considered. Clearly, the load-displace-
ment function has to be determined in the elastic-plastic
range. Couples of HA and FA values should be obtained
by an elastic-plastic finite-element model, and from these
values the mathematical load-displacement relationship
should be determined. Then the FAIF values should be
evaluated using a step by step method: at each step the
total load F has to be increased and the equation system
can be solved by linearizing, for each thread turn, the HA
function around the FA obtained at the previous step. The
convergence of the method should be verified by repeating
the procedure with decreasing values of the Ioad-step
increment. The procedure cannot be applied when
yielding occurs on an extended part of the core of the
connection elements. However, from the point of view of
the designer, the extended core yielding is of less concern.
It should be noted that this method is based on several
simplifying hypotheses, most of which are common to the
Sopwith method.
Theory Validation
The validation of the theory is based upon experimental
measurements on the external surface of the outer member
of a threaded connection. Goodier has already tested
radiai and axial displacements of the external surface of
the nut in a bolt-nut connection and deduced the thread-
load distribution. In this paper, the axial stresses on the
external surface of the outer member of a threaded
connection are evaluated from strain measurements. The
same stresses are calculated, starting from the load
distributon deduced in elastic range by the method des-
To end of first
engaged turn of thread



- -

72 March 1991
cribed in the section above. Experimental and theoretical
stress values are then compared.
An M27 ISO connection was considered (see Fig. 1).
The male screw had four thread turns and the diameter
of the unthreaded part was less than the thread minor
diameter; the female had an external diameter of 40 mm
and 25 thread turns. Thus, many unengaged thread turns
could be provided at each end of the female screw.
Numerica/ and Theoretical Approach
The first step was to determine the load-displacement
relationship by considering the axially symmetric finite-
element model shown in Fig. 2 and based on the FEM
program ABACUS.
A uniform pressure was assumed on
the loaded flank of the thread. The following relationship
was deduced:
H._ = h = 4.24 w-s mm/N
The second step was to perform the evaluation of the
Ioad distribution as described above. Table l shows the
FA l F values obtained.
Starting from such a load distribution, the third step
was to calculate the axial stresses, due to a 30-kN Ioad, on
the outer surface of the female screw. This calculation
was performed at the four S, .. s. cross sections shown
in Fig. 3(a). Section s .. passes through the fillet center
near the Ioaded flank at the bottom end of the k thread
turn. An axially symmetric model was again used. Bach
engaged thread turn was regarded as a cylindrical collar
placed at half a pitch from both turn ends [see Fig. 3(b)].
In order to evaluate the bending stresses in the female
Fig. 3-(a) Female screw cross
sections where stresses are
computed, (b) female screw
model for stresses
computational procedure
screw wall, the following loads were considered: a radiai
force per unit length
uniformly distributed on the wall cross section through
Dm diameter circumference on the k collar flank and a
moment per unit length
uniformly distributed on the wall cross section bisecting
the k collar.
Following Goodier, the wall was regarded as a cylindri-
cal shell; this is a significant approximation because the
thickness/ diameter ratio is no t lo w. However, the stress
analysis for thick shells is much more involved.
over, if the w ali w ere made thinner, the boundary con-
ditions for the thread would probably be too far from
those assumed, since it has been hypothesized that the
thread base is perfectly clamped. An outline of the
calculation performed for the bending moment values on
S, ... s. cross sections is reported in Appendix III.
Assurning the tangential stress distribution on the collar
base to be uniform, an axial load E Fk + F,.,/2 on the
S, section was also considered. Taking into account both
axial load and bending moment, the axial stress u. on the
outer surface at the S, ... S
sections was evaluated. The
values obtained are summarized in Table 2.
Experimental Procedure and Resu/ts
A specimen of the connection shown in Fig. l was
made of a 850-N/mm
yield point steel. The tolerances
were more precise than those normally adopted in threaded
connections, in order to minimize the influence of
tolerance in load distribution.
The thread effects were investigated by loading the
specimen in the 10- to 40-kN range. The strains measured
for a 10-kN load were taken as a reference; this value of
tensile Ioad was chosen with a view to decrease the
tolerance effects. The maximum value of the Ioad applied
was such that no yielding occurred.
To evaluate the axial stress, two delta stacked rosettes
(gage length O. 76 mm, grid width O. 76 mm) were applied
on the outer surface of the outer member at the same
axial position but diametrically opposite. Four tests were
performed. In each test, the section where the rosettes
were applied was positioned to coincide with one of the
four S, ... s. sections (see Fig. 3). At least nine un-
engaged thread turns were provided at each end of the
female member in order to fulfill the conditions assumed
in the theoretical mode! (see Appendix III). From the
strains measured, the axial stresses were evaluated for
both rosettes hypothesizing an elastic behavior of the
materia!, and the results were averaged. Each test was
repeated ten times and the stress values were again
The specimen was subjected to a uniaxial state of stress
along the axis of symmetry by a servohydraulic tensile
machine. The effective load applied was measured by a
Ioad celi, placed in series to the specimen. The maximum
interval of uncertainty is less than 0.1 percent.
The residua! stresses on the cement were relieved by
applying strains to the gages in cyclic form.
The values
of the resistance between the gages and the ground, tested
at the start and the end of this experimental analysis,
highlighted the good performance of the adhesive
~ 2 . toMO).
The gages were connected, using the three-leadwire sys-
tem, to a manual selector (wire length: = 1.5 m; wire
diameter: 0.4 mm). The system for strain measurement
consisted of a manual measuring point selector and a
digitai strain meter (maximum error: 0.1 percent).
To facilitate data correction and elaboration, the strain-
meter outputs were digitized by a DMM and then collected
by a computer via an IEEE-488 bus. This straightforward
and semi-automatic system facilitated data interpretation.
Experimental data were reduced using a computer program
incorporating the following features: correction of trans-
verse sensitivity effects;
calculation of principal strains,
principal angles,
and axial stress; evaluation of the
effects deterrnined by the uncertainty associated with gage
storage of experimental and reduced data on
a hard disk; and graphical presentation of the results
obtained. Apparent strains due to temperature changes
were not taken into account because the test-area tem-
perature, measured with a platinum resistance thermo-
meter, remained almost constant at around 22 o C during
the tests. Moreover, it was unnecessary to correct for the
curvature effect>H' because it is negligible for surfaces
with a radius of curvature greater than 13 mm.
The hysteresis and the zero-shift observed during the
tests were not significant ( :s 0.2 percent of the maximum
Then it is reasonable to assume that the data were sub-
jected to many small sources of random errors and neg-
ligible systematic errors. 1t follows that the Gaussian
distribution can be considered as the limiting distribution.
The standard deviation SD, that was chosen to represent
the uncertainty associated with the mean value, was
calculated using the more conservative, i.e., the definition
which gives larger values of SD. The estimated SD values
were always less than 3.9 percent.
Theoretical Experimental
Values Values
5ection [N/mm
] [N/mm
41 43
39 37
30 26
*This value was omitted because it is comparable with the
associated interval ot uncertainty.
Experimental Mechanics 73
It should be observed that the principal angle, evaluated
from the longitudinal axis, was always s 5 deg. This
indicates that, at least near the outer surface, the stress
pattern in the female screw is very dose to an axially
symmetric one.
The experimental values of axial stresses are compared
with theoretical predictions in Table 2. In this table, the
experimental value relative to s. is ornitted because the
mean value of the measured strains is comparable to the
associated interval of uncertainty.
Discussion of Results and Conclusion
The theoretical and experimental stress values show
differences not greater than 20 percent. Taking into
account the significant approximations it was necessary
to assume, it can be concluded that the correspondence is
quite reasonable.
The differences observed were deterrnined by inaccuracy
associated with the measured values, and approximations
involved in both models: the first employed to evaluate
the load distribution and the second to determine the
stresses. The approximation in load distribution cannot
be evaluated separately. However, the above differences
are low enough to ensure that the precision of load
distribution is in the range required by designers.
A more exact evaluation of the theoretical stresses
could be performed using a finite-element model. Thus,
the slope of the thread could also be taken into account.
Such a refinement will be the object of some future
research project.
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74 March 1991
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22. ABACUS- User Manua/, Rei. 4.5, Hibbit, Sorensen !ne. (1985).
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Appendix l
F- E F.
a;, = ---A-,---
F, tan 'Y
11" Dm l
t Dm 1
u, = -2- 8/
Au; = u;.,- u;
E Fk
" k=!
u s i = ~
F, tan 'Y
1r D,. l
F1 tan 'Y D!+ D;,.
= --'---'- --"-----"'-
11" D,. l D!- D;,.
_7!__ (Dz- nz)
4 e m
l - 2 Il'
Appendix Il
If Ht can be considered proportional to Fk> eq (l) gives
w h ere
E Fk
= ---:p=---
........_ e --'
- ..........
....,-- ........

Fig. 4-Cylinder loaded by radiai force distributed
along a circular section
Fig. 5-Bending moment due to radialloading distributed
along a circular section
Fig. 6-Bending moment due to a moment distributed
along a circular section
_ tan 'Y D.. [ ( l l
G, - 2E " """"A"' + A" ) -
2 tan 'Y D! ] _
1l" D., l
2 tan 'Y D; (tan 'Y D.. f )
= D
- D
E -
E +
11" D.,./ e .,
l l ) ( f tan 'Y D .. )
A' + -::4" E -
2E +
2 tan 'Y
"l!" D.,./
G.= EA'
h= Hk
Equation (6) is a finite-difference equation with constant
coefficients. It may be integrated taking into account the
following conditions.
O whenK =O
= l
whenK =n
The Ftl F ratios can be evaluated from the h values.
Appendix 111
Consider an indefinite cylinder loaded by radiai forces
uniformly distributed along a circular section (see Fig. 4).
According to the generai theory of shells:
w h ere
M. = - __E_ e_,,. (cos {3x- sin {3x) (7)
(3 = 12(1- p)'
e zsz
In the above equations P is the radialload per unit length,
s is the wall thickness, e the mean diameter; x, always
positive, is the distance along the axis of symmetry from
the cross section where the load is applied; M. is the
bending moment per unit length on the cross section at
x, positive when it produces compression in the outside
surface of the cylinder and tension in the inside surface
(see Fig. 5).
In the same way, if the load is a bending moment M.o
uniformly distributed along a circular section, assuming
that in this section radiai displacement is nil (see Fig. 6):
where the sign is positive for the right side and negative
for the left side of the cylinder.
In both cases it can easily be seen
' that all stress
components and displacements almost vanish for x :$
1l" l {3 (x 2:: 25 mm for the female member wall). Therefore,
if the loads are far enough from the ends of a finite
cylinder, eqs (7) and (8) can be used.
By superimposing the effects of ali radiai loads Pk and
moments Moto the bending moments at the S, ... S
cross sections were determined applying the above
Experimental Mechanics 75

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